THE OREGON ' DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND. FRIDAY EVENING. MARCH S3. ltZ7. , 12 1 7! oregoh niiis TWO DEBATES Affirmative Tsam It Winner at Eugn and Negativ Tam V ",:,.-'". at Moscow. YES! Golnf out of business. Groceries at lets than coat. A $4,000 stock of Groceries must b sold before APRIL 2a Sal berlna Sat urday moraine, March 30. at 10 o'clock. Our stock is all new and fully guaranteed. ' Free delivery while our teams art not sold. Special price in dosen and csm lots. NEGRO SHOULD AND .. 1 ; i SHOULD NOT VOTE v V."- " ' : w , FiftMBth Amradmeot oa Trial Jd -Orvcoa't ' RarcelJ Champion i" Establish Both Sides f th Case - Idaho Ptfcwta Washington. ;" " -' " ' V "V .'.'I .... .. .'-1";V-' v.,! (fliwelal Dtepatt to Tee Joaresl) . Eugene. Or.. March !. Tha Pnl Vralty of Oregon debating teem Wo from the turn of tha University e( Washington here laat night, arguing- the question whether tha fifteenth amend ment and ths aeoond section of the four- 1 tenth amendmenr of "Wis federal -eon-' atitiuioa should ba abolished. Tha Oregon speakers aumdthe affirmative and won a eomplata victory . ever their opponent from tha north. . Tha members of tha Oregon team ara: John C Veetoh. John R. lAtourette and Claranca L Whealdon. Tha Waehlng- , ton team waa composed of E. M. Hawea, C W. Hall and W. B. Raamuaaan. . The Judges were Dr. 8. R. Johnson and Judge M. O George of Portland, and J. K. Weatherford of Albany. 4 Tha Waahlngton team proved roemen worthy of Oregon's wit. Every man ta a post-graduate. William Rasmussen, . who lad tha debate for Washington. Is a graduate of Paclflo university and is now ' takir-J post-graduata work at Seattle.- Ha Is a "well-known debater. Charles W. Hall is also an old man In debates, and ha promised his friends to move heaven and aarth to win, for " tinea before ha had gone down to defeat. Ea -.' Havee. tha third colleague of the Waahlngton team, la their student body manager. , ,... ..,,',. Thsj Zs tha Questloa Sebatoa. The fifteenth amendment, tha subject of debate, la aa follows: "Section 1. Tha right of tha ctttsena of tha United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by tha United States or any state on account of race, color or previous condition of servitude. . , "Sac.' Jw Tha congress shall hava power ta n force, by appropriate legis lation, then provisions of this article," - -,- flection -- of the -fourteenth amend Bient reads: "aepreeentatlves shall be apportioned among the several states, according to their respective numbers, counting tha whole o. persona in each state, exclud ing Indiana not taxed.. But when the . right to vote at any election for tha choice of electors for president and vice president of the United 8tatea. rep resentatives In congress, tha executive . and Judicial officers of a state, or the members of the legislature thereof, is denied ta any of tha male Inhabitant of - aocavatata being 11 years of age, and dtlaene of the United States, or In any -way abridged, except for participation In rebellion, or other crime, the basis of representation r therein, 'shall be re duced in the proportion which the num- ' ber of male eltlsen shall bear ta tha whole number of male cttisens SI years of age In such etata ' The Affirmative Team Reached. V J. C Veatcb, son of R. M. Veatch of Cottage Orove, la considered by some as the meat remarkable debater la tha university, for ha is one of tha re markable few who hava mad a de , bating team in his freshman, year. Veach also won tha alumni medal debate laat year. For two year he ha been the leader of the team -which ha beaten "Washington and this year trie again. The Seattle n ewe writers laat year de voted over a column to him alone, part f whloh- was filled artth ueh names as . tb "redheaded demon." ' While Veatch In track work waa never a Kelly or Mooree, ha baa bean a good point win ner for the 'varsity during the laat three years. He la tha owner of a brilliant mind, which he uses In class work a well aa in debate, and during hi resi lience at tha university ha become a very prominent student. He will prob ably go Into newspaper work when 'he graduate In June, for ha ha ability. but a aa a welter and as an artist. J.. R. Xatourette, "Jack.' Oregon' - plucky- and heady -quarterback for the . last four years, is a talker who at time cajoles and at others storm the Judge He la third colleague on tha affirmative this year, and waa a debater on the . same side last year. He live at Oregon : City but will probably go ta Columbia , next year, aa he graduate this year. C X .Whealdon of Shedda, formerly - at Pads university, la tha first fresh- - man to make aa Oregon team slnoe tha time of Veatch and he haa dene that ora tor one batter in team . position, for where Veatch held the position of aeo ond colleague, Whealdon won first In fact, it Is said If he had tha required ' experience ha might have, won the leadership of One team or tha other. Whealdon will probably take up the law as hi profession. .-.. 1 ' -' , ' Sketohes ef Vegatlve Men. -' The records of " the negative team, which debated with Idaho last night, are s follows: " , , 1 .. .'.; , . V. Onlloway. son of Judge Gallo way of McMtnavllle, waa the repre- sentaUya of Oregon In the intercollegi ate association, and won second place ' In his home town this year. He waa also In the same contest last year, se curing a similar placet He was leader - of the negative team, debating at Mot ew against Idaho. Last year he was first colleague oa tha affirmative. Gal loway is a popular man here, being pres ident of the senior class. . He will prob ably take up the law. . .- . . a. H. Bond, a Xne county boy, whose home I on the Sulslaw, Is what - is known aa an "AH A" student, and no whon he won the place of first col : league on the negative team this year It wss r. surprise. Laat year he was a member of the Intersoclety-Kreshman team for the Laureans. Bond is also preparing for .tha law. ,-.-,.. . , , T. R. Townsend is a sophomore from Roaeburg, who won the place of second colleague on the negative trio. ; He is very ambitious - and : with his natural ability, will become a very prominent man before he gradual. Townsend U holding his slm to the law. ' He already holds several office. . :5 t 1 h J Km p.Wkgra ; TEA B "iu:- -!- J A FOLG E R & CO. San Francisco THERE'S A REASON WHY MI( Dalles Diamond Flour Should be in every flour bin. It 1 our, wbelesome and light No doubt bread making hss often made you dis gusted with housekeeping. When yon get . disgusted with "the bread" don't get disgusted with "the cook It Is most likely poor flour that Is the causa Give Dalle Diamond a chance. No more blue day. No longer worry. v- (. Biuii nuvon novu ' Should be In every flour bin. ".' FRESH RANCH EGGS j BEST CREAMERY BUTTER 80cR611 W T 7 HALIBUT . .. . 10c Pound i'-' RAZOR CLAMS 2 Doz.25c Little-Neck Clams, lb. . . ,, , .4 Musseu, lb tXZ.-.i-..;.si Fresh Dressed Chickens, Ducks and Turkeys. COLUMBIA FISH CO. Third and Ankeny.LMain 8. (S'tiD)(I COFFEE TEA SRICES BAKING POWDER. ; .EXTRACTS jusrniGHT CLOSSETfllDEVERS .PORTLAND, ORE VICTORY ALSO AT M0SCOW , .' V, - 4 f Orr(ros Tram Superior to Vetera. , i Drlmicrs tif th Oem State. Rparli Mperrk te The Joeml. " : Moaeow. Idaho. Ilirrli tt. Debating the ianie queatlnn here that was dls t tuvrit st Kvcene'and Seattle. "Re- iIt-hI. Thai the flfleenth amendment- end the saeond section of the four teenth amendment to the eenetltutlo be repealed." the t'nlveralty of Oregon eat anro4 the deelalon over the Uni versity of luahe team, Th teaaaa ware: Oregon, Francis V. Galloway, lease H. Bond and Thomaa R. Townsend; Idaho, Jsmes H. Prasler, Thomaa C. Oallowsy and MoKeen S. Morrow. ; '' . The Judges were Judge Miles Polndes ter and W. H. Wlnflll of Spokane and Rev. T. V. Baer of Moscow. . The Idaho team was mad of veterans snd waa considered a very strong trio. They are men who have taken leading parts In the general activities of their school and they put forth every effort to hold the championship banner. . I f RESULT AT SEATTLE : Idaho Defeat Washington - on ' the , Other Side From Oregon. ; ' Seattle, Wash.. March l By a vote of two to one the decision In the debate between the universities of Waahlng ton and Idaho waa awarded to the CASTORIA '. . - for laCuxU and CMldren. Th KM Yea Hars Alwajj E::t - Baara tha -Elgnatura of Wni Wssmd A Delioullul Treat Awaits the Patrons of fie M wy At First and Aider Streets; On Ihc Corner : Saturday's ftrnncoplai Overtlows Willi Easter Delicacies : Plenty of Laob for Everybody on Saturday Also Choice Veal CHOICE VEAL SAUSAGE ImPounds for . . . . r ; 5" Today's story is a pleasing one intended as a "wee bit" of a surprise to our pub-" lie Fact is, for some time past we've been quietly scouring the Oregon farms ' to obtain an unordinary treat for Portland folks' Easter tables and we've sue- -V:' :.-4 l:eeded splendidly t; :..; y GOT OVER 209 OF TEE CHOICEST 1.IILK-FED 0IIIG0N IAMBS AND iTHE CT0ICEI5T CONVENTION OF YOUNG : WlUATiIETTE VALLEY r.IILK-FED CALVESrF f You ever set eyes on young, plump and tender so tender, ib fact, they bruise : rit y .., . inhandling. "" ., - THE TRUTH IS GOOD ENOUGH" at all times in our advertising and daily 'chat with the people. We wish to state right here that ? " cit None of This ,Lainb or Veal Is Goyernment Inspected Reason" why? fc Too young to admit of it suckling lambs and calves of too ten vder an age to' stand transportation and stalls feed. They're from the mother's, breast tender -tidbits for the Easter tables and PERSONALLY SELECTED by a member of, this firm, Mr. C. C. Wood, for the patrons of the Harry Wood h . r "- Market Note other prices that rule here: ; v v Tnp .... .... .......... .81 Vial for Stew. . ... . ... . . . .8 u I. BEEF - Choice Brisket ....... "....4f Choice llecks to boil ..t-. 4 Choke Stew Meats 4c Fine Kidneys ; . , . ....... .5 Corned Beef . . . . . . . . .'. . . .6 Choice Shoulder Roast: . . . .7 Choice Pot Roast 4 :7c Choice Shoulder Steak . . . . 7 Round Steak ter1 8c Choice Rump Roast. ...... Sf Hamburger Steak .. . . . . . . .8f Loin Steak ............. 10 Sirloin Steak -rr.T77tr:xZVt Small Porterhouse ...12f Fancy Porterhouse ....12 Rib Steak .. v. : CMC Fancy n-.Bone ...... 12a VEAL Delicious Rump Roast. .121 Delicious Leg Roast... 12xit Delicious Rib Roast. . .12lif Juicy Cutlets 12 Veal Shanks, broth........ Gfi Breast of Veal. . . .. . . ... .10 Shoulder Roast-im.u r. 10 f -. PORK Legs of Pork..........l2f Pickle Pork .12 Side Pork ......12 Pork Shoulder ; Roast. ,VZy4 Pork Chops . . .. . , .... .12 N SUNDRIES Brains ... . . '. . . ; . . . . . .. 10 Mixed Sausage ......... 10 Hams .. 17 Breakfast Bacon ......17 Pork Hocks . . . : . . ...... . .8 tt.l flour the rery best..91.00 Olymirfe Flour .......t...f l.OO CerraJlls Flour ............ .&04 35o par. Wheat and Oats....20f SOe jikg.. Cake, and Pastry Flour, Olymplo . ;..15 too pkf.- Panoaka Flour..' Olym pic ....15 .Violet, Wheat and V, Oat. I pkfs. ... 50 Flllsbury-s Tito. pk. ......1B Fprce. t pkg-s. for ... ....... 254 Dr. Price' Food. I pkss. Tor.ZS 30o pk. Wheat Flakea (l-Ib. pkf). . I , for ....,. Ite pks;. T, C B. Ca. Soda Crack er . ; ..20 Teas and Coffees Bariagton Ball Famous Coffee. 6 81 Our 40o J. j M. Coff ......30 Our I0e J. ac M. Coffee 20 Our Ho Coffee 1B All lOo Tea 35 H-lb. can Upton's No. 1 Tea.30 U-lb. can Upton' No. I Tea. 15 llo pk. M. J. B. Bng. Break faat , Tea v 20 All llo and. 0o trade Tsea....20j le pure JeUy. I s1asaa......l8 .tie pur praaerre ......&4 lOoJtotUa Plokle :...104 10a botUe Plokle 5 Balder Catsup. I bottles .....85 Crosse A Bleokwell's OO, ta..60 lie bottle AxaWnla ....64 10 botU Blueln' II lb. 8uar. pure Caae....S1.00 lOS-rb. Bk. Sugar, para Caae.f4.8S Cataned Goods Tomatoes..! can ............. 194 Sugar Corn, 4 cans ....... .....25 Oood Peas, 4 cans ....25 ItHe Pees. I cans 25 llo Peas, I cans ....85 Strlagless Beans, cans ...... .l&4 Table Peaches. I cans '....25 10a Table Peaches 15$ Uo Tat Peaches ............ 204 Royal Club Corn, lie cans..... 10$ Syrxip Log Cabin, 1-gallon can $1.00 Leg Cabin. H-gmlloa oaa.t.,...K5 Log Cabin. ta. .. 85 Log Cabin, pts. .....20$ o--ean,- -galLr Table flynrp. tt40$ tie can, H-aJl., Table, Syrup. .20$ :.. Soas 10 bar Fela N. Soap.......... 404 100 bar Money Back Soap (le) . 93.84 IT bars Money Back Soap 604 P. O. Naphtha Soap 54 iTory Soap, I for ...254 Irory Soap, large els. I for. ...15$ lalsins& Currants 10 pkg. Ralsta. 4 for......... 254 lie pkg. Ralstna. I for ....25$ 11H pkg. Currants, 4 for. ..,..254 I' lb, large Whit Bean 254 I lbs. smail N. Bean 25$ 11 lba. good Rio (not broken). 4 54 II lba bast head Rlea ...T04 I lba Tapioca (llo kind).. ....25$ I pkg 1101 Matches 184 lohl mug's Baking Powder, M-Ot. aan . ..........184 SohlUIng' Baking Powder, 1-Jb. can . 804 1U O SrOOB8 BQVAX&T A OOST. I NOTICEI We wDl havo the store open erenlnrt tin ererythinr Is sold to accommodate thoae people who can't com during the day. One double team and light double wagon; one dngle wagon; on cart! one 1500 Cash Register and two Computing Scales for sale. Store snd fixtures for rent. Wo have already sold meat market. It will stay' " - where h Is. Long lease, cheap rent. '. " 477-479 TVIIXIA1IS AVENUE, two Mocks below Rns3 St ; u PCCXI IAST 488 :: , ' ;:." r- Special Prices for Hotels, fiestiannts & Boarding Houses In Lots feii Cnprd Come and See! it. Loin Steak . . . 1 0c Round Steak . . . 8c ILoast Beef ... 6c Chuck Steak . .; 6c Boil Beef . . rr4c Corn Beef . ;i . . 3c . , STATE M ARICETl 22 1 fUtST PHONE MAIN 1 657 Fresh Ranch Eggs ; : 2 Dozen 45c v Best Creamery Butter 75,f 80 Creamery .. ..65 Dairy Butter ". . . .. . . ... . . ..50f Best Sugar Cured Ham. . . . .17 Breakfast Bacon . . , i . . . . . 18 Cream Brick Cheese, lb. . . . .20 Lirhburger Cheese, each.;. .35 Full Cream Cheese, 2 lbs a. 33 ouoHABOAmnra ..............50$ ' Why pay 80c for. butter when you can get' Oleomargarine that is just as good for 50 f ? J ? Chickens 17c and 20c: La Grande Creamery . 264 YAMHILL ST. Iilaho team here laat night. The-quea-tlon was on the repeal of tha fifteenth amendment to the federal constitution. Who la MetzferT fit yeut ayee for ILOI. Ul SUUi uee, rSMMMXXMMMMMMBMMLBMMMUnUMUMtt Bftf See tha ia,T tee the polatl a the point af a Storet BeMe rood a (That 1 always was a - ties) ; ....-...' ta h point ef ea ! Open for Dusiness tm GROCERIES ' AT - The FLAT IKON BLIILD V ING GROCERY mST AND CLACKAMAS 7 -.. Phone East 33I - " ' TOWNSEND & VAN SCII00NH0VEN .1 Wholesale and Retail Grocers . .. 14 FIRST STREET trndT on Drtees thea yoa wOl see why eat traas has Increased. Ou gaots 1 are ex tu aifaesi easany w. eaa he t mm la any store. ; . rresh maaek Br. do...........2S Beat Oreamary Batter S04 We vet 'eor ' sees from the farmer. batter from the creameries n middle men. ... ' ' Crasa Blaekwell Loeoa Oil. qt...S Croa A Blsekwell Cbow.iH pint. Postum or Flsprun Cereal ...... 20 I eaa aood Peaches or Apricots... xe Standard Tomatoes ..lO I eana Corn, Pea or Stria; Bean. .25 Evaporated Cream, I oans zor io l-Ib. pkr Arm and Rammer Soda. . . B4 Naptha Soap .......... i ... . ..... If bare Baby Elephant soap xof ARM HAMMER SODA BULK. 3 POUNDS 1 lb. English Breakfast Tea....,.2S 1 lb. Gunpowder Tea V ...25 1 saek Best VaUey riour fl.OO 1 sack good Hard Wheat Flour. . ..OO4 I sack Best Hard Wheat Flour (patent) fl.lS I bottle Woroeaterahtre-Sauoe, . I(o else ,...,.. ...10) 1 lb. Whole Nutmegs 864 New Crop Prunes, 7 lb ...26 New White Honey, comb ...... ..IBs) 1-lh. esa Corn Beef n.toi M-lb. can Periled Ham. I (or ......28 . PHONB MAIN ItSS. ' ; East aid dellrtry Tuesday and frlday. ...... lOo rjP TOV WABTT Tata Tmr OBABB Poultry, Fish aiid Oysters ; t Ton can get them at , . G. COVACO & CO. ., ", ONLT . ; They handle this line only and put all their effort ta gle the publl the highest grsde. ' ,. , G.COVACD m naif st. rhoae Btala SSS. Maine, New Hampshire and Vermont are the only remaining northern state which permit faotory work at the age af II years. THE HIGHEST GRADES OFCOFFEE ROASTED IN THE -NORTHWEST. AT YOUR GROCERS. M ywAui I L 1 1 " i laiL S una BEAR IN MIND That the market located at IS! Fourth street, formerly known aa Duke's Market, will from tht day ba known as - 1 The Bay City mmM Mr. Spath I proprietor of the new market and I carrying a full Una of meats, butter and sggs at most reasonable prices. Call us up by phone and your order will be attended1 and delivered to you in tha beat of our ability. - tf you car to give us a trial call up . ,. Or If possible it would be advisable te visit as at tha shop. 111 fourth St a 1 !