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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (March 29, 1907)
DOIJ'T FAIL TO SEND TJO Little At fa THIV JOURNAL Journal Circulation trfags Results Costs, Qsly 29,120 One Cent a Word. ) : Yesterday Was The Waatbar OecMlonal rain to night and Saturday. - " PORTLAND, -' OREGON,' FRIDAY; . EVENING, MARCH 29, 1907. TWENTY PAGES. PRICE TWO CENTS.' ow Tiiui two wrwt VOL. VIV NO. 21. LANDSLIDE WIPES OUT TWO LIVES Fatal Avalanche Buries Workmen on 0.R.&N. Straightening Line Near Latourelle . ..' ' v. ; ! Entire Fore Digging Desperate- ly to- Recover ; Body of C Bozie, Hidden Under Tons of Earth Rotars Body"' Not Dug Oat in Time to Save Him '"' . Two Ursa wara crushed out In a land slide which occurred at 1:10 o'clock - yeaterday afternoon on . nil weet of V atourelle - Falls, where the .- PaolAo Coaat Conatrnotlon -company;' haa a - large force of man at work, cutting down an embankment In ordar to straighten th tracks of th (X B. A N. railroad.'1- - ,---h - ?; O. Bona and X Rotar, wara buried In tha avalaytehe of earth and rock. Ro- ' tar's had ni Mrtmrarad inalde of IB I minutes. . Ha WM atlU breathing whetj taken out of the elide, but-died aobn - afterward. -, Boslo Blood farther under 4 tba overhanging embankment end waa , covered with- many feat af aarth. ' Hla body had not been recovered at noon today, although nearly tha entire force of workman waa enraged In abovellng -,away tba maea ot aoll and rocka. under I- which hla Ufa waa anuffed out. Caaae"wft-cut War-tag.' 1 .'. Tor many, weeke past tha oonstruo- tton company baa been engaged la) mk ! i Ing .flUa and ntUnr" away the high blnf which have Impeded tho laying 1 of a atralght track along tha Colum- : . bin. , a abort time ago a xoroe of work meat waa moved toiLLatourelle Vails, , where tha work of cutting back Into tha huge embankment waa begun -and ! waa wall under way. ' V Boele and Rotar ateod cloaaat to tha bluff yea tarda when tha elide with' : out warning cam down . upon them. , Hundrede of tone of aarth and rock ( cloaed up tha gap In which they wara .standing, apread out to the tracks and cot down tba telephone and' telegraph "TI polea. A weet bound train waa delayed '".-- minutes while tba tracks were being cleared and wire - communication . ; '' not eatabllahed until this morning. on Slea Unconscious. i "' A, soon- aa poaslbla after tba allda. ': the antlra foaoa of workmen waa put to work shoveling tha aarth and rocaa 'In a desperate effort to reach their . ; fellow workmen. Kotare body waa un- i covered within a few minutes, but ha 'I waa unconscious and died without re " gaining hla eensea. Still farther under "' tha Immense body of aarth Ilea Bosle'a body, which It la believed will be ' reached tbla afternoon. I i, Coroner Flnley waa notified of tha ( accident and took an early morning , train . for Letourelle Fall, where be i will hold aa Inquest as aoon aa Bosle'a I ' body ta recovered. Both the dead man i . wara Austrlans without families or ! i . relatlvea la thla country so far aa 1 . known. Tha allda will delay tha work of atralghtenlng tha tracks in tha vi cinity of tha falla for a vera 1 day a CARMEH DRAW i OFF BOYCOTT Striking Streetcar Employes Re i" sclnd " Move Against 'Com ; 7 pany, but Instead Place the Oaks on Unfair List. ) ".; K- r.:--":..-. v. . -is '"-. ; Organised labor of Portland will not Usee a general boycott on tha Portland Railway, Light Power company. At a apeclal meeting held laat night the Carmen's union decided to withdraw Ita petition asking tha Federated Tradee council ta declare tha company and all Its belonginga unfair. . -. Thla action waa taken on tha advice of tha unlon'a attorney, w. n. nouarry, who solnted out tha hardship and uf- ferina- that would naturally folloWfrom an ax tensive boycott. In lieu of tba general boycott, the carmen decided to ask the council ta place a boycott on tba company a reoraatlon grounaa. xne uaka Tl aeant Oommnnloatlom. - - A communication embodying tha changed policy of tho Carmen's union will be presented to tha central body tonight It reaaa aa iouows: Itiarch 'It thla union In an official communication to your body requeated that tha Portland Railway. Light A Power company be placed on tho unfair Hat Thla action was not taken by the Carmen's union until after long and grave conalderation, well knowing that If tha carmen should aak tha trade unions of , tha city of Portland to take this aUo that the same would be granted, and also being fully aware of tha eijOCf sues an ci 07 mir nuu orable body would have upon the busl tiepe industries and the labor movement of th city of Portland. We are fully (ConUnuad on Pi Two.) CASS FACES mm Los Angeles Home.Tel ephdne: Official Told Story to Grand Jury Different Frorh Others . i- Oakland District Attorney Takes ; Up Investigation J and VVill Probe Telephone Franchises There-Heney and Burns Will : Furnish Information.; --.''- ' ' fftaraal BpeeM Berviea) ' ' i (; ' San Pranelaco,' March !. Becaaae ha told a different atory on two occaalona before "the grand Jury than had been eatabllahed before them by tba teatl mony bf all tha other wttneaaea who had been called. President Case of tha Loa Angelea Home Telephone company may bar tndloted for perjury - - Ue as been before tha grand Jury twtee, and on both occaalona looked pale and worried whan ha emerged. ......,., '" - Prlsoai Poon 'Aa) Yawning. ' Tho grand Jury haa entered on the final stags of tha investigation of the telephone graft In San Francisco, and within tha next few days several more Indictments will be : returned. When thla part of tho case ta dosed It la likely that tha gaa rata scandal will occupy tha attention of the grand . Jury for eome time. - There were no graft serum ttona developed 'by"tha"aatIniony given Jfiefore tha' grand Jury yesterday. bur enothes vjitik in the chain of evl ttenoa which - may send Louis Glass, former vteepreslden"f -4h Weio Telephone company, to tha penitentiary for tha part ha played in bribing tha 19 supervisors, waa supplied Oeorge Beanaton; head bookkeeper Of tho tela phone company. ' v . f , - Tha first witneae called before tha grand Jury waa A. B. Caea. president of tho Los Angeles Home Telephone com pany, , whose teatl mony On the previous day was far from - aatiafaatory. - Tha object of calling Cass again waa to give him opportunity .to correct tha state ments be had mads in direct contradic tion of tha facta eatabllahed before the grand Jury In connection .with tho Home Telephone bribery, , , Stay' Taoe "Perjury Charge. ' Cass waa still obdurate. When he emerged from tha inquisitorial eham- bera ha was pale and worried. He rushed . away, absolutely - refusing to make any atatement Haney . la not through with him yet and ha atanda In danger bf an Indictment for perjury.' Cass knows tha souree of tha Home Telephone bribe fund and tha authori ty by which It waa placed. Tha moat Important wltneas- of tha afternoon waa Oeorge Beanaton. head bookkeeper of tha Paclflo Telephone company. Ha teatlfled that on 'the day in February when Halsey paid tha bribe money to tha supervisors In the Mills building ha had made out a check for the amount of tba 10 bribes, aggregating 150,000, act ing under tha ordera of Vice-President Louis Glass, and had noted tba expendi ture In the books. This testimony waa corroborated by tha atatlstlclaa of tha company, John A. MaUon. - The testimony of both these employee is considered aa vital la tha coming trial of Louis Glass and forma an Important connecting ' link In tha ehaln of evidence against him. All tha teatlmony In tha . Home Telephone ease fas tana tha direct responsibility for tha bribery or tha supervisors and Mayor Sohmlta and tha graft of Municipal Boas Aba Ruaf upon a local firm of attorneys. . , , Where tha Boodle Waa Kept. : Tha bribe money haa bean' traced to final deposit In tha United Statea Na tional and ' Western National banks, from whence tha supervisors" portion at least waa withdrawn for delivery to them. William J. ' Burns and Grand Juror Gordon served grand Jury sub poenaa upon William C. Murdoch Jr, assistant cashier of tha Western National-bank and Aaalatant Cashier (Continued on Page Two.) BE HOI GREAT Frisco Laundry Workers Demand Increased - Wages 'and Shorter Hours Threaten to :;, vjv'v'C Strike April 'FirsVv'.-'''.V- , (Jeeroal Bpedal Berrtee.) . Ban rranclaco, Maroh I. If tha da manda of tha Laundry Workers' union for a new schedule of hours and wagea on tha baala finally adopted at tha meeting Wednesday night la pa related In every big laundry In San Francisco will clone down April U Thla course was decided upon at tha meeting ot tha laundry owners held laat night at which the situation was thoroughly discussed. The Laundry Workers union an nounced that a general atrlka will be called April t unlesa tha proposed acheduls Is acceded to prior to - that date. Employers declare that tha ralae . I I "I . I --- BUTCHILR BOY:' POSES'' AS ARMY OfflCLR I v ! W Jc-J II 51 Vki jljn IK III - 1 t i hi FLOURIHG MILL SfilEII Overland ; Freight, Fjrst,, Roads : Carrying Wheat Only If Quite Coriverilent Idle Mills Mean 1 Ruin Meetings at Tacoma. if' " ' (Spse-l-ri-iMteb te The eamaL) Tacoma, Was, . March Because of the Inability of the railway lines rep resenting tba . Hill- Interests to handle tha wheat crop of eastern -Waahlngton and to deliver It In eufnolent quantities at points on Pu get. Bound to- keep- the flouring mllla In operation,' mill owners claim they are being drlvbn out of business-and they have prepared to take draatlo steps to force the railroads to afford eome aort of relief.' - ' - ' 1 : Discrimination In favor of overland freight is charged. It being tha claim that the railroads are - sura of the handling of tha crop of wheat w 1oh la tributary to their lines and can only be. handled over their lines. Members of tha Washington State Millers association are meeting In Ta ooma today to map out a plan of cam paign to compel the rallroada to furnish oars to haul aufflclent wheat to keep tha flour mllla of Tacoma and Seattle In operation. Wedneeday tho mlUera mat In Taooma and appointed a eommlt- tContlnued on Page Twa) demanded' la Impoealble; that tha pro posed wage acala Is -exorbitant and fatal to their bualnaea. and that rather than accede to the demands of tba union they will bring their buslneseea to aa end. . Under tha circumetancea San Fran cisco slves promise of becoming the hom of the great unwaahed. Laundry owners declare that they are willing to alsrn tha scale of lto. which la now la use. They say that tha Increase de manded In hours and wagea Is equiva lent to to per cent and would not only do away entirely with all profile, but would make it Impossible to conduct their aatabllahnrants without a ktea j'l wj'f ' I IpZaI rinited StateS I ' I I n --w-r. . -t 1 Ail- All! U WASHED 'scudo United StatcS -Capt-in ; Boasted of Conquests Made by His Stolen Uniiorm. MEAT CUTTER'S : DOUBLE LIFE Lured by Bright Uniforms, He Impersonated Army, Officer ! After His Day's Work In Shop -.Was Over.. "'" (gpeelal tH-pat-a te Tee IWaat) New York. March II. Wounded and Buffering .n St Mary's hospital. Roman Slmonaon la fighting for hla Ufa after an attempt made by hlroaalf to end a career of double living which haa few equals In tha . history of New Tork. Slmonson waa . taken to tha hospital from .the 'central atation after ha had been arraated for having attempted to commit aulctde by shooting himself. When arrested he waa aboutlng for help and -begging for life, erased with tha aetf-lnfllcted wound in hla aide. . Slmonaon'a career" la a strange one. Ha haa been posing aa an offloar of the United States, and passing under toe name of "Captain Slmonaon, U. 8. AV haa frequented theatres, cafe and other -v (Continued On Page Two.) Are You a Walking , , Encyclopedia? Do You Know How Easter aggs came to be colored t Tba queerest Easter celebration? Tba moat talked ot subject la Amer ica? . r, Bngland'a war upon a glided nul- aanoef ' How thousands proposed to A pretty glrlf Tha animal that Uvea on ailver thawT Tha valet that loved a benkera wife T The flrat great beauty oonteetT What winning a newepajer beauty oonteet meanat Graft among mlaalonarleeT Progreaa of Irrigation and Ita new chleft History of Industrial Workers of tba - Worldt , - , Ton can find out aU about theee aub- Jeota In , . The Fascinating Sunday Journal A Delightful Melody In the Husk Supplement 3r CHICAGO GRAFT STORY IS TOLD City Has Systenr - by Which Boodlers All Along the Line Get Bonus as , Consideration for Crooked Work. (Jos real g-wetal Barvke.) , Chicago,' March II.. A -atory of cor ruptlon on tha part of tha present city administration In the use of tha po lice department to license vlcloue law breaking re aorta that ' almost baffles belief waa told today-by a high polios official, who aaya that ha knows tha facta absolutely. It la a atory of how 4.009 racetrack handbooks - and poolrooms, 1,1 8 alot machlnea In aaloona, and disorderly reeosta harboring women without num ber, there being 185 In tha Tweaty-eeo-ong at rest district alone, contribute U an enormoua graft fund of 1100,000. It Is said that only about 140.000 of thla reaches tba political campaign fund after each man who forma a cog In the collection machinery baa pulled down hla ahara of tho awsg. Police men and commanding officers them selves have been levied upon according to tha graded acala of tha contribu tions, not merely once, but three times thus far during tha campaign. . - BAILER . ... t - ' Umatilla Sheriff in Portland Recognizes Law breaker Wanted by Walla WcIIa Autho rities and Arrest Follows . ' Pagan Boot of Walla Walla, recently Indicted for gambling la Walla Walla county through evidence presented by Prosecutor Otto B. Rupp, waa inter cepted In thla city yeaterday by 8hertff T. li. Taylor of Umatilla aounty and landed In tha Multnomah ; county all about I o'clock, laat night. Bcett Immediately got basy after hla erreat- with bla attorney,, who routed Judge Sears out of his bed at an early hour thla morning and aecured a writ of habeaa ' eorpua compelling Sheriff Taylor to appear In court thla afternoon to show cause why vSoott should not bs released. - Soot t set .up the allegation that ha la being illegally, held because Y.M.C.A. Money-Chas ers Encouraged, B.ut AIL Realize Much Is Yet to Be Done i ; ; - . ' United States National Bank Gives One Thousand Dollars and This. Swellsthe Day's Receipts Still Twenty-Four Thousand to lie Kaisea. asp - v ----- - em, stay with 'am and don't take 'No for an answer and you will get tho money," waa Mayor Lane's advice to the T. ML C'A. aolloltora at tha noon 1ii-Ahnn todav. ' - - - ' ' - - Tha mayor had been ' inrormea ma- some of the men were fearful of final reaulta and hla honor came down from v.. -it itK a ln4 of cheer. This la no political campaign yon are In." ha said. ''' Wi have to gat money sometimes .,, .MtnU for a eamDSltm and we get It Thla town will atand by you If you do your aharo and never any aie. The . reporte from the committees vins? todav. Shortly be fore tha men met things looked dark for tha daya totals, but at tha laat minute a 11.000 gift dropped out of . - .... -OTnitiut Btatea Na- vn viuuu , Uenal Bank, and eeveral smaller eb- ...i-ttA. that were, nioc iiDmwg iu 1- -n tha tntala- Tha total ported at noon today raled alnce yea-teday.-waa t,8l.40. This makea a total af I0B.III.4O secured since laat Monday morning, and leavea l-4.4M.00 to be raised by tomorrow at midnight, ; Xlg Tension Today. v.11-.- that unlui 110.000 waa raised and reported by noon today all waa at stake, the hundred solicitors for tha Everybody Oivea T. M. C. A. campaign, tha executive committee and the busl .... -l ha bava been boosting with every ounce of their strength thla week, started out this morning with an energy that aurpaased every former effort AU week the workera have been constantly increasing the working tension, but to day waa by far tha moat strenuous.. Just how much interest tneaa men are taking to tha success of tha big earn- 1 , K ttiifiMui from tha faot that many of thsm worked until late laat night and others were a. 1- eariy -ma morning. . .' i )'' Sight After -erybody. , : It waa emphatically tha highways and bywaya today. Every man of tha 100 understood that mere was aoouv , eo to be raised by midnight tomorrow and that glfta aggregating 1100.000 hung In tha balance. Tha "thin red Una or eros- e .enoea ,V.(. wnnminm from' tha OUtBkirta OT Llnnton to tha River-law cemetery and from Portland Heights to Russell villa Committees worked tha waterfront north of the stockyards, out beyond the North Paolflo flouring mllla and at Mat reporte wara onaaing a cnineee gsruener down tha track toward Llnnton. Spselal Plea-era Oo Poxth. 1 . Never waa a dollar mora welcome In Portland than thoea aecured today. Every dollar - meant that tha critical . - that much lass deadlv and every dollar was applauded accordingly. No railroad manager, waiting ior aw.uuv men to go out on a atrlka watched the iih.iiah -nw infti loaalv or mora anx iously than did tba men at T. M. C A. headquarters uua morning wno are iu charge of tha antlra campaign. When an obdurate giver would be tackled by a committee and a bopeleaa report came In to headquartere one ere two apeclal men from tha central committee went forth and generally succeeded in add- . Anil - rm . "It's un to the people of Portland who bava not given, aaia waiter uoss mis morning. ... wa have Induced tha men who gave generous subscriptions during former (Continued on Page Two.) III JAIL Sheriff Taylor had no .warrant on which to arrest htm. Sheriff Taylor told about tba affair thla morning: . . ' Mat Oamble Sera. Soott 1b wanted In Walla Walla for gambling, and a warrant la out for bla arrest. I waa In Portland yeaterday on the way to Pendleton from Salem where I had taken a prisoner.. I saw Scott on the street and telephoned to Sheriff Havtland af Walla Walla, and aaked whether ha atlll wanted Scott. He told me to arreat hlra and hold him, which I did. and I am now awaiting further In- (Continued on Page Three.) HOPE THAT BE AVERTED Believe -That There Will Be No Strike If Itlls Not Called ; Be foce Monday Trainmen -; Repeat That They Will strike if Therr oemanas Are Not Granted, but Say,V.;!l Give Chance for Arbitration to Settle Differences. V f Monnl Eoeelal Sarvlee.) Chicago, March "No atrlka will bo called until we give the government an opportunity td mediate," declared Mana gers Oarretaon and Morriasey thla morning. - Later tha atrlke board rati fied their leader's decision. Knapp and Netll will arrive tomorrow ..The oon- aervatlve stand of tbe union leaders naa reassured tha public, who believe If tho radicals oan bo restrained until Monday; a atrlka will be averted. . -. The -trainmen aaaert, nowe ar, mas while they are willing that tha govern ment officials ahould be given an op portunity to mediate, - they want tha mediation to be with tha railroad mana gers, Morriasey said: ' . "It tha government offiotala can per suade the - railroad people to accede to our demands, tbe matter will aoon bo adjuated amicably, but unleea thla la done I-cannot see that anything can be done to prevent a atrlka. , -tVa iMUmM'a mmi til. will ltatan to auggeationa from Knapp and NelU, but, we v11) -ceo delay notion unreason ably to allow them to arbitrate the trouble.. Wo are not going to do any thing hastily, . but tha trainman posi tively will net accept tha laat proposi tion of the rallroada" . . -"More wages and better eondltlone of employment are what we want." That waa the anawer of tha representative ot tha 10,000 organised railway employes to the appeal for arbitration - by ' tha railroad managers. , Neither the Interstate commerce) com mission, national olvlo federation nor any other agency, they say. can avert tba greatest strike In railroad hlatorx unlesa they can Induce tha railroad managers to meat the demands of the UIOU. X U - Haying out and tha men declare it will not bo Interrupted by any outalda Infraenoa. Formal action looking to tho atrlke has been taken.' Under the lawa of the two organisations certain formali ties have to bo compiled with before tha atrlke order la Issued.. The labor ehlefs are proceeding with tha utmost cautldn, Tha 'railroad managers said they would not attempt to operate trains in tha event of a atrlka, though they atlll refuse to believe that tha men seriously Intend to atrlka. They think that when the matter cornea to a eriaia tha men will refuse to walk out, but will accept tha oonceaslona offered by tha railroads and stay with their trains. COMMISSIONERS START xrrai an A Hfltt Ira' fo ChlriajrO -..-'. to Mediate. (Jaeraat aparlal tei rm at Washington, March II. M. A. Knapp. chairman of tha Interstate commerce commission. and Commissioner of Labor Cbarlea P. Nell I left her todey r.iMM n make naraonal afforta ti settle the labor dtsputo between tha 10.000 trainmen and tha 40 western roads which are threatened with a atrikaT TACOMA JARRED BY Ei Large Buildings Rock Percepti bly -Trembling Felt in Fif- teen - Mile Radius Two " Shocks Felt. '. '' (Rpectal M-rates te Tbe loereaL) Tacoma, Wanh., March SI A eharff earthouak - ahock occurred at T W o'clock , thla morning. Newa from the. aukurba ahowa that tne eartn tremor were felt-generally within a radlua of II miles of tba city. There were two dlatlnot attacks, the first being tha mora eevere, the acrom! following about 10 second a later. The ahocka were In the form of a wave-like motion front the eouthnrt to tha northwest, and on this account the disturbance Is attributed to some aelamlc trouble In Mount Halnier. people claim to have heard a rumMm noise, which waa not noticed by oilii. The ahocka eauead const. l-rai.le n ' t la hotala and large bullilinga, v.1.1. t rooked perceptibly. The tarthouake waa 'not T 'f I so far as can be laam-d. I 1 - r . 1 ' caster Jf-dward A Heals cf to bureau haa no report on tne 1 The nffii'l here la not 'ini' I tnatruraents recorllng s 1 IRTHOUAKE