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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (March 28, 1907)
A THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND, THURSDAY EVENING. MARCH 3, 1C07. ; Tbivn Topics, "V TOXIOKfS AaTDIEXXlfT. Htlllf Baler empire , . . star iT no brand ...."The Taadarfoot" ..."as ( Mas Sows" ...'A row buy ' Olrl" "Cedar kWalatl Ordra' 4 ...... ........VauaanilS .......a..,... - Fifteen thousand share of stock of II tha Butta Boys Conaolldated Mining jj company were Bold jreaterday. ' This ': atatameot la made (or tha Information U 'of other shareholders, anxloua to know . i how mattere ara progressing over at tha C ) rompinjr'i - office. Weatherly building, ISO East Morrison street. It baa been published before In tbeae columns that never before In Portland's history baa the., stock of any . .corporation .sold . so freely aa have tha aharea of tbla com pany, and yesterday's tranaactlona con firm , these sssertlons. The company owns flva mining claims in the Oold fleld, Nevada mining district, which Dromlse to become fainoua for tha rich- It nesa of their ores, and Its stock at 19 I cents per share has found ready sale in all directions, but especially among tha trienas ana relatives 01 jne incorpora tor!, each of whom ia a resident and business msn of Portland. The high char acters ' of these gentlemen have right ly inspired confidence la tha community, acquaintances well knowing that tbelr "purposes are lofty and'' their "claims trustworthy In all reapecta. Arrangements for ' tha ''funeral of Thomas Connel, . who died Tuesday night of paralyala, have been completed aad tha servloes will be held at 10:1 . o'clock tomorrow . morning from the , family residence. . tie Yamhill atreet. Mr. Council's death marks tha paaalng Of another of Oregon's early pioneers, Mr. Connell having come to thla state from Peoria. Illlnoie. in 1161. Mr. Con- nell was married to Mlaa Anna B, Col Una la ms. A son. B. T. Connell. en gaged In stockralslng at Peer Island: a daughter, Mlaa Hannah Jane Connell, and two sisters, Mrs. O. M. Fraaer and Mrs. O. O. Barlow, survive tha de eeaeed. Interment WU1 bo at River v view cemetery. ' , Tha Women's Missionary society held Its annual Easter thank offering meet ing yesterday afternoon at the Ftrat Congregational church. Tha meeting was prealded over by Mrs. -p. C. Gray and Mrs. M. L. T, Bidden led tha devo tional exsrclaea. Rev. Cephas F. Clapp, atate evangelist, delivered an Interest ing addreaa oa missionary work. A musical program was rendered In which Aire. w. A. t. Buanon. W. A. Mont gomery and Mlaa Leonora Ftaher par ticipated. A social .hour followed, tha meeting. ' - ;- ; '. 7"" ' Tha tidy little store In tha B wet land building. 11 Fifth atreet. la at tracting a lot of attention. Tha stock Is fresh, and first claea butter, cheese. eggs, honey, tea coffee and smoked meats are specialties. Just tha loca tion to be convenient for alL Ladles ara pleased with tha looks of tha plaoa. No one In connection uses tobacco in any form. It Is eertalaly appetising; to look In. Look for tha sign. Rob inson's Qolden Cheddar" in gold oa tha window., v5''-' In reporting tha addreaa' of J. XX Stevens at Allaky ball Sunday tha speaker was mada to say tha soclaliat . party favored compromise or fusion. The speaker did not advocate union with, any other party, 'but stated that trie workers must . unite upon tha po litical field and that so long as tha socialist party stood for the Interests of the laboring 'mas tha latter should affiliate with that party. ; . Three man ara being considered by tha Nolta Progressive club, one of which will be picked to run In tha pri marlea for tha nomination of council man at large. These men ara J. H. Nolta, H. Q Parsons and O. H. Bar ker. It Is the . determination of tha Nolta organisation to choose a man who will represent ths interests of tha peninsula In tha city council. , t ! i Penney - Bros.' Friday . special: Oat 11.60 grade of red or white port, Tokay, (Madiera and Sauterna wines at $1.00 per gallon. . J. A. McBrayer whiskey nine years Old .(spring 111) at 14.00 per gallon.' All goods guaranteed tin der the purs food laws. - Penney Bros I7S-SI1 East Morrison, Phone East 17. Fret delivery. Dan Hart, a kalfbreed from tha Uma tilla reservation, baa Bled a petition tor a writ of habeae corpus in tha federal ocurt. 'Hart, who Is a notorious chsr seter of tha reservation. Is In - Jail ae- cuaed of a statutory offense. His at torney asserts that his. Imprisonment Is Illegal. Articles of "Incorporation ware filed today with - tha oounty clerk for the Asa Logging company with W. B.. R. W. ' and E. L. Meraereau aa Incorporator Tha capital stock of tha new company fa $50,00 . divided Into shares of a par .value of flOO eeeh. ; ' At a sooth In and healing application for chapped hands, faoo and lips, there Is nothing batter than Beral'a witch Haael Cream, sold for 21 cent a bottle by Albert Bern!, tha druggist, .31 Wash ington street , ft. C. Mehon. I.-W. Lane and' O: T. Shlpwortb filed articles of Incorpora tion with tha county thla morning for the Sunset Lumber company. 'The capi tal stock is $600,000. y - First annual ball by Frasp's fall or eheatra, Merrill's hall, Monday evening, April I. Priso waits. . '"Tonight at l o'clock Mrs.' Abigail Scott-Dunlway will endeavor ta ahow to tha People's Forum that women should RECORD EVENT III PIANO SEW! TWO DAYS MORE WILL SEE END OF GREATEST BALE IN MTSIO LiXE EVER HELD IN PORTLAND. . Bargains " ot Most Remarkable - Character, the Most Popular Makes to Choose From, Bmall Payments, Long Time la Which to Pay, and Little - Possibility of " Equally Favorable Buying; Oppor tunity Are Some of the Features to.luduc ProspeictlTO-I'urchaseni . to Immediate Action Club Mem bership Closes Saturday Night Splendid Instruments for . Those - Who Join Tomorrow or Next Day. ' It is really surprising what a small amount of money will do at thla partic ular time in the buying of a piano. only, will i amount bu Not comparatively tnslgntfloant y a very satisfactory instru ment, but in addition to this, one may purchase almost on ineir owo ii m h to amount of payments. This la all the result-el-ee-OBerattva -effortthe. com bined buying f nearly 600 pianos by individual purchasers. In a very short space of time. , It is only a Arm of tha greatest mag nitude that could be in a position to handle such a piano movement as has been -under way during the past tew weeks at Ellers Piano House. Hun dreds of pianos have been sold at prices that have saved tha club members thou sands of dollars. And now the aala la almost over. Nearly all tha pianos In tha several clubs have been aold- But among the few remaining are some of the very finest makes, as well as a lim ited number of the medium price and less expensive Instruments. The entire number la not large, and those who con template piano buying ahould hasten to secure membership before it Is too late. Payments of $1.60 a week or $ monthly secure the well-known Lester pianoa In Club B, selling at $266. The remaining pianos in Club A, selling at $117, $21$, $16. $1T4 Just about half tha usual selling price may be secured on payments of $1.25 a week. . Several splendid Webers still remain In Club C which can' be had upon pay ments ot $2.60 weekly, or at a month. Every inducement awaits those who are fortunate enough to secure mem bership now in tnia co-operative eveni. Makea of established worth and recog- oi praeii- suttgii cou::ged BY :V . jnsta FJ3 ssniiwiawaaapaaiaBaaBaBBaBBm Former Lewis end Clark Pub Heist Forced to Leave Good Position. ' At th rqtjt of Ch board of fOT tmorn of h J am m town xposlUon. X Ik Button, chlf of tha dapartmant of axploltaion, ha rM.fnad. It ! charsad f" I ' I ' ' . ' "v. f V . ' 1 Albert L. 8utton. nlsed - reputation, a saving callv all the usual profit of the average dealer, unusually liberal terms, and the guarantee of tha biggest, busiest and best piano firm la America those ara all Included. - Tomorrow and Saturday are the last of tha sale follow the crowd of en thustastio buyers to too new number, (61 Washington street, corner of Park, and share In the greatest plana offerings this town has over known.-. have equal rights with men, plus pro tection. Members of tha lata legislature are especially invited to take part la tha discussion. . ?. Trinity church. Nineteenth and Ev erett streets Good Friday services: Morning prayer at 1 0 a. m three hours service at it m., with addressee by tha rector') evening prayer and addreaa by the Rev. F. C. WUllama. - that ha bad begun a system of graft In connection with ths publicity work. The charge was mada by Terry B. Gordon, president of 'the Traders' and Trackers bank, who Is Interested In a concession at tha exposition. He charged that Button wanted (200 per week for boosting tha attraction . through tha exposition bureau. - Sutton waa connected with tha pub licity department of tha Lewie and Clark exposition tn ltOa. : tie is well known In various northwest cities. AWAIT RESULT ; ; OF THE ELECTION People of 6u Johns Expect Warm Contest aa There Are Three) ' . C Ticket la Field. ' . An open , magasino ' into which - any paaslng pedestrian might oarelaaaly toas a burning cigar stub or lighted match, aptly portrays tha situation In St. Johna, with a municipal election three daya off and throe tickets In ths field. Recorder Thorndyks walked through ths magazine with a cigarette In his mouth the other day. when It waa announced that ha would refuae to file the Peoples ticket. Just how badly scarred ha was before ho got out can bo better 1 determined when the dead and wounded are counted -next Monday evening. -Tbo three tickets ara ths People's; tha Independents' and the regular Re publicans. The People's ticket Is led "." I by Mr. Norton and supported pendents ticket is lad by Ov R. Down. J. Sam Downey, sometimes called the "boss" of St Johns, is conducting ths campaign of EL M. Esson, tha opponent of Mr. Thorndyke for the reoordereblp. anaer ine capuon oi vmu uiese uoma Mr. Downey ia the only Democrat In tha field.- .. . . Tha regular Republicans have pat ap C K. Couch ' for ' mayor . against Downs and Norton and ara supported principally by the record of Mr. Thorn dyke. Mr. Couch is a successful busi ness man of Bt, Johns with sn excel lent trade. Ha Is a grocer. Both Mr. Norton and Mr. Downs ara real aetata men. . 1 M. Eseon. candidate for re corder, has said little but has . bean strenuously ' occupied all tha time. , Tha recordership is still counted as ths most Important office and bare la where the thickest of ths battle will center. ' '.' , . ... . . . . . ii... ai-tk A ' . . mm n .u.,. irm , w wu di, ui puu Seventh). - Tha W. G.- McPheraon Co, beating and ventilating engineers. Steamer Jesss Harklna, for Camas, Waahougal and -way landings, dally ex cept Sunday. Loaves Waahlngtoa atreet dock 3 p. m. Modern offices In the new Buchanan building for rent. Portland Trust Com pany of Oregon, southeast corner .Third and oav - For wire and Iron fences' for ceme teries or lawns, phone East 701. Co-J 1 k.. wr. a . 1 " Woman's Exchange, 1(1 Tenth street lunch 11:10 to 1; business men's lunch, Acme OH Co. sells tha heat eafety coal oil and fins gasoline. Phone East t(a Dr. L. C. McFarlsnd, dentist, moved from .Columbia to Til Swetland bldg. ' E. VT. Moore, expert photographer, Elks' building. Seventh and Stark Sta. ' 'V , aaSBMaaaaawa For Kodaks, Kodak developing L L. Cohen, tha Kodak store. Ill Sixth St Matsas Arrived at Rev. M. Co pen. ail first street. Phone Mala Till. Why pay syaa for $L moref Matsger fltaj your 111 Sixth street... , Geneva U thla Water tl First St Berger Signs 214 Tarahlll Phone. . ' i iiii 1 y ' Exposition Rink.' vJs ; When other amusements cease to at tract, you, then remember that roller akatlng at the -Exposition rink la al ways enjoyable. This fine.' big amuse ment resort has all tha comforts and conveniences of a modern, up-to-date aaating rink and ita equipment la un surpassed. -The floor la In superb con' dltlon. tha skates veritably wing tipped and the excellent , muslo rendered by raraon's orchestra : at the afternoon and evening sessions completes tha de sired atmosphere of merriment and en joyment Three sessions daily; no ad mission charged mornlnga; ladles and children admitted free afternoons. , i Metsger Sta your eyes for $L0.: Sixth atreet near Waahington, : 111 In order to accumulate a fortune it is necessary to take ? antage everjr legitimate opportunity to JtY-rif money, to dc inuusirious ana economical 1ty and then to use every precaution to safeguard what you have made. I his bank was estab lished to assist you fn building a fortune. It will so care for;your -money that it , is abso lutely secure and you can have it whenever you want it. ' It will assist you with g6od ad vice in business matters and, if you join its financial family; it will prove your good friend in time of need It insures. you the best serv ice and convenience. Make a deposit today Every fortune has grown from a bank account. . In 1 RIVALS DEAL OUT HARD JABS Balding and Mann In a Vicious 0 Mud-Throwing Contest In ': South Portland. PRESENT COUNCILMAN REPLIES TO ASPIRANT After Mana Had Declared Electric, Asphalt and , Gas - Corporations 6wriediielllng, Tbal' Gchtleoaan Coince Back Jasi aa Venomouslx. When Y You will have most forcibly "impressed on your mind the truth bf what we have been telling you that real music is appreciated in Portland; the crowds and the applause are the proof; and real music lovers seek "THE HOUSE Uv xor irianos ox uic oigncsi graae. Stclnway, Everett, jrV , v ICiube. .Etc. Sherman Jlay & Go. CORNER SIXTH AND MORRISON STREETS LOCAL NUMBER , OF TRAMP PAPER Vagabond ' Editor Issnea UaJqne ' Magaxlne Here aad Goes' oa BJs Way. 5 The VagaoonsT Is out. Everett Lloyd, a wanderer ever the face of the earth. has stopped' long enough In Portland to become acquainted with some of tha -beat people- la . ' Portland and has brought out tha third numbs ot his unique little megailne. . , ... While not o.ulte as diminutive aa Elbert Hubbard's Philistine, the Vaga bond ranks In that class. Aaide from that (ant the new publication contains much ot locals Interest. An allegorical painting of Portland starts off the reader on a journey. aboua the. city which ends with a satirical criticism of J. Whltoomb Brougher and tha White Temple. A story on the "Unwritten Law," by Colonel C. E. B. Wood, re vives thoughts of many tragedies com mitted in tha name of honor. Including tha almoat forgotten Thaw caee. In which a young society . blood ot New York killed a great arohlteot for de faming a young woman. . . "Bohemia" Is treated In a very proper manner by James Clarence Harvey. Tbe "Ballade ot Francois Villon, aa He Waa About to Die" ' makes . Interesting thoughts fly through one's head. - Added to tboae already mentioned are little scraps, including verse and prose that round out the magaaine. and make it welt worth tbe time and attention of lovers Of ths bright and crisp in litera ture. : ' Lloyd's Idea of running about tha earth and publishing a magasino baa proved popular with a large number of people In Seattle and Portland, aa well aa with people In all parte of tha world. Ha has secured their subscriptions and 111 leave tonight for Ban Francisco, where ha will be tha guest of Jsck Lon don, who starts next week on his jour ney around tha world In a 11-foot boat. While In Ban Francisco Mr. Lloyd will get out his next number of the Vaga bond. After publishing about tt num bers of his magaaine In as many Ameri can cities, Lloyd will visit Europe and carry out his scheme serosa the At lantic." v An Opportunity for Smoktrt. We offer at coat of Importation all of our very large stock of. fancy slses of Imported Havana elgara. running as high aa ISO per hundred, regular price. Only brands of tha highest standard Included In thla aale. Do not miss this I chance, gig tlohai s Co, II Third Campaign mud la double handful lota waa handed out by John R. Mann, can didate tor the Republication nomina tion for councilman in the Blxtb ward. and H. A, Balding, present incumbent of the place, at the, rally of tha South Portland Republican elua hem last night In Artisan's hall. For a time tha combatants . faced - aaoh other oh the reetrutn.andJiurled defiance and allo cations through the smoke-ladaned at mosphere. After President Llllls had called for order and at last secured tt and ths meeting waa about to pass into history, the two belllgerenta took each another slap just for the sake of the last say: Otherwise tha meeting waa a talk feet bulging with harmony and high tdeala- i ' ' ' . Calls Belfllaf If a nam ' Mann started tha flreworka early In the evening by firing a vocal broadside at Councilman Balding, in which tha of ficial waa characterised as a puppet of the corporations and a tool of tha liquor interests of the city. He called to mind the ease recently . noted In - the council - where a aaloon license waa granted for a place on Fifth and Sheri dan streets when mora than S0e real dents of the neighborhood had signed a remonstrance against it. ' ' "Ths man," aald the speaker, -"who Could have prevented that act Is sitting on this platform and Is seeking reelec tion at the hands of the people." . This brought Mr. Beldlng np to the battle Una He explained that the re monstrance bad not been presented to the council until after the llcenae had been granted. ' Mann still hammered en In spite of the interruption. He stated that he had the proof that the Portland Gas company, - the Electric company, and Oakar Huber-of the Berber As phalt Paving company owned Mr. Beld lng body and souL - Sard Wit m MaM."' '"" Beldlng came back at this with a little statement. "I want to tell you of a proposition made to ma by that man." ha said, while his friends In ths audience, as sured him that "Beldlng Is all right." "That man." continued tha apeaker, "came to me less than three weeks ago and asked me to get out of the race for councilman for v the ward and to enter the race for ooancllman-et-large. He told me that he was backed by tha corporations of the city, all of them, and that If I would do as he desired he would speak to the managers and they would eee to It that I waa elected." "What did you say, Henry r asked soma admirer In the crowd. "I told him," replied tha speaker, "to go to his corporations and get all their helo tor himself in his race for -the council ae he would need all the assist- ance he could get". Mann admitted that ha had made the remarks to Mr. Beldlng. but stated to the crowd that he had done so merely to feel him out. when In reality he was not supported by any corporation. City Auditor Devlin opened his cam paign by telling what he Intended to do for the city If elected mayor. Mr. Dev lin said he Intended lo conduct a clean campaign and avoid any personalities. Ha was In favor of a constructive policy, larger, terminals, city ownership of docks and many other tpipreve menta. ., .. Boasts the Charter. W. R. MeOarry. candidate for city attorney.' followed Mr. Devlin and launched his contest. . He refuted the allegation that the charter regulations barred him from boldmg city office and referred to the charter as an infamous pi see of legislation. Ha also said that if elected ha would enforce some ot tbe lawa not now enforced or make It so hot for those who put' them en tha books that they would have the laws repealed. ' John P. Kavanaugh, another aspirant for city attorney, followed. Other speakers were Oscar P. Millar, candi date for auditor, and A. L. Barbur, for the earns offioe. i a , mm ' ... - ine neum incairx ...... i Friday Jllrht I I flaeeial-TTtae I , aatmraay Viskt. I atatie StrdaT. .' 6ao I riamali eoJ Kuta White .. : la the Tunefnl Mu-lral -nMdr, "THE TIlfDEBrOOT." . . ' Ivsaiag Trioes: Uwar rioor. espt last rows. $1.6o; last rows, f 1. Baleoar, 1. ' 7 Be, dof. Oall.ry, aSe, 3Se. ' . . Ratiaee rrlaaei -1 . ' "Seats Haw- SrlHna at Taeeoev PERSONALS A. 8. Bennett ot The Dalles Is In the elty today, having . eome . from Tha Dallas to attend to legal bualneas In connection with the land fraud trials In which ha la Interested and which are pending before the next term of the federal court. Robert Forater, a wall-known lumber mill mil of Pendleton, la at tbe Im perial for a short business visit la the city. Mala BAKER THEATRE CIO Tt aiSTRSL n-maral Wanasac ooe of the Wldalr-ktiawa Bakar Stock Ceaipaar. KTery Evanta This Week, The OH final aad I'nnanal Play , "AS A KAkT gowa." ' pateanal Dlraetloa Mr. Artbor Hartley. Plot, amaarr, Sattlase AU tie, aad a De. . aided Bit. Plrat Time ts the West. -Matinee Satarday. - Sveatsg prises SBe, We. 60c 1 Mattaea, We SBs. Vzt Waaaw"leah XJaaka." EMPIRE THBATRB rfceae Mala 11T. ' KUtea W. lasisev Kav. Plarlns Only Kastara sVaad Bhewa Tealsttt, All Thla w aak Matloaee - Wednaaday aad Satarday. Psree B Baatae's Aqpwboy'a Girl" Oreet Waetera fWote Vr. Imiaaai Baav aaas. Packed Bovaae wrywhafe. Dae t rail te see lt.(Raalsr Batpire Vast Attsaetlia Bis Headrleks St "01a Olssa." The Grand Week March It eaaevtlle a Laaa . . ALBWI . The raa ." ul RS Faawos niuslsa ; Timaaparaat . Aaaiatad hy La Patlta Tallas seeiel Aodad A weeoaa las, Prsaeis Mnvaa Oa, Tea Bisatfsrd ' The stasias! Berts Matt Qrmaalaaaaa. LYRIC THEATRE PsTtlaad'a Paelar Aftaaaaoa aad Stack K. Evaalaa This Week. ' Lrrta took Oemyeay is . . "A aXBATOS's BATWaTXa." Baaai rid seatti csa sew he eecsrad la ad vaace troat 10 A. M. te IS P. M. Dally Bieaasce at ssaal tlax. Brenhif earfnrin sneae at S:l. Satarday and Sunday eras Ingat first par forma ara at T:la. THE STAR K The Allta teeh Oeaipeay Prussia Under Sealed Order." Clm leer acts.) Matinees, Toeaday, Tharaday, Satarday aad Saadaya at I SO P. M. Prtcae, 10 ead Sne. Brery evening at S:U; Frlre, 10a. sOe, aad Me. Basarve .seals by Pkoae Mala s4a. Lest You Forti et TONIGHT QUALITY TELLS QUALITY, haXLS Made to Your Order By Us flO ti CA MORE NO 1M LESS Each Salt We Bell la a Guar an tea of Our Oood Work FAIR WARNING 1 ta eeata te Pertlaed Kotlre Is kereby ftaea fhst. If Ilaney sne Bans ara Te stif ep ninca, . . We eastrs to he enaated ta ea the desL ' We hare eoateeded tt May sjoaas that this la tha sreatast laundry t On earth. ' ' ' . Wa want Maaars. Beasy and Bane te inveetl. gate this elalm. ,(., If are have beea Is errer, We are willing te an f fat tedletaieat . And psslabsiant ' g-ra te alx staaths at the . - Hotel rartlaod. . We ere wlllUut ead ebaadaaUy abW .- . Te liberally pay , ,, , . Maaars. Hnay and Bans rot uils tavestlfatiea . ', Tbay deeide fnr' as, ' v . :, ' , And dn sot throw as dears far A aacosd-hasd Ohxaa. So lat that aiTatlcatloa eseasl , . i Wen ready I , .. 'Iay en. ' ' , . x - ' Mtatat MeednfTaky. - 1 - Anl OCT oe blm who first ansa, , Hold I Baeffekyl" '. . A ' UNIOM lACTTDBT, Xel, Mats Brrmd snd CoraaiMa. 'i EXPOSITION RINK lm.aad Waaalactoa Bta. . Roller Skating Morning. Afternoon and Evening. Big Floor In Superb Condition. Best "nates. Good Muslo. Tree Instruction. .. .... fltsam Heat. NO Admission Chsrgsd MomingsJ Ladlea and Children Admitted Free Afternoons. Admission, 10a. : sTkates, BSc Flower Gardens Begirt Right Get MORSE SEEDS Send for Catalogue C C MORSE & CO. 171 Clay St, San Francisco. llentioa The Jeuraal . rj '44Ar av' J . aar-v"H'r WV - Piefened attoea Oaaaad Coeda. AUsa Lewla Cut Sraad. Your Easter Hat Should be a :' ' ' K ' , PEEk OF ALL $3.00 HATS Largest assortment ot John 0. Stetson Hsu ta the City .-5 Grand Opera I t ' a aa a- jG" Tne first Victor triumph waa "H , ., Trovatore"; now It "Ernanl." with such, Brtigts as Madam Sembrich, M. v . ii r : -e y osroci ana vsrapanarr wioiikh in parts. Ab pleasiaa; the original, and zVeard with all ths comforts of botns. We have these records; con and hear thm played In onr Victor parlor or carry away your favorite election. Opera. ChJrn' . s v fj '. ' "' Bccm Sherman I lay & Co Orchestra ; ; . - . . The House of QBality- Cor. Sixth and Morrison Sts. Solo. Duet ' Quartet Comic Song Behnke-Walker The Leading Business ( College ELKS BUILDING, PORTLAND, OREGON - Your Best Investment Today Is in Your Own Brains At BEHNKE-WALKER Business College one may attend either day or evening classes and enroll at any time school in session the year around. - - The BEHNKE-WALKER graduate is given a good position to start with and his business education has fully equipped him to steadily climb to the highest places of responsibility. The BEHNKE-WALKER graduate has no uncasinr. as tn his future he knows his services will always be in !mm 1 by employers who appreciate the value of practically tra ! , men. , . The BEHNKE-WALKER graduate liai numerous c ' ' vantages that v. i!l i ' -rrt yeai. Handsome new c ' - it-,-