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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 3, 1907)
- p- r : i . THE. OREGON ; DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND. WEDNESDAY- EVENING. APRIL) 3,'!1907. . 10 KILDALL nUST! AHSWER CEIAItG lit CONFER Oil ILL CASHIER STRIKE HAS HOT DEEH SETTLED RUEF'S LAWYERS FIGHT FOR TIFalE Telephone Investigation Is ' Re newedOfficials of Both Companies Called. . RAILROAD GETS HOmE SITE TO? -COST 8150,000 Y. M. C. A. and Y. W. C. A. Have Practically Decided ,on . v Taylor Street Property. E RATE IS V Railway Commission Lumber Mill Men and Southern- . , , j Pacifio Officials. . Oarretson Says There Has Been No Settlement and Nothing to Indicate One. ; , Northern Pacific Advertises Car- load Acceptances to All i :.y''".! Points. . . Judge Wolverton Decides' . ; Shall Co to Alaska to Face Jury. - He ARRESTED ACTION AGAIN M. r Macaulay Must Answer Xharg of Embezzlement byx . . ' Lumber Company. r- - '. - J . tJoaraal Spertet glc,t Chicago. April 3 Blrlk Mutftr Oarrelson and - Labor Comtnlaalooer Nelll- dear having knowledge of . any progress being mad toward th settle rnent' of the threatened Btrlke. A mes 7 sage received front New Tork say-!ng- that the strike waa Bet tied. Gar ' retson Bald: . V - "Not only has there been no settle ment, but there la nothing- anw to Indl rate that there, will be a settlement." A' hurried ummonsxfor the, assera-bling- of the railroad labor 'chiefs was , sent to the union headquarters this morning. Immediately the commute of 1 met and prepared to grant an audience to Koapp and Nelll who are to appear before them. - ' Late this afternoon ' Nelll addreased the labor delegates, repeating proposals -of -tire--manager. "He-ashed--the man to Vaccept or present a counter proposal ,nd stated that he believed the-rail-' road proposal, a fair one And Ah beat the managers would advance. lie added that the government would be pleased If the men would accept and thus avoid a strike. . The delegates went Into ex ecutive aesxUin to consider th offer.. WILL WATCH LIQUOR TRAFFIC AT WOODBURM (A-Metal Dtaoateh Is The learaaLl ' Woodburn. Or.. April J. While th saloon Interest of this etty gained 11' rense at the city election Monday, th proprietors have over them a law and order mayor and council, and among th fruits of the recent campaign is the "organisation of the Law and "Order league that was effected Id Association . hall last night, st which time Hiram Overton was chosen president. Wallace Llvesay vice-president. E. P. Moroom secretary and A. E. Austin treasurer. , The president wss authorised by th well-attended meeting to appoint an ex- ' ecutlv committee whose duty It should be to see that all saloons observe to th letter th ordinance of the city, that : Joints be abolished, and other matters pertaining to th good of th city be attended to. It is the object of this ' league to- prosecute all Illegal voters at Monday's city election. Addresses were made at th meeting by Walter L. . Too, , Rev, Leech, Rev. Cook and others.- '. - . PLAINTIFFS VERDICT- - IN A GAMBLING CASE (Special DtapaM te Tk JosrseL) '' Salem. Or,-' April I. After some de- liberation the Jury In th case of M. L. liarrod against L. Hill brought in a sealed verdict for the plaintiff for S3. ' In -the complaint, filed through his st- tomey last December. M. L. ' Harrod aeked- for twice th amount that he was 1 supposed to have lost on a gambling ' table in th defendant's resort, or th . sum of $400, - Harrod averred that Bill , conducted la connection with his-cigar store a poolroom where gambling games . wer carried on. He alleged that on November 1 of last year he took a hand : in a poker gam at Hill's place of busl- ties and lost ISO;- that on' December 1 ' he lost $109 and on December It he lout fis. Th verdict caused conslder- sble comment. - . ;'- .', FORECLOSURE ACTION - ; AGAINST A CHURCH (perHi Plpt te The JoeraaL Salem, Or- April S.-TO secure th payment -of promissory notes aggre gating 11.000. Oscar W. T. Muellhaupt, son of the late Rev. Jacob Muellhaupt, bas commenced proceedings In the cir cuit court for ths purpose of foreclosing a mortgage given by th German Evan gelical Reformed Bethany church of this city.. On of the notes amounts to 9200 snd wss executed tn fever of th plain tiff on November L 1104, and another, in favor of th Rev. J. Muellhaupt. on the asm date for tl.tOO, which cov ered the salary paid Mr. Muellhaupt for hie pastoral services and which after wards was assigned to his son Oscar, the ptstntiff. . FRAUD CHARGES AGAINST : ; P0ST0FFICE NOT TRUE - V'" ,: nJ (Jearssi Sperlai tarrtr..! Washington, - April . Commissioner Carter of Montana called at the White . House todsy to talk to th president shout th leaka hi th poatofnee da- psrtment. ; Carter is a member of th ) commission appointed to Investigate th methode -ef the department and inject business methods into the present faultv evstem. - -tt la -h..i m Carter, ""that the money order depart-! , ...... lu-ra ai.Dvv oany on account of frand. but we are unabl to substaaU ate these charges." v NICARAGUA REGRET? -; FORCE OF BIG STICK i t-; . '5 - ' . "l Saertal sr, t i f 1 'lnn-ton, April t. Philip" Browni, , secretary of tn American legation, re ports that the bombardment of Amspala y ,"'AN,cl,"B-uans haa ceased. Brown . bringing shout peace. : Xftt-rTr- -Wr-srrsi won r minister. -i.L V Prtment today - with a letter from hla government ex- v had found It advisable to interfere In ths mstter of th. bombardment 'of - Amspala by the Nlearagnan troops. . Cor, "id not lodge, a formal protest , Mjrcrs IWnt of Drain Kormal. '' , Wrh te Tha Joeraal.t ' . berlaln ha appointed Renin. u regent of the Central On gon State Nor mal school at Drain to fin th va cancy caused by th resignation of J A. macs, or Drain. Mr. Mvn serv shout a month, on account of th provision lalona of th act passed by th leg-! ur.' - , , ' .. , , i 1.1a t Woodmen's District Delegates. Th Dalle. Or.. April i-ML Hood enmp No. S. W. O. W., last night elected th following .delegates i th district convention st Pendleton, May : J. I Harper. James Hnlpes, C. H. I'rnwne, IMillllps. Oeorse It. Baker; sl - C. A. Hunt, (ieorge D, Reed. A. Heed. r. P. Taylor, r. 11. Watt. in.t Inpectcr. 5 f dw-iisi-int (Joarnal Special Rarvtae.i San Franclaco. April I. The work of selecting a Jury to try Ruef was re sumed this morning. . The defense con tinued Us dilatory tactics. Ruef la re gaining th buoyancy- which he lost during th supervisors' confession days. The grand Jury thla afternoon re sumed th investigation of th tele phone bribery scandal, Mark Oerstel. president of the Horn company, and Gsorg Frtck. his law partner, were subpoensed. ' F. W. Eaton, secretary of ths Pacific Telephone company, also waa called. No Indictments sre expected before th end of th week.- -y -The grand Jury spent nearly th en tire day yesterday probing Into, th af fairs of th Home Telephone company and tb revelations wer such as to anus even the members of ths grand Jury,-lt hough- they are- pretty thorough ly accustomed to graft developments. By ' several - witnesses It was shown that - a group - of four - or avs .... men acting as agenta for ths real promoter of the new telephone company war appearing as different persons by means of various trust and securities" compa nies which they formed.' It wss shown that during th last municipal cam paign the graft dispensers of this venal corporation placed their hands on- th throat of the city and their money was circulated to debauch voters. ' - ' : ' .Tried to .Bay Tuson raxty. Strang -a it may seem, th money was thrown Into ths lap of ths Fusion party, headed, by John 8. Partridge, which was intended to overthrow th nil of Mayor Schmlts and corruption. But Ruef and Schmlts won. Then there waa a. quick change of bas.... oi was planned and , th result was th bribery of Schmlts. -th anservlaora and Ruef. . . I The attention of th grend jury was devoted definitely to provlna th orlrln of th boodle fund which' It Is charged that A. K. Detwller rave to Abe Ruef ror me purpose of buying supervisors! votes to secure th Issuance of th ll.soo.OOO telephone franchise. " Ths evidence of unwilling wltnessss snowed that three security holding com panics of Lob Angeles and San Fran cisco' furnished -th fund by a- JO par cent payment on Home Telephone bonds. In. laying bare th transactions . of these auxiliary companies, Attorney Georg F. Hat ton. on of th active agents of th Horn Telephon company sine Its Inception, wss grilled and sweated by th inquisitors- until, h emerged from' the grand Jury room flushed and flurried. - !., ; .! , Hatton told a remarkable story- - H said th Western Trust company of Los Angeles, Central Securities company of Baa Francisco and the Ban Francisco tt Northern Investment company war formed all with - practically th same directors. These companies took bonds of ths Horn company-and contributed- as a first payment tSSOtyOO. Mayor Schmlts were bought to betray ' the city, whil Ruef received. a boun- tiful attorne'e fee f.r facilitating- th I ,nr 1 , ,I,n T; r , .i " dl.bone.ty. Half a dosen -then rated ast, "pK:'1'.m!ltJn ,V! .6i!f ? mUlionaires are threatened with Indict-! thl" frn'" w " tahH tor Fro,,!t ment as th result of ths evidence se- trTt. bJtu,, n,1c , wh,b to co"n? cured yesterday. . J men'a choice, being beyond reach be- Ab Rntf has loat his aid anil nartner , In graft and abame, .Chief of Police Jerry Dlnaa, who was th reluctant ally of th boss In th dsys of unobstructed grafting. ' Dlnan la now Inspired by th big stick' and Ruefs lost cause, and wanta to cut loose from the wreckage. He seeks safety-In confession.' snd will take before the grand Jury a great mas of evidence showing the lawless opera tions of Ruef through th pollc depart ment ' ' ,. i In th da-ys of Haefs supremacy in th administration Dlnsn had to atand by and see ths boss gather the earnings of fallen women and other boodle, while the chief was denied a "fats'' per, cent ag of th scarlet money. ' He now wanta to aid In landing th curly boss In the nat. ' . . . : f.. : NO DAMAGES FOR . , f SLEEPY TEAMSTER -ilf w teamster -goe. -lef,ln-th bodv but himself If Ms horse collides 1 with 'an- 'ohstraction and throws hlrn f headlong to th ground? '. 1 '. A Jury in. Circuit " Judg Crawford's court was called upon to answer this question lest night. Easy, do you think? Th Jury did not look; at It that .way, for th member , engaged in -a four hours' debate before they could . decide upon a unanimous answer. ' ; "No." waa finally agreed upon and the damage suit of James H. Oatmsn ssslnst the Pacific" State Telephone and Telegraph company was lost The Jury returned 'a. sealed verdict, wnion - was reed this morning. Nearly two year ago Oatmsn had his eollar-bon broken by a fall from hla wagon near the Intersection of Pow ell and East Thirty-third streets. ' ; His horse aolllded with, a pair - f. wires be ing strung "by the corporation snd the sudden stopping . of the vehicle sent Oatman Jumbling from hi seat to the ground. He sued for IS.P7I damages snd got Judgment for lB0. The com pany secured a new trial and Oatman lost Ws case when h -carelessly- ad mitted on the atand that when the ac cident occurred he was dosing snd did not really know where he was driving. PORTLANOMANTSENDSr ' FIRST FAMINE DOLLAR '' fgpeelal Dtepatrii te The Zoamal.) Salem, Or., April I. Responding to th proclamation recently Issued;, by Governor Chamberlain calling -fdr aid for the suffering Chinese who ar fam ine stricken, the secretary of state yes terday received the first contribution to that TtAtdcnnHstlng, of silver dollar sent by a .'ortiahder who" dtd-aot reveal his name. l..s letter accompanying the gift follows., and was addressed, "Secre tary of Stat. Capitol, Salem. Or." ' Hon. Dear Sir: Am a poor man, but w,"h to contribute a dollar toward th relief fund for starving Chines. Not having the addreas of the gentlemen In New Tork to whom contributions are sent would you pleass forwsrd same? God bl- :s you. Respectfully, ' " ; AN OREUONIAK. TO INVESTIGATE CHARGE - ' OF GRAFT AT PANAMA T " ' - , 'V - Washlngten.. April -R- prrsntstlve I'nniima fanal rnnimlealnn were todav . ,T,Ur"1 e U fully investigated by the! .n . i chftriroa apply to I k . of t-lothln , (Special Diapatch t The JoaraaL) Tacoma, Waah., April I. Announce ment waa made thl morning from th ofllo of Assistant General Superintend ent Palmer of th Northern Paclilo that .ffuMv. t rul w Ik.t mm A will ruum th acceptance -of oarload - shipments of dead freight loaded for all points on Its line. Th rosd will also receive cars belonging to foreign lines, loaded with any character of freight, destined to points on Its lines. This announcement means th com plete removal of th embargo on ship ments of lumber and ahlnglea which haa been In affect for mora' than 0 days and will anabl the lumber man ufacture ra In western Washington to start their mils, many of which hav been Idle for months. . ' During th em bar so th road sue needed in moving thj thousand Bli freight cars bound for eastern points wliich had collected along th Una of th road. . ; .. . In favor of Puget sound millers th rosd also announces that during th nest month unusually hesvy shipments of wheat will be mad from th a side and th officials declare that floor ing mills will hav no occasion -to re peat their recent complaints which hav reached th point of damag suits against th railroad company. DALLAS VOTES'NEW ? ; ADMINISTRATION IN (tsettat Dlspetrk t TIM Jesral Dallas. Or.. AprU l.--Th city elec tion her was th liveliest contest In lyear. Th- rsult,whlU dose, was a. defeat of th present city administra tion. The First and Second wards, cast ths largest "votes In their history.' No politics wss Involved, . sit candidates running' Independently. For mnyor, A. B. Mulr defeated Ed Blddl. th present incumbent, by flv votes; for suditor and police Judge. L. D. Brown defeated D. P. Btouffer, present Incumbent, oy thre votes. Th , result of the vote, entire, was: For mayor, Ed Blddla 165, A. B. Mulr 1(0; for councilman at large, H. B. Cospee t5. no opposition; far auditor and pollc Judge. L. D. Brown. 150, D. P. Btouffer 166; for councilman, First ward, C Stafrin, ' no oppoaltlon..) 7 votes: councilman. Second ward, J. M. Lynn St, IS. C. Shaw 47. and W. A. Ay res, present Incumbent, 1 ' Third ward. F. J. Coad . B M. Ray 47. - ELECTRIC RAILWAY AND , BITULITHIC AT BAKER fgpeHal tlapatek te Tke Joarsl.r -P.k.r f it Or. Anrlt 1 Ullllam Poll man. president of th Baker Loan) and Truat comnanv.' It is announced, will maktr application "-toth clty council this evening for a franchise for an loctrid street csr system. H refuse! to disclose his backers, but as he is "0WnJw " ""J" "r- " Mrl ymhlng haa been Dreparod - Pollman will build his -road as soon ss a franchise la granted,' and thus avoid the additional expense thst would be entailed If ho wsited. until th paving- was -laid. . . -. v SALMON FISHERMEN FIX SEASON'S PRICES - (gewtal Dhoatc The aearaal.t Astoria, Or-, April t. At a meeting of th Columbia ' River Fishermen's . Pro tective union th pric of salmon for th coming sesson was fixed at SK cents for small and 76 cants .for fish . r nn4. a w mm . Vrt.AM price are ball a cent nigner man tnose , of last year. The union appointed Al bert Brumstrom aa llg-htkeeper at Band island. Jt 1s expected th packers will hold a meeting ahortly . to take action regarding prices for the ensuing season. ACCUSED OF STEALING :FR0M WRECKED VESSEL (Special DJapatck te Th JeuraaL) . Astoria, Or., April .-John Robinson and hla son Quincy were arrested at Sklpanon late yesterdsy afternoon on Information charging them with larceny of blocks, ropes and chalna -from th wrecked British bark Peter Iredal. Th plunder waa found hidden under som hay in .Robinson's barry The allege J tbeft was committed - soon ' after th bark : was wrecked. GOVERNOR SPARKS WILL TRY TO SETTLE STRIKE ''- (Jovnil' gpedal gervlee.l ' San Francisco, April . A special from Nevada says: Arrangement hav been mad whereby Governor Sparks of Nevada will hold conference today with a 1 eommlttea appointed by the miners' union last night It Is hoped thereby tobrlng about a settlementjif the atrlk. ' r-y-,. LEBERMAN GUILTY AND T-r SENT TO PENITENTIARY (gpeeJat mspatrh te The Jneraal.) ' Astoria. Or., Arrll 3. Arthur Leber man, charged with embessllng f ,000 from the Fisher Bros,' compsny, pleaded guilty before Circuit . Judge McBrlde this 'sftemooa snd " was immediately sentenced to two and a half years In th j peniienwery. -r ..... .:,,w tonight.'. . , :, ' "t ' Hosband Shoots Youth. , ) " Vit UaOTTMl Sseelat Serrlee.i Sooka'h..n'sh., April 3. Al Over man, aged H yeaTS.waa-Bhot JbrQUgh ths hesrt lsst night-while sifting In I the park by the side of Mrs. Ernest tha aide of Un Ernpal Hoosner, -a married woman with a di vorce suit pending. -. Her husband la sus pected. -. 'i' . : , . Etelyn "Waits in Corridor. ;! IJnoril Slal srrk. New Tork, April I. Ths examlnstlon of Thaw wan concluded at' :5S and hs was taken back to th Tombs. ; Evelyn left the court building. During th examination she hsd waited In appre hension in tle corridor. ' , AWWM. W UKTI lOWn, Juneau, April I Municipal elections i In. this, city, Douglas snd Kkaswsy yes-1 tir umiltel in victories igr all the I v a cajauiue lea. - Acting In behalf of th T. M. C and th T. W. C. A.. C K. Henry closed arrangements this morning for th pur chase of th half block fronting north on Taylor street, between Sixth and i Seventh treats, for 11(0.000.. the ground to b ussd as th sit of th new- hom for th two associations. Whil th purchase Is yet to be ratlfled by th boards of directors of ths two organisa tions, at their meetings his afternoon, Mr. Henry states that 'ere Is no quee tlon that It will be ' approved. Mr. Henry has donated bis commission of 14,000. t :,, '.,- : . ... . "You can stat positively," aald Mr. Henry thla morning, "that , th new building will be -erected-on this alt. Th deal haa been closed and a part, of tn purcnaa pric nas been paid. Jib. Jxalt. hIockelected foxlh ..n,w i home of th two associations belonga to Miss Be rale A. Bakar. a niece of J. C Alnsworth, and now In school- In New Tork City. The negotiations for thepurchass of th property wer car- !rtd on with Miss Baker's father, who a (raven nr in - Europe, air. ttaaer cabled from Carlsbad deellnlng to sell, but whan told to what uses th prop erty Vas to b put-cabled, aoro days later - from Paris, agreeing to sell. 'After paying for th coat of th sit there will be left aomethlng over I300. 00 for th construction of th asso ciation home. - This sum Includes 1100. 000 which will b realised from th sale of. th. T. M. C A. building on Fourth street It la believed that ths building a planned will not coat thla sum and 1 that a . comfortable surplus will be left with which to furnish th new truetur . "Secretary H. W. 8 ton atated today that no on had been authorised .. by either the 7. M. C A. or the T. W. C. A. to purchase a alt for th new hom of th associations, and added that, while it Is probable th Alnsworth property Will be decided upon finally as th one which will be purchased. It Is possible that another sit may be bought . Mr. Ston said another alt had been offered this morning at th same pric asked for th Alnsworth property, which he personally favored aa th better sit for iue new building. Mr. Ston de clined to reveal -the location of this property, but said that It was as well located and th same sis as th Alns worth property. - -v s.j .' .. , Separata meetings of th board of dl rectors of both associations will b held this aiiernooa and then a Joint meeting of the boards will be held at 5 o'clock to make a final decision. Th board of director of th T. M. C .A. will meet at 4 o'clock and th T. W. C. A. board will meet half an hour later. All th meetings will be held at the Y. M. C A. building. Mr. otone said that all that had been 1 Ann. in ntnni in th. nnrrhiu .r th j Aiasworth projerty had been don by J several influential merabers of th T. M. C. A. on their own initiative and I without authority from either associa tion. H said that this did not obligate th associations to take th Alnsworth property, am) that It would not be done if a more suitable site could be pur chased on term favorable to th aaso- ciationa, .y ,, . , COTTACE GROVE'S ' MAYOR . J. J. Jones, who will be municipal executive of Cottage Grove, was elected on the Citizens ticket. ' He ! !L yeartLPid and Jh8 lived. itt-CoU4 tage Urove 22 years. He Is a suc cessful bnslness man and has han dled large transactions. With him were elected George Comer, W. L. Hnbble and J. H. Bartels as council men, A. H. King as recorder and H. Eakin as .treasurer, ' j ,-(. ,- CARS STOP DURING :; FUNERAL OF G00DE t All streetcar. trafflo in the city 4 i . was suspended this afternoon at 1 o'clock for ,10 minutes In honor w of the- memory of Henry W, i w 4- Good , late president of the Portland - Railwsy.-w Light w e Power company. The action was taken by ths local management of th road as a msrk of respect 4 w to the-memory of the man who has had so much to do with th w w. upbuilding or th elect rlo light e " spd street railway business of 4 J tion w Portland and vicinity. Th ,ces-. e or business her wss simultaneous with - the funeral 4 - services in'i Chicago, wher th w burial services were held. ' ' ' ' .'v ; - - . "... t- . . ! Pinner on the Skogatad. "" ,. , ' ' r '" " n rav a dinner on board his vessel, ths Nor wegian steamer Skogstad. , to a few friends. Among those present wer fap-J tain jr. u. nngemann, Mr. and M ra. Oscar Rruun, Mr. and Mrs. L.M. Las sen, Mr. snd Mr. Harold Lang and Mra. J. ' SUppen. , Tha dinner was a most pleasant affair.' The Bkogntad recently arrived her to load lumbar for the orient and la now receiving crtrifo at the mllm of th lnman-Pouisen Lumber company. . Well man in Amor lea. (Jmirnal nerl.l Korh.t New York. April S. Walter Wellmnn rcscnea America rnrs morning, jie ex P'fwi me . uimusi cnnnurm-n In ths J suuesss of his exploring exppdltlon.' ' ... i r f ! ' 1 - -1 4' if- - v V I r - - - I l - -" I i j MMHMHMHMNMHMftMMMIIMHMMa' , Simon r. Klldall will hav to go to Alaaka to be tried on m oharge of en tering Into a conaplracy to defraud th United States out of certain fish taxes. This was the decision reached by Judge Charlea -EL Wolverton tn th federal court after listening to the arguments la. th caaa for several days. - Klldall waa arrested In Portland last week and sought to resist removal to Alaska for trial through a ' writ of habeaa corpua. Klldall not only alleges that h Is Innocent of th crimp with which he Is charged, but also that ths indictment , on which ths return mad waa not sufficient to that It did not charge a crime. Jfndg Wolverton referred to th In dictment and after analysing th docu ment came to th conclusion that a crlms waa specifically charged and that tha-avldanca-ahowad .that -Klldall hsd not. been able to overcome th charges In fh indictment which were based on probabl guilt. Klldall was immediately turned over to the maraha and will b taken to Alaska tomorrow. Hs will probably be taken to Juneau In th custody of Dep uty United States Marshal William Qrif- ft ths. DEMOCRATS IVILL KN017; CAHDipATES TOMORROW v .... aMsavgaiBSSBjssajsga-Bja-aagaa . . Special Committees Will Pre--; pare Final Report This- -.r Evening. ' - ni h.ivnii r vortianj win trnnw tomorrow Just whom of th faithful will consent to plaoe themselves upon th party altar tn th effort to oaptur city- officios for themselves. Tonight th special committees appointed by th Young Men'a Democ ratio club, tb Mult nomah Damocratl club and tb county central committee will prepare Its flnai) report to be submitted to th ratification meeting of Friday night.' - ' About th only leak from tha council has it that A. B. Ream, well known in th city, haa consented to ' ntr th contest for election to th city auditor ship. - - ' Dan J. Kellaher filed his petiUon as a mayoralty candidate on tb Republican ticket yesterday afternoon and John B. Coffey filed his todsy. Kellaher in his statement , to the voters says that h will be a mayor for th whole peopl if elected and will glv a fair and honest administration on business principles, giving special rights or privileges to. no interest either personal or corporate. ' Coffey la his statement says . hs is after all graft and eivle corruption, franchise grabbing and corporate rapa city. - - - ' ,.''..'.. .-' f-'-. .. A. A. Kadderly will enter th lists ss a Democrat for lctlon to th council from tha eighth ward. T. J. Coneannon haa filed bia declaration from th first ward. . He. is also a Democrat and tha first on to file a petition, i John B. Rysn Is a candidate for th council from th fourth ward and Dr. Chamber lain may enter th race for election aa councilman at large. C. W. Piggott has filed hi declaration aa a candidal from the sixth ward whil George M. Hyland la out for a seat aa councilman at large- on th Republican ticket. ELKS AND FORESTERS BANQUET AT BAKER ' (Sperlal Dtmteb te Tke JosraaLt Baker City, Or April I On a special train ISO La Grande lodgemen cam to Baker City last night, 109 being Elks and th other Foresters. Tb Elk held an Installation or officers and an elaborate . banquet was given In . honor of th guests. Th Foresters gar a special entertainment and a aoclal ses sion to their visitors. Elks' tempi and Foresters' hall wer scene of gaiety to a late hour this morning, when ithe t two brotherhoods assembled for., tb return hom, .-.,. : ., . ; ,., TWO NEW CANDIDATES FILE DECLARATIONS Dr. William M.reVeney filed i" th declaration this morning of . his Inten tion to become a candidate for election aa councllman-at-larg on th republi can ticket. Dr. W. L Cottell has alao filed hia declaration of condldacy for election; th council from th Kiftii ward. . Both of tb prospective candi dates ar republicans., i' r SILVEY STUART ILL IN FAR-OFF ALASKA Friends of Sllvey Stuart, who lived In thla city, will regrst to hear that n has been seriously ill at Norn; Aiasaa. ni is now improving. It is reported that ths minins- out look for -that section .of the. country is not good for this . season on account of the strike Snd that it is doubtful if th output will be mor than o half that of last yar. PERSONAL H. A. Eaaton of Chicago, who . will b aoioist and chorister at th special venirai cnnatlan church, arrived today. . - ' Tries to End Her Life. Brooding over domestlo difficulties wnunvu mrw. Jim 7 tnapeil, Wlf . Of -a Dartanaer employed in an east side sa loon, to attempt to end her life last night by swallowing a quantity of car bollo -acid. Th prompt action of a woman friend in th room at th Logan House,. Union Avenue and East Alder street, at that time, In knocking th vial from her hand prevented Mra Chappele from accomplishing her putdoss. r-itv Vhyslctan Zlrgler and Dr. Bruc were called to attend hr. They aav that w. wlU' rocover. , , May Feel Lash of Law. ' Leo Wllger of fti-Uardlng street, who waa arrested on a charge of assaulting his wlf severs! daya ago, was bound over to th grsnd Jury this morning in th sum of I2B0. Th criftrewwith which Wllger is charged Is punishable by either imprisonment or the whip ping post. According to his relative he haa been in the habit of shualng his wlfs snd other members' of ths rfcousehold when Intoxicated. (gpsrlal Otapatek teWTbe Jearssl.) ' Salem,-Or., April I. Lumbermen and shippers of timber products In - south ern Oregon and all along th Hn of th Southern Pacific hav been invited by th railway commission to meet in Salem, Apru It, for a conference and to dlsouss facts and conditions and the taktng of such stepa aa may be deemed necessary relative to th inability of th shippers to secure oars for th ship ment of lumber to Ban Francisco 4a? points or Portland, and ths reasons for th raising of th present rates of IJ.10 per thousand feet on rough lumbar from Interior points to San Francisco bay points to ft per thousand, after April 18. MOT. i ' Th lumbermen claim that tb raising of the rate wtll prov a great loss to them and recently made an appeal to th rallwsy xommiaaioa for relief. - In accordance with thl request of th lumberman th commission haa de cided to investigate the matter. Among the prominent lumber firms which will be represented at this con ference, between th commission, th Southern Pacifio offlolala and th saw mill man. ar th Western Oregon Man ufacturers' ' association ' of . Cottage Orov. th Booth-Kelly Lumber com pany of Eugene, th Oregon V Wash ington Manufacturer!! - association of Portland and others. This meeting Is not a regular hear ing of the commission, but only a con ference t ascertain th facts in the controversy. Whether the atat com mission haa Jurisdiction tn this matter j or whether th case la on that come i mora - specially under th regulations of th Interstate commerce commission I is on or tn question that may present itself at the meeting. , . . ; It la generally believed that an ami cable agreement will be reached after both aides hav presented thtr cas. - I Ths railway commissions of three I ,TUi "tL1 0,yj"P' Thursday. gon stat railway commission will ba among th visitors. Railway commls- toners from Oregon, Montana and Waahlngton will meet in conference to discuss matters relattv to th railroad bustnsss and most efflclent manner to regulate and enforce railway legis lation. -t is not thought th gathering wtll have any particular official, slgnlfl nc. : .,: ., v.,.,. RELIEF SOCIETY ELECTS OFFICERS Work of Matron of ChildMta'a Home : Conuijidcd New Members " ''.ites-B-ji, ' ' v Th Ladies' Relief society held Its an nual meeting at th First Presbyterian Church yesterday afternoon and elected Officers for th ensding year. Mra. P. t. Mann who lias been president., for alx years, waa again reelected with compliment to her ability. - The othr officers ar Mra. T. I Eliot, vice president; Mra W. B. Ayer, second vloe prealdent; Mra Hills Hugh, secretary: Mra Martin Winch, treasurer. Tha ad visory board consists of, Mra, Richard Koehler, Mra C W. Burrag and Miss Sallle Lewis, and the board of trustees Includes William Ladd, Rev. T. I. Eliot. Walter F Burrell, H. C Wortman and H. u Pittock. ', ;v .:. ! ' .. ., - Mrs.Mann in bar president's annual report told of th condition at the Chil dren' hom. an institution supported by this society. There ar now t children being cared for, and tha work la grow ing steadily. Mra Mann's regret , waa that sine the officers so seldom., solicit funds peopl in general hav the erro neous - impression that tha affairs of the hom ar in a prosperous condition and that the society needs no new mem ber, which Is far from true. Mra A. E. 8. Stearns, matron of th home, also read a report of th work, and signified th needs of th home.' By motion her salary was increased IIS a month and her work was highly commended. Th Relief society is a non-sectsrlsn organisation and moat of th. older women In th city who Interest them selves at all - in chsrlty -ar aoambers. Th Children's hom 1 conducted at 817 Corbett street, and not only ar children without parents cared for, but parents who ar unable to car for them in aom Instances leave their children there. Tho whd art abl-py- imatrT for th services and this helps very slightly In th aupport. . s MACCABEES WILL : . . , . ELECT REPRESENTATIVES ' Th fifth triennial stat convention of th Knights of Maccabees wtll b held Friday at Knights . of Pythias ball. Eleventh and Alder streets. - Th co in vention will be called at 10 o'clock in the forenoon and Stat - 'Commander Sherwood will prclde. i V The purpos of ths convention Is to elect sucrem representatives to th su preme tent at Chicago In July and also to elect state, officers for- th nsulng year. '. j. '".'.,.. : , . . .. T-- . - , Thursday evening Portland tent No. 1 will glv a recaption at Knights of Pythias hall to the visiting delegates and local membera There ar expected to b SO or mor delegates tn attend ance. ' At that time the work of th order' 1 to be exemplified by th uni form rank under Captain Lance. Th work will be followed by a smoker and lUnch. , '. : '" -,'-, ',.'.- ' REPORTER'S CAPTURE TO FACE CHARGES . ':v- .',-: .; . . . t : .4- It la believed that Martha Almeda Piatt, the young woman . who waa ar rested Monday by Monroe Goldstein, a Journal reporter ia guilty of still an other of fens which will b charged against her at once. Complaint - was mads against her todsy by the manager of ' Rosenthal's sho stor thst a wo man, thought-to b tn accused, ' vic timised bis firm , last Saturday by means of a fictitious check for 110. J. A. Duback of ,th Oregon Optical company, today awore to a complaint charging Miss Piatt with forgery. She Is charged wun in same orrense or J. A, Clemenson.-. : ' . . , i a i, v . fhone Compantcs' Gross Recrlpta " (Special DUpatck t Tb JeereaL) Salem. Or., April I. -Two telephon Companies yesterday filed reports of thnir gross earnings with- the stats treasurer. Th Pacific State Telephone Si Telegraph company's gross receipts amounted to 1476.031 snd thou of th Sunset Telephon company to 111,091. , ti.000 from th Oregon Washington,, lumbar company with which concern ' ha had been employed as cashier and bookkeeper. M. Macaulay waa arrested at th Union depot last night aa h was ' about to start for Salt Lake City. This morning W. A. Dempaey. "man-, agar of th concern, swor to an In formation charging Macaulay with fel- ' ony embesaleraent. Ball was fixed at 11,000, In default of which th accused ' man will be remanded to' tb custody ' of th sheriff. Dempaey refused to dis cuss th matter this morning other than to atat that a shortage bad been discovered and that Macaulay always had- th utmost confidence of tb lum-' ber compsny. - . Macaulay left th employ dt tb Ore gon gt Waahlngton Lumber company In Jarrosry to accept a- better position -with th Moraa-Brlggs Lumber company ' otu Loa Angeles, California, with headquar ters In thla city. It Is understood that -Macaulay s alleged defalcations hav covered a period of over a year and th sum said to hav been stolen iswl amounta - Macaulay Is married. - CAPTAIN JSPIER IN LINE FOR JOB Captain J. Spier, formerly a master of th United State transport Law ton, and at- preaent harbor and rivr pollc for th Unltd Statea engineers, will be tb new harbormaster If th execu tive board accepts ths recommendation of th civil sarvio commission. Spier was on of four applicants for tho, plac and th only "on, who passed th examination. . His appointment by th executive board was recommended by th commission. , Spier presented a number of reeom mendatioaa On letter vas from R. C. Hart, superintendent, of the United , States Ughthous establishment, anoth er from Captain K. 8. Edwarda United Statea inspector of hulls, and Captain J. A. Brown. Captain Brown said Cap tain Spier (peaks four languags Eng lish. French, German and Spanish ' Th two points of Spier's letter that struck- the commission particularly wers thoa as to th dock approaches and tb fresh drinking water. There la at pres ent bo place . f ob a a mall boat to land at. Aa to fraatrdrinklng water there is littl on any of th docks. . Sallora have ' been in th habit of throwing down their buckets snd drinking th filthy Willamette water, and the United Statea i martn hospltsl physicians hav aaid for . yeara that thla la one of th principal -cause of typhoid In th city. Csses of typhoid hav been few. but moat of them hav been caused by ths drinking of rlvr water..: v :. -' - REGALIA PLANT DAMAGED BY' FIRE K it K Fir bmk out in th second story of th building occupied by th Pacifio Regalia company . on .First street, be-, tween Taylor and Salmon at 1:10 o'clock this morning.. An alarm waa turned In from bos II, at 8eoond and Taylor street. . Th blase which was confined entirely to the second floor was sxtln- gulshed la about ! minute. - . i Psul Pferdner, proprietor of tb com- : pany. eatimatee his los at 110.000, with an Insurance of $4,000. H vslue his plant at 155.000. Pferdner oannot ac count for th origin of the fir. Ha sava that h alone wss In th place yes terday and that no fir of any kind ' was lighted during tha day. The plant waa not In operation and .bad not beea during th wintr. . ' ; LAUNDRY. COMPANY WILL BUILD SOON - . .... i . .: ..-il..- Th American Laundry company pur .. chaaed yeaUrday th quarter block ' at th northeast corner of Twelfth and Everett streets from D. freed man. A nominal consideration was named in lh , deed, but It is understood that th act ual -purchase pric was in th neigh- -borhood Of JI0.OOO. - , - , Msnager R. B. MeClung of the laun drycompany says that plans ar ma turing for th erection of a modern, up- . to-date laundry building on th abov It during th preaent yearj but thAt nothing definite haa been fleclded 'upon a towhn worls.on th building 1 .wliLi; begin. , , . .. , -.. . ... THINKS BINGER HERMANN WILL NOT BE CONVICTED C. E. Loomts of Eugen. formerly a special Inspector of the Interior depart- . ment, haa returned from Washington, D. where b testified In th Blnget Hermann -esse, firm in th belief that the Oregon congressman will ,; not b convicted In his present trial. . .Loomls waa called aa a government wltneaa because of his - knowledge -In . th fsmous "11-7" cas. in which S. A. I. Puter chiefly earned -,bla -tltl of "Land Fraud King." -- Loomla is reported to bav said that th government- has a weak cas against -Hermann, who is being tried for de stroying official documenia - Mr, Loom Is registered at th Imperial hotel and will leave this evening for his hom in ' Eugen. . '-.,-7 ...-f,,.; - w .-, VICTIM'S FAMILY ATTPNn . FUNtKAL Or JAMES Funeral services . over the 'remain . of Rosen H. James, Who- killed Miss , Grsce Disney Sunday night and - then -shot himself, were held thl morning at :(0 from Flnley's (Undertaking par lors. ' The remains were Interred in Rose City - cemetery. Miss Disney's remains will b shipped to . Warren, , . Oregon, tomorrow night for burial. Th funeral services todaV wer very sad. Ths family of . Mlsa Disney attended and membera of both families ar pros trated at th terrlbl tragedy whtc,h f has overtaken . them. ' ' For Dumping Waste. C T. Brdwnlng, an employ- of th Southern pacifio Railway company, waa arrested by. Harbormaster Smith this morning on a warrant charging him with, dumping rubbish into th river. Brown ing was accused of throwing oil refua Into th waters uf th Wlllsmetl In violation of th low. Th cas will b haard Friday morning. own nw vrn-