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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 5, 1907)
' THE OREGON DAILY ; JOURNAL. PORTLAND." FRIDAY EVENING, , APRIL S, 1907. 13 SLEEPING PEOPLE ARE GREWSOME SKULL RIVER'S BEAUTY AT JALIESf 01711 GETS DREDGER FOR COOS BAY GRAND JURY TO TAKE UP IMPORTANT CASES ! V KILLED BY GRIIIS AT TRIAL - V Scenio FaWie of Columbia River Violent Storm Strikes Louisiana Towns at Midnight, 1 Bringing Dead Man's Head Is Used in Peter Loggia Instrumental In . Securing Appropriation i Talks of Visit. Nsw Land Fraud Matters Win Bs Brought to Light, and a Num s. ' ber of Indictments of Prominent Oregonlans ls Death and Destruction Insane Asylum Wrecked Lee Resident Destroyed Miss Lee Reported Dead. ty Court to Demonstrate In- , juries to Plaintiff. Will; Be Given Fine Display V at Eastern Fair. . .. " - . Looked for by Officials. V CYCLONE (Josrsal aaeeul Sanies.) Almndrii, La, April Nlns pei Mni era known to have been killed. Bain? Injured and more than Mehouses Mown . down by a ayclon here thts morning shortly after midnight Tha Identified dead r Rose Dudley. C, White, John Brock and M. I- Dunn. Thirteen people who had been eerloualy Injured were taken to the hospital, aome of them will die. ' Great damage waa done all over the c!ty. i Windows were broken, chimneys and roofa blown of aad trees uprooted. Moot of the houses that were entirely destroyed were dwelling houses in which tha occupants were sleeping. The crolone. came - suddenly and brought terror to the hearts of all by Its ter rlflo force.. Tha Inhabitants sprang from their beds and ruahad to the cel lars. Many were unable to eacapa being struck down by the flying timbers and brick, - ' '' . ' some ruahed Into the street and met death or serious Injury there. The wind Mill) ffllll ; Oil THE STAND Says He Knew Nothing of His i. Clerk's Deals With Benson Adjourned Till Monday. (Jeans! sseefat Serviee.l - . Washington, April - -Binger Her mann took the stand again this morn ing and continued his teatlmony tn hi -own defense tending to prove thst he destroyed the St letter-press copybooks openly and because they contained only personal cor respondent's and were too bulky to transport about the country after he left the general land offloe. Hermann declared that be had no In terest tn the Hyde-Benson-Dlamond-Schneider combination, that he bad not Been Benson after the stormy Inter view with him at Saa Franciaoo and did not recall ever baring met Hyde. He said he was Ignorant of the out side connections of Harland and Valk. -who admitted dealing with Benson. He declared that when ha received the charges of land frauds against Benson , he directed Special Agent Holsinger to investigate. . ' , - At the close of Hermann' testimony court adjourned nntll Monday, which will probably be the last day when teatlmony will be offered. It having been .agreed that the argument will be com- . menced Tuesday morning, PETITION THAT RECEIVER - REOOY BE DISCHARGED ' . , ' V'.'' Majority Stockholders Also Give Bond to Complete Crater, Lake Una. ? " (.pertal mseatet te Tee Joersel.) Medford. Or, April . A petition waa filed In the circuit court this morning .asking for the discharge of Receiver Reddy of the Medford Crater Lake "railway. : ' The petition recites that the petition ers. Dewing A Sons, millionaire lum bermen of Kalamasoo, Michigan, now own 46,0 shares of the capital stock of the road, which totals .00,000 shares. . and that they also awn the outstanding mortgage of I1S.00 formerly held by Fee Bros. . , ' - A bond of 110.000 accompanies the petition as a guarantee that the plalntlf f 'will pay all outstanding Indebtedness of .the road and begin within 10 days the construction of the line to Butte Falls. JEROME GIVES UP FIGHT ( AGAINST LUNACY REPORT neelal ferries. , New York. April I. It is of ficially reported thts afternoon that Jerome baa given -up his fight against the lunacy report of the Thsw commission. The trial will be resumed Monday. An authoritative source says that the prosecutor will not appeal to the higher court, but will argue against the court's acceptance of the report. HOW TO REACH THE UNREACHED ' Tha Multnomah County Sunday School association began Us first annual conven tion at the Grace Methodist church last night. There was a large attendance at the ..meeting and great Interest Is bnina; manifested by the - members of the association. . The addreee of the meeting last night was given by W. C Merrltt, who took as his subject, "The Building of Christian Character."" " - At the morning session perhaps the most Interesting address was tha one e-lven by Rev. John M. Ferguson ' oa "Reaching the Unreached." The after noon services were led by H. W, Davis, religious director of the T. M. C. A The progrsm for this evening will include a song service led by Professor W. Ji. Wilder and an address 'by Rev. C. A. Fhlppe oa the subject "A .Call to Service.' . " SANTIAGO, CUBA, IS DESTROYED BY FIRE nsraal Mpeelal Berlee. .Havana, April 1.-DI "patches say that Santiago Is oa fire, end It Is feared the city will be total ly destroyed aa no water Is available. e . McGUl rnlTeralty Fire. ' . (JneriMl appclat g. Hes.l Montreal, April I. Fire destroyed to v the M.Ixmnld engineering hall at university. The loss la 1760,000. was eo-violent that It was Impossible for any one to stand in the street and may sought safety by lying flat on the ground. Alexandria la the county seat of Rapides county and has a population of about 10.900. It U located in tne center of the state on the Red river, It la impossible at this time to estimate the amount of damage done by the .cy clone, as scarcely a building In the city escaped some Injury, , - New. Orleans, April ..The central Louisiana eyclone thla morning was most disastrous. Meager details from rarloua points Indicate a large loss of Ufa and property. At Jackson the state Insane asylum waa wrecked and three killed. The Lee residence was destroyed and It la reported that Mlas Lee wss killed and H. H. Ferguson fatally In jured. Two negroes were killed on Kel ler's plantation. It Is estimated that the damage to the asylum waa at least 1260,000. . ; ELOPERS CAUGHT Jesse Luke and Kate Bevais : of Rainier , in Jail There. ' ;-' .-- Bpsrlal Dispatch ts The Jeerssl.) Belllnsbasa. Wash, April . With a reward of ISO offered for their capture, Jeaae Luke and Miss Kate Bevsns of Rainier. Oregon, arrived In Bellingham last night and feU Into the hands of the police and are now in the city JalL Both the runaways and tha police be came aware that they were wanted yes terday, -when Chief Thomaa received a letter from the, girl's fathar. Luke, who la Miss Bevans" brother-in- law, left home last Sunday tn company with tha girl. Hla wife had recently given birth to an Infant - She was In a serious condition and in destitute cir cumstances whsn Luke ran away. The girl, who la 10, looks SO ysars old, and has been -living In the Luke home. She has relatives at Wlckersham, Whatcom county, and waa apparently on her way there. Upon arrival at Seattle the couple took the boat for Vancouver, reaching Bellingham by train from Van couver. They were Induced by a police man to go to a hotel, where Luke regis tered as man and wife. They were In a room together when arrested. END LABOR WAR HUM HIS The Western Federation Breaks , Away From Industrial Work- -ers of the World. - ; (Jearnal apeelal Servlet.) NOoldfleld, Nev April 0. At a meet ing of the town workers of the Indus trial Workers of the World, held laat night, final steps to end formally the labor troublea In Ooldfleld were taken. Just wbst took place the leaders refuse to disclose, but it is known that a program was figured out between the Industrial Workers and - the Western Federation of Miners for the resumption of work. Another session Is to be held Saturday afternoon at 1 o'clock, at which-time tha lest' detail before the end of tha trouble that has been para lysing ths district will be srranged. The understanding Is that the miners will sign' a contract for three years st the present hours. , The miners are to be entirely Independent of the Industrial Workers of the World and will deal with the operators without Influence or dictation from any outside organisa tion. ; . The Industrial Workers will be al lowed to do as they plesse, ths ultima tum f the employers being tha.t nons of this craft shall be employed in this district. The union seems to be 'Willing to- tske it ensnces, out so Tar as tne miners sre concerned, they have won a signal victory, and will hereafter be In dependent of tha Industrial Workers of the World. ' easi-eaBaaBeaaBs esesasaieM. sMasssMsssas sjsw " CUPID'S DART STRIKES , ; POPULAR POLICE OFFICER . .V..t. .-J :' ,- Patrolman Cupid of the "Wedding Squad') made an Important arrest dur ing the week and ss the result of the activity of omnipresent official. Mounted Patrolman "Walts" Keller of tha local police department and pretty Anna Simmons were sentenced by the Rev. H. A Harden, of m College street, to life companionship, last Wednesdsy The marriage or Keller cam aa a great surprise to the members of the polios department. "The happy ceuple are now spending' their honeymoon In Washington. Keller endeavored to sur round the affslr with great secrecy. having Journeyed to Oregon City to secure a license. A box of cigars sent to head quarters by tbs bluecost furnished the clue thst resulted in the announcement of the wedding. .NEBRASKA S0L0NS : COMMEND RESIDENT .. r "v A ' ' (Jearaal gperfcl servlea.T Lincoln, Neb., April i. Both houses today adopted resolutions commending President . Roosevelt s course In the Harrlman row and praising ths presi dent for ths patriotic devotion - with which he stands for a square deal.' Governor Sheldon today eald that the Influence of Harrlman and the Unmn aclnc vas email in the stats and thst ths people rule Nebraska and the people are for Roosevelt. t . No Title Insurance. f IJearaal gpeelat servVs.) Saa Franciaoo, April The supreme court today upheld tha constitutional Ity of the Mclneray land registration act. which practically does away WUh title Insurance companies, M II HAIil A death's head figured prominently this morning In a trial conducted la Judge Fraser's department of tha cir cuit court. ' - The grewsome rails, "one time castle of a human soul," was brought to court by Dr. Babbitt, chief of staff at Good Samaritan hospital, to demonstrate the nature of wounds Inflicted on the heed of Hans Wurras by a beer bottle wielded in the hands of Auguet jSrlckaon. Wurms aat beside his attorney, hla eyes glued on the dead thing as Dr. Babbitt turned it about, tapped it with his fingers and marked off -with hla pencil. In his explanation to the jury. But when it was suggssted that Wurm's own akull had come very near to being as lifeless a piece of matter as the one in his hand, the man turned hlseyee away and shivered. Until midnight of July 16 last Wurms waa a bartender In Erlckaon's saioon on Burnalde street. At that hour and day the aaloonman complained that hla bartender wss net taking in enougn money and there ensued a deepen ts battle in which one of Erlckson a ribs was broken and Wurms; head was so hadlv battered chat when he arrived at the hoapltaj Dr. Babbitt thought his head had been crushed by tha falling of aome ai'eat weight. T Erlckson had not only beat mm into Insensibility with a beer bottle, but after breaking the bottle on the bar niw. heajt h. noked hla victim In the face with the broken end. uui wurms skull waa verv thick. ' It was rrscxsrea tn one place only and after several days In a stupor he came to himself and re covered. , ' '."'' Wurms. la suing for l.07t carnages. alleging that the fight was atarted Dy Erlckson. The saloonman Is urging a cross complaint asking for f 10.000 dam ages on the ground that Wurms waa the aggressor. ' ' FOREST GROVE WOULD ' RAISE SPORTS FUND '. . . (Special Dwpstrh ts Tee JoermaU Forest drove. Or, April IAt the 1 .t-Hnm It offlAAI-a of the Toting II vavwMw.a w- , Men's .club of this-city Harry Glltner was sleeted president to suoceecv jaae Buxton. Loren Watklns. Art Csples, a .. Uimm and Ham Todd compose k. htarf tmiiu The oraanlsatlon baa fitted up club rooms with athletic paraphernalia, and, wiu aaa mucn more with the proceeds of the entertainment which will be given tonight ia Verts Thl, ihn nmmlHI to be one of the biggest local successes In years, as practice lly every seat in me nouse is sold. Dr. Leonard and Mlas Cornelia Baker of Portland will appear with the local Thespians.. , . The club now has a good membership of the leading athletes pf ths county and is preparing to put out baseball and track teams. . I- WHAT A GREAT CACKLE ' MUST HAVE GONE UP npeeM Dtasstefe ts Tks feemafV' ' Forest Orovs, Or., April I. Professor J. M- Garrison of this city who goes In for fancy chicken raising, certainly has a freak in the line of hen fruit. It is a monster egg which measures Bins and one-half by eight inches in major and minor circumferences, respectively, and not only contains tha yolk and albumen found In the eg - of ordinary else, but also encases another egg of ordinary also. ,''',-'. Several of the chicken raisers of the town have been vying as to which one could show the largest hen egg, but Professor Garrison seems to hold the , palm. The egg was produced . kr4l Ply month Rock, MARION AND POLK TO CELEBRATE TOGETHER (pedal Dispatch W The JosraaLp Salem, Or., April . Salem will cele brate the nation's birthday andSaiU ef forts In this lins made In former yeara will be surpassed. Ths counties of Marlon and Polk will join In the cele bration. , The business men's league of this city has decided to lend Its supi port to tha undertaking and will assist la working up interest for a safe and ssne Fourth of July celebration. Laat year the celebration was a decided suc cess and brought largs crowds to Salem. IDAHO FORGER GIVEN (pedal ' Dispatch te The foarsaM Boise, Idaho, April J. J. Parson, on trial here on a charge of passing forsed checks. -was sentenced today to two years In the penitentiary by Judge Wood in the district court of Ada county. .' Ex-State Senator . John Klnkald, In dicted on a charge of complicity In the timber frauds, and released on 15.000 bonds, has been given till Saturday to plead In the federal court. SWINDLER OF FARMERS CONVICTED AT SALEM HMnal SMfff.l a.. a.:-m nr.. Anrll I. H. F. Vander- hoof was found guilty yesterdsy of ut tering a rorgoa instrument, oy jury in Judge George H. Burnett's court after a short deliberation. Tanderhoof waa an agent for a patent wagon tongue spring end used the signatures of prominent xarmers in ine-norm sua . a . nnn( fflw tha nunMM Of tnTWm lng notes and checks. The convicted man will be sentences jaonoay, ARCHITECTS CHOSEN TO PREPARE PLANS At a meeting of the Joint committee representing the T. M. C. A. and the T. W. C, A. held today at noon, the PurtlnnA Trust company wss selected aa the depository of the fund recently raised for ths construction of tha pro posed T. M. C A. and T. W. C A. building. ' The firm of McNaughton, Raymond It Lawrence were chosen as the official architects for ths building snd will begin ths preparation of the plsns for tbs new structure at once. yi" KIU rVlfa'g TarenU. ."r ' Ueeraal apeelal aernre Chicago, April t. Adam Rheln. aged 0 yeara, on falling to get hie wife at the home of her parents this after noon, killed the parents, John Romnell, aged it, snd Mrs. Komnell, aged 12, and then committed suicide. - The Beanie fame of the Columbia river gorge Is to receive great Impetus at tha Jamestown exposition, by. means of a remarkable est of photographs to be exhibited by the O. R. N. railway paaaenger department Glfford. a pho tographer at The Dalles, Is making tha photographs and tha first consignment has been received by General Passenger Agent McMurray. . - "We. will make tha greatest exhibit of scenio photographs sver seen at an exposition. If Ths Dalles photographer la not made famous by this exhibit. It will not 'jo the fault of bla pictures," ssld Mr. McMurray. We expect to hang 40 or 00 pictures at Jamestown. Ths aim has been to show In theee big photographs the grandeur of the Colum bia river gorge. I am certain that no such pictures of the Columbia river have ever before been tnada.- Tha pho tographer paid 1800 for the camera, a special Instrument, with which to make theee photographs. Tha remarkable set of pictures' has been shown at Mr. McMurray'a off fee to a number of people. who have gone into ecstades over the effects seen in the sepia prints.- The pictures sre SO to 40 inches in else.. 'Among them are shown Horsetail falls, Latourelle falls, Multnomah falls. Castle 'Rock, Rooster Rock, the Cascade run at tha Brldgs of ths Gods, fishing acenes on tha Co lumbia, sailing and steamboat scenes, Celllo falls and many other scenes. A large number of them are new. Included In the Hat are Mount Hood, and a new ploture of Mount Adams that will rank with ths greatest views ever made of Hood. Enlargements will also be made of the beat photographs taken by the Southern Pacific's .photographic staff that recently made a tour of Ore gon In a speclsl ear. taking choice views throughout ths ststs wherever scenes acoeesible to the railroads could be found. CHINESE OF FRESNO JO BUILD LIGHTING PLANT Mongolians Claim They Are Dis criminated Against and Will Construct. Works. (Journal "pedal gerrlee.) Fresno. CaL. April t. Fresno will have ths unique distinction of having an oriental electrlo light company. A large mass was held In the Joss horse yesterday and the prelimi nary arrangemente were made. . TBe Mongolians claim that there has been discrimination against various parties in Cuinatown, and believe that they e.-n aavj money by having a company of their own. A alte tn tha center of Chinatown has been secured and tha price etated in tne opt'on Is 11,400. The plant Is to cost tl 4,000. To fnsurs ths stability of tha company, those using power will be required to contract to stay with the oriental company. The directors of tha company are confident of being able to make all the stores come Into the com bine. ......:..'.. SOUTH OREGON PYTHIANS WILL COMPETE FOR CUP (Rpedal tttasatch te The JeersaL) Roseburg, , Or.. April. 8. At the regu lar convention of Alpha lodge No. 47, Knights of Pythlaa, B W. Strong was elected grand representative . of thla lodge to go to Portland May 20 to the grand lodge of Oregon. The district convention 'of this district will meet at Eugene April 15, In connection with the Eugene, Cottage Grove and Roseburg teama - This convention will decide which team ahall go to tha grand lodge to compete with the different teams of ths state for the 1100 cup that Is offered- by - the -Portland -lodge- for the team that does the best work. CASCADE FOREST LAND RESTORED TO ENTRY '- j . .. - '. . ' fWaehtngtoe Boreas et The XoereaLt Washington, .April . Forestsr Pin chot today announced the restoration to tha nubile domain of nearly . 1,000.000 acres temporarily withdrawn, adjacent to national foreata. 140,000 acres of which Is adjscent to tha Cascade forest reserve, ecattered along the 'western and southern boundary: 110.000- aores Is next to ths Cabinet forest reserve In Kootenai, county. In Idaho,, and also in Montana, and 1(5.000 In the Lewis and Clark forest reserve In Montana. All lands after 00 days ' from restoration will be subject to entry. BUTLER SAYS TEDDY WAS WRONG ABOUT JAPS ' '.. ' 1 (Journal Bperlal Bervfcs.t New York, April 0.- President Butler of Columbia university, who has lust returned from the Pact 11 o coast, says he disagrees with Roosevelt on tha Japan' ess question. . Butler ssys he believes the San Francisco people were fully Justified In excluding the Japanese from their schools. " , . ( Dortis Jury Disagrees. - " A Jury which heard the' evidence against Lloyd Burtis, charged with con tributing to the deiinqvency of Emma Mev!svlS -years aid, failed So agree and late yesterday evening the twelve men were discharged. It Is unlikely that there will ba a second trial. Burtis is a young married man who resides at Lents. -. ' . ', Conld Not Hit City. ' i Jaoraal S Dedal Bervare.t , San Salvador, April . Ths Nloar aguaa warahlps -In bombarding Amapala only damaged the tower of one of the churches. President Bonllla has estabe llshed his headquarters at Amapala The Chicago has been ordered to the gulf of Fooseca to be near the fighting foroes. .. i .-r ' ' '"i t George Wright Entertainment. ' by the ladles of the Relief corps, will BITS IIS roomiiif .airw.iuiHPin mis mmIh. , f K - Xfmt hall tt ilr.i friends are invited. ' Military whist commences at t:lt o'clock, 1 Ixrw Fare Dill Signed. Harrlsburg, April I. Governor Stuart today signed the I -cent fare blll..: - Peter Loggle of Coos bay, who has been in Washington and New York thla winter working In the intereats of Jhe Coos bay project, arrived In Portland today and told at the Imperial hotel of hla struggles and Joys In scouring the legislation which his section of ths stats Bought Mr. Loggle also worked In the interests of a greater Oregon, and aided Senator Fulton materially In securing the Columbia river appropria tion. I a speaking of hla visit In the east. Mr. Loggle said: "Ths trip waa a great education to ma and proved conclusively thst If a man or community has a project of merit ha will be given a fair showing by tha congressmen and be given what encouragement it deserves. v . , . Barton Won Over. "Senator Burtoa, chairman of the rlv. ers and harbors committee, was the man wno turned out to be my beat friend. I mean Oregon's best friend. . After I had carefully shown him the surveys Of tha harbor at Coos bay and tha op portunities of securing, a 40-foot n trance across the bar. ha became very enthuslaatlo and declared that It waa the location he had been looking for on the Pacific coast avsr since he had been on the committee. He said that such a harbor would give the United States a strong strateglo naval base in time or wsr. , "From that time on Senator Burton accorded me every courtesy and aid we needed, wa succeeded In securing an appropriation for a dredger 'to cost 110,000. This will be used la cutting through the shallow spots and Insure a harbor entrance of 40 feet. Chats With Cannon. - "While in Washington I had tha pleasure of-having a private conversa tion with Speaker Joeeph Canaoi privilege not granted to ona man ia a thousand. Speaker Cannon was glad to hear about Oregon and showed great Interest tn tha state. After I had the talk with hlra, I was considerably sur prised to find out that I had been hon ored with a talk 1 that many men in Washington had been unsuccessfully trying to secure for months.. .. Mr. Loggle also met President Roose velt on several occasions and reported that altogether he had had a very en joyable tome in tha east and considered It a very profitable one for-hlmself and the state. Ha will atartin Portland un til Tuesday when he will leave for Coos bay. ... ; . . r--.y EARTHQUAKE IN POLICE STATION For a fsw minutes thla morning Caller Ben Branch of tha city prison thought that a rull-gTown earthquake had struck Portland. .Branch was busily engaged in sawing a long plank la front of po lice headquarters when tha disaster oc curred and suffered a severe shock to hla nervous system, -from which ha has not yet fullv recovered. J One end of tha board which Branch was cutting rested on a cracker box In tha doorway of the police station whlla the other projected several feet Into the street Entirely unaware of Impending disaster, an expressman known as "Beeswax" drove hla wagon up Oak street at a rapid rate and struck one end of the board. The plank flew around with lightning like speed, struck tha side of tha par tition, the saw waa knocked ' out of Branch's hand and the policeman, waa showered with broken glsss and splin ters. The crash could be heard for blocks and all of the policemen in the building rushed downstairs, feeling as sured that a Jailbreak had occurred, CITY LEASE EXPIRES -ON HAWTHORNE PARK According to tha opinion of City At torney McNary neither the park board nor the city council has any authority to spend money for the Improvement of leased land. .. The opinion was given thla morning In' response to a request from tha beard as to its rlehts to make change in Hawthorne park, which the city has leased from the Hawthorne es tate. Even a. keeper may not be em ployed at the park. The city's lease of tha park has ex pired and the board recommended that the council renew it Copies of Mr. MoNery's opinion were ordered sent to the council and to the managers of tbs Hawthorne estate. NEW BRICK BUILDING - AT YAMHILL AND PARK " ... j . Herbert Oordoa was tndav .r.nt permit for the erection of a five-story Dries , ouuaing on yamnui street be tween Park and West Park. - Ths build ing will cost $40,000. Other permits Issued were: To Dr. B F. Tucker, two story dweUlng, Hoyt between Twentieth and . Twenty-first streets, (3,000; B. A. Sawyer, one-story dwelling. East Thirty-fifth between Wygant and Going, 11,000, and Mrs. Sarah Stapleton, two story, dwelling,. Mallory avenue near Portland boulevard, $1,100. - . HOLDS LOGGING AND RAILWAY COMPANIES SAME The petition fro a new trial In the damage Sun or wiiuam Martin against the Rue A Civile ri.vfn .1.., n denied thts morning by Judge Oanten beln. While acting as brskeman on the Coal Creek railway laat spring, the smiting or me logs on a oar threw Mar tin off hla train and he sustslned In juries which resulted In the amputation of one of his legs. He sued for $10,000 ana got juagment for $5,000. Lecture Course by Dr. Kimball. (flpedal Plapetrb te The Jesraal.) Salem, Or, April I Rev. C O. Kim ball of the Vincent Methodist Episcopal church of Spokane, Washington, has been secured to deliver a. series of six lectures before the students of ths Kimball College of Theology of Wil lamette university. Dr. Kimball uo ceeda Rev.. H. D. Kimball, desn of the theological school, as paator of the Vin cent church. The topics of the various addresses have not ss yst been made public- , !' ., Mrs. Ward Loses Her House. tfpaelal Plapatek ts The JnernaL) Forst Orove, Or., April $. A house Owned by Mrs.' Phoebe Ward of this city,' located at TMlley. burned Wednes day afternoon with a loss of $0. No federal grand Jury until Monday, Thus did United States District Attor- fney William C Bristol definitely state today the issue which has Jeea caus ing aa much Interest - throughout tha state.::- . , , Despite the .repeated statements that the grand Jury - would be called thle week. jar. Bristol and his assistants have been unable to. perform the work necessary to have everything la readi ness when-the Jury meets. Efforts to have tha members In session. , hearing charges against cttlsens of tha state who have violated the federal atatutes before thia time, have met with failure because of the enormous amount of work Involved in collecting the evidence against the pereons to bs Indicted. Just who will be Indicted and what they will be Indicted for la uncertain except -fa the eeses-e-a-large jiumer SHALL BOYS OF CU RUH A GAIMlaB JOINT :," aBaBaBBBaaBwaBBBBBasaaWBJBaBBB , J- Lured by Tales of Fortunes Won, Young America Builds Rou lette Wheel. - :-: ( fJearasf peelal Barnes.) ' Reno, Nev, April i. Lured by the tales of fortunes made tn tha gambling houses of Carson, a crowd of 10 small boys of that city formed a club, made a rude and smooth roulette wheel and started a game of their 'awn. Tha po lice aathorttles of Carson have known for aome time that tha youngsters were conducting a game on the quiet but could not locate It. I This morning Constable Orant heard the ollnk of small change when passing down a deeerted alley aadjruahlng In on the youthful gamblers ha' succeeded in taking 10 of them to headquarters. Tha others In tha party mads their escape. Sons of tha best families la the capital are among those In custody. MRS. EDDY INCOMPETENT -TO APPOINT TRUSTEES . ajsaBaaaasBsaBaBBBBBBaas (Joaraal Hpeeta! Berries.) . Concord. N. H- April 6. Senator Chandler counsel . for plaintiffs in the suit for aa accounting and receivers nip for the millions, of Mrs. Mary Baker a. Eddy, said today, referring to the execution of a trust deed by Mrs. Eddy on- March The deed Is void because Mrs, Eddy was then and ts now Incompetent to make such an instrument," . RAPID FIRE GUN TO BE ' USED AGAINST STRIKERS . ' . 1 CJearaal Bneelal B.clee.) Loratne. Ohio,' April . Ominous preparations are being made for the expected trouble m the ship huliderr strike. One eompany of Infantry Is drilling at the armory with rapid fire guns and the commander ssys three or four companies will be necessary to protect tha yard a The government has wired the troope to ba ready to march to the yards if tha mayor needa them. ' ' Man of Quick Action. ' : From ths Philadelphia Record. The quickest action ever .noted by a Cincinnati newspaper writer wee illus trated when ha reported a murder case In which ona of. the witnesses was a negro porter in tha hotel that , was the scene of the killing. Ths negro was asked how many shots he heard. "Two shots, sun." he replied. mow far apart were v t her T" '"Bout like i dlBsaway," explained the. , negro clapping his hands twice, with aa in- terval of about a second between. "Where were you when the first shot was fired r "Shlntn a gentleman's shoes in duh basement of duh noteL" "Where were. you when the second shot wss fired T" "Ah was a-passin' dun Big jto", depot. ' . TOOL HANDLE"" Interchangeable Tools Held Firmly to. Position. ' y Carpentere and mechanics have f our d the tool sets comprising numerous tools and only one handle very valuable.-- The weight of their tool . chest hsa been re duced more than half,, and It requires but a minute to take one tool out of the handle and In Bert another. Like all other good . things, thess Interchange able handles hays faults that need cor rection and improvement. - The worst fault IS the liability of the clamp which grips the tool In tha handle becoming worn, tha tool thus slipping out Toe : TOOL CANNOT SLIP. ; mechanle Is thus unable to use any ft the tools. Ths handle shown here seems to overcome this fault .Ths snd of ths tool la inserted in the apertures at sach end, holee tn the shank of the tool regis tering with holes In the handle, pins are tneerted In the openings, holding the tool firmly In the, handle and preventing It slipping out , . ' Chicago Is done wUh Dunne, and will ride four years with Bussa, waiting their hearing before tha grand; 1 fury. - ' - It la certain that a large number of -new land fraud cases will be started by the govsrnment because of tha oon- -tlnued activities of T. B Neuhausen, special Inspector of the Interior de partment. Other evidence that polnta to the fact that new land fraud cases) will be brought to light waa found la the testimony of wltnssses In tha trials which have already been held, . . . Beoords looked Vp. - ' , ' - The announcement today by Mr. Bris tol definitely decides the long-expected grand Jury, and because It has not been called before this time Is undoubtedly due to the fact that Mr. Bristol has , been gathering evidence against men whose names are unknown la tha erim- ' inal .records of the state and country. PASS THE LIE OH niooirin lUMrp MillOOIIIU. IIJlliltG Mystery of Uquor Petition Gives RiseQto Some Heated Opin . ions on Subject. Shortly before tha offloe of City Aud itor Devlin closed for tha day yester day afternoon Samuel ConneD, president of the Municipal league, 'and Paul Ra der, secretary at tha Anti-Saloon league, appeared with 460 additional names signed to tha petition for tha McKenna 11.000 liquor license, ordinance, a ad tha tiling was made in time to secure a place for that measure . oa the June election ballot . . . , . V , - Whlla tha filing waa being made others who are interested In the move ment arrived with upward of SO mora names, and tha total made . about TO new signatures, or $0 mora than wss required to make a legal petition. No solution of the mystery of tha alleged theft of more than 1,00 names from the city auditor's office has been offered, F. I, McKenna. said today: . "I notice In one of the papers an lrv tervtew with one Crofton, secretary of the Liquor Dealers' association, who alleges that Paul Rader stuffed tha count on the petitions and that ho per haps did It to secure a fee. X regard, this -statement as-a malicious slander. Rader nsver had a ehanee to mske a fee out of It his work was dona with out pay-and there waa no money in Ik for him In any way whatsoever. Crofton alleges that he had the peti tion watched all the time it was In the city auditor's office, and be says fur- 1 ther that he knew 'there were leas than 1.000 names on the petition. This state meat by Crofton. that he had tha names watched In the auditor's office and knew there were lees than 1,000, at least ex plaina to me where the remainder of tha names went to." FOR J-HE, SCHOOLROOM Device for Facilitating Teaching of '.V Fractions.' ', ' School teachers assert that they ex perience little difficulty In teaching email children numbers up to 100, as parsnts generally Impart this knowledge of figures to the child before It goes to school. Their most troublesome .task DIVIDE INT0 FRACTIONS. . Is to Instill fractions Into tha youthful mini. In the' Illustration a device, for facilitating the teaching of fractions la shown. It consists of a sphere divided Into halves, and the halves again divided Into a number of segments. The sphere Is supported on wires on a frame, tha Individual sections being prevented from rotating, but can, nevertheless, be moved and separated from each other. , The sphere can be quickly divided Into halves, quarters and eighths, and. the pupil given a practical demonstration of what seems to hlra aa intricate prob lem. . - Student's Heirloom. v From, Reynolds's Newspaper. ' Prof. Mb as on of Edinburgh, author of a compendious life of Milton, was onoe exasperated b - the llstlessnsss of a. student In ons of his classes. After bearing long tn silence the young man's Inattention, the ' professor one dsy broks off In tha midst of his lecture and addressed himself to the studentl "May I ask. sir, said he, "whether you expect to pass this "course?" , "I has hopes, sir," answered the stu dent . -' - - "Then when tha examination oomee. sir, -you , will wish for notes on these lecture. What will you do for thornf "I ha my father's sir,."" was tb reply. . Growing Sponges. -- From the Indianapolis Nsws. About 10 varieties of "vegetable sponges" are now cultivated In tha warmer parts of Africa snd Asia, espe cially In Algeria. The fruit Is edible be fore maturity, but on ripening the pulp separates from ths fibrous material, which than becomes anr excellent substi tute for seal sponge for the toilet bath room and many other purposes, -The Algerian sponges are in large demand 14 Paris. ..