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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (March 30, 1907)
THE- OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SATURDAY EVENING. MARCH 30. ,1907. - 1 ' ' ' . Torm Topics Helllg . The Tenderfoot" Baker v ."A a Mu Sow" Kiuplre 'A Cowtw'i Olrl" Star "Endac SraieJ Ordrrs" I.yrlo ..."The Senator's Ieubier" Grand .v...... Vaiuletlile Re. J. H. Molntyre and wife, of Lo Adi1h, will arrlva la Portland , Sunday tn tlms to conduct tho morn ing service at ths Church of tba Naa- arane. 411 Burnslde street botwaaa Tenth and Eleventh. Bar. and Mra , Hclntyre are on thalr war to Seattle to taka up tha work of tha paator of tha' church at that place, during tha abaanca of Rot. JL p. Brown, auperln ' tendent of Nasarana ehurehaa for tha northwaat district, who goea to Brook lyn. Now York, to attend the general assembly of all tha pantacoatal ehurehaa ' of America. - Tha latter minister and wlfa will alao ba preaent at tba Nasar- ena church tomorrow, at lf:J0, I to 1:t0 p. m. Rtrr. Mr. Brown will be la charg of one of tbaa service -' Dr. Brasee, who waa expected, eannot ba preaent on account of Illness. "How a Journal Han Got Rich In ; GoldQeld" will bo explained In tha Butte Bora Conaolldated Mining eon rany's adrertlaement In Sunday'a Jour. .- nak Tola young fallow waa employed ia the circulation department, and when - tha Ooldfleld fever nrat raged In "The Land of Yellow Wealth" ba packed up . hie belongings and daahed away. To ' day he la tn tha bank Ins bualneea and baa eena enough not to try to drain tha town or break tba faro layout. Ilia - la legitimate banking, and he can write hie check for a million. Read about . It In. tha Butte Boya ad In Tha Sunday Journal. The eotnpany'a office la la the Weatherly building. ISO Eaat Morrison , atreat, and Its telephone la Eaat 771. Rev. W. T. Jordan, paator of the Cen tnl Baptlet church, Eaat Ankeny and : r Eaat Twentieth atreeta, haa organised tha boya of hla church Into a club for : ' the' development of both their phyalcai and mental faculties. The' elub will be provided with a gymnaalum and various athletic team a will ba organised. Base ball will be one of the mala features. Meetings will ba held once a week and addressee delivered. Dr. Jordan haa long had the scheme under advlaement and developed It In a, eerraon not long - ago. O. ' F. Nevlna. recently of " Peoria, ' ' Illinois, haa been appointed trenorai freight and passenger agent for the Corvallla Eastern railway, with head quarters at Albany. Tha auditing da--parsnntaof -the Corvallla - "- Astoria ' roads formerly controlled by A. B. Ham mond are being separated, tha former road having become tho property of K. H. Harrlman. and the latter paaslng ' to J. J. H11L Tha Astoria, road will next week ba turned over to tha Northern 'Paclflo. - , ' :', Because tha bida of tha Standard and tha Union Oil companies for furnish ing fuel for tha Portland Are boat were - ' Identical, the executive board will re advertlae. Tha two companies ware tha only enea bidding for the contract . and both offered their commodity at II per barrel. The board wanted to divide the bualnesa between tha two, but tha representatives of both refused to com promise. ' Elisabeth Toung, Georgia Newbury, Harvey Miner, c w. Robinson and Wil liam Dolph, Portland Academy students, won out In tha preliminary declamation contest, ' held yesterday afternoon, ' for placea on tho oratorical program for - commencement day, There were nine antestanta for the -five placea. ' Dr. R. H. Ellis,. C. N. McArthnr and H. M. Eaterley acted as judges of tha contest. J. J, Shea, formerly ticket clerk In . tha Portland offloe of i the Aatorla Columbia 'River Railroad; haa been ap pointed commercial agent for the com pany, aucceedlng R. W. Cook, who went to the employ of tha Chicago North western. Mr. Shea waa for aome years connected with the Corvallla Eaatern at Albany and Newport. C. Taahlta, a young Japanese, was arraigned In tha atata circuit court thla morning and a true Information was filed against him charging larceny of 110 from a roommate In tha Ideal ho tel. 161 H Everett street. . March 14. Taahlta waa given until Monday to plead when It la thought that ha will eater plea of gulltTj w. C. Brooks and Helen Tlllaon were arraigned la Judge Sears' court yester day afternoon and pleaded guilty to Il legal cohabitation. . Brooke waa aen- ' tenced to aerve alx montha In tba coun ty jail and tha TUlaoa woman waa al- - lowed to go on her own recognisance. Tha Portland General Ministerial as sociation win meet at the T. M. C A. auditorium. Monday, April 1, at 10:19 o'clock. Tha report of the labor com mittee will ba read by Rev. E. M. Sharp. Rlngler gymnasium clauses begin April 1. Join now and aava It Initiation fee. New Eaat Bide Athletlo club. Grand avenue and Eaat Morrlaon atreat. Phone East 1(70. Inspection Invited. Banter Monday . afternoon. April 1, tha Old Ladles' Homa society will give a tea at tha Hohart-Curtls, from I to I o'clock.' All Interested In the work are Invited to ba preaent ' A beautiful Una of Imported hata Just received for Eaater special prices for Saturday. X 8. Frakea, 151 Morrlaon street, eame block with TuU A Glbba, on Morrison. , - The annual camp meeting of tha Ore gon Hollneaa association will be held In In order to accumulate a fortune it is necessary to take ji advantage of every earn money, to be : and then to use every precaution to safeguard what you have made. This bank was estab lished to assist you in building a fortune. It will so care for vour mnnfv that it id aficn. w WfHT lutely secure and you can have it whenever JmV you want it. It will assist you with good ad w vice , in business matters and, if you join its financial family, it will prove your good friend in time of need. , It insures you the best serv ice and convenience. Make a deposit todav. Every fortune has grown from p3DSLaaffli Portland, July It to ft. The aaeocla- ', tloa.haa secured aa special' workers Rev. Charles F. Welgele, of Newport, Kentucky, and Rev. Aura Smith and wife ef Beymour, Indiana. .Asalsted by our local workers. Tents will ba fur nished free to those securing them be fore July 1. For Information concern ing thla camp meeting address the president, Le Grande M. Baldwin, 38s ItO Washington street, or 'the secretary, Mra Edith Whltealdea. ISO (Julmby atreat, Portland, Oregon. When" tha night schools closed last night there were just 120 pupils out of tha 480 who had entered for the term present to taka leave of tbelr teachara Tha grown men, nearly all foreigners, had gone to the echoola Ilka -boya to a awlmmlng pond. Tbey got tired of their nightly stud lee altar a time and they began to drop off. The attendance of women alao began to fall off after the first month, and there were comparatively few In the schools during tha closing days Lists ef material contained tn books and magaslnes upon tho subjects of fered for prises by tha Bona of the Rev olution may ba found posted In tha reference room of tba library. Thaae Hats have also been sent to all tha echoola la tha city. Lincoln-Gar field poet, O. A, R., and W. R. C have a Joint basket sociable next Tuesday evening, April I, and In vite ' thalr4 .friends to join them and bring tbelr baskets. - O.-A.- R. hall, corner Morrlaon and Second streets. Rabbi A. L Ovsovlts, from Denver, Colorado, will apeak on "The Power of a Hebrew School." Sunday. March II, I p. m., at tha First street synagogue. Mrs. F. E. Reed of Irvlngton la at St Vlnoent'a hospital. Mra Reed -da not dangerously Ul. She expects to ba homa again l,n about two weeks. Easter 'will ba observed at tha First Congregational church Sunday. Tha choir has prepared a program of aso cial muslo for both seryloes. , Steamer Jeaae Msrklns. for Camas. Waabougal and way landings, dally ex cept Sunday, Leaves Washington atreat dock I p. m, , . - , Dr. B. C MeFarland moved from Columbia building to Til Swetland building. Fifth and Washington streets. Main 1161. Modern offices lrr tha new Buchanan building for rent Portland Truat Com pany of Oregon, southeast corner Third and Oak, . For wlra and Iron fences for ceme teries or lawns, phone Eaat 70S. Co lumbia Wire and Iron works. First annua ball by Prasp'a full or chestra, Merrill's hall, Monday evening. April 1, Prise waits. . Tomorrow night. Redmen'a Coamion lectures by D. O. Crow. New muslo free, . , . , Womin't Exohanga. Ill Tenth street, lunch 11:10 to t; business men's lunch. Acme Oil Co. sells the best safety coal oil and fine gasoline. Phone Eaat 71a, For Kodak. Kodak developing L I Cohen, the . Kodak store, ill Sixth 8t Remember, Co. B gives their 'last dance of tha aeriea Friday, April I. . Why pay more? Metager fits your eyee for tL- 111 Sixth street t - Geneva LI thla Water 61 First St - D., Chamber, optician, Jll Seventh. - Berger -Signs 114 Tamhill Phone, RIVER JORDAN SCENE IN THE WHITE TEMPLE Bervlcea at tha White Temple Sun day will ba la harmony with the Easter tide. Dr. Brougher will speak on Eas ter toplca The music by the Temple quartette. Soloists and choir will be ap propriate, and tha pulpit will ba made beautiful with Eaater llliea and palma A large number of people will be bap tised at the opening of tba evening aer vice. Mora than usual Interest la aroused In thla ordinance, for tho reason that a beautiful painting, a scene on the River Jordan, by 11 feat In also, has just been placed aa a background to tho baptistery. This will ba tho first time ' It has been seen. - It has been pronounced by competent judges to be a work of rare charm and beauty, and particularly In harmony with ita prea ent location. . It waa executed by Mra. J. Whltcomb .. Brougher, Mra. Anabel Parrlsh and Jra W. R. Lltsenberg. PLANS FOR HIGHER MADISON STREET BRIDGE New plana for tha construction of tha Madison street bridge were adopted at an executive committee meeting of the Portland board of trade yesterday after noon. Tho plana provide for a bridge nine feet above the level of tho proa' ant atruotura. giving a low water clear ance of II 14 feat, whloh will. It la es timated permit about 71 per eent of the steam craft In this harbor paaa un der tho bridge without opening the drawapaa. The object la to permit over iiead atreet crossings ovsr tho railroad tracks between tha east and of tha bridge and Grand avenue. St. Johns Voter Take Notice. The Independent ticket of St John a waa nominated by regular roasa meet ing, but I. Rlcharda who ia running aa an independent candidate for eou nail man at largo Is not a nominee on that ticket vote for tho regular nomlneea .- K. O HURLBERT. legitimate opportunity to industrious and economical a bank account. owns coins of ROMAN EMPIRE C. L Parrish't Collection In vdudes Those Coined Before x the Christian Era. MANY NUMISMATISTS EXHIBITING TREASURES Mrs. Grove, Owner of German Piece Orer Two Hundred years Old, Recently Loot Bracelet Made of Old Coin. Portland never, knew It had ao many old coins until a discussion of tho mat ter in the columns of The Journal opened up the old chests snd brought forth pieces - . .1 . . . M . . W .. ui money io wajte me ait vi avtuu- selah look like . a kindergarten. C L. Parrlsh. who in reality started the discussion and hunt for old money By his assertion a fw days ago. that he believed the continental dollar of 1771 ha owned waa tha oldeat American coin in Portland, this morning laid claim to tho distinction of having alao tha . " 'i L" ' r - .V J. I la -A t . J ' - ' H Spanish Coin Owned br Mrs. A L. Maxwell, Coined In 1697, oldest foreign coin In Portland. It la not likely that hla . claim will ba dis proved, unless soma one dlga up a coin from , an Egyptian sarcophagus and brings It here for that purpose. In the Parrlsh collection are two silver coins which circulated In tha Roman empire. One of them la - a silver de narius, which waa coined in tho year K8 B. C, and la, therefore, I47S years of age and a till in good health, with a face that ia unwrlnklad sad which ahowa but few signs of advanolng age. Another the reign of Augustus, xrB. C. and be haa a Trojan deotua of bronso used by the Romana in ISO A. P. Another coin which he possesses la a William and Mary farthing, bearing tho data of 1694. . Plaomsstom Interesting. . But until aome one elae brings forth a coin older than tho two Roman ones noted tho latter will probably hold to thalr record proudly aa the oldeat pro aerved realdenta of Portland. There havo been many responses to the old coin Question. Tho numerous replies establish the fact that Portland has a large family of plecea of ancient money, both American and foreign. Some of tha moat noteworthy which have bean displayed since yesterday were by the following: Mra Lena O roves, ill Raleigh street German 4-ent piece bearing data of 1700. Mra Orovea recently lost a brace let made of old coins, many of which wars American piecea . Tricky Turkish Coins. Mra ELiP. Chard. Ill East Twenty eecond atreat north, haa an English coin dated 1771, and John Flnlsy, who lives at tho Llndell hotel., owns sn English sovereign of 1178, which . waa the first money earned by hla father. During tho day several copper pieces bearing tho Inscription "Sultaato Brunei" have been shown. On the re verse side is tho Turkish star and hlero- glyphica with tha data 1104. but tho coins are not aa old as is indicated by tha first glance, due to tha faot that there la ft dlffarenoe between the reck oning of the Moslem and Christian time of some 187 years, in other words the Turks are that much behind tho times, so a coin dated 1104 was in reality coined in the year A. D. JUL Juat II years ago. Evidently tha Turks attempt to deceive the cola col lectors tho same as they do tho pow ers of Europe who . for years havo watched the "sick man.'' - Among those who have old oolna tn their possession is u. u. Hiatt. un Eaat Everett atreet Mr. Hlatt Is ex hibiting an old coin of tho denomination of one-half cant that was made in 1104. Because of Its ago tho coin la eald to ba quite valuable. . . PURCHASES 23 LOTS IN LINDSLEY ACRES Joseph Nofie.Buys Tract In Sub- urb---C. C Sutherland Sells Quarter Block. A number of medium slsed sales that havo been hanging fire for several days wars brought to a, cloao yesterday. A. A. Lindaley has sold to Joseph Nolls 13 lots In Lindaley acres for a total consideration tf 117.000. or an average of nearly $710 a lot - H. Illrachberger bought yesterday from C O. Sutherland a quarter block at the corner of East Second and East Taylor streets for 114,000. The prop erty is unimproved, but Is within the district undsr contract to bo filled to basement level by the Paclflo Bridge company. John R. Halo haa pnrehaaed from Loula P. Beno a 10 by 70 foot lot at tho northeast corner of Fourth and Hall streets, consideration 11,000. Dr. A. L Ford warren baa purchased an sight room bungalow residence on Twenty-second street between Northrup and Overton for 17.800. Tho property belonged to vv. B. coenrane. Mra. Mary E. Smith haa purchased from the Paclflo Express company, a 10 foot lot on Ollsan street between Twentieth Snd Twenty-first, consider ation. 18,400. A modern two ' story r v. -., PRODUCE THREE BIG OPERAS II PORTLAND San Carlo . Company, Including Nordica and Neilsen, Here Next Week. . After a successful tour of western and southern cities. Mr. Henry Russell will bring his Ban Carlo Opera company to ' Portland - for three performances. April I snd . Tha company will pro duce "La GHoconda," "La Boheme" and "Caimen.H Mr. Russell takes pleasure la pointing out tho faot that bo baa secured Mme. Nordics, one of tha most accomplished, experienced versatile singers of the world. Mr. . Russell also announces a long contract with Miss Alice Neilsen. whoso varied talents snd striking In dividuality attracted general attention In London in 1804, during Mr. Russell's long season at Covent Garden, when Mile. Neilsen and M. Caruso shared the sea son and the honors together. The lead ing tenor ia Florenclo Constantino, whoaa successes are celebrated In every center of Europe. - The general supervision snd musical direction of the San Carlo Opera company-will be la -tho hands of Mr.-Henry Russell himself. The two eminent con ductors, Arnolds Contl' of tho Opera of Buenos Ayreo and Covent Garden and Giuseppe Angellnl of the Adrtano the ater, Rome, are splendidly qualified for their Important work. The orchestra. consisting of GO musicians, la selected from the leading New Tork and Boston organisations, and haa no superior In this country. There la also a enorua of M and a ballet of so. The repertoire will ba derived from tho operatlo and muslo dramatis literature of France and Italy. Mr. Ruaaell also experiences a great sense of personal satlafactlon In acquiring the rlghta to produce Puccini's 'La Bobeme" and "U Tosea." Tuesday evening the short season will open with "La Glooonda," In which Mma Nordica and Slg. Constantino will ap pear. At the Wednesday matinee, Puc cini's brilliant and moat popular. work. "La Boheme," la to ba given, with Miss Nielsen, Mile- Deroyne, Slgnors Constan tino, S'gurola, Fornari in tho cast, snd to close the engagement a grand pro duction of Blast's "Carmen" la scheduled. with Miles. Dereyne, Tarqulnl, Mona Martin and Slg. Galpertnt In tha eaat Seata are now Bailing at tha box of floe for the entire engagement. BUILD NEW TOWN . T ON THE PENINSULA 'Oovernor George -E. Chamberlain. W. E. Thomas and W. H. Grlndataff have Incorporated a land company to bo known aa tha Tunnel Townalte eV Im provement company, with a capital atock of 111.000. Tha purpose of tha company if to acquire a tract of land, on the lower penlnaula near St Johns, piai it ana nuua up a town. Tha com pany will probably operate near Mo- Kenna Junction. W. B. Streeter and E. J. Dalv sold to a Portland Inveator thla morning a lot 11 by II feet on tire north aide of Washington street between Eigh teenth -and Nineteenth atreeta. for 111. 00. Tha Improvements on ths lot are or little vaiua - AT THE THEATRES Last Time 'The Traderfoot," ; ths last perfaraianee ef the taaefnl si mini comedy success. "The Tenderfoot," will be wirmm at ue neuig toeatre, rearteeath and Wasbtnctoa streets, tonight at l:l e'eloek. Pretty (Iris, catchy moslo sad fun galere sre w yivwsiwuDg nanus. Charles B. Uanford Tomorrow Night The eminent traredtaa ' sad actor. Charles B. Hanford, will present Shakespeare's delist tful drama, "Crabeltne," at the Betllg theatre, Fourteenth and Waahlnrtm .f . I 4mummb (SaBdaj) alrtt." Monday alght April 1. "Jellos uassar- wui se given, seats sre new selling si ue nos ernes ei the toeatre. Blanche Walsh at Helllg Next Week. The favorite actress. Blanche Walsh, will present Clyde Fitch's latest etMnedy-draas sue- cess, -roe straight Hoaa," at the Helllg thea tre next Thnndar, Friday sad Batnrday slghta, April , I k ad a with a SDeelal-Drtee sutlnse Saturday. Seat sals opens seat Tuesday, April a, si ue sos orricp or ue utsrre. Last of "As a Man Sows. Tooistit's win be tbe last serformasee t "As s Maa Sows," which has proved popular wita Baser patrons su this wees., notwith standing tbe fart that eoeatless ones sre watt' Ins for "Leah Kleehna" sett week, the Baker has had sooi sadlenees su this week. Aa artt flrtal play eas aensr hold the attratto ef the people la us sobs. That Is why "As a Man is so saeceesrai it M somas. . sirs. Flake's Play. "Leah Klashae." that wodrfnl vbbM ef Mr. Flake's tsleat will be prodaeed for the secass time la Portland tor tn Baker eoaDaay seat week at tbe Baker, beginning wits tbe sutlnee tomorrow. It Is erpected that the attendance aert week will rival that ef "If I Were King" several weeks aro. as' "Leak Kleehna" has bees font released for stock, tba Baker company being one ef the very , first la tbe United States to pot It ea Star's Play Successful. Tonight and tuuwiiww are the last perform ances of "Under. Sealed Orsers" et the Star theatre. Ths Alien stork eon. pany ess ss ox eeUest drams In this military pUy. and It a s fall ef surprises that tbe piece has made a proaeeaesd Impression. Boats are now ea sale far the three remaining performsnnes. See "Cowboy's GlrT' Tonight. After s remarkably sarcsssfnl week "A Onw- boy'B Obrl" eloaaa at tbe Empire toalgbt - Te nlsht la therefore tbe last ehsBee to see thai rlYtdly westera play, ao airrerent n-om tbe majority. The sues eettrags are particularly mod. week arter ewt the Empire maintains ts sopmlarlty. There's good Mason for It. ' Ben neqdrlcks Tomorrow. x , D1lchtfBl Baa Bendrlcks appear at lb mplre tomorrow with evorynody's frleada. Dr. Brougher .... SCNDAT AT THB White Temple Twelfth and Taylo arks. 10 00 A. Mt ' Shall We Know Each Other In Heaven" 'Struggle With D.ath" Seventh In "Ufa Btrugglea" Eaater muslo and decoratlona IiOrge number baptised. New bepUstery painting exhibited. so&o, xxa. vunt-ain. " EVERTBODT WELCOME s"Jt Conservation Cuttodlan WMk SAVINGS BANK ;:, :V'--: PAYS J 4 Per Cent : OPEN For the convenience of its customers on Satur day evenings from 6 to 8 114 Second SL Corner Washington ) PORTLAND, OR. TFo Portland . PORTLAND. ORIOOK. EUAOPCAN PLAN ONLY HEADQUARTERS FOR TOURISTS AND COMMERCIAL TRAVELERS.' Everything to eat and drink, sad it ooats no more la tho , Portland Hotel Rathskeller " then elsewhere In the etty. Every weekday night from : U II X. O. BOWfal. ltaaagsa. HOTEL EATON COS. BtOBBlBO A SO VtR fiU STS. NEW ' Bsaeaomely iBrsmbed, elegaatty sgsltiaad. treproof. f mlaotea' wslk from heart ef sbopplrg sod basteoss dlatrlct, all la rye. airy, eetstde rooms, ctesm boated, eleetrt llghta. telephone Is each apartSMat, eta Lance efflree. losnsins. amok I as. wrlttas. ladles' recovttoa earlurs. Booms resecved by mall or telephone. Frlvaie emslbn meets cralaa sad stssmma Rooms $1.00 to $5.00 Day Spaetsl Bate ts Clammmslsl B A. ASJUIBpg, rressletss. Grand Central Hotel bterseetloa Karket, Telk sad fell St. SAB rBABCISOO, OALIT. A modem boatalry, 'eontamlng S00 eatsMe noma, SS privets hatha, telephone ts each room, steam seat, et. . Now Open for Guests Saropesa Haa. Bates Beasaaabla Oeerge w ma Bsass, rrop. former 1 proprietor The Oecideatsl Betel. Three Solid Dours OakSaainla siysxo . Tonight ' , T:I0 to 10:19. t OmASTD XAJtOBT saw. Hear "Napanee," Two-Step1, , ' . Tonight " SkateEaster Sunday Morning. Afternoon, "Evening, Rorx cnvxAjr as a rat. AIwarysfsUtnOTkr tbe Tan n Nstae 01 Olsna." There Is ao more nor-alar slay la tbe eoBfitry asd thoaaasda aever ties of seeing It. This year It ts little better than nr. Tn Bwamiaa onss ef Bee Hendricks sre see of tb restore of the attraction. Matt sees Weomwday sad Satarday. "The Senator's Daughter." ToBtsht. tumor row mstlnee snd atght sre the last chases to see Tb senator" Dangbear," lb boaatifnl play ef Washlastoa Ufa wbleh baa woa aperoval this week at the Lrrla. There will be two BBrformanee tonight ssd to si arrow slant, the first betlnalag at T.IB e'eloek. Seats may be issausl by telepbone. The Senator's Daogster" I tb srttlet play ef tbe week. "Carmen' Nert Week. The immortal 'Carmen.' the P'ay ef Slay. will be tbe bill seat ml, beginning Monday matinee, at tb Lyrle. Seats are now ea al for all Bertonnsnes sad patron shoal eeesr them early. Tb eoaDaay has been nlarsd for tbl srodnrtloa, and sea nary and eosramee will be eplesdld.- AU tb favartt will b m the east. ; MlTtochestr.M . sirtmhf Monday alsht (be Allen stork ess. pany will present the civil war drama. "Wla ebeeear." Hla tor y u th fesBdatloa et tb plot sad It la a tsesoa la patrtotUm ts wttnea this prodsetlon. There will be tbe regnlM Boat are aow esuing. "Tr an parent" at Grand. See AIMni ssd hte weadtwfnl Itloaton, Tas- pan Thb t," at tb Grand tontsht or tosaorrow. Is m tb only UJualoa of Its kind la itf one nd m perfnrmad la roll view of the an1. ese snd with th star brlchrtr Ufhttal. Tb Teddy Boars erlll ploaa the ehlMrea, a a th-re are seyaral moelcel and esnrtng seta whth eaarrlbnte ts the big bill. Iraal gunosy per-foraaaBe. The Alder Street Piano Store Closes for Good Tonight , ' :.' ' . ': - : If you want to get a Piano on the right kind of a basis, it wouldn't do any harm to see what we have left. WE SAY we can save you a hundred dollars or more. Our, plan is different from the rest of them. We MAKE the piano and then we SELL it to the customer. ' 1 ' v; ' ? . Can't you come in tonight? We'll make the " installments five dollars. ; ; ': " ; Reed-French . SIXTH AND BURNSIDE. , G. W. KENNEDY, Warehouse Manager. W A U U Dr. H J 1 f If Read Today's Issue of ETerything About Evei7body--sk Your News dealer for It, Else You Will Miss Some Things ' You Ought to Know. ; " ' " ... eea. u - lit M TL a. walhlaatoB me nciiis incauc .iui. i IAST TOO lOBTOHT. , Osssr U Tissue ami Bath WmHs , la the Tansfsl Msatcal Oastedy. .... TKS TZBDKaTOOT.' .'"'" Wyenhur rrieesi tiower floor, eseeet last Irowa. U0i last f rows, l.Balc f at, sue. Oallsry, SB, toe. .,. ..a si cit in Tucirnc wsablaitoa UUUU llitAISt abas a, The Bmlnent Tragedlaa and Arte, sBday Nlsbt, Mareh U Monday Mlsbt. April 1. ."Jails Caesar" PRICES Lower Floor. r, irw v iwws, ty4.isv. Balcoay. tl OO. Tie, AO. la at a row. tl enllsry, Ste, See. Soau How SeUmg St Theatre. 14th ssd U.IIU TKea Satan faias Washlastoa """4 a uwu w Mala I . SXAXS sTOw SaXUkre, San Carlo Grand Opera ennnit vrnnv ' MME. NORDICA. "LA GIOOOXDA" WrDJtymAT MATIltlR. ' miss Auos traiuwu BOKUfB." wrtTtioet-rtAT ktoht, MUX IUIIDb 'CAAJCXsT.'' FBintS Lower floor, IS; bsleeay. $.. ft. galmry, rsssrvss. eX(0 galiery. admmrtna. Si. AsaTsss Maa Orders sad Make Cheek ferSM e w. v. s'aanjie. Atu aa.iw -OTJBTAIM Svesdaga fMt mafia sos, IM. BAKER THEATRE Mala S tiwfk v. aim Snail uimm.., Berne ef the WMely-Bnowa Baker Steak svery eening xnm wses. Orlslsal and I'naenal Play , "AS A MAB SOWa- Porsonat DireeUoa Mr. Artbar Martrmy. net. Scenery, Seniors All New, snd s Os elae Bit. rtrst Tim ta the West. , Matinee Satarday. vsatag ariose 3e, So, 0c Matinee, IB GMPIRB THBATRB (tin Wilts w. wasmss. atgs. LAST Tusa xosioax. .A Cowboy's airl" ' Orest Weetera Seoaie play. Immsoes So. eesi. Packed House Everywhere. Don't . rail te see It Begalar Bmplre Most Attraetleo, Smrtlng Teiaenew aTjtfnee 3mrXs4riasla "OLS OLSOaT.' . The Grand Weak Xarea St aaaevtlle Se Im ALBntl The raat ad Eta Vamoe ninsiea Tranaoareat AaaUted by ta rtim TaJtn Spseml Added At. aa. tnaem Salllvsa AO. Tern Brsatfetd The Mastoal Harts Mam Oeeamaa OTanelaoaya. THE STAR uiTSSt The AOsa Stock Oempssy tvassals Under Sealed Orders V. fra foer acta) Matinees, Tuesday, Tkaraday, Satarday sad Smdaye et 1 80 P. M. Prlcea, 10 aa4 e. geory owamg at S:1S PrVe. ne, SO, and Oc. w mumm aaaaa eii. Exposrnori rm litt aad Waahlagtoa I BIO BACQS TOaTXaaTT . An&l&n lloior Cycle vs. Six Fast Local SUlers (Machine furnished hy BaJloo A Wright.) Itace win etart at 1:11 o'eWk. aTO AOTAJTCB 1ST rtlCTS. Aflml.O'n. l"- F', ta. ' 15a Piano Mfg. Co. if "1 L U 0 x filorroff's Anti-Lean S IBAB? taOrUB A : 11 n Vhtoagm tha aerroos sya systesa. St is a purely wegwkablo ooatpoaad. Contains no oils or fats or say drug that la Injurious or liable to produos a habit. IT IS THl CJUtATXST TONIC IN THS WOULD Bach ' bottle contains a Month's treatment and costs ll.iS at any Srst-elaaa drag ' store. Prepared by tho LYTI-LEAN UEDIQ1E CO. oisgssiss midg : I WRITE YOUR EASTERN FRIENDS to COM El, EST via SPECIAL LOW COLONIST RATES Airs Ann ' From St 'Paul. Minneapolis. Dulnth. Omaha, St Joseph. Kanaaa City ' and other Mlasouii river points to Portland and Ashland. Or, and In termediate points SaaVOO From St Louie to Portland. A.ah land. Or and Intermediate ' points ........ ....... ..SSOuSw From Chicago to Portland, Ashland. Or, and Intermediate points S3A00 Similar low rates from other eaat ern points to ths west Send mo full name and address of your relatives or friends In the eaat that are thinking of coming to th Pcclflo Northweet and I will have them furnished with literature and full information, or If you wieh to pay tha faro of any one, . tbo money can be deposited with any agent of tho Northern Paetflo Rail way and tickets wlU be promptly fumlahed. For any additional Information wanted, call on or address A. D. CHARLTON Assistant Oensral Passenger Agent S5S llorrlson St, Co. Third, aVrtlaad. Os. . . morse; Seeds Spfout You and nature do the rest get them from , CX C MORSE & CO. 171 Clay St, San Francisco ' Send for Catalogue ' Meatloa The Joonel ' ' mm;- dwelling eocuplea the lot, . . ,