The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, April 03, 1907, Page 3, Image 3

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The Republican Uovey Dovey
Smoker Will Probably ; Be
..; Harshly Interrupted, j -:
Lock-wood One of. the ; Refractory
Onea Who Do' Not Approve of
Manner ia Which Machine ! Be
ing Put Together. :"
Republican of th different cults
fashionable In Portland are looking for
. ward with nleaaure and also wna un
certainty to tha preliminary love feaat j
scheduled a tha official birth of thai
V' Union .Republican club tonight. , Those
f whe hava taken -parttn- aarlnt-trp -the-;
proapecttve machine and getting It In
shape to go on the road during tie
ni I Mmnalra are confident that it Will
atart out In a base of high-priced smoke 1
and generar-jolllty thla evening,'. There
'rf others, however, who fear very
much that the ghost and tha skeleton
f will bob up at the feaat and cause con
N' sternatlon among the Invited guests.
.'....Vi-.' .,..-, Zaookwood Wot Starred. "'
Tha smoker has "been planned as "a
'., grand feaat of harmony deatlned to
,'ahow tha people' of Multnomah "county
that tha entire. Republican family can
, onea" more alt about the : same' banquet
.' table in perfect amity, I( la known.
.' however, that though In , theory , tha
Portland Republican club hae been
merged and aaalmllatad , with . and . by
. tha Union club, yet there la a realduum
which, refuses to be -held la solution.
It Is feared that Cbarlea E. Lockwood
in particular and other members of tha
Republican club In general may rise In
meeting and , protest . that all - la not
John Gill, elected president or the
Union club by the rump executive com
mittee from the Toung Men's Republi
can club and the Portland club, is said
to have resigned tha offloa : owing to
tha lack of harmony In tha merger.
Charles E. Lock wood. a- secretary of
the Republican club., is atUl In poasee
, a Ion of , the books and maintains that
' there is no Union club. ;
" - Meet Thursday Vlgfct. ,, "'
; The Republican club will meet Thurs
day night, at .which time warm things
are predicted, and It ia expected that
the organisation will aay officially that
It Is still in existence and hae no In
tentions of being amalgamated with any
club just at present. It may be that
tha old organisation will hava revenge
in that manner, leaving tha love feaat
in peace but many promoters of the
new regime fear Interruption. '
- "I suffered habitually from constipa
tion. Doan's Regulets relieved and
strengthened the bowels,, so that they
hava been regular ever since. "-A. KJ
Davis, grocer. Sulphur Springs, Texas
Mrs. K, Kane, of
Chicago, Uses
Pc-ru-na In her
family of five
children. Grace,
Myrtle, Edward,
Reeves and
'1 V"-
-: ,-.: - . : v
I Grace-.
y:'i ; Pe-ru-na tn the Homo.
After .. allr experience - is - tha -t beat
teacher." Soma - dootora may a writ In
favor of Peruna. Other doctors may
writs against It " But it is tha teeti.
moaj of tha mothers and fathers who
are rearing families, wna love taetr
ohlldrea, who must economise aa to doc
tor bills, who are raising little boys and
girls Into men and women of the fu
ture. It is the teetimony of such people
that really counts. v , . c ...
There la no way to positively ascer
tain . how many families) In the United
States rely upon Peruna for tha many
climatic allmente to which the family
is subject- Tie number - must be -a
great one. ' Several ' millions perhaps.
They have learned now . to see reran
for ordinary all men ta, and la that way
are 'guarding their homes against more
serious diseases. (,.-. '
- Such ailments aa oOughs and cold
sore throat and catarrh, croup and colic,
Indlgeatlon and loas of appetite, anaemia
and nervousness,. all theae ailments are
promptly relieved by a few aoeee ef
Feruae M the rlgtot tone. ,
- Millions of provident mothers and
fathers are guarding, the Interests' of
the home by using Dr. , Hartman'a great
remedy, and . profiting by-; hla medical
booklets and personal advice.
. The- plan of furnishing, on a- large
Male, directly to the people, a remedy
for ' chronic catarrh, la an Immense
: "
' . saving to 'the people. Peruna ' Is ' not
' I simply a,.jialliatlve - to relieve some of
' the" dlstreaMng symptoms." It brings
'."C Ul tVDllff " n I M r - PWtnanent relief.
onir uuiuuinu
"rs(i i,
1 !
JiMY. " ' ..- ,-,'.'3
Kepi the Children Well.
. .' Cntarrhnl Croup."
" Few people ' realise . ' bow , frequently
croup Is caused by catarrhal congestion
of tbs throat- Probably nlne.eaaea out
of ten of , croup are of. the . catarrhal
variety. .. - : ' r ;. - ...... .
The medical ' profession '.recognises
three forms of croup.' . The spasmodic
variety, membranous croup : and . ca
tarrhal croup. . ' ' ' . ' i ' .
Nearly -every case la of the catarrhal
variety, and a few doees of , Peruna
taken at the first ' appearance' of the
catarrhal' aymptoma is . generally, suf
ficient to avert the attack of croup al
together.' . - ; ' 1 '. '
Croup Is a. frightful disease. 1 No dis
ease of children so alarms . the house-
Mn. K. Kane, 196 Sebor St, Flat 1, Chicago, I1L, writes: .
"Peruna has been used so long in our family that I do not
know how I could get along without it. , .
T have given it to all of my five children at different times
when they suffered with croup, colds and the many ailments
that children are'subject to, and am pleased to say that it has
kept them' in splendid health; ;- ; ; ; ; J
"I have also used it for' a catarrial difficulty of long sunding;
and it cured me in. a short time, so I have every reason to praise
Peruna."- v 'V,. ' , ' l ":"'":''"'
Mn John M. Stansberry, Amarillo, Tex, writes:
---"For several years I had catarrh of the stomach. I was hard
ly able to do anything, and could not eat with any satisfaction.
. ."When I ; commenced using 'Peruna I , weighed only 110
pounds. V;I took six bottles; commencing in the spring, and by
the following winter I had gained 63 pounds.
"I owe it all to Peruna. It cannot be, praised too highly.
"I am forty-five years old, and my occupation .is that-of
architect and-builder."' -I
hold. - It la Impossible to' estimate how
many - homes have been ,' protected
against r eroup " by the , proper - use of
Peruna. , J i v , , ;
Honsehold Bemediea. '
There.. is no' remedy n "the. ; world
which hsa proven so popular for ca
tarrh aa Parana. It -has been used for
more than 10 years and- cured thou
sanda of cases, as proven by our testi
monials.. . ;.k i , . . i .' ',. ''
In the early' history of this country
every family had Its home-made medi-
dnes. Herb teas, bitters. .laxatives and
tonics were to be found In almost i
every house,, compounded by the house
wife, sometimes asatsted by the apothe
cary or the family doctor. ..
Furnishing medical compounds di
rectly to the people, through the drug
gists. Is simply ths extension of the
practice bagus by the people themaalveav
Nervous System a Wreck.' ,
John Q. Hlrdler, Garfield. Kas, writes:
i "On December x. lt. I was Injured
by a fall on the Santa, re R, R.. and my
entire aarvons system was Impaired by
the same. The help of a physician waa
useless, . I believe I tried every one in
the vicinity," but all were alike andI
remained without strength.
"I then tried Peruna, and after using
it for three . montba : was totally wall.
I am 71 years old, and my work on tha
railroad Is hard and tedious, but I can
work like a young man In' all klnda of
weather, heat, cold, rain, snow or storm
alike.. i --.. :.
"Peruna Is" "the "purest and best medi
cine, and if used according to direc
tions, It will help any person and cure
any dlsesse for which it Is recom
mended. I recommend this medicine by
my own.experienceto. any ,one Buffering
from an ailment on the order of mine,"
For Herself and Children.
Mrs. ARne DePasse. T7 E. Kith-St.,
New York, N. T., writes: - -.
"It gives me pleasure to testify te the
curntrro Qualities of Peruna and Mana-
lin. :-.' : . .
"I waa afflicted for over seven years ,
with catarrh of the need, throat and'
digestive organs. I consulted- many!
physicians, but they did me no good.
"One . day I . happened to -read - some
testimonials In your Peruna. almanac. I
decided to try Peruna and Manalln. I.
bought a bottle ef each and after taking
them for a week, I noticed a change forj
the better. So I kept it up and after
using It bottles I wsa. perfectly eased.
"I also gsve the medicine to my chil
dren and they had . the same beneficial
reault, Iwpuld neyerJe.wltljOUt,theae
remedies Tin i the house7 . v
I highly recommend . Peruna an4;
Manalln to all my friends, and. In fact,!
to everybody." , . . ( ,
Thousands of famlltea have learned,
to trust and believe In Dr. Hartman'a
judgment, and to rely on hia remedy.
Peruna. - - -
Scheme of Captaia Chlleott
aohrhed at Meeting of the
: Board of Trade. '
"A plsn to aid development of Ameri
can shipping wsa Isnnched at a meet
ing of the Portland board of trade laat
evening. It' Is proposed to encourage
the .carrying of foreign and domestic
commerce In" American bottoms by a
remission of tariff duties Instead of by
a direct subsidy ss proposed In the re
jected Galllnger bllL
- The matter waa presented " at ' the
board meeting by Captain Richard Chll
eott. who haa given It ' considerable
atudy. A circular letter will be Issued
outlining the plan and . will be sent to
members of congress, the president and
speaker, members, of the merchant ma
rine commission, officers' of commercial
organisations at every American sea
port and men In the shipping Industry.
Captain - Chlloott ' said the amount
Americans pay annually to foreign ves
sels' aggregates about tMO.000.000, of
which only per cent or about 111.000,
00s Is left In the hsnds of Americana.
Should America do half the carrying
trade, at a coat to the government in
remitted tariff duties of J5.000,000, It
would leave for general distribution In
this' country It2i.000.00 more than ia
now left here by the -shipping Industry.
In addition there would be seen In thla
country a great stimulus to the ship
building and eutflttlng . business, and
to the provisioning of ships that now
coma to . our porta all complete and
ready for the carrying service. It waa
decided to refer to the committee on
roerce and legislation ths matter of
securing cooperation of other commer
cial bodies. ;"......
The board Indorsed ths proposal of
the secretary of commerce and labor for
rigid Inspection of all passenger ves
sel a, their equipment anQ crews. Presi
dent Wallla Nash waa chosen aa the
board's delegsts to the Lake Mohonk
arbitration conference. , Resolutions
were adopted expressing regret at . the
death of II. W. Goode. who waa a valued
member of tha board. i -:
. ., '': "
Members of the congregation of "the
First Presbyterlsn church tendered
,'Rev. William Hiram Foul kes, she new
' , pastor,' a reception In the church par
'., l"ra last night.- Rev. Clarence True
ta Wilson, ef the Grace Methodist, Rev. A.
W. Wilson of the First United Presby
. 'terlan. Rev. L. M. ) Booaer. moderator
? of the Presbytery.; of Portland, - and
., Robert Livingston, an elder of the First
,a Presbyterian cburoh,. were the speakers
' who welcomed .the new pastor to -his
" chare over the conareatlon. '
A Non-Intoxicating
' Liquid food---
cup of hot vell-mada
Try It for breakfast but boll
It It minutes. '''-. .
4,Thsre' a Reason" '
Proposed Early Saturday Closing
; , of Stores Would Be Step .'; ".
Toward Improvement. , . ..
euAnnum m i r, am
onurrmu ruouv I uu - -
W. P. Olds, of ' Olds, Wort man,
' :: King,' Telia of Stmggle That' Do
Apartment eWHaaT Made to
Shape Public Opinion!" -
. At the . meeting , of . theN Conaumers'
league held yesterday afternoon a' com
mittee of five .was appointed by Miss
Montgomery, the president of ths league,
to confer -with., the. Federated- Tradea
council and formulate plans for further
in g the movement for early closing of
the- department '"stores ' during ' tba
month of August. . The oommittee con
sists of ' Mrs. Trumbull, Mrs. B." B.
Col well,-Mrs. Holt C i Wilson,' Miss
Hoyt and Mrs. . Chapman, .i ; t
In introducing the speakers of the
day:Mlsa Montgomery spoke of the
movement as one of publlo' interest and
said that the -league fetsnds not as a
critic of the merchant but of th pub-
-P.- S. McDonald, editor of tha Labor
Press, speaklng for tha working men
of the city, sasared. . ths . lesgus . that
the trade unlona stand with them on tha
subject, urging' ths need for shorter
hours for the working women and girls
of the city, and denouncing the self
ishness of the shopping publlo which
compels a .girl to work until 10 o'clock
at night, reaching home too tired to
think of anything In the way ot mental
Improvement 1 " i ,
Miss McCorttle else spoke of - the
hardnhlpe which thla entails upon
working girls, t. When Sunday cornea
they are too tired ' to enjoy the day
or to be Interested In anything which
would be uplifting.. 8ha urged that the
Saturday closing would be of 'Incalcul
able benefit to them,, and cited Jacob
Rlls aryS Joslah Strong on the " Inter
dependence of society, showing that one
Individual cannot suffer. without, caus
ing others to suffer wltb him.
Rev. B. S. Ely . told, how opinion
was gradually formed In tha town of
Rockford.' Illinois, where ths early clos
ing - movement was 'supported. He
thought that the alight Inconvenience
whloh the public would feel at first
was not really a hardship- and If ths
sentiment of the public! was In favor
of ths movement ths merchsnts would
stand together tin the matter.
W. P. Olds of Olds. Wortman A Klna
spoke 'feelingly of the long struggle
whicn hia nrra nas had in trying to
form publlo opinion on this matter and
of the aelflahneas of the shopping pub
lic. The matter of eloalng Is vsry
simple, ha said, "but it requires sl-
i moat universal support. As soon - ss
ths sentiment of the public ran be made
atrong enough to hark it up. It will be
done. If the labor unlona-will once
take the step, of refusing absolutely to
patronlie any of the atorta on Satur-
Come at once and have free examina
tion. ..
INGS. 7Sc UP: BET OF TEETH. $4.0s;
11.00 TO 1 6.00; WHITS) CROWNS, tlH
TO.tS.o. v - .
AU work gusranteed for ten years.
Lady attendant always present. .All
work done absolutely -without pain by
specie Hats of from II to to yeara' ex
perience. - ; - ' --. -
Boston Dentists
.-" . Phone SCaU SOta ' " '
tuvv Merrtsea St, Op SesteSUie.
. ahrnya Bay , f
day afternoons cr In the evening dur
ing the week It would not be difficult
to bring the stores into line." z.L
The annual congregational meeting of
the Third Presbyterian church waa held
last nlgnt at the church. D.'H. Hell
man wss reelected .-president - of . the
board of trustees and Mies J. S. Dnnkle
wss sleeted treasurer. - W. H. Markell
and Henry traw were elected to mem
bership on the board.' - -- .
Tha . financial report showed that
during the year a total' of $1.700 'had
been received by the treasurer and after
paying all expensea.a substantial bal
ance had been left In the expense. ac
count ot the church. . A large attend
ance made the meeting a most enthusi
astic one. '..-.. .
v. -
Tooth Powder;
is used will have
white teeth,' hard gums, ' tlean
m?qth, 'pure, breath, good diges
tion, good health. Listen to youi
dentist's advice. He knows best
. la haody metal eaas or beetles,
- C::v::' T::'.h T::. C:.
hi r
: Jt r. ....
m , ibbj a. la
- iff. ' 1 1? i '
$13.50 Suits at
a ri d $15.00, (20 Styles to Select From)
$2.50 Hits at
(On Hundred Dozen on , Salt)
$4.00 Shoes at
tA Cenn All Yotj Want and Just What
. . . '.(.I-" ' fc . - ' .
j y o -o'
H (D)
v. ;..;:JIOjrCLai.:
Every Reduction Real
Every Style the Latest
Every Price the Cheapest
: We propose to make the three remaining days
0 nf thl: week record hrnlrprc In niir rfptrrmfnn-
tion-tojiio great extent Ignored cost orprof it.
These articles of men's wearing apparel are this Spring's produc
tions and the finest irTthe nscendinp' scale; of rinthps evcellence. If
virare a critic you are the man ve would like to call.
1 B&T, OAK AND 69-7 1 JHIHD ST. h -i-. OA