Tin; cr.zccn daily journal Portland. Friday evening, march 3. 1007. TEDDY'S ACTIOH I BtllllGS CRITICISE ' Frlend$ of President Disgusted ?: " at His GrMin. of State y. Legislation, y , AT LAST THROW OFF .a RAILROAD DOMINATION Popular . Revolt ; Against Trust ForcM Bolona to Act in People's Interest Only to Be Severely Ar raigned by Roosevelt, i - a By John B. Lathrop. j' ' (Wasbtaftee Iinh ot Tbe Joarsel.) ' I v Washington, March !. Many friends j s of the president are criticising Jhlro ' se- 1 merely for apparently giving ofllolal j 'voucher of b Is' Sympathy with the rail- I road presidents attack on stats legle. ' Jstlon regulating ooramoa carriers. They "ftloa " problemahaII have "been "worked 'out. It may . be necessary to' assign to : the federal government regulative pow ; ers even larger than those now eoneeded to be legal and constitutional.. But, ; now - that the state legislatures have freed 'themselves of railroad -domination for the first time In a generation, .and when most people are rejoicing In the wonderful victory whloh has been won. suddenly come the financiers with a propaganda which the president seems to Indorse that legislatures should not attempt te regulate ralroada or steam boat lines. 1 .-, ,- r Mates Throw off Yoke. "One ef the chief evils of fatter years , has been the degree . ef subserviency with 'whloh legislatures have done the 'will of the transportation Interests. It there has bees a state In the wast which has not had a railroad lobby framing legislation and electing United States senators and debauching representatives Of the people, well-informed men have i overlooked It and would like te be .shown where that commonwealth la Agitation went en until, apparently, the esse was hopeless. Legislatures : re mained under the dominance of the .transportation lobbies; and the people Buffered. '. "At last the thrall was broken, and this year ' especially several legislative assemblies proved that ths long-looked- for liberation had been eooompllsheo. It was a time for Jubilation. . Tet there are reasons te believe that 'the president, preeminently today leader . of the reform forces of the nation, pur- . poses te slap tve state legislators In ,the face and encourage, them to say: 'wnara the user . x ,, . ."'Slay at fcettelataree. ; "It seems to me that this Is a time te throw one's bat Into ths atr. . I have Ibeen watching the signs of the times -and have regarded the freeing ef state legtslattrrea in so "many, Instances from ' the thralldotB - of railroad lobbyists as "about ths best sign of them all. I deep ly regret that .the president baa permit ted the Impression te go out unoor- rooted. If It' be incorrect, -er at sit. if It be true, that he wants te discourage state legislation entirely at this time. -Of course, Inlstakea will be made. Of .- I course, law will be enacted which will ' "have to be amended, er. In some oases, ' ' repealed. But In the nameef good gov r (eminent what sense te there In slapping j which we have een depending to win this victory T I distinctly don't like If v The men who spoke ths above ta so id voted a follower of President Boose ett that today ho la virtually alvlne t . all his Income an 4 time to carrying out I - ..the president's plans through the dlum of an organisation regarded aa one I . of the most potent In the nation. . ! - V LADIES' NIGHT TONIGHT . oaks Rating Blah-Store Stasia ta k . - ... . Ooeplee. This will be ladles' night at the Oaks Tin ane a special nuraoer 01 moim ' ' will be ' skated la couples. Friday Is i .'always a popular night and those not i being able to akate find It a good time . to learn, on Saturday anernoon mere . will be a special matinee for school t .children. Easter Sunday wilt be a great dy at the Oaks, and a whole army of ' janitors are busy dressing the rink up ! . nice and eleaa -for Easter. (leet your i ; friends at the Oaks Sunday, j ' I 'pilgrims flock to 4 v ROME ON HOLY WEEK i 'T tJoeraml Special trrle. ' Rome. March !. Seldom la recent years has holy week found so many foreigners la Rome aa are here at the " present time. - The elty la full ef pil- "grims 'end sightseers ef all nationali ty The number of visitors from .across the Atlantic Is especially large, , and several American bishops are among the number. The various churches are .crowded at all servleee.- ? - Eilers Will Entertain You. S ..'.If you' hava-never given the 'phono, graph subject much attention, you have "missed the treat of your Ufa The oblig ing salesmen at Eilers make It a point - to play any selection called for, and you are Invited ' te drop In tomorrow and listen te some of the new records. Soma of the latest productions are really mar velous In their faithful - reproduction. iThe stock ef records at Eilers Piano 'House Is the largest en me eoast, in- dudes man yutbousand front whloh te choose, and as ths sales are very largo, purchasers are always sure of securing 'new, fresh, nnseratched records, f A small payment down, and a little x each week will put a talking machine In your home at once. All makes, sll i styles, all slsee, But anyway. If not to buy. drop In to listen, and be enter tained. Remember ' the - number, til Washington .; street, corner . f . Park. . Eilers Piano House. Biggest, Busiest and Beat. , The, House of Highest .Quality. ' i : - .... ., - p.--, CLOSE STOCK EXCHANGE, V FOR GOOD FRIDAY U j'.- ' !, - - ' ' f'jnrirnal Biwtial ImlH.) ' ' Chicago, March It. There was a gen sral obeervaace of Good Friday la this eltyV Servleee were held la a majority of the churches with special ebserv ances of the houra between It and ' o'clock In the afternoon.-. The board of trade and the stock exchange suspended business for the day end only the pro duce market continued aa usual : -. - - 1 '..' ' " - Cardinal MachI Is Dead. - i . ' (JonrtMil Seertsl SrrW. Rome, March I.Cardlnal Maehl. scretary of apostolla brief a died here rf poplv today. He . was born In l i .a l.i li.il. MORIL OENGATIONAL SACRIFICES IN THE GREAT CLOAK ROOM 3PQ If DNE&T: S)QJDUS) ; AltMKIDSlF D'aAEL G Now we are ready for the final price cutting and every gannent has been reduced to figures to make a quick, dean sweep Hundreds and hundredx of the finest and most expensive Women's Suits to go, and all at less than cost of materials alone. 0; - Every Koiv Stylo Eycry Fcihlonoblo Material Blac!r, Colors and Fandcs Utf its completeness; its variety and above all Its startling low prices. All garmanta made for ths highest class trade. inty fitons. the new Cutaways, fonva. Frinca Chao and lacket effeeta. In eoUaa. Panamaa fancw mie.M fetcbinc conceits; air richly aad elegantly trimmed; jackets silk lined, newest pleated skirts, black, colors. to find. Jaunty Eton a, the new Cutaways, Ponya, Prince ripen, noveity overpiaias ana etner letcninc conceits; au rtcniy a all realise at a clanca are worth double and more, and whatever XtYa suit ax position that most be seen to ai ana mucn mora exclusive than you'd the new checks and strlpea, novelty overplalda and and all sues. Sufta youll reausa at a clanca are worth double and more, and whatever von do. aee them 1 Worth ta aw v aw Worth ta -a aa - j Worth I I first, before spending a dollar for Suits elsewhere. Thfes great lots to got three great tMursinsj all the opto .V US np to Ha I -AJ no to - ...i. J $50.00 at VAssl. 130.00 atV JL J JL S $z2J0 at ; finest and best. Suits worth $20X0 and up to 120.00 Choice $10.00 and $ 2.00 Silk V Eton Jackets Made of taffeta i and pean da .a a. . m m m . sots, ma latest styie, isnciiy braldacv su silk lined. Every one cheap at 910 to f 12 1 sryio, isnciiy !$5.98 Tomorrow A sain Another Day of ttie Great $5 SKirt Sale Xnadreds at or ao&ec te tkle grea assortment end the Wrvatma are klggsv taaa ever. TbaSneae of $10.00 Telia Skirts, kanilannia aoye.sy e necked akirla, new kalxUaa swrta, aa well as niaxa aae kaJss, sesgea aaa aMvlota, ta aU colors aaZ klaak. kSM ptaieeel ':'m,mi esiy swap ana nwo enanaee aa remember, every aaa la gaasaateea the naveet ef aeasoa's styles os yoas money seek. . Chotoe. . . . t . . all fail HO, i 8$5 ;.C3 Ladles' $3.00 Silk oi in A 1 Y1 Waists Fancy lace trimmed, LadlesPc- ' Kimonos New spring atyla. Women's Wrappers -Worth up to $1 500 dosen In aU. percales, flannelettes, light and dark i colors, raffia and braid trimmed; aU sises and vsluee I fa up to I1J0. Choice TCUW Ladltsl$3.00 WooI Skirts Good ones, well made, 98c Ladles $5 and $6 Dress Skirts' Black and all color. $2.98 $12.50 Covert Jackets M tawest, latest styles in nobby tan shades, faebionably rail lined and nicely trimmed; every em ps gf I12J0 valus: thafa what they weraV H UX to sell for. Choice PJ(J VMte and Cream Panama Shirts ison's models; $6.49 Just SO of them In several of the prettiest of this season's models; maae 01 excellent quaury ranama, in vmte ana cream only; full plaited. Every one made to aeU at $10.00 ana uz.oa, unoice $1.25 Shirtwaists 59c Hundreds and hundreds of doxena to go; made of wnite ana coiorea Uwns, lacs and embrold trunmea, also openwork and drop stitch tects; au sises; Waists worth up to 115. ; maae ot pure &S9c The Greatest of Easter Ribbon Bargains $1.00 Fancy Ribbons 29c Yd. A 10,000-yard bargain acoop, and Just in time for Easter, too. The widest and finest of fancy Ribbons, Ribbons worth 65e and no to as hifh ss tl a yarn au lumped In one sensational bargain sale at xiff a yard. , . AXX, PURE 3 TO 8 INCHH3 WIDE, The importer's clean-up lots 10,000 yards and more all para SQk Taffetas, in jjresaens, stoman sxnpes, piaiaa ana ngurea eiiecta. ncoesr ana most elegant of color combinations; all i to 8-inch Ribbons, worth op to $1X0. and none positively worth a penny leas than 60c All In one I monster lot at, choice . ODDS AND ENDS LOTS OP FANCY RIBBONS ALL. KINDS , WORTH TO 3So 29S J5c yd - boys' And misses 20c HOSE 9c fast oae ease. SO Seaea ef earlyi ObUorea's 1-1 vtaae fast klaak Koaa, nae fnauty jrara, aeasM aeeia aaa eeea, eprlaa; welgAs, eU ssaesi a keee saves sou aarvaaee suades BOs. Tea erne Say, , , Qr less than aalf prtoei pats ........ ajirorna MMirwuan o m tamvuu DOY5' SANDOW HOSE Taa saat ftaaaklaa; aaaae fee ereaa, SeaWe a eels, eoee aaa Soaale kaeeei an staes S te 10, aad a staadar sae gS . , Jf GREAT 9-CENT SALE Of badtee Base, fast fciaok aad an fan faaa toaed, doable heels aad. oee and seasalaaei eae ef the heat SOe hose saadei , , Or pale . .... . ... . . ........ .......... 7 35y lSlack Hose Tae flaeat ef SSe Xoaa, fast elaak,. aaade ef vara, doable solas eea aaa aiga splleed heels t aavev sold aadet SBe eat "ifp to, the pals ..' A SATURDAY CLEAN-UP of Thbusands of Women's 25cfio50cOddEeISs AH odds and ends and remnant lota marked at away price te clear them. In a days su styles; silks and leathers, plain and fancy buckles; none worth leas than 25c, and np to 50c Choice, 8d each......... Women's New Spring B Tae vse ewumee or au era seesea aeee as est aad Isaehsr Belts, ta plata aad evade effeetet the aissaa-s etrleei alaek aad an eolorsi with the hast shewn elsewheee at TSei rea'u naa taeee as geea. vaoiea. a give- c Ea. elts eeorea hen at 45e. sTew kid aTfeejAsi MVMt of 8 45c Just In 200 Doz. of the Finest Women's Long Kid Gloves $li Pr. Tna season's rreatest bargain. Ladies' 12-button long kid Gloves at 1.08. and every pair cheap at 12 JO; made from soft kid. In black, white and brown i moequetsire finish; all sises; every pair guaranteed and fitted hist aa though you af nn paid regular prices. One day only, pair ........ ..-..leVo Women's Tivo-Qasp Gloves Real kid. with Paris point embroidery, black and all colors; very pair fitted and warranted. - The famous Sovereign brand. A glove sold the world over at IMS; 1 3C aU slsee; rjeJr..i;...,I,...J.;......"..U......e!)IeuD G3 It's the Most Astounding Bargain of the Year Just Think of It Women's Easter Hats One-Third & One-Hali It's a sale that has astounded hundreds, and the crowds that hava thronged this section all day is the best proof that the offers are mora than sensational 800 of the finest and most exquisite trimmed Hats. A noted Fifth avenue maker's surplus sent to us to be disposed of, and every one goes at about the cost of trinv THERE'S A HAT HERE FOR YOU The cleverest and most elegant creations, bewitching beaudea of mallaea, fancy braids, plumes, ribbons. lacea, etc, aa well sg many of tna mucn wanted Flower Hats, large and small shapes, ana Including 31 reel Paris patterns, aU that are left after today's rush. But coma and see them; that's the best way to realise tna importance ot una oner, ana remember, every one goes at one-uura ana one-nan price. SI $7 CrtU ftQ $8 y.yu r3 20c VILSTS 9c a thonaaad mt tlieie onl. mmM goae yem'U pay SOa fee aa good, flae ti ribbed aad pare white, rlbboa aad aveal I aovea soia aaaai a to a saetomaev aseki aevee sold aadee aoo, ajad net O. Ohosae .......... .v see lom woacsars AH aad Trimmed HatSafjoat An$u.ue n no and $15 yy0 Trimmed M W --J Hats, fo at J "t Trimmed 1 Hats, go at U All $20. $25 and See- Trimmed Hats, go at MB an Tnmnveieniir 1c fltlMieAn' Tsiv And w will show s collection of dainty and elegant Children's Headgear that is tuv 1 UlilOrrOW IS iQllliren S fitly surpassed for style and at about half other stores prices. , Olmarea's Xeghera Kaes, U hlaoh wrreatha hy the ' thonaaadi " an c aad waits oar vagalaa : QQ klads, aad every eae epe- A, sh SX4S vataei speelal .OC alaUy ptteeS at TSa Sewn te. I?C I tr aad poke I S400 yards KuU, for trlmmlag onuarea's sate, au ao. io. erei worth BOoj yard OC Muslin Underwear A great sataad lot of allghtty aaaesed amd eoOed gasiaiats, dasaagad dazlaa; the vehaUaV tag. Qewaa, Ohaaalsa, Draaaia. ShJite aad Oorset Covers, heaaMfnny trtsaaaed wtth saae aad eaahfolaaryjt aoao worth leas than , en. Toe aad ap te S140. Ohoioe tvas: rajrerr NECKWEAR sale of XAdlee faaav la the latest styles aad stock f oaadaeiaai of. faete, dainty ao-reltiee te rffeboa aad laea, snaaiMa wna laaor jewaiai au seiere Cft. aad aU the seat SLOOaovelttesi speelal. . !fC Silks and Dress Goods ST-tach ap sake, au eolore aad hlaoh ' AO aad whltai aaa grade yaed ....40f. Tard wide ught Batista, te an the ttght iO. saaaiagei saaae te eau at TSei pass iui St-iBfili ereeM T fiMk mtm . aadee SSe yard... IVC Another Crcat Saturday Sals Groceries at Cut Prices Why pay the exorbitant prices asked bv exclusive dealers when we sell the beat pure food Groceries at s saving of 10 to 25 per cent? ' LAUNDRY TABLE FAJVLOR SOAP SALT - MATCHXS The best Zarga So - gnlse 5o, : 2Cro . :j0CEn? . .0C Beet So Btokea Bloe, pee th. .............. .. " 4 Beat Boned Oats, y Iks. fee .....2K4 Bar. $1S Sold BCedal staple Srrap, gal fOe PXalf gaUoa eaa, worth Tea, fee......... SOf Soo eaa yeaohea, S aaae fee .........SSe lOe paa-. htaraetle Stateh 6f 10a Old Patch maaasee 8e) SOa host Crease cheese, lb 154 So large meaty Vraaea, lb.. 5e) SSe Shredded Ooooaaet, lb 16e lSe Qaaaev anuiaa suoa,,pea7 ........ivf 10e hot. hTaatard.. d j SOe htlaed Taa at.. 344 DOS 144 954 84 84 in. aaetoa s.iini. Saaee 54 Boo huge S-tb. hrlok Codflah : .154 40e boV Salad OU.254 too hot. onvee....244 1M hot. ban m Taailla matraet ...84 SOa Coffee at set Brtpa lao K O- 1 Wheat, phy. ,.... A Store Crowding Offer In the Oreat Clothing: Section Men's $15.00 Spring Suite 98 Suits that' are the best $15.00 worth jrou've ever. seen. Snits that are guaranteed and suits that yowll buy the minute you see them. Choice, $8.98., . : ' , . All the Newest Spring Styles Made. of purs all wool worsteds snd cheviots In this season's best patterns; mixtures, checks snd the nobby over-plaids; single and double-breastsd; best of linings and trim, minga; every one made by expert tailors snd perfect in fit snd fashion; suits made to sell as s special st $15.00, and aa good as exclusive clothiers ask you $18.00 for. One day only, and no longer. ; Special $8.98. ' r . 1 t ,. Mens $30. 935 SPRING suns The finest of custom tailored ft fo ments, and aa per- C-fl ft CA feet as your own , Of fl 9l tailor would ' aak T I " : yen $33 for. Special. Grant Saturday Sale 300 BOYS' $6.00 SUITS srsereu a av in etylaai made of etrlotly all wool hll UK wersteda sad ehevlotsi all faoey pat- O vie tenai all slsea. The aaaae Ideatlaal salts evesv stwss te town asks roa ead WTM forj special Ecistsr Bartlalns In .the ; CROCKEnY BASEMENT JostlSolCieFla eil $11.51 1U- plece Eisner Sets one fVioltl An far that la . one of . the best ever made by this great bargain section. Real Imported English Porcelain ta a beantlfal faaey spray dealga, faaey sdga, lis pleeee te set aad ealy S6.45I sogmiarly this est weald eeet yea SiSJO, sat thU Ittue let ef IS we ptahad ap at a aargate, aad yea a thssa If yea some befese thaTie SJ iF goae aa, ehokw e?U17 Seawe eo-fh CJothee 1 Or xaaae to .......... 14 ..5c SOO Solid Steel Blade Butchers' Knives 13c Aad they are eheap at SSe. Oaly 1 te a amstosaer. largo rag. Se toU , "1. ToUet rapev ......... .S Best IBs vegetable , tf)r Oattara, go at soo boat ist Whisk Or ..., v ao-ft. eaas for Wood Clothes rtaa, S doaaa for IVarge Browale Xaaeh Boaee,' worth I'Jr soa, for sOt, Wood chapptes; Bawls, rea ..rr:...... ..mc Mens' Finest $3.50 to $5.00 Pants at $1.1)8 a Pair And when ws say $3.30 to $3.00 ones, that's what ws mean. Made of best fancy striped snd checked cheviotaand casslmeres; well made; perfectly tailored; all sires vail colors. At this price 'twill pay you to buy s seasons supply now, when, you canget the best $3.30 and 95.00 rants at leas tnan tna ciotn cost..... $1.98 CLEARING OUT ALL THE EA3TER FOOTWEAR !s Fines $3.00 Oxfords $1.98 Women 1 smam smeaal Every pair of our finest $3.00 Oxfords cut to S 1.99; a!l new, this season's goods and cut in the latest and moot approved styles; made of finest pstent calf and kid, plain or tipped, blucher or regular cut, and also the stylish Gibson Ties, large eyelets, newest heels, all strictly high class, dressy footwear; made to sell at $3.00, and ( f f mat s wnat iney are worm: au suee ana widths. Pick 'era out tomor.lt. I UTt FINEST $1.29 For Women's $3.50 HIsh Shoes and Oxfords Boaaae af etytse aad kteda, aa alaaa aad aU widths. les a eae day seat. satJoa. take poae ptok of these gS-Oa aad SSSO valaas at, ' 29 row snd get the beet of $3.00 Easter Oxfords at, pair Women's S4.C9 Dioh Shoes sal OHorts t&ZXZ laelndlag the dressiest pateat loath i j o atos. ch.,r.r!l..:.,.$Z.4o DOTS'. YOUTCS ASD LITTLE ; GLVTS hoes, all send leatherj aaade af beat S 1 i ealf aad vlet kid all elaee aad wldthe. . S All Bvery pats worth SS4M ta SSSOi pats. V ! CIIILDRltri'd Sad SOssee naeas af ftee viol kid. pateat tJpe, an aoMd aad VO te Sa.00 pas. Cheloei laea SHe S, pale'.... 844 Slsea 9H to U. pal....i.fl.OS ...Si.in Stsee 1114 te S. pais S3, 13. SO, $452SHOES $1.98 All sizes; ' sll widths; .11 m& .ita. ........ Over 500 pairs In one large lot, made of dongola kid, vid, box and velour calf, lace and blucher style, heavy English welt soles, low heels, dull tope, English back star: s'l sir snd widths; the finett ef c" a- 1 work shoes, and values up i . ' ', t'l ro in ons great lot t ' . at, choice A Great lOc iSalc Fancy Jcivclry 10.000 piecea' fat all to go; Jewelry worth 23c to 33c, all in one great lot at 104 for choice. ' Handsome Hsvy Cold-Platsd CEAUTY raiS BABY F1SS 17AIST SITS AND lYAIST PISS AH faaey styles, many set with brO- - Maat jawela, doeaas ef styles aad kteda, 1 f a, S aad S te a sot i avoaa worth laaa (I 111. SSe aad ap ta SSe. choiee ...... Now for a Hummerl in ArMmCfflEFS aoottaa lot of the flaeat SOe kerehlefe at lie aaoh eaattoa gooda, thaVa whaS maaaa aaa pnoe aa eaeapt an pare 11a ea. oHWHa wna au aswaaa amasote. arod dastgasi sheer, alegaat SOe aad See STaadkarohlaf a. , choiee ...v............... lie GREAT 98c SfflRT SALE Tfce ttstzs $UI IzJjt- The best Itee of Mae's Braee hlrte te TnmsaS She faaa. eaa Tatse Stats statsa ) CaUae Oe.'a wtrs nuts that yea SLsa Brow veode. beht fa tha Bsstas trade. SCeat alegaat pattavatege aad eolore. All stylsai attaehad ee deatahis eaffe. , Plate aad plaited ef- AQ slsee aad the Ot ef aateed. The SI -so ahrte Chahas Man's SOe Necltwenr lOc aeead day of this gnat sale, an saw gooda, maae eat af the short eada of alike from which the naeat BOs Ties maaoi Tessa, rnnaasaia au sowwo a r avast tha very same yo aee te aU ether I I f aa aoai aneiilal .....S W Mark's 20c Fnncr Hoco lie loo dosaa ta go aad every pare the beat ef sx .a valaas, faaey strlpea aad alee B.k mkreMwM , of f eota, aU eolora, fall seamleea, aad host ef t - gredeai pate " ' Men's 01.5O Dr-i C Mm' fttts -14 s.b4 lwKKvhis T'-. - ' 1 titrta, rfTri mi4 sffld, rtry pe-Jf wrmu!4j I- 1 i