The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, April 03, 1907, Page 11, Image 11

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i .
It Wa r Understood President
Wai to Take No Hand in
V Coming Campaign.
Rooaevelt , Prechei Against Pollt
, leal Bohm, "Yet Attempt to Die
' Ut lealdentlal' Nominee) to Re
puhllcn Partr.
- " (Waehlnftoe Bam ef Tbe JoarosU
Washington, April I. An Interesting
" story tu In circulation to the effect that
.there. Is coolheea- between Prealdent
Kooaevait and Becratary of State Root,
caused by- ths praaldent'a aapouaal of
tha candidacy Of Secretary of War Taft.
"That the" presidents ;trytnar"ourv.he
. , Taft boom and ascertaining- how strong!
tha big war secretary la with tha peo
pie la quite generally accepted here. In
aplte'of numeroua denial a. which hare
emanated . from tha Whlta House.
Everything- polnta that way. Welt In
formed politician! hold It to be truth.
It la also claimed that. In aiding
Taft, tha -president la violating an ax-
( press understanding which he had with
Kllho Root whan tha latter entered
Rooeevelt'e cabinet that ha would keep
, hand off aa to tha man who was to
succeed tha present Incumbent Tha
understanding, according to Root'a
' friends; waa that tha president would
-. leave tha presidential field open ao far
f aa tha Whlta Houaa'a Influence waa
concerned, and that all aaplranta were
to have an equal opportunity unlnter
fered with by tha chief executive for
tha Republican nomination..
" Other Candidate lq.ued.
In fact aa might be expected, tha
' general 'belief 'that tha president has
'' become sponsor for the Taft campaign
'haa operated already to coalesce those
elemanta which are not naturally for
, Taft Cannon. Bhaw, Foraksr. Falr
banks and all active aaplranta, together
: with their friends. , -. .
' Hlatory 'la belpg drawn on to furnish
illustratlona of tha fata of presidential
campaigns booatsd by occupants of tha
.'White House. Andrew Jackson, presi
dent from H to 117. forced on his
party the nomination - of Martin Van
Buren, who served from HIT to 1S4L
Van Buren waa secretary of atat under
Jackson, who succeeded In manipulating
.. party matter ro aa to give hla cabinet
, member the nomination and election.
' But tha reault was tS Injure the Demo
; 'cratlq party-ao that for many decadea
' Jt did not recover from It '.
the West Coast Lite Insurance Company:
Announces that Jt hat opened an ' :
- At rooms 409 and 410 Madeay Building, Portland, Oregon.-
' . This office i'in charge of Mr.
THlt-Wfcbl -COAbl UfE II Vstrong, well managed company,
organized under California's stringent corporation law. . Its direc
tors and stockholder are among the state's best known and most
progressive business and professional men. Policy contract! plain,
liberal and thoroughly sateguarded.
' GEORGE A; MOORE, President." '" - i
THOMAS L. MILLER, Vice-Preiident,
. EDWARD L. DORN. Second -Vice-President
' v - JULIAN SONNTAG, Secretary and Treasurer.
EDWARD TOPH AM. Acting Medical Director.
, ; : , M. B. KELLOGG and F, P. DEERING, Counsel.
y.l'-' directors.: ; r i-s
U r: BBHRKN8. rtrst Kattaiar Batk.
' Bedwnnd City.
M. J. BRANDEHTEIN. Mmtwat. , .
MACRICB C.A8ET, Capl tellet.
, JOHN C. COI.F.Mk. Capttaltat. ...
RRNRT 1. CROCKER, Cspltsllat.
GKORIJg V. HINI. Khlpowsw.
HINRt BRUKNER, Cestral Treat Oeev
pny. , ., .
A. J. MRBtlf. Mnrhest.
C. O. 0. MILLER. Padria Llgbtlag
-. compeay.
RATE 3 TO . J'.'-
And. the Pacific Northwest over tire Union Pacific, Oregon Short Lfna,
Oregon Railroad" & Navigation Co., and Southern Pacific, from all parta of
L. Tr. . 1 ATT Vf j : a. w
lu davi iAa x aunng ivisrcn ana Apnu , .
; -; : i ; :: YOU . CAN PREPAY - ' V V -
- Fof tickets, If you desire to bring friends, relatives, employe or others from
the East, by depositing the cost with any agent of . the O. R. & N. or S. P.
Co., with name and address, and ticket will be promptly furnished in tin East
A Rare Opportunity to Promote the In
. d us trial Growth of the Northwest
batbs nog pmnrciPAi. uirnt czrxas.
Chloage ... ,,r . . ,.4.....fO-0 fas.00
St. SolS , S7.M so.os
KaaeM Olty S9 0 , SS.00
Omaha S9.80 SS.00
. raai
A Ratea apply to all main and branch llne-polnta, Huntington to Spokane,
Inclusive. B Ratea apply te Portland, Astoria and Puget Sound points; also
Southern Pacific main and branch line points north of and including Ashland.
Oregct - . , ..... ; . . ,
' Fof camplata Information, tnqulra of ' ,.
- i Wit KoMXrUAT, weacrai raaaeage Agent, '
' Oregoa A-.llread sTavlfatlen Oo,'
C W. Ctlnger, City Ticket Agt, Id and Washington.
Further study of history shows that
during tha ftfet' IS years of the repub
lic. It waa common to elect secrttarlea
of state to tha presidency.. But since
1157, when Buchanan-was elected, no
secretary of atate haa been elevated to
the chief executtveahlp. - This Is the
record; '
VM History Slaoloeee.
Washington, president from - ITS t to
17IT; Thomas Jefferson, ona of his sac
retarlea of state, was president from
101 to ISO; James Maxllaon, secretary
of atata under Jefferson, waa prealdent
from HOI to 1117) Jamea Monroe, aau'
reury, of state under Madison. was
prealdent from 1117 lo 1111; John
Uulncy Adams, secretary of atata under
Monroe, waa prealdent from 111 to
lilt; 'Martin Van Buren. secretary of
atate . under Jackson. . was president!
irom to l4l. - t
From 1141 to 111? no secretary of
stata became prealdent Then Jamea
Buchanan, who was In tha cabinet of
James K. Polk, 1141 to 1141, was preal
dent from 1117 to 1111.
In- recent years scarcely any cabinet
officer of any portfolio Ifaa been elected
preaidentr Praotlcally" hone 'have been
ao chosen. . , , -
President Roosevelt, elected first as
vice-president, amaahed -precedents by
electing himself president; ' Vlce-Prest-dent
Fairbanks Is now striving to emu
late the Roosevelt 'example In that re
spect although It la commonly believed
that that la about tha only point of
publlo policy on which the two are
agreed. . ., ... . ,... ......
- It Is not doubted that Secretary Root
would Ilka to turn back bletory'a page
to the tlmea whin secretaries of slats
war residuary legatees of the admlnla
tratlon'a political power. And It Is not
to be thought that b takea kindly to
tha Rooeavaltlan style of doing things
Just now, when the prealdent Is ap
parently exerting the tremendous Influ
ence of. bis 0.4.I0 to procure delegates
for the ponderous head of tha war de
partment Hanoa the coolness. '
A Bom Wat Oppose S
-With tha -Taft boom taking Its try
out all aorta of analyses have been
mad of the '' candidate's . availability
for the Republican nomination. It la
discovered that ha' Is largely persona
non" grata to tha labor forces. In that
when judge In Ohio. -Taft gave rulings
Indicating that h favors .the utilisation
of the federal court a In Injunction pro
ceedings in labor dispute. It 1 also
found that he lost' etrength with -the
negro voters by reaaon of tha Browns
nil affair. It haa been hinted, too,
that the conservatives are jiot wholly
frowning on Taft'S aspirations. '
. But the most serious element of
weakness which tha political analysts
discover la- that tha Roosevelt .backing
of tha Taft boom Is an attempt to dic
tate a nomine to tha Republican party,
in a period In which basses have- been
discredited, and it Is (argued ' that . It
Folger's Golden Gate
Baking jwder; ;
r . .
" .' No prices ao toupontiip eroekery
j. A. FOLGER 4'CO. San Francisco
Newton E. Crow, Superintendent!.!
. ;
Trl.-J(rLt.R.-Tlfe.PrliMit. "
CHAS. O. MOORR. .U. O. Moore Bagl-
wrtne Work. '
H. NORLB, UeplUIM. .
W. B. RK1H. Capltellat.
V. t. A. RET, Biitten Ry.
M. rt.F.IBH HACKER. MmPkant. ..
B. L. PORN. Bwniw! Tlre-PrMldeat
rHAKK r. HEER1NO, Attersey.
............... w.uw
wew Terl . SO.O0
noeioa , 4T.40 4S.S0
Philadelphia . 47 SS 4S.TS
Waahlagtoa UM 4MI
eomee In bad grace for Prealdent Koese
velt or any other economic reformer to
preach ona day against political bosses
and tha next day utilise - tha potent
forces at command of tha 'Whlta House
to force a candidate ea tha people.
Towp Goes Dry as to Mayor bift
.Wet as to Council Cows '
Unlidded. . '
fBpMlel DIsesKk te.Tbe learaal.l '
- Foraat Orove. Or,' April I. In an ax
citing eonteet tha eitlaens of-Cornelius
haye eleoted a "dry' mayor, M. H. Hen
derson, by two majority. Tha entire
council ticket went ta tha "wets." The
new eouncllmen are Benson, Holscher,
Merrill and Bchone. The "wets" also
elected C C. Hancock treaaursr and W.
B. Vlckera recorder. ,
Tha reault of the election means that
the. weary wayfarer may still quench
his thlrat at the same old familiar
quencherles and not be compelled to
take his liquid refreshments from the
town pump. . .
Tha Cornelius cow waa alao In tha
limelight and Jbs ctttMna -decided thet
she should be permitted to crop tha
wayalda herbage and break down yard
fences for another 11 months.
Bostea rsaldaf Co. and Boston Market
Blot Affected by Competltioa. '
Among tha most enterprising mar
kets of Portland and It Is no new Im
pulse, either, with them are the Bos
ton .Market at First and Burnalde and
tha Boaton , Packing Co. at Ankeny
and Third streets. Both are kept scru
pulously clean and neat In every par
ticular, which la considered ona of tha
two moat essential faaturea of any mar
ket. With Iheee big markets there la
not tha slightest shortcoming In tha
other great essential, via : In- tha pro
viding of tha freaheat and moat whole
some meats the world altorda. By In
telligent direction of these . market a,
thua assuming prompt and courteous at
tention to customers, a good name haa
been created for tha eervlce. The trade
has been widened year by year, until
thousands of people from all . over
I greater Portland eoma to ona or the
v ...V . v mvot, ytmmm v V. J .MSI. BIN
Stops earache In two minutes: tooth
ache or pain of burn or scald In five
mlnutea; hoarseness, one hour; muacle
ache, two houra; sore throat, twelve
hours Dr. Thomaa' Eclectrle Oil, mon
arch over pain. , .
(pedal Plspatck te The JoeraaLI '
Salem. .April S. A most Important
measure haav been introduced by Alder
man T. Q. Haas In tha city council In
tha form of a resolution providing for
tha appointment of a committee to, as
eertaln whether a better-aupplyv of
water from any eource other than the
Willamette valley can ba obtained and
tha probable coat of a plarit for convey
ing it to the city. Tha - mayor ap
pointed Aldermen . Haaa, - Radcllf f and
Low as s committee of Inquiry, to re
port at a future meeting. .
.. Councilman . Jaooba - movement for
macadamising Ave mile of street in
North Salem was presented In the form
of reeolutlona covering ' each . street.
These were adopted.
An ordinance making It an offenaa to
let dogs run st large was read first and
second times and referred to the com
mittee. . '
The ordinance regulating the business
of real estate agents makes it unlaw
ful to solicit the buying or selling of
realty and provides for the - fixing of
the annual license of $10. It ollmlnatea
soliciting on the. street and will have
for its purpose to do away with "curb
stoners," who are charged by tha regu
lar dealers In realty with driving away
good customers. .. I. ...
, iRpedsl DUsetch te Tbe JaaraeLI - -Roaeburg,
Or., April t. The coroner's
Inquest upon the body of Mrs. W. D.
fCtiaddockrwho died on Msrch It. held
before a jury composed of Al Creaaon,
B. W. Strong, Roy McClallen, F, W.
DUlard, 8. C. Bartrum and Dr. A. C.
Seeley, resulted In a verdict of death
from trichinosis. The reaaon that an
Inquest was held was that Mrs. Chad
dork had no physician, relying on the
Chrlatlan Science faith. There being no
certificate of death, as the law now re
quire to be Died, k waa neceaaary to
hold an' tnquesu Her husband waa In
Michigan at the time aha died and the
body waa embalmed and kept until hla
arrival before anything was dons by
the coroner.
This Is tha first csae of this kind In
Roseburg.' . , ..
'peetal mssetefe te Tke JnarasLl
Roseburg, Or. April I. -Two Spanish
American .war veterana. Inmates of the
Oregon Sdldlers home, .had,, a cutting
affray In a local aaloon while under the
Influence of liquor. If was . "Dick"
Maaon against "Bud" Chapman. ' Chap
man Jabbed Maaon four tlmea with a
pocket knlfa and three out of tha four
struck a rib and did not go over an Inoa
deep. Chapman gave himself over to
tha polios. Mason la oonvaleaolng at
tha Soldlera' home. Chapman served a
six - months - term - In ths guardhouse
whlta with tha American army In tha
Philippines, lie has been arrested sev
eral times nere on aooount of drunken
7 " (Special Dispatch ta Tie aeeraal.) '
Astoria, Or., April I. Deputy Fish
Commissioner Burton of Washington
and Water Bailiff Settem of Oregon re
port the cloaed fishing season la being
observed better thla year than ever be
fore. On Sunday night while patrolling
tha river they aelsed 100 fathoma of
net near Wallace laland. The owners
exes pad. ' There waa not a fish In 1L
Fish Warden Van Dusen haa tha jiumJ
oar or mo net ana me. owners wUKbe
fftperUI Dlapttch te Tke Jmrul)
MrMlnnvllle. Or., April I. Kmll Mor
rla Fletcher, aged IS years, la deed at
the home of D. V. Olda, aa the reault
of aplnal menlngttta. He waa 111 only
about a week. Thla is ths only caee of
aplnal meningitis In this section of the
stata so far as known. .....
As a practical mechanic and electrical engineer I have for fourteen yeara studied how to make cars run faster,
cheaper,- safer than ever before. I am done experimenting.- . ' " ' . ' ' .
I Have at Last the Greatest Invention of This Century. I Can Double the Earning Capacity of
; ; ' ;v ' r 7 Any Steam or Electric Railway fa Existence -'y -. :rr.
" It will remodel the whole railroad" business. There is not a railroad, in this country but that will sooner
or later be compelled to adopt my system, because it is faster, safer and more economical in operation than '
any other system. ., y, . -' ' . - " ' .
-.1 absolutely control the next great step forward in the railroad world in my patents. .Why? . Because
steam has run its limitl Steam cannot run a train 100 miles an hour and keep it up. The trolley and th present
third-rail systems cannot be depended upon for long distances. Their motors are likely to burn out any min
ute." With-my system I can run a train any distance in any kind of weatbr, without a hitch or breakdown, 80
to 200 miles' an hour, with perfect safety.. By my system, M a wheel broke or a rail broke, tha cars would stay1
exactly in position on the track. 'They could not do otherwise. They could not jump the track at any speed. .
It would be impossible to run my cars off the end of a track into a river whre a bridge is open. My ear
would atop Itself even if the kverman was asleep. No danger of derailment on curves. ' ' ' "
T trnnw this whole system to be a success,' because I have tried it for two years. During that time mil
lionaires have tried to get control of my system, but I would not let them, because T preferreato protect my
own and the other stockholders' Investments. , , , ...
-Charles T. Yerkes offered rmj $100,000 if I would throw-ray; invention on the scrap-pile and forget- it -He
did not want to be compelled to change his old cable system. j . . . , ' . ' -
Wall-street capitalists hav made five different attempts to gain control over tha Leffler Electric System, i
and Wall street generally knows a good thing when they see it I could not afford to let thse big moneyed
interests get control. I preferred to go to the smaller investors,- to the people who want to make good, safe
t ., mwim,fii I have therefore bound mvself to this comoanv. and to every stockholder, that I will.
personally see to it that every man and woman who makes an investment in
This is a square deal from atart to finish. . ,. ? .
Te prove that yoa will get a eaeere seal
beys haa the following contrast prloUe ea
tbe keck et every eertlfleate:
AU er aay (ham ef tke eayltslsteek
ef the leffler XUetrie gyateai will be re.
eam4 by M a par es fees value as te
aaS tawlaiiag tke ltttb eay ef ftUy, A. B.
lass, epea writtea aettse roserly. vaa
to said Compaay at its eieeutie efrlee la
Caioass, Uhaels,- ia a awaaar Bad font ea
ptsTidai by Its by-laws, an easvtae by
a atejarlty ef the steeksoUers ef tale
Oempaay, as that all stack se effatad fet
rWamyUMi, with la aay givea aartee, atay
hare e.ually aad oseniaaataly. Bvw
enr, the etoek ef thla Camsaay Is eely
radMsuble (real fsaea teeat!, e te be
aiaa, aa royalttoe fnaa raUread eaaa
taaias aalng the sateete. ef tale Caw pa ay
anea lloamae. sad after frswar aotiaa, as
aforaaaM. which stay ba raeatree I rata
rtukhiM. iiMit. m - ah mm.iA
rallraad eaaiuaalae 'as Bae raaaivad said
atok la sarmant ' far tranaportatloa, er
ethanrlM. aOVIDED. HOWIVEa, aa
ataek.ahall. be radaaiaad aatll after May
loth, isoa, aaoept at the estlaa ef tale
Csanaay. ..:..
This Contract Means. ?
that eat at the royalties said by rellread
paslas aalng Bar eyatata thla compaay will pay
roa full Cace valee for every ehara ef atoek yea
ft Beans that if yea bought 100 absraa st tbe
era seat prlre yoa won Id be able to gat. at
Irast SI. OO0 by tnmlnf roar eertlflcete of
stock la te aa. te be paid from royalty
la ear treesary. I auo't think yoa wUl erar
0nda we will pay. bat If yoa should he earn.
pellrd to aril, yoor crt I fleets would thaa be
worth Its full race vama.
Its full
vm nakrs It shaolutely Impoaalble for aay
steckbeldar te be fresea eat et tke eompaay.
We find it came from a thoroughly reliable concern. It was unsolicited. In fact, they art entire strangers to us.
:r.' . .. ", v.,;-;):,!,LEWIS & COMPANY, -t
: , SOLICITORS OF, PATENTS. ' - Electrical Work a Specialty.'
(PERSONAL ' ' , ' WASHINGTON, D. C, January 21, 1907. , v
PAUL W. LEFFLER, Est.., Chicago, 111. . : . v
Dear Sir: As a patent and mechanical' expert I have been greatly interested in your claims for thej
Leffler Electric System, and realizing its enormous value, if properly protected by Letters 'Patent, I made
an exhaustive investigation of your patents in the U. S. Parent Office.. " ' i '
.TSe result bas convinced ma that you have an absolute monopoly fn what ia destined to revolutionize
the railways of this, and other countries. The dividend possibilities of your company are almost incom
prehensible, controlling at you do, practically BASIC patents. It is my 4opinkn that you have a public
necessity, and aa a patent man I know that you have a monopoly in its exploitation. ' The value of the
patenta cannot be overestimated. " ' i ' . . "" .r "
. . Altogether, from my knowledge, of patents and mechanical mattcra, and what I know of the possibil
ities of your system, I would say that not only is your company rather under capitalized, but at tha present
prict per share will prove indeed a shrewd investment ?
, Therefore,, kindly send me subscription blanks. Very truly yours, LEWIS & CO. t .
Thia Leffler Electric Train Will Run
Swift, sale, ana sura, Hlgheat Keferencea. Address All oraers ana inquiries to
V H fATIIiTCTPAftT r!.AA1 A 425 flledner
r U. JUUl-OiUl, ridUUl ajJCHI, Washington, PORTIAXD, ORE.
We will tck yon out and yon can tcforyoursclf what wt aredolns. We will niilte this frc;crty
yy-m."0S: . 'tn bavettinsat . for you. -
Is only two mflea from Third and Washlnstoa. Car lina tu'Jib f.t t 5 riy.
Mi3 ii Hie
No Lurking Scheme in This
We aave as' ildeshow eeaipaalee or braaeh
ergaatsatloBS for tbe paraoas of fooling people,
sad will bare aooa. All boelaees la to be
aaoe ea esatrseta to to-pertormed by, with
aad for tha baffler Eleetrle Bratem. This
empaay does set esatnet with aay eoastroe.
Una eaanaeay berlag effleers eeeaaetad with
thla enmpaiyr- Thla means oat we .will sot
allow the company efflctrs ta tot eon tracts
to tkemearree ander the guise ef a eoastrao-
tloa eompaay, er a company ef aay - ether
klad, to aetraad the stockholders. .
Every Share on the Square
Not a dollar's worth of etoek will ba sold
which does sot repreeeat esaetly tbe seme
footing er standing- that every ether ahare er
dollar nipt estate.
Tbe stock le FTJLLT rAiD aad HOX-AASKSa.
My Automatic Signal Service
. I abeamtely prsvat coHlaiona. rerywbere
a ea meres it aeads slgasls ahead ead be
hind. It m not affeetrd by storms er aay
weather condl tloa. My signal ayatem does aot
rwnilre either hand er mind ef maa to op.
erate it. Ko wires er poire are eipoerd wbara
a tor ma tea blow tham down or latarfrre with
them. If through eome aerident one algaal la
brotxa, er otherwise pat oat of eommlastoa,
another alraal Immediately takes Its place.
Errry train dlapatcher and operator ea the
road can go to alaap. and my alarnala will
work perfectly sad safely. Kren the train.
maa hare nothing to do with them. There
la no forgetting. Krary signal worse auto
matically. Whaa trains coma together toe
closely, hand eo or from the rear, aa eleetrle
ball rings Tlgoroealy la the Jerersua'a cab. ... ..
Pays Later Mr. Smith Was a Stockholder.
ii- v :... ,sv,:.a- tV. f ?i
a '
80 to 200 Miles an Hour and Without
(biiarames o Ji v
: - 240-244 WASHINGTC? rT" T
this company will get a square deal. .
' , ' ' ;
Cars Under Absolute Control
It Is all controlled by eae teear. The
maa starts, stops sod rsreraas with the eama
lerer. Snow. tee. eleet. rata, graaaa. dirt aad
sorb subataBCte do aot sffecf the power er
control ec the ear et train.
Investigate Us Carefully
1 cannot describe the systrm fully bare. I
bare eooe thla la a booklet which f will sead
yea free for the aaktng. If yoa caa't take bnt
tea shares, get the booklet and learn fully all
the wseders ef the simplest, aunt perfect sre
tem arrr darlaad. It will net yoa te wooder
Ing that some one did aot talak ef IkU
marvelous Ides before.
Waea t eead yoa this booklet I wttl alas
eaad yoa the reporto of some of tha ablest
electrical engine re la thla country, who bare
carefully exasBiaed the systsaa. They fully
Indorae It.
Wa raealve almost dally reewaate from te.
aposalbla pertiee for aetiaaataa fa patttaaj la
my system ea sew ran da a east to be eae
Call, write or telegraph at eaee. .
' Secure Yourself a Life ;
: t Income Now
Tor every lS akarae, S aaak. . '
yr erary 10 akarae, SaSS eus, . .. -
. Aay ether amber ef akarae. ap te I.SSS
ahaeaa. at the aajna rata. ,
Our Easy Monthly Payment Plan
For every 10 shares. $f east aad aaaarthly
paymeau, ST aaak. Total, M.
Tar svery 10 shares. sash aad eatkly
payments, 70 eaea. Total, IMS.
Aay ether anmber ef shares, as te I, SOS
aharea, . at the asms rats. . .
SMITH, secretary and Treasurer.
j v ,t. '. ,. ,, ,
tha Poeeibility of Jumping the Track." 1
Tenth and
Ofllte Oaea istardiy Enaiafs
Until a s'Clark
' ' a. . .
tajtx. w. urrivEB,
Inventor of the. JfHer Eleetro-Ma-netls
Railway and Hlgnal Byatem. In
ventor of machine to mak Barb Wire.
Inventor of many improvements to Har
vesting Machines. General Vanaser and
Consulting- Enalneor of Leffler Electric
vaten. . .. .'
. Par Tilue et an shares, 110 yer sbsre.
All rrmttUacee most be made ta either post.
office moaey order, registered letter, express
no aay erdrr er draft ea Maw Tork or Chicago.
If roe let thla opportaalty get by without
taking aU the etoek yoa can aoaalbly bur you
will enoa be ta the pnelrJoa of the maa who
refused to bay Ball Telephone stork whaa It
esaM ba had for small atanry sad later saw
It eall for thirty .tlmea what be could here
beagbt It- to. , -.
Can sad see me sad let me ( explala any-
to lag yoa oe aoa amaaroimeaj.1'
If yea east aaO. write for kesklet aad ea
glaeers' , raporta. V. -
points to Remember About the
Lefflef System Taking the
Place of Present Steam
' Railways' -
'' t : . ' . i , ''
It does away earlrely with laoeetrras.
aeaey-eiator ears., elactrle anginas sod -all
other almllar keary aad expaoslTs bm-
eblaaa. ,. - , ej
A epeed ef SO te SM me ea boar re a
he regularly reached aad saslatslaed for
any eletance. ,
Sana winter and summer alike. ' Not ef
fected by Ice, saew, graaaa. dtrt, sleet, rain
et aay other weather esadltlos. .
Leas than eae quarter ef the fuel te Beaded.
JTBino eierien in ujit'u
k an ..ha, ,HtM anal OrtlJt.
oat dlaeomfort B aaaoeagera.
aa be plaeed SOS miles
pert, .i.,.,..- . ... , . .
Me brskes are reonlred. The atopplag Is
dose by rererotag the carreat.
There la as flattealng ef the wbeele en4
raaaraeat togging ef the ears. Whaela
do aot grind oa tbe re lie- ta atart traioe,
hence ao holes and eepreealooa are made.
It Is easier ea the roadbed sad ears, aad
practically aa repairs wUl be seeded.
Points to Remember AboutTtls
System for Street Railways
There are aa overhead f wires, so tblrd
rail, ae slot In ths e tree if ao asderaToaad
trolley, no obatroctlona la the street.
. Csa ba rna fasts,: asfer, easier and
mora comfortably thaa aay ether system
kaowa. .,
- It te cheaper te operate, asae e half
fnel at power bnees. Is c leaner, ears sad
quicker la operstloa than say other.
' Cannot be a tor pee ' by sleet er enow,
a tor mm, rale. Ice. free a, dirt or aay other
almllar obstrectloas ea the track. .. .
It cannot prodoce electrolysis ea water
plpee or rondulm la tbe stream.' which ia
now sncb e beery expense s cltlae aoder
the trolley. , . . f
It raaaot Inter tars with any other eW
trle wlrea, reqnlrea less rarreot tbaa , other
systems, sad eereJops greater power. '
It le ell eoBtroUed by ana lerar t, la
always aoder tb aaoet shexlate eoutrol,
ear where, sad sadar all eoadltloae.
It -Is Bolaalass, since there ere ao
Ina-a.- aaoeora or ethee.-marhlsorr te mm A. .
euuesk at rattle.
There are no boraas of jawtors. te-
eanse there are ae aaotora ta bora out. '
ret a. shock from sa sleetrte i "(. j