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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (March 28, 1907)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, TTnjRSDAY EVENINO, MARCH 23. 1W. - . , i i ) i .. i. 1 1 i . i ' " ' DEATH DUE TO SON'S ELOPEMENT - ' iioicniinis KHOIVH " EYERYIVHERE BOYS RXESED STOC'i::Ci 300 doten boya' ribbed StocVint; , the well-known Monarch make in ' black and tan; these hose - have double heels, toes and knees; one i ef - ths best wesring stocklnts made; our regular 20c valuta, spe- 1 cial Bargain Friday, pair 104 , Operatic . Star Born In Maine Made Debut in Italy After 'Singing In Boston Choir." WOMEN'S FANCY STOCKINGS V - ,- Aa exceptionally Urge assortment "" " f J T V of women's new fancy Hose in J' . f ff T tans, browns, blues, grays and light fk'il fj' '" ' ''I shades; popular styles, , fancy V I f j . ,. , , dJJ iiJi stitches; full fashioned foot; ood , -J ."firi tri, 4r 25 and 35c values, special Bar- 'Mirfli (' w ; fain Friday, per pair. ...... ' "eaasi-sgagaBaeMSBaBsaBasBaBBa t a . . : .. .. m til , U-i-i, . , II I . . I 1 I v a .wr ?' . . - Ill 11 III It "... Sal -sfLsW .. . I It. Is believed that the death of i former President Caslmlr Perler of .France, whose picture here appears, : was due In large measure, to. the elopement of . his son with. Madam , Simons Labargy, the beantlful ao : tress, whose. plctnre also Is siren. i FURNITURE. MEN HOLD SESSION .Offtoers of New State Association ; Elected and Mr. Gedsby Given - Token of Appreciation. ' M- .'"At the first annual meettn ef . the OrefOa Retail, Furniture Dealers' asso- ; . elation hald at the Chamber of Com mere yesterday the foUowtn offloers - , were el acted : B. P. Vorea,. Baker City. Ipreeldent; M. Oatrow, Portland, first , ! vioe-prasldant; W. - H. Maoy, MoMinn . .villa, eeeond.vlee-nresldsnt; F. J. Chan '. nan, Dallas, treasurer; frank Freeman, . Portland, eeeretary. The members of ' the exeoutlvs committee are: . Cantata ; William Oedstov; Portland, president; M. - A. Radar, Pendleton; D. H. James, ;Bala; H. A. Calef, Portland. Associa tion members are pleased with ; the re- . . suit or the nret years work and report . v that many new " members have been ; takea lav After the eleotlon' yesterday '- . dinner was 4 held - .et -Richard's.- at , which . Castalw William. tJadaby aoted ..1 in the course ef the -erenmr "Philip , ! Oavurts in behalf ef the Portland fur - nltore dealere. presented a silver match ease to wiuiata oaasny. president 01 '.-'the elty association of furniture deal- era, la token of "appreciation ef hit ' as president '. Ia hie remarks aeceptlna; the token, Mr. Oadsby dwelt at lensth upon the .V necessity of bnlldlns up the buslnees et s maaufectnrlna' furniture In Oreswn. He ,:. aevsreiy eriucisea xne custom or nemo eeaat dealers buying treat quantities of medium Brads oak furniture from Wis consin and Bonth Carolina factories. ' when the same class of roods can be . turned out lust as eheaply riant here :. In Portland. Mr. Oadsbye remarks aroosed much Interest and It la thought probable that the . result will be aa organised - effort to lend ., srreatsr en- 'J" eouraremant to Oregon manufacturers The earning of X me. . Ifordloa te the Hellts; next week with the Baa Carlo epera oompany will be an Important musical event lame. Lillian Nordics was bora n rarmtneton, Ma Her first ensasamant was as a soloist In the First church, Boston. She wee aftar one year eosafed to sing at . Dr. Putnam's church, at the hlshest salary ever paid la Boston up to that time for a obolr singer. She was at that time only IS years of age, and the following year she was beard at Madison Square Garden, Hew York, with Ollmore'e band, than oae ef the foremost musical organisations ef this country. . t ' . In this way she acquired the means with whloh to continue her -studies en a broader line, and went to Italy to pre pare for the operatic stage. Her debut was made at Brescia, Italy, la the role of Vlolette In Verdl'e "La Trevlata. Bha was an lnstantansous success, and engagements followed la Genoa and other Italian cities, and the Imperial opera at 8t Petersburg. Met, Nor dlca's London-debut- wee-made-at Con vent Garden In HIT. She later ap peared In Boston as Marguerite In "Faust under the management of Col onel Mapleson, and afterwards at the Metropolitan, wnicn ' reauy wmuiuiw hsr American debut. APPOINTMENT OF BANK EXAMINER IS ANNOUNCED ' . (Jeerae! Speriml Berrlee.) -Olympla. Wash, March A. . W. Engle of Seattle will be appointed state bank examiner for Washington, accord ing to the announcement made last night by Governor Meade. Engle wae oonneeted with the Ft ret National bank at North Yakima for several years In the capacity of cashier, vice-president and president Later he was a direc tor of the Washington National bank ef Seattle. . ' - . Woolen Mills Close. (Siwrlel ptapatrb te The JesnieLl Pendleton, Or, March is The Pen dleton woolen mills closed today on account of the delay ef fuel and con gestion of traffic on the Oregon Short I.lna. - Coal shipped from Kemmerer, Wyoming, on March has not yet reached Pendleton. It la aot known where it Is, nor how Ions the tleup may last of furniture. . RIGHT'S LODGING AKD : 15 CENTS TO THE GOOD Unknown Prowler in East Mult nomah Content With Little Local and Personal Notes. - - Claone, Or, March si. Borne un known person hroke ia throfigh a win . dow into the Rockwood school house - and spent Monday night there, also tak ing; 1 cants belonging to one ef the pupua. , .', - . Joe and Frank Mendahl of Colum - bla View are - working for A. H. Bell in Me new store at Portland, William Bolton ef Rockwood has sold , portion of hie home place and a new building WU1 go up at once. John Bahrain of Highland, Clacka mas county, spent Saturday night with hie brother here. ' - A. B. Campbell of Melrose was here en business Monday. ' ' ' ' J. H. Bchram was (n TreutNa ys terday and brought home a new horse . ' which he will break te drive on the mell wagon. - William Stanley Is making some sub stantial improvements on his place, la ' eluding an ornamental fence around his : " dwelling. , . Roes Lovelace Is learning' the but . termsktng art under Herman Dunn at B. P. Reynoldr Columcia view rarra. UNIVERSITY DEBATING ; TEAMS MEETJONIGHT v Seattle,' Wash., March It. Bd M. Hewee. Charles W. Hall and W. B. , Rassraussen, the members of the Unl- varsity of .Washington , debating team, 1 whloh Is to meet the University of Ore "', gon team at Eugene tonight, left Beat tie last night for Eua-ena. 'The question . to be debated is: "Resolved. That the ; fifteenth amendment and the eecohd section of the fourteenth amendment to the United States eonntltutlon ehould be repealed." The method of repealing or difficulties In the way of repeal era not permitted te be touched In the discus sion. . . -x The most significant word In trade Is : money-back coined by Schilling's Best . Card of Thanks. ' X wish to thank the Knights end La dies ef Security of Multnomah lodge for their kindness during ths slokness , and deatk ef Mra Minnie f. xiudkUm , SECURITY SAVINGS AND TRUST COMPANY .. , ,. v ' '1 i- FOSTXJLS9, omaoov. : ; , . . '' " '-' C T. ADAMS, President A. MXLU, Flret Vice- Preet B. O. XtTBOT, Bacr ataxy, tk A. uwn, Second Vloe-Pree't ' . F. BUBSSXJV, Ass't Secretary. Statement of Condition at Close of Business March 22, 1907: .'sJ.- . RESOURCES. - ' V : - ',: '. : ': Loans ; ; r.;.; r, .v. ... . . $3,342,725.06 Bonds : . . . . . 1,352,730.34 Cash and due from correspondents. 1,249,358.90 -Real, Estate .. ....... ... .. . .- , 6,756.27 "" '"v LIABILITIES. , $5,95170.57 Capital TTr.TT.Ti.Tr.-. m. rr. . .T.T. r.7.vv.$' 500,000.00 -Surplus .. 260,914.81 Deposits . i . . . . . . i , ... . . ..... ... t. . ... . 5,190,655.76 y'-'V'l-.Z ' '' .' $5,951,670.57 . A general Banking and Trust Company business transacted. Interest .. , ,. paid oa Savings Accounts and Time Certificates of Deposit ' ' . ' ,i : BIBBOTOBa. '" ""r"' ' .T C. A DOLPH. : C. F. ADAMS. J. F. FAILING!. A. L. MILLS. ! : J. N. TEAL, ' L. A. LEWIS. JOSEPH SIMON. THE, EWXRYDAY NE,WS , , The everyday news sat and tersely told a bright brsesy. newsy paper for busy people. Sample copies mailed on request . Send your name and sddreaa this day for a specimen copy. This paper will appeal to the better class of readers and is a clean, fearless, truthful paper for '' the American home A paper any ef your family can read without being In the least corrupted. A newspaper for Ood and the Country." Be sure and get a copy specimen copy they are FREE, A dally paper conducted on clean Jonrnallstle principles. "A paper for all the people all the time." - . r-- - ...l- . . THB EDITOR. $1.00 A DAILY NLWSPAPLR $1.00 A YEAR The Western Dally Press is a splendid, enterprising, go-ahead little , paper oarrylng all the news ""fit to print" It has many departments and a trained etaff of writers a Washington correspondent and also special eorreepondenta In all the principal cities of the elvlllsed world. "It la a ' great big broad little paper." . Bend One Dollar today for a year's sub scription, postage paid. IL09 a year for a dally paper, remember. Addreee WESTERN DAILT PRESS. It4 Park St, Portland. Oregon. ' , " Mo subscriptions will be received from the elty of Portland ezoept at the rate of fl for three months or $1.60 for one year. The Portland poetefSee requires that postage on each eopy be prepaid by a 1-oent stamp. On to Is aoeonnt the subscription price to addressee in the city ef Portland la advanoed. Don't fail to subeorfbe. te this paper it la gotng to be a dandy, v Let us hear from yea promptly. tir twin.' r. Bvv w a ww v v r n ; , , , FOBTXSJTB, OUwOBT. Reporters, newspaper writers and correspondents in aU sections ef the northwest to send their namee and addresses to the news editor of the Western Dally Press, Portland, Oregon. Toung men and women of a literary bent ere requested to reply. Addreee promptly the Mews Editor. Western Dally Press, 114 Park St, Portland, Oregon. - '., ; FOR GOOD FRIDAY t - nnnrn tai7 rnAi vmm rnnrrn - iiii i til i s r itiiiki Jiiiiik iiiviii.r.ik ,r VeBfeVeV eksaa ea w si er ea aawia vvwemaB ewem w wewetw From the Butter-Nut Bakery, 271 Front St, the Butter-Nut down town store, 143 Third St, or from Butter-Nut wagons , . on the- streets. ' V SIs-i!; IS AS Every department illed to overflowing with Easter offerings. -The savings are immenscv as a glance through the foUowing Items will illustrate. THERE 19 NO BETTER PLACE TO TRADE THAN HERE. NO v; . BETTER TIME TO BUY THAN BARGAIN FRIDAY. ; - EXTRA ! EXTRA ! ! SEE OUR MORRISON Silk ond Wool Crepe do Paris Regular IM and $121 Grades : EXTRA ! ! I t DRESS GOODS SALE STREET WINDOW DISPLAY ; . A Ch fg Silk and Wool Crepe do Paris sTt v Regular $1.00 and $1.23 Grades Finest Imported Fabric Every Woman Within Reach of This Store Will Appreciate This Great Offering. ' ' ,. 1S00 yards of fine Imported Crepe de Paris ; beautiful silk and wool fabric suitable for the most fashionable gowns, especial-" ly adapted for evening wear and summer dresses, comei'ln all the best colors cream, champagne, leatheroid, navy blue, light blue, cardinal and black, extra width,' 42 and 45 inches, firm soft weave, perfect finish, never before sold for less than $1.00 and $1.25 a yard. ; This is the greatest Dress Goods Sale we have ever had. , Values are so extraordinary that no prudent woman , can afford to miss this splendid opportunity to buy choice new dress ; f V,Tf aa J?2xICEl i... 43 and 45 Inches Wide- Best Q1.00 and Q1.50 Grades Friday Only at 40 Cents New Batiste, Best 05o Grade, 48o . 50-lnch Batiste, fins shser, weave, nioe soft finish, colors eresm, pink, light blus, champagne, navy, brown, tan, cardinal and black; AQi iuv New Sicillian, Best 75o Grade, 60o 50-inch Sicillian, an excellent quality material, best spotless black, good heavy weight, very popular this sesson; priced every- Cfl ; st 75c, our price per yard, Bargain Friday......, ,OvU where sold everywhere st 65c yard, specially priced for Bargain Friday 3 Underpriced Silli Specials for Bargain Friday An unusual opportunity to buy plain and fancy silka this season's patterns and colorings at .temptingly low prices. : 37-in. Black TaCeta OOo 12,000 ysrds good Blsck Taffeta Silk, 27 inches' wide, wsrranted all silk, fast black, excellent chamois finish; good duality; regularly sold at 85c, special Bargain Friday, per . 69C 7Bo Fancy Silks 50o 19-inch fancy Louisenes in sn claborsts array of new spring styles and patterns in extensive sssortment of styles and colors; our regular ?5c silks, special for Bargain Friday . JQ q 104a. Peau BeCycne 4.8o 19-inch Peau de Cygnes in a rsre assortment of beautiful new shades; very dursble, lustrous and rich, warranted pure silk; would be aa ex ceptional bargain at 75c, special Aflr price.. EASTER FURNISHINGS Now Patterns in Fancy Shirts. New Shades in Gloves. Dainty Novelties in Neckwear. Imported Effects in Fancy Hose, New Spring Underwear. Newest Styles la Linens. , It is Impossible to describe our splendid collection of beautiful and artistic effects M haberdashery. The rich textures, novel designs and delightful colorings which are to be seen everywhere in our furnishings department must be viewed to be appreciated. The more particular you are the better we can suit you, many items are specially underpriced for Bargain Friday's sellins. - EASTER HATS New blocks and new colorings in snappy spring headwear soft and stiff in every proper shape. Bobr os Hat S2.50 Beaverton S3.00 EASTER NECK WE AB An unprecedented showing of men's new fancy neckwear, hi all up-to-date new designs snd styles; all the season's popular color . f 1 CA effects; extremely low priced at BOe up to............ .Hllslv MERINO UNDERWEAR. Men's grsy merino Underwear, an excellent spring weight garment ; comes in all sizes, slso extra sizes; a good 75c garment, special Bar gain Friday, per garment...'. ,49e 8PRINO SHIRTS. A special in men's new spring Shirts in all the latest modes and popular colors; made of best grade ginghams. ' percales and madras: our $1 value, special. .........68f Knit Underw'r and Hosiery FOR WOMEN AND CHILDREN. ' ' Many of our most staple lines have been greatly reduced for Friday's selling. Women's Knit Under wearVests and ; v Pants Beduced : 7 ; Regular 25c and 35c Values 17 Cents A large lot of broken lines of Vests and Pants; good grade lisle? every garment well made and neat ly finished: vests have low neck snd long sleeves or low neck and no sleeves, lace trimmed and taned: pants are umbrella styles, prettily trimmed with lsces; excellent 25c and 35c values. Fridsy, per . garment.. )..... special Barcrain I Sarcrau Ifl Women's Black ; v Stockingrs ; 500 dozen women's black Stock ings, wsrranted stsinless, silk fin ished; extra spliced heel and toe, double sole; one of our best wear ing stockings; regulsr 20c quality, special Bargain Fridsy at 3 pr BOf Misses' Bibbed ; Stockings Misses' lxl ribbed Stockings In blsck and tan, high splicsd heeL double sole, lisle finish; splendid wesrinr quality! very elastic; our best 25e grade, special Bargain Friday, per pair....... ...... ,Be Notions and Leather Goods Women's Parses 50o Only one dsy st this price wo men s new, stylish, sesl grsin Strsp Purses, with neat pearl clasp, lined with silk moire; excellent values st 75c, specially priced Bargain Friday at .SO 25c-50c Back Qombs 15o Women's new style Bsck Combs, made of extrs heavy shell, both plain snd fsncy designs in aU the best shades; real 25c snd 35c grades specially reduced for one day only, Bsrgsin Fridsy, at.......i...l5f R. & G. CORSETS ' - We have a line of models that we know through practical testing era accurately suited to this season's gowning. We know, too, that they shape the figure desired without a grain of discomfort. You can wesr them, as snug as you like, with perfect ease, and the assurance of good ngure results. EVERY PAIR OF R. ft O. CORSETS ' ' ARE FULLY GUARANTEED. R. & G. CORSETS - A complete line of latest models R. & G. Cor . sets. We carry the largest stock and sell more R. & G. Corsets than any other store on the entire J Pacific coast ' . Prices are TBfVf 1, 1.50, fa and f 8.50. . Extra special values in popular priced Cortets st .... i. .& Tape Girdles, in pink, blue and white, BOe & 85 Nazareth Knit Waists for children at 2Be & 1B Ferris Wsists in all the latest models st...f 1.00 Scott's Bustles in black and colors at BOf & 28 . Ferris Wsists for children and misses ' at & .'...TB and BO New Lawn and Swiss Bust Ruffles st T6 & BO WW!. CORRECT FOOTWEAR VERY MUCH UNDERPRICED. Oive as much careful thought In choos ing your spring footwear as you do to your garment or. suitS tyle (s.Just ss essential in. shoes as in any other part of the ward-' robe. Our shoes are built by shoemakers with reputetiooe to maintain they must, ana co, come up to our standard of style snd quality. Just now we are offering ex traordinary values In the most fashionable footwear for men, women and children. ; TOMORROW WILL BE SHOE TIME FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY Women's Shoes and Oxfords Ql AA Best $2J0 and : . . MlsUU UJOQ Oradea. - SEE MORRISON STREET WINDOW. t j Hundreds and hundreds of pairs of women's Shoes, Oxfords and Slippers, in new up-to-date styles, in all the best leathers; vici kid and patent colt Shoes, vid kid and patent leather Oxfords, in both black and tan colors; also vid kid snd patent leather one and two-strap Slippers, medium light and heavy soles; regulsr $150 snd $3 grades, specially priced tl ff for this sale at, only 4IvJ Men's Shoes . and Oxfords . QK Best $3 JO and 14.00 Grades . " . , V VrVOU Basement Sbos Department . : About 20,000 pairs all told, this sesson's most popular styles, in all the fsshionsble leathers, rid kid, box calf, patent colt etc.. in both plain lace and Blucher styles; medium, light snd heavy soles; not a pair in the lot sold for less than $3.50; most all are H00 and $5.00 values, f 0 OC fe.Utf all to go at one price your choice.... Infants Soft-Soled Shoes, all col- era, best 50c grades 19 Babies' Fine Kid Shoes, sizes 2 to 5, best 75c grades ...47e -Misses' Fine Vid Kid Shoes, in all Vises op to 2, best $1.50 grades, 99e Babies White Canvas Oxfords and Black Kid Shoes, $1.25 , grades ............6X4 Boys All Solid Shoes, with heavy soles, sizes 8yi to Utf, best $1.50 grades, at......... 90f Women's Stylish "WaUE-Ovor1 Shoes and Oxfords 03.37 Never Before Sold for Less Than $3JQ. , ' ';, The celebrated $3.50 Walk-Over" Shoes snd Oxfords in patent leather and black vid kid, lace and button. with4ight and heavy soles, Cuban, concave and military heels, ss well ss the Lady Churchill $3.00 Shoes snd Oxfords, Zlegler Bros.' $3.50 Shoes and Oxfords, ths Sherwood $3.50 Shoes snd Oxfords, Hannah McCarthy $3.50 Shoes-and Ox- t4) 07 fords ell to go at one price; your choice, only.;; 4Ldl Women's 1 Easter Gloves It will surely please you to see our vast assortment of new spring Gloves In kid. suede, lisle and taffeta silk In aU the desirable sorine? colorings end our moderst prices cannot fail to appeal to every woman. 2-elaan Silk Glovee. in all col6rs ex cept black, double tipped, at.. 60 2-clasp Silk Gloves, in all colors. double tipped, at i.Tttf 12-button length Silk Gloves, in black and whits, double tipped, st fl.OO 16-button length Silk Gloves, blsck only, double tipped, at......s)l.5 12 snd 16-btitton length Glsce snd shades, sll sizes, moderately priced. 24-button length Silk Gloves, ia all colors except blsck and white, dou ble tipped, at....... fl.OO 16-button length Lisle Gloves, in colors black and white, at.. 1.00 2- clasp Kid Gloves, in all the best shades, sll sizes, at. ....... .Sl.88 3- dasp Glace Kid Gloves, sll col ors and sites, at fl.75 Suede Kid Gloves In all the best , I ' ' i " EXCEPTIONAL VALUES IN The DOMESTIC SECTIOII Saving hints on Napkins, Tspestry snd Cotton Ooods. that will pre vail in this popular section oa Bargain Friday, that should Interest every thrifty housewife. The prices are the lowest yetas a comparison wU show. Resd theee indicstive values Striped Tapestry 34o Best 45c Grsde. Another shipment just received 50-inch Roman and Oriental Striped Tapestry in a large assort ment of pretty rich colorings; other stores ask 45c for this grsde, our special price, Bsrgsin Friday.. 84e Zong Cloth 01.C5 100 pieces English Lonqr ClofS, f sheer weave, just the drsirc l I for dainty undrrm"!in an I fants' dreses, full IZ t piece; extrs good v' - i' specially priced for T st