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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (March 28, 1907)
1 U 1 P ' ' anna'.'l'1 I'!'. v,l'-'i -I-t'- . . i V i J til V . 1 I a. 100 New. Spring Tailored Suits Reg.$25.00Values Qaly$ K.50 nno a VAuaviuuuujr 4 iiuajr'ivtwi v-waavvi orv .jjciat we offer one hundred new Eton Suits, per- -fectlv made and tailored " Orilv 100 suits will be sold at this extraordinary low price. ' Early choice will give the best selection. . One hundred hew Eton Suiti of fine all wool Panama. cloth, in black, navy,-brown, tan and gray, made in thia season's most popular Eton jacket tylo,xwith collarless effect, trimmed with fancy braid ; new elbow sleeves, all lined with white satin. The skirts are made in the newest plaited styles. Sold regularly at $25.00, Friday only, . t . . -. yf. . $16.50 75 New Jap SHk Waists Reg. $3.75 Val.; $2.&5 For Friday Bargain Day only 75 new Spring Waists - of extra, fine quality white Jap silk, made with Valenciennes lace yoke and five : rows insertion down the fcpnt, separated by four silk em broidered - panels, new elbow sleeves, with lace trimmed cuffs, tucked and open back." Sold reg-1 ularly at $3.7fl - .fl f -- Friday only at. . . . O P 11 4k An 'Easter Jewelry Salel Very Special Greatest Bargains in Modish Jewelry Lvcr Offered Every piece new and according to the whims of fashion for spring, 1807- These for Easter COStUmeS. - . V.--- - ZSc'SILVER.HAT PINS lZtf. ; Novelty sterling silver designs, floral, Cupid, leaves about 12 patterns, - while IOIA they last., . . .. .JZ.... .1 &VC 35c, 45c SILVER HAT PINS 25c Large headsolid silver tops, floral, designs and many pretty ideas, good strong . OC pinySpecial. ........ .... .......... JC XLA VALLIERE NECK CHAINS" pxquisite La Valliere Neck' Chains, just ar rived, in the latest effects. The most popu lar jewelry fad of the season $5, $7.50, 910.00, ? 11.00, $17.50, ?18.50. . THE NEW "PRINCESS" PURSE. The latest fad in gold and silver . Purses is the smart "Princess" purse, in three sizes, in sih-er.caLolduAls9 Jhe new flat Cardcase and Purse combined- No Easter costume complete without one of these novelties 3.50, ?3.(Hy $I.&U, $.UU, ?7.&U, 10.00.- -V -; 25c STERLING STICK PINS WAc A pretty assortment of novel designs of Stick Fins, in French gray finish, every one worth double the sale price... l 25c, 35c SILVER BROOCHES 18c Cupid, flower, scroll and many other beauti ful designs. Come early to get your choice of the limited number on sale , in at;........;....... ...IOC - 75c STERLING BELT PINS 50c Good strong Belt Pins and Buckles, in the new French gray finish, all the latest i oouveaVeffcctr; .". '.' :..'. : . .: 0UC SOLID GOLD BACK COMBS. Almost as low as plated styles the result of a bargain. purchase. We guarantee them solid gold mounted. . ." ' ; $4.-50 COMBS, FOR $2.50. , " . French shell with a pretty solid gold mount, $1.50 value for......esevU $5.00 COMBS FOR $2.75. : These designsareriear on the best' finish French shell, a number of designs to select from., . .,' Jo TP Sale . . . . . . , . . ... ..v. . . . : . . . , : . JZ. 75 800 New Trimmed Hats VaLto $7.50 for $3.95 Special for Friday, the Llp my,Wol(c School of Style places on sale 800 Trimmed Hats, in a variety to suit every face, every new style of coiffure, every complexion and every color of dress. These hats are of a character usually sold for $7 JO. But for - this extraordinary sale.' your i choice...'. .1 $3.95 Hundred of nw' Stater modal (or election today and tomor row in an Inflnlt variety of tylaa at ovary prtoo. 1200 Pis. Kid Gloves for faster Reg; $2.25 Vals., $1.47 These gloves" bear the name :.-: - of the most famous gloves in the world a name which every woman knows a name which we are not able to advertise ' ifl a bargain sale. They ' are the finest 'quality Imported kid gloves. taken from -ourTegnlartocks,JJsold at $2.25 a pair. Made of soft, elastic kid in all light shades, some with fancy stitch Inga white, tans, slates, reds, navy, green, pearl, mode, cream, Nile green, delft ; blue, : pink,' light blue. lavender, lemon salmon, rose, Alice, etc. Perfect in every respect and regu lar $255 values $1.47 Painting iTimc Sale Buy -Now !.23c :;,;,;.i;,;.;;.,43c. Now is the time to paint floors and interior (woodwork. Also porches and step -before the vines and plants grow over them, r .. . . BEST MIXED PAINTS AT SPECIAL PRICES. Pint best mixed . paint, in all the wanted colors for inside and outride work, 40c value for.... '. Quart site best mixed paint, all the beet colore, 65c value for. " Half-ffaJlon bet floor paint, in the good floor colore, . -. .... . Afto regular $1 value for............ UOV Interior varnish stain, ready for uie, the best finish for all woodwork, t O in all the good colors, regular 25c value for.... u........ ....... XOL -Enamel Paint for touchingnpalr ftney wood work," furniture,, etc 1 Pr regular 25c value for , AOt Best stovepipe enamel, gloss. black, a fine enamel for all kinds of iron 1Ap work, regular 25c value for... lOL -20c Combination ShoePolishlOc . Oleole Friction Combination Polish, in box, 25c sire for.. 18 QcjpjJScshoe polishes, black, tan or white........ T.' 8 10c BlaclT Ravenola shoe paste. .. .ITT. . . . . . . . . BelT ,10c Bixola polish........ 8e 15c French T. M.. polUh.;..;,...'..!. ..10e" Monogram Stationery, $4.00 Values, $235 . , Greatest Value Ever Offered in Portland. We cut for you a steel dye, with two or three-letter monogram in script, old English or any style you wish.. We give .50. sheeta of best linen lawn paper and -envelopes TO match,' stamped in any color you may select. The die be- rj f longs to you and will last for years. Never before offered so low ..SfujJ 100 best quality cards in the most fashionable sizes, printed, from your plate by the best engrsveri. Superb special, Easter value at.. WHAT PORTLAND JIGHT , DO FOR CIVIC BEAUTY Improvement Work of Oak J Park, llllnofa, Tells What That City ;, Ha$ Dona to Beautify Itself, , Though Nature , . ; -v Not So Wnd as With Portland. N . - : ,-fWJk. r. "I( Portland, with all et the beeetlee of gansral aaa.kup which nature has ee lavishly spent upon her and the city's Burroundlnrs. would follow out the Unas In voaue by the Oak Park Improvement -m octtoP-tll- would soon be one of . . r . ... . . i . t I . m ttf moat oeauurui cmea in in wono. This la the opinion of Henry A. Tay- - lor, a -wealthy resident of Oak Park, . Illinois, one of Chlco's thriving and up-to-date suburbs, and who - was the ' first president of the Oak Park Improve ' ment association, formed about five . years ao to enhance the elvle beauty of that town. 1 ' Wot ftelpeA by Katare. "Oak Park had none ef the ptetures ' nue hills and rolllna around to start . In with that Portland possesses, nor I the climate to keep thing- green It , months In the year.' says Mr. Taylor. "There Isn't II feet difference between - the very lowest end blsheat points In . 'the town,- but we started In Just the same and at the end of five years we've ' not one- of the prettiest little cities In ths United Bute, and our cltlsens sre so proud ef It they are continually rais ins the standard. The same plan, only on a larger and broader scale can be don here In Portland, If the resldente ' would only com to a full realisation of ths wealthy of material there Is here to make e beautiful city." - - Mr. Taylor explained that the Oak .Park residents divided the dty Into eeo- - -tlons, -each containing from one to t eral blocks. tThese sections elected an - improvement committee, which looked after the beautify In, of that particular i district and no other. The chairmen of these subdivisions, however, formed ths . larcer body known as the Oak Park ' Improvement association,' which has (en teral charge of the work,, SverytUnt ILookM After. ' ' The sections levy an assessment ef , 1 cent a foot frontaa-e to carry on the Improvement, and with this money trees and flowers srs kept flourishing In the parkways along the euro, the streets are sprinkled and all ths lawns and grass BLUE BLOOD not siistoeretle, but Impure. . POSTUM i food corru Makwei , RHfl Dlood Itesd The Road td In pkgs. 701111,' plots along the streets are kept In the best possible shape. The parent body looks after the beau tifying ef the vacant lots, sees to It that the alley are kept free of garbage and rubbish end looks after all other general detalls- iOnly recently a. Talli road -was granted the privilege te ele vate It track through Oak Park, and the Improvement association will ses to It that ever the crossings there are stone archways and ths embankments will be so to grass seed end ftowerad and kept In aa fine shape as the resi dence lawns. .boards Tabooed. ' "We have no blllboarda In Oak Park," said Mr. Taylor. "They were promptly tabooed by the association! and all real stat signs are kept back to the build ing line or farther, so that a person looking down any street will ses only a clean-cut, unbroken thoroughfare, bor dered wito beautiful shsds trees end a wealth of flowers. "The division of the elty Into sec tions has prompted a rivalry among the residents, and each division strives te Bisks Its section a little better than any other. Ths result has been far-reaching and it is difficult to find any place in the United States possessed of more civic beauty than we have. Every street la paved, -and by the trifling as sessment of 1 cent a foot frontage per month , we keep down every particle of dust In summer, besides , continuing steady Improvements. Ths 'association works Independently of the city govern ment, except that it Is able to Influence ordinance en sanitation and clvlo con ditions." ., . . . ; r . , T . - . Portland's Asvaatafes. ' Mr Taylor -I firmly convinced that If some of the old improvement asso ciation In Portland, together with those already In existence, would turn their attention to beautifying the city along similar lines to those followed in Oak Park, Portland would not be long In coming to the front as a city prominent throughout the nation . for . Its clvlo beauty. ; "Tou'vs got "everything to begin with here," he added, "while we had nothing, yet see what we have done." Undesirable Immigrants. . From the Vsn Norden Magaalne. Among the curious defectives In ths publlo schools are a few- oretlne who come mostly from ths deep Bwiss val leys These ere supposed to lack the thyroid gland of the neck, and their development Is extraordinarily slow. One- girl In the rubllo school eould not walk until years of age, nor talk until . At the ago of 14 their stage of development is not far beyond that of a child of kindergarten ege. Yet medloal remarch has discovered a method of treatment, and even these may be Ulti mately tnsd self-supporting. y; ESTABLISH 0RE60H BRAKCH Ifl PORTLAND National Industrial Peace Pro moter Hopeful of : Leaving ' "v' Permanent Organization. F. H..8cullln, general secretary or the National Industrial Peace association, whe spoke at a meeting at the T. M. C. A. last evening te promote the plan which he advances for the settlement of labor troubleev .through a permanent board of arbitration, said this morning thst the encouragement he had received would result In the establishment soon of an Oregon branch of the organisation. Following the general plan J followed elsewhere, an agreement has been pre pared te which voluntary signatures will be secured, business men and others pledging themselves tovnoperate with fellow-members in an endeavor te estab lish and maintain harmonious relatione between employers, their employe and ths publlo. and in their effort to create a healthy publlo sentiment universally In favor of the settlement et all labor disputes, through conciliation and arbi tration. The othar side ef the question was pre sented last night by members of some of the labor unions who did not agree with the speaker that Jabor dlf Acuities could be settled by arbitration. Mr. Scullln said this morning: "I sxpeoted te meet with opposition when I cams here. I meet with It every where I make an effort to establish this peace plan. - But the latter Is not only tor the- purpose of arbitration, but to eliminate from the ranks of labor and kill the Influence 'Of professional man who draw down their salary In Idleness while promoting a strike among their brothers." Mr. Scullln says ha Intends te advance his plan at various meetings to be held In the elty until It is thoroughly under stood and by" that-time the movement." ha thinks, wilt be strong enough to es tablish In Portland a permanent branch of ths peace association. J Ths meeting last night was attended by Rabhl .Wise, Dr. Clarence True Wil son and Rev." B. aV Muckley, the latter two members of the ministerial commit tee appointed to look Into the merits of ths proposed plan. Alt of them a poke in favor of some such schem. Weill Nash presided. He also a poke along the same Una as the minister. W. J. Tar- row of the Industrial Worker of the World presented the labor side ef the question which wss opposed to the views expressed by the peaoe promotsrs . Welrht 1 no meaaure for coffee end tea: It s the name Schilling's Best. UPCHURCH LODGE ? t CELEBRATES FOUNDING Unchurch lodge. No. lit, A. O. U. W, celebrated the seventeenth anniversary of It founding last night. There waa a largs crowd in attendance. An ap propriate program was followed. The address of the occasion wee de livered -by W. J. Clarke of Oervets, grand master, who briefly reviewed the history of the local lodge, which WM founded March IS. 1810. He stated that the lodge hsd distributed 116,000 besides expending large sum In char ity in this Immediate neighborhood. - In the state the order has paid over two and one half millions of dollars, ho said, to ths widows snd orphans ef de ceased members. . Newton Clark, grand recorder, spoke on "Our Sister Jurisdiction." and Ralph Feeney, past grand master, spoke on The Level Rate and It Benefits," - A number of speeches were delivered and refreshments were served. ' Representatives of the National As sociation of Mall Carriers - will visit Erie. Pennsylvania, this summer te at tend the unveiling of a monument la memory of thS late Eben Brewer, first postmaster In Cuba during the Ameri can occupation In lSs. " Postmsster-Oenerel : Oeorge von I Meyer, who recently assumed office, has accepted an Invitation te address the Beaoon society la Boston . en Msroh . S0Z0D0NT TOOTH POWDER Imparts "a sensation so ex quisite and lasting. It cleans the teeth and gives tone to the mouth. Ask your dentist, WE it W mi Low Prices and Easy Terms A Pleasure to Show Goods We have added the FAMOUS ACORN RANGES to the STAR ESTATE and many other makes of steel ranges and can suit any one that wants a good range at a low price. Don't forget that we guarantee every range or refund your money. We have 6-hole ranges at $27.50. Call ir and see for yourself. We have a large line of ROCKERS in golden and weathered oak v and ' mahogany, from $1.75 up. The one like cut in golden and weathered oak this week Our Extension r Tables Come in all sizes and finishes, round or square tops, pedestal or 5-leg, U "from $600 up n iltti t i t t i i f - H i XaKBsBsrssnBCCBaeKsnxsaVewBEBrosTeiaseacsiacsx We have now a complete line of birds-' eye maple, solid mahogany and golden . :.: oak - v- BiREffl to suit anybody and from to m Dresser , like cut in golden oak or white maple, $16.00. nrT 166 and 168 FIRST STREET