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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 3, 1907)
r THE -OREGON DAILY JOURlIAi; PORTLAND. WEDNESDAY EVENING, APRIL 8, 1S07. FR0I1T OF DUILDIIIG FALLS, OUT 1 I V- JT-- 'v- ' '.A 'iA-S I:? : i-ir.i ' A"- V; 7 J HI 1 1 1 " ' " V 1 1 1 J; :iii.'"v" ' ' ' ' ? i f Roomer Have Narrow Escape, at First : and Cdlumbla . Streets. '".V Th ntlr front wall and a portion, of th aid wall of the thr-atorr roomlnc-houa at Frat and Columbia straot fell yeterdy aa a result of ex ; rarationa that were belns made under- the - aide wait Several ; persona es caped miraculously from the building-. The rooralnf-house was conducted by-Mra. Kennedy, who was talking with a frtend la the hallway .when the crash came. They escape'd-by rushing; Into, the street. f- . y PIOHEERS PLAfl auhual: REiiruon rVtdnesday, . Jun "y Nineteenth, . the Day for Old Oregon t ; Settlers to Meet. i PlREPAFlAf IONS ARE :.: ."ALREADY UNDER WAY Committers Appointed and , George H. Hlmea 8lectedto Deliver the 4 Annual Address -Tho. Indian War Veterans to Meet ay Before. . ' 'Wednesday. June It. has been selected . the data for the lith annual reunion of the Orefon Pioneer association. : The reunion held In he Armory and already the board- of. directors, of the association is making- active prepare- tlona for Jthe events t sx - George 'H. Hlmesa4J, yliss .been selected to deliver the address; Rev. L " tx Driver, lit, will act as chaplain, and Joaeph Buchtel, 1862, as. marshal '- Particular emphaaia - will be glren to the social 'features of .the. reunion this ' - rear;- "''( i -'.'. , .All persons srrlvfg la or born, in Oregon previous to 1I0 are eligible to Join the association. Wives , and hus bands of pioneers will be allowed to at tend the banquet by special permit Th4 railroads have agreed . to give the cus tomary reduced far of one and one- third, the regular round trip rates.. On June 1. the day previous, the grand encampment of the Indian war veterans will .be held? - Committees have ' been. . selected as follows: . ' Arrangemanta, George H. Hlms, X.; B. Magers. l6t. - and Robert A. Miller, 1M4: Invitations, President M. C George. Vice-President J. D. Leo, Itit and Treasurer fharlas FL Iariil. rSkigBT;' finance committee, . George H. FTJnes, rrederlclt V. JHoIman and X D.; committee on transportation, George' H. Hlmes; reception committee. Robert A.-Miller, with power to choose . bis own aides; chairman oT the Woman'a Auxiliary. Mrs. Charlotte M. Cartwrlght. 1146, with power to choose her awn as sistants. All other matters of detail were placed In the hands of the general committee of arrangements. ;,..,..,(,-, Soothes Itching" ekln. Heals cats or burns without a scar. Cures piles, ee toma. salt, rheum, any Itching. Poan's Ointment, iour druggist sells It. GOLD RING KAS U MAGICAL POWERS Every Candidate for Senate .Who Bar-Won It Haa Elected. I Bee - J ;.,.'.'' Colonel I "Frsnk J. . Parker,' a well- known veteran newspaper , man. . . for many years editor of the Walla Walla Statesman- and -now living in. this-city, possesses a curio of uncommon interest He calls It a 'torque ring." It was pre sented to him during a visit In, Dublin In HIT. and It has some very, peculiar and unusual . qualities. , ' . All the recent senators from Oregon upij. ' mp ej ' . .. i :! , - m. t fj Magic Torque Ring' of Irish Gold. have worn the ring during their cam paigns and no candidate who poaseased It - has ever ' been defeated.-' Senator Pulton ' wore it when ha was. elected: Senator Mitchell wore It twice and loat It one for 'the colonel, but - luckily found it .again. ' " Senators Ankeoy . of Washington and Dolph of Oregon -wore it during their campaigns, and Mayor Hum of Seattle - was only elected through its magic properties, and there are some others In the list. - . Colonel Parker says the ring is IJ0 years old.' It was a ring given by tna Celtic chiefs of Ireland to their sue cessful warriors '' and always carried victory. .-It Is of the purest gold, and very heavy.- It is' made from a bar. of gold originally Ahe shape ef . a nail and could be hammered so-as to fit any Anger.- No amount of money oould In duce the colonel to part with, the old ring, aa he believes that the luck It brings is worth much mora than all the gold In America. EDWARD EVERETT HALE - IS EIGHTY-FIVE TODAY f , -. . jk ' " " ' - (Jearaal BpeeUl aervke.1 1 V Boston, Mans., April t. Dr. Edward Everett Hale, preacher, publicist and man of letter, was 5 years old today. Since his appointment as chaplain of the senate Dr. Hale has apent hla win tera In Washington. but bis summer See that my sfenatare as shown above "M lt ftj- , every hot of rat sad reach poison that yo I VF'jv".. I bay. My ttttnraMtheboaaQsansadoath' ; - VA,'7,'i l warrant to rata, mica, cockroaches,- water I "'('i' I - ( bugs. ate. For years I have sold . , ; UTJT -,mT" I ( ri Steams Electric " U Rat and Roach Paste Oder aa absolute guarantee to refund the money If it does not do aO that k claimed lor it It is the only guaranteed rat and roach poise oo the market. Rats and mice as soon aa they eat Stearns Electric f - Psste rash out of the house to die, aever to return. When yon want to be tore that yon are going; to tree your home and bara of rats aad . mice sad other vervain see that yon get -J Stearai Electric Rat and Roach Paste (LQflt a. e tij ' with my signature on the boa as above r-To iLrr -, aea.Baaet tes. ba !. . - '" 7r, - aM sy Dragtlrts er greseil en recetag ef sHee. . Stearns' Clcctrle Pasta Co. - VntlMla, N. U. 8. A. (' sen tllisjiii" ) THE NEW AND COMPLETED STORE IS READY FOR YOU Always the best for the least; the most possible value for the money, and with every purchase goes our absolute guarantee. of perfect satis faction or money back. : They're the broad gauge, liberal principles this store is run on and that's what is making this THE MOST POPU LAR SHOPPING PLACE IN THE CITY JUST VISIT THE STORE ONCE. YOU'LL TRADE HERE ALWAYS. CALICOES i c AH colors, good lehgths, worth up y A to 8c; all in one lot; esaj yard .......... ........ FoimMsfiS w -mmmsm. CNTIIE SLOCK ON TAMr.lU.rROM IHO TO 1R& ,5c THREAD Charter Oak and Merrick's black or white; 7 spools for ................ ,.",' V 1 The Great CloalL Room Is Abloom With Mighty Bargains wins wmi mis mmm mm A really sensational sale and the best and greatest barga ins offered this season in Women's Spring Coats. Three -big special lots, over 200 of the most wanted and stylish C overt- Coats at aixmtcost-oLinateiiaLalone. - . . - , The Maker; Needed Money and Our Spot Caoh Clo ocd the Deal All lNeweot and Lratest Stylen ' The cleverest and handsomest of this season's styles, made of extra quality tan English covert, in semi-flttinf and Pony coat styles, kilk and aatin lined, all trimmed with braid, bartons and fancy straps; coats that are worth almost doable; coats made by .New York's best maker and we especially invite an Inspection of them from Portland's most critical women, for w know these are as stylish and as pretty coats as can be found anywhere regardless of price. ft 1 at tl1? 011 11 2 ? P" AO JlllO Koic" 01O Fancy Plaid SILK Think ef re FlaU Bilk Fettlooata, only $4.98- eat taeyre an the very taer asoree asa yoa sto rorj aaaae wita aeep nunee ana aeeoraioa please all colore fast g osea la all, aad saeyll go a-flylag as tato nee, ae aeai aeiay u yea waa eae, oaetoe T $4.98 Women's 05 Vhitc SILK WAISTS MM gumi a the nelgM ef ike season, wkca an etkae averee ask fan ir1n thkj lot t 100 keansUni MO na4 M-00 Watte BUk Watsks ge as tnte r ekoieei elkow aad roil leagth sleeves, pla kaojuiaee Ineevttoa, pleat V1 1 (1 aa tanoy trUoaUags, ea else laee yekeai eae te a eaesesmae. Okolo VaJesLt Women's $6 to $7.50 Walking Skirts i Far too good and stylish to sell at such a ridiculous price; but we bought them way under value and you get the benefit; made of all wool mixtures, checks, plaids, stripes and plain colors; plain and pleated models; button and strap trimming!. One day only and no . longer, y.w toxz-atr uress sna w aiKing iKim ............. I Crcst Auctiork Lot , IVomen's 20c Vests 9c And every one the same yoa pay ZOc for eisewhere. fine white Jersey ribbed, fancy neck, ribbon taped and crocheted finish; all 20c ones; 1 " ' 0r 17i V;! at less than half price .................x..yC Lil , r uvj a -aiiu - wiiiiui eu ar anyj . . . - BlacK Iiosev .: lxl ribbed, seamless and all sUes; made : I . to aeU at 15c; pair .....VC ' aV Great Ctptnre ol 200 Dozen Women's 25c Embroidered Hose I121e Another one of our sensational offers' and at a price that should crowd the counters all day long. Women i fancy . silk embroidered Hose, full regular made, all elses; best of 25c values, and not over 6 pairs to a customer. Special, Hyt pr. Woaea'e . White In- I Woaaaa's Xesaattkahed . krolderea Waah , BELTS J1 etnea aa Qr' au aoe .values U...VC . . . . Cambria 'Kerchiefs laU aUei Jr ,......, ...a 2 Another Grmt Dale of Yoa almost get three for the price ef one; new, llht pretty effects in Fonr-in-Hand styles, the Q !?, kind yoa can wash, and worth 20c and 25c. wC L1 (Mtn'f Spring Weight Balbrlisan Un3erwear . Both Shirts and Drawers, extra finish and lCr all the beit 50c value.. .Out Best 69c The maker's entire' surplus of these lines, and we "bought them at ex actly half price; Girdles of an styles; white only; all sites; 5Cr everyone 50c and 69c value , ,(1 , . M v , t'Ot 50c Dressihg Gombs 25c v A Comb all drug stores ask 50c for; here at 25c; extra large else and best bard rubber; black only; fine and coarse teeth; a 50c jCn comb the world, over '' . . . . . . . . v. . ........ i .............. . ;&dL 39c Hair Brushes 19c Yea, 39c, that's the regular price, bat tomorrow they go "at 19c, bat only one to a customer; full size, good bristles, wood back; while they last 4........ .............lyC ; Infants' Slips Uade ef aheer lawns, laea and einbrold ery trimmed, alao, tucked and feather- atltch effect a? all full length, CA. and ll. and tUH value......... 07 : Cut Pric on ' GROCERIES BjOOO good Jatoy Kesaena, .' p m v wails the last, aaok SOe fall Ceaaa Causa, D 15e Beet tee Zaes, lk. Te Sewge 10 koV, AmnMnila ......... S aoe eaa Baatlekt rears. ?C B eaas ro lSe Fie reipHa. eea 94 ae pkg. Tigs .....w 4s) e fceaaem ee taaw Baape, . 1 Cr 4 vkge. foe 'w toe kae Bapone TO S saok Takle Bait ,. SO eoe BpUerleg Tea, Ik. ..,... .,..370 WASH" GOODS Domestics and Linens ktOl eaas yard wide aMtosrUed twilled Bait- bags, au ligat eolers, easne ae sou off I A. the kott at aae. ktlU eaa prloe, yard IUt Se-taah wkite zadlaa Head, foe salts f f aad waists 1 keet lea gvadef yard t...... Tard wide dotted OaxwUa Bwtsei 1 7 tb regnlae lee fctadt yard loo krasa OartaU moda, extend te . 7- 4 inekeei foe one day, each w e4 Tapestry Teals Covers, leteialbla, saa ke sjeed ea both sides a katfata at OS. ai-ao. .peetal . "Ot TSe Tapeetry gtaad Covers, sat to. 390 Bed aad klne faaey oolored Bed Spreads t fringed all areaadi aa every day f in $IJU grade, eat to e9l,iy SOe faaey Bed Tloklag, per yard ......1SH0 lSe faney Bhtrttag, ay laehee wide 90 targest eUe $S30 Oeatferte ge at ....91.89 75c Corset Covers 39c Odd lots that must be cleared in day, dozens ol styles, lace and em broidery trimmed; none worth leas than 50c up to 75c ' 9fi Choice .....i..,...,......vyC - . i -.' 25c Pin Cuioris 8c 5,000 Velvet Pin Cushions, fancy shapes, apples, peaches, pears, etc; made to tell a 25c, and that's what they are worth; , O Choic ,... .4., ............ ...OC Woraon's $2 Juliets 01.24 Just 200 pairs to go, fine kid, good heavy soles, medium heels, tl 'JJ all sixes, all bast $2.00 values; for one dsy only, pair .7ae't THURSDAY MORNING Large Sc bar Laandry ' - Soap . From 9 to 1 1 - o'Clock Two Hours Only 2c 10c Mill Enda : -Figured SUkoline; Tau" ft e -e e Ac -ijoo wgniarise - ; S Decks Playing . " fl i Cards UL 5i)00 regular 12c Towela; aise 18x36 inches 5c 36-inch brass ' Curtain Rods; 10c ones 3c Large 10c cake Tar Soap for 5c SJ0O0 Ladiea' Silk Garten, fancy buckles, all colors; worth 50c; . . pair .. 5c 1.006" ChJldr en's, Sc fancy Handkerchiefs for lc 8c Torchon Lace, 3 and 4 inches wide; yard 2c Ladles 25c and 50c Leather DC11I IVr .......... , a .T, ZSc 1,000 yards black Satin Duchess, 18 inches wide; worth 65c; yard t 39c Children's Rompers Made of extra quality ehaaxbray.-well made, eat good and fall, si see I to S years; all regular Tie values. tin. Special . .'. .....aoC Bargains In tho CROCKERY. !!!:..;.,.:...;18c 10 keet ase foaa sewed Xoaee Brooaas tatga Se kox Weed f ........ a , aw ?0 Toota Make in awe imiii ge ae ....... ...... toe toe Blanking .a..,. loa donkle klade aOaelng Xarvee ................ lOe Btove X.ld Uftero .., . Devee Bgg Baer e ,34 Se largs Tin Bpoona ............. e Jtaadled Btralaeve ......a...... St eg eratws TSe HaTlJaad China FUtea 2 Ja) he continues to pane at ' bla home In Roxburyj - -Despite hie great age Dr. Hale la aa vlaoroua ae he was a quarter or a een tory ago,. and hla mental faculties are unimpaired. He Is a great lover of out door life and to this he attributes In great measure hie splendid health la hla old an. ' . , -- ) ' In celebration of Dr' Hale's eighty fifth birthday anniversary the Lend a-Hand aoelety, which Dr. Hale founded. Is aeeklng to raise n fund of flO.teO for the old age of Its founder. The work la In charge of an executive committee, of which Kidder. Peebody at. Co., the Boston bankers, are thf treasurera. KNIGHTS TEMPLAR OF NORTH DAKOTA CONVENER (leareal Special Sll lin t . Grand Forke. N. D., Aprtl I. The business section le decorated with Ma onto amblema In honor of the Knights Templar of North' Dekota, whose eighteenth- annual conclave opened today ander most favorable aueplcea. Visitors from every section of the atate are at tending the meeting which will remain In eaaelon ever tomorrow, CHRISTIAN FEDERATION ; CONFERENCE AT TOKIO '. . . ' .... "'. Omraal Spernil .. . Toklo. April I. Americans wsre prom inent smong those preeent- today at the opening ef the World's Btudent rhrtettan federation oonferenoe. the Xlrat conference ef Chrlatlane ever aaldi They act like Exercise. "Sfor the Bowels- yj ah vm xx sax yajuroooo aty The Hotel Stanley IMS Oahfenua St., tot. Velk aad tarhhw is as-lam center, 10 siaintm' rvi rraoi fri7. A new aat Mn-aashly p tn data) knf.l Xeue II U 2 Kenceee laa. ."TXli A. CLXee, Yres. In ' Japan. Delegatee representing the Christian etudante and profeesera of II nations are attending the conference. The American delegation la headed by Dr. Edward I. Boeworth of the Oher lln theologtcsl seminary, who la to de liver two addreesee before, the tonfer MAYOR'S W ALII UT. OIL rteeveree Color to Gray Hair er Beard ill litu fraa, PfM, a. li I kBM laM M MH, A klri ence. Bnraa Mealed la One Bar by "The Houeehnid urgeon." Drnealsta refund mney If Dr. F'orter's Antleeptlc Healing OU fallow See. r, , is sw ibis rosBmdv. Baatltve.y Barai BBaavtty Bfrtojal. 4Wew saala) aeatw r rwb ee) aadlkrw. TM II keiaJ Bfcearwsal win mmm saaweaj baa la fvow 4ni i.ju7Wi isalty ji all Uli am eeiviUt wit raaj Will BeelVwr oalov. Bewkdj Hw reertteaei lakkt fvwaa llimitl aad Mete) nnttvej ft, ae eVSkTa tee 1 1 eg write r4aBt tdl ssejeffwlel, Mai ae,aaa. lawawll llli etwav it.K. anMraav, ir eww Mayr Walna OH C. City; W O.S. A. NflMsATiv, Imtm w w a; II 1 1 Dr. HorroT's Anti-Leeu n uu raonvM a nogk the aeevwae --sys-i system. It te a purely vegetable eowpeand. I Contalna no oils er fate or t any drug that la Injurlnne ! r uaoia te prod use a habit. IT t TlTI CAXATttT TONIC IN THX WCAJ.O Kach bottle contslne e month's treatment and II to at nr flmt-r1e dra , store. Prepared by the mi-im t::r:az co, Oregeatam Bldg, N. BerUaad. Or. !( "C P0r.TL'.'f) dci o crncn i::: DarbcJVirf.V;. - r ! T rc..:-ry r ,f.s, a,. i L i . , .