The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, March 30, 1907, Page 11, Image 11

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Spring Elections All Over "the
; Country Will Be Held Next
Tuesday. '
Juration Whether Union Pacific and
; Southern Paclflo Are Parallel and
' Competing 1 Unas Will' Be Argued
." , Before Commerce Commission.
(Journal Special Service.)
Washington, IX G, March I t. -The
usual spring alactiona foe city and
county officers are to ba bald next waak
In various parts of tbs country- For
th moat part tha eontaats ara of pure
ly local -., Intaraat and significance,
though In aeverel of tha' larger cities
such as Chicago and St. Louis tha re-
; suits will attractwtder attention, .,
The appeal" in' tha case of John F.
Oaynor and Benjamla IX- Groan, con
victed of conspiracy t defraud tha
government In connection with tha Sa
vannah .harbor Improvements, will coma
up ror Hearing Monday In tha United
'. States court of appeala at New Orleans.
Tha season of th'' Metropolitan
' Orand Opera company having closed In
. Kaw .Tork . tha-company will -start on
tour, opening in Boston Monday night
for a 'Week's engagement Tha subee-
nuent 'engagements Include Cincinnati.
-nicago. Milwaukee, st, Louis and a
number of other large cities,
' Further developments In the ' action
to secure an accounting of . tha flnan
"4l affaire of Mrs. Mary Baker O. Ed'
dy. head of th Christian Science belief,
are expected coon, as th action la rs
' turnabls at tha April term of court
which assembles ' lij Concord, Te
"Hampshire, Tuesday. ' - v--
An international conference of ' tha
world's Student Christian Federation
will assemble next Wednesday In Toklo,
wiui a number or Americana In attend'
a nee. The gathering la notable prlncl
pauy for the fact that it la tha first
international conference of Christiana
to be held In Japan.
New England will pay tribute next
Wednesday to Dr. Edward Everett Hale
en tha occasion . of . th eighty-fifth
birthday of th famoua author-clergy-
Counsel for B. It Rarriman win ap
pear before tha Interstate commerce
commlsaton Thursday to preaent arru-
, menta regarding tha contention that tha
Vnlon Pacific and tha Southern Paclflo
ara parallel and competing lines.
Though some additional testimony may
, he brought out through this action It
I not thought likely thst tha Investiga
tion of the Harrtman- llnea will be re-'
opened.. : -- , -y .' .' ' ' i
Sir Wilfred Lauiier and Sir Freder
ick Borden,, who ara to represent- Canada-
at - tha coming colonial conference,
hare booked paaaaga to sail for England
next Friday. Th conference Is to e-
semble lni London th mlddl of April.
Dr. Oliver O. Haugh, tha young phy
sician who killed hla father, mother and
brother at Dayton, Ohio, more than a
: year ago. Is under aenteno to be elec
trocuted , In the .state penitentiary . at
jpiumnaa next ,rn4n-.; ; xr H
The l. Right lion. James r. Brrce, tha
British "ambassador at Washington;' has-.
accepted an Invitation to -visit Chicago
.tha latter part of the- wank. . On Satur
day night ha la to ba the guest of honor
at-a banquet to be given by the Chi
cago Commercial club.
- In Burone tha nrocecdlnrs of tha Rus
sian douma and tha uprising of thai
peasants In Ron man la. which, appears
to t growing despite tna vigorous
measures taken to suppress IVwlll oo
eupjt a large ahare of publM attention.
Willamette Strict
y methodist conference
(SnecHl Dispatch te The Journal,' .
Harrisburg, Or., March 10. Th con
ference of th Willamette district of
that Ifsthodlat Entaeonal church smith la
.balng held at thla place.. The session la
covering thro days Thursday, Friday
and Saturday. .Devotional services will
b held Sunday.-. Bishop- James Atklna
will have charge and Dra. Nelson and
Hammond will be la attendance. Abeut
44 mlnlstera tad delegates ara her.
Beat Is elected neat tea and J
; Moat all . drug contain alcohol In
large quantities. Some contain more
than others, but all have enough to
do harm. .Ton know, alcohol Is th
stuff '--that makes whiskey such, a
fiery artlol. ' It's what yon call a
stimulant narcotic,' that Is, It pro
duces a' stimulation and then a stu
por. Alcohol Is a. poison and has
been, known to . , '
prov fatal within; ' ' - ' .
two hours . - after
taking. . , r. -
Nowv nearir all
of tba drugs that
yon bay are doped .
with . other - poi
sons ' bssldeg alco
hol. : That makss
tham doubly dan- -gnroua.
If taken-,
any " length of
Aim ' they., eauee
ulceration ' of th
stomach and vari.
ua forms of ltvar
troubles. - Many eases : of cirrhosis
of tha liver, a disease for which
there la no cur and which always
proves fatal, have resulted from th
long-continued us of patent medi
cines. '
' That's th work of alcohol. Th
other poisons that go with these
mixtures often do as much .harm.
Extreme nervouanees, kidney and
stomach troubles as well, are caused
by drugging.
rv used drags as much aa any
doctor, but that was a long time ago.
I have a bettdr way now. I know
that electricity is th foundation of
human vitality, so I give my pa
tient electricity and cur them. ..
I hav perfected my body battery
so that It conveys a stream of elec
trio llf direct to th part that Is
ailing. X treat every caaa Individ
ually, not generally, so th . great
fore of ths current goea where It la
needed and none Is wasted.
I am curing men of general nerV
sua weakneen, of rheumatism, kid
ney troubles, stomach troifblaa and
of many special ailments, who had
wasted their earnings for years on
drugs without - getting . benefit I
cure them while they sleep , br re
storing vigorous strength to every
ton, -
. Arleta-Bev.
fooa Beotelen, peeler.
fbonl. ! a. m.i Jankit Inlon. I a. a. I B.
I- r. b.. 6:80 p. ai. preecbUn. 11 a- a..
"If Cni-let Ba Not Blaea"; at MM . a, "Now
I Curlet Rlaes." - . ,
Third Vaacou vac avenue Bud Kaott- street :
Re. B. u. Hiiaa, peetor. - Sunder school, 10
a. Bi.) greachlns ll U I. a. aad IMO p. m.
Highland--alberta and Blxtk etreete Tlrea
St :M sod 7:0 p. ai.t Bundir ecaool, i.W
p. si. - .. . J
Belle-aoa Taaeaia an Blaraath stweta; Be.
Gaoria A. Laana. Suadir aebool. S a. ai.l
praaclilDa. 11 a. m. aad T:SO p. a.
. talrar Kaat Blf bu aa Oraat autaatsi Be.
A. Lawreaee Black. Bible actiooU M a. s.
araacbuia at II a. m. and T:K p. aT
lamaaaal Buenod and Meade etreeta! BT.
Gesrge w. Orlffla. praaehlng at 11 a. si,
'Tba Power of tba Baaarraetluo"! 1M P- m,
"B.llfloo of the Present World.".
-Oraea Moatavltla; Oilman Parker, ntslstee.
aarvleae at 10 a. av aad T V) p. m. I moron
topic "Tba Decenaraej aad the Beaarrectloa
of tba Bare."
Central Bast Twentieth aad Antony atreetet
W. T. Jordan. At 10:0 a. at., "What Pollowa
s Denial of the Beourrectloa"; Toens People's
meetlug, 1:10 l. m.) Bandar school, 1 m-t
T:IK p. m., "Tba Aacanaloa aad Its Bsenlts."
tJolreratty Park Be. A. B. Walts. Soodar
senool at 10 a. m.i worablp at 11 a. m.. seratoa
eabject. 'rrleoda''; B. J. P. V- : p. B.;
eeenlng aerrtce, T:M o'clock, "Friends."
rirat 1-be White Temple, career Twelfth sad
Talor streets; Be. 1. WklteoBib Broosbor.
D. D paetor. - llonring wwrebls. 10rO o'clock,
'Heaesr'l Bible aehool, l.l6 p, .( B. Y.
P. U. eerriree. 1 6:1S p. av I popular erenlnf
aerrlre, TSO o'clock. "The Straff le With
neath.--Tne Tmple"uertet and ebon1 will
render special mnale.
Record Be Tenth and Bast Askany ' streets;
Be. Htantoa C. Laphasv paetor. Services at
10:M a. m. and T 80 p. Ski aoralnf.e"rirat
rralts of the Rternal Bareeef'j Bible school.
II B. Youag People's Unloa. :S0 a. K. even
ing seraton. "The Immortal Out took." A spe
cial prof rem r Baater moale.
Lenta At Bealdi-nce el W1I1U Knaeland,
Ninth aveona. . Addreas at S:M p. m. by Be.
Joha Beet fen. '- " - - '
Bevlerltreea Betweea ' Teetr-rst asd
Twenty eeoaod etreeta. lander achoof, p. sa.
preachlnC at I'M p. m. dv A. L. Johaatoa.
BnnnxeMe Ull tut Salaaea street, st some
at Mrs. Blfby. 'Address at I P- a, by Be.
B. C Lapbem.
Br, Johns B. A. ' Leonard, paster, toada
aehool. 10 a. a. I sarawa, 11 a. sl B. W. T,
V., S-80 p. m.i sermnn, f:M p, as. -
Ctilneea UluU L-.2U. Oak atreet. Bsnday
arhoot, 1 p. m.i praachuig la Chinees, B p. m.
riret Oenneo roarth Snd Mill etreete; Kev.
J. Kratt, puter. ftonday ecbool. : e.
resehlng, 11 s. m.; Yeong People's SMstlng,
p. at.; evening preaching, t:0 o'clock.
Second Oormaa Morris street ana noaner
venae l Be. F. Bueermann. pastor. Bonder
erhool, AS s. .) preaching. 11 a. ai.t Yoong
People'a meetlnf , 7 p. m. evesug praacaiBs.
1:80 p. .. - -
- Mlspah Bast Thb-teaath and Powell streets!
Be. Jerome B. McOlado, D. D. BeeepUoa ef
new membere, baptlaaa and eommsnloa, 10:50
a. m- evening. 1-tO e clock. Beater aemos.
"And la the Garden a Sepulchre."
' Calvary Bleeenth aad Clay atreetel Be.
Bea-Bsra Itllea Kly Jr.. D. D. ser.tcea, 10:M
a. at. and 1iM p. Basday aehool. Is Bb
. Vourth Tlret -end Ulbbe ateeetai Bee. Jobs
B, Welch, aarvteee at 10O a. si. snd.T:M
. ai.t suaoay ecaoM, is m- x. r. a. u. .,
:BO p. m.
Hawthorne-Park Twelfth and Beat Tarle
atreets; Be. E. Nelson AUea. Bunder school.
is sa.j io:so a. at-, it a aiaa vt ennu lie
Live AfalaV'i Baater aiualcal pros rem at
1:80 p. m. , - '
rorbee Bellwooa (treat ena MncenDeia av
m; Bee. Harry U. Pratt. - teaching, 11
a. m. and T-.80 a. m.i Bnaday acaeot. vt a. bli
Carietlaa Badeavor, : p. m.
Piedmont Cleveland Tense and Jerrett
atreet; Be. U Mrraa Booarr. preaching at
ll a. m.. -me Baater naptism si ran
drea and comaaoton; aerrlee ef mssle, T:80
p. m. ; gondav, schooL 12:16 P. at.
Waatmlneter Beet Tenth and Weldler streets;
Rev. Henry U Merest te. Services st 11 a. m.
and t.80 p. m.; Banday school, 1:0 p. a.;
m. r. v. iu.. e.w p. H.
Pint Twairth and Alder atiealai'
Mem Hiram roqlkoa. At 10:BO a. a, "The
BiDertant Eternal Prsas"! T.M avSk. "Boal
Thrlat fur God." . - -. ' '
rnlroo Bev. A. B. Baraneiaar. - saaaay
aehool at 11 a. m.i CrlstUarBadaavat, T p. a.)
sai-ec. T!4S p. a. .u i j . .
- Maraaatl-Btreal Haraaan and Hart Seven
teenth eteeetai Be O. W.. Hare. Bnnda
sohool, 10 a. m.i areachlag, 11 a. m. and 10
JTm.; Y. B., :eS p. a.
Wonnt Tabor Belmont and Prettyaaa etreete;
Bev. Bdwerd M. Sham., Services st 11 a. m.
and T:&-p. a. . ; . ,.
Aaabel Re.- Geo. W. Arms. Jr. Baadsy
school, 10:(O s. a. ; preerhtaf. ll:S0 s. m.
Bellwwod Corner Beet Seeentoontb aad Sna
kene evenoe! Be. D. A. Thompson, pastan
Sebnath sohool, 10 a. m-t sail loss at 11 a. a.
and T:80 a. a. .
Thrra fast Thlrteontfe snd Pine ntrVetst Re.
Andrew I. Montgomery. . pert or. Sa lces st
10.10 a. m. I aemmnatoa, 10:(0 a. m. Belter
stTmoa, 1M p. m.
Vernon Beet Twentieth aad Wrgaat. Preach
big st 11 a. a. and T:s0 p. av br Bev. O. A.
Blair. Special song servieas for Beater; Sun
der erhool,- 11 a r - -
- Moatartlla Rev. J. A. P. MeOaw, acting
peetor. Will oncapy new charch today. Bun
der aehool, m a. aa.i sermon. "The Witness
at Hkttors to tha Beaarrectloa." 11
"Tha Certainty of a Future Life,". Y:M.p. a.
" . mSOOPAl, , ' ,
Pre-Cathedrsl of St. Stephen the Mtrtyr
Thirteenth and Clay etreeta; Bev. H. M. Ram
say, vicar. - Holy eucksrwt. I SO a. m. and 11
a. a.i children's a 01 1 lie, 1:80 p. B.; Soaday
arhoel, :o a. a.
St. David's East Twelfth sad - Belmont
streets Bectnr, Bev. Oeorge B. Yaa Waters,
D. D. .Holy communion, 1:M a. a. ;' ma tine
choral celebration ef holy eomaanloa. 11 e. m.
evensaagi with parts t sag 1 ef the VeeeUh.''
1:80 P. as. I sototets. Mies Sa Una Dent and
John Claire Moateltht violin. Miss Mine Nlrklla;
ailing part Of th body.
Electro-Vigor Is a body battery,
mad sf- separata dry cells. It Is
easily, comfortably worn next to th
body during th night and gives out
a continuous stream of that
strength. - building, - nerve feeding
fore which is - th ' basis of all
health. Electro-Vigor is not an
electric belt there)
is no charging; tg
do no vinegar or
acid solutions to
bother with.
. e e a
After' two
months' applica
tion of Electro
Vigor I no- longer
suffer from pains
n In mv back and
?3-V kidneys, my food
J -- - mr- w
and all symptoms
of weakneaa- hav
disappeared. - -CHAS.
. Joseph, Or.
Oat my 100-page
bodk' describing
ZHectro-Vlgor and
with lllaatrationa
of fully developed
men and women, showing how It Is
This book tells In plain language
many things you want to know, and
gives a lot of good, wholesome ad
vice for men. -
I'll end this book, prepaid," free.
If yon will Inclose this coupon.
S. A. HALL, M. D.
143 rumor Street,
. Pleaa send ma, prepaid, your
free loo-pag illustrated book.
( s 10T . .
Nam ..... i 1 .
Address . . . . . .'. j
a . W' .' . M
orranlet and director, t. W. Goodrich; short
araen recital, T p. m. .
All Balnie Tw.at7-eeeond and Bsad streets.
Sim.i.y, 10 a. a.; eommunlos. 11 s. B.
1 STenlnf eervtee, t ;3kJ o'clock,
i St. Mark's Nineteenth and Qiilmby etreefe;
, Re. J. 11. Bltupeiin. Uoly oommiiulon. S a. ra. t
I chlldrea'e nervloa, 10 IS a. m.i holy roairaunlua
ana eeruion. it a. a.; evenaonf. 7,90 a cioca.
St. Andrew's (JnlTerelly Park; Rev. W. B.
r 1 1 tn cnirp. nui wwininw. m 1
Sunday ecbool. S P- m.t Eeawr service, 1:30
p. a.
Good Shepherd Sellwoed street ssd Van.
eouver aieuee. Alblnai Bev. John Daweon.
Holy poamunloa, S a. a. J Sunder school, S:4S
s. a.; eeTlree at II a. a. and l: 1. a.
St, John's Memorial Ben wood; Bev. W. U.
Powell. Sermon and sommunlon, 10:45 a. B.
Sunday aeheol, Eeoter -service, 11 n. ;
St. Paul's Woodmere; C U Parker, lay
reader, la charge. Sermsn, 11 a. m.i Baater
Trinity Church Nineteenth and Everett
etreete; Be. A. - A. Morrleoa, meter. Holy
eommnnlon, t n. m.i sermon and eommoaton,
11 a. a.! Sanaa achaoL I 1. a! beotlam. I
p. a. 1 svenlna prayer and mnelcel service, T:M
p. a, lllneuited lectors at paiiab boose Thura
day. -
St. Matthew's tint snd Oarnthsrs etreete;
Re. W. A. M. Brock la charts. Holy ena
mnnloa, S s. m.i sermon. 11 a. a.t Bonder
school, S:4S s. m. aerrlre and sermon. T:jW
p, m.
Tba Charch of Our Savior Woodatock. ' Serv
ices every Sunday at 11 a. a.; Sunday ecbool,
10 a. at.- ... .. . , : , . - . , ,.
t ' ' eaawa
.;. ", ' - xxtxosisz.'
Taylor-Street Dr. Francis Bsrfette Short,
riaaaea, S:80 a. m. aenrjoa. lOisO a. a... by
Rev. J. H. Cole meal Sunday aehool. 13:1S
p. m.; Bpworth leefoa, S:M p. a.; evening
sermon, 1:110 o'clock.
Bellwood Fifteenth and Taesms streets; Rev.
A. I). Wasner. Sunday school. 10 B. m.;
Baater seiVlces at 11 a. a. by Sunday senool.
Mrmon, "He la Not Here; He Is Bleen") elaea
meeting, 12:1S a. a.t Junior- league, i:W
?. bl; Bpworth Icagas, :H0 p. m.i sermon,
;0 p. m. "
Hunnvelile Beet Yamhill street, betweea Beat
Tblrty-nrth and" Tblrty-alath - attests; -T.- B.
Ford, paetor. Preaching. 10 a. m. ana Ttso
I. a. I Sunday aehool. 11 a. a. I class pieetlng,
I:1B p. m. ; Juolo leafue. ( p. m.
Grace Twelfth and Taylor etreeta. Clarence
True Wllaoo. D. V. Services at 10:t0 a. m.(
"Tha riret Baater Snnday"; 1:B0 p. a, "The
Purposes ef the Reeurrection": Sunday school,
11:11 p. m.t Bpworth league, B:B0 p. m.
Lanralwood Charles H. Woolhy. pastor. At
10 a.' Sanday school; 11. s. aw, eermen:
13:16 p. m., elaee meetlaf ; S p. a Bpworth
'baaftM; 1:30 n. aervlcea.
- St. John's F. 1j. Young, pastor. Basday
school, 10 n. a. I praachlna, 11 a. m. aad 1:60
p. m.; Epworth Lea rue. 6:80 p. m. 1 '
Bpworth Irvlag and Twenty-tblrd, B. B.
Bryant, pastor. Preaching at 11 a. sa. snd
1:50 p. a.
Trtnltv Corner ef Beat Tenth ssd Oraat.
Lewis r. Salts, pastor. Sundey school. 10 s.
m. aeraoa at 11 a. m. and f :S0 e. a.t Jaea
aeettng, 13:18 p. , a. . Bpworth . Uague, tM
Centsaary Nlath aad Pins. W. 8. . Bepps,
paetor. Preaching 11 a. a. ami f :S0 p. m. .
Central Rnaaell and Kerby streets; I. T. Ah
batt, paetor. Speclel Eeeter eerrlcee at 10:M
s. a.t ths paetor will preach ea "Thf Boaur
rectlon." Special music. - , - -
Chinese Mleeloa Cban Ring KaL' psstor.
Ftsachlag, 11 s. a. snd list) p. m.
Lenta V. E. Ingalla, paetor. Preaching at
11 a. a. and 1 SP p. a.
MenUvllla Oregon ssd Hubbard, H. - Oberg,
bailor. Prenetilna- lie. en- eed T:BA BV- m. -
Mount Tabor James Moore, paetor. Preach-J
mg at 11 a. a. ana T:se p. m. -
Petton Mlchlfen evenoe end Cerpentee, at.
T. Wire, aeelor. Prencalng at 11 s. a. ssd
T:S0 p. m.
. Arenas Praaehlng at 11 a. a.
ana 1 :ev p.
Maatavllla... Htbbard and Mehle etreerel Bev.
Harold 0berg, pastor. Sunday school, 10 a. a.)
Easter service, 11 s. s. Junior lee roe. B
p. a. 1 Epworth league, S:e8 p. a-L preaching
aerrlre at 1:10 p.- m., eermoa. by Bev. J. H.
Coleman, D. preakleat of Willamette ant
veralty. - Woodlawa S. H. Dewert, paster. - Preaehlcg
sv 11 a. a. and 1:10 p. sa.
Woodatock W. T. Kerr, paater. . Preacbtag
at 11 a. a. and T. n. ' -
Norwegtaa-Danlab Thirteenth ssd Deris, 0.
J. Larson, paetor. Preaching st 11 a. as. and
1:Bt-p. a.
Swedlab Bortbwtrk snd Reach, Rev. John
son, pastor. - Preaching at 11 a. a. sad 1.
p. m.
First Oevmaa Plfteernth ssd Hoyt, J. A.
Waass. paetor. Preactlng at 11 a. a. - snd
1 :w p. BV , -eli
necona wenasB aranioa asa aoansy, n. b
Meee, pastor. - Prssohlng st U a, m. and 1:10
Jepaness Mlerlon 1 North " Flftssath,
Preaching siU a. a. aad T:M p. Bh; '..
. r -' , : 00B0BE0ATI0HAL. .
tTalverettv Park Artisans' teaelet Bev.
B, Gray;-, Sermon at. 10 a B; Suoday aehool
mm eveater aervioaa. '
Ulaetaalppt-A venue Mleeleetppl areaee -and
Fremont atreet; Rev. William L. Upehaw. Snn
day school, 10 a. m.i eermon, 11 a. a, "Chrlet
at the Grave"! special Eaatsr anale by eholr,
com man Ion snd reception of new msmbere;
Ohrletlaa En dee me. S30 p. m. eermoa. 1:90
p. m.i e pec lei Keetar profraa.
Snnnvalde Corner of k.mmt TevW mmM Mmmt
iniriy-iourui e tree re 1 ue. i. i. Btanb. paater,
aorning services st 11 e clock, "Eaater a
Divine Pledce"! eomaanloa snd td mleeloa at
sew member! evening service. 1:10 o'clock,
"The focus of the Ages"; Bandar aehool, 10
a. a.i junior uorletlea Enaearor, S:1B p. a.
Leerelwoofl . ariete Belli Be. D. n. are v.
Sunday school, 10 s. B. Y. P. 8. O. B.. B.fc)
p. a.: eermoa at T:su p. m. Beta serviese la
at w AurcB. .-.
Haeealo-Btreet Bast Eleventh aad Haeeale;
Paul Rader. neater. Servleea at 10:M a. a.
snd 1:eS p. a.; Sunday school. 13 a. Cbrkitlaa
aoineavor. o.o p. a.
riret Madlaon and Parfci Bev. Daniel Btaver,
a ae latent peetor. Morn Ins eermon by Bev. C.
F. Clapp, "Ohrlet'e Reeurreetloe," 10:80
o'clock: erentnf aervlce. 1:30 o'clock, "A Scene
From the Last Supper": Sunday ecbool, 12:i
p. mv; x. p. s. c. K., B 30 p. a.
Hlahlaad Eaet Sixth atreet north ssd Pres.
eott; Rev. B. 8. Bolllnfer. Sundey ecbool, 10
a. m.i amrnrng aervlce, 11 o'clock, rite of
naptlam, reception or members snd holy esu
aunlon; Junior Endeavor, S p. m. T. P. B. 0.
R, S:S0 p, a. 1 Easter prslss asrvlca, T:S0
Bm. . ..
' (nrBiSTLaJr.
Osntral East Twentieth ssd ' Beet Selmon
etreeta; Re. J. F. eimrmley, D. D. At 10:ef
a. a., preaching, "Chrlet'a Rssurreetloa ths
Proof ef Immortality"! Snnday school, 11 m.
Senior Endeavor. :B0 p. Ba. st t:t p. a.
The First Eaatsr.' ?
Roduer-Arenna Rodney avenae sad rTaert
etieet: Rev. r Elme Row neon. - At S:4t a.
BIMs school; 11 a. m., , common Ion snd
eermoa, "Rleen With Carut'1! :46
P. 8.
o. b.i T :so s. m
aonasis am."
Moust Scott RerTlies la hall at Bern Park.
I p. m.l Snnday school, 3:60 a. m.
Wsodlaws Sunday aehool, la a. am. 1 preach
tog. II a. m.l tbrletlas Endeavor, f p. a.;
eerrleee at S p. bi.
riret -Corner Park snd Oolamhle errets Rev.
B. 8. Murkier, minuter. At 10:10 s. a.,
"Thst Glad Morning"! 1:M p. a., "He Mnet
Bleu Again"! Bible ecbool, Jl a.t Chrletlaa
Eadeevor. 1:10 p. m. Speclsl asels. direction
ef Kathryse Liaehaa Job neon, mornUtf and
evening. .
Advent Second street, betweea Fall snd
Lincoln. Servlree st 11:80 s. n. snd S p. a.
by Re. H. S. Stnrtrvant; Sunday senool, 10:80
a. m.t Y. P. M. at 1 . m.
luTRZBA-. ' " "' . .
Swedish Immaseel Nineteenth snd Irvlag
atreet b. Servleea. 11 s. sb. ssd S a. sa.i
Snnday school, S .8 s. a. .
rinrwesies oynoo naei -renra ana nrent
streets. Rev. O. Hsfnes. Beater .serviese, 1 1
B. m.l onuvmnnloa , eerrleee, 1:30 a, B. .No
Sanday ecbool Beater Snaday. . '
Retaala Danleh Union evenoe snd Korrle
stmti Rev. Gudmund Grill. Sunday school.
13:18 p. a.l Snnday service, 11 s. BD. and S
p. a. Wedneeday, Betanla Ladlea' socle'
sty st
I p. a. tt borne ef Mrs. B, Basasssea,
Bellwood at.
St, James Esfllsfe Weet Part aad Jfffer-
Boa atreets, J. Allen Ies, peetor. Servleea
at 11 a. m., Easter sevaoa hy pa at or, rereption
of members snd semmsntoai Baater Suaday
school eerrleee la evening.
St. Psol'S German Eaet Twelfth and Clinton
Streets; A. k ranee, pastor. Confeaaios. 10
a. m.t feetlval eerrire. 10:10 a. m.i eou
aanlon, 11:10 a. ra.; Sunday acbonl, 6: AO a.- m. ;
evening service. 1:80 o'clock; Young People's
Beetlng. Thnreday, S p. a.
St. Johns Penlnenlar avenae snd Kllparrtek
street; C. Ruechen. pestor. Services at 10:46
a. m., Oermaa; 1:30 p. a Eof llah) Suaday
school. :80 a. n. '
Norweeien -48 North Fntirteenlb street; Be.
J. M. Nervlg. pastor. Snnday eerrleee at II
a. a. and l:m p. a.l Snnday erhool, S:4S
a. B.l Yonns People's Mteelon society, Tweed ir
erentnr. with Mrs. L. Haave, log Beat Yam
hill' atreet; Ladlee' Aid society. We4ne-ley
afternoon, with Mrs. L. Pedersea, Eaat Six
teenth snd Going streets. y
- vnrn xrAXorunit.
FirstCorner Bast Tenth aad Sheraaa stresta.
Rev. A. A. Winter. Sunday school, 10 s. a. I
apedal Raster aervlcea, 11 a. m., sermoa hy
Blehop M. F. HeU of Hlfhlasd Park, Illlaola.
Second Parte and Kerby atreetel fte. J.
Roweraox, paetne, Prssehlnf. II a. a., "Chrlefs
Victory, Onr Joy." Pleliop F. W. Dell will
preach st 1:90 p. m.t K. L. 0. B., 1 p. m.
St John's Ivanboe end .Johav streets; Ree.
S. B. McVlckor. Snndar school, 10 a. a.i
prearhlng. II a. m.x J. K. C. B. 1 no p. m.t
S. R. L. C..B.. ISO p. m.l preaching, l.ii
9- m. ,
Ockley Green Rev, t'rhlns, paetor. At
11 a. as. nd 1 SO p. a., sarvlrea: Sonde eehool
rtll preach at 11 a.
Memorial Eaat Clabteenui and Tlbbettst L.
11. Hoover, peatur.' rreerhlug at 11 s. a. end
Bp. m.i Buaday ecbool. 10 a.' a.; Yoana Peo
ple a aieetluf, I p. a.
The riret Spiritual Boclty-A rtleene' hall.
xoiugum ouiKiing, juira atreet. sear Waahlna
tlun, rifty-alnta annlrereery ef modern aplrlt-ualiam.-
all-day meeting; Mm. kernolda ssd
Mr. Rows st 11 s. a.; mncneoa, 13.10 p. a.
1cenm, Is. a. 1 D. and M. club, S p. a.
W. 0. W UalL Eleventh atreet. betweea
rreaninftoa ana Alder, under tbe aeeolcee of
uia Minlitera' and Mediums' Splrltuallel sa
elation. Rev. Dr. Dickey will lecture from
written subjecte from tbs sudlaacs. Services
aemmoncs st T:S0. .
First Engllea Esat Sixth ssd Market streets:
8. A. Blewert, peetor. Baater eerrleee, 10:30
a. a.; Sunday school, 10 s. m. Young People's
nlllance, 6:eo p. a. eealng asrvlre. 1:30
riret Oermaa Corner Tenth and Clay streets
Theodore Bcaaaer. paetor. Sunday school st
:ou a. m.; eermoa, iv:es a. a. aoag eerrloe.
.r p. w. f p. a.
.. OHBISTIAV sontBcx. '
Flrat Charch sf Christ, Scientist Scottish
Sue eeioearel, Murneoa and Lewnadala streets,
ervtcee at 11 a. a. and S S. m eub)eet.
"L'nreellty" Snnday aehool et cloee ef Baornlng
ssrvlce. Wedneeday svenmg, S o'clock.
Second Church sf Chrlet, - Scientist Blka
temple. Stark aad Seventh streets. Suaday
a, e. ee. aaa p. m BObieet.
"Unreality"; Sunday acsovi, 11 a. a. Wednes
day meeting, S p. as. g
Chsrch ef tba Strangere Waaes atreet ssd
Oread; Bev. S. Berl I0 Sola. Morales
service, 10 eg e'cloek. with esraeea; Sssdaj
school. 13 a. 1 seraon. T :SO p, bl.
yirt BUtS and Montgoaasry atreetai Bev.
A. W. Wlleoa. Moralng eermoa. 10 iM a. a.l
Sanday scbeel, IS a. ; aeraoa, 1:10 p as.
Pint Beat Flfteeath "Aad Meerama etreeta 1
Be. H. a Shaffer. Bible school et 10 s. a I
eermon st 11 a. a.t sermon at fiSV a. a. it.
P. 17 a B . 1 a, m. . , 7 '
Badleel Sixth aad Wechanle staaatsi Re. CL
P. Bleachard. Snnday seheol, 10 a, a.l eel man
11 a. a. aad 1J0 p. a.
Ohurcb ef Our rather Oomer sf Yamhm ssd
Seven tk atreetel Re r. W. Q. Eliet Jr.. Bhla
ter; Bev. T. L. Eliot, D. D., mloletee emerltua.
Servieas st It. a.,Ths City of OoeT'i chrle
tenlns eervtcee at 10:16 a. a.l eoaaanlon end
ptkm ef new mew be re et 11 a. Sunday
' ' irlrrrzasAUBT. ' i :
Charch ef the Good Tldlnce Eaet Coach aad
Eaat Elfhtb etreeta: Bev. J. D. Corby, male
tea. Suaday - school, -13 a. I Beater eerrleee,
0 48 a. a., followed by eoaaanlea tad ssr
njon. "The Power ef the Reeurrerttoa."
cmsTiAjr An anssioBART aixiabce.
Tbs ChrUtlaa aad Mhaloaary Alllenee Sixth
snd Mala atreets; Re.. 0. D. Sew telle.- super
intendent. Preaching st 10:10 a. a.l Sunday
ecbool. 13:11 p. a. Yesng People'a aervlce al
p. a.
t. m. a a. . . -
Fourth sad Yamhill etreeta. gnec.,1
trsl concert at S p. a.; solotata. Harry Psraona
and Mr. May Dearbora-Scbwab. - Dr. I. - D.
Driver will lecture at 4 p. m. ea the "Orlgta
of ErlL" AU ass ara livlted.
First 111 M Seenod atreet Foresters'
US. BJ. n. M
Howre. Susday school.
10 a. a.:
Bpwarth Leerue, g:B0 p. a. preachlag. It
a. m. ana i :au p. m. irr. w. r. Murray, secre
tary board et charch sxtsnaloa, wlU preach.
Ftret GermanTenth and SVark Btreem; Rev.
O. Hefner. Servlcen at 10:46 a, as. and S
p. m-t Y. P. 10,1,1 p. a.) Sunday acbeol.
3:30 a. la. . . ,. , .
New Church Society Eleventh " aad Alder
streets; Re. Hlretn Yroomsa. Bereirea at
11 a, a.; Snnday school. 10 s. a.t eve nine lec
ture, g p. m., ''The True Conception sf Sod."
Hsn JOl.- AHsky- baudtngx-T. - Mr Ktnerd,
pastor.. Servleea at 11 a. m.i H. B. Martin,
moat eel director Saadsy aeheol, 13 a.
Ball 400 Auekv bulMlngt Third aad Merrtoosu
services s ai:sw a. - m. as J
ecbool, 10 a. sa. ,
P. sa. 1 gsadsj
Bast B-rerett snd Bkrveath atreefs. Suaday,
1:H -p-a "Lomnlaen va. Individualism."
Elder O. A. Snyder. . .
-tiO- A- B- ell. aortfaeast ssrssr Second
and aeorrfsos streets. Sorvtces st S:SS p. m.,
eubjeet, "Scriptural Bssuiisctlea." .
(ConUnoed from Pag Tsn.)
th rud art of th Catacombs th Ba
urrectlen Is reverently treated moat f
th pagan customs and traditions sur
vived until th close of th Middle Ages
and many of tham ara still with ua
Th gaudy Esstsr egg la a rello of tbu
old Teutonto festival la honor of Oatara,
or East re, tha goddea of aprtng. who
has aver given th Chrlatlan festival
her nam, Tha oviparous Bunny of th
festival, who Is assumsd to be reepon
alble for th supply of decorated sad
Indigestible egga also hag crossatl th
German ocean.
Kindling "Easter fires to drive off
vll spirits and dipping "Eaatsr water"
from running brooks at midnight, which
was supposed to be endowed with mi
raculous powers, ara customs that hav
not com down to us. but man know
th poetla superstition that th sun
dances on Easter morning, aa anyone
can so who gete up early enough.
"Early enough," mlhd you I
We hav not adopted th Easter tree.
like th Christmas trea, nor th Eaater
dancea of orceoa, nor th Eaater kisses
of Russia, nor th Fldlowatchka feetivel
of tha Csechs in Prague, which la cele
brated In honor of aa emperor who
learned th shoemaker's trad, and
seem a to hav no cloaar connection with
Eaater than the "Emmaus pilgrimage aj"
people formerly made on Raster morn
ing, walking onward until they had
Frank Phe'pe
Every day, and we are ready to take you out to see the property. We do not ask
you to see it. If you wish to buy, all right; if not, your friends may. ,
And let us call at your address, get you, show you the property, then return you to your home.
, , . .. ...... . . ..-,. .. .
: Carline will be running in about 60 days. Let us hear from you.
BssBBBOTBsnamBsaa-- , , r - , , .
' v a
paased three croaaea, which certainty
waa a good thing for th shoemakers.
Slowly we hav stripped the festival
of Its pagan trimmings, and It has coma
mom-m I EXCHANGE 30 I phone
You satiified with. your, present. -
mode, of .living, but you will not be if
'once you take a few minutes and ride,
. ; out "to Rose City' Park. ' There is 'not' a
: more delightful residence district in the
Northwest than! there.' The conven-'
iences are not to be excelled in any part
of the city of Portland. . The. streets are
"7Tbelnggradcdrand-every '-oneivill r-be-,
) parked. ., ? The water, mains will be laid
at once. - The streetcar tracks are being
laid and will be.
perhaps before
-other, improvement, including- all ; -the
natural advantages that man or, woman
could desire, are at hand: ' In spite of all"
these reasons' why you should own a ,
home of your own hvRose City Park, ;
there is the additional advantage of low
price, .You canpurchase a lot .there ;
now for $400 to $600 on the easiest kind .
; of termsWhen again Easter day rolls
around you will see Rose City Park built
up with better homes than are to, be found t
4n any other oart of the city. There
will be schools, churches and fine homes."
Better . look after it now and save and '
make money by doing so. , ;-: I
Bankers - Chamber oi Commerce
to be a real holy day, aa reflected in
th beautiful oaavaasas of modern man
ure, filled with poetry and light -'
completed by June 1,
that time. I And evenr
Fir Commissioner "Wans f Boston
rsoantly granted the feaast nplor4 en
th fir alarm system th sight Soup
you to purchase; we want
v . ; vY
at 1 a. bm A. L, ft B. at 10 p. aa. ,, 1