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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (March 28, 1907)
.7 Easier Novelties Half Price Third "Floor Please. ' -" ; Hundreds to select from, tome of the mo it unique and. attractive china novelties ever ahown; for nearly every purpose. Hair and card receivers, match holders, ash trays, pin trays) fruit dishes and ornaments. , Many designs in egg patterns, cunning little chicks' and rabbits. De light some of your friends by sending them one of these clever little things for an. Easter re membrance, and. if you come to buy U,ff it now 'twill cost but half regular......,.! Ifff .ir Colonial Glass Candle Sticks, in artistic designs, a limited number on sale Friday at the very fi special price of, each .IOW Colored Candles, short size, J- suitable Easter shades, each Colored Easter Candles, I size; special Friday, each MM ORDERS HAVE PROMPT fiTTEUTIOll f ; - mtik id mMmm h I" A irUl- -T.s. rvs in uii nit Ladies' Home Journal Patt V Sell Em Now, we've been hoping to sell them for the Isst three months, but on account of the abom inable slowness of the railroads in freight deliveries, we have just gotten the April shipment' and let the others go. Those who have been waiting for them are invited to come and ' buy their favorite pattern here. These are the best of all patterns easily understood, authorita- '41. .nJ ft tive styles and sell for ....... .1 WW 3UU IDC Here Are Notion Sa vings SAaO Mai 91mm, plain or ' A crimped, the dosea ........... aUW Uses, KMk 9mm sTaleids, stae 10 S; tie value j the pair 'V Wit Sals Maa, crimped, pkgs 6d Fountain IrilKM. 1-o.t. else, OCr seemleas; worth till, tor ,.OOli Dr. Iiitfl JOestrls SbUs Brashes, euro headache ,-, ( It !!. value ...eJI.ArU sOaofl Bom, with lock and, "." r keys worth io; special i,,'v Wrltta VMota,' Oregon Souvenir letter. alie; , ' 17r worth tie. for ........... Touaeeia rM . Xah, patent bottle, with filler; 1Q-, worth lie; special , ....,' oaiHsf Ola is, wlth'nlokel ff rtm; worth tee; apodal ...,,,,Ojfc Zaapa, (or heating eurllag ' 1 r Irons; Worth llo each; special. If. w Shuns stocks e4 ayes, S , (or'lo ToOeS Soaps, aeeorted odors, - fancy English Imported; ,.. I A- tto cake, lor Ivb Italia Oaotlle Soap, e-IK here JQ white or green; worth 75c for.'W Ferramee, Imported, assorted scants; worth loo ounce; fZc special, lor . . . .OW Wrltta Tapes, French dimity fin lah; 1-lb. S(e value, . ' f Qg Baralopea So matok ahave, f n--lSo packace for n ," For '..V - Our Safe Another day replete with unuisual savings ;; a day of bargains on the sorroF mcrchandiset Every; offeri supreme interest to the truly economical. A timely sale. Rare opportunities I for' splendid savings on needed EASTER ; MERCHANDISE Watch $1.50 Union Suits $1.19 ii iii. i i i i 1 "Merode Make," which is a guarantee of their goodness, a light weight garment, comes with high neck and long sleeves, or low neck and short sleeves, both styles ankle length; these suits are splendid $1.60 values; 01 1 Q special at ........ ............ . .' . p 1 1 H Women's Lisle Union Suits, white, long .sleeves and, ankle length, neatly, ' ; Csl -trimmed; worth 75c, for JUl - Women's Vests, fine Swiss ribbed, white, low neck, sleeveless, lace trimmed yoke; OQ special for ...................... ;....aC0C Women's Silk Hose, with lace (f 1A -boots, assorted shades; $1.75 .values. lXe7 . .Women's Hose. mercerized lisle, come in ' black,' white,' gray, tan and, violet and big ' values at 50c the pair; ..V QQ - special, Friday . . . : . . . . . .. ....... ajOC Women's Hose, white lace lisle, boot, or black all lace; these are splendid imported goods; special value, QCe the pair , . . .'. ................................... . . . .JuC MM Chains $1.19 Kam'a Oold Itll at WaeoJa Okaina, a flna aaaortment of pat tern; regularly worth I1.7S to 11.15 each; epecial for r (I in Friday ..... ..7leiy. Bel Bveklaa, In' new daalg-na, sold or oiy dtxed flnlah; IOj ISe value ..... "V Novelty Madras 12c Yd Goods that laundry unusually well, comes in all the best new spring colorings and all the novelty patterns.- , Hundreds 'and hundreds of yards of it for Friday, a bargain that should bring the economical here in throngs; very special, for IO' Friday only, the yard .....1.&2C VXr Tniirafi 80 dozen hemmed Huck nUCK I OWe IS Towels, large size, 18x36 inches,' good weight and fancy border ; a special that will help housekeepers and rooming nouses to save; each, only 10c Beauty Pins 35c oaia - nitd plit, In i Roman cold flnlah; a quality that aeU for lOo the set regularlyi , apaclal v- iraw Xavem Watohae, nlckal flnlah; a regular dollar watoh; special for Friday. . , 1 fift anh $3.50 Lace Curtains $2.65 Seven Styles, in the Brussels effect, very dainty 'and' pretty and hfy cpme 3. yards long and 60 inches yridej they are. regular. $3.50 values, but for a oneway special we sell' ;, : t them for, the. pair . . .'. .... . '. . . ' .ebaCaDa) White Blankets, fine , grade; size 60x80. inches ; a regular $3.75' value; special, for Fri day, the pair, ; C9 QC only ......'. . . . . . . .ePaCiaav Axmlnster Rugs, 27x60 inches, in . oriental or floral . designs ; regularly $2.60 ; , ; Qg special '. . . '. . $ 1 aO Art Laundry Bags at 47c Many styles and materials, plain art denim or. fancy figured art materials, stamped "Laundry" across front; 65c values; J j special ' ........................ v .......... . ... ,'. . . . . .r I C Women's Petticoats, of fine mercerized sateen, light", or dark, gray, brown i or ; navy ; have flounce of ruffles or shir ring ; full size ; worth fjo 7f $5.00 each ; special . eyeCe f U Children's Wool Sweaters, in pretty color combinations, with turn down collar and made to button at shoulder; ages 1 to 6 years; worth 90c; " ; CT special 0 1 C Shoe Bargains for Every Hour C FROM 8 TO 9 A. M. Infants and Children. Shoes, in patent or plain leathers, for little ones, 1' to 8 years of age; Q worth to $1.25; one hour.... UaC , FROM '9 TO 10 A. M. Women's Strap Slippers,' in patent or plain leather ; .come, in , strap or ribbon bow style, atad have. French or military , heel; regularly they're worth up to $2.60 the pf; one th up to $2.60 the'pr; qq hour, only ......... tl)loa)7 FROM 10 TO 11 A. M.: .. i-.: . Women's House Juliets, with light easy soles4 and patent of. plain' kid tips, have rubber or leather heels; worth to $1.69 pair; fH-i o j special, for one hour, , .". . . , ". .... 1 A " .-. r.f ' FROM 11 TO 12 A. M.; Women's Dress Shoes, come in patent or plain kid, French or military heel and have dull kid tops; these are very pretty; shoes for iress wear; worth to $5.00 the pair; ". d0 AQ special, for one hour ..............OaWaeVO FROM 12 TO 1 P. M. Men's Shoes, in several ' styles, fine patent leather or plain kid and calfskin ; blucher or plain lace styles; values regularly Ao 4 Q up to $4 the pair; special, one hour. .beja 17 ; FROM 1 TO 2 P. M. Men's Oxfords, in several styles, come in fine patent leather or plain kid or calf; button, regular or blucher lace styles, and values that run up to $3.50 the pair; AQ special, for one hour ............. e$oeVO " : FROM 2 TO 3 P.M. V';'"' Women's Shoes," patent leather, plain kid, gun metal calf and tan leathers; blucher. or regular lace, also button style; worth to (tQ 1A $5.00 the pair; special, one hour. f .e$e)e JLe ' : FROM 3 TO 4 P. M. , ' . Women's Shoes, from some of the foremost shoe makers, patent kid, gun metal calf and plain kid; French or military heels; worth to $6.00 the pair; . , fQ QQ special, for one hour .......... ... eyaJeUeV :; . w. - FROM 4 TO 5 P.M. Misses' and Children's Shoes, patent or plain leathers, light or heavy soles: - ' ; Sizes 7, $3.60 values... ...... l.f 29 Sizes 114 to 2, $2.60 values.......... 91.89 Sizes 8y2 to 11, $2.25 values........ .. . 91.69 Sizes 6 to 8, $2.00 values...... ?1.49 . from s to e p. m. ;V ':'t Boys' Shoes, black or tan leathers, medium and heavy weight soles : Sizes 2yi to dyi J.... ...C..91.89 Sizes 1 to 2; special ................. ?1J59 Sizes 9 to 13 . . ........ . . .V. ; ..... .1.39 Women's Spring Suits $12.98 In This Superb Friday Suit Vlue You Have Three Models to Choose From, and many different patterns; they come in Eton, Prince Chap and Pony Jacket styles, and the . materials are all wool in homespuns, plaids, stripes, checks and fancy mixtures. New Suits, just unpacked and ready for sale tomorrow; trimmed with braid, straps, pip ing and fancy buttons,1 some have velvet collars, some collars of black silk and some are collarless. There are all sizes in the lot, so women of any size may come to share in this bargain. It is for Friday, only, though, and those who come may buy one of the neatest," new spring" model A g una uit tivi njuckcu v for only.... .. "Mil 14 Metis Underwear for 79c This is a medium weight garment and comes in ecru color, the most serviceable garment in the store at the regular price, $1.00. The drawers have reinforced seats, and the shirts are well "TQ finished, with pearl buttons; special, the garment, Friday yC Men's . Kerchiefs, hemstitched, linen cambric, splendid values, and pure white ; inl special, each A&2C Men's Hose, seamless, come in black or black with white soles: they are real-, inl 20c values ; special, pr. 12k Four-in-Hand Ties for 29c Buy now, for you won't have this opportunity to save next Fri day. This is about the last day. of that 29c Neckwear sale, and when these are gone, therell be none to duplicate the values. The patterns, the materials, the shapes and the widths are as good as can be put into any 50c Tie,- and the colors and pat terns are just what you are seeking1 for spring wear. This" Tie sale has been the wonder of Portland, no values like these ever offered before on new, snappy styles like these.. Choose a Tie for Easter.'and save nearly one-half the. regular price, for we are still selling these for, only ........... ... : . .Va&eC ! " iii i i r i i - Fine Ores? Goods Mw for the Silks arid Dress ; Goods . . . nati OQ VmA ' " Fncy Silks, choice of any $1.25 fancy Silk in Dress Goods, black Panamas, or fancy suitings t ; : JQl QyC -I3rQ . . the store for 08 Friday.,-Good weaves and in light colors, 44 to 64 inches wide, in checks. Light" weight and light colored spring Suiting Fabrics, in a va.- .he 'W Patterns; dots' or. hif" JPf J?1 Pidl "gular .flues , I rj.J!m. ' Pia;mtrtft,.B, line, checks and broce effects. Share m the $1.60 to $2.00 the yard, and on special sale nety of colorings and designs. Plain colors or best silk bargain of the season, and have the Friday, thousands of yards, selling (M i)D effects, smart new fabrics for the construction of this )VMf smartest fabrics you'll find anywhere ; AQ for the yard, only ; . . . . : ; . J 1 9CO season's fashionable suits, worth $1.25. Special, yard. a V yard . .v. . . . , . . , . ...... JJ QC Take advantage of this special, your last opportunity Great Ribbon Special 25c Yard Miles and miles of pretty, bright-hued Ribbon, in widths up to 5 inches, and qualities worth to 40c Comes in Scotch plaid ef fects, black and white stripes, hairline stripes and. the very latest checked designs. Any of this ribbon is of superb quality and worth at least a third more than others. yM A Special price Friday, the yard. . .' V fTHE:t. y Met HEIJIIIWmORNS. "Xe'er Shed Clout Till Mar B ' When one of the family falla lUand the weather we have Juat bow seeme to be particularly favorable for It every other Industry n th home must halt while the sickroom becomes the plaoe of vital Importance. ' ' It Is not pleaaant to be anUolpatlnt lokneee nor Is It advisable to talk much about It. especially to Impraealonable ehlldran; upon that point we are all treed. . Tet It eeemS aa though a word It warnlna-. not to - the child, but to the mother or the nurse, might not be coneldered an Impertinence. The prevailing- Scourge ot that terrible dlsaaae which la a-laitlnr the north weat at thla time and of which the very name seem a to arlp the heart strings, spinal menln rltla before which even tha ableat phy ilclans stand In Impotent awe. may not become prevalent In our fair city, aa I .incerely and ardently hope, but It Is nerfectly apparent that If It ehould come It would find many UtUe enae lll-pre-pared to reelit It. - We had a few warm and pleaaant daya about two weeke ago and I actually bo held a little ehap of about 4 years be ing led along- the etreet with half hose and low shoes and his little lega bare to the wind. Suoh attire le far from senalble In this climate, for, even If It Is warm eceaalonally In the middle of the day,- the air la damp and It grows cold very soon after the aun aeta. We shall probably be obliged to see such eareleea and nnneceaaary exposure of Utile children at rrequent Intervals In the first days of spring before the weath er conditions are at all favorable for It Smaller children are needleaaly ex posed to the cold also In the go-oarta. They are too elose to the damp ground and have veryHtUe If any protection under thank, and often the little lege are out In the eold and the wind la bringing tears to their eyes. It makes me, for one, very unhappy, and I wish that a word of protect might Influence some mother or nurse girl who lovee her little charge to see to It that the child la warmly wrapped up before be ing taken out and then te not kept out after the warm part of the day . baa pasted. at u a ' -Dandelion Greens. . We no longer think it neceaaary at thla season, of the year to give each ohlld In the family sulphur and molaeses or some patent noatrum under the lrapree alon that the human eyatem neede some violence at this time in order to get It Into running order for the rest of the year. There Is a uaeful and palatable food easily within reach, however, which haa lta medicinal value and to which no one can object 1 mean the tender and Juicy greena of the dandelion, which -will be accounted a nulaance In a few weeks and whloh can be used to supply a gap In the menu oauaed at thla season by a lack of fresh vegetables. Careful .oleanlng la neoeaaary. Each little plant must be carefully separated from the ether and washed in many waters. It may not be amlae to auggeat that there le all the difference In the world between waahing a vegetable like thla by run ning the water over It and pouring It off with tha greena la the bottom of the pan and the proper way, which la to lift and ahake the greene thoroughly and then lift them out of the water be fore throwing It out By doing thle the dirt which goee to the bottom of the pan la readily eeen and removed Instead of remaining In the greena. I hope I have made that clear. It Is one of the nice little "waye" whloh some careful housekeepers have which dtaUngulah the artist The greene ahould boll three quarters of an hour at least, and an hour la bet ter. Serve hot with salt pepper and oil and vinegar. Some of the eld-time houee keepere uaed a bit ot aaK pork boiled with them for flavor. .,. t ; :i ,' Care for the Piano. T ' Use no furniture pollah or so-called piano pollahea. In dusting a piano It Is preferable to use a soft brush of uncut feathers, such as Is ordinary called a coach bruah. Instead of a : cloth, thus preventing scratches. To clean the Ivory keys, which should be done at leaat once a weak when a piano la very much ..used, employ's linen cloth, dampened with alcohol, be ing careful, however, that the, alcohol doea not touch the pollahed aurfaoe of the Instrument, which would be fatal. Keep the piano closed and cover It with a sheet or blanket when sweeping, cleaning or airing the room. . ... : A piano ahould be opened for a ehort time at least every day to prevent dis coloration of the Ivory keys. A piano tuner aivea thla easy method of guarding a piano from dampness: "A growing ' plant should be kept In the room with a piano, t Aa long ea the plant thrives the Instrument will. "The reason a piano la Injured by a dry, overheated room Is that aU the moisture le taken out of the Bounding board, which le forced Into the caae sovtlghtly that It bulges up In the center." v St it St ' Favorite Cake Fillings. Creem rilling Make A boiled eua tard of half a pint of cream, a table epoonful of pulverised eugar, the yolks of three egga. and one tableapoonful of corn starch. Spread while aoft, flavor ing with rose or vanilla. To give va riety, add chopped nuts or raisins to thle filling. ' Almond . Pilling. Blanch and pound fine In a- mortar two pounde of al monds; beat two egge lightly, add a cupful and one half of sugar, beat for II minutes, sUr In tha almonda. flavor with vanilla and epread at once. Whipped Cream and Fruit Filling. Whip one pint of thick cream until It resembles Ice cream In appearance; make quite sweet, then flavor with grated pineapple, sliced orange or be nanaa. then cover thlokly with cream. The three - fruits combined will be found delicious. . This filling ahould be freehly made. Nut Custard Filling Make a boiled custard of one pint of milk, two eggs, halt a cupful of sugar and a table spoonful of corn starch' eUr In two eupfuls of chopped nut meate and spread while cakes and euatard are a till warm. Tuttt - rrutu Filling. Boll halt a cupful of water with three ouptula of eugar until it is thick and waxy; pour over the whites ot two egga, beaten untU atlff, and whip until oooL Then add bait a pound ot almonda chopped fine, a scant half a eupful of chopped raisins and a UtUe citron sliced thla. Spread at once. Orange Filling Beat the whltea of three aggs to a atlff froth; add the Juice and grated peel ot one orange; etlr In sugar until the right consistency Is reached; epread the filling between the layers and add white lolng on top. ; Apple and Lemon Filling. Take one grated apple, one lemon (Juloe and ' usrsar end remember the next time you suffer from pain caused by damp weather when your heat! nearly hurats from neu ralgiatry Ballard's Snow Liniment It will euro you. A prominent bualneaa man of Hempatead, Texas, wrlteai "1 nave used your liniment. Previous to using it I was a great sufferer from Rheumatism and Neuralgia. I are ? leased to say that now I in free from heae ootnplalnta. I am sure I owe this to your liniment" Hold by all drug-glata. grated rlnd)r and one eupful of sugar. Orate the apple and rind of lemon, place them on the fire with the Juice and augar and boll for five minutes. Ice Cream Filling. Boll three eup fule of sugar in ons cupful of water until the mixture threada; pour alowly. while boiling hot over the whttee of three egga beaten atlff. attrring briskly the while; beat until cool, flavor with rose or lemon and epread between lay ers of white cake. Fig Filling. Chop one pound of flge fine, add a cupful of water and half a eupful of augar, cook unUl soft and smooth, then epread. INCORPORATION - IS POSTPONED Lenta . and Wood mere ' People Evenly Divided Between Sep arate Town and Annexation.. Tha incorporation of Lente as a separate municipality wee Indefinitely postponed st a meeting or the cittsans of that auburb and the adjoining suburb of Woodmere laat nlarht. Between 160 and tOS people were present and the subject was thoroughly srgued. The sentiment was. about evenly divided ba- thAjie .tin were in favor of in corporation and thoee who were In favor of annexation. The arguments were suroai-pre- sented on both sides. Those In favor of annexation wished to enjoy the ad vantages of are and police protection, with improved atreete and eleotrla lights. They also wanted to find a way to keep the boye st home evenings snd argued that several Such I ordinances were needed . In Lents. The Incorpora tlonlsts argued in a similar manner an I added that It thsy had a separata organisation thsy eould prevent the sale of liquor In the suburb If they so de slrsd. - Jaapar McOrew presided sad Profes sor Ouy W. Henderson of the Portland High school was secretary. A commit tee to provide for better enforcement of the eow Isw, snacted in that preclnrt by an Initiative act was appointed. In cluding Ward B. Swop. Proiessnr Hen derson and George L Jobes, Light an1 arrest Improvement was aleo dleeuaee.l st length. Another meeting waa ealled for April S. when theae committer will report and ether matters be talke.1 over. A X mae Appeal. A humane eltlseu of Hlchmond, Tn , Mr. U. IX Williams, 1T Wet ti.n street says: "1 appeal to ell r.r .(. with weak lungs to teMe Dr. Kin s Discovery, the only remedy ),,.t h helped me, snd fully roin.e up t i . proprietor's Tt ommendmmn." it . . mors Uvea than all other thr.t h i lune remedies put tnethr. 1 .-l n. couch end eold enre tne wont o . Cures eethir.e, brwirhitie, rrouc. i Ins eough, quln.v, hfterii phtlalc. slops tiemorrhss'- ol i - I end builds them up. Il.inr.. Ked'Croe Thermae. tio a j , liial botUe ties.