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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 3, 1907)
:-. .sr. ' ' the ' Oregon daily- journal.. Portland. Wednesday evening, aprix a. ico7. ELOPES -WITH WIFE'S SISTER U lessa Luke and Mist Bevens of . V Rainier Buy Ticket for -DESTITUTE v' i ., ,V, AND SHE AN INVALID ... -ltMM Girl little ; More .Than; . J ChQd Is Years but Looks the Ma- u'nnuRMrurd Offered by , . jgviw ww I father, v - - .- f '' (Joenfel ftperlal games.) 1 Rainier; tlr. Arll:.' A. most aenea "aionel elopement took place In tble town Biinoag Afternoon, when Jean Luke ran way with tUe- J.-yoar-old alater ef hla . ,-wlfe. - . - ' ' ' : XOb juuuumh v - . - 'avng; thr, whole community la In a atata -of.toteiise Indignation over theheart leeanesa of the runaway couple, whe 1C re- tuka with a -weeke-old ."baby. An pwr health and In anUrely Mleallfcte clrtumatanee. - '' Alt day. anay Jre. Luke - beerved Jthat ner 'alstet; Mies Bevens. wae la highly ecltable and nervoua etete. 't' ,"; Bengal Tlcketa to Seattle. . . . ; In the Afternoon, ahe eald aba wee' ,'going to visit a neighbor.- She aUrted in that direction, but aid not so inio : ,-the elghbore house. .The woman of hej house1 saw,-her coming' and, tavlted t Jr- In. -She also noticed her nerroua and, excited eiate. But the girl paaaed " br and went on towarda the Reed mill. 1 where Jesae Luke la employed. Here ' they mat and walked aaven mllea to " trooiev wnere-iwf wuui. uuuu. ji ; Seattle. t That la a ifar ae their more ' meat a era knows. ..- ,. 7 Mr. eeuTMre.. Bevena, -4helr daufn ' era, Mrs. Luke end Miss Beeena, and 'i their aon-ln-law. Jeaae Luka, came here 'ibautt,alx months aao from California. JAkeVad Threatened to Oo. ' I It la not thoucht Mr. and Mm. Luke ,hve livedo happily. It belnv matter of ; general repute that Luke la a man of ' hrntal disposition, Jle of tea told Mrs. 'Luke that be would run away with the first lrl he met wno waa preiuer man ' 5ehe waa.- .' - " , . The sitters, who ere oaly a rew years ipart In age, were qn good terma with each other and alwa,ya went together. ' Thouah Mra. iLuke ' had often . been 'warned, by.1 her ttuabend. lr younger lster-waa faeve gnatweted.' " - Luke left bia elck; wife. In debt at fiearly every store in town, took away "all their money. 10. end iert her en tlPely pennlleaa, . with the little babe ia' nrovlde tor. - f- t Mr. Bevens has offered a reward of 15ft for news ef the runaway couple, l The Bevens girl la tall for bar age, telng about five feet eight Inches, and. though onijrie. loogr woe aoow. -or 20, fihe la blue-eyed, baa a healthy. Tuey -complexion and light brown straight bair. She wears' a long brown Loke . araalnye at ka.Colum la Klver Door eompanya factory. He limps, aa ' heTeault . of an aoelrfent that left otra lea ahorterthaa the: other. yiVlLL DIRECT MUSIC . vf ', AT FIRST CHRISTIAN j H. A. Easton of Chicago, aololst and chorister, who will have eharge of the jmuslc at the Central Christian church, East Salmon and Beat Twentieth, dur- II i H. A. Eastou of Chicago. Ing Hhe special meetings which are to jbegln Sunday, April 7; at 10:J . m. nd .7:10 Pv ra.. He baa sung la many wf -the 'leading Christian churches la the" United States, and the press every Iwhere speaks .of. tUs musical ; ability in the highest terma' A chorus of 10 "voices has been- organtsed for this spe - ela) jarWVV :' i' . . -f -. A I. . i. ' . . i 1 ; . rMfsrred a took -Canned OoodaT .-,,fye..Lewlsi'Bes Bjand..,. ; TRIES TC SELL BOTTLE V M-lOF BOGUS GOLD DUST . ' - , i. I. .. -,., v. fpen the represenUtlen that he had .Just pome from Nome,. and attired In a rgulstlon mlntfe costume to back up May aenertlona. Albert Smith endeavored to "dtspoae xf a bottle of bogua gold i?yf iS-.Ai"Bk1'- Pawnbroker at i tt i-J Worth Third wtreet Upon testing the. metal Oonumed In the betUe with art,. Oarflnkle ouiekly dlsoovered the awtndlo and notified a policeman, e . Smith toon, 4o his heals upon the ap proach of the bluecoet, but waa oaptnrel . eft-r a long chase through the nctth ' end, ,. -. , An analysis' showed the contents ci the Mittle to ba worthless, and Mm'th w. accordingly, booked -on a.Umpxnry charge of. drunk. v.,- ... . . In lie municipal court this morning ' Pmltb whb stptehced. to five days,' la orrl.-r to hold him pending an Invastlga ii"n or me uetecuvea. 1 . . 1 aywaa CASTOR I A Tor InlkaU and CMldrea. , Tj Hi Yea Hits Alx:j$ E::;tt reare tha f icTQature of aFely Dereyne, WBo Carmen Tonight. ' , AT THE THEATRES Blanche Walsh Tomorrow Klghf. Blaaeae Welsh. eapiMrted hr sa exralleat esaipanr ef alaers, will prmnt Clrde flick's eoeiedyrsnw, -Tb Btralfht Bead,'"- et the Ilallls theatre toiaomw IThnreday), FrWay aad Batarday Blsets, April . and a, wltk a ape-rlal-prlre atatlnee Hatwday. ams are sow tte box exriee ef the-HeUlg theatre. roataesia aae waaaiagtea streets. "Mr. Wlgsre of the Cabbage Patch." Liebler A Co. will preaest "Mrs. Wires at tke Cabease Patch" at the UelU theatre Bait Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday Bights, April a, e aad 10. with a apeclal-prlee authwe Wed aeaday attemaoa. Hrat sale will ones at the sos aft Ice o the Uelllg theatre Beat Friday BMrains, Aaru a, at 10 e clock. . i ' : Baker's Great "Leah Klehna.M The capacity ef the splendid Baker eemnaay for Breductng a dlrflcalt slay ass aever keea N-Mer raTaalad than this wvek, whaa "Ul kHaakaa". la aa tka Baker, stage.. Mlaa Ulllaa Ldwraace has sa excellent opportunity and aba makes the moat of Mrs. rtske'e faawee rale. Edtar ' Basaw has won nv Brlensa. "Leak KlaahBS la a. pUy ef the kind; seldeai seta la stock.. Maunea Sataroay. , . , r wCarinenn at the Lyric. .' The drama tie hit ef the week Is the Bfedne ttoa ef "Carmea" at the Lyric where the popular stack enetpaay has svpaaaed 1 tat If la the praeaatatloa ef this In mortal drama. Cos tumes, aoMry sod stage effects are deilghtral. The company has bora enlarged tar the hill, and all the favorite players are la Important tolas. Matisse every say. ' Erer-Merry )1 Olson -.' Baa ficndrlcka' la 01e Olaoa" has plessed hussierable hosts 'St the goplre this wak. It at hard to Imasins sny play that eoald have a greataSlgrlp apoa the people than, has thle star ef tbe gwaslab boy. . Thane's somethlna fer everybody In ithle. prodnctloa, and- the atoptr Is ' always "tncreaeuig Its popnlartty. ManiMW gatorday, Ba sore to see "Ola" sons Uma this week. . . InnovatloB in Winchester Benwaber the auttaee of ''WlBchestor' at tha ataa theatre tomorrow. It la a petrlotle arama, wblek la as good as a tessoa la civil war Meterr. for the Blot Is baaed ea facts snd tha characters are eaally reeecnlsad. Tbe AUaa stork company Is moantlns sad eoatomtug the drams reallatlrSMy and- there Is ae Baore stirring sltaaUoa than the race ea boraeback betwaea the heroine ana tee villain. 10 prop erly produce this' lllaatoa It la aeeeeaary te tasort te a awvlag picture film. - - , - - I". IK ' Great Grand Entertainment. ' 7A the Grand thls-Week there Is headline set Wkleb Is darlag and ; senaetlaeal and the mors so kitsasa It Is par tor mad by a wemaa. belle Stone. While la a small steal globe she ascende a lofty spiral stalrwsy and names dowa acala. . Oeorge M. Carr, aaalated by Mar tnU Jordan, baa a travesty ea ghekeepeareaa plays which Is a steady laagk. The boye la parole. Collins snd Bawley, are Beet dancers and sincere. , golomea the Second la a wander i with mathematics.' May Brans, whlatW; Jo j Oeodwla, mooologtet; the Uleetrated song nad mbUI Wkw4n nil I in mm Mmnd off ttm im, I graav Three Berturmances dally. Tl'O HEW EKBISES .: PURCHASED BY CITY Second Size Apparatus to Go to Highland and to East Portland Station. ; The contract for furnlehlng the cltr with twe second-elan Metropolitan en fines was awarded te A. O. Long by the fire committee of the executive board yesterday afternoon. Mr. Long's bid was 111. Q0. and , waa the lowest sub mitted. One of the new engines will be sent to Highland and the ether te the etaUon at East Third and Pine atreeta. . Mr. Long , also auhmittea e Dia or gg.KS for installing -the ' US new 'Are alarm boxes. t The Garaewell Fire Alarm av-Twiegrspit'Company inunmna ; a oia of 14.125. Tbe Star Firs Alarrn oom pany,. which Mr. Long represents, la a new concern, end the committee decided to make an investigation . before It awards the oontract. - Bida for a combination chemical end hoee wagons, were received from Mr. Long ana. the Robinson Fire Apparatns Manufacturing company of Bt. Loula Mr. Long offered to furnish a wagon for 1LTO0- hr a standard Chamnlon .warnn. eueh eg are glow uaed in Portland, for tl.110. The Robinson company's bid was 1,77 for a combination wagon of ita own Biake." i . v ' FOR HEINOUS CRIME VAN; HOUTEN SENTENCED It took fiimt four mlnntea for a Jury In. Jadae-Frsser's court .today -to de ride that David Van Houten, a real dent ef MotiUvllla, was guilty of crim inal relatlona with his 10-year-old daughter Hasel. For the defense. At torney Crouch attempted to enow a eon splraey Involving Truant Officer Haw ley. but Van Hooten's own . testimony waa ell the evidence Introduced, to bear out eueh a theory. Van Houten wept lendly daring the summing up ef the evidence by District Attorney Man Ulng. -- ' -. i i ' The penalty for Van Houten'a of. fenae la imprisonment for from 18 I years to life. The ronvlcted man waa uivorcea irom nia wire three yeara ago, etnre avhlch time he ha a lived Ulone wit'i his tw small daughter end a housekeeper., , ., , Mile, SELLS OSE HOTEL ; M BUYS ANOTHER Sebastian Matscher Purchase Overland Hotel Craves A Co. Buy West Park Property. B. . B. Graves baa told to Graves 4 company the It-foot lot at T West Park street, between Davis and Everett streets for fll.SOt. An old two-story frame residence occupies tbe site. The Overland, Hotel at the eoutb.west corner of nrat and Couch streets was purchased yesterday by Sebastian Mat scher for .fjt.000. The property be longed to tbe Portland Trust company ef Oregon and waa aold by Sherlock A Woerndle, agents. The hotel le a three 1 story brick building and covers a lorf It by It. The purchaser. Sebastian Matacher. formerly owned the old Oregon hotel at 'First and Davie streets, which be sold last week. ... Mrs. Helen I Strattoa purchased yea. terday the half -block on the north aide of East Couch, between East Third street 'and Union avenue for I,I0. The property belonged to Phoebe J. Col. bum and was sold through the agenoy of Mall ds'Van BorsteL NORDICA SOUVENIRS FREE SUen riaae Soms Otviaa; Away Xaaa. soms Beaveni ef rasaoaa Singes. Everyone who attends the' opera will most assuredly wish to preserve a re membrance of the great aad glorious Nordics, America's queen of song. After her magnificent performance In Oloconda, . last evening, eald to - have been one ef the moat notable of her present tour. all who were present will treasure a rutins- souvenir or the oo- cealon. If yoft were not there, you will aDoro- clate Jual aa much,, the handsome and attractive half-tone reproduction, which Ell era piano House - dre distributing among their patrons and frlanda. Make tt an object to drop In today, and get a copy, with the compliments of the firm, and while there, also note the display of tho famous Kimball pianos, In their large corner window, which Instrument has. received an etitnustaatlo endorse ment not only of Nordics, . but of a larger number of the celebrated musi cal authorities than baa ever been be stowed on any other make of piano in the world. The famous Kimball piano has the distinction of being recognised aa the moat popular plane la America. Such popularity la an evidence of ex ceptional excellence and thorough re liability, nd Is a factor which Is a valuable one to piano seekers. Kimball planoa are not only grand Instruments in every particular tone, finish and durability but are aold upon s popular price basis. Tou are oordlally Invited to Inspect our large and exten sive . line, embracing many styles. Ellers Piano Houae, tbe house of highest quality, IK Washington' street, corner park.. .-. . . . ... . .. ABSOLUTE li'S Uttle Liver Pills. Must Bear Signature) of 5ee Pen, gl arils Wrapper rCIICABACZl. . -4 FBI oiznxus. - FVI IIU3UJIE11. FSI TOWia UVIX rot COXSTIPATIOf. rOI SALLOW IBM." ru TKcceMPiixiei unra swaaawa H0umrmi. a TegtaMevxna.i tm. CURC8ICK HCADACHC. ... - v i I Br-rm Jt if. aT ' I faev I a .i l. . . w - --T'T" bbBs- Wwj ww bbs ww . . -BW. -, if . , TJ -.sBM ar-" M . J t e mmT-mm sr W J,.." ag J .. a . .Ik .i. t " J V a m . i a 1 11M 1 'it , Tawy BanaU m4 1 .... te take apeai CARTER'S IP Bin Traverse seventeen States and Ter . ritories in the Middle West '" I a .-, ' From Minnesota to. Texas, and from. Colorado to the Great. Ltke , i -,!; Put your pencil at random on a map .of this section and "ten to one" you V Will strikqi a Rock Island-Frisco town. '' When it "comes" to the cities they are all on-Rock Island-Frisco Lines. ' anaw '. , . . p . YTTl ' Tbroagh sleeping care dailv , sen rraactaco M Chicago -and St. Louis. . C. A. IITWTEB, Oen'l VJ fmnclsco M Chicago t 1 1 M '.' W. V. CAItSON. Trav. Pasa'r Agent, 217 Alaska Bid., Seattle. , ., . 7. V. TUOMTSOX, Genl Western Agent, Saa FraacUeo. - . . ..... . This is a very Art Nouveau are looking mills in the tistic design a" i A ' . icwca, jinea . v . . . ' t "' . r-.i-f r7 T, - - .armmaaa - ea a . 1 . ,.'-?' JmF.Jf . a1 V IX A . a t, I ' . ' St slP Pea. w w.-ses.thtrw.fy.e.'.aaswi iiiaawiM'M 1V'A J - . ..... I a 'nw.'-Bw ma 'ae en est nW w mr- ae-'anl' sa'anV na. Wni.rjBT.'.neiraa..aajae -IBg .Wg.aB..gejM.BaJ Js.c- J 1 173-175 FIRST STREET 173-175 FIRST F , i f Agent,' 140 8d it. rorlland. Jt W . . .. . . $1.75. Carpet Values for $1,35 ' A two-tone green velvet, with erfipire effects' One of the : best values we have ever been able' to offer. Nothing like it In town' today.; A department store dealer -would ask you ?2.25 for the same carpet.-l-nr 4 ::; T Our regular" prlce'is $1.75," but, we V eiL quote it special for this week "at; yd. ly II nVjjgVl This means sewing, lining and1 laying, and, easy pay ' -.. ' ' .. mentstoo. . . ""' '' $2l65 Wilton Velvet $2.C0 handsome two-tone 'green Wilton velvet,' pattern, ' very best grade,' for those who for a better quality: Product of United btates, of ar and durable quality, m I ' J T J ana iaia. per yara . - . . Easy terms of payment on any carpet in the house,'-- $1.25 Drussels for 90c This is an extragrade, of Brussels; colors greens, reds and tans. A carpet for which the depart- r ment stores ask $1.25. Gevurtr will sew Uj f y it, line it and lay it foryard. f' J J pecially , Just how payments, 2 V1LRNON THIS SIDE VERNON HEIGHTS joins on to VERNON. It is a beautiful tract of 20 acres that we have bought and platted alongside of Vernon:. There are 104 lots in the tract, lots 50 by 10Q. This tract is level and is as high as the highest poinj of Vernon, and Vernon ia the highest part of the Peninsula. Lots in Vernon Heights wilr be sold for 10 dsys from $300 to $400, after 10 days, if there are any unsold, the price will be advanced 28 per cent REMEMBER, 10 DAYS FROM MONDAY,' APRH 1. VERNON HEIGHTS Is only three blocks from ear line. We are, having the streets graded, water mains laid on all streets, which .will be supplied with Bull Run water, and we are also going to put down alt the sidewalks. . ' REMEMBER PONT FORGET ; . ' . ' .. "" .. . , .. ,- TT. -;' Telephones Sunset Main J7C7. " Home A 2707. , ' ' : ' VERNON OFFICE TWENTY-FIRST AND ALBERTA STREETS ."' . ..''... - . $1.75 Velvet Carpet $1.25 A two-tone velvet, with extra heavy nap; red, with black v figured effect; one of the handsomest .and 1est wearers fade.;The rcguTarpfice of this velveTis $1.75 -per yardj buV we are quoting, it this week at only, per; i Sewed, lined and laid, $2.bCarpei the best Here'is a two-tone jjreen or red or tan that is a.perfett 'copy of the best Bijfelbw Axminster; will-wear as well and liold Its color" better.1' It'js of copventional deslgii and is something superior in this class 'of carpets.- We always aim to carry a little different andz much better stock "than "the other; fellow," and this is another in stance. You will want to see this t . iT'K special offering-. Sewed, lined and V 11 (njft. V laid, peryard. . . .... 65c Dodges' Fiber You know HodgesV VHofr Sanxtaty ; S Carpet usually sells at, 65c a yard, and . I v C nothins better is made .for sleerrinz I V v rooms. - We have the genuirie Hodges Fiber,' in blue, tan, red, etc., for the es low price of, per yard. . . . Remember' that our Rug Department .is unsurpassed, and , .: . . . a a a . . , . n there are good special values to too, Isfaction. 1 9-227 YAMHILL r Gil , .... . . ; as ' al leader t t A ; - ; ' Jp jj ',,'3 ' and sold on easy payments if you 1 1 - .......... '. .. ntr Carpet 49c ODiainca, rasy ) r -..." i-;'vV- a AS V Gevurtr will furnish your home ufor less money and better' terms than any house in Portland. In vestigation will prove it toryour sat- w . mm VEHMMGLTrS THIS SIDE f i K