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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (March 30, 1907)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. SATURDAY EVENING. MARCH' SO,' 1007r Dilfl, KELLY WIIIS AT SEATTLE MEET Clever Sprinter Equals Hit Own ; Record In the Fifty- . Yard Dash. . INDOOR MEETING WAS HIGHLY SUCCESSFUL Seattle Athletic Club Carrier Off the First Honors and ' University of Washington Come Second With m Good Mark. (Special Dtopatck to Te IxniLI ' 7 Seattle. Wash., llaroh The big Indoor meet pulled off last night In : tne Coliseum rink by the Seattle Ath- letlo club was on of tba moat lntereat ', log and successful event of Its -kind ;w attempted In tho Paclflo north- (Wait. Tba meet wa planned by W. M. Jnglia, superintendent and general man ''ager of the Seattle club, anderodlt . fur the success of the axiair nas oeen f given him. The meet was won by the athletes 'of Seattle Athletlo club, who made 11 H points.. The University of Washington second with sift points. - The feature of tba meet was ' the reence of Dan Kelly of the University w rtvMa'An rtila Uv, anrlntAP van . the 80-yard and 100-yard Sashes la 'splendid time. - Kelly ran the it In S;Oi 8-8. his own mark for the Indoor .vent.- Kelly was given an ovation at the fjnlah of the to-yard dash. . z The other feature of the meeting was vhe pole vaulting of Boldman ef the J University or Washington, HOiaman , cleared the bar at 11 feet I 14 Inches, ' a new mark la Indoor Dole vaulting. . A ne Huinomji viud - unvia. ' Portland did not win a first The wto- 'ers were: . . . l . 1 It-yard dash Kelly ef TJ. of O.l time, S:05 8-8. 1 1,000-yard run McNalr, B. a. C; tlme. 1:17 -. - M 10-yard hurdle Holdman, V. ef W.J time, 0:07 11-pound shot Bants, TJ.Of W.J 44 Xt It Inches, ' High Jump O rant and . Bex , Smith, lied; ( feet Inches. ' i-ponnd shot Ogllvle. Vancouver Athletic elubj SS feet 8 V -inches. . t Pole valut Holdman, U. of W.j 11 feet 8tt tnchee. - - ': J 0-yard dash Kelly, U. ef O; time, :88 8-8.. - ' " - ' ooo-yard aasn raraer, v. , or w.; iimi, i.ta t-m. '' Relay race--Seatte T. M. C won, , (Washington second. ft--A. C. third.'' Marathon raoe Burn won! time, "S0:2( 1-5; Cliandler second, Spangler (third. , , r- .- . - -.. FAIR GROUNDS AND r ! HOT SPRINGS RACES ffoaraal Special Santo.) New .. Orleans, Maroa- Pair Erounds raoe- results: ,1 Four furlong Dethorpe won; Ihara eetmd, 'Bitter Blr third;' tlfe. 0:t 1-1. Six f urlonaa Wild . Irishman ..won. roKiog. secona. juminoor mira; tune, . B:1S - ..', Five - and one half . furlongs Bplon won, Ace Hign seoona, rantasue uira; time, 1:08 r. , - - 11 rn U!ma flf.n ,v haroni. Dr. Toung. third; time, :t t-l. Four ' furlongs Paris Model won. Iute Foreter second. Brawny Lad third; .time, f:4S. Two miles Etta M- won, Mae Lynch ; aerond, OrUne third; time, :I0 1-6. One mile and 70 yards Nellie Burn won. Brilliant second. Lady Ethel third; time, l:i l-l. v 'At Hot Springs. : Hot finrlnara Art. March 10. Tester. 'Say's race results: ' Four furlonge-rAunt Hals won, Wa ' lUriook- second, .Flown third; time. Six furlongs Elude won. Ruth Nol second. La Rouge third; time, 1:17 l-l. One mile Flip won. Bottles second, , Chancellor third; time, 1:41 J-S. Six furlongs Dr. Mack won, Funlcn ' iMnnil. The near third: . time. J:l 1-fc : Bamllcar seoood.. Clear Knight third; time. 1:40. One mile and one sixteenth Proteus won, Attllla second. Dr. - Lee Huffman J third; time, 1:4 ' ; COLLEGE GAMES TODAY ' ' " -v Princeton Gorftow t Wtih vlngtont X. C. Let tint- I IfJ TaaJ' TTaVKIIinRtUn annu fF wrJl l y ivoAiuiiviai v Cornell va the Naval Cadets at Anna polls. Md. ' - Pennsylvania vs. College of the City Of New York at Philadelphia. Lafayette va .Roanoke college at : noanoke, Va. Columbia vs. University of Virginia t Charlottesville. Vs. Mercer university vs. Georgia Tech. ' at Atlanta. Ga. University of Alabama va Howard Soilage at Tuscaloosa, Ala. University of North Carolina TS. Gull ford at Greensboro, N. C. on college at Clemron, 8. C. . Davidson college vs. Lenoir at David- son, N. C. leg at Wake Forest N. C ' Johns Hopkins university va. Mary lard Agricultural at Baltimore, Mr. University of - Colorado vs. Denver Tf what all the war correspondents - ay Is true there will be It pennants ' won this season Instead of two. RATS, MICE, COCKROACHES Doomed! err a o mr mjtr' St earn' Electric Bat k" and Koach Pasta h?s? V r aa4 aitoe (e ! m . ss. kac etai wa, kui aa hMtikinHirMin ataMSeirta,. Sliai' Ilaitrk rati, a. rfMa. H.T. O.S.. (U ..v J LZ 3 FAT AND LEAN MEN FLAY A BASKETBALL MATCH Corvallls Sportsmen Draw Large . Crowd In Endeavor to Help Out O. A. C. Five. ; BMrUl' Dlaaatrk to The learaaLI Corvallls. Or.. March 10. In the O. . C armory In- this elty last night occurred probably the most ludicrously Interesting game of basketball ever Blared In Oregon. The teams were made up ef "fat" sad "lean- business men ef the oity and as they were not allowed to nractloe. the result can be better Imagined' than described. The "fata" were very fat and the leans re exceedingly lean, and the com bination drew a big crowd to the armory to witness the event The proceeds from the game go towards sending the O. A. C basketball men to Jamestown to. compete for the world's championship. The players In ' last night s game follows: "Fata" "Leans' T. L. Miller ' Collie Cathey Albert Metsger Pug Huntley ' Oranta Elgin Rev. i. R. N. BeQ Charles Peterson Ira Griggs Hubert Hodes K. E. Wilson Victor Moses W. Wade J. C. Hammel T. T. Vtnoent U Stevenson . Roy ilollanherg Before the basketball contest a game of Indoor baseball waa played by the "Niggers" va. "Chinamen," pickup teams from town and college, respectively, RACING SUMMARIES ON ' . CALIFORNIA TRACKS (Joomal Bpeelal gerrlee.) San' Francisco, March jtaoulta of races at Oakland: Four furionga Thoa. Calhoun won. Rustler second, Vronaky third; , time, t:4t 44. . Futurity ourse Bon Tiraat won. La-rose- second. Mitre third; time, 1:11 t-i. Six" and one-half furlongs Magrane won, Fred Bent second. The Reprobate third; time, 1.-SS. fc-, Seven and one-half furlonge Talamund won, Mechant second, Hersala third; time, l:4t 4-C One mile and M yardi Chrlatlne A. won. Dutiful second. Pal third; time, 1:4a, One mile Hippocrates won. Purse aeo ond. Curriculum third; time, 1:4 I-t. '' At Los Angeles. Los Angeles. March 10. ResnKs of races at Ascot: Five furlongs San Alvarado won, Mi rabel second, Audubon third; time, 1:0314. Five furionga Money Muss won, Bo logna second,- Search Me third; time, t:0H. t -- ' 7 Three and . one-half furlongs Snap Dragon won. Connie M. aeoond. Miss Ruth third; time, 0:41 One mile Oorgalette won, Balnrlda sec ond, Croix d Or third; time, 1:41H. Seven furlongs Phya won. Winsome Ways second. Esther B. third; time, !:. One mile First Peep won, Klmdale second, Buena third; time, l:4SVt. Five furlongs Joe Kelly won, Cres- ton Boy second, Hlrtle third; time, 1M. INTERSCHOLASTIC MEET ... OF WESTERN OREGON j - " (Speebl tMipafea to'The JoaraaLt Salem, Or., March 10. Principal XL T. Marlatte of the Salem .high school Is In Eugene In attendance at the first meeting of the Western Oregon Inter sohplaatlo league, for which he Is In a great (ineasur responsible and which Is destined to become a factor in the ath letlo life of the high schools of the Willamette valley. A constitution will be adopted defining the eligibility and qualifications of , the various, players who aret to be members of the athletlo teams. Aa planned now the winners of the league will compete with the winners In Portland's scholastle league and also with the champions of the eastern Oregon league. Among the principals who are ex pected to be present at the meeting are Principal McKees of Oregon City, Su perintendent Arnold and 'Principal Cleveland of Eugene, ' Superintendent Sanders of Albany, Superintendent Turner of Q rants Paaa, principal Davee of Roeeburg and Principal Slgna of Medford. . " Some attention may be given to the debating league and the constitution may be amended in some particulars The league now consists of Salem, Al bany. Orants Paaa and Roseburg high schools. It Is understood that Eugene and Medford wish to join the league, GOOD BOWLING ON" THE OREGON ALLEYS The bowling last night en the Oregon alleys was between the Columbia and Webfoot teams. The first game of the match waa won by the former team, with a total of 8S6. The Web foots went after the second and won with a total of t7. Stammers distin guished himself In that game, rolling the fine score of 121. The third game was Columbia's from the start each man rolling bard, giving the team the high total of the evening, tit. Cap tain Sumption was the star player, getting It 4 bis last game, and having the highest average, 181. -Following are the scores: COLUMBIA. (1) 1 Olllesple ill Boland loo Hill I" Kees 170, Sumption ...... lit Total .... ItS 78 WEBFOOT S. tit (1) Lamond HI Mslsen 1 Denver .lt Armltage 117 Stammers ...... 1S7 Total T74 871 841 FOUR COLLEGES WOULD HOLD TENNIS TOURNEY (fteeHal Cwpatra e Tke Jaeraal.t University of Oregon, Eugene, Karen to: Whitman college and the University ef Washington nave proposed to the Uni versity ot Oregon. O. A. C and Uni versity of Idaho te form a league be tween the different Institutions to have each year a tennis tournament The plan Is te hold', the tournament . this year at Whitman. Each college would send Its team of two or three men. for doubles and singles, and two or three days ef tennis would be played. There are a number of enthusiasts here, and It Is possible -that the proposition will be taken up. Andy Stevenson, a St Louts prise. fighter. Is having a try out with the Browna Pugilistic umpires will not be Um whole works this lease. f ;. i. ... ' () Av. lit 111 104 171 1S1 174 !!! !.. !. 171 114 Ut (1) (8) Av. 321 ' -lTer ' 199 FIDE TRACK TEffi FOR CORWLLIS Trainer Trine Expects to Turn Out Some Good Men This Season. GREAT ENTHUSIASM AMONG O. A. C. STUDENTS From tho Preliminary Work That Baa Been Done the Chances for a Winning Combination at Agricul tural College Are Very Bright. (Special Dlapateh te The Joeraal.) Corvallls. Or- March SO. The O. A. C. will put out a cracking good track team this season If present indications do not fall "to materialise, A fine bunch of fellows are hard at practice every day on a sawdust track, with Physical - Director - Trine and B. 8. Hartaon. the new assistant in charge LoX operations. Da Volt winner of eight gold medals; Green ha w, ths veteran half mile man. with Cross and Brown of the freshman class, will look after dtstancea Hall, who made a good reoord last year, and Wolfe and Bennett of the football squad are showing up well In the weights. Schroeder, Leap, Looney, West and Bergman ' are making good In the sprints, whlls Chapman snd Bowsr are doing well in the high jump. The hurdles are being run by Spires and Brodle, and Swan and Reed will probably enter the pole vaulting events. No team has as yet been selected to represent O. A. C in the- Columbia meet, but It is certain met a gooa bunch will be there to look after hon ors for the Agrlcs. In addition to Columbia, meets are to be held with: theTJr of O.,- Willam ette university. Forest Grove and the Waahlngton state college. No dates are definitely settled for these. BUTTE BALL TEAR WILL TRAIN AT LEWISTON Russ Hall Takes His Aggrega tion From Moscow-to a More Sunny Clime. ' 8pedal Dtopateb te The Joerail) X Lswiston, Idaho, March 80. Russ HalL manager of the Butte baseball team of the Northwest league, has de cided to put the Miners In condition In ths balmy climate ot Lewiston valley, and will arrive here from Moscow this afternoon with eight members of his ag gregation. Hall bad picked Moscow as a place for early practice, but his men were kept In the hotel on account of snow, and. several days were: lost in getting into shape. The weather here Is Ideal for a workout and the Butte play ers will make the most of It for 10 daya The following players' have been signed by HaU: M. Veley and Jack Meyers, catchers; Ed Bruyette, short stops H. A.- McLean and Sturgeon, sec ond basemen i John B. Herwlg, C- T. Irby and Jack Bell, outfielders; W. M. Donovan, Palg, OUle Helms and . Ed Hearne, Infleldera, and Kir by Hoon and J. W. HlllUay. pitchers. Hall has two other pitchers signed, whose names hs is not ready to announce. One is a collegian, the other an es-btg league player, well known on the coast Meyers, Donovan, Palg, Hill Hay, Helms and Hearne . were delayed - In reporting on account ef the California floods, but will reach Lswiston on Monday. AMATEURS TO HOLD MEETING IN BROOKLYN (Jooraal gpeeiil Service.) A New York, March 80. in tne gymna sium of the Brooklyn T. M. C. A, a considerable number of star gymnasts met today to take part In the annual gymnastlo championships of the 'Na tional Amateur Athletlo Union. The competitions are to occupy both after noon and evening and Include - nine events, namely: The horiiontal bar, the parallel bars, the side horse, the long horse, the flying rings, tumbling. In dian club swinging, rope climbing and all around competition. WILLAMETTE 'VARSITY WILL BE REPRESENTED (Special DUpeteh te Tke foaraal.) Salem. Or.. March 80. Willamette university will be represented at the meeting ot the State Basketball league.1 which will meet In Portland Saturday, April I. to consider the future statu of the league. It Is thought that the schedule of the league last year was too heavy and that several of the teams of lesser strength should be eliminated. George B. Simpson, Willamette's ener getlo manager, will represent Willam ette at that meeting and will favor a lesser number of teams In the league. The Canadian' Bowlers association, which is In affiliation with ths Amer ican Bowling congress, ha completed arrangements for a monster bowling tournament to take place In Toronto next week. Moeoeo oo oc OXYGEN purifies, food makes the blood. If fresh air is an irnDortant . ' - factor in fighting Tuberculosis how much more important a factor must good food be. '. Scott s Emu U on is made of pure cod liver oil, pronounced by Prof. Frankland, of London, the most nutritive of known foodsand hypophosphites, which tone up the nerves. - Scott's Emu fa f on hat helped thousands of consumptives. ALL DRUCCISTSi SOe. Arro'tl40. " PAN KELLY HAS BEGUN ' EARNEST Great Sprinter Ha&' Planned a Busy Season in the Cinder' ' Path Events. tgpecUl Dtepatfb te Tke Jowrel Eugene, March 80. Dan Kelly expects to have this season the most critical period of his Ufa In athletics, and Is training very carefully - for the many events in which hs will participate. Kelly started his season Friday In ths Indoor meet in Seattle. - The nest meet In which he will take a part will be the Columbia Indoor meet of Columbia uni versity. Soon following will be Stan ford meet In Eugene on May 8, and during the same month will follow two or three meets, which are uncertain aa to time. These will probably be one with O. A. C, Pullman and Tri-State meet at Seattle, This much, however, is ths easiest part of Kelly's work this year, for ths severe contest will be when he goes to the Jamestown exposition. At Jamestown he will meet the beat sprinters In the world, and there will be decided whether Kelly is the "king" of racers or not After the races there he has propoealg to run for Eastern clubs, as the Irish-American club of New TjtndjilJjrohably take tlie'mst ter up. . There is not much probability of Kelly being defeated In the Paclflo coast con tests, but after the season here It will take very hard and careful training on his part to hold up his condition. He may overtrain and become stale, or he may relax and lose his form, of the last there Is the most dangei for when he la through with college" there will not be the same Incentive te hold Kelly to regular habits. Then, too, there Is the wearisome and tiring journey across the continent ' Kelly is undecided as to what he shall do next 'year. Most of his friends be lieve he will go East to some law school. out they thought that last year. Kelly evidently likes Oregon, and It Is sure he would like to graduate here. He Is a Junior now. i BASEBALL CHATTER President Comlskey of the White Sox also president of a minor league. Fourteen Infant Sox are with their papaa on tne training trip. a e : , Last season's work of Patsy Dono van's team brought the Brooklyn fans to life and now; they are all "scratchy" for the season to open. , " Pitcher Raining, who thought he car ried the goods that ths Boston Ameri cans needed,' has been told by Manager Biatu to -go roll his hoop." ' , '.' PItchsr "Rube" Klsstns-er 'sava that this Is bis last season with the Buffalo club., Is It not a little early to beain the play for more money In 1808T earl Casey will olav with the Port land, Oregon, club this season. No, ths Portland club la not hiring "bloomers." Pearl la a boy. e e ' Pitcher Joe Harris, the fat child of the Boston Americans, playing center field and ths ball going over his head mree umea - a - minute. Wouldn't It make you giggle? ' v. . e e. i.. ;. ' Jimmy Burke says be would rather play In Kansas City thsn In Philadel phia. Tough on Philadelphia, Isn't UT - SPORTING GOSSIP In the Multnomah club's pool tour nament lost evening Brlgham Jr. de feated Buck, 48 to 43. ' e e Says an exchange: If Henderson and Donahue Intend to report for duty with the Portland olub, they had best do so before the opening of the season, so goes a tip that emanates from head quart era ' It is said that unless they come Into the fold by the time the season starts that they will be out for keeps and will find It difficult to enter organised baseball again. , e e Walter McCredle Is having hard luck In Salinas. Ths weather has been such that he haa been unable to do much practice work, and he has written San Francisco asking for the privilege of doing work on the local gronnds in the mornings. Long has replied that if necessary, the Seals and Beavers can alternate In the mornings for practice. Derrick, who Is now In Washington, will umpire the first series of games in Ban Franolsco, and "Bull" , P rrlne will hsve charge of the field in Los An geles. With' the .complete authority that has been given them by the t resi dent of the league, there should bo no trouble In keeping order on the field. After a' 10-year rest President Dovey has been practicing dally with the Bos ton Natlonala And the funny part of It Is hs can play as well as any mem ber of his team, e e Catcher Charlie Schmidt walked up to Tyrus Cobb, and said, "Any man who does that Is a coward," and than gave Tyrus a wallop on ths Jaw. This is a nsw training stunt of the Detroit Tigers. - 1 e e ; . . ; . . . Johnny' Kltng of the Cubs says that editing a sporting page Is harder work than trying to make President Charlie Murphy give up more money. . - , e e Jimmy Brigs and Tommy Quill have slgned-an agreement to fight In Lymans vllle, Rj -I., next Monday night ' ; e e Governor Hlgglns of Rhode Island wants to suppress prise fights in his oo oooo If HOME TE LEPMONE Q U OTA TIONS . rnxalaaed by oolumbns, Ohio .... K sTewark, Ohio . . - ' Cleveland, Ohio .'. Toledo, Ohio .Stock, 80.00. .4 i ' Bonds, . 80.&8. ............ 'Dayton, Ohio ...................... .....Stock, 70.00..., S . y , Bonds, 97.80. ., S - jsoenseie, jr. x.. bonisrUle, By. .Stock, : ' , . Boads, Lincoln, Beb, .................... . . . .Stock, ' Kansas City, Mo, ,. St. peuL Mian. ........ toe Angeles, CaL . Blvststde. CaL '. ... Peas dona. OaL . Saa Diego, Cat .Stock, Bonds, Whittier, Cat ..........................Stock,: Bonds, : South Bend, Xnd. Battle Creek, BTloa. .....Stock, 100.00 .8 Per Oeat.... ........ , Bonds, 100.00.;...... Per Oeat.,.. y. . 800.00 r Bsw Bedford," Me s .................... . stock. ' " 45.00. ...... i ... .6 Per Cent. ; - Bonds, 60.00. ....... ...,4 Per Oeat...... 185.00 : PaU Blver, Mass. ............. .v..!..., .Stock, 46.00 ;..... Per Cent............ . V , Bonds, - 84.00 ..Percent . 140-08 ' St Mary's, Ohio .................. .....Stock, 60.00..... S Per Cent.., V ...... Brand Baplds, Kion, . .j ,i awnoa, tuutuv. ....... Philadelphia, Pe ..................... .Stoek, , ' Bonds, loo.oo Seattle, Wash. ...........took, 00.00.... : :- -, Bonds, lOOOO... Cltyj BXo. - f . , Bonds, 66.00.. Valuta, BUaa. ......................... .Btook, ' 180.00..... Bonds, 10O.00... Salt Lake, Utah ............'., Stock, tLit... , Bonds, 6440 , Albany, B. T, .Stock, , 68.60 Bonds, 8740... Oeleeburf, XU. Stock, loaoo. .......... Bonds, '8640. sUte. He says that "Little Rhody" is altogether too small to witness real prise fights. ;i , , ' v e e The New Orleans racing season will close with the two weeks' meeting which will open Monday at the City Park track. . . e e .. St Louis Is row to be the center of attraction for the automobile world. The big show In that city is to open Monday and continue through the week. BOWLING LEAGUE Gophers . -Monarchs . Nonpareils . Columblas . Parks . . .. Webfoots Chinook i . Bcnnlngs Race Results. (loamal Kneelat getre.t Washington, March 80. Bennlngs race remits: Five and one-half furlongs Anna Smith won, . Berkeley second, Bearfel intra; time, i:w z-e. One-half mile Lady Isabel wonJ Blem ber second. Nano third; time, 0:60 1-5. Six furlongs Workmald won, Old Col' ony second. Lady Vera third; time, 1:18. Six and one-half furlongs Faust won. Grumbling Sop second, Lucy' StrOms third: time. 1:14 1-e. Seven furlongs Asellna won. Wster Dog second. Niblick third: time, 1:30 1-8. One mile The Clown won, Ormonde's Right second, Sonoma Belle third; time. l: 5-5. SCHOOL BOARD HAS TO ELECT MEMBER AND CAN'T , -r (Special Dtenetrk te Ttie Jmtrnl. Salem, jT.,- March 80. The Salem school board may again take up the election of a school director to fill V vacancy made by the resignation : , f Hamlin Smith, who has removed ' ' to Vancouver, Washington. It was thought that since the directors were equally divided, and since a choice was Impos sible, ths resolution passed at a meet Ing some weeks sgo had settled the mat ter and -left It to the vote of the peo ple et the June election. Dr. Rpley, a member of the board, brought the quee tion before the superintendent of public Instruction, asking whether the remain ing members of the bosrd were bound to elect to All the vaoancy or - had power to defer until the general elec tion In June. In the absenoe of Super intendent Ackerman from the city, Chief Clerk Carlton has answered that according to the wording of the law, the election to Oil a vacancy cannot be deferred, but the board must proceed at once to fill such vacancy. Ths board thus faces the old dilemma. that It must elect and yet cannot agree on a candidate, and hence cannot make a cnoice. BRYAN SAYS PEOPLE SHOULD CONTROL ROADS Boston, March 80. William J. Bryan, In a letter to II. M Whitney, says that he is decidedly in favor of national and stats regulation- of the railroads, and believes that publld ownership is the only ultimate solution of ths question. Bryan says the public has shown no disposition to reduce the earnings of ths railroads to such an extent that they could not make reasonable profits on Investments, He believes that railroad properties ought to bs appraised by the Intersts-te commerce ' com ml eel on and the various state railroad commissions, and the figures published, so that in vestors would know when they bought railroad securities whether they were getting actual values or water. REINDEER ORDERS IN TROUBLE OVER NAME ', t (Bpeeli! Dtip.tra te The faereaLt Salem, Or.. March 80. There will bs carnage In the forest primeval, for the Reindeers are at the point of locking horns. Both orders are Oregon made, It Is said. The Order ef Reindeers wss organised at Portland last January and W. 8.' Phelps of Portland Is Its grand secretsry. The other lodge Is the Su preme Retrest ef the Fraternal Order t Reindeers of America and the slml- Won. 'Lost P.C. IB 6 ' .714 It 7 .67 13 ' 8 - ' ,1 . ......... It r 8 - .819 12 .671 8 -,'H .418 8 13 .881 AND INDEPENDENT Stocks and Bonds, loals J. Wilde, Broker. S iafajstte Building, Pertlaad, Oa. ....i.Btock, S10SXM............S ' Bonos, 100.00 .....Stoek, - Bonds, 100.00 110.00 S 44.T5. ............ : S4.00 ,.-:.. ...Stock, Bonos, . oaoo. vtoeav s seas. Bonos, M.0O... ..........a Ta.00 4 So-so...... S 40.00....... 4 tS.00... ,.. TO.0O. 81.89 8O.0O.,... , ...... S 89.S0. ...........I 64.00..,.,.'. 4 84J8.,,...:....S 1.86., ;....4 80.00. ...... ...... 88.00, ..... Lfl0.....,......a Bonds, .Stock, Bonds, .............. . Bonds, .......Stock, Bonds, Stock, . . .. Bonds, Stock. .Bonds,, 36.00 ....... 86.00 .....S 86.00 86.00 S 80.00.'. .4 .... Stock, Bonds. 101.00 ...S Bonds, 100.00. .Stock, 10O.0O..., ...8 ....Stock, 64.00... PURITY- Results-that's it SeeWhata DimeWill Do ciples on which Cascarets were made and marketed. We doubt if in all the world of medical science and thera peutic manufacture better SKILLED CHEMISTS and more carefully selected constituents could be employed than In the making of Cascarets. v'v ' ',: ,t . The RESULTS prove It. No other Bowel Medicine on earth has reached la history tho tremendous ' approbation and patronage accorded Cascarets by tho American People, a testi monial of GENUINE MERIT and satisfactory results, for surely no sensible person would buy aa article more than once, unless satisfied, or recommend it , to others if not convinced of iU virtues. , The sale of Cascarets at the present time is over ONfc MILLION BOXES A MONTH, a fact that ought to convince, anyone of the satisfac tion given to millions of oar friends and patrons. - . It is just this kind of.example placed before yoo that ought to Indues yon to try a little 10c box of Cascarets and be CONVINCED of its Tsluo and effectiveness. After this harmless, inexpensive experiment yon will see the reason for the un equaled popularity of this preparation as a true PERSONAL and -FAMILY MEDICINE. and this realization wUl urge future sao when necessary. So we ask you to take a DIME BOX homo with yon, and "WHILE . YOU SLEEP THEY WILL WORK" and make you feel well and happy. .We back our request by our GUARANTY, and if you're not pleased, your' purchase-money will be returned to you for the asking. . Such haa been our Faith in ths efficacy of this pure, clean, sweet, mild, harmless but forceful little fragrsnt tablet, so easy to buy, so easy to carry, so easy to take, so essy in its action, that we do not hesitate to offer tine guaranty to the world, and make good on it. . , ' Cascsrets not only are the best medicine yet discorered for the treat. ment and cure of Chronic Constipation and all its dire consequences, but , also a splendid PREVENTIVE OF DISEASE caused by bacteria and other , germs in the Bowels. There are more serious troubles that have their origin In irregularities In the food channels than any other cause, and Cas carets by thoroughly cleaning out the stomach and intestines and PURI- FYINO in an antiseptic way, keep you perfectly safe from such fearful dis eases as Appendicitis, Perttonitis snd other deadly inflammations caused by retention of indigestible food in the passages, We said Cascarets were and are the BEST BOWEL MEDICINE In the world. Once more we assert that the sale of nearly 100 million of boxes in eleven years PROVES IT. Our record is put up sgainst sny . other medicine for the same purpose in the worlds for ACTUAL RESULTS.- . . Try a 10c box TO-DAY. Buy it ANTYand you will Join the MILLIONS "C. C. MEN TREATED AND CURED Ccst Service! Lowest Charges! Cures Guaranteed v.. itatt Ana vtentttw v-tti - .' . MO .1. mi i iii. i Ti .11.' i ..... . w .j .'.'.- ... . , mm w .i i ii. .im( cvni mnnlr "LOST 1IAMIO0D,' Bibauatlas Pratne, rimplee. Lame Beet, Inflaminattoa el tbe BlaOdar and Kldna. Hlshlr Celorarl Urine, Imp. . letwr iieapoanafwr. raiiina mmimryt iAm tn aidoitiob. Menial worry, r aalta of txceae ana ererwnrk: Piles, r to to la and Urdmeele or ether w.a ms, walcta abaolatalr saflt them tee Btady, BaatBeas. rieaaare or Manias. ST can, ne Mv Blood fglaoa, ' eontraeted or keredttarri Skla tHMtH, . Klwaautlam, Sore. Bwtilllnrt, DiaoharreS, Ooaotra, Olaat, Striata r Eniarred PraeUt asd Urdrotavle. Heaact BMltite, Suenaaral ad CooclDtkwa Service, Reaeoaeble Cbarxes. CaU er writs BK. T. . KIKOZ. Ill Xlrat Si, Frtld. Or. ClarKe, Woodward Drug Cq. Importing Wholesalers & Manufacturing. Cor. 9th and Hoyt Sts. fO.000 aatiara feet of floor apaoe. A complete analytioal Laboratory. A private switching track from UM tsrmlnal yards. -- J Ths larsest and most . psrfeotly larlty ef ths two title has made it dif ficult and sometime very embarrassing for the members of slther lodge. Tbe latter lodge was founded st Lebanon, tinn county, kebruary 28, 1808. Ths trouble Is over ths nsme snd W. 8. Phelps has sought ths opinion of ths attorney general, so It Is reported, to see If ths older crder of Reindeers could prevent ths use, of the 'name by the other. aUJOa1 mOOSTUI.TT8 WDXV0) waa something to be recorded to ths snnals of history. Herblne hss- been acknowledged the greateat of liver reg- ulatnra. A positive cure ror nmous headaches, Conatlpatlon. Chllla and re- A , .11 llvae inmnl.lnl. I r Bmith. Little Rock. Ark., wrltea: Herblne is tns greatest liver menirm known. Have ned It for year. It does Um work." h la br, all drug gists. 1Q06 Per Cent... , Per' Cent SaOS.00 ses ........... Per Oea 818.00 Per Cent.. .......... Per Cent..... , UMI a res uenv.... Per Cent. . Pet Cant. ........... 1T0.88 Per Cent.. ' Per Cent lfT.50 www va. ........ ... Par Cent..... ISMS v Par Cent Per Cent., 158.50 Per Cent., ' Pe Cent...... 3S.0OK Per Cent....... Per Cent; .181.88 . Per Cent Per Cent. ........... 168 M v Peg Cent Per Cent............ 186-88 . Per Cent Peg Cent..,. ........ 1388 Pes ttmtr-rm-rryr- Per Cent 180.00 ' V Per Cent 180,00 ', Per Cent... ......... Per Cent.... 131.00 Per Cent... 18O.00 Fes Cent............ .' vm. ,.,,....,. ew.vw . M S Per Cent...... -t Pe Oeat .6 Per Oeat......r.r 160.00 .6 Pee Cent S Peg Cent 17040 IS Per Oeat 8 Per Cent.. 88040 4 Per Oent S Pes Cent ,.. 18S.TS 4 Per Cent Pe Cent.,.. 160.00 .8 Per Cent .S Pe Oeat .....18640 V 1 We gladly welcome the Pure Drugs Law, because it agrees with our thoughts and methods. Cascarets meet its every requirement and always did since the day they were first invented and put on the market PURITY, . QUALITY and MEDICINAL MERIT tiave heen the prin from your own druggist under GUAR or c our friends, Bs sure yoa get C." on evenr tablet. e equipped wholaaale drus bouss on the COatL - - - Buyers and handlers of beeswsx and . Oreson druv products, caeca ra bark, a ape root, eta . COUNTRY'S INCREASE IS EIGHT, MILLIONS ' (looraal Special Serrie.) Washington, . March 80. In a special report of tbe census bursau, ths popula tion of ths United States Is estimated at 88.841.E10, an Ineresss of -nearly 1.000,004 over the official . census of 1800. Int .tiding Alaska and the various Islands, ths total population Is placed at 88,000,808. The bureau reports that the growth of the cities and towns of the nation has been about twice as rapid as the growth of population In rural dis trict. ' referred. Btoes. Canned Goods. Alls ) Lewis' Sest Brand, pi -a- - y h