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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (March 30, 1907)
A STIRRING - " little Ad in THE Erbgs; Results. Costs Paly One Cent a Word. Ths Weather- Showers tonight snd". Sunday; southerly winds. VOL. VL NO. . 22. B CITY toyica Everything Is Now at Stake in the Big Campaign for New - puilding Flind- -- Several Large Subscriptions Come in, but More Must Be Reported Before Midnight To day or Conditional Pledges Will Become Worthless. I n rin in TO 1 FOR P The report of the T. M. C. A. aollclt Ins commltteea ati noon today ahowed that f 11.411 had been ralaad during tha - paat ii houra, leaving approximately tit. 100 to ba ralaad between noon and midnight tonight. If thla aura la not plmlRud by the above named hour tha whole of tha $150,000 will be lost, ac ' cording to tha agreement entered Into with the aubacrlbera. ... . ; V Tha largest e Ingle aubacrlptlon made "during the morning wee - that -f -tha . Home Telephone company, which ralaad lta donation from 1200 to 1700. Several other autaciipttona of 1100 ware re ceived, but moat of tha money was ae cured, tn email same. If tha full : amount -tnaa-.u-fcr midnight the rommltteea will have gathered 10,000 . during tha week. . . ' Solicitors Vadlsmeyed. 't 1 . Nobody knows how but everybody connected with tha T. M. C A. Every Iwxly Glvea campaign la aura that iv tween noon and midnight today tha laat dollar of 128,000 that waa lacking thla . morning will ba secured. Everybody haa been giving today.- Eight htgn , school boya wh- work during summer ' vacatlona to seccre money for fall and ' winter aohool tarma raleed 1100 among themaelvte, tha boy leaders of tha a- . aoclatlon gymnaalum claasee gave 150 and a few. working boya employed In the big atorea, gave from their acanty wagea 1100 mora. It haa been thla aort 6f giving that ' today eonvinoed the leadera that soms- ' how tha -noney would eoma and that ' the entire public of tha city would not let the campaign die in the ditch t midnight tonight. ' . Work Late Tonight. . At the noon meeting today, tha name of every Arm tn town was called ont, committeemen were -ax Iced if tha Ann had been eeen. how much it had given and what was tha hope of securing a . larger donation. When an omlaelon waa , discovered men were aaalgned to aee the . persons who had ao far aacapad and other men were given territory that bad not been thoroughly gleaned. (Continued on page Two.) Funnier Than Ever I Ha! Hal Hal -run what Yotn.ii bat , about tohouowv 81 st laat geta even with Maud! Happy Hooligan starts onoa moral Karl of Bourfae stops elopement! Short Charlie secures revenge! Special Easter llumber . When all tha world awakes. All about Easter customs. , Eaatar and tha paaeover. ' - Origin of Easter agga and rabbits. . How Easter eggs became colored. Congreas - of governors to saaa friction between . stats rights snd federal control. , , - , . 4 Chicago's Ideal of - Beauty Tha winner of beauty contest what it haa meant to her. The animal that Uvea on ellver thaw. ' England's war upon house of lords. Humorous graft bugologtoal talk with Lincoln Staff ana. ' Btory of a new labor anion tha I. W. w. - ' ' Tha valet who loves a banker's wife. ' t Women - who excel in games snd sports, ' What is tha money value of a kteef National irrigation snd its- chief. AH theae and much mora In WE PEERLESS SUNDAY JOURNAL J nen there ia delightful melody In honor of tha none .or toll, the Army of Peace, In our mualo sup plement. .., , . . SONG ENTITLED "THE ARMY. OF PEACE" IN SUNDAY'S MUSIC SUPPLEI IIu I - JOURNAL I OF SIIEIZ IS Michigan- Hardwood Men Pay $1,300,000 for Tract in Lincoln - and Polk One Member , of Firm, ' W. W. Mitchell, Is Probably Largest Manufacturer of Maple Floor ing ' in the United States Sale Shows Regard for State. One of the largest timber land sales In the hlatory of ths stats was oonsum mated today In the purchase of tract of fir. sprues, hemlock snd cedar in the Sllets basin. Polk snd Lincoln counties. by Cobba Mitchell of Cadillac. Mich igan. Tha pries paid was about U.KlO.000. r . ' With purckaaea mads and claims now under option, Cobbe A Mitchell will be mmr am net s of "approximately X.XXX)- to 15.000 seres of timber lands in ths Sllets region, at s cost said to be In the neigh borhood of 45 cents stumpage. For soma time they have bees operating in ths district with erulaers, snd had purchaaed or optioned several hundred clalme." T6 aolldlfy their holdings they have now purchaaed . tha large tract i known as ths Chapman tract, -owned by Mitchell A MoClure of Saginaw. Mich.: aleo tha holdings of the Liana' County Lumber company snd, Henry Hewitt. . . tatsrsstsd In Sard Wood. The ssls snd cruiss were made by J. IX Lsxey A Co. of Chicago and Kew Orleans, who have .recently eatablished Portland headquarters lu the Chambor Of Commerce building. W. W Mitchell of Cadillac came to Portland a week ago and was met her by Viotor Thrane. of tha Lacey company, who cams from Chicago to cloae ths desL The trans action is ons that haa consldersbls in tercet for timber owners on tha eoaat. aa. it 'is snother evidence of ths high degree of confidence thst eastern in veetore have In Oregon timber at s time when there is considerable discus sion of money stringencies snd Wall atreet fluniea. . . W. W. Mitchell is probably ths larg est manufacturer of maple flooring in ths United States. Ha is a member of the flrraa of Cobbs A . Mitchell and Mitchell Brothers, Ino, snd other en terprises in Michigan. Ha and his av acetates are Interested In mors hard' wood 14nds 1han any other firm In ths country. v A hardwood lumber mill operated by him In Michigan la said to be generally accepted among - manufaoturera as s model of sconomlo operation. This mill takes cere sf ths entire tree. . Every limb that will make a board is worked up. Ths wast Is put through retorts snd reduced to charcoal, and even the smoks la paaaed through a chemical process that reduces It to a bl-product. thua twlcs utilising ths hardwood saw dust fuel that feeda flrea under boilers snd tn retorts. He slno operates an Iron furnace, where tha charcoal product of hia lumber mill la utilised. HUSBAND'S BLOOD SAVES HER LIFE By Remarkable Surgical Opera tion Two Quarts of Blood Is . Pumped From Man's Arm . Into Dying Wife's Veins. (Joarael Mpeetal "rrlre.y Phlladelphla. March 10 Ths life of Mrs. Peter-1 Anderson, -who - wss - dying from anaemia, has been aaved by a remarkable aurgical operation. In which her huaband's blood waa pumped direct from hla arteries Into her veins. Ths woman, who was in ths death coma at tha time of ths operation. Is on the road to recovery, and ths husband. though week from ths loss of a large quantity of blood, will soon be restored to his normal condition. ' Tha operation waa the second of Its kind which haa been performed in thla country. Anderson and hla wife war placed on tha operating table together. An artery in Anderson's left arm wss severed, one. end being cloeed by "s ligature snd the other end. Reading from the heart, waw drawn out and Inserted In vein , whtoh wss opened In Mrs. Anderson's arm. - Fully two qiiarte of tha healthy blood of the man waa pumped Into the velna of the wife. . She rallied at once and rapidly gained in strength. Both pa tients are doing well sad will be ready soon to return horn. Ml PURCHASED PORTLAND, OREGON; SATURDAY 00 EY Mrs. L Jong,- Who Will Tskt) nOOSE MAY HOT TIGHTEN OH HIM ' t, ., ' . - Carrrtz' Attorney Asks Judge I Sears to Appoint Sanity .Jury, : and Decision Will - Be - Ren dered on This Point Monday. Thai. Peter Oarrtts will ssosp ths gallows st ths atate penitentiary waa th general belief of parsons who heard ths arguments on tha motion presented by Garrlts attorney, John r. Watte, before Judge Beara. in tha atate circuit court thla morning, la which the court waa saked to allow ths prisoner to withdraw his piss of not guilty aad to appoint a Jury to examine into the prisoner's sanity. . ..,. Although Judgs Sears withheld-his decision until Monday, ths general ver dict of those sttendlng court was that a jury would be appointed that would undoubtedly, find Garrlts Insane. To support ths legal contentiona raised in behalf of Oarrlts, tha affidavits of sev eral prominent physicians wars read In court this morning In which ths sub stance was thst Oarrlts is Insane and Incapable of aiding bis attorney In de fending his case. , ' . Adams Against It, "... Assistant Diatriot -Attorney Adams argued that the court had no authority to appoint: a Jury to oxamina Into Gar rlta Insanity, but that such matters were In tha. sols Jurisdiction of - ths county court Assistant District Attor ney Adama referred to th Thaw case, citing ths fact that stats statutes pro vide for ths sailing of Insanity Jurlaa by tha court and - that even then eueh decision Is left to the discretion of ths court. , - . - - , : Qarrlts was In ths courtroom during the hearing -and aat aa-he haa done ever alnce hla arreat sullen, passive and never lifting his syee or paying the slightest heed' apparently, to what la going on ground hlm.- Oarrits slater was tnths courtroom while ths sttorneys were engaged tn a preliminary ektrtnlah ' that will deter mine her brother'e fate, and - bar eobe atteated to her concern for the family honor more than her brother's stolid in difference. She waa accompanied by two girl frienda who aat with her. Althou-h Garrlts knsw that his at star waa la tha courtroom, he pe Id no at tention to her and, aa he walked out to return to the - county Jail, did not look et her. deaplte the earnest gase ahs turned upon him to sttraot his at tention. . . ' 1 SETTLED STRIKE FOR A BRIBE New Turn: Given to San Francisco Graft Inquiry Indictments Ex pected for Home Telephone Officials' TodayLast Witnesses - in Case Appear Before Grand Jury . (Joerasl Special Service.) - Ban Franclaoo, Marco 10Aa en tirely new engle to the investigation of tha San .Francisco grafters under ths direction of Francis J. Heney and Dis trict Attorney Langdon, wna aprung this morning when the Information waa paaaed to Heney that A labor leader, who la now holding office nnder 8c him ta had accepted a bribe In return for set tling a strike.- The matter will be placed before the grand Jury aa soon aa the telephone bribery Inveattgatlon la concluded, and the erring leader of labor will be thoroughly Investigated. , ' ' Xadlotmsats Today. , '' ' When the grand Jury convenes this afternoon. It will have laid before It the laat of ths evidence neceaaary for. returning an additional Indictment in tha Home Telephone ecSndaL Offlclala of (the three banka In which Ruef la believed to have made heavy depoalta, followed, sooa after- by heavy with EVENING, MARCH 30, 1907, MIDNIGH Hsr Children to Chins for a Visit. WITH BIG FLOCK Mrs. Lee Jong Wants to Make CertaJn-AILoiJHecLEIghtXhil- dren Will .Be Admitted When They Return to America. I am aa Amerleaa and was bora In California. I do not belong to China," That waa Mra. Lea Jongs proud an ewer when 'Judge Seneca Smith asked her yestsrdsy if shs were a Chlneee. - Mra Lee Jong, with her brood of 10 gathered about her, la preparing to leave for China next month to settle up her hueband's -vast estate, and ths strict regulations concerning the depor tation of Chlneae makea It neceaaary to have the paaaporta and the deacrlptlon of each child absolutely correct. : Mra Lee Jong, who expects to embark with her family for a month on the ocean. Is harasaed with the fear that shs will loss hsr memory for datalla when ahs leaves ths ship' and the ocean and lta sicknsss, and by a little slip may condemn some of her children to remain forever ba China.' Aad Mra. Lee Jong,: being an Amerleaa and all hsr children being Americana, can Imagine ao more unkind fate, "We Are Amerloaaa."1 That la my huaband's country, not mine, and their waya are not oura. We have a beautiful home there and wa could live there but we do not want to. We are Americana' aad ws love our country The children emtio wistfully when the Journey ta mentioned and aay that they do not want to go to China but they want to go with their mother. ' They are a bria-nt-eyed, amillng and peaceful family. The oldeat ' son, Lee Bin Goon. 11 yeare old, la in China, sent. there when a boy at the wish of his father, snd his rat her" a representa tive there. Lee Quoa Tel, It yeare old, haa been there too, and he retalna the Chlneae mode of dreea, but be does aot wish to go thsrs to live. Lee Quong Ton., the next child, rebels openly. Hs Is a student at Hill Military academy, for It Is ths mother's pride to educate her children well, and he wtahas to remain aa American always. With his curly black hair, cut Amerleaa fashion, and In his aeat American clothea. he doee not muoh resemble a full-blooded Chinese, end hs rejects their cuetome. When the wealthy Lee Jong, retired merchant, died laat September - this eon . (Continued on- Page Two.) drawals, soma tlms after ' the trolley and telephone franchises were granted, will be examined. Edwin Earl and Johnson Hainea of Loa Angelas, heavy atockholders In ths Horns company, will also be examined. Heney will aak them what thay know about eending the "eack" to Saa . Fran cisco a few days after ths fir. . Afraid s Bestga. There Is little danger of tha super visors resigning as Schmlts requeatetl them to do. They ere afraid of Heney'a big atlck and will remain la office throughout the termo to which they were elected if Heney says ths word. As Rears trial spproaches be le be ginning to loa eome of hla neochaJence. He la also downcast by Delmaa refusal to come Into t..e case. Both eldes, it le believed, will be ready to proceed with the trial Tuesday. The report that one of the counsel for Schmlts had a gal a made overtures for Immunity ANXIOUS MOTHER TWO SECTIONS-TWENTY - ',,t Picture Shows ths Fathsr, Now Dead. DARTS HIT OLD AND YOUNG ALIKE Freak Statistics of the Cupid Counter.attha Courthouse- Same Number of Licenses In March of Two Years. .That Cupid ia a very impartial fellow was shown todsy when ths .record for marriage licenaes for March was com pared with - March, 10. and it was found that In both years ho had shot his love darts Into ths hearta of 110 happy couples. To further ahow hla Impartiality, Cupid evened up the month of February In the paat two yeara whan ne paired orr 118 oouplea In each year. . That the little love-god waa not dis posed to show favoritism toward ths young people, he epent his arrows upon people of all agaa. Tbla was attested In- tha sges given by Newton Jones, aged S years, of Central la, Washington, who was granted a license March 17, to marry Lucinda , J. Baylor, . aged (0 years. - Youngsters Also. - While this wss ths oldest couple granted a license laat month, tha youngeet couple was Louis L. -Ashlock, yeara, and Lillian L. Albera, aged 1. They were granted a license March S, and the young man'e mother had to give her consent to the marriage before a license was Issued. Strangest of all ths marriage 11 eenaea Issued thla month was ths one In -which the bridegroom waa two and one half timee aa old as his bride. Hs was aleo 10 years older then ths blush ing yonng woman who took him for bet ter er worse. This couple was composed of E. H. Picks rd, . who haa paaaed 10 mljeetonee on the highway of Ufa, while hla bride, Ethel Adams, has seen but 10 eummere. " They were granted a license March If. Yoatbfnl Bride.' ' Although Aahlook was the youngeet bridegroom to eeenre a marriage li cence, there were two young women younger than he to gain the cenaent of their mothera to marry. One of theee was Eva M. Snyder, who was granted- a license to marry Bentley M. Altlser of Caldwell. Idaho. Altlssr gavs his age as 14. while hia bride Is seven, yeare younger. ' Another young woman of IT rummers who was given a marriage lloenas was Beatrice Jane. Her partner through Wfe was named la the license aa E. R. Winkler, aged 11. of Clifton, Oregon. meets with the naual denial. ITsw Aid t o Grafters. A new mesne of attempting to block the work- of the proeeoutloa has been made by the people who have been ex posed by the graft and bribery disclos ures. The lateat method of hindering tne prosecution or the booalera eon alata In an attempt to wreak revenge on thoee who have contributed to the fund for the prosecution by attacking the banks of the city and creating a panic Anonymous circulars have been sent to all bankera and financial leaders In the city, purporting to eome from the secretary of the Fraternal organisation, and atatlng: "Aa thlnga now stsnd In this city, the eavtnge of wldowa and orphana and the eecurltlea of our banks are In J"i ardy, caused by ths threat of Win dis trict attorney and grand Jury to cn..i (Continued oa Page Fifteen.) Yesterday Was PAGES. PRICE. TWO itinTinn nrrrno ni nnn i i aiui : n.i.1. i l. l V til ll . REWARD FOR CAPTURE N. W. Rountree Hopes Thus to Stimulate Seach for Thug Who Beat Wife and Forced Her to Hand Over Diamond Earrings. She -Whispers - Description - of Muf derer to Her. Husband v - - One thousand dollars reward we s of fered this morning by N. W. Rountree for the arreat or tor Information lead ing to. the arrest and conviction of ths houss-breakar who. after "nrobblngr his wife at her diamond ssr rings at ths family-residence. 8 Ella .: etreet. . last Tuesday evening, struck her over the head with the butt of a revolver and then choked and beat the .helpless woman,,.. Am It.v. fi.i4 alnce tha brutal assault on hla wife. Mr. Roun tree has grown more anxious to bring ths murderous aaaallant to juauoe, ana the fact that ao far no tangible dews have been found by ths police -la re sponsible for the Increase In the reward to 11,000 which waa made thla morning. WULJfrtXsB.laAaas .on, Tm In hopes that by doing thla there will be more oeverminea raun ,k f th. anthorltlea to hunt iv. ,.,,v, aald. "Bo far aa money Is concerned. It la Immaterial what It coata If that fellow can be brought to bay. - During the past few days I have been visited by doaens of ths best clUsens in roruano m "-' " to ths matter, and I have only this to eay, that if the aaaallant ta caught and he happens to fall In the banda of my eelf and my frienda before the police take him ta charge, It will aot be well with him." ' ... .Mr. Rountree eaid Be would post the notice of the sdditlonal reward tomoi- 1- mr,A would HOtlfV tllO PO- lloe BUthoritles of Ws action thla after- OOO&W Victim Zs Beooewrlaf. . -. r i. .tin MAnflned to her '. aare. wmmv, . . bed st her home. She le being attend ed oonatantly by a nurse ana ine m n. .k..i.i.. rr Jajnea Bell, but her recovery la alow and It will be many weeke oerore an iuuy r-.-,-the brutal beating admlnlatered her. m. ..... i. .till wrannad In as deep mystery as the day followlngVthe rob bery. Mrs. Kountre yeeieruy -day with effort was sbls -to give In a ki.n.. . 4..i4ntloa of the man who entered her room soon after aha had retired, but the ponce aumonues p- .! ... .. Mtmnletelv baffled aa they were at the time of the Dr. John- CLAIM TRAINMEN LOOTED CORPSES Startling Charges of Robbing Bodies of Those Killed in Colton Disaster Made Against Employes of Santa Fe. (Joe rail pwfs! IWvlee.1 Bakersneld. CaL. March 10. Startling charges of looting ths bodies of ths desd snd dying at tha Colton dlaaster have been made against southern pa cific trainmen b J. E. Maysr, electri cian of The Fl drance Roberts com pany. ) "The looters were ea nana eeny azrer the rescue work started." said Mayer today. They tried to blame It en the Italians tn the emigrant cars, but It waa not the Italian a that did It." The looters were Americana, who appeared to be Southern Pactno trainman. "When I wae pinned helpleae under the wrecked baggage car, I aaw them taking money and valuables out st the pockets of the dead and dying beside ma. ' If I had been free and had a gun I could have done eomethlng to stop It. but as it was I was helpless.' Ths ghouls took rings and ether Jewelry from the dead while the bodlea were etill warm, and they did It la more than one caeo." ... Mayer's story Is confirmed by B. T. Uiroux. manager of the company, snd by eeveral others who wore In the sum predicament, who are, . however, nit able to aay positively that the thieve were trainmen, AD agree that tha loet ere were Americana, who were on hand almost Immediately after- the dleaatnr. Although the exact extent of the casualties In Thuradaye wreck la un certain it appears today that the num ber of vlctlme may reaoh 10. In check ing, up the Hat of Italian ImmUrania there have been found 10 e-jilltolnal alias ing and a number of thee may be dead. According to the iwat Information ol t ilimhlo todnv the known oVnth lint la 3.'. wM i may be luere,in-l during Pie : t t-v ' c!"h of one or more of t!i Journal Circulation 29,206 CENTS. , 2,R1tP0"f33 son murder, snd only theories have bean advanced as to ths probable aaaallant. , Search foa Barrings. ' -Mrs. Rountree is positive In her as sertions - that ths'. mas" wore - a derby hat and a dark suit of clothes, was of; average ., height and well propor tioned. The lower part of hia face waa" smooth shaven, the upper part being ob scured by a black maak. and he spoke in a heavy voice. . ; ' The police stats that they have vis ited all of the pawn ahopa In the city, but have not through this source been able to get trace of the diamond ear rings which were given the burglar by -Mra Rountree when be demanded her ' money. It is not probable, however, that the house-breaker would risk be ing captured by trying to obtain money. In thla manner. j PRESIDENT R00SEVELT; ;i IS REPORTED TO BE ILL . . ' . Journal Special Berrfe. . Washington, Lv C. March 10. It la rumored that the preal- .dent la ill, but this la denied at the White House. He Is aald to be Buffering with indigeatton. He has tax en ' no horseback rldea and haa not played tennis for several days. e " ' T - - - ''w Crank Trie to See Teddy. (Joaraal BpecHI gervlre.) ' Waahlnrtnn. IV CL. M.nK ia r-h.-la A, Riley, who saya hs cams to Wash ington on a freight train, tried to aee the nra.ld.nt tht. m , 1 1 n mr fleers the prealdent had summoned him y wireiess to testuy at a murder trluX. The police are holding Riley tor an. ex amination. , . v ; ' Increase Telegraph Tolls. (Joaraal Special Barvtee.! telegraph rates, amounting la some cssea to an Increase of It per cent wes announced today by ths Western Union to take effect Monday. It Ja aald that the Postal will follow. r V' .'' ' In The Sunday Journal's Great 9pr Beauty Contest The Prizes Are: First $75; Second $5Q Third $25 Help , the S u nda y Journal ' find the most beautiful woman in Ore gon, vy... ;j v Surely ; the f Chicago Tribune must have made a big mistake when it proclaimed Delia Carson of that city as the fairest of American women. The most beautiful of all beautiful Oregon women must be found. Send x photos of all your beautiful friends, barring actresses and professional models. AH photos acccrr.pir.icd by posts v.-ill 1m-"