THE OREGON DAILY " JOURNAL, PORTLAND. THURSDAY EVENINO. APRIL' 4. 1S07. REPUBLICANS FAIL TO vS KISS AN D MAKE UP ROOSEVELT TO WAGE WAR . ' :r-. ' ' ; (Continued from Page One.) . W Tr? 'ft SALE, Merger of Clubs Not Yet Realized, and Wheels of, the Proposed . Machine Will Not Begin to Mova Until After ; Friday s -t . .4 .; Night In Any Case. ": : The Union Ranublloaa club's lev tout did not mtertsile iMt night a ; per schedule. Tbe prospective found . era of the elnb earn to. the conclusion ' t apparently that the eecretary of the ' . Portland Republican club and other ' ' member of that organisation hetd. the whip hand aa far aa consolidation went j and decided to give the members of the I club a chanoa to say whether or net . ther desired to become parte of the new ! ,; machine. - A meeting of the Portland RepubUoaa . : club will be held Friday night, wnen , the ouestlon of oonaolldatlon will be ; pat up to them, and If .they desire to disband the -old club end merge Its Identity Into the new the eonaolldatlon ' wlU be made; If not. the eld elub will , be maintained and the Union club will althee naa out aa an -unfulfilled dream " or the name-of -the- Dearer elub-- will paas Into oblivion and the Union club : J will bloom In tta stead. : . . Om St ftwm . '? The executive committee of the Port . . land RepubUoaa club held a . meeting last night and decided to .stay In the ' ' nag until ouch time aa the whole mem , , bershlp should decide to go orer to the ' new organisation. In order to make ; plain' JU attitude, and to-shew that It . was not. mersed with the proapeotlTe Union club, aa had been given out. It I paaaed resolutions outlining Its ettW ' tude and stipulating that It waa a dls . tlnct and Identical factor In the Repub ; Ucaa organisation of the otty. ' This resolution was expresslre of, the attl . tude of the executlre committee and ! ; took the stand that until such time as the woble membership decided to make some changrth- eeeutle- committee ' would not consider any such proposal aa had been made by the executive oom- mlttee of the Bearer olub, and W. P. ' Keady and others of the Republican ' club. The resolution Is in part as f ol '" lows:"'- Bony Amalfaatatlon. ',, "V - t "That w disavow, annul and declare old any such pretended action on the part of the executive board toward . amalgamating this organisation with another." - a. -.--.. -.:-..- Following the 'meeting' Friday night In the . Belllng-Hlrsoh building the Union elub promoters will hold a meet ing provided the Republican club mem bership decide to amalgamate. - (friends of the merger state that there will be no trouble after the whole membership la permitted to take a hand In the set tlement of the question, but . that the whole Republican family In Portland will join hands In perfect peace - and amity and Journey down, the path Of po litical effort shoulder to shoulder and In perfect time and step. The meeting Friday night will decide whether or not the dream will come true.. .WUl Iot Indorse. As a further slap at the organisers of the Union olub, which it Is assarted Is a move on the - part ' of Devlin's friends to secure an organisation, pre sumably embracing the great majority or the Republicans of the olty. which will indorse him as the one' Republican candidate for mayortJthe following resolution waa adopted by the executive committee: --- . - "Resolved, by the members of the Re publican elub of Portland, Oregon, in regular meeting assembled. That It la the sense of this club, following the precedent adopted In the primary cam palgn of last year, that we as an organisation do not Indorse any candi date for Republican nomination at the approaching city primaries, or that the club as an organisation be used In any way to advance or promote the candl daoy of one candidate aa against that of Another-or others, giving a free and fair field to all candidates for Republi can nomination. . Tot Straight Ticket, "Be It further resolved. That this club - aa an organisation will support the straight Republican ticket as nomi nated; "Includrng each and -every nomi nee thereon at the election June I next. "And to carry out the above resolu tions that a special meeting of this club be held Monday evening. April It. at I o'clock, at which meeting all candi dates for Republican nomination are to be - Invited to attend and address the meeting. And that the next regular meeting or this club be held Wednesday evening. May a. to be made a ratifica tion meeting for the support of the en tire .Republican ticket ae nominated at the primary election to be held May 4 next." .' . FIREfalAH'S GEMER0S1TY . : : COST HIM HIS LIFE Took Run for Day for Friend With Sick Wife and Is ' Killed In Disaster. Mmateh t The loareel.l Butte. Mont, April . An act of geo- . eroslty for a friend who waa nursing a sick wife cost Andrew Bandera hie life. ' He was terribly scalded In a collision . between the two crack trains of the Northern Peclflo railroad yesterday nMP Garrlaoa. Banders had taken the run for the ' ' dr to . aooommodate Fireman Taylor, ! the 'regular man of the North Coast . Limited, and he failed to heed the i warnlng cry of the engineer to Jump . when their engine crashed Into the two 1 enelnes, DUlllna- the Burlington nyer. V. Bandera waa nulled from beneath the ' .wreckage In a delirious condition and MnHnuallT raved: ".' Taylor, old boy," he would shout, I - did It all for you. Ton are a married ' man and I - am single. - I can stand It ' I am srlad I did It. God bless you." A number of passengers of tho North Coast sustained minor Injuries, among whom la Mlaa Roy McRoberts of Kan , as City. Hoboes stealing their way en the North Coast had out the air col : umn. . and' when the engineer applied the brakes they failed to work. Ths three engines were badly wrecked. : SALOONS RAPPED BY NEBRASKA LEGISLATURE . UhimI Bnaetal Bar lice.) - - - Lincoln, Neb., April 4. Both branches of the legislature hare adopted a bill t-rblddlng brewer from baring any . financial Interest la a saloon or any property where . a saloon Is located. Nearly half of the saloons In tho state are arretted. Asr tour . clothing has suited so many boys and pleased so many .moth ers, we feel that we can give the same satisfac tion to you and your boy. Anyway, we have . goods of the right kind marked at the right, prices, and a right good ' place to show them. Suits $2.35 to $8.00. ClothinqCb GusKuhnPaopVv ltd and 163 Third St. OKLY RIGHTEOUS HEN SIT AT THIS BANQUET , ,v ' " i ! ,. V' Pittsburg Will Prove to World That Some Good People . Live There. (Jeersal Bptdal garncat I Pittsburg; Pa., April 4. More than ordinary Interest Is manifested In the annual banquet of the PlUaburg cham ber of oomraerce at the Hotel Bchenley tonight . Though the chamber has dis claimed . any such intention tho fact has leaked out that the primary aim kept in view In making the banquet ar rangements waa to bring together an aaeembly that. would prove to the world that the only producta of Pittsburg are not respondents, eo-reepondents, homi cides ana iron and steel. - ' Through the Corey and Hartje divorce oases, the Thaw trial and mora than dosen oiner cases that hare occurred during' the last few years, Pittsburg nas ootauiea more than Its share of no toriety. The reputation of Jhe city has suffered and leading citlsena believe the time has come when something should be done to show that the proportion of gooa men in Fittaburg Is as great as In otner communities. Tonight's banquet a we nrsi cirect steo In this direction. The guests are to. number between 0 and 40, and all are men who are noted for their ettainmente In literature, law, theology, philosophy, the exact and ap plied sciences, statesmanship, the fine arts, mechanical arts, invention and philanthropy. None haa ever been di vorced and at lare loyal dtlsens of nitsourg. j . of the conspiracy, Affot, the spokesman, replied: "It came out at a dinner when a friend of Harrlraan, Hearst and Rocke feller, especially of - the latter, at tempted to gain some new converts to the. scheme, Aa It happened ho waa la the midst of the president's friends, but he waa too drunk to act with Judg ment, and gave the whole thing away. I don't care to say when nor where the dinner took place." Parker Shows. Sgneranoa, . The president and his friends are chuckling. over the Inaccurate knowl edge of contemporary hlatory revealed In the statement made by Judge Parker, In which he takes tAe slds of Harriman in the controversy. Prominently dis played In the statement of Parker ap pears: "Congress refused to make aa Investigation of the corporate contribu tions of 1104 or to pasa a law prohibit ing corporate contributions in the fu ture." , "Every one should know that In the last session of congress," said a high offlolal of the government today, la law waa passed making It "unlawful for any national bank or any corporation or ganlsed by the authority of any lawa of congress to make a money contribution In connection with any election to any political offlce'; 'also maklag it "un lawful for any corporation whatever to make a money contribution 1a conneo tion with any election at which a presidential or vlee-presldentlal eleo tor or representative in congress la to be voted for, or any election by any state legislature of a United fltatee senator.' The penalty la 11.000 for each offence, or Imprisonment for a year, or both. Wfco do tbs Hoaeyf "Now, J submit that thla law. ap proved by the president on January Is, 1107. is lust about aa strong aa the legislative branch of the government can make It, and ought to satisfy even Judge Parker -and friends. The - fact that Parker la apparently not aware of lta existence proves him several months behind the tlmea." Of the f t0.00 raised by Kdward Harriman at tho suggestion of Prest dent Roosevelt to carry New York stats for Roosevelt andJllrgina In the cam paign of lfOe. 1200.000 weat to the Re publican state committee, of which ex Governor B. B. Odell waa chairman, and the remaining fiO.OOO waa retained by the ..Republican national committee ' to be used under the direction of Chair man Cortelyou. Thla fact was known to Cortelyou, to Bliss, to Odell and others. VIGOROUS REFERENDUM , CAMPAIGN ON U. OF 0. - (Sneclal Dlseatch to Tha Innil I Albany. Or., April 4. Petltlone for the reierenaura on tne University of Oregon appropriation are being .circulated and quite generally signed. Many represen tative citlsens have already sle-ned. among them leading business and pro fessional men of the city. The first f the- petltlone circulated have- been filed with the county clerk for verifica tion and others will be filed aa fast as they are obtained. Tho campaign will be directed from Linn and the printed matter Is being forwarded to all portions of the state. A committee has the work in charge and Is putting forth all energy toward tho final object of securing sufficient electors aa petitioners to Insure the submission of tho measure to a rote of tho people at the next general election. SURVEYING FOR JETTY IN ABERDEEN HARBOR 'l : ...... ' IffMcUl MiMtci to Tbe JoernaLl Aberdeen, Wash.. April 4. Major Chittenden's visit Is already bearing fruit, as the work of surrey will begin at once. Junior Engineer EL x car' center, with a large crew of surveyors, went to Damon's Point today, to make the Drellminarr surrey for tha jetty. A surrey for the 4.000-foot approach from' the channel to tha point where the jetty will touch tha land will be made, when bids for ths work will bo called for. Mr. Carpenter bopes to bars work started on this part of the plan In 60 daya. It haa not yet been decided where the stona for tho Jetty will be secured. Different plans are being considered. It may bo found necessary to bring it orer from tha Columbia river, as wag ths stona for tho south side Jetty.-... ' . LEGISLATOR ON TRIAL ;F0R ACCEPTING BRIBE (Joemat gperlal Barries. Boston. April 4. Representative ' a John Lamboureux, a member of tbe Massachusetts legislature, was placed oa trial In tha superior criminal court today on a charge of soliciting and ac cepting a bribe. - The indictment Was returned four weeka ago as a result of an Investigation , by district Attorney Moran. - Lamoureux'g home la la North Adams. ,.. .... ' ' - ' Chairman Cortelyou In Washington last night was given an opportunity by tha Hearst News Barvloe either to con firm or deny that this was the disposi tion made of tha Harriman fund, a uestlon being sent to him In writing: 'he following waa Cortelyou'e reply: "Tha secretary, following his invari able rule, haa nothing to say." v. , - .miasm womeo. Excitement in tha White House orer tha Harriman revelations bad not abated to any appreciable - extent to- day.. vloea 4 President Roosevelt sent for all . tha friendly newspaper correspondents to make a further explanation of hie side of tho controversy. Roosevelt declined to admit any newspaper man to tha conference who represented other than administration organs. - To the favored onea ha talked orer an hour and his talk was emphatlo and embellished.- Not before in his admin istration haa tho president been so greatly worried aa he haa been orer tha revelations of the Herri man letter. In his talk today with tha favored newspaper correspondents ho denounoed In unmeasured terma every person who had taken Issue with him. To pofeal ' Roosevelt believes .also - that the schemes of the conspirators extend to controlling the national Republican (convention next year and defeating Terrs aspirations to the presidential nomination, ' which Roosevelt baa been advocating so -earnestly.- Not only is It desired to defeat Taft, or any candidate that Roosevelt might attempt to dtotate to the Republican party, but tha conspirators want and will try to name ths presidential aandl data themselves, choosing One who will entertain views directly tha opposite of loose or jriooeeveic. ' That Roosevelt will plunge bodily Into tho campaign of 1001 and exercise all his Influence la securing the nomina tion .of Taft Is bow regarded aa cer tain. He will Ignore the rule heretofore observed that tha president must keen hla hande off - tho choice of a successor and endeavor to fight la tha national convention next year to secure the nom ination of Taft. every Article, reduced Friday and Saturday Extra Special. For Friday and Saturday from $27.50 up to $35.0 garment. Removal Sale ww.we tiuDut5 Jwv k 1 I I ft II . 1 I i a new up-to-date Spring jjjj JJ j)Q JJ New Spring Coats and Jackets Jackets and Coats in silk, covert and mixtures, good values for $12.50, $15.Q0, $17.50 and $20.00. (H O tk C Friday and Saturday ? Removal Sale Q)QJf J Price. '. Waists SMrfs Regular $2.00 Waists, Fri day and 1 Saturday. Re moval Sale Price...... ....... 89c $15, $17.50 and $20 Skirts, In voile, Panama and mixtures. Friday and Saturday Re- $5.00, $6.00 and $8.00 Hats Friday and Saturday Only. $2.95 It's but a matter of a few' days now and we will move Into our new department There is no line of merchandise that suffers quicker from handling than Millinery, and rather than take chances of ruining a quantity of hats we haye de cided to place them on 'sale Friday and Saturday at prices that will make moving on our part unnecessary. We have chosen for this, sale about 200 of the season's best styles of tailored suit hats and trimmed mushroom shapes in a variety of styles of trimmings, our regular $5.00, H - r $6.00 and $8.00 values. Friday and Satur- Tfi X rlav. choice.. .............. ....... ...t ON CO. 131-FIFTH STKLET, BETWEEN ALDLR AND WASHINGTON Every soap in our immense) stock at greatly re duced prices this week. Every one knows that . . HARRIMAN SMILES If Magnate la Worried He Doa Not show it: Ne Terk, April 4. With the air of a person without a car. In the world, Harriman smiled ' lata this afternoon as he left his offlce. If he la worrying absolutely nothing about him shows It. "Don't you think I said enough T" he replied when asked If be would make a further statement In his controversy with the president. - - t ' "You have .a hard light on . your nanas,- was suggestea. "I don't think so." said tba wisard. "I have nothing to do now except at- tena to nusmess. Railroad business Is very good, but weather condltlona bare been extraordinary. In fact this haa been aa exceptional rear - both , for weather and politic." SPINAL MENINGITIS IS FOUND IN BAKER CITY (Bperlal Manatee to Ti. imil i ' J Baker Cly. Or, April 4. Bplnal men ingitis has made Us appearance in Ba ker City, two cases harlng come to light In the family of Elswortb Lenta Two children were stricken last night and are in a crltloal condition, although Dr. At wood states that he doea net believe the disease will prove fatal. It was rumored this morning that there were a number of other oases here, but they have not yet been re ported to tha physicians and they be lieve there wlU be no further snread of the dleease. If other cases do come to light, however. It Is planned that the schools be closed and a close Quarantine established. Found Did In Bd. (Reerlal Dlapatek te tke oersal Hoqulam, Wash April 4. :berles Rogers, a pioneer of Hoqulam, was found dead In his bunk at the North western logging camp thla morning. De ceased was 5 years old and known as "Bonny Boy." He had been a resident of this city for 10 years. - Coroner Olrard wlU hold aa Inquest this afternoon. English Playing Cards and Bridge y ' Sets, 75c 14s, ana fun Bound of WOOBblaK we carrv the best, and this soap sale of ours is a ''" rsruw a JtU. t ..m 1 aiajW-iOCOOO Vwal Oarda, art e. uuuus( eavuig uiaiib iut jrvu. ; Hoares' Cut Glass Is tho standard of beaaty and quality, j W, have lust received a very large laroloe and arc orerstocked on T-lneh bowl. Tor this week wo plao. on tf r special sale thla exquisite Iora cut T J D Regular price 110. r . rani uonrn '---.-.' v . " mis sjiarta-s sisaH - -r- Tomorrow Evening And every day. Ton can hear in our Gift room exquisite selections from the opera "Brnenl." Verdi. All who are Interested in" the wonder ful Vict role, or who desire to hear the , beauUful voices of Bembrlch, Pattl, Olacomelll and other of equal fame , are eonllallr invited. 1,00 Records and a com piste stock ot Victor afaohlnea and Edison Phono slg-as. tourney's Delicious r Chocolates AST9 MOM BOTga free orer aavy. r Phona na for a boa. Take home soma toaay. Wjj Flower Seeds ooirj vr , yrm KAva A Photographic Discovery flend for catalonia. new April Edison Keeoras are 300 Teddy Bears grephs. Th kars. "Woodhrk" Part Spices - AJIaJ pure; " thejrlT '" stand every test) fresh, pure, reliable. No wonder their sale grows. BPBOXAfci We ere sup plying for a limited time all our Bploes in nickel sprinkler-top bottlea, a regu lar too also for lOo. W. offer today CARBON A a wonderful art paper. roduces the most artistic and beautiful tones try sample today. ... . V mtOOAPaTTO till wood ro b tram: w, ajt utmu 1U UADIf. . 'Prom "OVe Vlrginnr," see lb.) freeh and good. An old-fashioned Spring tonlo . Is sassafras tea, and every on. should take it. . r - . , - ,. . , i- - "Woodkrk" Olive Oil The first pressing from sun-ripened California Queen Ollvee, eel eo ted and cured. Nothing so delicious for salads. Nothing Be good for leea folka. Gal lon, 93.S4I large bottles, geoi small ones. Hammered and Art Brass CtA- Bronaej at special prices. Lanterns, Candle- vviu. .m, Aoraa, irays, Lonnf , .iuhiit. pi. oa si s Discount. (DIS cent from our regular prices. Cupi week 'rare and of 19 per CUP BOOK When you ara In a hurry, call Exchange 1110 trunk lines, 20 extensions. Orer 100 talesmen ready to attend to your order. We want monthlv accounts with responsible folk. . Our delivery system ia good, and we arc always trying to Improve h. . WE TAKE CANADIAN MONET AT PULL VALUE. Allotting Wenaha Reserve. ( ' (Raeelal ripatc r Tba Jnereal.t Pendleton, Or., April 4. Per the pur pose of allotting sbout 71,000 acres of range land recently added to the 'Wens ha forest reserve, in Umatilla county. Foreet Supervisor J. M. Bmtta of the Weaaba reserve haa called a meeting of stockmen Interested to be held la this oity Api-U li, Ths addition of the wsnaha reserve Includes a Inrge ' section Of excellent rang, which has been ueed by Umatilla aounty people, and who will be on hand to mk application for allotments wlt&ln the new boundaries. . New York Society Wedding. . ' (Jeeraal Sneelal aWlee.) New York. April 4v Two families well known In New Tork society were united today when aflse Annie Konntte, daughter of Mr. and - Mra. Luther Kountse, became the bride of J. Gordon 4 Deugtas, The eeremon took place la t. Thomae- ehureh. Bishop potter offl elating. The bride's only attendant waa the bridegroom's sister. Iflss 0ybU L. R. Prenoh, of Ores Valley, Oregon, la at th. Dragon hotel. He win ba In Portland several das oa business,