The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, April 01, 1907, Page 13, Image 13

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: i
larger Supplies of City Cream
ery Stock Put Value at
i " ' .
; u; Thirty-Five Cents. ,
All Creameries but One Quote the
Lower Range but All Agree That
Price Will Show Further Decline
' Soon. . ' ,,' '. ,
Principal Market featnr today:
' Creemerr batter In lowtr.
, Kgg msrket standing at 111.
Potato market eloee to top.
Oaat enlona rather ecaree. .....
Dressed ami saerkrt trr. v V
. I'saltre retain ateadr tone.
gV '''S-N vbaat ta atart t)la.
'Spar, peine as roroier iigur.
.-... . Craemsrv Butt to lower.
At eictaslrelr predicted by Th Journal Jait
Wee tba price f ereanerr- batter ta lower
tadtf., Tbla actio wa diva to tba "Increase
In aunpllea. AU bat ene of tba eltr ereetnerle
ara euotln lac aa tba top tor boiler tnrtijr, thla
ilng a accllne t 2e a poena treat we
flsnre Hck ruled oa Satardar.
"Theea la a big Ineraaaa la -the aappllea of
rraaia," savs T. H. Townscnd of tba ereemery
, of that nam. "Wa Snd that tba aunpllea ara
folia np ta tba' Senand and aa the price, ha
- beea Terr hlirk all along wa believe tba xsarket
Justified a droe to S&e. It la a gucetlo of
bat a day ar aa BMra before ts market will
fo attll lower and wa lwr t "b market
Oregon ematn aan: "Batter snpplle are
honing eneslderable laereaaa and tbe drop of
IHe a pnHl tbla gwrnlng waa fnllr Jnstl
Bed." In ll market tba enppllea ar fnlly p
ft Ibe demand with aome Increae over thai.
' bellaea tba market will atrlka lower levels
oon." ....... '
Weet ft Owaa aar: ' "Creamer? batter la
down ta 1UI a pen ad today. Onr sapplle ara
caiit,terabljr Increased and ara find tba aam
eondlttoa ta rata- slaewber 1b tba local
' merkat." - ..
M. Morteaen f tba Hsaelwend: "Wa did
not make nr ebanfe la hatter qootetlons thla
rooming bimaii l (lnd tfcera bra not aunpllea
- eaonrh -to flit tba rd.t-realta -that It
la tba qneelkm of but a abort time before
there will be a dig drop In bnttar. bat wa ara
going to bold op aa long aa possible. At thla
time I do not think we will make chang
daring aba pact taw dajre."
Zff feUrket la tUadlnc B4M.
Receipt la the an ' market abew another
increase today a ad tba tone la weaker,
'xhenee waa made la tba ruling valuta np
. boob, tba ..wbolessle trade trying ta bold the
market. at Me and See with most ot them
(eking tba latter figure. Tba retailtrade la
bonerar. baring eraot upplle because It ei
peets a lower range of vslnea.
Poaltrf market remains wMbteidT-time
with tbe ul light Monday arrieala. ,
' Pressed meat ara easier with .tba milder
weather but valne rr tba far ;nchahged
from Sstnnlay. . y: .. , ), .--
We Wheat ta Mart Huh. - -
- .W hile tba Peoelpta of wheat during the peat
reek were anfflrtent to keep' tbe mtlla raa.
nlng te annia extant.' thla morning few of tbem
tlarled ayilap iiwttey bad 'grJMtld "bll tka
eallaMe aflprllea- and'ao prw arrirala were
tv.wn ore- Sonrt., t.- ' --Flour
mtrket renulna arg flrnv artrh aeant
uppllea and mlllera not pnehlng their' aalea
( tba lack f-eupnjlae. Tataaa art
ancbanged. . ,, , ,
s . - FaUta XaAatCkM te Top.
, "While abma grow era are . getting maeb ax
cited orer. tba recent admnce-ln the potate
market; dealera. aa a mle ara thinking ofxtba
altuatla,n In a ealm maaner and ara content
tn lot 4he market find Ita en leret. None
ef tba bqrera are bidding orer tl.Tb for atrlctlj
fanxr eaateea Multnomah Hoot here ate thrr
ear- tbwt tba piarket dora not Ju.tlfy higher
enlnea. In fart, thej aar tber ara of the
opinion that tba market baa about, reached tba
top and they are shipping all available anp
pllna to-the eoth-a ft it aa tber a get
Union market la very firm with a great
carelty of fancy a took, prima eeme.
Mnaraa-ue a a freetloa km-ar wttb tba bet.
tar enppllea. .1 .
Cabbage la holding Ita awa. but the aarket
la eeeler.
Ni'W arrieala. .In bananaa were expected oa
the street dnrlng tba day.
Tbe trade pays tba following nrlcea to
rmnt afreet. Prices paid abippera ara. ieaa
regnlar rnntmlealona: . . .. . ,
Grain, rimir aad Feed. -
WIIKAT-:lub. TlT2c: red Baeelaa, S4Wc;
blneatitn. T4c rallpy. 7Ie. .
COnX WUoIa. 25J; cracked.-126.00 par
BARLKT New Feed. 121.00022 on per ton :
polleil. tli.OttfuiiM; brewing. t3.00tl2S.OO.
RVf-ll.M per cwt.
OATH New Prodacera price No. I white.
taiOOO 28.110 per ton gray. f2K.0OeJ2K.60.
FtXrR Rastara Oregon patents, $4,111;
alralghta. 3.0; eiport, 3.Sn; ralley. . la.Ttli
arnibam. '4s, g3B0: Whole wheat. ga.TSi rra.
Eos. vnr: bulea. M.T. .
MILLTrjlFTo Bran, ,17.00 par toni mid
dltnea. $iT.0O; shorts, country. 120.60: altr.
lnO: chop. $1.0021.00. '
HAY-rmicertr frlce TmofnyTTrnTameffa
yalley, fancy. gia.OOQM.OO: ordinary. .ont
10.00: eastara Oregon, f 10.00; nilted. (lO.Otiel
in.'O: clorer. W.00: arm In. IS. OotllDno- .k.
IS.00. .,
. aanar, eggi aaa reoltry.
Bt'TTBR FAT f. a, b. Port li ad Sweet
eem. Xt sour, HI He
m.TTKK City ereamerr. gBc- mtatda.
fancy. 6c! atore, 3tie. . . , Kxrra rancy, cannieg, iPeTZOc.
CHEKHH New Full eresm. flata. ieiu
Tonng Aiuerlea. ITtl7Hc
PdCLTRi Mlaed ehlckena. ItHeVper lb;
fancy bene. J5e per lhi roostera, aid. lie 1 2c
per lb: old ataga, lJlHe per lb: fryere, 15c
per lb; brollera, I.Vi per-lb: old dsxka. 13 Sc
per lb: spring dncka, lUHe par lb;- geeae, CM
lOe per hSf torkeye. 17e per lb for M; draaae,!.
fane?. 22e per , lb; aoiiaha U.OO per doe;
plicnnb; VI. 00 par doc, pressed poultry 16)1 tte
per lb blgher.. .. .. ... ,
' i . Heps, Waal aad Rides. .
HOP loot) crop Choice. 11c; prima ta
choice. 10i 10He; medlnot to prima, gtfne
' aiedlnm, c; eontraeta. 1007 crop. 12e. '
, r WOOL l4o. clip Valley, uQ2); aaatara
Oregon. 1V.
MiiHA.R Wew IB0T te lb.'"
RHKEPKKIN8 fibearing. loS20e each: abort
wool, kfitieOei medium wool,. 40175c aaibt
long wool, 7Bceil.00 each, '
TAIL?!fr"n ,bl l and
rran, '.7TV.
Jill 1c.
3 ARK 8 tor ear leu:. email let,
HIDES Dry, No.' 1, IS'lha and op, 141
le per lb; dry kip, Xo. 1, ( to It lhe. lr.eji.v
..:W - ., i i i ii r v..,.:..,,..,..; j
d ' At thla time there In a very 4
4 ' wide difference In the quality of d
4 potatoea, four grradea blng d
d quoted. The beat of thead I the
4 ; eaatern Multnomah atock, which d
dealer ara bidding aa high aa
$1.7$ per 100 pounda for aup-
4 pll"- - Fancy-mountain atock Is
:ouotd aa high a $1.40. Kagtern ' d
' Oregon potatoes, while generally d
d of good quality are tbe lowest a
4 price! potatoea In the market on d
d account of tha lack of grading. d
4 Dealera ara bidding 11 for theae. d
a In tha Willamette valley tha
d atock Is not uniform according d
4 td tha trad and dealera ar pay- 4)
e Ing from li to $1.1$ for suppllea. d
What dealers say ; .
t - By W. B. Olafk Co. d
e On axoount of hoary holdlnga d
d of egga Hyphlpperg and tba d
d crowding of Imraanae '.atock on d
d tba market at tba laat. moment d
d the ara market ahowa a audden d
d . break, and valuea . ara aaveral e
d centa lower, with" only a fair
d amount of . buying at . theaa d
d prioea. Cold atoraga oparatora
e ara not yet In tha market bax d
d cauae they think prioea wHI go d
e atlll lower. In any event prea- d
d "ant valuea ara too " high ,ford
d atorage operatlona. 4
a Poultry market . ramalna firm d
d with recelpta nominal. Prlcea e
d are practically aa quoted laat a
a Week, retail trade not being In . d
d , a hurry to pay over theaa quota- e
d tlona. aa they have plentiful d
e auppllea of eaatern atoraga atock
e on band, which did not ooat them e
d . ao much money.
d In dreaaed meata milder e
weather haa caused a drop, re- 'e
d , eelpta being larger end demand ' d
d not quite ao gool. . e
dry ealf. No, 1, nnder B I ha. 20c, salted bldea,
steers, aonnd. .00 Ibe and orer. 10?lle ows,
RHUOHe; ataaa and bulla, aonnd, 837c kl,
13 to SO lhe. Be; calf, aound. nnder 15 tba. 11c;
graea. nnaalted. la leaa; culls, lc per lb least
horse hldea, aalted. each, tl.0O?2.00; dry, each,
I.Oil.oO: colt bides, .-anefnoc; goat aklna,
commoa. eacb, lOQlSc; . Angora, each, gocei
11-00. ,
' ' Fralta aad Tagataklaa.
POTATOF.8 Buying price, aaatara Halloo,
mab aad Claekamaa, select, tlM"11.7S: sell
ing, fancy. $1.7: ordinary, baying, fl.SMt
I. 40; eaatern Oregon. buying, tl.OOQl.lO;
aweeta. 7e pee lb.
ONIONS Johblng price -No. I Oregoa. $1.28
ttl eOi No. 2. noe; buying nlce. gOttTbe t . a. b.
shipping point; garlic. kic per Jb.
APPI.L8 Fancy Hood Rlrer Hp It sen berg and
Yellrw Kewtowna, 12.80; fancy Willamette Tel
ler aad eon i hern Oregon, gl.iWei.7i; ordlnair
atock. 0OcrlJ. l .
FRESH FR(ITg Orangea, new aerel. IJ.TS
et3.3A; tana-erinee. $1 to; bananaa. Be per In;
lemons. g 00(3 00 per boa; llmee. Meilcan,
II. 23 per 100: ptneepptaa, f4.00B.OO par dual
gran frnlt. (3.2s.
VEOETABI.F.8 Tnrntpa. new. OegTtl sack;
carrots, 75rjtl.00 per sack; beets. $1.75 per
aarki parent pa, $1.0011.23: cabbace,;
parsnips, 00ct1 00; string beane, l-1e per Ibf
eaullflowar, $2.60 par dnat paaa. 13c: hprso
rs.llsh. He per lb: artichokes. 76cl$l 00 per
ooa: aqaaan. .oceai.uu per nox ; ceiery. Mie
torn la. 3t70c (er doa; crsnberrtes, $8.00
00 per barrel; sprouts, gffioc per lb; aspara
gua. 12tl2Hc; rhubarb, c per lb; aspara.
onksis. l.ic dos; Florida bellpeppera, 40a per
lb: splRirb. $1.001.2. pcf boi.
DRIKD FRI1T.S Ai.plci. srsporsted. 64 t
7c per lb; apricots. :4-tii Sue- per lb; peaebea.
l2tl3H per lb; sacks, e per lb lees: prunes,
30 te 40, o(t8; Vi" drop on each 1-10 smaller
alee: figs. California black, UHe per lb;
California white. fttfOHe per lb; datee. golden,
$8.50 per bo ; tarda, $1.46(41. CO get 131b box.
Oreoerlaa, Kata, Eta.
BT?ffAR California At Hawaiian Cuba.
I.VirrVk: nowdered. (3.121a: berrr. $4.2M: dry
granulated, $4.2V: Ptar, $4R2H; eonf. A.
M.MiH; extra B, $4.42H: golden C. $4.82i
U yellow, 14 rcvi; beet grannlated, (4.ez.
Western Cube. . $4 07 W: powdered, $3.12m
dry granulated, $S.27H; P. C, $4.8214; 8t.
Francis, $4.824 ; ' ooniectloners' A. $4 02;
eitra C $4.42; golden C, $4.82H; D yellow,
$4 224: beet graiinlsted, $4,824: barrels. 10c;
bait barrels. 2V; bosea, bOa sjessoa eav- sack
baa la.
(Abore prlcea are 80 days act cash Quota
tions.) HONFY $n.OI per crste.
COrFKB Packets brands, $13.M)i.g.
PAI.T Coarseflalf ground, 100a. $10.00 per
ton: 60a, $,0.M: table, dairy. 30a. $14.00; 100a,
$13.73: balea. ' 2.00; Imported LlTerpool, SOe,
hbls. . 2s, -ta and tOa( $4.500; - tleerpnol
lump rock. $ per ton; ou-id roc a. aiu.yu;
160a. $10.00. .
I Abore prlcea apply to aalea ef lees then
car lots. - Car lota at special prlcea subject te
RICE Imperial Japan, No. I. c; No. 1
SMe; New Orleana, bead, Tc; AJsx, be; Creole,
'itKANS Small white. ' $3 JO; large wlilt.
$3.25; pink, $3.25; bayou, $3.76; Umae, iSic;
siestcsn reoa, c.
nuts I'eenats. linba. OUo nar tb: Tlr
glnla. 74 per lb: roasted. trc per lb; Jaia
neaa. AHi.14ci roasted, 7ft74c per lb; cocoa.
nnta, SOU 80c per doa: walnuts, Cailforala. lAc
per lb; French, 13c per lb; pin note. 1491-
lr lb; hickory nut. lOe per lb: eliestauta,
eaatern. lStjlftc per lb; Braall note. Jtc nor
lb; fllbaru. 10c per lb; fancy pecana, 1820c;
almonds, 19ft 21 4e. , ,
MsatsA risb and ProrUlon,.
FRESH MEATS FYtmt Street Rog. fancy.
$4tWe per lb; veal. r, 8ttc per lb;
ordinary, iftuw per in: pour, or per 10; mut
ton, fancy, b8c per lb; aprlng lambs, 14J
l&c per lb. '
HAMS. BACON, ETC Portland park-floral)
hams, 10 to 12 lbs. 104e par lb; 14 to 1 lbs.
l(lc per lb: 18 to 20 me. it per in: nreotrs-t
beenn...l04tl2J lac per lb: picnic. 12c per jb;
eoture roll. 12e per lb; recnlar short clear,
nsmoked, 12e per Ibr snwked. 1,3c per lb;
clear backs, n nsmoked. 12c; emoked, 13c per
e: - 1'B.ksa butt, 10 te 13 lbs. uuamokad, PC
per lb: amoked. 8c par lb: clear bellies. n
emoked. 124 per lb: amoked. 134c per lb!
shoulders. 12c per lb; pickled ton rocs, SOe each.
LOCAL LARD Kettle leaf. 10a. 184a per
Ibt 0a, lSkc par lb: pn-lb tin. 124 per IS;
steam rendered. 10s. 124c per lb; Ba. 12
per lb: eomponnd, loa. p per lb.
CA.NNKD . SALMON Columbia river. I -lb
tails, $1.80; 2-rb tails, $3.73; fancy l ib flats,
$10; 4-lb fancy flata, $1.13: fancy 1-lb orels.
$2.73; Alaska tails, pink, SSgOOc; red. $l.b0;
nominal, 2. tall. $2.00.
FISH Bock cod. 7 ner tbr flounders, Se per
Lib; halibut. 84 per lb; crab, $l.00ftt !K per
doe; atiineo nana, line per in; catiisn, iuc
per lb: salmon, fresh Columbia rlrer eteelheais,
lie per lb; Chinook. I24 per lb: f rose a sal
moa. 8tlle per lb; herring. Be per lb; cole.
BC. per lb; ehrlmpa, 10c per lb; perch. Bo per
Ibt block cod. 7c per Tb: tomco1, 7c Ter I!;
Wibstera, lHc per lb: fresh mackerel, Pc per
lb; crawfish. 20 per do; atnrrenn, 10c- per
lb; blark base, 20c per lb; Columbia rlrer
smelt, be per lb.
OVKTrrtb Sliaalwater bsy. per gallon. $2 SO;
per 100-lb sack. $4-50: Ol.rmpla. per gsllon.
$2.28; per 116-lb eack. $5.6000.25; Eagl.
vanned, 10 can, $7.00 do.
CLAMS Hardahall, per boi. - $2.40; rsaor
elans, $2.00 per bog. 11 per doa.
Paint, Coal Oil. Xta. ' .
. It 0 PR Pur Manila, 13ei standard, 18e:
alsl. lie.
COAL OtL Pearl or Astral Caeee, l4o per
gsl: water white. Iron bbm, I4 par gsl;
Jooden, 17e per gal; headlight, .170 deg, eaaaa.
14c per gal. . .
OASOLIN'R S8 deg., esse, 244e per gal;
Iron hhls. lHc per gal.
HENZINB 03 deg, casea, 15 per gal; Ima
bbl. ia4c'pe '
TURPBNTINK la esses. See per gall wooden
bbte. fine per gal.
WHITB LKAD Ton lot. T4e per lb! 500-lb
lots. Do per lb; leaa lota. 84c par lb.
. WIRR ifAILS Present baa la at $2.M.
I.INSRED OUc Pure raw. In 8-bbl Ma, rloc;
t-hbl lots, 5-V; raeea, BAe per gal: genuine kettle-boiled,
caeee. 80c per 1; 8-bhl lot. 84c;
1 bbl lota, Abe per gal; ground rake, ear lots,
$20.00 per Jon; lea than car lots, $30.00 per
ton. ... -
The Koemoe company' stesnter Ahbeaalrl
which la echeduled te leave San Jnae da Oust.
mala Tbnrsdsy, will bring Into tbe San anv
Cisco market the largeet alngle cargo of coffe
eeee reeeieed tber. Tbe eteanier will, be-
Idea her own cargo, carry tbe coffe cargo of
another atesreer which la ashore tn Snnth
America. Tbe total eerre of coffee will'
amount to ei.rjoo bass. Tbe steamer la ei.
peered to reach-San rranrlaco about tbe mlddl
of the month.
' , i
Kw Turk,-April 1. Oovemmrnt bond:
Dale. Bid. Aak.
Twos, regietsred tnl 1o4 J054
do coupon If 110 lnr4 1HW
Three, registered ........ If 10114 ii4
aVr- -ceupnn -........... twt I0H4 , l4
Ponr.' registered ........ .. iftnr inou
do coo no. .-...' iar7 (ii7 lnj
Three, small bonda.,,, "1i24 ...
four, redsfered .........,do?j . m2' i.-t
d eonpon -.......'...., WA 1.1114 1H1
Pletrlct of Colombia 8 Via.. .... I144 . ..
FMtre, Pblllrprne '-. ji. Irnii'' liu
Tr-a. Pntteuie ........'.. 4., jotf, . foov
hog mm is
Prices Ara Sheared Again in the
Loca! Yards Even .Though Ar
. rivals Are Small.
PAckers Hare Sufficient Suppllea in
From tbe East and En Route to
Fill Immediate Requirement-
Cattle Firmer
Portland ITnloa Stockrarda. Abrtl L CTre-
atock recelpta:
Hogs. Cattle. Shewn.
Today . 1U ...
Week ago 000 4.V) ...
Tear ago 84 1X5 ...
Prerloua year 12b ' 160
- -roe Dog market , snows a runner ores a is
valuea todar. mice betna? down to $7.20 for
beet staff. Mo aalea are -reported today abort
that figure. Tbla mean a lose ot 2oe from
tbe high point. There were no arrirala la
tba boa market todar but oacker bar slanty
of eastern stork on hsnd and aa route te fUH
out tnetr immediate requirementa. A year
touar tba boa- market waa flrra wltb ateu-
dear te adranea.
trangth la Oattle Prooa
fttrengtb In tba cattle market t vary pro-
aeunced. Arrirala for the aa boa re war amall
and the adranea of 10 q noted azelualraly by
Tbe Journal on Saturday la eery aelly main,
talned. A rear aaa todar eat tie price were
very ftra witb tba market ebewlng a teadency
tu rue. - . .
gheen oontlnoe 'too acare tn evea msk a
meutloa of market conditioner-" N arrlvale
shown In the yards during tba paat 48 hours.
Stock broker do not look for any Improva
meut la .the arrirala of aheep until after
shearing. A year ago today abeep were etaady
and irurhanged In value.
mnciai I ires toe' K prices v
Hog Best eaatern Oregon. 87.28: etockera
and feedere. $S.2&17.0O: China fata. $4,739
Cattle Beet eaatera Oregon steers, gs.ona
5.10; beat cow end belfere. $3.bOQ4.00; atock.
ere and feeder, $3 o04.00; bolls, $2.30.
Rheep Ml red, OWtc; wethers, 64c; awea,
8i4c; la tube, 40e. . , . .
Chicago in Good Shape "With Ijiberal
s ArriTals Today.
Cblcago, April 1, Livestock receipt:
Hogs. Cattle. Sheep.
Chicago . 22.000 28,000 SO.000
Kansas City , ,. 8.000 8.000 B.OOO
Omsba 4.2O0 ' 4.800 23.000
Uoga ar steady wltb 1.000 left over. Be.
celpte year ago were 88,000. Prlcea: Mixed,
$4.sotj(e.n.-t; peary. e 00 as. as; roug n, .nuij
8.40; light. $a fwe.06.
Cattle Bteady. .
Sheep Steady. '
Values Go Skyward Within a Month
-Very Small Supply, ' . -
tSpaclal Dispatch to The Journal.)
Athena, Or., April 1. Cattle ara very crr
In thla . eeetloa - of eaatern Oregon. A few
montha ago aa many cattle could be parch seed
aa neaoea at a very reasons Die price, ana 11 in
noer -shown that nrlcee hare mora than
doubled In a month. Most any kind of a cstf
will eell for $0 - and $10, while gooa-eisaa
catti are aetiing lor geo ana npwnra.
Sharp Advance In Most Issues Late
In the Trading.
--J yrr OAINS.
LocontitlT ,
Sut-ir ......
Hmelter ....
... d'illlltnot Centrnl...
... 2-J Ulsosurl Pacific,
... 3 IX." X. Central...
. .. 8'4'PennsTlranla ....
. 1
.. 1
Atchison .
n. o,
('ana din n
St. Psnl .
Oolo. Fuel
SSIPeople'a 'if..,
.. liiReadlng
.T4'SslBock lsUnd
Southern Pad tic.
Fnlon Pacific...
VIC. S. Steel
00 praterrea
Kew York. AtrTl 1. Th stock market re
ceived moat ef Ita advance today late la the
dsr. It waa strong but quiet early. Th larg.
est -gain waa in Brooklyn "L" which cloeed
4s, point over rnaay a price,
AmaL- Copper -Aaierleon
Anier. Soaar.
Anter. Smelting,
Atcnieon. com. . .
Belt. Ohio, com
Srooklya B. T....
Canadian Parlflc,
Chl Mil. St. P....
Colorado r. a I., com.
Krte. cm.
1onls. A Nash
Missouri Pacific
New York Central....
Pennsi Ivnnta Hv.
p. o.. l. a c. co
Reading, common
Rock Island.
Southern Pac. common
Colon Pac, common.,,
14. S. Steel Co., eom. ..
do. nfd.
Toul sale for day, 1,087,7000 aba
my ad a mxvtko rrocKS.
San Franclace, April l.-Nevad shsrea bid
price; ,
- uvwr ia.i.uB niirrHti. r.
Sandstorm. 84c 1 , Red Top, 84;. Mohawk,
$17.25; Columhhi Alt.. ftOc; jumbo, .1.V,;
.Tniube EKb.. M IIHl Vernal. 18c: Pennsylra.
nta. Iter WnMfk-ld M, Co.. $150; Kendall. J!7ci
Booth, T3c; Blue Bull, 40c; Adama, 17c.
Ophlr, $2.2(1; Mexican. Mc; Gould a Curry,
tnc; ton. Virginia. $1; Savage, 7c; Hale dt
Nnrcrosa, 7.V; YeMw Jacket, 7fci Belcher,
4c; Confidence, feic; Sierra Nar., 8c; Ex
chequer, 70c; I'nlon, die. .
Mont. Ton.. $.1 of); Ton. Frt.. $8.78: Mae.
Namara. 48c A: aildsray. $1.05; Too. Bolmont.
It. 28; Too. No. Star. 86c; Ohio Ton.. 8r:
West End Cons $1.80; Heaena, 14c; Ton. a
Calif., 10c A; ;olden Anchor. 80e; Jim Butler,
$1.1214: Ton. Cesh Boy. Be; Boat To., 12c:
Mnnarcii I'ltts. Ex.. IV: Mont. Mid. Eit.,
10c; Ooldca Crown, 13c; N. Y. Ton. Con., 8c.
New Tork, April 1-OfflHal price:
Bid. Aak.
New Tork Consolidated 4s.... .eg gnu
Atlsntlc Coast 4a 1 .7Vi
0. B. N. 4 og .00
'7 ' Teday' inv- Market.
New Tork. April L Bar sllrer anrhangedi
holiday In I.rfndom
Cbleag Closed Tomorrow.-'
Chleegn, Anrll 1. Tomorrow le ejecfloa day
nd there will be ao eloa of the grain
exchange. ' . - - y'
i . . ,
(Special Pis patch ta Th Journal.! -Kawerg,
Or.,. April l.-Colialderabl
onmlalnt . Jiaa been coming In from
Chebalem miuntln of chlcken-ateallng,
and aa a result a fe "vle ta In Jali
awaiting a heating 'V, and Con.
atabln Wotvla la aftar"Z8ban4 on
Uie aaxus aUar(s : - - Jog. Ikv
m ft
Co... I SOU! 8.1 4 1 W 02 'A
oca.... 24l S4 I 82 V, 84
mn 194 I1M M24 iltM
TVs 8 87 PS
88 MtZ
178 l4 17TH 14 '
1834 IM 188 l.t.Mi
88 8.1; 84 8.1U
M 2.1 4J V,
1184 H8 11TH 110
T44 715 V4
11 1184 117H 1184
I234:m 1122,
(to 14 1 l K POV
1O414I106S4 108 108
81 l K tl 23 '
7SWI 704 77 78 x
13r5l4;iS8 188 1384
m 87 I 884 86U
8814 SOU 97I 82
Decline of Butter Prices Predicted by The
Journal Last Week Materialized Today All
but One City Creamery Quoting the Decline
Ravages of the Insect Cause of
More Worry Among Grain
Speculators In Chicago.
Big Supply of Cash Stuff Is All That
Has Kept Wheat From Making a
Sharp Advance a Quarter Cent
Gam in Price.
April 1. March 80. Cain. 10n.
"..I .7B $ .76HA I -00U f .77K
t .. .70,A .0
: .. .. 1,A .8Hfc .0
blcagor April 1 Today wa
, and th trade waa fooled ef
B6A .70,A .004 .764
.U01 ....
Chleartv April 1 Todar wa Anrfl Pool'
day, and the trade waa fooled omwht over
tbe wheat market. A Beellne In the price waa
expected. vcn wltb the added damase rty
Lbuga. but Instead tn market not only held
It own, bat daeed 14 np la an option eaecpt
uie May.
Th Record-Herald Bsys ef th eutmnk:
Increaaed alarm at tha nrosraee ef th green
bug In aectlona ef the aouthweet baa carved
to add atrengta so tne wheat niaraet. its coiei
potency has been oa the defferenre or th new
crop de!1ry. The Increasing weight of the-
big supply 'or eaab wheat available, that oa
been a bugaboo ar a burden el noe long before
laat yaar'a harvest, had tbe chief aud enr
preeent depressing influence. Tba bull baa In
mind also that a great deal of the week ones
and smaller bolder were nearly all shaken jotit
nr the recent financial gurry, and as not moca
Impressed by the fact that delivery day la not
but few dara off. Tha chief cans of the an.
eselneea la In tha green bug menace, which tn
the lest week baa been entering in mi
attention of the Important Interests which wer
Inclined to conilder It lightly long It
ravage were confined to a comnaratlTely unim
portant territory sou lb of th Kansas line. The
reeent moment tne mnr ta tn naaaaa cmp
far mora the real thine than It wa th
time tbe Oklahoma crop waa attacked.
Official oootatlooa
by .Overbeck. Starr s
cook company
Orten. Hbrlj-.
$ -7754.
$ i7A
.78 B
'.76SA t .7H
.78V4 .78't
. - .784 70
. .8114 .81
Aizk ,
. 8.80 T
. .4t4 .48
. 4fliZ .4K
. .46V4 -48
. ' .48U .44
, .87J ' .87
. .3i!t4 .88 .
...16.40 16.48
...10.42 Id. 48
... S.0 , 8.02
... 8.20 N 9.22
'. 8.78 8.80
... 8.7 8.80
... 8.02 8.07
. . 8.00 8.02
.4i4 B
P. 02
8.75 '
Orala Tiiibl Supply.
Chicago. April 1. American grain vbjlbU:
Wbst Decree of 56.000 bnshels. u
Corn Decree ef 680.000 bushels.
. Osts Icrease ef 120,000 busbele.
Stock ts Wanted by Curb Trade
Holders Wait for New Re
" organization Scheme.
Wltb th more favorable talk ea Oregon Secu
rities, there haa been eonalderable bidding
anon local people for tbe atock. While OregJU
f ecurhlee euld aa, low aa ii ea the local ex
change some time ego, there are now bid out at
1 H c, wltn no setters in signi. noiovra ara aoi
willing to let go at thla ttgur. becsua moat
of tbem paid around Vile for the atock. With
tbe new tai or reorganuauoa. incj ar wuuog
to wslt while longer.
On th local eichsnrs trading ooottnuea qntet.
Sales were 10 AeeocUted Oil at 41 and 8,000
Waahoogal Extension at 3848. ,
, OKlcuu price:. .
l. :r ..Bid. .... Ak.
Bank ef California $364.00 $
Bankers a Lumbermen 1U3.W
Merchants National ,
Oregoa Trnst a Saving...,
Port land T rust 1
Cnlbtd Ststss National 800.00
American Biscuit Co. 6a 88.00
City Suburban e ......
Columbia SiHitbern Irrigation 6
Hum Telepboo aa
O. R. a N. Railway 4a ;,. 08.00
O. W. P. Hallway 6s loo.))
Pacific Coast Biscuit ea att.M
Portland Railway 6a
J. C. Lrrtft
Aaeoelated OH 40.00
Home Telepboaa Bo. 00
. .18
J. C. Leo Co. 13.00
Parlflc Mlstes Teiepnoae....... ......
Paget Souag Telepbone
Ukevlew . .18
Lees Creek Oold ,01K
North Falrvlrw ...
Manhattan Crown Point....... ..:
patlcla Mining .IS
Waabougal Iwx tension 28
Taqulna Bay Telephone...... 6.37
Alask Petroleum . .,
British Columbia AaulgaaMtee.- K4
.2rt .
Caecsalla . .It -
tMdflelfl Trotter . .
Great Northern ............... .01 4
Mammoth . .................. .00
Ktanriard Conaolldsted .08e
Tecum Steel ...
. .07
. .18
. .04
. .014
. .88
" .08
Cornier King
O. K. Consolidated.
Happy Pay
Snowsboe .......
(Journal Special Service ! -
Boise. Idaho. April 1. The trial ef
the Btenucnberg murder caaa with
Mover, Haywood and Pattlbone defen
dants, waa today net for May I. It
will Vie tried here on change of vpnlieH
from Canyon county. It n understood
the question of further motlona for ad
ditional change of venue ta still open.
Judge Wood.-et Caldwell a few days
ago. declining to close the door to fur
ther possible applications by the de
fen for a change, . . '
; n 1 1 m '1 1
, Irunlep-nrers Nuptials.
' (Journal Special Service.) -
Milwaukee, Wla.. April' 1. William
Dunlap, . the hat man. and, Lavender
Byers were married here thla morning.'
' wreferred Btook Canned floods. 11 -etUea
A Lewis' JUeet UranO.
July .... ....
September ...
December ., ,
May ...
September . . .
September ...
July .... .
Mar .......
Miy ...... .
July .
SepWmber . .
scinis MID
Husband Comes Back With Al
leged Eloping Wife, Threat-
ening Libel Suit the
Oregonian. , '
K. House, tha restaurant man, re
turned from San Francleco laat night
Ha waa In company with Mr. and Mr.
Otto Schumann, who aleo returned from
San lfranclaoo. Mr Schumann ha4 gon
to San Franclaco to Investigate tha ru
mor to the effect that Mr. Houg and
Mrs. Schumann had eloped.
The beat of feeling exlated among- tha
three travelers and all aay that tha ru
mor waa entirely without foundation.
Mr. House thla morning; atated that
there waa no occasion whatever for
such a rumor nor to encourage It, and
ho declarea that Oregonian will be pun
lahed for printing tha story.
"Certainly wa did not elope," aald
Mr. House. "I want to aee my brother.
K . Schnutanhaua, $31 Oak a treat, San
Franciaco,. and remained there., about
-two-wsek-s-tir With ; th grip. Mra. Schu
mann waa visiting; her aon, who la aa
atatant engineer 'on the Milwaukee and
later went to Melroaa, to attend tha
wadding; of Albert1 Dnhm, a relative.
"Wa all returned from Ban Fran
ciaco last night and Mr. 8ohumann la
very much wrought up over the story
printed here. I left Portland about
three weeka ago for San Francisco, but
instead of taking; the train here went
to Oregon City te collect aome rent that
had bean overdue a couple of montha.
I thought thereby to aave time and ao
boarded the California train there after
having looked after my Intereata there.
"Later on I met Mra. Schumann, who
had taken the train at Portland . for
Vallejo, where aha waa - to meat her
aon. Being; old-time frlenda we natur
ally apent aome time tn each other's
company but only aa we met by chance.
Mra. Schumann la an old frtand of my
wife and haa never been employed as
caahler in the reataurant but occaalon
ally would gnatat her there almply for
association. .
'I did not see Mra. Schumann In San
Francisco after we left Portland until
I met her with Mr. Schumann, when
I waa Informed of the abaurd rumor.
'My wife told aeveral reportere who
called upon her that ' there . was tie
ground whatever for the rumor and
told them not to believe anything of
th kind.' '
' Journal Special Sevrtce.)
New Tork, April 1. The Great North
ern notified- Ha etockholdera today that
It will proceed at pnee with the melon
cutting;. The hooka will be cloaed April
I and reopened April IB. The Brat four
Installmenta of the 10 per cent divi
dend deferred by the Minnesota Injunc
tion will now fall due April t. - '
(Journal Special Set-Tie.)
Chicago, April 1. Mra. Charlotte
Graff waa found In bed early this
morning dead, with her head battered
by an eg and almost eevered.harleg
argrrrTr husbncV le missing and la
being eought by tha police. Their three
children aay the couple quarreled for
years. Graff and wife retired together
last nla-ht.
(Special Dispatch to Tba Journal.
Helena, Mont April 1. The antl-
gambling law became effective today
and for the flrat time since the discov
ery of (fold In lt(S absolutely no fameo
of chance are In operation. The new
Arc Yoii a Perfect Man?
With No Back Pains
No Nervousness
j ' No Waste of Power
No Loss of Ambition
To be strong and msnly Is trie aim of every strong man.' and yet how many we
find who are wasting the vitality snd strength which nsture gives them. In
stead of developing into the strong, vigorous, manly young fellows that nsture
intended them to be, they find themselves weak, stunted snd despondent no
-ambttiotMoHlo-arjything. They-struggle aimlessly slong, sooner or later to be
come victims of that dread disease, nervous debility; their finer sensibilities
blunted and their nerves shattered.
I Cure Men's Diseases '
I have treated hundreds of men who have longluffered a gradual decline of physical and mental energy ss
a result of private ailments, snd have been interested in noting the marked general improvement that fol
lows a thorough cure of the chief disorder. My success in curing difficult cases of long standing haa made
mvj the foremost specialist tresting men's diseases. This success is due to several things. It is due to the
study I have given my specialty; to my having sscertained the exact nature of men's ailments, and to the
original, distinctive snd thoroughly scientific methods of treatment I employ. . ,
lo those tn doubt iMO-tflfiMrut onamoiv wm tne
m M e . S J ' I A t .A .e L
lectr l offer free consultation and sdvice,' either at myofficte or through correspondence. If your esse is one
of the few that has reached an incurable stage, I will not accept it for treatment, nor will I urge my services
npoo sny one. I treat curable cases only, and cure all cases I trest r
Tou'vs . probably
been treated for
eo-called weaknaaa
and helped tempo
rarily or not at all,
and the reason la
very apparent
whan cauae ef lone
of power In men
la .understood.
Weakneaa la mere
ly a gymptom ot
chronlo Inflamma
tion of the pros
tata gland, which
my treatment re
movea. thereby
permanantly . re
storing strength
and vigor. . -
Specific Blood Poison
No dangeroua minerals to drive
the vim to th interior, but
harmless, blood-cleanelng rem
edies that remove the laat
polaonoua taint,
- t
Absolutely painless treatment
that cure completely In one
week. Investigate my method.
It Is the only thoroughly eel
entlflo treatment for this He-
being employed. - .
My colored chart, shewing the
male anatomy and affording an
Interesting study In men's die
eaaea will be given free upon
Consultation and Advice
ears a. as. to
334 Morrlaon Street, Corner r.ocond, fortlnncf, O
Vatlenta living eat of the elty and eentlng to rcr-tiaM fr treatment win fur.- n
fin veoni free ef eharge. Ohaek y-"r tr-i a direct ta 8J4' STorrlaon t
law permits the recovery of loaaee by
a victim or by relatives and make
those conducting game and ewnera of
bulldlnge where gambling ta carried on
reaponatble, Tba law alae providea for
the aummary removal ef offlclala In
oltlea or villages where guraea are per
mitted to, continue. . The attorney-general
haa laaued Inatructlona to all civil
officiate that, tba law muat be atrlctly
(Special Dispatch a Tbe Joarnal.t
Pendleton. Or., April 1. Th North,
waatern Theatrical association has or
dera to book no more attractlona this
year because of poor accommodation.
Conaequently it aeema Pendleton would
have been without tbeatrea even If the
theatre had not been condemned by the
fire chief. Every effort will be put
forth to aupply Pendleton with a flrat
claaa theatre for next season. :
Shoots Wife Five Times.
(Journal Special Benlce.)
Iola, Kan.,, April 1. John Tolson fired
five shots into the body of hie wife
here today and fought hie way through
an angry crowd. Jealousy waa the cauae
of Tolson s assault. Ha wag later cap
tured by a poase.
Rtopa earache In two minutes; tooth-acha-orpala
of- burn r acatd trr" rive
minutes; hoaraeneaa, ene hour: musole
ache, two hours; sore throat, twelve
hours -Dr. Thomaa Eclectrlo OIL mon
arch ever pain. '
- only lessen the caliber of the
canal, but ! causes a weedenlng condition of the muscular etid vascular
appendangea, such as the bladder and -the prostate gland, etc. It also
causes total Impotency, draina, deadens the mental facttttlee. cauaea tier
vouanaaa, ptlea, rectal ulcers, and ottenttmea completely cloaca the canal,
causing; a eonvulalon or fit, and then a gurglcal procedure. ' We cure
thia without the knife, by completely dissolving the atrlcture and when
once cured It will nevcrjroturn... ; r r
TOM HalT TxlAxtg onr eares aave been along the ltne ef rakloiuU
Uxa. Our repntattea tot saoeaas and honesty has beea eavrefxdly bmllt,
aad we hold th eoafldoaco ef ear patlente. We do not aeeept laenrable
gaeia. aUttsfaotory resnlte guaranteed. WmiTxl XT TOTJ OAJnTOT OAIixV.
- . . , . . " v" V v ; - .- ....
Office hours, $ a. ro. to t:$0 p.m. Bundajr, I to It m.
nooirs ajts TAiarx&s
Contracted Dlasordcsrss
Tou can depend upon a quick and
thorough cure by my treatment. A
quick cure is desirable ' becauae a
alow cure le apt to ba no cure at all,
and a chronlo development will eome
later. I euro you beyond the possi
bility of a relapse and tn half the
usual time required. '
Keflex Ailment.
Often the condition appearing te be
the chief disorder la only a rf1
ailment resulting from eome other
dtseaa. Weakness eometlmea cornea
from varicocele or atrlcture; akin and
bone dlaeasee result from blood poi
son taint, and -physical and mental
'deollne follow long-standing func
tional dlaorder. My long experience
In treating men enahlea me to deter
mine the exact eondltlona that exist
And to treat accordingly, thue re
moving every damaging cause and
Us effecte.
Call or Write Teday
t s aa. Sundays to to I.
Pittsburg Tries and Finds C
; Twenty-Eight, but Is Prou i
. of Them. .
Pittsburg. April 1. At the annu
banquet of the Plttaburaj Chamber c
Commerce next Thursday evening It
Intended to refute the atatcment pub
lished by an low newspaper to th ef
fect that had Plttaburg exlated In th
daya ef Sodom and Gomorrah It woul 1
have been destroyed aa thoae cities
" The Iowa paper "quoted the twenty
sixth verse ot the eighteenth chapter of
Oeneala, with the atatcment , that a
Abraham wag unable to find - fifty
righteous men in Sodom and Ootnorrah
thoae cities were destroyed.
The Chamber of Commerce started
out to find 80 good men in Pittsburg
but when all the namea were gone
over only ?$ that would papa muster
Were left on the-Hat. The committee
feels proud of thla showing, however,
which le far better than Sodom could
make. The namee of tbe It are to be
announced at the banquet, and their
Identity ., will not be . dlacloaed . tietrt
then. : ,. s -; "--. u
j Pnfarrod fltoek Canned Oeeda,
Allen At Lewie Beat Brand. .
Oar Fee is (to A
in HOST ,
. .. .-
No Pay Unless Cured
26 Years In Portland
Consultation Free
-We mre Skla Piass. Blood
Polaoa, Tarleoeele, Strieeaxw,
wrvou seellna, Oonorrhoosv,
Weakseee and SlsMsea of tbe
Kidneys Bladder . and . ft
take. . , , , . ; -
Over 50 per cent of all caaea
of gonorrhoea cured by the
Old method have stricture.
Alao those men who are sub
jected ' to cold, exposure, to
heavy lifting, sitting; on cold
substances euch as rock and
Iron are affected with a stric
ture. Thla atrlcture will not
inim roknan, omaaoar.
The Leadln, Special:;!
venous rcsims mnx may ionow nc(r-
A - Vat .
In Uncompli
cated Cases
; ;f.Iy Fee Is