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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (March 28, 1907)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND. THURSDAY EVENINO. MARCH 3 FEAR TO PRiriT The Knoct-cut Eloir. WEIGHING A HUMAN SOUL ' The blow which knocked oat Corbet was a rovelaUos to the prize fighter. From the earliest day of the ring the knock-out blow was aimed for the jaw, tb temple or the Jugular Tela. Stomach punches were thrown In to worry and weary the fighter, but If a sclentlflo man had told one of the old fighter that the most vulnerable spot was the region of the stomach, he'd bare laughed at him for an Ignoramus. Dr. Pierce U bringing home to the publie a parallel fact that th Jm(ls the most vulnerable organ nut Afha tirtaA rln aa wll In It -Ma t GHOST London Papers Shocked to Find Themselves Liable In ' I ! I Damages. protect bur haaHa, throats, feet and Iun;s ! but thniobv are utterly Indiffer iNOTED POET FLEES IN ent to, itnti: disehaAnnds the solar plexus and knocks nioutT tke your ytmarh sound anJ ttrong bfTtTy iiai QtJgw STORIES I - I " i "TERROR FROM HIS VILLA - v .' t V I V I Tell Marrow-Chllllng Experience, ' i Pper Print Story, and Landlord r. Harvests Sam to "DamAgMi It L 'Has Rent Beaten Too Badly. .. Mearsal Special Berries.) Tendon. March 21. Thar la likely to ba slump bara ta ghost stories and creepy talee of taunted bouaaa for aoma ttroa to eome, a the raault of an ac tion for damage against tha Pally - 1 Mull, which has been ordered to pay ' f 450, plus co i a, for publishing a yarn , , . of ghost. It II t weu tuinnuawi : ; -shoot, too, vouched for by no laaa than -f-Btephen rbHHps, th.-r famous joett K dramatist, whose "Frencesca andtt Paolo" la now .- being produced In America by JIenry Irvine ' but that . .... - . . i f 1 ,j 1 xur. rnunpa reniea . ont tii t I A, Kpnara aoma years aso. ii naa pwn built only II years and thara waa noth ing about It remotely . suggestive of a pooka abode, for these eerie folk gen erally, choose some ancient and costly castle, or mansion for their lodgings. .... - Oa f tha hostile Oaasta. . But no sooner war Mr. Phillip snd his family settled than, to quota hla own words, "the nneannlaat noleea conoelv abl beset as. Thsr were knocking and rapping, footfalla soft snd loud, hasty and stealthy hurrying and soup, rylnga; sounds aa of a human creature being chased, caught and than atrangled or choked .Doors - -banged - and were L , opened and closed ' unaccountably, - as "though by vaseen bands. -I would be sitting quietly la my study, reading, when the door would opea suddenly." Mr. Phillips did not aren try to In terview the ghost. Ha and hla family Jest ran away from It. They want ta live .In an Inn In tha neighborhood. Mr. Phtlirpe paying three yaara' rent to be lid of bis laaa of tha haunted house. , . .. -ahOM XdeattfledV - '-' V A friend of the poet, poaaessad of paychio powers and more daring, passed a night la the house to try to solv the myatery. He aaid ha discovered that 2 -the manifestations war caused DjTthe spirit, or a child ; which had been " straagled .la. tha neighborhood, by a ; farmer many years before. . Apparently, -J also, the wraith of tha murderer par . tlclpated In the graeaora nocturnal re- ,'hearaaJa of tha murder, for Mr. Phll ? Hps p aye hie. friend averred that h dlev j tlnctly heard tha noises of strangling.. t -, 1 Damage Beats Meat Amy how. . I ' la eonaequene of the publicity given j to. these stories, Charles Barrett, the . owner of ' the house, declared he had i "been' unable sine- to find a tenant for it. He flrat brought proceeding a agalnat tha ,lende Jjprt Eapraaa. which had made a I w, day a- story out of Staphed Philllpa' haunted houaa. That paper, 9 on JtEfiafflSS ?H0RT We can fit you to a Tee. .We can fit you because we make a specialty of fitting every customer .that comes to our shop. 'A carelessly made gar- ment is a greater annoy ance to us than it is to you. Another thing you , should remember. When you go to a tailor and pay $70 or more for a . suit, you merely give the . tailor more profit " and get nothing in exchange - for the extra money you .pay him. We can fit ;yoUi suit you and clothe you for. less than i half that amount. ' You' will J be far better satisfied be cause your financial con- Edition will be better sat- ,;; ' i isfied. . You can buy two 1 v suits from us for what , one would : cost you at V f ' the other fellow's. GRANT PHEGLKY, Manager. ! SEVENTH & STARK STS. .1 M Recent iDgpshot of Pr. Ducan McDounalt-who ii oxperlmenV 'Inf tha weight of the tout Immediately after death and finds that the soul weighs a full ounce leas. In the fire tests ha made , there was Invariably the loss of about an ounce In weight aa the subject died. But ta 13 tests of dogs there was no loss ot weight, unable to summon the ghost to testify In its own behalf, settled the matter out of .court by. paying .Mr. .Barrett tl.0. A spiritualist paper of limited circula tion, which had alao published the story, waa let off with 150. Several other papers have ' ye to be settled with. Aa-Jt-laMrBarett baa anade deal more out of . tha-ghost than he has lost by it. Whether It still sticks to the house nobody knows; But should It raise the roof off the heuae uo men tion would be made of It. la every newipaper office In the country order have been Uaued to "kill" Stephen Phil lip ghost whenever It appears. ; SUCCESSFUL POLICY Peoples' Market ant Grocery OA, Saa . . ' ..... aavUBU.PatH agar- The success 'of the People's Market and Grocery Co, has been accomplished by hard work, backed wp by fair, aquare honest dealings. VTa atartad out on that pr.ilcy and it hasfreen to be the right one. 'The unprecedented growth of this market has been a source of great satis faction. , Thoae who are our regular euatomers know that we do Just as we say, and nsver fall to give more for tha money in the long run than any other grocery or market In the city of Port land. The aueeeaaf ul houaewif la tha woman who succeeds la ssenrtnr the moat appetising, delicious and whole some foods at tha least expenae. W flatter oursslvss that ws have an en viable proportion of this elsss of cus tomers baoauae they continue from on month's and to another. They not only stay with us but bring la their friends. All w ask Is a trial, a comparison of prices. People's Market A Grocery Co. ' The Spots on the Snn. Home folke sea d sun got people tn ft. dee lak dls wort', said Bre r Wil liam. y "Tou reckon it 1st" .-. s "Well, I ain't sayln It la, en I ain't sayln' It ain't, but dent ' black spots looks suspiciously lak d race problem had hit It!" ) . . - SEEKS A DIVORCE Fhotograpb. of Mrs. Agnes Biller Mace, wife of Dr. Lloyd Mace, of Philadelphia, who has left him and Is suing for a divorce. They were married one year and one month sko tomorrow at what was one of the most elaborate church weddings. She lscnly. 29 years old. , , . : A RUNAWAY QUEER HOVEL HEROINE Elinor Clyn Follow Up Literary t,Ten-Strik With Another 1 Sensuous Thing. AUTHOR A3, CHARMING -7" 'ASHERTOWMHER0lNE Fame Walt on StCB Another Novice, Author of "The Artie tlo Tempera- :' meBf Author of Worry1 'Writes on Cancer.' , aearaal Special Swrte.). liOndon. March IS. EUnor GIrn. who became suddenly famous aa the author of "The Visits of Ellubeth." wrote the last ' word four days ago of a novel that Is to be called "Three Week." The general opinion la that It la going 'to prove a rather aston ishing book, glowing and aenuoua to a degree,, but not In the least flippant It la understood It deals with a tre mendous episode In the life of a run' away queen. The story Is to eoms out almost Immediately la book form. It has, been maintained that "Elinor Olyn" is a pseudonym, and that there la no sueh. paraon which la not ao at all. The author is known In soeial Ufa aa Mr. Clayton Olyn. Although she spends much time on the conti nent, her home I In Eases. . 8b Is as attractive and plquants aa her hero ines, slender, and graceful and alway exquisitely gowned, ' and blest with wonderful maasea of red-brown hair, Another ramoas Vakaowm. --- This seems to be a good season for brand-new noveliata. The asms Eng lish firm that was lucky enough t discover young Marjorla Bavin whoa flrat book. -The Viper of Milan." ha gone through many editions has this week come out with another novice, for whoa story, called "Tb Artistle Tem perament," the orders are pouring in sven more rapidly . than they did for "The Viper The author la called Jan Wardl and although thla is ad mittedly' a paeadonym. apparently even tbs publishers do not know who the author la. It la a story of London art Ufa. with a suburban background, and a plot that starts out lightly and cyn ically enough end gradually becomes enthralling. It la a rather bitter story, but apparently Is going to be one of the topics of conversation for the, next few months. . a , Oelemrlttal In Translation, t Mlsa Mary Cholmondeley's lateat novel, - "Prisoners," hss been, or in some cases is about to be, published In translated form In France, Italy, Ger many, Sweden and even Holland, wher although there 1 no copyright, a con aclentloua publishing firm ha paid her for tha privilege of translating the book Into Dutoh. Arrangements are alao pending for the Danish and Nor wegian rights. Meredith Nichqlson. whose '"House of a Thousand Candles" is doing vary well here, has just. sold his Swedish tranalatlon rights. ... ( . .. Dr. C. W. Baleeby, . whose ' book on "Worry: Its Causes and Cures." Is about to be published simultaneously In England and America, has been In teresting himself with all his wontsd energy In the discoveries of his friend. Dr. Beard Of Edinburgh university, as to tha cauaea and cure of eaneer, which kllla sff even more thouaanda of vlc tlma a yeer than that other dlseass called worry. Dr. Baleeby la now writ ing a book on the subject which will sppear some time in the autumn. II ha received the almost unprecedented honor, for a men yet In his twenties, of being Invited to -lecture before the Royal Institution. A Bare at Sea. , t From Country IJfe. ' A enast guard saw a hunted hare, which had been Jost by Its pursuers, swim In from the sna, and land. "She appeared -to be -violently ' sick,' probably from the effects of swallowing salt water; eh then cleaned herself thoroughly all over and went quietly on her way. having thus effectually throws off her : hunter. . 7 v Tou trotcet, vour-uH In yoi;r iaot"Oolden AleJkar Discover1 cures "weiU stomach," Indigestion, or dyspepsia, torpid liver, bad. thin and Im pure blood and other diseases 01 the or gans of digestion and nutrition. ' The "Golden Medical Discovery ha a speclfie eurative offset upon all mnoons surfaces and hence .cures catarrh, no matter where located or what stage It may have reached. In Nasal Catarrh it Is wall to, clause the passages with Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy fluid while using tb Discovery "as a constitutional rem edy. Why tho "Golden Medical Discov ery "cure catarrhal diseases, as of the stomach, bowels, bladder and other pelvic organs will be plain to yon if yon will read a booklet of extracts from tbs writ ings of eminent medical authorities, en dorsing its Ingredients and explaining their curative properties. It Is mailed free on request Address Dr. K.V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y. , This booklet glres all tho Ingredients entering Into Dr. Pierce's medicines from which It will be seen that they contain not a drop of alcohol, pure, triple-refined glycerine being used Instead. Dr. Pierce's great thousand-page Illus trated Common Benae Medical Adviser Will be sent tree, paper-bound, for 81 one cent stamps, or cloth-bound for U stamps. Address Dr. Pierce as above. J . AT THE THEATRES "The Tenderfoot" at Hellig Tonight, . Tfce analral eonedy eaeeaaa, "The Teaser rol ' "111 Seals aa eagaseaMnt ef three Blsiits st the Belllg theatre, roorteenth aad Wash. laetoa atresia. tooUht at S:IS e'rloek. A epe-etal-prlee autlaee will be glres Satttnlar after. aooa. Seata are Sow celling at tbe boa eirlce ef the theatre for the satire eng aseaMst. 1 Seats Selling at Box Office. Seata' are aew stllhig at the box erflee e the HeUlf theatre, roarteeath and Wabtates tnets. for the Saa Carlo Grand Onara peny. which come t the Shove thaatr. aext-1 '"7 ana weuneeaay. apru s aad S. . ' Seat Sale Tomorrow for Hanford. (Frldavt Mralna' mt a m. at the bos office ef the Heillg theatre, the advance eeat sale will opea for the eminent tratealaa aad actee. Charlea B. Baaford. wbe eoniee to the abore-theatre seit Snnday alshc hfarrh Si, ta SbakaepMre's "Crmbeltne." htoa dy eight, April 1. "Jollas Caesar." Fine Work la "As a Man Sows. As Breada. the Inbter'a daashter.'whe ae rie a aiaa ef aoble birth ana ta tbea oteerted, altar Ulllaa Lawrence tan a sarrinlarly atieng part la "Aa a Mas Sowa." aad aba toakaa the BMet ef It, aa the (iHlleaces et the Baker thla week caa tertlfy. Thla play haa proved peps tar with Baker satroaa. Matinee Ba tarda. "Leah Klaahaa" Beat week. .. r, , . "Under Sealed Orders." 1 Thrtlltng aad pleasing . ts - "Cader Beeh-d Oreers." one ef tbe beat playe the Allan atock eompaay has preeeated at the Star theatre. This ts the attraction thla week, aad there will be aratlsees Serarday aad Bnaday. "TJtadeT Sealed Ordara" la wlaalag larva henaaa at the Star, and It la each aa eaosual play that fet haa , attracted more thaa - ordinary attenthej from the tnestre-solBg nnbUo. The eceaery la appropriate and nraatlfal. Beata are now sailing at the boa office ef tbe Star. , Beeerva- Be siaae by telepbane. Groat "Leah Kleshna" Coming. . , . The Baker Is ens ef the very first stork enmpealea m the Catted Statea to aetata "Leah Kleahaa," which haa Jnat bera released tor stock. Two rears are Mrs. riika played It In PortUad. and tha hnprveeloa It saad than will sever be farsvttea. Neat week will therefnre be a , red-letter week ta tbe history ef the Baker, for apeelal areparatloa has bees aiade for thla remarkable production. Opena Saaday aftarBooa with atatlaee Batarday. ., Empire Always Pormlar. ' re woader that the Ratpira eonHanea to be popnlar wbea each playe aa "A Cowboy utrl" are aresented thara. Stic prodaetlone as this week's attraction have Indelibly etaaiped late the Minds sad memories ef Portia ad tbea- tro-coer the . fart that the Morrlsoa street boos la preeminently tbe place tor popolar eatenaiaaaaat. Mauaee saniraay. Clever Bca Hendrlcki Xtxt Week, rrssh sad brlslit as aver. "Ole Olaoa" win once aiare eatertela handreds aad hasdrvds ef old and new ftieada aext week at tbe Empire. Bea HeBdrlcka ts sever to be for rotten. Hla Swedish eonra are ens ef the tea torts ef a prodaettea that maintains Its hold oa the Amerieaa pobll ta tb ateat remarkable Bjan - The Ctrl In the Trunk. After ebewtag lores trmk abeolately empty COSTS NOTHING UNLESS CURED Uberel Way in WaJeh BOo ea. snomaeh , Tablets Are Bold. If a friend should tell you that he would pay. the doctor bill If h did not eure you, would It not Impreae you with the aklli of that physician T It Is really In this way that we sell Ml-o-na stom ach tablets, guaranteeing to refund the money If Ml-o-na does not cure. If you have any of the naual aymn- toma of indlgeatloa and wean stomach. such aa V Offaaslv breath ' Pr.Taese ef tbe soee ' rata serves the eje Fain Is beek ef tbe hoed Pais Is frost ef the kaed Tendaaer to take sold Boraln sals la the throat Hawking ta clear tha throat -Pala la the cheat A eoegh gtttrh la aide toeing ef flseh Variable appetite Tw SBlrlted at times BaUInf of frethj tancos Bipaotoratlsg yellow natter rTaskloees ef volee Iscbsrse from tbe 1 Stoppas e ef the 1 at also. Aching ef the body pmontnss la thro throat Mouth opea while alaenlns rTickiiDe back ef the ; palate for matt a ef crests la tbe noes Dryaeas ef tbe throat la tb atoning Loss ef strength Bpaame of eoesblnf Coosa abort aad back- Crock won ahorniase Btghta aad Lose la vital force -A feallag ef tlrhrnesa Dltflmltv la breathlns across tha apper part fteeneat aoeeslag ef the chest If vou have any ef these symptoms use Ml-o-na atomsoh tablsta They cost but SOo a box; nothing If they do not eure. . we sbsolutely agree that your money will be refunded should you buy a 10c box of Ml-o-na atomseh tablets and not be satisfied with the results. Ml-o-na I Is sold by druggists everywhere, or will 1 be sent by msll on receipt of priee, SOe, write todsy for a free sample pack age, and also give os your symptoms, and one of the best nown stomach apeclallats will give your ease hie care ful and personal sttentlon ' without rhsrt. Booth's Mlona Company, Buf- ifalo, H. T. Down jSA'lfelf: Eclipse Steel Mit You test the .'Eclipse" Steel Range before you pay for it. You learn whether it is all we claim for it More you part with your money. If not satisfied with it. your : dollar will be cheerfully refunded. : ; A'4-hole Eclips? Steel Range of. the "R".' series, made to' meet the 'demand tor a' smalt range, is priced at only ' ' $332 ' "$1 down and $1 a week. if, not satisfied. , , ., 4t .We have larger anges, reservoirs, priced according warranted for 15 years.. ' All without charge. .--l " 173-17S First aad'shoertas that H la ansoastble ta eotslde aid. AlblnL the auatctaa at tha Oraad. epeaa the trans a aesoad time aad discloses a roaas woman la U. The anreterr haa sot yet hers aolvedf altbonsh thooaaada ef Portland Mtple have beea poamUo over It etaea Ita flrat iatrodorttoa Moaday. Thla Is eae ef several entertalnlag apedelttaa which the Oraad pro graai eoatalaa. Tbe ehlldrea will especially appreciate tbe "Teddy Bean," as shows ea tbe awviag pietarea. - In War Drama, War dramas sever fall ta attract the rnbHe, foe asrjoas has s spark ef patriot laaa. Nest week the Alias stork soot pa ay will peasant at the Star theetie tha fa moos civil war slay, "Winchester." There will be tbe eaas slectrt- eel aad mechanical dartcss assd st tbs Star which siade the play so popolar la tbs east s few years age. Tint perfonaaaes Mostlay alght. - 1 "The Senator's Daughter, Tbs theatrical event ef the week I tbs pro doetloa ot "The Seaator'a Danghter" at tbe Lyric. Thai popalar drana ef society Ufa la Wasbtagtoa aeeaia to have a track pabU. aa arnral. The faaMna third act has draws karats of stnesrs sppUose st every perforaiaBee. ' Twe perforaiencee Betoreey saa sasaay signis; aiai. bee every day. Best bow sailing, ssd siay be reserved by telephone. ,, , "Carmen", Next Week. Best week, besinalng stoaday matlnae, the popalar Lyric atock eeaipaay will areaent a Bssnlflcent prodoctloa at the Immortal "Car atea.'.' Beaotltnl ecenery aad eostamea and aa aagseated cast will aid to keep the pro doctloa ap to tbe- high etaadard recently set by the saanagemcat. Beato sow ea sale. . " Carried Their Own Beds. . From the Kansas City Star. 'An old man approached the Pullman Office window. 'A lower ta BU Lou is,- as saia, oia- plavlng hla transportation, . ' rahe little rea sup was auunpea uo handed to him. ' ...... The old man stood at tne winaow a moment looking at the clock. "Twsntjr-flve yeara ago," 41 saia. "i bought a berth from Kansas City Ut California. My Bed cost me is.eents. The clerk looked astounded. ... "Tou're mlstsken, I think." replied the ticket seller. "Berths are as cheap bow aa they have ever been." , No." said the traveler, "they are not. They're eoatllsr: And 1 11 tell you why Travel nowadays is different. . When I went to California than I paid 71 eegits for a strtw tiolc 'I bought it on this street right opposite (he depot. I don't remember what I paid for my place In the ear. But In reality my bed coet me Juat Ti cents. Thsrs ussd to be a sign on tme of those little building ever thers which, said! , . , Qenirtz Your money back ..',...:..'''.' with and without to size. ' They are breakage replaced : ..".f These -are lia imnl Eclipse Range Lasts a Lifetime. Tbonsands Sold t In Portland. : Investigate and Yoa'U Bave No Oilier Range. Street 219-227, W. H. MARKELL & CO. 121-123 GRAND AVENUE s;' YOUR EASTER SUIT IS ON THE EAST SIDE . " ' . a ;- ... ,.' Right here at this store. ' The shopping center of the East Side where rents axe low end values the beet in the city. - Women's Easter Suits .The very newest and best styles. West .Side high-rent stores charge from $2.00 to $10.00 more for the same goodsv Men's Easter Stilts e$lQoo 222 1 -i . . ' Stylish, perfect fitting and shape-retaining 1 tailor-made . clothes for men In a large variety of patterns. You'll be surprised at the saving tn price, v ', : v .-v "Qet ypur straw bed here SO and TB eenta.' Twenty-f1v years sge that meant luxurious traveling. Thera were simply eurtalna to pull down over your seat and you. provided your own bedding. Tou took your own sheets (If you wished them at all) and your own blankets. Kansae City waa looked upon as the supplying point for all weetem travelers. ' Those men who owned the straw and the ticks In that room acroaa on th avanu did si flour- rtahlng business," X S. Banks, general ticket agent at the depot, said ysatsrday that proba bly lo.oos straw ticks wsr gold to Free Premiums For the next ten days we offer with each, Eclipse Range sold Vv 1 - A Set of Asbestos Sad Irons Free : ; &3 the' regular, asbestos-lined ' iron" r ill holders. . Impossible to burn your hands with , l., Boils Yamhill Street traveler from that room en tTnlon venue. "Tick were a sort of a ln ury." h said, "II or 10 years ago. They were la demand, too, Th majority of persons who traveled fo California did not uss the sleeping cars." v ' ' Poet in Training. - " Did yon best the carpet, dear" ' "I did," replied the poet "And tha stovs pipe hay yea. taken It downr : a "1 hare." v ' "Thsrs g desfT Now, go and dig In the garden for exercise, and then you may go te your grarrst a4 writ leva ' songs for groceries!'