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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (March 30, 1907)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. SATURDAY EVENING. MARCH 30, 1007. If BANKS. u 1 BTTID STATES BATTOH At BAM OB No-thweet Corner Third Tranent . fl.n-r.l Henklna Buelnea. in rntted Ml State and Europe. Hnrkong ,.1. O. AINSWORTH I Idrnt ft. tEA BABMkS ( Aeelafant Oaehlcr I THTOJI. - 8AXKEBS 0TtWtifcsl uim Cnwnl Ranklno Bomnena. '-. I - 1 1 . t. .Mil.,. attars, sirht Kirhanse snd TeWrsnhl Trnfr Mid on Nr Tork. Whlnrto. Fit. loult. Iwnv.r. Omaha, Ka and Montana and B-1tlh OolnmWa. Exchange aois on fomton, Pari. Berlin, Frankfort. Hongkong. Yokohama. Manila and Honoliim. EBCHAYTS VATIO&TAX BABE Tart laa 1. TBAMK WATSON President I B. W. HoTT Chle I . . .., ,.,., O. CATCH J NO .Second Aaalatant C abler. , Transects Omni nankin Bnelneae. Brett and Letlar of Credit lesoed AralUM t N All Parti ot Iba World. Collection a Xnartaltr. f B , AjrKEBS' ft X.TBB EB afEV BABE Port Otanmlil and Danartrarat. T. PELTON ;....., .Freetdeat t KltUB fl. BOTHrillLD... First TWPmldmt j JOH.V A. KEATINr) Second Tlce-rrcetdcat t KB BAVK OF CALITOUKIA Eatabllh.4 144. rm k I I . aj mm orm I . .S4.0"O.ntiO I . tter-er.1 Kfinklnr and Frf-hnnr nneineori flATINiiS PKPARTMRNT Aanti Portland Branca Cbambar or wamm rrmninS. ,., MACRBA Minar I. T. m RTfHAEIJ, Aaatatant Maaatar WVf. FIB BArJOaTAL B LUX. Fartlaad, Orafoa, Oldaat Natkmal Bank a tba Fam Coaat. CAPITAL' AND SUBPIXS 1.BfX,000.0..- PKPOSITS J4.00I00.09. ' A. 't. MIMB PraioVat I W. C. AtTORfl. ..... ...... " J2J2 mrsT oompaxies. POBTLAXO TBOTT COMPAKT 01 0BI80B" Tka Oldaat Trait Company la Otaam. RKHOOBfES OVKR 1.B00.K). Ganaral Bank1n. ' Two- nor on fntoraat an eork ae- . - , i , ... ... m..'wi A. . ... t tmrm nt MMiit and axohanaa Willi nnnnnwii wm tiany m. ir. ... - . V.B.. - - - - - . T . . . all imnm of bo mrld. Rarlnta aoroanta. Tlma oortirifala. S t 4 par rit : ,pT" etal errtlflratoa. ka or rr. "S, to 4 for Tnt. Call for. B-ok of 'niXtRAT10?IB. " WW fr- rortr . .-.-rrr.-i rr. ; Prnaldnrt H.- t. - PI TTOOK .imnii-.i..."; a-rraaldaal , B. r.KBPAOKT. Borrvtary T O. GOI.TBA.... Aaalatant gogratara SECTirBrrr8ATIBO ft TBOTT COMPAHT td Morriaoa Bttaak. Bortlaad, Oafoa. Tranaaa a rionoral Rankin BnalBoaa. RAVIGB tlKPABTMKVT. Intoroat "T?.." Tlma and Sarlaara Arraonra. Acta aa Tmataa for EaUtea. Drafta and Lattara of Oradlt Arailabla oo All rarta of tba World. . s ' C. r. AtAr!..".. Praaldrnt I U A. LBWIS ......w......rlrat Taea-Praaldaat A. J.. MILL! Sawnd Vl-a-l'rldat B. C JTBITZ Brcratarj " ' nr.O. B. BIBHELL Aaalatant grataty NOBTHWISTEBW eVAKABTEX ft TBUBT OOHTABT Portland. Orafaa. Lumbar Eirhanar. 8. R. Comor Sarond and Utark BtraaU (aacoad floor). FIHCAI. ACKNT FOR ffRPfiRATIOBSS. " ' , ' SUta. Oaalr. MaBlcnal Cornoratloa Boada Bunaiit and Bold. Kaw Bstarprtaaa Organlaad and Flnani-ad. Blorka and Bonda Cnaraataod. Tmi OVAX-BTFE ft TBUBT COMPAHT Mo Waablaraos Btraam. UOBTOACB 1AKB on Portland Ron Eatata at Loaraat Batoa, .: ' '" Tit lea Irmrod. AMtrarta rurntahrd. ' ' TWORBrR! BOBS......... proalrtant JNO . AIT HlrW!f... BaaratarF flrOR.jK n. niLL Vlra Praalnont J T. T, BFRKH ART Traaaaror. BONDS AND INVESTMENTS. M 0BB3 BBOTKEKB-Chamaar of Oenuoarro nlunlctpal. Bifrroad and PoMle DOWBTNa-HOPXTBi COMPABT EaUkllakod laBB BB0KEBB. . . . STOCKS. BONDS. GRAIN Booth t tad. Bold for Caak aad oa Margia. Prlrata Wlrra. BOOM 4 CHAMBKR--of COMMFBCB. ' PBono afahl ST. L00I8 . ITILDE HOME TEXEPR0BB BOrTSS BAHX BT00XB. . , - , Mrsibar Portland Rtock Ex. bant. - ' '' ' Coraar glirk and Waahlngtoo gtraata. Portland. OrrBOB. '' ' Ovcrteclc, Starr & Cooke Cc I 10 TMrd'at!! MrKa" Bl.rocUand'ornioo. 0B AITt. PB0TTST0HS. C0TT0W. STOCKS ABT B0BDB. ' ;' - WI BO A STBICTLT 00MMIBS18M BU8IME8B. - Conllauoaa Market by Prlaata Wlra. QnK Srraloa. RFFFRBNCE9 Ladd ft Til too. Baak arc, aad Cnltrd gtatra Katlonal Bank' of Portland. , , FENCE AND WIRE WORKS. PORTLAND WIRI ft I ROM WORKS gacood aad KTorrtt ata. Phoaa Mala 1000. GASOLINE ENGINES. GASOMNB anftnaa. all ahaa and atylr. at , Hnil prim. Bairaoa Machinery Ca., 182 4-4 Morriaoa at. . . . BHKFFIEI.D marine ennlnea. A ay propellera. Falrbankc. Morae ft .. Plrat aad Stark ata. . HARDWARE. PORTLAND HABDWARB CO. oollctta opnortnn ty to ono to prtraa. 74 Blxtb at. Pacific 454. " - 111 1 i - --fr HOTELS. HOTEL Portland. American ptaa. S3, (4 per day, HELVEDFRB; Knropeal plan: 4th aad Alder ata. INSURANCE. ISA AO L. WHITE, ftro taaannca. . . lock bide. . M Bhar- W. U PAIR. Inanranca; omployera liability, aorety bomla, harglar and accident laaaraaca. Pbona Mala 828. . 04 FtlUnf bid. Mcl. WOO0. eraplorera' liability and In. ... dlrldaal aclnnt equity bonda of all klnda. - Phoaa 47. 02 McKay bldf. LAND SCRIP. WANTED and ' for aala A II klada, rnclodlaf approred forent reee rra arrlp for eorreyed. aa . aarreyed. timber and prairie rovarnment land. H. M. Hamilton. "Tba Portland." Portland. LEATHER AND SINDINGS. OHARI.E8 L MARTtCK ft CO.. Front aad Oak at, leather and aklna of eyory deecriptloa i for all aarpoaee; aula and tap eutterai fladtnxa. MONET TO IXfAH. MONRt TO LOAN ' On rmorored oily property or for bolldrac parpnae. for from i to 10 year' tlma, wtrh privilege to repay all ar part of btea after two year. Lnena approred "from plana and money adranred aa nnlldlnr protrraaae; eaort fyee takoo tip and replared. ' FRED II. STTtONO. Financial Afent, 242 Btark at. CONFIDENTTAL LOAKB oa aalarlea. tnaaranoa pollcloa, plana, tnrnltnr. wareboae roeelpta. air. any deaerrlna perana may aentre a lib eral a dr. nee. repaying by eary weekly T ' reonthly Inatallmenta. KEW KHA TOAN ft TRPBT COMPAJCT, ' ans Ablatio bid. MONET ADVANCFD BALAR1ED PH.OPLR and other apt their own name witnont awur. T Hy; ebaief rate, eaateot aayroeata: office In eo principal cltlea; mm youreelC ajioocy l-r aettine our forma flriit. ' TOI.MAN. 228 AMntto. bldf.. lOnvi Third at. VONET loaned to ulaled peoploJoat oa yonr owaj name; doa't borrow antll yoa ae me; . my ayatein la the bt for railroad men. elerka, benkkeepera. atreetcer toea and !l ' other em.loyi htuinew atrlctly confidential. '; r. A.. Newton, 432 Abli.ft' bldf. WAKTFl Kote. mortnee or coatrart oa " any kind of real entare In Orrao and Waah , hurtoa; accond toortfare pnrched If well wilted. - H. K. Nollc, 3)2 CotnaterrUI blk. MO.VKY ta loan In aim tn n1t. I and R year. , low f 4 per rent, na Improved city pron s erty, Monltoa ft Hcobry, tOl Colombia bldf., - SU Waablaytoa at. DON'T barrow money oa aalary nntll yo at ' Kuttcn credit Co. ' (13 Delram Mdf. . - . WONf T loaaed oa fnmlmra, planna nd other . necnritie. . a. ltrny, room 10, wh ' Inftoo bM. Phone Pclfl 18.ll WON FT to loan; larre loan aned It y; alaa h'liiiiina loan; roweef rateae rire losaraace. , t iiiiam u. Beck, SIX Valllnf b'd. . . A'RFRC.EMT LOAN CO., 4i Wohawk bldf. . Mooey to lend on aaay-payment plao to war- earnra; ntnrtiy coarinentiai. aMOKTQAGB Von at enrrent rate; na com. mrMloo. CnlnmMa Ltfa Jk Tnrat Company, - Lumber Exchaara bldf. . J40VET ta kaia oa all kind of aeenrlty, Uaaa HolU room Waehlnttoa bldf. TO LOAN few t aarit oa chattel aorwlt B. A. Frama. CI4 tba Marajaam. A LOAN for the .klna fialary a chattel. ! O., 41 bekum bldf. riM V)t ICR loana a all aecnrltle. R. 41 Waahlaftoa bldf. Mala 4100. W. Kbit, MONET to leal oa city property, nan. MIA C'ntnnerc!l blk. O. A. Jobn- DS rnnrtir(. 1300 to fa.0rm: root paper only, arj. Uwyar. Allaky blilf, T il i. toaa fnoiai at fna n reel eetata, 4 par nut. AarihifUja, IU reulua bldf. rOITtABTl, OJIOOM. and Oak "freer. -'A DRAFTa JSSUSD Avafiahl tn AB .CUM M 4 MnM. CUrlo M1 rM. Tm l.ahlef 1 Wi i S iMUUal Caahler W- A. HU4.T A. M. WKHlllT m IMS.) hi. Cnllertlos mane at n p i I. Vnmii "Hl nil BolHta IS tJHKVH I. Oregon. . ' R. U PrRHAM 'r-rrZ"Tr' OROROE W. HOYT Aaslataal vaaaiar )nd. Or. Corner Set-end and B,,r Ittcra of Credit laaoed Avallaoia v B. C. KBABSj "':VV?tS H. I. STORET Aaltnt ".hlr PI.ATT ft PLATT Ocneral Oonnacl Haa4 Of flea, Saa Fraaalaoa, Oallfonila. Bnrfilua and andlvlded r.rcflt. So. HO.15S.8Tl Tuaeactca. ranrm " ' mar ba ovanad af 10 -and apward.. Buflila. , . " T . " Boralco rorpwratVai Bonda. MONUMENTS. NFTJ ft KINORLBT. S68 Pint at. Portlaad'l leading marble and granite worka. MACHINERY. B. TRfiNKMAN ft CO. M In Inf. aaannlll. Inr flat machinery; hydraolic plpea, caaOnf; all klnda repaired. 104 North Fonrth at. A. J. PAUL, 10 rtrat t-Enrrnea. bollar. Ill and emoe-arr machinery. TTTT! ' TL C. " A LBF.B " CO. -Second hand ma chinery, aawmllla. ata.- 248 Grand are. MUSICAL. THB WBBBEB STUDIO Maadolta. galtar Inatraatioaa. 4Ni4 Waabtef toa at. PIANO, rlolln, mandolin, tromhooa. clarinet. Profroaor B. A. gailtb. 294 12th. Mala 4700. t-- 1 . 4 PB0F. T. B. LAWgON. 1SS 13th at. 810. Plana keeoaa, 60c. Pacific BITSICAL INSTRUMENTS. VICTOR ralktnf marbnaa and reeord Rtata wy land other) piano. Rbermaa. Clay ft Co.. Blitk and Murriaoa. opaoalu pa tot flea, OSTEOPATHIC PHTSICXANS. maaaa4aBaj DR LILLEBELLB PATTERSON, awtalart oa poruu, acuta aad chronic dlaana. Otfio 817 I'm toa bldf. Phoaa Padrie 110. , a- DR8. ADIX ft NORTH RUP. 418-J4-17 Pekaa omf, inirn ana waaiiinfroa ata. ' rDona Main S4M. Examlaattoa Itoa. PAINTTNO AND PAPERENO. F. A. D0ANB. Tamblll at,, oppnalt Jonr- nal offlco Wall paper, painting and decorat ing. Phone oa for aatlmatoa. Paelfla 22M. rOR, rallabl work, reaaoaabla pricaa. Sheen: urea, mx Xamulll, near 4th. Mala SO PLUMBERS. FOX ft CO-Sanltary plnmbera. SSI Seeood. bet. iHaia ana Bairaoa. uraeoa pnoo Mala ZU01. DONNERBERQ ft RADBMACHEB ranwrod ta Na. SOS Bomalda at. PAINTS. OIL AND GLASS. - '. T,. BEACH ft CO. Tba Pioneer p,mt Co.t window flaaa and gluing. 1JJ firat t I' hone 1834. PRINTING. THB MODERN PRINTER! Arttetle arlnttna. " nwti miia aaa eiorriaon. raoa .'CHIC ioo. EVERTTHISfl IN PRINTING . VVoai circular to ctlognea and aewapapara. Metropolis PrUtlng Co., 147 Front at. OfilLBKR BROS., i print r -Tarda, hlllbaada. etc. ' Pbona Mai 18&S. 14814 Firat at. RESTAURANTS. THE MELROSE 14 Pint trt. Snh-k. clean mnrhea at ronbl price. P-OOFING TIN BOOriNO. rntterlae. repairing and ganeral Jobbing. J. Lo.ll. 813 ifferaoa t. Pe. 1434. RUBBER STAMPS. P. C. STAMP WORKS. 34 Alder at.; phoaa Mala Tin. Robber atampa, aral. atrnclla: bag. gage, trad check; bre tgn and plate. REAL ESTATE. PARRISH. W ATKINS ft CO., 3.10 ALDER ST. , Real oatat. rental, loan aad Inanranc. Wa make a epeelalry of handling rental and property for reaMenta and nna-raeldeoto. ' Katabll.hed 173. Phon Main 1844. . GEO. I, HCnAEFFR, real eatata and flra lnaor toce, .117 Chamber of Commerce. COOS BAT NEXT.", t. W. OfllLBEE, real eatata and toena; astt. llabed 1HKI. 14BH Firat at., room II. . SPHINX AGENCY, dealer r real oatata and rental. S0rH Stark at. Mil 8184. . roR FARMS OP EVERY KHSC'RIPTION. " W. W. EHPKY. 81 Commerrl! bldg. SAFES. PORTLAND SAFE CO.,. ol ageata for Her rln Hall Marvin aafe and Manaanea Steel Safe Co.' bank aafe: 20 cond-baed fir. , proof aafe and bank nfea, vary cheap; ae them, or writ . a Seveath at. DIEROI.D Mengane and fireproof are; loci out opened; jt flvturea; vault and li work; )ck. I. K. Pavla. 86 Sd. Mala lAr. BICHT e-oond band fireproof aafe. nnt twa eecrnid.hd bark fe for aala cheep, at I' , Slxlh at, . Portlaad, Oregu. , STREET PAVl?(a WARRRN Coaalranloaj Co., atraat Barra, alrta aralka and croaalaa. S14 Lambar Eiobaaaa. TUB Barkar Alpha It Paatnr Co. of rortlaad. Offlca c-S tYorraataa blk. SIGNS AM) SHOW CARDS. FOUTRK ft KLEIMER RIONS. Wa ba?a built na th laraaat alcn bnalnaaa la tba city by flrat-rlan work and kooplnf oar nroailaaa. Oar arlraa ara rlUt. I'Utk aad Eraratt ata. Pbvaa Kxcbaaca U. OBOKOK WEBER, MODERN 8IONIi "Tba IMffaraet Bbuo." BOS Fonrth. Paetrie tail. "OARDB THAT CATCH THB IT B" Boat work la tba rltjr. Batta. 000 Dakam bld. Main MM. BlflNS THAT ATTRACT" Portland 81 fa Co., JM7 Stark at. Phoaa Paelfla 1M4. BEWIXO MACHINES, t TUB WHITB 8KWINO MACH1NB AUINCV. inn Taablll at., aor. 4th. Phoaa afala 103. Bartalna In all kin da of aaw and aicorn band aawlna machlnra; a law allabtlr danr acad. rood aa aaw, at Braalir raduead prlcoa. PHONE Parlfle 3TSS and I peraoaally will can and rapalr yoar a owl m k niarMno: work gaar. auod. a. Baroa, adjuatar, aoi ivira at. SHOWCASES AND FIXTURES. 8HOWCA8EH of aary deacrtptioa; bank, bar and atora flxtDTaa oada to or dor. Tba Latka klanatactnrlnc Co., Portland. B. H. BIRDRALL. dealrner: irnt M. Winter La ruber Co. T Hamllloa bklf1. Main tV30. STENOGRAPHERS. EXPERT taofrapbaa aad . typewriter. Mala 1271. S14 Dekam bldf. PbOB4 TRANSFER AND HAULING. THE BAOOAGB ft OMNIBCS TBANSFBB CO-, corner Sixth aad Oak u. I haffaa checked from hotel or re1deaca direct to deatlnatkMii pa aeon gore therefore avoid raahaad annoy ance at depota. Private Exchaag 4S. SAFES, planoa aad furnltnre novad. parked ve.,1 tt bloolna and ahlnood: all work toaranteed: larre S-atory brhrk fireproof V warehooea for -t"ra. Office araj uat at. ' Olaea ft Boa. nwoa Malay mi. C. O. PICK, office SS Ftrat At., and Oak ata. I phon BBS. PI" hotwoea Stark Piano and farnt rur moved aad parked for ablpplaf ; com mo tion prick wareooaae with . aeparata irom room. Front aad Clay at. RATIONAL TRANSFER 'ft STORAGE CO., SOS Oak at.; talep, boa Jal..40. Xranfrrln and tortag. . OREGON TRANSFER CO., 1S4 North Sixth at. I phono Mala 6. Heavy hanllng aad atoraga. INDEPENDENT BABOAGBj ft TBANSFBB CO. Storaca. 824 A task al alaia avi. PORT SPECIAL DBUTERT. Na. ZOOM Waah In (too at. rVm Manx S63. TOWEL SUPPLY. CI. BAN TOWELS IAII.Y Comb, brxwh, anap, fl per month. Portland Laondry ft Towel Sapply Ce.. NlSth and Coach. Phoaa 410. TTPEWRITERS. BBADQCABTERS for M aad raballt typo wrltor of all makaa; aa oar wtedowl If yoa are going ta bay new typewriter aaa at b for haying: w ran aava yo mooey; w bar part for rnlrlng all machlMa: atate gent for the Tlalbl Fox: wa boy all kind of typewriter. Tba Typewriter Exchaaya, Inc., E. 1. EUlaoa, manager. 84 Third t. EN8DERrER Typewriter Agency; anp. renalra. Ralelzb bldf.. Ral.lxb bldf.. Stb aad Waah. PUBLIC STEN0URAPHEK. ell Remington. Smith-Premier. Deaav w .tc . inarer thaa an v other compaay: nveatlrate. rnderwood Typewriter Co., 08 4th, WHOLESALE JOBBERS. M. A. GUNST ft CO., DISTB1BCTOBR OF FINB CIGABS. . PORTLAND, OREGON. SHBRK ft GRAHAM CO. !. Commtaaloa marc nan t. Jobber of trait, prodoca, M. oaalvnmoaU aollrltad. 13 Front at. EVERI1INO ft rABBELL, prodnoa and oea mlaaUm merrbanta. 140 Front at., Portlaad, Or. Pbona Makx 17. 0BEO0N rCBNITUBB M ANnFAOTURING CO. Mannfactnrer at raraltar for tba trad. Portland, Orogo. -. .' WADHAMS ft CO., wholoaal Brace, atnta. ficrorera aad commluloa marc Fourth aad Oah ata. rUBNITUBB maaafaetnrbx aad apodal ordor. L. Bavaaaky'a fnrnltor factory. 807 Front at. ALLEN ft LEWIS, com m halloa aad prodac mor cbanta. Front aad Davl at., Portlaad. Or. , WHOLESALE Crockery aad gleaawar. Hefl ft Co., Portland. Oregoo. Prel. 0. W. SIMPSON, SOI Washington at. Waola- aam Oealer la gram ana any. ' TRANSPORTATION. . Str. Chas. R. Spencer . Wrtilnan-rtr BOOM. Taxflw. exeeot Sunday, for Tba Dalle and way landing;, at 7 . m., returning 10 p. m. Fa at time, beat aervlc. 1bobsi Stalm, 9184J Xoxn, A, 11, . OCSAJT LIVERPOOL, OLAiOOW, tONTJON. HATBE. Mew t camera viuivaua aaa riiii trl,e-crew tarblne englnea, and XUBIBIAB, C0BBICABI and IONIAN, twla-oerew. Remem ber, oar aalMng art Weekly from MONTREAL, paaala dow the ptnareaqaa n. uiwrenca river by daylight. A con ro mod tlooe anenr paaeed. dlatea: Kaloon aad apwarda; aerond eabla and apwarda. On claa Cabin Steamer. K no and onward. . - - - i BTOSToT 9AOmO tTMAMMMXp CO.t Steamships ROANOKE and GEO. W. ELDER Ball for Fhireka, San Francisco and oa jnaTel3 direct every Tuesday at ( p. m. Ticket ' offlce It Third, near Alder. Phone M. 1314. H. YOITNO. Agrent. Wolres and Foxes In the West." From the Kanaa City Star. Bom Lamar fox hunter wer dla cueainf th prevalence of wolre and the decreaa In th number of foxeg thereabout. Tbl they explained eag- lly. ,'." In th first plac th wolf Is trong, hardy and a treat breeder. A wolf will begin - to rear pupple when he 1 a year old, and there art) from nine to twelve In a Utter. Usually every puppy In the litter Uvea to be a full grown wolf. Thus th coyote, as well a his larger and more powerful gray or black brethren, multiplies very rapidly. Then th wolf ta not chased with th est and eagernea with which th portamen go after Sir Reynard. The ordinary fox dog won't go agalnat a wolf when he Is at bay, and furthir, hound that get Into th habit of chas ing wolve can't tell th trail of their quarry from that of a shepherd dog. The result I that ever farmer soon gets sor on a bunch o." hounds that r trained to hunt wolvs. They ar alwaya cornering an Innocent farm dog and potting hlr to death, .thinking that they have run on to an easily van qulahed wolf. " "A fox." declared Mr. Tlmmondsv "on th other hand, l on of th moat del Icat animals In the world. In th first plac h can't fight. Th . very mo ment dog catchc Mm he gives up and allows himself to ba killed. Then I the -mortality among th pupple Is as- U"7, much J" 60 '"lt. Hlr t:f. "ard's' only defense Is hi wall known slrne and intcUlganc, . BL1CK T PORTRAIT OF POET Thomas Bailey Aldrlch dean of American poets, is dead at the aee ot 71 rears. Mr. Aldrlch combined rare poetic genius with much shrewd business sense and accumulated a fortune as a banker. TRADE AND TRADESMAN TO BE ON THE SQUARE At- Corvallis -.Is " Organized ". the , Retail Grocers' and Mer- x ' i chants Association. ' (Special SbipetrJi to Th 7earsa!.t Corvallis.' Or., March 30. An nthue- Uuo meeting of CorvaUla buTna man wa held at th city ball Thurs day night, at which permanent organi sation of th Ratall Grocera' and Mer. chants' Association of CorvaUla was af fected. Th officers ar: B. I Kiln. pr1dent; A. K. Russ, vlc-prssldent; Roy Hollanberg, rtary T. A. Boldan, treasurer. Conatltotlon and by-law wr adopt, d. Th following give an tda of th objects of th organisation: ' - "To foster and maintain a permanent social feeling among ths ratall grocera and merchants of CorvaUla; to obliter ate distrust and Inspire conHdanc among th member of th trade; to remove by concerted action auch evil and cuaioma aa ar against good policy and sound business principles, whether It b th selling of th wholesale bous at retail, Improper houe-to-hou ped dllflg. the" distribution and consumption of adulterated and unwholesome goods, th us of OcUtloua labels, th use of dishonest weights and measure a, or whataoever the evil may be; to dissemi nata useful Information; to watch and influence legislation toward th bettor protection of our capital; to asalat our memuera In collecting delinquent ae counta; to encourage th obaervanc of all legal holidays, and to attain tn r aulta which experience has proved are not attainable by Individual or divided fforf WEDDING PROCESSION When Bride-Elect of Crown Prince Passed Through SeooL :( Trom tb Cora Dally News.. A magnificent bias of color was tb lrapre salon which w first reoelred of th nroceaalon of th bride-elect of th crown prlnc to th palace. We expected a larger proceaaloa than we aaw, out our disappointment was mora thaa -alleviated by th splendor of th pro cession and th populace. Green, yel low, pink and blue, all la striking contrast and likely to be bisarra, formed themslva Into a truly oeiioat Har mony. Th proossslon paaaea tip ina Dig street at about 4 o'clock. Th flrt to com were a number of female servanta of th . brld. They wer mostly oia woman and their march waa something to be seen. Following them cam a number of oalac "glsang." ach on clad gorgeously and every on carrying a pink parasol, latter came th state chair of th brld; ther wer two of them and th bride was in tn sacona on. Meanwhile squads of soldiers wer marching uo either side of tb streets. and aa th chair of th futur mprss of Cores passed through tn crowd stood back to malt rootn.v Following th chair of th brid wr many official all on horseback. ' The color war glorloue, but th proceaalon could not have been mora than a quarter ot a mile long, which is a disappointment when w remember th Intermlnabllty of a funeral proce. alon. . At o'clock th foreign rapreaenta tlvas war received In audlenra The Belgian conaul-genral. M. Vlncart, the doyen of the consular corpa, delivered a congratulatory speech. General Haae sawa atood near th emperor and looked fierce. (Subsequently ther wsa a solre at th smaller palace at which all tb foreign representatives and their for eign subordinate and General Has grawa's coachman attended. Neither th emperor nor th crown prlnc waa pr nt, f - ' ' ' ' ' .. lks Raid Ranchea. Cheyenne Correapondenc Dnvr Re publican. Mrs B. N. Leek, wlf of Rapreaenta tlv Leek, arrived today from Jaokeon Hole, having been on of tb flrt per aona to get out of that district In three weeks. Oh - reports thst anow ha fallen almost .steadily for thirty-six days in Jackson Holw, snd that great herda of elk, approximating ,000 bead, drlvun from th mountalna by th on. precedents anow, ar In a starving con dition. , . The elk ha attacked ranch hay ro erve and th ranchmen of th district am buy fighting them away from th fodder, upon which depend th Uv of th doraestio stock of th district Th number of elk to dl from th affect of th weather In th Hoi this winter will be th greatest In ths history of Wyoming. i bobitxtb btbcbssztt. ' Having td fay upon my bad for It daya from a severely brulaed leg, 1 only found relief when.l ueed a bot tle of Ballard' Snow Liniment. I can cheerfully recommend it a tba beat medlcln for brulaea ever aent to th afflicted. It baa now become a posi tive necessity upon myaeir. r. R. i Li Prrne. Merchant, Dovertvllle, Tex, a sSn, o aad 11.00. -Sold by all drug. , glBL, ,lll!(r,1E MUST lifira CHARGES Complaints Hav Been Filed by Food Commissioner tn the ; ' Justice Court HAMBURGER STEAK ' , DOPED BY SULPHITE3 East Morrison Street Marvetmaa Must Appear tn Court Jamrj Hewitt, ft Milknian, Will Fight His Case to the Finish. v - Unaorupuloua milkman and meat men who peraist in adulterating and expos ing for sale adulterated fooda ar stead ily being rounded up. and prosecuted by Stats Food Commissioner Bailey. Ther ares several cases on the docket at the luetic court which will bo given a hearing ae soon . . JtisttcftBeldJ'iJ turns from a much needed vacation ha la now taking at Seaside. Several oth er will be filed In a day or two. - Th caae of - Joseph Btampfer, pro prietor of a market at 411 Eaat Mor rison street, will be heard Frlduy, April S. Btampfer la charged with "doping" Hamburger steak. - In order to us meat etherwla unfit for sal tb complaint alleges that Btampfer put sulphites In hla Hamburger Injurious and poison ous Ingredients and then exposed for sal and did aell for th sum of 10 cent to Bert Pllklngtoq som of this preserved Hamburger. M. Tannler, a milkman at Vancouver avenue and Columbia, boulavard, - 1 charged with coloring and watering hla milk. His ca has not ba set. Jam Hewitt, a milkman living at 471 East Gllsan, has a similar caa coming on. Wdnday, April f. Hewitt, baa em ployed counael and wUl fight hla caa. He la charged with selling milk not containing tli neoessary amount of butter fat and solids, otherwise, wa tered milk. Weaver GUlatrap la accused of dis turbing a religious meeting at Arleta In the Juatlo court. Th complaining witness Is C A. Alvord. Hla trial will b held April 11. ' Who Is Metsgerf H fits, your yea for S1.00. ill Sixth street ELKS AT THE DALLES . ELECT NEW OFFICERS (Special Dfcrpnteh t Th JosraaL ' Th Dalle, Or.. March SO The DaUea lodge Na SOS. B. P, O. ZU elected the, following officer laat night for tb year beginning April 1: A. E. Crosby, exalted ruler; W. L, Crlchton, esteemed leading knight; Paul M. French, esteemed loyal knight; J. W. Olessner. esteemed . lecturing knight; John Mitchell, boo rotary; Max A. Vogt, trsasurar; Frank Menefe. trust, three yerwjfuttnMer- WOMAN A SPECIALTY A1RS. S. K. CHAiN The only China womaa aaadleal doctor ta thla dry. Kba haa cured maay (ffllcted anrfarer Cared prtvat and feowla dt ,. aleo aathm. throat end Inug troablaa; atomaeh, bladder and kidney aad dlnaaee of all klnda that tba homaa riah la hair to. Cored hy Chinee horn aad root. Remedies harmless. No operation. Honest treatment, EXAMIBATI0JIS TREE. BtS Clay Straot, Cora Third. V,. . k . . o..' WraVY v.v,i MM MYSPECI , .There is no ailment peculiar to men that I cannot aire. For sixteen years I have devoted my. entiretime to the treatment of men's diseases! , - My methods have been perfected by., actual experience, v with a thorough theoretical knowledge as a basis.1 I am the j only physician thoroughly and permanently curing those func- ; tional derangements commonly classed as "Weakness,' and my success in overcoming such cases has placed me foremost ; among specialists treating men's diseases, and has brought me the largest practice of its kind in the west r Everr afflicted man Is Invited to my knowledge of men's diseases and so perfect are my methods in treating them, that I am able to effect cures in all ordinary cases without seeing the patient in person.' All correspondence strictly confidential. Those .visiting Portland may feel free to call at my office for personal consultation. You Pa - i. Weakness . ( So-called "Weakness? In men is curable fully curabl. It haa not been cured by those measures com monly employed, for they are meth ods baaed upon supposition and not upon fact. Prematureneee and lohs ofpower In men Is due to a chronic. State of Inflammation In ths prostate aland, and not to a disordered ner vous condition, as haa bean supposed. I treat the Inflammation by a local ' process that doea not fall to eccora- plleh Its purpose, and with thla con dltlon corrected full and complete ,'---vth and rigor raturna STniCTBRB My treatment la sb aolutely palnleaa. and perfect results can be depended upon In every In stance. I do no cutting or dilating whatever, yWhe the Dr.Tay lor co. Hours 9 Pstlnt living out Of the city . -e. Check your trunk dlreot cb S tzzzzzxzzzzzzzzzzzzzz Cda'JV C"'?! P't'l P,"fia wUild 0..ari I e.l Ufwi.J A POSITIVE C'JHE For TniftviBiaatloB orOktenin! lf tJ.a.M.Irr M.a i hid, n.v. ao ooas serai, tnr itnk-kly aad parmesenliy th wont rwH of ioa.oor nd 4.I., , a aitur of bow jut vtaaoint. Abaolataly aruleaa. Sold by drnggieta, rlo 1 1 OB. or bv melL . paid,,! bou.4.f&. Bln4aaitaJs, Ca. by All. Drafraaj, EvciV Vcnsn , MlDitatod and bald know Bbont Uie weodarfal MARVEL Work Sarav The sow vat ava. Jnfri. hommmA oWftM. loo. auat rlC m obbi v oavciDienaa B1 k fTaast olttasTartor! bP Ita nan do. tufoif Uhf .MfKL. 4WVBSD1 ouMr, ni Mnd siAiiip fof lUtMiUmisMl aXok- ontaW. ft full MrltCUasVn IStt llrrtlnili laa. Uubi to, CBm WOOeOIJU), OLAJUlt. CO. AND IOX-IXATIi FOR WOMEN ONLY ' Dr. Sanderaoo' Com pound Ravta and Cotton Root Pills. Tb best - and only reliable remedy for DB LAY ED PBUIOUS. Car th most t- , btlnt ca I S to 10 dar. Prlca-43 pea b-availed fc Plata -wrapper. Addreea Dr. T. t. P1EB0B, 181 yiraf atraat. Portland. Orogo. A BEAUTIFUL FACE Bead stamp for Partlcslar aad Ttlaoalalt ef th remedy that clear the Complvxtoa, R anoaaa Bkla Imparfectlosa, Make New Bhwd nd Improve tb Health. K yo take . BEAUTYSKIN BoaafleUl retalta are gaarastead or aay r fusdad. riaoa. rkUmdalphla, ra. f 1 r Sold eyew4vaavMari! ) cannot aucolylh vj ISttL. aooaot ni ' BkaBBBaaaj SnBISkaaStB Consultation Free-No Pay Unless Cured Nervous- lVsok hr smb. yotrag, aslfldla ga aad' old, can't you realta that you have served this master, known aa "Poor Health," long enough) Thla drain oa wear arvo system not oniy sap yonr vitality, but brings 7tur maatal faomltl am to th low, kstaoaa staadard, drag ging you down till you ar artiaatad to look your fallow being equaxaly In th yi bringing a amor xlstno oa yoa which causes you to dosha yonr vomfUIBO in youraalf a well aa other. SOat yoa rsalts what th timely result will bT If you don't, you should- We cordially lnvlt you to consult us. W have been bar for SS years, and our reliability I maqaaatloned. Our advice Is aa free aa th air you breath. Call and hav a confidential chat with ua Writ If you cannot call. ' , . . , , . . f : - FOB BLABTT TBABB ear troNB bar ba along th Ua 'of rational-. lsxn. Obb rspntatloa for snoot aad teaawiy has ms arfnJly built, aad tba oaflAae ef ear patients la at mttared away by tstloa abl teraasaotloas. W do not aaopt laoarabl eas. Satisfactory - BtUta aaarantaed. HOURS I t I. T to 1:10. ST. LOUIS UEDICAL AMD SURGICAL coBjrxa ' szoon ajtd tabbiix iiEiaaiiiraiiMiiiCTitiiiBMMMMnw writ ma s description of his case. Cured My Fee In any Un complicated Case n Contracted Disorders Every caa of contracted dlseas I treat - Is thoroughly cured; my pa tients have no relapeee. Whan I pronounce a case cured ther I not a particle of Infection or Inflamma tion remaining, and ther la not th slightest danger that the disease will return In Its original form or work Its wsy Into ths general syatem. No contracted disorder Is so trivial a to warrant uncertain methods of treat ment, and I especially thoa oases ihat -other doctors have been unab to cur. . X hav tb larwe'e, praotlo feaeaaaa I Invariably full! Ill any promiaae. My Color Chart ahowtng th mala ana tor aad affording aa tn torestlng study la maa'B dlaaaaat free at office. Cor. Second andl 23l llorrlsoa Street. PORTLAND, ORECOiK a. m. to 9 pf m. Sundays 10 a. m. to and coming to Portland for treatment will to 14 V. Vlorrlaon street CGeeVo Th WaU-Kaowa - SaliabU CHINESE Bass and Barb DOCTOR Ha made a Jit atndy of root and herb. nd la that aiady dlacovafed aad la giving ta Aha world hi wonderful remedies. B0 srEBCTTBT, POISONS 0B DRUGS TSEO BE CURES WITHOUT OFEBATIOIf, Oft - WITHOUT TUB AID Of A KB ITS. R gaaranteea . to sore Catarrh, Aathm. Lanf. Throat. Uhrnmattam . Narvoone. Narvooa Debility, 8tomaeh. Liver. Kldaey Trouble! rao Loat Manhood. rmal Weak aa ait mvate Ail A SURE CANCER CURE Jott BerrW rrom Pkma. Chtaa Safe, Sara aad Blitil. . IF TOO ABB AFFLICTED. DOrtT DELAY. DELAYS ARB DANGEROUS. If yea caaoot call, write for tymptom blank aaa circular, loctoaa eeat la CONSULTATION FREE TRZ 0. OEX W0 CHWE8E MEDIOIXB CO, lUM flnt St., Cor. Morriaoa, Portland, Orsgaa. . 1aa Mattoa Thia Paper. Kidney nd-CIadiir Treutlts DISCHARQES RKLIEVED lit 24 Hours Each Cap. tola bears ftlin Jnr einarirtti' ALL DBCOOISTS. j O U R vPE E $1IJ SptclaJCase We give you a iquar dcL Our services are the best' you, can get in -Portland or. else where. , We cure the diseases we treat, and we do not treat any thing except' i Diseases. of. M en ility dally; Sunday. to II. DISPENSARY sraxxTi, obtxjuto, obeoob, MEN'S DISEASES a Such tsT mm xssoBsbI ' ' itssw life ho1 A e mm Varicocele Without using knife, llgatur or ' cauatirA without pain and without do- 4 tantlo" from bualnea,. I ur Vari cocele In one week. . If you hav ought a cur elsewhere and been disappointed, or If you fear th harsh ...ethods that moat physicians employ In "treating this dlseas, come to me sad I will curs, you soundly and permanently by a gentle-anil painless method. Don't da layf Varicocele has Its dangers and ' brlnga Ita disastrous result. If vou will rail I will b pleased to explain,' my method of curing. SPECIFIC BLOOD POISON No dangerous minerals to drive tly vlruc t- th Interior, but harrale blooa-clennslng remedies that re- -move th U at poisonous taint. . orrlson Sis. Privste Entrance - 1. p. m. bo furnished fin room fra of . , ,