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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (March 30, 1907)
12 THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND,. SATURDAY EVENING, MARCH 30. 1907. NEW TODAY. - 1 UNIVERSITY -t s ' " Alllots in '; v " , V -v , ' . v.. i i , '. v ; University Park in vicinity of ' McKenna Junction will be advanced $1.00 per front foot Aj5riri,'at6 o'clock P. M. . Francis LMcKenna Office, University Park Station, on '-St Johns Electric Line. Phone -Woodlawn 239 T" 'i ''" ' .... "'. ' ;' . Tka wum wko emrdea an tko money ka ' earas la Ms pocket Book doesst as a rule kara vsry mack BtOaey ta oarry. Xoaay la tko pocket, tompta to spend. TJM batter way la to open aa aooo-aat , wltk ma , deposit an tka oaak yoa doat v aotoany aaed and yoaH ka earprlsad how yoar aooout wCl grow. . WE PAY 4 ; INTEREST ONr SAVINGS ACCOUNTS ON CHECK ACCOUNTS omenii 3. THORBITBN ROM.. President OEORGK H. HILL Vice-President t. T. BURKHART... ....... Treasurer JNO...E. AITC1USON.,,.,... Secretary , Ranking hours, A. M. to 4 P. kt 4. Ratardaya, t A. M. to 1 P. M. " . ; Saturday .evenings, I to I o'clock. ' Title Guarantee & Trust Co. 40-4144 Waahlnrtom rt. (Cor. seooad) 1 POBTtABTD,' OBZOOkT. Change of Address S '' eeBaaamsmamaBa ' V Stcvcnson-BrownCo BBAXi ZITATB BBOKSBS ' " Har ramored their Office -' TBOM 119 SXOOB9 TBBBT TO 286M Washington St. l til Bow Ban ha nan BuJldlny. Sttvenson-Brown Co. FTNERAL NOTICES. B1RIN At the family reeldeoo. 0 Eaat Fight at.. March 1. Rllsaketk Fie It), aged 4 yara, 8 menth and 4 days, w.f' of J. A. Klein. Puaeral will ' take v place on4av, htan-h tl. at 8 s. m., from F. S. Intiuir'a ea.pel corner Faat A leaf sad Beet Sixth gam, ujOanes Saettoe PARK KEW TODAY. IV3ADR0WA Tract Jbs4 opened at Oreel tatioa on St. Jokes car Una, They win be adraacod boob aa noli lots are kard to (lnd Ike looatloa la wkat- mekea tkoxa au ao xast. They are too feat akovo tko river. Tker ara level ao expensive atreot Improvement. , They kavo Bail Baa water. nay aro oa tha ear lino. - Tker ara ' oa too Willamette koule- Tirli atreet Improvement all mad a. They aro soar aobooL They ara oa tha paalaaala, whara all tfca advancement la Being? made. They kavo aploadld . new . of lira snow-capped peaks. Tbay have Building; restriction. Tkay aro wltkla walking distance of wkor aevoral tkoasaad, axes ut am. ployed. - There la no saloon la tola ward J as Idaal plaoo for a kome. ... Tkara la,' la short, snrerrtklBgT that goes to Bukka home. . .Oaly a fav mora wtu ka sold at present prloes, ao dont dalay. Oo at oaeo and see for yourself. To aao la o kay. To a will enjoy tko rlda and tka Tlaw. Toa par oaat oaaki SS.00 par month oa aaon iorr so xniaran. oa iu ground. '. r Topaz Land Co. Od COaOOSBOZAK BXACX, Saoond and Waaking-toa. ' CityReal Estate mrraruxxD - book xomu Ground (OzZOO, ' In a gtxxl location; cloaa to now Piedmont ear barn and one block from ear Una; muat aell. owner aotnr away; 'price 11.100. 140 down, balance . monthly pay- mania .. . 1 KODSBJI -BOOkl KOXnTB Cement baaament aewer connection, piped for ca: lot 40x100, l-foot alley; within two bloc lea of two car Unas; between Beach and Palllnt streets; price 11.654; $800 cash, bal ance $20 to 2I per month. OOOB T-BOOkX BOTBB Lot fSxM. near Fourteenth and Jefferson Sta.; price $000; one half down, balance per eent Interest. aTCW BinrQILOW rooms, bath and pantry; cement basement; lot 50x100, K-foot alley; three blocks from Wil liams Are. . ear line; jrico . IllOOi. $150 down, balance $20 per month. W.W. ESPEY Boom ! OOBunorelal BalUlmf. $820.00 WILL-BUY Six Aeraa Tory okoloo Trait and Berry Uad, all cultivated. . Bew "Woraa Wire Toaoo oa two aides. Good location, SO to SO minutes' ride on the trolley ear from rortlaad. If you aro looklnr for a Bioa homo or ekloken ranckthla will suit you. Easy terms. KWESTHENT CO. 244 STABK SHEET B. QVACXXBBVSX, Free. Five-room house on fine corner. lot 50x50. See us at once. . THOMPSON & 0CDEN B48 Mississippi Avenue. Phone Woodlawn 202. WHEN AWAY FROM HOME. Ctnplae et Tha Journal eaa be ebtatmd ta tb (ollowtns eltlca aad town eatatde at Orta. Tb Journal would anpneiata' the receipt .of raports of falhna to abtala aoplaa at tba paper at anr of tbcae nlaca: COLKAX, WA8HIN0TO! A. I. King. WALLA WALLA. WASHINGTON Walla Walla . Stationary Com pa n y ; Kora Hoawcll Coaipaay; Rotal Dacrna Nnr Standi Loiaa Cigar attaad. . 11 H Soatb ronrtb atrrat. TACOMA, WASHINGTON Hotel Taeaaia Main Atand; Caatral Near fciaipanf. BATTLE. WASHINGTON Rainier Grand New a Btnnd: lntrnatlonal ' Naw Aaaac Nwaranar Won; Hotel Snttl Mwa Stand. OOI.DFIeLd. MkVAOA Loala Poke, Maarapapaa Wagon. AN DIROO. CAUroRNIA A sua Bears Ooaa- Py, Nuaapapcr Waaoa. aPOKANk. WASniNOTON-Joba W. Orakas Co. HOISR. IDA rTO Jnmrrib OiHlna. MINNKAPOLI. aTINNFHOTA kf. t. 0a- aariib, BO Tbfrd atraat. aonth. (T. LOC7IH. MIHSOCRI . T. Jett, Bog Olrre treetl Qaora L. Ackeroiaa. KANSAS ITT. MIorRI Toaia Haws Coav lnr, Nempaper Waroa. CHIfAOO. ILLINOIS P. 0. Haws Ooapaar, 1T rvarborn afreet. PRNVKB, COLORADO OsloB Dvpot Kaars Utand. U ANGELM. rALirORfttA Asm Mawa Coejpanr, New pa per Waroa. ' OAKLAND. CALIFORNIA Aetoe Raw fm ' pan? Nearapnoer Wagon; N. tkeatley Newa rVtOina n r Newvnanee Vim AN FRANCISCO. CALtPOHNI A R. WTieatleT re" t ompany. newa pa per waann; Foatee a "rear. Ferry balWIIna; Jobuaoo Nawa Ceeipaa, . I4SI Fill mora atreet. ALT LAKF. CITT. UTAPI Mrs. La1aa Nrw. R'par WaeoBi O. L. Da1a, Hotel Keayoni arrow frnt., 4 Weat Hecond atrrat. aoath. OGPRN, rtTAH Oray New CaapaaF, Depot New StanA OMAHA. MEBRAJKA Millard Betel Maws MBW YORK CITY Arthur Hotaltng. tin papa Taaona. REAL ESTATE TRAN8FERS. Katta and Hermes Barb te Jiaper O. end Minnie G. Stevens, west U ef ' fat 8. blork f. Kmg's Second addition, .f 9.800 vniomi lamrerewc Asaociatma of Bev-nth-Iy Adveutlara to Andrew and Emily I). Inaley. fata f and a block 17. Snitivan alHtion ' it . a. ana teanie Mcnuiiea te Aniert Cleveland. 4 acre berlnnlng between eertkiti 14 and 98, townahlp 1 south. ' range 1 eeat 4000 J. H. and Aana M. Stsnelierrv ta M. (' Jobnane, bite 4 and 4, block 14, Htana- -' beery s sdduwn ' 800 Mh-kael and A no la Barber to Mr. M. CV scksoa, kts 18. 14. IB aad la, Jock 14, gUnaberry g addlUoa. are) HILL' $I500-$I500 1S80-I50II Journal Wants 1 Cent a Word HEAL ESTATE TRANSFERS? I J. II. Htilrlcla to lrr B. Tior-hlll. kta Z an4 SU. block 0. Laaralwond fsrk . . (30 L. H. 'I'owiMCBil 10 J. II. Itoroian. lot v. bliM-k 0. Laiirr Iwiod : tOO O. ami Ijiir M. Cimiuana to Wil liam M. MMinke. Iota U aad la. I.-.'1 Kntlyn ISO .): lairatoirnt coiunanr to tV.. P. Pn.-rno, kt 10, Mock 11. Varnna SU0 II. M. and Wat! C. Caka to Jobs B. awrar. Dartbaaat U. btork 17. Witw ir too Maria and Fred W. Garllnc ta I.uioa Earmon, lot , blK-k , Hunnratda . , . . 400 loo la P. Bra. at aL to J.ha H. Uala, ft TO fet at lot B. block clir or fortlaad 1.800 Tor. a Land company tail, aod Otllla Lln.Vmlat. Inta 18. IS and 30. blook X. Uailruoa Hill Ml Brlnrii-h ant Katharine Exrer to uelia aa rittlDa. lota S ami a. block 1. racliml 1.TO0 amanla F. and Warm a. White to R. H. Car. Vila IT and IS. block X. and kxa al aad 4, block S. Fairfield 450 a O. and Claadla gatnarland to H. IllrachnM-. Ul S a A. block Bd. Portland 14,000 Jau ca tV. Tjnan at al. ta W. . Lawla, lot a, Tojlura aatxtlTlaioa ar acuos t. towaahlp 1 aonth, rani 1 aaat 400 Allan B. and Mar? 1. Slauaon to IWcurltr Katlnra Je Trnat aoninan. block 100. ' '. Oaratbora' addltloa 14 Aloja Harold ta Frtd Hohrnahllt. kta' ' . 1 and 2, block 5, ortirat Portland.. so y. M. Hutford to Oharln Clmland, . aonth H ot waat Vi at aotitbwaat ol . wction 4, townahlp 1 aootb, ran 8 at 4.OO0 11.trritq'T'HT.'ffhr)faff to Taiie r. McC'ana. aaat H ot lota it and 40. block 22. Mount Tabor Villa.. 1.000 arlta Land company to . Omrce S. . ilurna, lot 13, block 10, Arlta Park - Ka I 100 Ocorre n. and Victoria Bnraa to B. N. ( hanflM, lot IX, bkx'K .1". . nia Park No. 9 100 M. M. BcDanlel at al. to 0. O. Bather land, lota g and 4, block 04, klaat Portland -14 A. A. and Wartoa P. Llndaler to Joaepb Nolle at aL, lota 1 to 23, tacloalra, Llndaler Acres .7 1T.0O0 Title Ouarantaa A Tmat company to , alary R. Bauer, weet H of lota t and - 4. block S2. galllran'a addition...'.... 4 Bob Land eeanpaay to Arthur Eeaueoa. part of lot 14. block X. Willamette Bonlerard Act; beginning at aootb- ' weat corner of eald lot,' tbenca aaat II H faat, thence nortb. 11H tt, ' tbence waat UK feat, tbenca aootb 110t4 faat to place of beginning , ZOO Warren I. Holman and Mary -Elian Hoi- ; man to Gaorca Fety. and L. B. Fa tr-. child, waat H of lota and 4, block KM. Hawthorne Bark ....1.800 San ford J. Kraetnar to L. P. B. Le , Compta, lota 1 and HI, black 94, Tot man tract 10 O. G. Gammanat to Mary A. Vyaa. lota . t and 0. block IS, Brelya.... 104 Pacific Expreea . company to Mary S. Smith, 60x100 feet hf-mnlng II I point oa north Una of Gliaan street, no feet eaat of aaat line of . forth Twenty-flrat atreet .400 WllllaB) and Kate Dh) Jooea to Wil- . llam R. Johnaoa, lota and . block . 21. Kenllworth 00 Joseph H. and Alice J. Utah te O. A. j, Ormaby, lot 0. block 9, Kaah's rtrat ' ' addition 100 7. P. and Loalaa M. Mrnefee to Vincent - Bore, north feet of lot- 4- and eoaia---"- 5 feet et lot 4. block 119. Holladay s addition 1.900 Cnlrenrlry Land company te Edaon U Uar, lota IS, 14. 10 and XO, block u la. Unlyaralty Park.. 400 Marrle A. and Charlca A. Oatska to Kffl V. Walker, lota-4 aad X, block g, Croaler's addition: alao lota 4.-4 and 4, bloak 4; Sonnyalde 4,900 George O. aad Sarah Ellas Carl to M. O. and H. A. Blnprham. OTxlSO feet, beginning at a point oa northweet line of Tyler atreet, la St. Johna Helghta, i at Dortheaat corner of lot T .1.400 111a and W. L. Gould te Stephen P. and Maaata Horlay. lot T, block 75, TJnl- Trralty Park ...j.. ..t TOO Anthony Hardy to Willamette Box S Lambar , company, lot 4, block 94, Llnntoa Henry and Sophia Ten der Brelje te s Flomice L. bay. Iota 5 and 8, Work U. Fenrer'a .addition. .-. 780 Harriet 8. and WlUla B. Cochran te A , L. Ford 'Warren, aoath 4(1 feet of lot 9. block 406. Conch'e addition 7,009 Jennie M. and Valentin Brows to Etta C. Holhrook, aoath 40 feet of lot ,. .. and north 10 feat of fat Tbtoek 10. "Central addition XVSO Ethel Murphy to O. J. Pluck led re, Inta X, and C, block 15, Clorerdal Ex- tanalna No. 9 1.400 John and Margaret Barrett to M. C. and . A. Yonng. block 5. In enbdlrlaloa , of tract B, Orerton Park - 80T Frederick R. Walt te Victor Land com- pany. lot IS, block 17; fat 24, block 22. Tremont Place 40 Macale and t. A- Shetland to W. C . Pepaaa. lot 11, block 5. John Irrlng'a ' Flrat addltloa 1.150 Frank E. and Anna B. Knee te Charle ; F. Warner, lot IS, block 41. Original , Townalte of Alblna 1.480 W. J. and Owe . B, Coatea to Adnlph Ahendrotli. fat 18, Mock 4, NorU Irr- . ' tnctoa ' S2-" Edna B. Falght to B. W. and Mamie Swatle. atrip S feet wide on aonth aide : ef lot I, ana all oc lota ana a. nraca B, Highland Place 1.050 W. and at a. Marawona w a. iw. Cyraa. 100x100 feet eotnmencnur 10 feet weat of nnrtheaat corner of . lot H. la M. Pattnn- tract 9.000 Charle B. and Arnea Llndlnff te Em- . . eatlne Helm, fat 10, block 81, sell 950 400 A. and lla F. Bam ford to E. Alice Page, fat A block 4, Glenco Park.... Oregon company to Lily J. Murdoch, fat 7, block 94, Ltnaton 800 For a inn eel, title tneuranre er sMrtgage nana, call ea Pacific Title A Trust eomeeny. S04-8A-7 Falling balldlag. -. Cat year tnanrance end shell acta a real eatat from the Title Ooarnotee A Treat pany. 940 Waahmgtoa vtreet. MARRIAGE LICENSES. Thomaa J. Ennl. Walla Walla, Washlagtea, 98: Mary M. Browne. 20. Trifon Van Den Heede. S5S North Fourteenth street, 91; Pan I In Herman, 18. John M. Law, 47 North Tenth street, 94; Beset Cola, Xi. Wedding Carde. W. O. Smith A Co.. Waeh lagton blag., cor Feerth end Waablaatoa eta. TONSETH A CO.. FLORISTS. FOR FLOWERS OF ALL KINDS. 128 SIXTH ST. Clarke Brae., Florists . Fine floral design. 984 Morrison St. Full dress suits for rent, all Tailoring Co., 800 -Stark at. Oalsja UNDERTAKERS. Denning. McEntee A Gllheegh. andertakere and mhalBMwai seeders In every detalL seventh aad Pin. Mala 430. . Lady aealetant. . Erlckaos Dadertaklng Co. aad embelmleg. 404 Alder at. Phone Mala 418S. Lady aaalataat. J. P. Flnley A Sena, Third and Madlaoa eta. Otfloe ef county coronar. Pbaae Mala 8. EELLER-BYRNBS CO. Funeral directors, em balm era. 78 Bueaell. B. 10HS. Lady aealetant. A.' B. H EM STOCK Funeral director. B. IXtb aad Umatilla. Phon gcllweod 7L Lady aaa'L Edward Holmae. undertaker. 920 Third et. CEMETERIES. BIVER VIEW Single grave, 810: family fata, 4100 i to 41.000; tba oaly cemetery in Port land which pernetoelly maintain aad earee for fat. - For full Information, apply te W. B. Msrkensle. Worcester block, city. W. M. Lsdd. preeldent. '- ROSE CITT Single grave. 4101 family fata, 428 to 475, Superintendent at cemetery, " corner of Freamat at. and Cully road. Phone Tabor gre). For fall Information apply te Frank Srhlag!, 409 Com mere 11 blk. Pheae Main 9828. LOST AND POUND. Wi. iii LOST, strayed or stoles, fnx terrier female pnp, whit body wltb black ear; bad e collar on. but with no engraving. . Retnra to 22 Wet Park and receive reward, phone Main 47, Fof'ND A plane tn have hair mart atd and returned asms day. Tt Froet St. Main 474. Port lead Curled, lair kaetery. tL .- Metagev, proorlotor LOHT A deed to a fat te Alice Curtrlght. a Be- ( turn e M vans St. saa leosivs reward. LOST AND FOUND. LOST Whit and black Enallah aetter dog la ipper aibina; ilcana auailar 1M. Reward. tK Eiiaa at. LOST At llelllc llieatr. Waalilnytoa at. ear or euain juim f . car, a lad a gold pin. Hf. et wan litre mavonda; valued aa a keeaak. plraaa paona Pacific IBIS, juward roi M A pure eimtahitna ker and atamn Owner ran bar una by applying caabler . .vwimi otiiu aaa paying rnr aa.. LOHT A tea puree containing 410 In gold, alao aum eurer. nature to journal orture aad . receive reward. , LOST lharaday, a lady'a large puna In vicinity pmoiiic. atawara. raon aaat 11MS. LOST Mat Bnnday, black rocker apenlel bitch; auewere to irip; juat weaned pup. Reward. Ha Paciflo 22U1. LOST A earpat. Finder pleaae call as phone oianoaro uarpc (.leaning ua.. reaeiT IT.WS, BLEETIXO NOTICES. KRRMI.1N BAKU, I. O. M-Work meeting oaiuroay eraning, tiarcn ao. at a p. at. cut fating for candidate at T:SO,p. m. Hand in petltlena early. Bauonet at 10:80 Wear your tea. R, B. fiUARUN. Recorder. KKKUMN BAKU. I. O. M. Work nwatlng onura.y etilng. uarcb go. at 8 p. B. Bal- lotlug for eanUldaiee at 7:30 n. ra. Hand la petlUooe early. Banonet at 10:80. Wear yo your frs. B. 11. BliABoN, Kecordar. ROYAL CIRCLB will hare a military whlat weuneeday nlvbt, April g. In the W. O. W. temple, 11th ut between W'aah. and Alder. M. W. A. -EVERGREEN Camp. 4.44M, awet Wedneaday erealag. Altaky bldg.. Third aad Mvrrawa ete. V. A. Oregon Cirao Camn. No. 4.ST8. Moa- wayag tfth and tayabIl: alaltora waimaia. , NOTICES. , THB MtlDET CANTtlN PLACES a , ikkik;inu company. notice to stock holders. A aneelal meeting of the aetork holders ef tb Nugget Canyoa Place A Dredging cob- riany ha been called, apoa reuat In writ ug ef the owner of two third of the capi tal etock t aald corporation. te be held Moaday. - April 8, 1807. at tha hour of 10 e. a., la room 7, at No. 18714 Flrat atreet, Portland, Oregon, for tba pnrpoae ot dJaeolutloe of aald corporation, erganlaatloa of a sew eorporaMoa and auch other boat aaa aa Bay properly ouuae bafere aald a pa cta 1 Beating. BARVKY BAILEY, Preeldeat. Atteett t. B. CLARK, secretary. . NOTICE Is hereby gtaa that the regular an- nnai Beating or toe atoeanoiaera or vpa Rtrer Trananortadoa company, for the pur poaa et electing .dlrectora and JraaaaaUag anch other bualneaa a may lawfully come be fore the meeting, will be held at room 814 Wareeater blork, Portland, Oregon, oa Taa day. April . 1007, at 9 o'clock p. m. . J. M. TEAL, BeereUry. WILHOIT SPRINGS MINERAL WATER. Remored to 827 Stark at., betweea Sixth end Serenta. Phon Paelfle 1588. HELP WANTED MALE. WANTED Harniaa maker; good mechanic; ateady, aobar man for euatom shop, In up-to-date town; ateady ab at gtl per week or piece work te competent man ehle to nuke good euatom work: alae good repair man at 818 per week : only good meg wanted. - Ad, areaa u aa. otaritca. Lewiaioa, uontana. WAWTFIT AT ON CB ataee-Kott eelleia. wagea 11. do per cord; ateady work. Apply Weatera Cooperage Ce 8 tear na bklg Portlaaa,. vt Boultoa. Or. r , . -IL. WANTED Saleemeai maey stake 8100 ta 4184 per moarn: aoaae area Beret eroes eleam grown aa reeerearlaa. far from eld retiardt eaah advanced weakly: ehole t territory. Addreaa Waehlngton Noraery earn ay. Tog paolah. Waeblngtee Wrt get work for oar aaetnberat apeclal mem- gx. X. M. V. A. Feerth aa TamhllL MONEY I MONBYI- Advanced every week te . eur agents; a full line. Including up-to-date nedaltle Writ for free eanvaaalng autflL ' Capital City .Nursery Co.. Saietx. Or. WANTED Hlgb-claa aaleamaa for ebole. ter rltorte; hlgheat commhuloa paid: everything furnlabed; rash edvanced for etpeneee. A rare oppnrtnn I ty. Addreaa, qolck. Oregoa Noraery. Salem, Or. " . . PACiriC STATIONERY A PRINTING CO. 30S-9oT Second at. Phone jnala gxl We deelge and tnetall tb moat aaodern and iBnroved of flee ara tern: complete line kew leaf filing 4 rice. YOl'NG men dealrlng to better tbclr condition call ore employment department. Y. M. O. A. 81.00 A MONTH PROTECTS TOP 1 Agatnet accident, aVkneaa and death. Writ or rati and Investigate. Northwester Health A Accident Aasnelarlea. Roan 81, 98 Stgrk St. Agents Wanted. MEN AND WOMEN tn learn the barber trade tn eight week; gradttatea earn from 415 te 125 weekly; expert met rector: catalogs free. Molee Sratem ef Col leg. 48 Nortb Foartb at.. Portland. WR can see arveral me ever 90. ef ability, to prepare fo u. B. euatoma-ncaiae aemee; pwo tn star i life poaitiona. Write Pacific Stat School. McKay bldg., dty. SALESMEN snake big money working for as; , experience unnecessary. Pacific Aid Asso ciation. 224 -Lumber Exchange bldg.. Port . land. Oregon. STl'DENTS of the International Onrrespoadence acbcols dealrlng practical experience are re- Sueatrd to list their names et eur local office, 14 McKay building. MEN and boys wanted te learn phrmhmg, ptee teting, brick lay rag, electrical trades: free catalogue; noeltlnne secured. Coyne Trade School. New York end San Franc lec. WANTED Every crank to call st Boyd Tea Co.. 00 First at., for "Ardmore Coffee": 8 pounds. $1; we like yea; yea knew when and wby to kick. WANTED Competent stlrkermeu. Apply The Wheeler Osgood Co., Taeoma. Wash. WANTED Boya to wrap soap. Ldekel, King A Cake Soap Co. WANTED Young aaa, we have ealls for ete ao graph er-talegrnph operators with privets ' corporations; apeclal tuition for comb toed enure. Oregoa College, 504 Commonwealth bldg. WANTED 19 Inside wtremea at one: none but first-class men need apply. . Boons 414 Commercial bldg. WANTED Men to work la furbish hath. tfld'A Aider at. CHANCR OF LIFETIME Wanted Partner with small capital for traveling a bow; profile 410 te 450 per evening. L 158, care Journal. BOOKKEEPERS and stenographers drilled by our Derlm Pisa are soon planed la good DOel- tlona. Day and night school, eonaticted by the Eclectic Buetneee TJnlverslty, 488 Wor cester blk, 48 Third et. WANTED A dyer and cleaner at Eaat Port . lead Cleaning A Dye Works, 144 ' Orand eve, city. v . WANTED A man eg boy to assist with mllk , ing snd de chore on a small dairy farm. Addreaa D. R. Stoddard, Jaf feraon. Or, EXPERIENCED farmer and wife to g on farm) ealary; moat be good with stock. Write experience, reference, age, to X 154, Journal. WANTED Maa far work en email place near tb city. Cell at 80H Morrieoa at. WANTED Experienced yard for maa for aaw. mill. E tea, care Journal. WANTED Competent sticker men. Addreaa Tba Wheeler, Osgood Co., Tacoma, Waah. WANTED Experienced lath Bill Baa, M 188, Journal. 1 . .. TI1RF.B good advertising soltHtere at OaU 918 Ooodneugh bldg., after 8 P. I FIRST -CLASS maa te solicit member for the near beat Side Athletic club; big money, Grand are. and East Morrison St. WANTED Boy for work tn library, public library, 7th and Stark st. Apply WANTED A partner In an established real ae tata buelneea; g.150 caeh required; re. t lor ran make l"0 to to" a month. Call Moa day, SUA Lnmtier Rachange bldg. . MALE AND FEMALE HELP. BELP wasted and enrolled, stela er female. R, tt. Drake, got Wsahlagtea st, PeoUke 117A Journal Wants 1 Cent a Word HELP WANTED FEMALE. WANTED Ladlea. we have aareral calls for eteaographer-telegraph operator with pri vate corporetlouo; apeclal tultloe for com bined eotire, uregoe College, Dug Counaoa waalth bldg. . UNIVERSAL SHORTHAND wrltae letter the flrat week; oar 114-1 nt Plan gate great r ault. Day and eight elaeeea, conducted by th Ecledle Roaweaa Oalreralty, 08 Third at. Xou are cure ef a iiialllna WANTED Good girl tor general kouaawork. txm iia at. . . BANMKN'8 LADIES AORNCYj 448 lagtoa at .coa. Baveata, enatebre. , Mala aeua. resale help wanted. OlkLS WANTED Operator e work aa efahfo a no overall, leanon given to iaaprieace. Apply at Staodard factory Ne. 9. Otaad eve end Eaat Taylor at. WAISTMAKERS and flntahera, tailor and an- frenticea wanted at M. A. Shogren'a, 141 utb et., corner Alder. TWO eollrttore for boo a hold ep-1 It lee; good return lor raw Soar' work each day. x Third at . HIRTMAKERS wasted. Jaeeba Shot Co., Wltk Stark at. GIRLS WANTED -Apply Btaadard Factory Me. a. urana a, aaa aaat lay lor et. MATCRB woman, refined, of goad addreaa, re give part lime rnr erganlalng wort with Aid aortotiee. Call 204 Til ford bldg. - WANTED Girl to . work double-etiteb ma chine. Inquire Pits-Well factory, 78 Flrat. WANTED Yorrag ladle to study telegraphy; aay aaa trening aeaaloeia; aula una practice; poaitiona waea competent. apply l WANTED A girt for light booaawork. Call at aio seat aignts et. v WAKTED A girl for general houaework. 884 a.ucge is. . . wanted Bxpaneneed lady canv otnera seed apply, call at 421 sixth spetatrs. WANTED Experienced millinery aalcaladlea. a la miiunery-makera. Apply at one. Won der Millinery Co., Moniaoa and Pint eta. WANTBD By two gentlemen, plain waahlng ane menuing oone; waat aide, near pee tome. P 153, fare Journal. WANTED Strong gtrl for prelngr garment one- vim experience pre reared. Berlin vye noria. mtj second et. . WANTED 4i arparienced cook;' most have gooa ctry rcrcrences; bbi Bornlnga. 835 11th at. ill fafauy. Apply GIRL wanted, Sunday afternoon, ice ereem aad confectionery atand; ateady poaltloa later ea. 788 Waahmgtoa at., pack entrance. i ' WANTED flirt for general henaewerxs -two la family; waahlng aent out; a good home wita light work. Phone Pacific 196. WANTED Aa experienced girl te do, Moead wort. Apply 915 St. Clair at. . WANTED (Hrl for light heaaewerkj famUy of tnreav-aoX Larrebee et. FIRST-CLASS woman to aollctt Bcmbere for toe aaoiea annex ei (a new saat auaa a.u ktlc elab; good salary. Grand are. aad Beat Morrtaoa ef. WANTED Competent girl for general work, too Irving, none raeuie ae. WANTED A woman to de family waahlng Monday each waat at 778 Irving at. COOK ta email family. 984 King at. SITUATION WANTED MALE. TOTTRfr MAN. experienced wants position as timekeeper, aealetant bookkeeper, ether cler ical work, city or country; beat refcrencee; lumber buslnesa preferred. B 154,- Journal. WANTED By young Ban, bills to collect. X 162, care Journal. FIRST-CLASS cook, all-around, wishes situation. V 159, cere Journal. , - EXCAVATING. xplowlng and general Jobbing; - manure delivered. Phon Woodlawn 188. BOY wants position running elevator; bed ex perience. Apply Hotel Soott office. EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES. - RED CROSS EMPLOYMENT CO. Legging eemp aad farm help a coeds Iry. 90 North Second at. Phone Mala 4288. We pay all Ulegraph charge. v HANSEN'S EMPLOYMENT OFFICB . FOB MEN. ' 98 North Second et. Phone Mala 151 PORTLAND EMPLOYMENT OFFICB 90SU Montane at ... Phong Perlrte 98 97 North Be coed et .Pheae Pacific 1808 0. K. EMPLOYMENT OFFICE Help furnlabed free to employer. 88V N. 2d. Phone 8707. A. NICE qusrtcr block, 100 feet front street car line near noexu. aiolo aiauon, e-nwm cot tag with bath; ether buildings; afreets graded, aldewalka In. bearing fruit . trees; 81.800; half cash, balance 820 per menth; owner leering and la bound tn aell; will take team er eew. Phone Woodlawn 814. 0NS hustfar In each town er locality te ' handle medicines er snep: write quick; big atnney. B. M. Pre miner. 900 Third at WANTEDTO RENT. " : 1 WANTED TO BENT Ho laaaaa. cottage, fleta. , Store, office, rooming bouses, ete. rirn" wiu w wrii van PORTT.A ND TRUST COMPANY OP ORBOOM Phone I. a Cor. 84 sad Oak. WANTED Nicely furntnhed modem bouse, eo. tsge apartment or fist, 8. 4 er 7 noma, good location; have no children. 908 Ore gon Ian bldg. Phone Pacific 287. WANTED TO RENT Houae aad bars with twa er more fata, or email acreage la dty or Bear by. Address N 158, ear Journal. eenlno mome, lose in J private residence pes f erred. Address D 400, care Journal. WANTED May 1, T-room house, modern, well furnished: no children; references. X IM, car Journal. WANTED April 1, by married Isdy. room aad - board ta private family. M 158, Journal. . WANTED REAL ESTATE. - WANTED TO BUY FOB CASH, OOOB 1111 PKNCB LOT, SOUTH OF M0BBJS0R VT.. WEST SIDE, ; P 181, CARB JOURNAL. '. trine first- clas real aetata epeeulatlona ranging Tn price from gl.000 te 416,000. Let me know whet you have sod price. - Ne agents. A 154, care Journal. IF yea want te sen eulck. Bet with F. Fncha, 921M Mocrlaea st. . CASH for vacant ar improved residence prop, erty If prlee Is right. Winks, 404 Lumber Exchange. FdR RENT STORES-OFFICES. J OFFICB-ROOMS, an fern It bed noma aad earn-ple-roome fet real, teaodaeugh bldg. Apply elevator. FOR RENT flna, two or three large office rooms, suitable for fab printing efflcee or ether Mnee. Inquire Portland Gun A Bicycle Co.. 161 First si. TORS FirstK-laaa facatioa for druggist; near Waehlngton at, Donald O. Woodward, sgeat, lH Second at. FOR - RENT Smalt store with tiring rooms, suitable for any business; rent very reaaoa abla, . Inqtrtre WAKEFTFLD. FRIES A CO., T Stark St. FOR RENT Part of fin tnre, suitable for ladli-e gnnde,. confectionery, ' etc. U 154, cere Journal, FOR RENT Two large rooms, suitable for ef flees. Odd rsUewg1 tamofe, First aad Alder. WANTED -AGENTS. l' WANTED AILSCELLANEOUS. WANTBD Faraltare aad hneaabold good ef every naeiiptioa aoagui. ai and etwnangae. The 4. All Flrat at. Mate aaTA 4 WS kanl dead horeea end cattle free.' Oregoa Fertlllaer Worka, or aotlty Carney's Vrterl. eery. Foartb aad GUaua at. Mala IMS. - . CAN eae 48.000 worth furniture tble weak ; klgbt prlrea paid la city. Weatera Sal vage Co. Pacific 793. HIGHEST raah price paid for all klada renal hand good. Pboo Male 8111. 83 If . Ik led. WR WILL BPT. gRLL OR TRADE ANY Ol D THING. WESTERN SAI.VAI1R CO, 4W 428 WASHINGTON. PACIFIC TVA. i main sera. CAST AMU I1T8 OP IT FOR riTRNITf'RE. ' PORTLANO At'CTION ROOMS, BJl rtrat at. . MAIN 808. V MAIM 4444. CASH faa bvaaebold rood. Savage A Penaall 848-847 Flrat at. phone Pacifla 800. THB Grand Furniture Co. buy all kind ef eeeond-haod gooda. 411 Bawthorae are., Phone Beat Sou. - - HIGHF8T price paid for eeaoad-baad Mcyelra. . Phone. Main 4280. WANTED Te care for email child; goad home. 41 Eaat 18th at. WANTED Weaning and truing. 'Boeeng at i0 Tbtannaa at. - . WANTED Bora and buggy. Anply by fatter . with full particular. T. B. SrhellhaBaerrlf Chamber of Commerce. FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT. THREE large room with a to re connected with water, ahade. curtain and bath and phon, and- anni -eiAee- luenltarer-fateei floor,' ckiae i In. 171 Eat Third al l all free for 414 per month; look etc NICELY farulahed room, ainrle or ea eultei ehooa, bath and laundry; LR0 te 43 per weak. Take 14th et. or ear. 819 Saviar at. HOTEL FRANK1JN. Corner 18th and Waehlng ton eta., fort land. Or. Newly rurnlalied throughout; aaw building I eolte and hathi; hot and cold water la every room: fang die Usee Phone la ail room-, Tel. Main T198. FOR BENT Furnlrhed roam tn private family for gentleman:, breekfaet If . wanted. 447 Second at. Phone Main 4707. '. 1 855 WASHINGTON Nicety furnished room. : each eultable for two personal also table heard. Phone Mala 8881, . THB RICBBLinU. 88H Berth Sixth et-Ble-gntlr turnwhed: steam beet aaa Baths. -. TBR GRAND. 48H North Third et I geotiemea, si.zo per week sea as. THE ARCADS. 140A First St.. near Morrieoa. furulahad'rooms 2Se te 41 1 tranelent. THB STEWART Housekeeping and furnished room; transient and single. 906 H Wash. NICELY furnished rooms, ara) Madlaoa St. ' Phone Pacific 611. . LARGE aunny room, furnnhed: all modem convenience; rent reasoaable. 208 ( Fifth; . pbon Pacific 9814. - ..' .' 181 H FIRST ST.. corner Yarnhfll Nicely fur nlahed front aelte: ahm single rooms; reaeoa able; traneleat eoltrlted. - 183H FOURTH ST. Peru Ished room, da, week or mouth; prices reseoeabla. . Pacific 9630. . , . WBLL-FURNISHED room for, housekeeping! gaa. bath, phone. 428 Stark at. BOOM and break feet for two yormg neu, 412.50 pee month. 84 Hall et. UNFURNISHED ROOMS. - I OR RENT Three or four unfumtehed keeping mems with hot and cold water, la private fasrlly. I 144, JoumaL l FOR RENT Unfurnished kouaekeeptng-roeraa; new place; central. H 168. care Journal. FOR RENT HOUSEKEEPING. 41.n0 WEEK UP, large, eleaa. furnished bones Beeping room, aanndry aad Beth. , 184 mee aoath, Portland. , 41.28 WEEK UP. clean, turalshed beeaekeep fag rpowis, psrfar. bath, laundry, fnraeee heat. yard. 98 Stnntoa, U car. THB MITCHELL Hooeekeeptne and traaafaat rooms, reaeoaable.- Seven tb end Flaeder. TWO furslahed light housekeeping rooms; Bodera: floe view; light quiet place for congenial couple or two ladles, 855 Lincoln. TWO nicely furnished housekeeping roome; very reasonable; quiet place. ISO) Msrkct at., ron-Js 8 FINB koneekeeplng raama for ' rent, ground floor; gaa, bath snd yard. Phone East 8418. HOUSEKEEPING-ROOMS, low set rate: elec tric light aad phone Included. 801 U. Water at. NICELY furnished bemsekeeptng-roome. good facatioa. - 8S7 Jefferson St., corner 10th. NICELY fnrnlsbed bonsskeeplng-rnome, gas range. 410 per month sp. XM First et. . ROOMS AND BOARD. THB MORRTFON. formerly the Heeperiea Large comfortable rooms, single Snd'ea enlte, , newly turalahed: beet table board; price moderate. 484 Morrieoa st, corn J 7th. BOSEDALB (the Barren eetetel. 404 , 10th and Madison, Juat opened! everything ftrst-elaas. Newly furnished throughout. WANTED Yonng men; oil oouvenlenceei eaat . reasonable.- Inquire sveslnga. 474 Mala et. 0NB single and one double room, with beard. - Mala 16.18, 208 Fourteenth. , FOR RENT HOUSES. FOUR, five and asvearoom houaas, ea aide, furnished eg aafurulahed. Savior et., near 24th; alao bcauekeepingrooaa. Kay ' 84 North 90th; W ears to 94th. tura left half block. ' FOR BENT 4 rents siedera bona, bath, base - ment; East 41at et., near Belmont. Sunny-' aide; rent 414. Inquire st 480 Waehtngtoa at. FOUR, five and ear en-room btiaaaa. ea mae, mmisned or unruraisned, aavwr t.. Bear 98th; else hcataakaeplag-rnema. Kye 884 north Sdthl W ears to 84th,, tarn lart halt black. - t - GUARANTEED as adverttsed. Wo eaa rent er aell your houeca. room, fists, efflcee. etnree, farms, acreage,, fata; list now for extern edvertfaxlng. 904 Mohswh bldg. FOR BENT B room modern flat, BSSH Mont gomery gt, I floe oondltloa, 424, Inquire 480 Mill st, . . - FOR BENT T-room bouee: large yard, ehlcfcen bouse, 789 Eaat 21st at.. Bear 8. P. abona, 414. HEW 4 aad 5-room aesees, 410 sad 119 sack. 3 East 84th at. ... ISO MODERN Aroosr aoues. Phone Msls 4454. 480 First st. WB rest A Co. sad asU pianos. Bkerxaaa, Cley FOR RENT 8-reoi Lower Alblna, Washington at.1 cottage, B8T Bertbwlrk et., $1S month. Inquire 284 FOR RENT 0 room modern home, S05 Best 81st st., Ksnllworth. - Phone Esst 738. FURNISHED .HOCSES. AR00M house, meetly furnished, everrthlng Al, ") 12 muntes- nam. ni Beat Tslor, sear 2M. After Monday aee m Y. M, O. A. hnalneea otfloe. Private exchange 45. C N. Wonacott. AROOM furnlabed hones, Holladar addition. 8 blocks eaat of steal bridge. Phone Mais 4804. HOUSES FOR RENT FURNITURE FOR SALE. . FOR SALB Furniture ef A room fist en Sev enth et., 8 block from poetof fleet desirable lore Hem; houee etrktly modern; rent reason able: no agents. Addreaa T 143, Journal. FURNITTJRB of 5-room cottage fo sals cheap! can rent cottage If dealred; cheap rent; walk ing dlalance; meat ge at one. 811 Rugsna st. WR eeed furniture et sny prlee. Portland Aoe twa Booms,. 211 First at. Mam 5858. NEW fumltnre of modem - 4 room apartment, private entrance, close: eultubie for bachelor apeetmeote. Pacific 004. - , Fl'SNlTl RB of eroom house tot sato; sash 4AI. pacific 888, ... , ' V. ; . DCSINESS CHANCES. UOTBLS OCR IPinil.TT If your hotel Is for aal. la er cut ef tko rtty. bring It to a and wa will procure a purchaser without publicity. Reference, Be tel Men' eeaocletloa. P. U Al'8TKN A CO.. Original Hotel Broker. gulte 122 le 124, Ablnxtoa bldg. t . ' Pboo Main 8408. ORNriNSJ SNAP-We cae abow yoa family " ' ?,MS$ '" guaranteed net profit of ever 43.000 during peat year; at present profits are ever ga:5 per month: 88.500 eaah required. . Tlioa dealrlng to Investigate mnet " produce financial rsfareuceel ns ageou. E 150. care Journal. . . AN AJ. tailoring boslnees in a thriving tows la the Willamette valley; the only en in tb place; good location; plenty of buelneea; good rraaeu for selling. Inquire fame Olb- . sonBooB 11T Abingtoa bldg. phone Main FOR SAI.B. . Oreeevy rroes, east aide, good eleaa atocs. doing good bualneaa; will sail 10 net sent leas Invoice: fang leaee can be had. , PBSHY A WILSON.. 688 Williams ave. " FOR SALB AT INVOICE Cigar aad eonfec ""nr buslnsaa. cfas n: rent very low; v three living rooms la connection I at invoice. ' Th' Je e of the beat ttrnpoaltfana aver offered la thle II n In Portland. Addreaa P 154, care Journal. ' :. . . BBTTBR THAN COPPBR STOCKS, A WORLD'S NECESSITY. Tmmnaa nrnl,., j,.ni.n..M . i 09 i." ellottady te the whole Paciflo . coast. Write qnlrkly A4 P. 0. Box 80U. , wevaanj, vr. " -.1 - " .. BOOMINO . . HOl'ShV. V-' One ef the best bargain ta city; 98 roonig . knd nicely furnlKhed; t Ik location you can't " best; will clear shore rinenaaa 8150 ger-nonttr.-' " "PU0NB MAIN 8280. FOB SALE Two-chair barbsr shop with bath. H7renua -roairs; goon location, .goOO nust- nees and moderate rent; private gaa plant with it Address box 474. Albany. Oregon. . . PHYSICIAN'S suburban practice foe sale or '.. win rent omce and residence. S45U Wash lugton at., room At- . .l. - - - - r - NICELY rare, laced morning sous f 10 roonie. alen boarders; good paring bustneosr class to Blgh school. , N 152, cars Journal. V , . AT INVOICE. . -Betabltahed bonk, stationery, drar, robaree and confectionery bualness; brick, comer; local monopoly; par x.TOO a month: maat sell. GLOBB REALTY CO., 221 Morrison. BARB CHANCE Cigar, candy, hooka and mega.. . sines, guoo rieao stork living rooms, with oc without furniture; rent 415; Bust sail; cheap., 829 Flrat at. FOB SALE- A fine bakery t Wll equipped. - wjdo, eournai. RAVBtbe beat opening aa the coast tn well, eatabltabed enternrlae; email capital re onired: write for particular. F. L. Schett. 4i4Vs East Moerlsoa st. FOR SALB OB TRADE Hotel Ha leer, toil miles from Portland oa Southern Pacific: a modern up-to-date booee, eewly furalahed: hae good commercial trade. Address Hotel -s Halaey. nalaey. Or. WERKLY newspaper and Job office: power cylinder and inline ra nearly new: as excep tionally good Meld: no competition; pleoold propoaltlnn; .cask ot bask able not. W 154. cars Journal. . . . .)'.. CUT thia out and bring rt with" yoa. I bare I . 10.000 pee cent Inveetment In a mennfartur . Ing company' etock : mechanic having smsll amounts to revest preferred; office open 8t urday evening. Apply to Win. J. Peter-, bans, 915 Commercial blk. . . OOOB BAT INFORMATION BUREAU Free; Investigate before you Invest. 412 Commer cial bldg., Seooad and Weahingtoa st. see B. L. Edtnoeeton. ... IF YOU have a Berltotfaue business te sell list ft with aa aad we win aell It quickly. - The J. B. Porcmaa Co., lain MorrleoB at. A PAYINO milk route; enws aad tee ma saia I cioee-in mcatieB. The -J. B. v Co.. 181 H Morrieoa St. I WANT a partner la a rend email grocery , store, . Neleoa. 14tk aad -Irving ate. 8850 BUYS half interest tn good hmtneec where yoa eaa easily make 8100 per month and an warda. 807 Allsky bldg. ... AVB MONEY Auytttsig lu printing see Msd eee. Odd Follow' Tempi. First and A Int el. spataira. 81 UNFURNISHBD rooms, central - location; reat reaeuneble. Inquire 18 Union sve. FOB RENT Building ef 83 rooms, ready for tenant; cfaee ta. Call st Hotel Ohio, 9689, Frost st. A MIDDLE-AGED lady wtsbee the eeonatPt., ancn of honest gentleman. Address B 154. care Journal, or pboo Pacific 9478, ,' . WANTED Reliable party to put up patent fees for half Interest la Invention; good a any small article ever put oa the market. F 154. care Journal. . . MEAT market for ssle. wltb 4100 refrigerator; , owner sick, mast aell. Hawthorn Realty CO.. 985 Marguerite are., corner Hawthorne. Tabor 614.. . -. . . i FOR SALB Orerery and roc feet tovtery. Ire cream psrfar. etc. end ef Montsvllla oar line. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE.' ' -. : - WHITTEN A BRYANT, 40S-7-S S wet land bMg. 48.000 lftg acres, near North Yamhill, all good cultivating lend, la crop: good houae snd barn, orchard, plenty of water; this ea below ectusl value. -gd.000 4 AO scree in Pelk county, 80 acres cultivated, balance peeler end timber; . S.ono.OOO feet merchantable fir timber trace; near railroad and fagging stream; this 1 S bsrgstn. 1 .. 47,000 AWO-arrs farm In Benton cotmtv. Tfys.albany; 75 m eultlvstloa, balance psa-""lufe-and bsrdwood timber; fin soil; tele, phene, free delivery mall: must aell to ckrse Bp ad estare: Inveattgate this. WHITTFN A BRYANT. ' 08-T-8 Swat land bldg. Fifth aad Weahingtoa. J BARGAINS IN HOMES AND LOTS. '41.500 4-room sew bungalow, with , large reception ball aad modern t terms. 42.500 5-room bungalow, nicest In city and strictly modern, with fireplace; very easy " term. . fl.lhW a room modem home ea East 18th St.: only 4300 cash, balance eame aa rent. 48.700 T-room new aad mo-tera home ea . seantirut Hawthorne ave. l term. 4760 buya a fine fat on East Yamhill and 98d sta. i terms. 8850 Let oa Eaat Taylor, walking distance. F. J. STBINMFT9 A CO.. The Bomesellers, 108 Morrieoa at. FINB corner 100x100 near North Alblna ear bam. Bearing fruit trees, good eotl; S room . rottare with bath. barn. All Improvements. 1.000; bslf cash. balance 420.00 ' per month. 'Also fine corner fat 5560.00, term - to cult. Call 1288 Missouri ave., four block north, one east North Alblna Statins atreet . "!' ear. . UNION ' ATEWUB. . '.'. 100x100, East Front. - Between Skldmors and Preecott. Meet be Bold at once. Go snd see ItT LAFAYFTTB REALTY CO 41 a to Washington it, ST. JOHlta INVESTORS. , ; Take notice of else, location, term and price of cloae-ln lots we are now aell Ing la a lim ited mimhen. 60xl2tlt4 fate, 9 blork from naw school and nnainfftce; 10 per eent down, $10 per month, at. 84T5 each. - - .. BAGEMANN aV FLANCT1ARD, , - .81 Fifth at. . . - .-. BY OWNER Modern 6-rootu, cottage, bath, hot and cold water, electric lights end fixture. In flrst-rles condition, with lot lOOxlOn feet; a fine anhnr'an home wltb view ef entire city; 41.70: 4l-0n0 cash, balance sa-r terms. Phone Esst 4534 or addreaa B Ivt. care JournaL - ' ANOTHER BARGAIN. . A lot 80x125 feet, half block of Union ave.. not far out; bulUIInrs all around It; nr'na 4774. Call today, 801 Swctland bldg.. Fifth aad Wsablngtfio sts. SNAPS. ... 11.200 4 acres, with house and barn: . owner compelled to aell: 0n ear fare. .Farms snywhere at H price. e F. i. STF.INMF.TZ A CO., . 108 Morrison It. ' QUARTER block at 27th and Eaaf Clinton ate., one 5 room and one 8-mnm enttege. .full beeement; three 'ere modern; nothing nicer la Ksst Port lend. Price as.NHV can give tcrtn. 8e O W. - Hever. aam, ii Kaat Morrieoa at.. City. I'Orl rlAI-P RT O A NKR New, elr cilr lrn,e-n 6 mom enttege and one 4 room colts.! ay tarma. Tbon Tabor 224.