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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (March 30, 1907)
15 TWO TONS OF STOLEN . BIAHT FOUND AT BUTTf: FRIEND OF DUMB ANIMALS TODAY'S Dealers In Hops Resting . Because There , Are Few Orders In the Market at This Time . at Prices Growers Are Wilting to Sell Stock THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND. SATURDAY EVENINO. MARCH 30. 1S07. MARKETS 1, t BUTTER PRICE ABOUT TO DROP Receipts Are Catching Up With l the Demand and Most Or- ... ... :-, ... ders Are, Filled. . . 1 TRAbE EXPECTS, DECLINE DURING COMING WEEK Another Sharp Break In Egg Values Doe to tho AceanraUted Holding of Countrf Shippers Who Ex :. pected an Advance for Easter. Prior! pal market features today j Huttr market to drop. Ooll etorsge TDM tw egg. ' Veal and hoc are lower. "' Mlllstuft ax tstte4 -Irux, Ba price are advanced. . ' Wheat and flour vary firm. .,, j - , " Potataa and enloos art etlfCar. , , - Oreet weaknee la aid market. -., . Hope an awj alow a). ' 7 , ' " m ; , Orasmaxr Butter ts.XktnV ' It Became . apparent Id the wtoleeal mar ket today that anppllea f batter are gradually getting heavier aad tkat st this time the ateck - are elmeat. it aot suit us to tb demand. Atneg grant etreet oupplle are ample far all present rxfltr.rn.eta of the trade la (act tbe market la nnt ilt a firm as 1t was few day age, "With the moderatloa at the weather , tbe grata 1a growing very rapidly now aad It ta bet a ejaxattea of a few dare, next week at tbe moat, before value wUI brfla fo back ward. This, nleea tbar la anotner ear n . .vn.eBang m waatber condition, wr ern . err mea report butter, eupplle are mors ample . aad order ar Bow Being filled almost 1a their entirety. Tble In Itaelf abow tbe greater sup plies and continuance of thes conditions wlU ; aieea that lower priest Will orevsll lbs soalDg . week. - - Cue romstas Terr firm with eappUet scares 'sad prtoa messaged. r ,' ' OsU atme Mas Wreck Eggs. Si ikiM it. mm ' m.(m iMmm orb thought they eeuld fore tbe egg market to a signer point, the ee(d storage operator are Bow -j t beat spo wrack lug tbe egg market' For tbe present break In re lues tbe trad ley. moat vf the blams turn) the afeouldere of tbe ehlp pore. for most of tbem bold bark the major portion of their eupplle ontn rrid.y wba they thought tber oeald gat aa extra advance beeaoaa of tbe Easter demand. '. la tbls- tber ..sue aad bad It not beea to the fair demand from the north raatardar afternoon the market would baea anna to nieces.- Aa matter stand adar the esc market la very complicated with . nrtroa so Badly broksa that aot two dealer are tndar quoting .the asms figure. As far ss tbs buying trade la couorrued. however, tbers Is a ; unit of opinion for all agroe that the arte Is broksa and nous of tkea rare to par srer 10 ' er pnaatorr toe a doara. Tbs latter prtes la tbs aitresu .klg pout. ' V Poultry Ooatianoa Sonre. nepnnee or ponirrr awng rrooi tlnne erarrs bat this aearcltr la mors thaa made P br the rerr liberal supplies of eastern ator. ' ags etock tbs retailors ha- on bend. While la aot without poultry at ear time and raises - are aasnsng. Teal and Bets Ars Lews. r moaorass woauier- iuct m a sorter sans to tbe dressed meat market and both veal and bogs are ebowtng lower prlree. Rprtng lamba continue ta demand at the figured quoted Bat the auniM u bmm Atilre em nrra aa a at. er so ago . . v This la tbe mat da of Lent and tbs trade Is tin wiiaon 1 euppueo or iree eaiBKOi. ido . marksta had ample suDDHas of trash bsltbut. fruaan aalmon and froeen amelt to meet all demand. Plentr of freak salmon pramleed next week aner Lent. . . rant Waaknasg lav Hide lUrkst. ' " Tbers m great weakness sbowa la kids ralaos aad sltbough aaehaagod ssdar th tmdone Is downward. Th weakness her Is do to tbs eever break la prices In tbs seat, tho latter being dua to tho tact that eastern raise were too high to admit of exports ro stamp, thus causing aa accumulation on' wis sloe. BMef Vets of the Trade. Both tbs Potato and onion markets snow a firmer tone todar an aosount of tbe higher : lino sales ar Terr few ssd toe market Is . la p. lag agala lata aerer dullness. Bean prices are klgker owing to th floods ta tbs growing district In California, fink. ' bamuS and Isrt white bw adraseaa from , S m w m njvnu, Plsnt end wheat a re firmer with raluo ua. ebaaged. California demand for bras Is rrr good st prices tbst net tbs shipper a fractional Sorsnes ore ths trainee ruling here. Tho trad para ths following prWe to Proat ; strost. Price psM hlppers are less regular commissions: , '. Orals, near aad Feed. . . enUIlf BAORCaiCTtta. bar lag prtoe; tiimg. ae: . . WHiAT Club. T1QTV: rod ttuorlso. asawe, kloeatem. T4e; rall-r. Tie. : CO ILN Whole, VUM; cracked. M.OO per SA&LBT New Peed. ' tJl.OOeJM Oa per tea; tolled. 3.00e34.00t brawins. 3a.OtMt2a.on. - EYB 1.U per cwt. . ' OATS New Prodoeers' arte !. I whit. so noel 40 SA nt hi.i w m? notftoa ka . - rLOtlt -- tasters Orsgna patents. M.IBt Straights. I3.60: sxport, taller. sl.fB: Cham, a, M.80: wool wheat, J.To, rr. . s00: balsa. 3.Ts. . ' IflLUITTJFPS Bras. I1T.W per to! mid dling, s-tiu; sanrts. country, zd.soi sltr, Hs.Jlrt: thop. gld.OOWM.00. ! Y- . HAY Producers' nrlr Tlovrfhr. WUIsmott sailer, laney. fl.wxl4 ; ordinary, gg.OOet . 10.00; saatera Oregon, 110.00; mixed. IlO.OOdi lOSOi tlersr, ts.00) grain, 8.0oeiO.O0; cbeat. eevvw. Bsttsr, Sirs sad Feultry. BtrrncR fat f. b. Portlaad Snaat ream, tnc; snur. Me. BUTTKB Cltr eieametr. ITHet sotsldo. . fsnrr. IH'i etors. Bsc.' .- R!oa Extra fsoor, casdled, l30e. " CHCCAH New Pull cream, flats, ldtlMt Tonng Amerlcs, ITatTVic . w . POULTBT Mixed chickens, H 9 per-lb) fancy bena, loo per lh; rooster, eld. Ild12 per lb! eld atags, lt12H per Ibl frrsrs, 1S per lb; broilers, In per lb; ,ld dueka, UHi " per lh; aprlng docks, UHe per lb; gees. m 10c per lbs tnrker., ITo per lb for old; drasaid, ' fancr. 22c par lh:, 1.00 per dos pigeons. 1 00 par sos. brsaasd peultr 11H . per lb higher. . Bona, Weel aad Hides. fc .AMIM, - - - ... 1'. bit. , w... v. m ... 1 iv . ir 1 BnmA .a eholca, 10)I0H; modlnm to prime, gat, medlnm, ac: eostrsets, 100T crop, 12. WouL im clip valUr. foisio) saxtsra Oreron, SO. . MOHAIR Hew IbOT JS lb. ' gllEKPSKlNS Shearing. 1BQJ0) sschl snort wool, itStjoei medium wool, 0t7S aav, tang wool, 7BC0I1.OO each. ' . TALLOW Prims, per lb. 114 Qsc; X. asd . ateer. eoasd. SO In asd erer. 10ailr oowa, HnHi "" u,d aolla, aosnd, S07e kip, Id to Softw, Be; calf, sound, ssder IB lh. lle nwii -, . " ' iv bst id reasi ore bMea, salted, each, 1 Oi'fltOO; drr, oack, l.00l.0: eolt Miles. .se&Mi goat shlna, eommoa, each, , 10jlfre , A agora, each, gscl . 100. Fruits aal YegstaUss. , POTATORaBitrlng pries, saatera llaltso Btak and Clarkemae, select, f1.t04tl.TB; sell- Ing. fsscr. 1 ,TB; ordJoarr . buglng, gl t?) I.eOt eastern Oregon, bur log, - l.OOai.10; sweets, To per lb. r OMOlta Jobhlng Btles No, 1 Oregna. ll ' ei.eo; Mo. 1. SOC! bnrhig price, flnQ7B f . S. b. ehlpning point! garlic, gffse per lb. APPLba Paarg Hand hirer gpltsenberg snd Yelbw Nswtnwns, I..6O1 fancr Willamette ral- Stock. gnrsTi.n. - ' rRRSH r'RIirTI Orange, new as eel. 3.TI T.S; tenr.rlnea, 1 S3; bananas. Be per lh lavns. 4i'(JH0fl pr b": Mma, M.ilan, rr r"i. I4.01'-...u0 per euat 'g'pe '' --. I'n.'i'. .m r .w va. mil. , aiaau mrs, r!IDBa Drr. No, f, H tha aad ap, HQ Is per lb; drp kip. No. 1. to II lb, fstfivi EGQ, MARKET DECLINE DUE TO MANIPULATION d ' It 1 axpoctod br th (SDsrsJ d trad that th prion of gga d d wiu agala touch th low nmrlt d on th present movmnt owing; d to th zpootad groat lnoresas of aupplt. It will not tak baarr d arrlrslg at this Urns to cause d this for th trad ta scared and will Jump at Its own shadow. d Th raspunslbllltr of th aharp d . break la .aid at th door of both, d shipper dad cold atoraa opra- d tor br ths genorsl trad; th lat- d tar baina at fault for accurau- - d d' latlna suddIIss at. thla tlm of d . tha yar with th object of ad-'- 4) d trancing price and then shipping d all la a bunoh. Th cold atorag d operator la looking for ' ehap d egga and will do all la hi power d d to pat them on a atorsg baals. d d. This would be around II aad II d eanta, ,',,'. . i. . ' YIOrrABI.K-Tn!pa. asw, 0etl sack tBrrots. "TBrttll.OO per ear) baste, tl,I& pet, inn, pei canbare. 2.M aaea; pareniua. gi.uorii.zo; cannare, tomatoaa, Mexican. MHS4H.80: Plorlda. It.OO; parsnlpe. oc($l 00s atrlu beans. IV per lb cauliriowsr. tAJA so dost oeae. 1.1c: radian. Be per lb; artichokes. 75c1.00 per doa: naaaah. TBeerllJIO see box: eelerr. Call- rorala, 85JT0e er doa) cranberrlee, 18.00 ttt.00 per barrel; enroata, leva per lh; a .pare gas. liHOloe; rhubarb, c per lb! green ealoas. lAe doe; Plorlds bell peppers, 40o per is; spmacn. ll l'l.l per sol. DRIED PBl'ITS Apples, srsporatsd. H ! To per Ibl apricots. ISi,et20s per lb: peaches, llaiSM swr lb: saeke. Ua nsr lh Ires! prance. BO to 40, sane; He drop on rb 1-10 emaller Ise; figs. California black, ceitvt per lb) California white. e)dSe per Th; datee. soldea. per esgi rarua, per is-in oox. Brsuei lea. Vsta. Eta. UOAS Calltornla RawaHaa Cabs. tS-trm powdsred. KHHi berrr. I4WHI drr grssuistso, Ta: star. ' aa s.a; sonr. . (4.MV4; sxtra B, M.tVal golden C. 4 JI 0 rellow, 4.ktVh; beet grsauUtod. 4.MU. -W eaters Cubs. 14 BTU: nowdered. (3.12VI srr-sTsanlsted. lo.TVii P.; "t. Prase!. B4.B2U: eonfectlosere' A. M.MU extra O. U.2: golden C 4 82U: D Fallow. f.t2Vi; beet graoulated. 4 Mia; barrels, 10c; half BSttsm, Us; bexes, BOa sdmnes ea Back seals. ( Abors prices ar B dars net aaeb esot- liona.i ' HONET S.e par erats. OOrrEE Packers sraada. III.Maid.M ' HALT Ooarae Htlf ground, 100a. (10.00 per ton; sos, tsbw, aairr, bob. iuwi itxw. I1S.TB1 balsa, gSOO; Imported Llrsrpool, GOs, iiaOO: 100s, 1T.00; t24s. $100: sxtrs fine, kble. Is, Be and 10. B4.B06S.B0i Liverpool lump rock, IJU.OU per ton; bo-ib roca, fio.ow 100a. 110.00. (Aboee orlcos asolr to sales of lees thaa car Iota. Car Iota at special prices subject to tiuctnanona.i - RIC Imports!- Japan,. No. 1. Bel No. t. Se; New Orlssas, kssd. Te; AJsx, Be Creole. VrJANB Small whits. IS SO; mrga whits, sS.; pink. SS.B3; baroa, IS. TO: Llmas, BiAc; kfevlcnn aeila. Sc. NUTR rssnuts. Jumbo, BHs per lb; Vir ginia. TH per lb roasted, 10s per lb; Jeim aee. WH(t; roasted. TOTHe per lb: cocoa nnts, S&ttOOe per doa; walnuta. California, Ine per Ibt rrench, lfio par lb; pins nuts, 14T!Ae per w; hictorr nuts, toe per in; aneeinura, eastern, lStiflde per Ibl Brestl nuts, J 8c per id; riiDsrrs, joe per in; nucj pocaos, inauc aimonos, iw21tc. Keats, Flak sad Pierlslesa. rRKSH MKATB Front Btrost nogs, fancy. Bttg pir Bi oeaA, extra. -tatc.. pcf Jb; ordinary, per lb; poor, ne per in; mut ton, faory, IQve per lb; spring lambs, 14(9 IBc per lb. .' HAMS, BAOON. ETC Poftlsnd pack floral) hams. 10 to 1 lbs. lime nor lb: 14 to 1 lbs. IBs par lb; IS to SO lbs, lee per lb; breakfast bacon, 16v4031ie per Ibt picnics, 12e per ,b eottaco roll, 13e per lbs recular abort clears, snsnioked,: Itc -per Tb; smoksd. I3e per lh; clear backs, gnsmokod. 12c; smoked. 18c per lb; Union butts, 10 to 18 Bw, ooemnked. Sc per lb; smoXed. Be per lb; clear bellies, lit- smoked, 124 per lb; smoked, 1H per lb; sbouldera, 13e per lb: pickled tonruoa, 80c each. LOCAL -LARD Kettle leaf, 10a, 18 (4 a per Ibl Be. UAS per lb; BO-lb trne, lje per lb: team rr sue red. 10s. per lb; Be, 13t per lb! compound, 10a, 14t per lb. CAMKED SALMON (V!nmbls - rlroT,- l ib tails, l.rW 8-lb tails, Bl. 78: faacp l ib flata, 11. BO; U-lb fancr flats. 11.111: faacp 1-lb orale, 12. T8; Alaska tsUs. rink. B&S0c; red. 1.&0; nominal. 2a. tall. 82.00. riHM Rock cod. Te par lb; flormiler, Oc par lb: halibut, 8 He par lb; era ha, l.O04tl.6O per ens; striped bass. 1IH" per lb; estfl.h, lOe per lb; salmon, rreah Cnlnmbla river ateelb4e, lie per lb; ehlnook, 12He per lb; froaon aal bob, toil per lb; herring, Be per lb; eelee. Be per lb; ahrlmpa, lor per lb; porch. Be per in; vises coo, 10 per id: lomcoo. io Inbstsrs, Ine per Ibl fresh msrkersL Ibi crawfish. 20s par doa; stnrsenn, lOe per lb: black base, toe per lb; Columbia rlrer smeit, ne per ro. OTsTERB Shoe roster bar. per garios. It. SO; par 100-lb ssrk. 84 oO; Olrmpls, per gallon, 12.25; per US-lb sack. S.S02.23t Eagle. eannea, lue can, sr.uw oos. - CLAMS Hardshell, per bog. 82 40; lama, 12.00 per box. lie pes doa. . Valat, Oaal 00. Its. ROPE Pur Manila. ; standard, 114: at.. I lie. COAL Ort Pearl or stral Cases. ia per gai; WBrer wuiie. iron note, lee per gal; wooden, 17s Bar gal; headlight. ITO dg, CaM. Per gai. OAsJiIJNa at deg., cases. 24 e per gal; iron hole. 18e per sal. ' BENEINE deg. easts. 28 set gait Iran neio. ishc per gai. TDRPENTINE In ssaea, Be par gal; hbln. BSe ner saL WHITB LEAD Ton lots, 1 per lb; BOO-lb lota, nc per in; sees iota, bhc per in. WIRE- NAILS Present basis at I2.8A. I.I N MEED OIL Pure raw, ht B-bbl kite. Bop; l-btil lota. BAci esse. BSs ner sal: seanlna ket. tie-boiled, rear. 60c per gal; B-bbl lots, B4c; l-bhl lots, BSe per gal; ground cake, car Iota, 130.00 par tea) leas than ear lota, 130.00 par PORTLAND STOCK MARKET - r V ' . I i , . Aaaoelated Oil Shows a Loss In Sale and Bid Pricea During Day. But en sale was made during tha trading on tbe local exchange during tbs dap. thla being for 10 shares of Associated Oil st I41.BO. s loss of TSe from tbs former holdlnr price. Ths" kid price also d moped BOc. A priests trsnssetloa In which S.000 shares st llornlcg tbangsd bands was reported at H. - OfHclal pricas: ...... ... BANK STOCKS. ' v Rid. Aak. Bank of Oallfnrnla.......,.,...$.ms.O0 $ Ranters' A Lombermen's....... 102.00 Merchaara' National 1S1.IS Oresoa Trust Barings. ...... 120.00 - Portland Trust Co . isfl.op United States National 200.00 LISTED 8ECDRITTK8 (BONPS). American Biscuit Co. 6s.. ...... MM 100.00 Cltr a Suburban 4a , , i Columbia Sonthern Irrigation M.ll lorn Teiepboo a. .., ..... 0. K. d S. Br. 4s ioo.s.1 0. W. P. h Br. as 100 00 1ivi..v Parlftc Coast Biscuit da....'... OA. BO lon.tiO Portland kt. Be MM 1. C. Lsg Os. Be ..... 100.0) M ISCELLAN BOt'l BTtrTKS. Associated Oil 41.00 J 41. M Horns Telephone 80.00 1. C. Lee Co j. 15.80 1M..-.0 Pacific State Telephone ..... IIM.OO Paget Sound Telephone...... 60.00 MINING) STOCKS, Lakerlew .28 Les's Creek Gold , 6lH .02U Nertk Falrrlew , .00 Manhattan Crowa Point .'jn Potlcls Mining ,1.1 ,m , Wsabongal Kxteaslnn .85 H JM UNLISTED STOCKS. rsonlna Bar Telephone , B.flTU Ale.ta Petroleum .I8H '.IT Brltleh Columbia A awl. ........ .4 .0T Cascadla .30 . .2,1 OnMrield Trotter 1 ., .08 . ,.) Oreat Northers .01 4 ' ,m Mammoth ..................... ' .H .12 Morning .0 - jm Standard Consolidated , jOT ' .11 Tasnma Steel 10 .14 'a CORUB P'ALKNB DISTRICT. Bnllliio 07i Copper Ring . .18 , .AMI. .Itt'i O. K. Cooeolldstsd.. .04 jk, liappr Par .04 H .nA Snnw.hne .87 H .00 a ww.lorm ...,. ..a... ..... S.M -' M CATTLE MARKET 10 CENTS UP Receipts Continue Small In Lo cal Yards and All Values Are Holding.'V FIVE TEN IS TOP FOR BEST STEERS Hog Are Weak at 7.25 7.80 but Trade Bellerea Market' May Hold Temporary on 'Account of Sharp RJae In the East.- ' ' PortUnd Dsloa Itoakrarda, March M. Ue- tock rscslpts:.. , Bogs. Cattle. us Tndap .' .24 . Week ago ... ... - g Year ago . .'..a.. ....... ... ' , . . ... Prstlous rear tag 101 Is line with what tbsae reports bar pre dicted during ths pest few dapa tho cattle market la higher todar, tha top moving as to 86.10, aa adrane of 10 are tb extreme sigh point preetouslr quoted. ' Arrlrals were . nominal toda, M head of cattle forming tho total for the peat 24 hours. Not a alngle head of sheep a bogs arrlred la during tbe dar. Tbe hog market continues weak at IT.tnr) T.S0 for best stuff. ' With n srrlesla te during the 24 hours tha market waa deed today, ttork aellera aaem of ths opinio that tha market will abow a further reaction, but Ita tons snd price will depend sltogether epos ths sttituds of the east Tbs sharp sdrancs of IB m tbe east todar. earning ss It did ape eautinoed weakness snd lower prices there, mar posalblg mesa tbst tbs msrkst hss stopped on Its down ward moTmot sud mar bold steady for a white. Sheep are too scarce to 4 not and printed flguree a re nominal. Official llToatark prices: Bogs Beat eastern Oregon. gT.2BiffT.nO; ahvksrs snd feeders. 87.00; Cams 'at. 8fl.7fij 7.00. Cattle Beet Beater Oregon steer. 18.00, 1.10; best cow snd heifers, B8.BOa4.00; stock ara asd faedera, 83 Mit4.00; bulla, 82.BO: Sheen Mixed, 8'dHo: wethers, Hi ewes, sce'tc; Umba, lam. - SHARP RISE IN HOGS' Eastern Mark at Have "Acahcof . 18c Others Are Steady. ' . Chics go, March 80. IJTeetock receipts Hogs. Csttle. Bbeep. 8.000 Chics ro T.000 000 Kansas Cltr ........... s.twu .uu Omaha 8.800 2.500 1.200 oeor. eo1 light. lloga ars IBs higher with x.buu wrt Prices: Mixed. fl.80lo.MH: good bearr. Id 40taM rough. i n.80t.2. Cattle Steadr. : fibeep Sady. " - NEVADA MINING STOCKS lMeew-CuiTgaii-Xodaj Baa Francisco Exchange. San FntueiBco. March BO. Xsrada ahsrss closing bid prices; GOLDrlELDI DIITBICT. .nil.l.ina ss., v-A Ton. 8440 A I Mohawk. "117; -Columbia Mt., Ble; Jumbo. 83.0( Jumbo Ext.. ta.ic.'; ysrnai. lie; rmoji'uiii. .-( T4c; Dlus Bull, dTc; Adams, lTc; Bllror Pick, 81.23H: Map -Queen. - 22c A; Ner Bor,, lBc; B. 1. Bxt., xac; mue neu. xoc, vim. n' r1..n.Kln Td Mlhenila. 18c: St, IreB. 1.47H: OonQoeror. 21c; Blk. Rock, T; ton star, xici u. wonner, sc; rouaco, nai let Kendall Ext.. Be; Sandst. Bxt Sc; Mra, 14c; Atlanta, tnc: Mreai ncna. ti.". r.myi, ITf Red Ton Kit.. 4uo: Plorence. 18.60: DlB' uuwl'f R n Con.. STc: O. Dalsr. 12: Lagnna, 8I.B0A; iComb. met., 14.80; Or. Bend Ext., 2Te; .Or. Bend Aax., lc; Hllletorm. 18.80; B. B. Bonanta. Be; Kewanns. 11.80; Esmeralda. 2nc; Portlsml. 80c!sCracker Jack. 18c; Francis Mohawk'. 81 08; Ited Hill. SOr; Mohawk Ext.. 28c; Spearhead Gold, ooe A: i inimn. lit; Y. Tiger, Ittc; Orsndma. 24c; B. Pick. II; Y. Boee, Sc; CnL Mt. r.xt., oc; Ooldf. Ooo., n .... - . . . COMSTOCK DISTRICT. Onhir. 12 2fl: Mexlras. TOc: Oonld A Currr, ne; Con. Tlrginla, BTr; Savage, Sue A; Hals A Norcmas. Stic: V allow jacket. IBc; Belcher, 8e; Cnnridcnc. one; Bmrr ner. sic; uensauor, 7cr L nlon, 81c A. . BrlXFBOO DISTRICT. Bnllf., : Nat. Bank, 41c: L Harrle. 4c: Am- ethret. 40c: Uold Ber. 11.00: Stelawar. IBc A; Ivorr But. Am., 25oA; Bonnie Clare. 17c; M.rfl. Cone., Oc: Monty. Ohio Ext., 17c: O. rWptrr, tic; Monty. Mt.. 2nr; B. Daiar, 2Se; Homeetaka Cons., II.12H) Tsske Girl, loc; Kueset. IBc: Tramp con.,; Tictor, 24c A; Sunset. lOe; Mldaa. hoc A. TONOPAH DISTRICT. - - -- Ton. Ner.. Bid: Mont. Ton.. 88.48: Ton. Pit,. IS 37: MerXamara. 48c: Midway. .TB: Ton. Bolmont, 84.60 A: Ton. Mo. Star, ftnc; Ohio Too,, Tc; West End Cone., si. so; Bearae, Sc; Ton. Calif.. IV A Jolon Anchor. 2Sc: Jim nnrier, ai.lvj; inn. is.B tmy, or; Ton. Homo. ine; met. Ton., ic a; Monsrca nits. ei. x-; Mont. Mid. r.xt.. ise; uoloea Crows, I3e: M, X. Toa. Cons., it. MANHATTAN DISTRICT.. weiige, lie; Beyier Hump., Tc: Dexter, 22c; T J.), 4-; Crescent. Sc: ComblnatloB. 21c: Orannr, 2.1c; Muatang. 40e; Little (tret, i,; Cowbor. 20c: Oris. Manh. 12c: Bronrbo. lflr: Jump. J. ok. 18c; Pluenot, ISc; Bnffuln. r) a. vef, xk, i. Morse, nc; lafltaa Lamp, .10 A. TABIOI g DISTBICJTB. Fair. ' SIlTer. King. 40e A: Palre. PxeU. 1VA: Nerada Hills. 18.50: Pittshurs Rllree Peek. 81.70: No. Stsr Wonder, 10c; Esgle's nuii. xr: nuor nonaer. sue: Alice r uu. or. soe n. NEW TOXX BA1TX ITATEMirr. New York, March 80 Bank statement: Inrreaw. Beaerre ...,....... S.421.K2S do lets C. 4.t B.ni7.r) IM ..' ..V,.VMirt Sped ... a ....... a ...,.....,. lO.ON.I.BflA Legais 2.154.700 Depealta 17.072 7'0 Circulation ,-. - loo.soo rOBTiAirs BAjrz tatuhbt. ' Clearings today .. 1048.88208 do yeer sgs flsln todnr 474.1C2..-B 4ir.ono.4l ........ 0U.8Sl.o2 Balannea loday ., no year ago ... KXCHABOII All CLOSED. Th New York stork snd cotton sxehattsea and all furstg sicbanges were closed today, , Youthful Iretectlvp. .From the Youth's Companion, ... y Bobby's mother had taken him to church to hoar the evening sermon, and they occupied Beats In the gallery. where there was more room than oa th main floor. Bobby tried not to allow his attention to wander from the preacher, but It did. - H eemed to be psrtrcu tarly Interested In a family who sot ih front of mm. and when th sermon was about half orer he whispered to hi mother; . ; . 'Mamma, I never saw theae people before, but I know their name." . "Hush, dear. "But I do," persisted Bobby, . Their nam' Hill." .... -"how do ou know?" "Every time th preacher say his ten, 'I will lift up mine ere unto th hills.' those two big girl look at sack Other and smile." B haequent Inquiry proved that Bobby waa right In hi guss. U.l. e.A wmm A Sam it ll glxtlb ireet. Bear Wasklngtoo. " SHARP ADVAHCE III WHEAT PIT Chicago Market Bullish and a General ! Rise Is Shown i in Prices of Options. 4 MAY-JULY STRONCEST Of VARIOUS MONTHS $o Foreign Market Today and American Prices .Open Lower Modern. Miller: Says Green Brig Are Spreading. :. BBLATIYB VTHBAT YALTTCS. ' Mar. 80. - Mar. 18. Osln, long. Map ........4 ,7HA .7SA .onu a .77 Julr 7SB .TTHA .OOtZ .TT'l Septambar ... .TiA .7Hi .t .T7j Deoambor .... Jit JtOH M Chicago, March 10. Tbs wbsst market waa ahsrplr adraaced todar with heaty buying br big people. News wss bullish, lbs damage reporta being continued. Morten Miller asre: "The genoraTlr fair pena pacta of tlie winter wheat crop are maln tatned. growth being normal at tbla aeeeoa t the rST. - It I. general, especially l the sno tb era territory. No further d.tertoratlo a th condition of tb erop of tb outhwet, thought tho bog I reported In Ohio and In diana. Where tbe plant looked poor. Improved pro. pec ta ar , noted since growing, weather est in." - Tber will be no session of the grain exchange Tuesday ea account of ths city election. Official eootttloo by Orsrheck. Oooke company: Btstr.e WHI1T. Open. Hlrh May , July invk 7t 77 H IS' September . ... TRW ao.7 TwH 04. Rl 1H COBlf. May July Beptsmber .... 4B'A .... 4r,i ... 4H OATS. May , 4H 48 v Inly 87-aJ 874 : September .... S8 88 MKSB PORK,: May 108T 1040 1S0 July W..182S 1A38 1028 LABD. Mar SOT BOO July go BIO September pro sro FHOBT RIBS. May .......... S70 N 878 July (two , 1 812 Ssntsmbsr . .. BOO S00 STUDENTS AT ODDS Berolatlon in Progress in Oolmbra Unirerslty Oyer Hazing. , Th atulnta of th "University of Colmbra, Portugal's most famous seat of learning, are In th tbro of a revow lutlon. Tb strictly ap to data element have - turned - reformer . and aim to abolish, or at least ameliorate tb prac tice of haslng. - Tbe conservatives are struggling to ssr ail th old-time traditions of - the university. Betwaen th two th fresh man I getting decidedly th worst of It, From tlm Immemorial It baa been the custom to call th newly entered student "calolro," whloh I equivalent to "f reshy," and th "oalolroH has been th object' of all tha rough practloal Jokes that tha older student eould Invent. There waa in particular a. sort of Initiatory process. Groups of upper classmen laid In wait for freshmen In dark streets at night. armed with large wooden poon. When they caught a newcomer they demanded to know if he had aa ret secured a patron aad protector In aa upper class. ur oourss c naan t so tney im an him and drubbed him unmercifully with th wooden spoons. Then he was al lowed to 'choose a patron, and wss at least immune from thrashing. Th liberal, a th Innovating tu- dent call themselves, consider all the proceedings beneath th dignity of twentieth century scholars. For th title "calolro" thsy propose to substi tute "nOTato," which elmply mea ns new man or newcomer. ... Realising that th street thrashings sr too dear a privilege to be suddenly glvsn up, tbey propose a compromise. Instead of the wooden spoons, which are - called "mocns" - or . maid. . rvanta, they suggest th us of olive awltchea, and Instead of administering th drub bing baphaiard In ' th street, they propose to hold tavern parties, order the "novato" to be present two or three at a time and Initiate them a featur of th festivities. Th eonaeravtlvea bitterly resent thess proposal. They are determined to stick to th good old ways. ,Ths liberals ar full of seal, and th result 1 that of lat almost every freshman hss had two lickings, th on adminis tered In th old way by th eonerra tlves and th other In th new way by th liberal. . The Doctor TH at Turned. ' Th proud bosst of a certain ' New Jersey town I Its possession of a Phy stclnn well qualified to be ranked In the first clasa In his profession. Ill health and extreme diffidence hav co operated In limiting ht fame. In religious belief a Catholic, he ha otten been railed to give mod lea. 1 aid to members of the clergy of that creed, but on more than on occasion anxiety and pnln havs swayed the Judgment and loyalty of his patient, Th doctor ha always' yielded gracefully to th re quest for a New York or Philadelphia specialist. Recently It wa n anctor turn to become very ill. and for a time his life was despaired of. His clerical friends ama .n n. a w a m r A wrlrt wvt.ta n n . other In their cVforts to encourage rnd to reconcll him. In spit of his critical condition thsy waited in vain a request from him for the last sacrament. Kens of duty fl nelly compelled them to remind him of hi spiritual obligation. "Any on of us will t glad to give you tb churcn weaning,-. tnr saia. His expression of gratefulness changed shruptlr to on of feigned dis dain ns he replied:. "Tou roust send to New Tor for a specialist in theology." , W hy He Pldn't Wish to Go. From the London Evening Standard. The children in the Sunday school class were getting, restless, and the vicar, to divert them, asked all who wished to go to heaven to stand up. Tb whol school rosa sxrept ons lit tle hoy; , '.'Don't you want to go to heaven,, my little lad t" naked th vicar. . "Yes, lr," ws th resnnnse, "but I know mother doesn't- want m to go IOW. Cloee, H T8H 711 Vi A H ,"77H t T8VB T84 70HA SOll 81W 41 ' 40HB 4B 41 W A 424 42'4 87. ... 87SA 82I 83 A 10S0N 1028 BOO .4000 SOS 80BA a. pnoA B12' I r 12A SOT SOT SS5 . SB 90 8V0 just yt- - , v Within Twenty-Five Feet of Railway and a Bonfire ; Stolen From Amalgamated. (Special Dispatch to The Journal.) Butte, Mont., March 10. -Two ton of dynamite that was stolsn during th recent labor troubl In thla city wss found last night by offlcsrs cached In a building surrounded by other strac turss in th eastern portion of Butt. Tb find eaused much excitement by reason of tho fact that the powder had been secreted within 25 feet of railroad track and. within 20 fest of a bonfire which had been built several ' night ago. ' Th powder wa stolon from th car of th Amslgamated Copper company while en rout to th company's maga glnea. Th thsft waa araaslngly bold. SETTLED STRIKE I (Continued from Pag One) ' all , street ' railroad, gas, electric,, tele phone and other franchises." The suggestion Is made that "some evl-niTndtid porsoni, who TiaYcome-un" der ban of th grand jury because of th supervisors having held them up. might wish to mak reprisal against Ihoss who have contributed to th grand jury expense fund," in which case. It la htntsd, th bank would be attacked, causing "a panic ofcsalta right for Control. . It was ' learned this morning that Mayor Schmlti haa mad overture to several auppoaedly weak member of tho board of supervisor to resign in order that h may hav an opportunity to appoint their successors. Two of th member are now under th control of Schmlta. The ar Tveltmoe and O'Nell, who had no hand In the graft, a they were only recently appointed. All other, it in all, ar controlled by Heney and tb grand jury. "- Bchmita could block any-attempt ta repeal tha franchise that were granted by th confsseed boodlers If h eould seours three more supervisors --who would do his bidding, a It requires 14 rotes to pas a ' mcasur over th Mayor's veto. Supervisor Kelly said last night: "Th present board of supervisors haa no intention of resigning. Thsr I no chance for ua to do. ao. Most of us would Ilk to de so, but thsrs la a big stick held over our heada Th grand Jury-will- not permit us to get out, but w sre mors than willing, and a request has been made by th mayor that w retire." - Detwller WIU aetura. ' It 1 thought that certain corpora tion Interest ar responsible for the latent attempt by Sahmlts to recover control of th board, at least In a nega tive sense, , Th graft prosecutors are now satis fied that A. K. Detwller, ih Ohio cap italist, will surrender as soon ae he places his affairs In shspe, and tha order to th eherllf and police to appre hend him will probably be withdrawn. ... . .. Tault waa fo riddl. . ' Bchmlta consntsd to tell what th secret vault In his bid residence wa used for. He said ha-kept his wtolln there,, as It waa an old German ballot that a violin's natural ton will b pre served when placed In a plush-llned box built between th floor. . Kay Contlan Ystvi. So extensive have been tb dealg of th boodllng officials of 8aa Francisco and th bribe-giving "higher up, that th nd of th Ban Francisco Investiga tion may not com during th present year. - Rudolph Bprsckels, who ha backed tb prosecution with funds, said last night 'that probably all ths re mainder of 1207 would be required to seek out the grafter and punish them. Sprsckela aaserted also that tb in quiries would not end until every bribe giver in th city had been found and punished, and that he would personally guarantee th prosecutors sufficient funds to carry their work through to th end. . . Strange Indian Karoee. However rapidly tha Indian la traT llng th path . of civilisation, it Is plain from a casual reading of tha no tices in th South Dakota nswspapers of inherited Indian land for aal that their name do not change. In ana of thee advsrtlsements appear the fol lowing: - . 1 Edward Snow Boy, Emily Crow Dog, Joseph Red Leg. Little Bird, R. Spot tad Eagle. Lob Long Ear, Llssla Lon Bull, Jonah Iron Whip. Samuel Four Star, John Omaha, Julia Humming Bird. J. Pretty Feather, Jonah On Elk, R- Craxy Eye. Llssl Long Ear, Med icine Horn, Feathsr-ln-ths-Ear, Cecelia Curly Feather, Robert Kill Bear. Probably a fourth of the Indian heir bear th name of whit fathers. Halt a century ago a colony of French men Settled In the vicinity of th Man dans and Brul Sioux, and nearly very Isil l(rJ (TEir) .. . e. j ,'. : - t' ,' vV - i wV h ' V t fi " '-e' -v; 1 'VJy -s! i -sbb in this picture is shown three ct the I''!'' s'jZIy ersrtna of Ruanla out for a froMr. it ; i i ' . .. i '. V ', :,v ) ' - s .- t ., . ; .: .... ,,.t '. :..,;r.: . ' Miss Glulla Moroalnl, daughter ot th former partner of the late lay Gould, Is a militant friend of aU dumb creatures. She recently prosecuted a groom who mistreated her pet prise winning horse. This picture Is from a snapshot of Miss Morosinl and her ; favorite horse. TURN BACKS ON THE LAND OF. BIRTH TO BECOME AMERICANS Mora foreign residents ot Multnomah county appeared at th eourthoua In March- to 111 their deolaratloa of In tention of becoming oltisan of th United States thaa la aay month sines th nsw Jaw want Into effect September 17. 1101.- There waa II declarations tUd and nearly every loading country on of thm manisd an Indian. Thslr progeny are reprntd by such names aa Plcott. Achambeau. Arcong. Do Fond, Brunot, Dsera, Taaagy, Bruyer. Dondaata of the Frenchman own great tract of land and many cattle In tha northwest, -' Many of tb Indian atlll retain their old form ot name. From another ad vartlaament come the: Sunkakokl.a pt, Iwankamwastwln, Cuncagewokanna, Ouncagetopawaln. Wawoklyowtn. Pejut atowln. Wakoooarawln and tha Ilka. Kaiser's Host Studious Bon. ' Prom th Glasgow Herald. Of all th kaiser sons Prince August WUhelm I th most studious aad th on who la fondest of literature and art. CHILDREN OF THE LITTLE FATHER In th world waa represented. England led off with ti. Norway waa a close second with II of her subjects coming under Uncle Bam' protection. RussfU, was third with 10, and other countries ranged aa follow: Denmark I, Austria 4. Franoe S, Swttsarland 4, Italy Germany 4, Hungary t and Or so a. Slnoa h left th military school at Ploen, where be and bla brother were . educated, h bad had but Uttl oppor tunity of devoting himself to study. HI two trimesters at Bonn nnlverslty barely, sumoed for him ta attend a cor of lecture., Then earn a rapid tour around th museum and picture . galleries of Italy with hi tutor, st Cest tout. Tb prince's dsslrs waa ta return to th university for at least a couple oi years, but his marriage will put an end to thla and drilling squadron will b hie fat Instead. i "' 1 1 ; : Milwaukee Country Club. Eastern and California rac, Tak v Sellwood and Oregon City ears at First and Aldsr. i " : : .