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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (March 30, 1907)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. SATURDAY EVENING. MARCH 30, 1907. VOTERS WILL DECIDE FRANCHISE QUESTION Personal Fight in Chicago May oralty Contest Almost Buries 1 the Real Issue.' DUNNE AND BUSSE ARE ? ' CANDIDATES FOR MAYOR '. Chicago Voter to Decide Whether 4 . Trolley Franchises . Shall Be Granted, Notwithstanding . Major ' Danne'a Veto of the Ordinances. (JoaraeL flpertsl flerrleO ' Chicago.' March 80. Chic go Is 'ex periencing on of the bitterest mayor altv campaigns In the history of tin city. Mayor Edward, F. Dunn la tha Democratlo candidate, whlla tha Repub licans ar seeking to elect Fred A. Buiae, postmaster of , Chicago. . . At the beginning - of tha campaign Street" railway ordinances" were issued, but such a bitter peraonal fight baa de veloped that the real Issue waa almoat lost eight of. Every . newspaper In the city, both morning; and afternoon, with the aaceptlon of two, are supporting Postmaster Busae and tha traction or dinances, recently paaaed by the city council over Mayor Dunne's veto, The Interests of Mayor Dunn are . being looked after by the two newapapers of W. R. Hearst, and the voter are being treated to some, choice political argu ments. -Ancient history, soma of (t eM to be .true, and a great deal of It declared to be false Is -being resurrected and as .a result one libel suit Involving 13.600,000 has been started and many mors are i threatened. Workera of both parties have mads a thorough house to house : ranvaas of tha entire city. and; tonight , figures wars offered which ahowyd the election of both, candidates by large 'majorities. - v . Chicago voters on Tuesday are to decide-the fate of th street railway ordinance. Tha campaign which .closes tonight with rousing meetings In ev- . ery seetlon of the city, with speech making, parades and fireworks has been ths most exciting that Chicago has ever known. Unas they ara ta pay tb cltr IS per cent of the net Income. . Mayor Dunne, having eaally defeated former Mayor Carter Harrison in the primaries. Is standing for reelection onl th Demoo ratio ticket. Hie opponent on the Republican ticket Is Frederick A. Buaae. poetmaater of Chicago, former atate treaaurer and a politician of reo ognlsed ability, Th Hearst element has fallen Into lin In support of Mayor Dunn, but aatuts obaervers do not ex pect this element to cut so much of a figure In the result aa was predicted earlier In the campaign.' Tb Republican platform approves hi strongest terms the traction ordln ancea aa passed by th elty council. Th platform declares that "with grow ing. Indignation but patient firmness the people have endured Inadequate aer ie and submitted to flagrant dlaregard of 'their convenience and comfort by th traction companies," and add that th traction ordinances make at laat possible s settlement which will end this condition. " - , Th Democratlo platform demands the defeat - of th- traction company ordin ances at. the polls and Immediate con demnation of the street ear properties On February 11 the city council by - a vot of IT to 11, passed over tb veto of Mayor Dunn th ordinances grant ing 10-year franchises te - the-present street ; railway companies of Chloago. Th ordinances will beoome valtd. If ratified by referendum vote ' at Tues day's election, thus settling finally th street , ear franchise question, which has been a foremost subject In Chicago for 10 .years.. . Under th ordinances franchises are to be granted for 20 years to ths Chi cago City Railway and th Union Trac tion companies. Tb companies are to give . universal transfers, through routes and a better service for a flv cent far. Th lines are to b rehabili tated under th direction of th city at a cost -of 140.000,000. Tb city on -sis 'months' notice may buy the lines for 0.00t.0s plus the cost of rebuild ing. While th companies operate th I , r ' . n i -ii i i i h m. i. Dm. . t. rtrtTO. SratoxepetX MICE ; :TfflS ' SMI. 7 After July 1st Will Be at Long Beach Washington Until , October 1st laTVMAT my offloa hoar Stvd i b from T A- SC. S 9. SC. ' Dr. K J. Fulton ( sTATTOOPATet. " 315 TWELFTH STREET Comer OUy, ess blook from st. Ok ear, sa from 13th street ear, - from Yff araoa ear. Telephone tarn B 103. ate municipal ownership and operation. Pending condemnation proceedings In the courts there are to be no further dealings with th traction companlea, except for the purpose of temporary occupancy of the street under revocable licenses. Th platform declares that there must be no granting of franchises to "Wall street stock Jobbers." Th party and candidates are unalterably pledged to municipal ownership and th principle of th referendum. - - Xlacttoaa ta Other. Mates. Today there ara th uaual declara tions . pf - confidence by' the campaign leaders. of both sides,.-although each pleads with its supporters not to make th . mistake of undervaluing th strength , of its opponents, whose re spective Iniquities aire set forth In language showing the bitterness and Intensity of the contest. ' During th .coming week ths regular spring elections sre to b held through out a large section of th middle west Municipal officers ar to be chosen In a majority of cities of Illinois. Michi gan, Wisconsin. Missouri, Kansas, Ne braska, Oklahoma and a number of other statea. - Tuesday is tb day for balloting in all ths states except Michigan, which votes on Mondsy. In addition to th local elections Michigan is to vot for members of th supreme court," regents of h stst university and a member of th stats board of education, tin less precedent 1s upset tha regular' Re publican candidates for these stst of fices will bav llttl difficulty In win ning out. - In th - Fifth - congressional district of Michigan a primary election will b held Monday to nominate a can didate to fill ' th vacancy resulting from th election of William Alden Smith, ss. United States senator. The man who appears to" have the beat chance f succeeding to MY. Smith's seat in congress is Gen-it J. Dlekema. a prominent lawyer and politician of Holland. Dlekema has served for HEAVY- EXPORTS DURING hill Portland Ships Products to ths Value of One . and Ons Quarter Million Dollars. IMMENSE QUANTITIES OF FLOUR rOR THE ORIENT British Steamer Aynvrlc Carries ; Away Moat Valuable Cargo. While . German Steamer Xumaotia De parts With Close Second. ' Portland's exports during th month of March aggregate a total value of ap proximately 11,2 (0,000. This Is a most remarkable showing in view of th fact that a serious strike interfered con siderably with the handling of lumber during a good portion of the : month. Large shipments of flour to China and by, the city far the pure of ftnmedl- I filberta-hclir swell the 1 total, oriental H river bar, and 10 days of this time was spent in doubling ths Horn. Th weather at that time was clear but th wind bleaw fearfully hard and In tha wrong direction for tb Portland ibound merchantman. Only one vessel was sighted on the entire voyage and ah wa too far away to be made out. Th Arman is on th disengaged list for outward eBusiness. Her cargo is consigned to Balfour, Outhrle A Co. Th French bark Bayonn alao arrived In th harbor this morning, berthing at Greenwich wharf. She, too. brings a cargo of cement and general merchan dise from Europe, having sailed from Cherbourg about 149- days ago. FRESH WATER HELPS flour shipments alone being valued at more man iduu.vuv. European wheat shipments were com paratively light owing to th car short age and th consequent Inability to get grain to the docks. One large steamer cargo of wheat was dispatched for th orient, or vessels under charter for Eu rope would prolbly bar had quicker dispatch. Shipment War Less. ' Lnmtier shipments war not as large as during th corresponding . month of last year, but were beter than - th average, two Immense cargoes having been set -afloat for ths orient, besides smaller shipments on vessels carrying grain aa ths bulk of their cargoes. Th coast wis lumber ahipmenta war above tb average and this Is th more remarkabl la .view ..of facttbat several of the Vessels that usually load, her were diverted, to mill on Orsys harbor or down th lower Columbia be cause of th millworkors' strike. . v. iu, 111 S nwuwi iiu " i .... . . sels cleared for foreign . ports - during th month with cargoes valued as set opposite each nam: Japanea steamer Manshu Maru, tUl.ltl; Britlah steamer Ayoierio, I3M.S17; British steamer Aga panthus, till ,000; German ateamer Nu mantla, IU7.77I; French bark Aale, ttt. 17; Norwegian steamer Mathilda, $55,01; Norwegian 'steamer Thyia, 146.500; French barque Jacques,' 164,000, and th British steamer QultV.$UMOJ GieiwIchV. sUUpmaats la Detail. ' Following ar th shipments, foreign and coastwise, in detail: '" COAST LUMBER SHIPMENTS. Nil Des'ndum. , . .. , .174 days to Dover reet. Ktldalton 171 days to Fnstnet n.0- ' Br!S!, t lAo'nno Noeml ...1T1 days to Llsard SadTt;.. tt: ZTir vmS&9 Th J H.rry Mr.. Smie U. riammer. sen.. 8sa rrea- I from this port to Boston waa due to Sailing Vessels From Portland Beat la Race to Europe.' , Sailing vessels msks the run from the Columbia river to Europe In bet ter time than' from any other Pacific coaat porta, according to statistics re cently compiled on long and short voyages of tb past year. London Falrplay goes deeply into th subject and shows that on tha whole vessel e clearing out of fresh, water ports reel off more knots to the bour than those sailing from sea ports. Last year a number of vessels mad th run . from the Columbia river to England much quicker than th swift ones from San Francisco and ths earn can be said In drawing a comparison with th fleet that galled from Tatoosh, Puget Sound. The following Hat gives wages imtetalr: ' FROM BAN . FRANCISCO. Max.. 107 days to Queenetown W. F. Babcock. .110 days to Delaware B. Surcouf ...... 110 days to Beachy Head Bossuet., lit dsya to Liverpool Aryan,..: ISO days to New York Longest pasaages were Red Rock.. ..It days to Old Head of Klnaal Windsor Park.. .171 days to Tb Smalls Marts 171 days to 11 of Wight, Gnn. Molinosr.; . . .Ms days to TJsbant La Porous. .... .,..101 days to Barry FROM ASTORIA. Oweene. 104 dsys to Queenetown Gen. Gordon 108 days to Falmouth Gn. Neumaye. ,.10i days to Falmouth Europ. .........110 days to Falmouth Hoch. ....... .111 days to Queenetown Em. Laurans....lll days to Prawl Pt. EuphroynavrrT-rl l-dar o -Brown ead Ed. Rostand .ill days to Llsard Wray Caatls...ll days to Old Head of Klnsalo - - Crlllon. ........ .lit days to Falmouth Longest passsges were Harry-Mors ..lit days to Boston Oregon ...ltf days to Llsard Mlltonburn. . .. . . .15 days to Liverpool Argus.. ItS days to Queenetown Afon Alar-. ...... .1(1 days to Liverpool ' FROM TATOOSH. Sudors 104 days to Rocb' Pt California. ..,......i0t days to Belfsst Duch. d Berry. .114 days to Falmouth Omega. ... . .Ill days to Isl of Wight 110- days -to -Falmouth Longest .passages were Holt Hill. ...... ....Ill days to Li Peru ard rleee Snt Ana. as.. Ban rrtnrtaoo. . ... Johan Praises. St.. Han Frsncfseo.. Mabl Gale, srh., Knn Prsarlsrs... rieisaes, as., n roars Helens, ss., &u Franclsee..V wawlngtoa, as.. Ban FrancUco. . number .of-yare-e-halrmsvnf-the-f K-rmp. ch., n Frsnclsce. .. r.v. xnaa. i. wsne, an., nan rrancisee.. Norn City, as.. Han FraaeUce. ... Redoedo, ss., MAeterev . .attains, bktn., Van Frsnclsoo .... Coaster, sa., Baa Psdr Republican- state committee. H alao a member of th Spanlshv treaty claims commission. In some of th larger eltlea which bold elections next Tuesday th Issues are." political, though In nearly ' every inatano local matters ar so- thoroughly mixed In that It can hardly be called a straight political fight In th smaller eltles everywhere th question is almost universally prohibition and reform. Her and there th eontaata hav soms bear ing on stat and national politics and also on factional interests in both partlea Th municipal machinery In som of th larger cities will naturally hav great influence In th selection of delegates to ths stat conventions next year, and In, these cities the ?arty lead ers ar conducting aggrassiv. can vasses In connection with theae muni cipal election. v - ' I a moat remarkable series of unfavorable - EJU'JJS ! weather. The voyag wa on unbroken oooo 1 cnln ' calms snd headwinds, with g,noiooo ; galea of the most severe kind. Thun 720.onn - der storms of awful intensity and il?-!S2;Ot!ir strange phenomena, such as show. . era or meteors, etc., mad tb voyag ; on never to be forgotten by thos who i took It - Th Mora Is sn old wooden Total fcr month. . rOBEIO.N LUMBER RIUPMEVTa. .14110,000 I Manataa Mars. ap. ss., Jspaa. Tsrrs. Nor. s., China........ Mathilda. Nor. aa., China. .... Total foe anoath... EUBOPKAN TTHBAT gHTPMBNTg. seseL Bnahels. , Vshi. Asi, Ft. bk lRZsaa $ sn.oer Jacqaes, Fr. bk 01.270 Oa.OOO Tso.onn nn.non,or) hulk an,i was sent back to the Atlantic to bo converted into an old bulk.. To help pay the way a cargo of lumber and scrap Iron was placed on board. - Tha freah water of the river has a tendency to kill ths barnacle growths ort the hulls of th windjammers and to this is sttrlbuted th better time mad by vessels 'sailing out 'of fresh water porta FWt, . .. 19-1. (94 .. I.(2.n4 .7 . 687881 PROPERTY (MRS ARGUE OH I7IDENIN6 i- v ;. ' i '' '-... ! " " ' ' ' Hart Promises Big Petition for Change of East Clisan Curbs. . Th street committee yesterday post poned action on th plan to extend and widen East pilsan street Tha matter will be taken up at th next regular meeting, when James D. Hart.' a real estate- dealer, promts to present a pe tition for an 10-foot street, signed by II per cent of- the frontage ewnera. More than 100 property-owners gath red in th council chamber to argue their view with the committee. They war about equally divided between a 10-foot and an 10-foot street, and ths discussion ended only after two hours, when Hart, asked that action be post poned. ON HUNT FOR " SLOT MACHINES Deputy Sheriff Kelly Visits St. Johns and Linn ton on Quiet . . ' Search. Total J. ...224.10 (1&2.M7 ORIENTAL WHEAT SHIPMENTS. Vassal. . Bnaheta. Value. Agapsnthns, Br. as ...210.887 1168,000 ORIENTAL FLOUR BillPatENTS. Teasel. Ay merle, Br. as...... Numantls. Oer. ss Manaba Marav Jas. aa. Quito, Be. sa Total turrets ,, 64.128 .. 00.923 .. 22.7M .. B1.F7S Tains 11 82. Ml 17S.0U0 We Have Removed Our Offices and Salesroom to Our New Address Clisan Street 328 r Between Sixth and Seventh - , -r j y -' lM&lprson Co. Heating-anantilating ILrigine p. m- atsamer Coata Rica, from Ban Prlnclsco. Arrived, gasoline schooner Sotoyome, from San Francisco.- . '. Hoqulam, Wash4 March 10. Th steamer Norwood arrived In port this morning with passengers and a cargo of freight for harbor marohanta 8h reports a good trip. The Norwood will load a cargo of lumbar at th Hoqulam Lumber and Bhlngl company's mill in this city. UBITED EVASGEL1CAL BISHOP IN PORTLAND ' : - '. " 'i Dr. Hell Will Preach at Several Churches of Hit Denomina tion Here. ...100. 1ST 08e,2S LOST MUCH CANVAS An Investigation Into th alleged Il legal uss of slot machines at BL Johns Is being directed by Sharlff Stevens. Re ports that might - incrlmlnat several business men In Bl Johns, If they eould b confirmed, have' reached . th sheriff's office. 'Deputy Sheriff Penum bra, Kelly has been detailed on th investigation. On a visit made to Bt. jonns yester day. Deputy Klly mad a few Inquiries. Chlrf of Pollc Charles Bredeson stated that as tar ss he knew no one wa violating th law' regulating alot ma chines. H said that the law might possibly be violated without his knowl edge, and signified his willingness to aid the deputy In th effort to check It. Th city of St. Johns has a law of Its own on this sam matter, which th chief said would be vigorously en forced whenever sufficient evidence could be gathered. 'W hav received reports charging that th use of alot machine I being conducted in Bt Johns In violation of th stat law," said Mr. Kelly this morn ing, "and while I did not find any machines In operation yesterday, I shall make another trip to that city, possibly next, week." . Mr. Kelly has visited Llnnton on a Imllar mlaalon within th last week or two. Nothing has yet developed from th invMttgaUon In that community. French Bark Armea fat Big Storm , Off OolnmbU Hirer. . Th French bark Armn lost half a dosen sails off th Columbia river bar In riding out tha, storm of last week, which nearly sent the schooner Coqullle City to the bottom. The Frenchman arrived up In the harbor early this morning and berthed at Afersey dock, where she will discharge a cargo of cement, fir brick and general merchan dise from Newcaitle-on-Tyne. . Cautaln Revel says th blow off th mouth of th Columbia was th worst be has ever experienced, and h Is an old-timer st th business too. Th seas simply flooded the deep-going craft continually and those who had to take in canvas bad to move about with great precaution or go overboard. Luckily no further damage than the loss of the sails waa dona The can vaa was torn from its fastenings Ilk o much tissue paper. Th skipper says th wind must hav attained a velocity of more than 100 miles an hour. . It took the Armen lit days to make th run from England to th Columbia Th Harrlmaa liner Costa Rica, Cap tain Mason, arrived from Ban Fran cisco at :I0 this morning, II hour late. She brought a full cargo of freight and many passengers. - Tb. alum., A lll.n. VaIW L, lit i will be at the Couch street wharf this evening rrom toot say. on reacnea Astoria thl morning. Th gasollns sohooner Botoyom. which arrived at Astoria this morning, will load lumbar for Ban Francisco at on of th lower Columbia mills. Ths Botoyom formerly plied between south ern. Oregon port and San Francisco. Th British steamer Quito will finish loading this evening snd It is expected that ah will saU for North China and Siberia tomorrow morning. Her cargo Is valued at 1171.000. The Britlah bark Muskoka and the British derelict bark Melanope left As toria yesterday in tow for the north, the Muskoka for Port Townsend to load lumber and the Melanope to Esquimau for repair a The steam schooner Coaster Is load ing lumber at tha mtlie at Vancouver. Bhe will finish tomorrow and may leave down Monday morning." Th oil carrier W. 8. Porter arrived at Llnnton laat night with 41,000 bar rels of OIL Bh sails ' for Eaa Fran cisco this evening. -Bishop W. F. Hail. D. D of Highland Park, Illinois, arrived In the city yes terday via Denver and Salt Lake City. 1TI day. to LIverpoolT"- cmea t0 ,n! e0't pj;'ld?. .T!I in vrrsun wu.vrvucw if. u v. it ..a Evangelical ohurch which convene in Corvallls next Thursday, April 4. at o'clock. . This Is th bishop's third visit to the coast He will spend th Sunday In Portland preaching in th churches of his denomination. Ockley Oreen to night at 7:10, First church, corner Esst Tenth and East Sherman, Sunday, 11 a m., Bt Johns I p. m. and ths Bee- Ond cliiirch at 7:30 p. m. ,Blehop""HlT is a very logical and thoughtful speak r, an aarnest devoted Chrlatlan man. Following ar Bishop Hell's appolnt tnenta after leaving Portland for April: April 1, Laurel, 7il0 p. m.; .April z. Hlllsboro, 7:10 p. tn.; April I to I. con ference at Corvallls; April I,, Buelah, 7:10 p. m.: April t, Bodavllle, 7:10 P m.; April 10, Buver, I p. m.; April 10, Buena Vista, 7:10 p. ra.; April 11." In stallation of president of Dallas college; April It. Lewlsvllle, 11 a. m.; April IX, Kings Valley. 7:10 p. m.; April II. Bridgeport 11 a, ra.; April 14, Dallas. ll a. m. and 7:10 p. ra.; April 14. Rlckreal, I p. m.i April II, La Fayette, 11 a m.; April. II, Dayton. I p. in.; April 16. Pleasantdale,' 7:10 p. m.; April 10, Clear Lake, I p. ra.;AprIl II, Brooks, 7:10 p. m. Salem, 7:10 p. m. ALONG THE WATERFRONT POMOH. Blood Oorvasoles Kade by Ooed Food Are the Polio of the Body. When a man keeps good red blood In his veins he hss s sort of pollc squad and Is practically Immune from dlsaasa Pur blood mad from the right food will resist th attacks of dlseaa germs and driv them out or kill them. The first thing that should be looked to, therefore. Is the blood, and prompt action to build up the red corpuacles by food. A lawyer In a western town tells how he drove Brlght's disease out of his system by supplying good red blood by food: "For several years I had been i af flicted with kidney trouble," he says, "which sometimes incapacitated me for Araalneas. My condition became such a to cause great fears that Brlght's Dis ease was about , to faatan Itself upon ma ..... "I had always been very fond of cof fee. When, however, the kidney symp toms became so alarming. I quit th coffee, and began to use Postum Food Coffee. - I soon became s fond of the new beverag as I had been of th old coffee, and, what Is more Important my health Improved rapidly and steadily until In a short time, th kidney troubles had almost entirely dlaap peared. I am convinced that any former, sufferings snd the symptcms of Brlght's disease were cauand by th us of cof fee, and that th credit for 'my our belongs to th Postum. Nam given by Postum Co., Battle Creek. Mich. . Postum Food Coffee and Grape-Nuts make 'good red blood. They contain food that Nature uses tn th process, so Erepared as to b n.ulokly asslmllatad. There's a Rsason."' MARINE NOTES Astoria. March 10. Lft up at I a. m., steamer Coata Rica, Arrived at 1:10 and left up at I a- m., steamer Alliance, from Coo bay. Arrived at I a. m., ateamer Tiverton, from San Francisco. Crossed out, French bark Asia, for Eu rope. San Francisco, March . to. Arrived, steamers Roanoke, from Portland, and Thomas L. Wand, from Columbia river. Arrived, bark B. P. Cheney, from Co lumbia river. Astoria, March 19. Condition of the bar at I a tn.. smooth; wind southeast; weather cloudy. i - Astoria. March It. Balled at 11:40 p. m., British bark Melanope In tow of tug Pilot for Esqulmalt Left up at 1:43 p. m-, steamer Coaster. Left up at 1 p. m., steamer W. S. Porter. Balled at 1:20 p. m., British bark Muskoka. for Port Townsend. Arrived at 11:10 THREE SOLID HOURS Oaks Blnk Waste Tonight, Xser Tape 'nee," Two-Btep. The big brass band, with so many pretty two-steps and sweet waits, opens its program at 7:30 and cloaes at 10:10, giving three solid hours of pleasure, - There will be a grand march at 1:10. Don't fall to hear "Napane,' th Indian 1 two-atep tonight It Is a real Indian war dance, with war cries, bells, hors riding and shooting by th soldlera The big rink wMl have a spe cial day Easter and the rink will be open at I in the morning, as clean aa a pin. A pleassnt car ride, you can't afford to miss. - if you don't akate eome out and watch th others and hear th muslo. c VXVNrsijaarV s'isA y,i saiai pi i t i ivy The Kind Ton Hare Always Bought, and which has been la use for orer 80 years, has borne the signature of and has been made under his per sonal supervision since Its Infancy. Allow no one to deceive you In this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and Just-as-rood" are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and OiUdren Experience against Experiment. - What is CASTORIA Caatoria Is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It .' contains neither .Opiums Morphine nor other Narcotio substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Fererlshness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation ' and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the ' Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. . ' The Children's anaceaTheTttotherrFrlend. . ' GENUINE tCASTORIA ALVAY3 .Bears the Signature of The Kind Yon Haye Always Bougiit In Use For Over 30 Years. MaianmmMSMn.n SMslUaMUtf If people will expjriment with imitations of SOZODONT, they must be willing to stand the pain and suffering resulting from teeth injured and perhaps ruined for ever, po not experiment. Stand by the old honest Denti frice and your teeth will stand by you. - -- - ' Wanted a eook to teach tea and cof fee. flchllllnrs Best For Better City Government. Th following" Is an xtraet from a review of th writings of Thomas C Devlin en this Important subject by the Past of Hsrtford, Connecticut: "Mr. Devlin's work is extremely In terest In r and should be read with dill fence. The discussion of ths various questions Is elear, thorough, eonvinclngi Not toe theoretical. It Is practical. useful. : t Novel Race Tonight. A decided Innovation la akatlnr clrcls will 1 occur tonlaht at th Expoeltlon rink, when six crsck local skaters -will skat a three-mile relay rac against an Indian motor cycle ridden by sn expert from th Ballon a Wrfirht bicycle store. A fast contest Is sure and ex citement will prevail. No advance In ad mission. , . . . ' I , NO INQUEST ON MEN KILLED BY LANDSLIDE After a thorough Investigation of th circumstance surrounding th land slid on tb O. R. A N. near Latourell Falls laat Thursday afternoon. In which O. Boil and 3. Rotar, laborer, were killed, Coroner Flnler has decided not to hold an Inquest. Deputy Coroner Arthur' ta. Flnley states that th accident - was unavoid able and the railway company bad taken all due precaution to protect th man at work. Hour's body wss recovered and shipped to this city. Th remains of Boil ar still burled tinder ton of rook, but It, Is expect d to unearth th body today. Officers of Salem Elks. .p4dnl Map. Irk to- Tb Joeraal) Balem, Or., March SO. Sarem lodg No. tat, B. P. O. B., at Its snnual elec tion chose the following officers: Ex alted ruler. Dr. W. Carlton Smuu; leading knight, B. O. Shucking; loyal knlsht. Charles V. Galloway; lecturing tonight, Roy Buckingham; secretary, Ar thur 8. Benson: treasurer, fl I Raker; tiler,. Alex Comoyer. Ex-exalted Ruler Charles I McNary was elected delecat to .the conclave at Philadelphia; alter nate, A. IL Stelner, 1 SECURITY SAVEVGS AND TRUST GOJIPANY tostura, oaaao. . ' : O.W. AOAMU, President. ' A. Xs, atTT.T.S, First Tics- Pres't. B. 0. JUS11S, Secretary. V. A. LITIS, Second Vlce-Pres't.. O. T. BVSSaXalV, Ass't Secretary. Statement of Condition at Close of Business March 22 1907: ; RESOURCES. ,..rx,'".- Loans .. $3,342,723.06 Bonds . . 1,352,730.34 Cash and dne from correspondents.............. 1,249,358.90 Real Estate 6,756.27 - " ' $5,931,570.67 LIABILITIES. CapiUl 500,000.00 Surplus .. 260,914.81 Deposits .. 6,190,655.76 '. ;"' ' . $5,951,570.57 ' A general Banking and Trust Company hnsinee transacted. Interest paid on Saving Accounts and Time Certificates of Deposit. - DXBBCTOmS. . C A. DOLPH. C F. ADAMS. J. T. TXTlima, J. N. TEAL.. Ia A. LEWIS. A. L. MILLS. JOSEPH SIMON. , COLONIST RATES TO OREGON And the Pacific Northwest over the Union Pacific, Oregon Short Lin. Oregon Railroad & Navigation Co., and Southern Pacific, from all parts of the East, DAILY during March and Apri y YOU CAN PREPAY rVr tickets, ,if you desire to bring friends, relatives, employe or others from the East, by depositing the cost with anv agent of th O. R. ft N. or S. P. Co., with name and address, and ticket will be promptly furnished in th East A Rare Opportunity to Promote the In dustrial Growth of the Northwest batbs nos vmrjrospA uimi cmss. A Caleage .........S' st, Mua ................ Kaasaa Olty sa.60 Omaha .................. sa.flo Bk. Peal S300 SO.00 5.00 s.oe ato Buffalo . . new mi .. ......a..,.. . Vowon rtllatrihla Weebiagtoa A 40 oo 4T.0 47 47-l n 4 I t J i A Rates apply to sll main anS branch line polnte, Hontlrston to fw-" tncluatva B Rate apply to Portland. Astoria an1 P'ia'1 roin'.: a fiouthern Paolflo mala and branch line point a north of and Indud.i.g A Ore go u. - . ' For eomplat Information, Inquire of - ( - Wat. stoSrCKJaAT. aeaaral rtMi( t r.t-t, ' Cr.(a -S. ivill - C W. Stinger, Cltx Ticket Aft, Id and Washington.