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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 1, 1907)
3 OREGON CLAIMS ONE OF WORLD'S . TWO BUND 'PHONE OPERATORS If YOU WANT TO KNOW WHAT SMARTLY DRESSED MEN WILL WEAR THIS SEASON ASK BEN SELLING Edward Chapman of Pilot Rock Js 1 an . Expert , With" Ma- . .;' ' . chinery, Besides. , HE KILLS RATTLESNAKES ' WITH RATTLING TO GUIDE " THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL; PORTLAND. MONDAY EVENING, APRTE I. 1807., i ( Goes About Safe mm Those Who See - Keep Accounts oil Typewriter Know Miller's TradeThe " Other Blind On Is Girl. v By Lula R. Lorena " A remarkable (ui ) that of Edward Chapman." who la totally blind, but 1 able to operate the central office at Pilot Rock.' Oregon, and eaye ha only ; rerets he naanof mora-todd; 7 ' i Edward Chapman waa born In ITma- - t Hla county, Oregon," In August HI I. . When ha waa a child hie parents want to tha Wtllaraetta valley, and. when he 'waa 4 yearn of ace. from the Taller to Walla Walla, Washington, remaining there 1 yean. He then came back to 't'mstllla county, and alnca that time has bean supporting himself by sawing and chopping wood, milking cows and work ing around threshing machlnea It Is 'aid he knows every foot of tha ground ' at Pilot Rock, and gets around almost as - well aa if ha could see. One would hard ly believe that ba bad been blind all his life. . ' .' . '. . " rata Belts oa Swift Felleye. When ha waa but It years old ba went into tha mill with his father and learned tha mJUer'g trade, in three montha ha was able to take charge of the mill and turn tout flour all by htm "self, ffa worked la, flouring mills for over three years and was often aeen putting belts on pulleys which were go ing at the rata of ! revolutions per minute; yet ha never M much as got a finger caught - In HIT ha went to Salem to attend the Oregon School for the Blind, and waa there during tha next Sva yea re. Bines then he haa spent most of hl time in Umatilla county. - ; aUesaka SUUse.' T '" When living on Butter creek ba need DIAZ REFUSES TO WIELD BIG STICK Mexico Declines ' to Join With United States in Stopping Central American War. ZELAYA WILL PROBABLY ENJOY FULL TRIUMPH Teddy's Batttng-ln Will Undo AH of . Root's Effort in South America i and Create Feeling of Hatred To ward America. (Jeerae) gpeelsl I'lrtu I , ' Washington, April 1. Mexico bss de clined to Join with the United Statea In an armed Intervention to stdp ths war In Central America. It la understood that auch aa annnouneentent, made pub. , lie by her minister of foreign affairs, haa been officially conveyed to the stats ' department But Unci Bam is not st bis wits and. He la confronted with tha embarraselng alternative of Invoking the big stick without the desired support of President " Dlaa, or permitting the disastrous con flict between Nicaragua and Honduras . and her ally Salvador to continue until . tha Intercession of foreign intereeta , brings European warships Into Central - American waters, . ... Will Create Saatlty. -; If the United Statea In upholding tha Monroe doctrine la forced to stop the ' wsr, the action will Undoubtedly undo all tha good accomplished by Secretary Root In bis friendly tour through South . America last aummer. That vialt waa made for tha express purposs of allaying the wall known fears of the Central and Pouth American republics that Uncle Sam's attitude toward Santo Domingo - and Cuba waa but the first step toward a general colonisation policy en " this hemisphere. Mexico has been working band tn hand with the United Statea up to this time, - In an -effort to- reatora peaeo.8he la still laboring with us but her tenders -will be purely thoaa of friendly media tion. The prealdent refused to admit that armed intervention has been la eon temptation, a These dispatches last week carried tha . first Intimation of tha gravity of the " situation. Tha announcement ef the Mexican secretary of foreign affairs would seem to give full corroboration as """ he declares that "Mexico will under no consideration Join tha United Statea In Joint Intervention between Nicaragua and Honduras. Should Prealdent Roose velt decide to Intervene he - Will -be obliged to act Independently." -. plaa Shows Discretion. Tt Is believed that the ambitious Presl-' -, dent Zelaya, of Nicaragua, has given Prealdent Dlai to understand that ha ' "desires to reap the full benefits of his tutrd fought battlea and - that fearing future complications growing out of nee-, el hie seeds of hostility. Plat considers ' discretion the better part of valor. ' He . haa no navy. While the United States . would In this case furnish the army and Mil TUB POt.lCVHOL.DGRa COMPANY -x Is tha only purtly Origon Ufo Insurance Company THE, VERY BLST FOR AN ORLGONIAN i - -. Calf or writ for further Information , HOME OFFICE SIXTH AND ANKENY STREETS, PORTLAND L. MILL. U HAMT EL. President. General Vlansfsr, "in i : v mi 'Edward Chapman, tha Blind to go to the poetof f lea to get mail for the people living along the creek and deliver It to the different homea Peo ple In that vicinity could not understand how ho would know when to stop st a house. -.' -,. One day while carrying ' tha mall ha mat a rattlesnake In tha road. He says ha heard the rattlea. so beteoncluded to dismount.- He hitched' bis horse to the fence, got a club, killed tha snake, took tha rattlea, put them Inside hla hatband, mounted his borae and went on. ' He aald he had not gone far when he heard another rattler, and meant to serve It the asms way, but tha snake' waa too quick for him and got away before be oould find anything to kill It with. Keeps Aooonnte oa Typewriter. ' He aaya hla preaent position of oper ating the telephone office at "Pilot Rock Is the least of hla troubles. He makes calls, goes aa messenger about the little town and keepa hla financial affairs per fectly straight For a time before he got his Instruments together ha would tie a knot In a twine atrtng for every meaaanger fee to keep the accounts Now ha uaea either New Tork point lor tna navy. Mexico would not care to plaee herself In a position where aha might In tha future have to call on the United States to protect her from Nicaragua's aggressions. Minister Cairo, of Costa Rlea. spoke very plainly tonight to tha Publlahere' Press concerning the rumor tnac tree dent Zelaysrhad an ambition to conquer other-Central American atatea ana weia them Into one government. ... ' Poroe Is Impossible. 'Whatever may ba thought of tha eon test between Nicaragua and Honduraa," he aald, "It must be borne in mind that tha union of those states by force la an lmpoaalblllty." . The navy department today received a dispatch from Commander Wlnterhalt er In command of tha Paducah, erulalng near tha port of Union, Honduras. Ha aaya that Prealdent Bonllla, of Hon- duras. has been surrounded by the Nlca- rarusn troops. He alao expresses the opinion that Senor Gulperres will be the next president of Honduras. MEN OF M'MINNVILLE WHO WILL MEET 0. A. C. (Special ntapetea to.Tae lemwl l McMlnnvllle, Or.. April 1. McMlnn vine college and Oregon Agricultural college will meet In debate here Friday evening. April C, In the college chapel Judge William Galloway will preside The debaters will discuss the ship sub aldy question. The O. a. C. team la composed Of C M. Stlblnger, P. H. Cale and C. C Clark. . r .. . . The local college will be represented by Theodore Anderson. W. C Campbell and Q. L. Tilbury, who will support the negative Theodora Anderson, leader ef the team, la a member of the junior class. He participated in debate last year, be ing leader of the league team and also won the Adelphle rold medal for ora tory this year. Anderson ranks high In scholarship and la a participator In athletics. His home Is at Conde, North Dakota. , " : - - W.-C. Campbell la also a member of the jurrfbr class and waa a member of tha league debating team last year: He la a good, consistent atudent and manager of this year's track team. His home Is McMlnnvlUe. ' a. L. Tilbury Is 4 member of the Sophomore class. Hs was president ef the - Intercoiteglate-OrntortcaI associa tion the past year and la alao presi dent of the Associated Students. Til bury Is also a strong and forceful de bater -HI home la McMlnnvllle. ". The team throughout la very strong and will shly handle the ship subsidy question on April I. " OK Sores Cured y - "The ' Household Sura-eon. Druesists refund money If Dr. Porter's Antiseptics Healing oil raua. zbo. . RUSH WORK TO FINISH TTHE LINE TO WALLOWA 1pc)l Dtapatrk lb The Joaratl.) Enterprise, Or April 1. Irvine Wat son, the engineer who haa charge of the Elgin-Joseph branch ef the O. R. as N.. states that after April 11 all work--on the ILne will ' be suspended between Wallowa and ' Joseph but that between Elgin and Wallowa the line will be completed In time to ship out this year'g crop by rail and that after the line-has been-completed to We lie w the work will be resumed between that point end Joseph. Nearly all tha road bed ha been graded between Enterprise and Joseph. ' CLAP.EKCE f 8 A MfET Asistant Macngsr. ' .11 v. Telephone Operator of Pilot Rock. blind or a typewriter, which, ha can operate quite correctly. He la studious and keepa In touch with the current topics of the day. He never complains, looking at the bright side of life, getting the most out of It despite bis affliction.' ' . ' .' Only One Other XJka ,lm. It is believed there la only ona other blind telephone operator In the world. That ona Is Miss Susie. Da via, a girl of to, who Is said to be tha moat accurate and rapid telephone operator In tha Vir ginia City.. Nevada, telephone exchange, and aha has been blind alnoe Infancy. In a recent article describing her remark able aptitude. It is stated that when aha flrat applied for 'the place aha waa told It would be lrapoealble for her to man age the keyboard without aeelng It aa no other blind person had ever been em ployed In the telephone service. She per- slsted and flinally got a trial. She learned every number on her keyboard no well that m a recent competition in Virginia City to determine the most ef ficient operator she beat all competi tors. She is a graduate of the school for tha blind at Berkeley. California. TO DESTROY ALL ILLEGAL FENCES Enclosures of Public Lands by ' Western Cattlemen Will Be Destroyed at Once. . FENCES HAVE BARBED WIRE AND CEDAR POSTS Thousands of Miles of Illegal Fences Are Marked for Destruction Be ginning '. Today Will Take Tea Thousand Men a Tear. (Jeeraal Special Service.) ' Washington. April 1. By direction ef President Roosevelt and in accordance with instructions Issued by the general land office, email armies of men armed with atump pullers, axes and other In struments of destruction sallied forth from tha land offlcea In the western erasing statea this morning for the purpoae of destroying all f encaa Ille gally erected by cattlemen en the pub lic lands. The act prohibiting the building of fences en the public domain waa paased en February IB, 185, bur naa been put Into execution only occasionally and In BDOta. The land office haa an nounced that the law will be strictly enforced after April 1. and tha werk of destruction began this morning and will continue until every veatlga of a fence Inclosing public land baa been removed from the landscape.. It will be no little lob end the ex pense attached will be beavy, sa-there are thousands of miles of such fences In the erasing country and most of them are strongly built of barbed wire with cedar peats. It la eatlmated that It will require the services of at leaat lo.ono workmen to complete the work within a year. ' . " The order, which waa Issued by ,ex Beeretary Hitchoock la aa follows: . Order to Prosecute CHvsa. "It ehall be the duty ef the special agent on receipt ef any complaint er upon Information being acquired by btm from any source, that an unlawful en closure Is being maintained, at once to proceed u secure sufficient data, that the enclosure may ba Identified and the peraon or persona guilty of ths violation aa nearly aa may he, and at nnoe to submit such case, with the data thus obtained, .to a united Statea attor ney for prosecution. This order, which Is almost aa long and Involved as a hypothetical question, followed a -communication from Presi dent Roosevelt to Mr. Hitchcock - In which he wrote: . - . "Tear In and year out yon and I have been besought by men Interested In stock growing to permit the fences to stay up for another six montha or an other year on the ground of great dam age certain to be done by taking them down. .Many of the men making these requests are entirely honest men, whose requests . It would be In the Interest of the community to grant were It le gally possible- to do so, but It is quite Impossible permanently to permit such sn arrangement, There most-be -wome adequate provision of law If there Is to be a aatlsfactory solution of this prob lem and In default ef this provision the present faulty, law must be enforced." FARMERS OF WALLOWA EXPECT GREAT CR0S (aperliil Ctevetrb te The Jeersal.v Enterprise, Or., . April 1. -Crop proe pecta la Wallowa county were ' never better. Farmers from all sections of the country are unanimous In predicting a bumper crop for this season. They say the eondttlon of the ground Is much different from that of. other yeare on account of the heavy anows last winter, which caused tha r round to get thor oughly wet. and the favorablo spring will enable them to put In their crops under best conditions, ao that aa unt usually foo& crop la expected, . . ' a mm PAIR OF TRAMPS KILL CM Petty Peddlers Quarrel at Wood land, Washington, Over Their Receipts. ( MURDERERS BOTH SHOT IN CHASE TO CAPTURE Eye Witness to Deed Describee It as Deliberate and A trocloo s Cul prlts George and Tom Baxter Ytctlm'a Nam Foster, or Conner, (Sseelsl Dlepatea te The faeraet.) Kalama, Wash., April 1. fleorge Bag. ter and Tom Baxter, ' peddler tramps. are In jail here, charged with tha mur der of Jamea Foater, a companion of their own stripe, at Woodland, Saturday night about midnight The murder. while a consequence of a quarrel over the division Of a proceeds of petty sales or cheap jewelry which they carried about tha country, appear a from tha evidence now at hand to have had all the malice of premeditation In It The crime, which waa committed la the Northern Pacific yarda, waa wit nessed by 8 action Foreman Andrews, who notified Town Marshal Stratton. who, witn a posse of cltliena. effected the capture of the Baiter a after a abort cnaae, in wmcn ine einer Baxter re ceived a flesh wound In the leg, and the younger, a bad ahot through hla body, which may result faulty. Charge First-Degree Murder. ' One of the Baxters gave the name' of their victim also aa James Conner. The younger Baxter, moreover, denied rela tionship with the elder, giving another name. The coroner's Inquest resulted In ths holding of the men on the charge of muroer in me nrst degree. Coroner F. M. Bell held an Inouest yesterday afternoon over tse body of roaier. or uonner. A bullet had entered the. right temple and lodged - Juat be hind the left ear, passing through the brain. Another bullet passed through the hlpa Two other bullets entered the body lust below the right nipple and ranged; upward. These last , two shots were evidently fired after tha man had fallen. He waa shot 'With a .13 -caliber soft-noss copper-Jacket bul let. . . Foater, to call him by that name, was B feet inches in height, and had dark brown hair and brown eyes. On his right arm (n India Ink there were two crosses, one above the other, and below the crosses waa a horse's head. On the name arm In India ink was a bow and arrow. On tha left arm were large scars from burns, extending -from the shoulder to the wrist, alao large scars from a burn ea the Inner side of the right leg. H waa well dreased, but had only S cents In money. A rasor waa found tied by a atrtng around hla neck. No papers nor any other thing to Identify the man were found. ', ',' Story ef Man Who Saw Crime. At the Inquest at Woodland, Section Foreman Andrewa of that place stated that' ha heard some loud talking n,ear OUR OX the railroad and atepped outside the ear In whloh he alept and aaw two men an swering the description ef the two Bax ters, and heard ona of them say, "You will never do that 'again." and Immedi ately a ahot was fired and a man fell. Th-roremnhen went to town, a distance of about a quarter of a mile. and got the. marahal and several of the elttsens of the town and went to Ine plaee of the shooting. Capture by the Fosse. Baxtsr snd his son, aa be called htm, were commanded to halt or surrender, but they put their hands to their hip pockets, leading the posse, to believe they would shoot They were Imme diately fired on by the posse, the elder Baxter receiving a fleah wound through tha thigh and the younger a bullet through ths lungs. Thsy were brought to Kalama on the Kalama-Vaneouver train. Coroner Dr. F. M. Bell and Dr. R. B. Darnell at tended the Injured men. The bullet In Tom Baxter's body was extracted. It had entered lust below ths shoulder blade on the right side and passed al most through the body, lodging agalnat ona of ths upper rtba An Incision was made In the breast and tha bullet and several pieces of the rib were removed. After thia operation, with tha assistance of two men, he walked , about two blocka to the hotel. Oeorge Baxter's Story. George Baxter atated that he waa It yeara old and that Tom Baxter waa hla son and of the age of II yeara. Tom, however, atated, when . ba was coming out from the Influence of the anesthetic., that ble name waa John Mccarty. Oeorge Baxter said theynad been working for the Green River Ce For a Bottle of Ntw There la nothing to buy not a penny to pay. We will buy the first bottle If you will try ft and learn what Llqiioione means to you. Countless people have done that dur ing tha paat five years. Some wars die eoursced and boneless, believing that help was Impossible, . Te many the faots seemed too good to be true. But they let the product Itself prove ltarowsr. Than they told tba results to others. and the others told others, until millions of people, sll the world over, have shared In the benefits of, this Inven tion. . .. What. Llquozone Is. Llquosone Is a tonle-germtclde. the vlrtuee of which are derived eolsly from oxld gases. No alcohol, no nar cotic, nothing but gee enters into it The process of making requires large pparatua. and consumes 14 days' tlma The object Is te so combine the gaaea with a liquid aa to carry their virtues Into the system. The result Is a germicide so certain that we publish with -every bottle an offer ef 11,000 for a disease germ that Liquosone cannot kill. It destroys tbem because germs ar of vegetable origin. But to the body Liquosone Is sxhllarstlng. vitalising, purifying. That la Its main distinction. Com mon germicides are poisons when taken Internally. Tttey 'are Impossible for y. T JUST TO REMIND YOU That Our SPRING CLOTHl CLOTHLS of the HOUR-raadc with an air of elegance and exclusive individuality , . bordering on perfection v " IN A CLASS BY THLMSLLVLS-invite 7 ; your early inspection - v 1 SUITS andrrOPCO AT sr $15 to $40 JUVENILE, DEPARTMENT Carries the same HIGH STANDARD of excellence as the Men's an unrivaled stock THE, MOST COMFORTABLE, SHOPPING 7 PLACE, in Portland INC dar company at Elma for four days in January and 31 daya In February, and had done no work alnca They left there February 14 and went to Tacoma and from there to Olympia, thence to South Bend.on to Napavlne &ndfrom Napavlne to Kalama. They arrived here Monday sight March IS, and re mained here until Saturday morning, when they started for Woodland. t While In Kalama they aold several lings, stating they had bought the ringa and Several other pieces of small jewelry. from different stores In Chi eaga, mentioning the firm names of Oarden Morrison. Ill and lie Mad ison tree and Theodore Mott, 411-417 Dearborn street, Chicago. They said they paid this laat firm l for 14 doaen hatpins. Ha stated they met the track men and fence gang about five or alx miles from . Kalama Saturday noon and got some bread from them. From there they Journeyed to Woodland. After arriving e that place they bought soma beer and a bottle of whlakey and aold another ring for 11.10 te a saloon keeper. Their subsequent movements he refused to reveal. Tom Baxter refused to say a word beyond bis oao remark-regarding hie nama Tea Is rest and coffee Is strength Schilling's Best Prohibit Slot Machine. 4 JtmI special gerrlee.l Elmlra, N. T., April 1. All alot ma chlnea and similar gambling devices were put under the ban in Elmlra to day by order of Mayor Brockway. Here afier. they- will be eoaftsoatsd 'and da atroyed by. the police wherever found. Let Us Pay Llquozone, and Give it to You to Try. they destroy the tissue as -welt - as tlte germ a. That Is why medlolne proves so helpless In dealing with germ diseaaea- Liquosone, "oh" the " contrary, acts as a remarkable ton lo. ' ' . We Paid $100,000. Tor, the rights ' to ' Liquosone, ' after thousands of tost hsd beea made with It after Its power had been demon strated for more than two years In the most difficult germ diseaaea Condition which had resisted medicine for yeara yielded at ones tf (t, snd diseases con sidered Incurable were cured. That waa five .years ego. Since then millions of people In every part of the world have shared tn the'benents of this Invention. Nsarl'every hamlet, every neighborhood, has, living examples of Its power. Now ws nsk you to let It do for you what It did for them. - Germ Diseases. - Most ef . our sickness has, ' In lata years, been traced ' to germ attache. Some germa eg in akin troubles di rectly attack the tissues. Some create toxins, cauetng such troubles ss Rheu matism. Blood Poison, Kidney Disease and nerve weakness. Some destroy vital organs, aa In Consumption. Some like the germs of Catarrh crests In flammatlon; some cans indigestion In ona of these ways, nearly every serious ailment Is a germ reeult 7 v 1 Leading Clothier FOREST GROVE TEACHERS ELECTED FOR NEXT YEAR J : ISpeetal Dispatch to The Jooraal-T j Forest Grove. . Or.; April 1. The , school board haa reelected all of the , old teachers for next year. Thsy are: ' grade. Miss Ina V. Oould; seventh. Mtae' Lore Foster; sixth, Mlas Francee Sor ensen; fifth. Miss Merle Shanahant fourth. Miss - Btmonson; third. Miss Dora Baker; aecond. Mlae Edna Jenaen; primary, Mtaa Mattison." , The publlo school Is very prosperous this . year. The enrollment la larger than aver before and the corps of teachera haa given eminent satisfac tion. - - ELKS WILL DEDICATE NEW HOME TOMORROW (Joaraal gpeetal Service.) Baton Rouge. La.. April 1. Tomorrow tr to- be a red-letter day for the Elks et uaton Kouge. The occasion will be tha dedication of the handsome near home of the fraternity, for which preparations have been going forward for some montha The first exercises will be the laying of the corner-stone in the after noon. In the evening the dedication proper will take place. Members of the order hsve been Invited from Shreve port. Donaldsonvllle and a number of other cities of Louisiana. Splendid en-Urtainment- le being arranged -fee - the visitors. Such renditions call for a germicide, not for common drugs. ' Liquosone tfooe what other means cannot accomplish. And It la wrong to cling to eld waye , when millions of people know a way that lae better. 50c Bottle Free. If you wish te know what Liquosone ' does please send us this coupon. We will then mall you an order on a local druggist for a full-alse bottle, and wlt pay 4he druggist oureelvea for It This la our free gift, made to convince youi to let the product Itself show you what It can dni. in Justice to yourself, please accept It today, for it placee you un der no obligations whatever. Liquosone costs lOo and It. CUT OUT THIS COUPON gill It eat ss sull tt t The Mqnnwwe Company. 40-4e4 Weoeah Art, Ctiks. My 4lsease Is.... . I hare nerve tried the sew LlqimmiM. tnit If tarn will sapplr bm a Ws kutiM fie 1 rill- take it otre run iii We nr. sow antrum eat I'm Snn, bdapd cm flr ir mf eves tM Mr Star i. ih . Irn w n(KS h-fcr i t.hiitnfmn Is gxrantt1 n ..-r wnt :.J w t .F