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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (March 30, 1907)
; '"-".THE OREGON ; DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND, f ATURDAY EVENING, MARCH 3?. 1907 m ... ) -x4&' feteg ; --- hc5aov;rnrTV f7OTFKvWvY" ' j - - ', 7 mlfiho (0r W ISS'J - C L JfYYr ' !$9f; ' T7ffi'tf " ' ffff '''' ''' "'1 Lut weak 7v told how Nokomit and th chiUivn finithed th Upto-Sugr nuking and rttnnwdtetht Wlgwun with the , -. Ugh and tobo jgn loaded with cakm tf naplu(ar and all tht othct thfaip thy had mad in tht camp. And how, when ftey arrtvad, thay haard attanga noiaaa; and how Lhtla Baar haddaahadoutof tha Wigwam crying foe help and yelling that a BIO WILD BEAST : '" had triad to gat in at him!' There waa not room enough then to tall what happened afterward ao you ahaO hear H sow. i A : Wall, after Lhtle Bear ruabed out of tha Wigwam he clung tightly to Nokotnta dreea. He waa ao tat and out of breath and ao j frightened be could not talkonly puff and pant I Nokomia untied the rope that fastened hia kg to the atout stake, and reached far ' '' - ''nr.w a bi. a kii-h mUa ti4 ArrmntA in the excitement. ' Then ii " - - ' ' --., ?" "i fTITywiwini. ' n n w, wiim .-m -r r . " - -T . Aunek. the Crow, sneaked up and peeked in at the door of the Wigwam, .-mare tern any one mawar na caueo cure, noam t . knew than that tha Prowling Thing must be hiding BEHIND the Wigwamt Now. Yellow Hair like moat Ettla Paleface girls was ; very much afraid of aS WILD BEASTS, except, of course, tha ones Little Growling Bird bad made bar aquatated with, inside th Pefuga Ground. She waa frightened now, and grabbed tha little boy's arm. beting him not to let the BIOTHINO get at bar I And do i yon think Orowling Bird rah to Nokomia and bid (like Little Bear) behind bar skirts. leaving Panny itaprotectedr No Indaedl Ha just grasped his little tomahawk firmly and GROWLED his OWN little growl which waa vary terrifying to SMALL animals! (That 4 ; OiJ VVW HW U WVUM MMVW MWV UP U V4 U , MKT M iHHI HU-WfIJ WVUWI Ul VV tWBIQ 0 HHW " . fierce growling BEHIND him I This waa not what he calculated upon, whan ha took tha place, and you may be sure ha did not lag . 1 , ' .behind whan be found ha waa nearer than any one cIm to the BIO THOt. After that he tc ' ', y got a "crick in hia neck frorn looking back over hia ahoulder. Bxit Nokomia hurried on.' calling aut to whomsoever it might be that aha ; .had Wah-gawk-wud, the Big Axe, ready and meant btislnssa. j ;.' V;" ,-. . ' ,' ".""'f " . . . . Uukoona, tha Little Black Bear, trotted alongside, aa close as ne could gtt to be fW' v , ,... ,...,r Hi 2j 1 aLaTaP a 7C 1) 1 MP NOW n a ... : nn U.J .k-Maa 1a mm..-J Ua, MexVaxmlai ajfrAtwawf A aaim1ria Mures IsMTM lorMrrHnffl Ifft theft aWftwal tKut la ; ' . TT I1CU MW UeBU Vlej aWlW VaaBema. auviuaii eaaa fi iweMiai hviwhv vww v ..... v a r piled up at one aide of the tent. They looked like big moccasin tracks, and puaxted bar greatly. Then Mukoone cam and amauad , themi; (UttlaUanrdva to leararw)at thing through their noees, you seel) HE declared they malt Just like ntoccaaina, and he waa ;tj right, this time. But Auiv!uA napped hia wings and hopped up in tha ait a bre to aa to get a better view of the doorway and what do : ymi think be saw? : .'. -'., -v . i' A-; ; - V ' '-" . '- ';r " - ' -I . Wa spied A GREAT BIO SOMETHINO fwt disappearing in the entrance to tha Wlgwaml 'Ha was a tola too lata) to ae . - ... ... .. eMivf4VA SO . .1 aV A fATaa a - A 1 . - ' ' ' , - ' moagh of ttto nrnkm out txactiy wtiat tt w out n ratnw tnougnx wai a - wiwy ,?mnTqnK 1JAjrv" J I.I 1 ' J - . TT7 . I. 7 L I , . ' .. - . . .--w 11 ammmmmm -'ii-- -.. jtr ' ' - spr-- i i . pall on ;.v.,oAe.n r b v'. t js a-r as aar m . u --aw d i ' I , r Bk a ur v v . 1 ;a. . - w-. r irww r- rr aar r . 11 n jbj w.-w w w- 1 1 . . ... . . n m. Bin TUTUn litll TUttnil rfii U1raain .jf t . , xhingi now began to looa aenona ror novocmi ana ner hiub ivjmj. - ocrv -wmm un uum . wfth no, way to chase it out 1 It made Nokomia vary angry to think that any person, or thing, should come along and take peesenfoa of 1 . bar home without saying "by row leave" 0 anything else. She raised tha Big Axa over her bead and called out. fiercely: "Umber I ' Cwuh-jingComa outsider, Growling Bird dared it to coma cnsida. also, but there waa no reply I Yellow Hair hid behind Nokomia. Ebe u too mucn atraui mn 10 lasviv wnen ene nun me wvru nnun.uw 1 -n , ,. d eating people without waiting to cook themf (But this ia only an Indian fairy story and not really true.) ' At for Little Bear. ba.corrad bia eyaa with hia little black pawaond tfmgbt boiacouldeaa biml . ' 1 . T 1ILI I I I. 11 1 Suddenly the door-Bap of the Wigwam flew open and there sat our old friend, BIO BEAR, grinning from eer to er! (Of course,,, , YOU hare already guessed who tha "BIO THING" waa that scared them!) That very morning Big Bear bad come out of hie winter : cave and gone straight to the Wigwam. Finding no one at home but Little Bear, be thought be would hide untff Nokomia and the chiK ; dran came back and than play a joke on them. ' They were ao much token by surprise and looked ao foolish when they aawwho it was, that Big Bear laughed righout and shouted, "APRIL FOOL I ! P However, they were ail ao glad to see him again that they didn't ; mind being "fooled" in such a pleasant way. And so, the FIRST of APRIL ia called "ALL FOOLS' DAY" because jokes are played eMpeclrthan. But whether Big Bear started tha cusjom himself, or learned k from the Palefaces, it to bard to aajrl " A.T.C :