The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, March 28, 1907, Page 20, Image 20

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... VI ' I W : - V
Y-'ArKr-V. r-r-
We Have
Put Forth
Every Effort
To Make
O '
The' Grandest in Our History, and offer the
Choicest Spnng Models of ;
Benjamin B-JuOo
' "'' : HigK Class
Easter Hats
Soft Hats in all the very
newest and nobby shapes
in Pearls, Slate, -Brown
and Mixed Shades
$3 and $5
Knox makes the best high
grade hat in the world
Dress Silk $8.00
Silk Opera Hats $8 and $10
, Knox Derby $5.00
The Bristol
This is the New Derby with the
Flat Brim
Out display, embraces the RICHEST,
FINEST and MOST STYLISH ready-to-wear
garments ever shown in this city
r aaaa aw mm mr mm mm m m i,m w t f mm mm mr
i v- rv nil
'.fflFi Ma''-;-..,-
Isf tiW-p-w
311 MORRISON STRLLT SMtS 1 - - $20 tO$40
Portland's Gentility. Shop . Top Coats $20"to$3iT
Union Republican Club Appar
, gently Disrupted by Par- ' ,
., ' tisan Strife. -
BfTrltM Reqneated Them , to
-. htmre Room aad Then Proceeded
to Elect Officer of SnppoMd
Consolidated OrjanJiatlon.""
.' Soma Republican laadara of Portland,
representative of the Republican dab
.and Bearer Republican club executive
committee a, have fallen Into another
- family row, aa a result of which It la
t now being charged that the reported
merger of the two cluba under the name
of the Union Republican club la illegal,
- unsanctioned and not consummated.
' v The amoker announced for Wednesday
; night next has no backers and no aa
thorlty other than what la given it by
- mall aet of men working for and In
the Interest of a prominent candidate
for mayor, eo the report goes, and dis
cord prevails where harmony and the
dove of peace have roosted aide by side.
Beve Chased Omk ,
"The trouble all arose, eo the story
goes, because the exeeutlve committee
of the Beaver club Invaded a meeting
of the executive committee of the Port
land Republican club, asked Acting
President Willis Flatter. . Secretary
, Tharlea R. Lockwood ; and Treasurer
Ralph Hoyt to please vacate for a few
minutes, and then elected a aet of of-
, fleers which have been publlhe .anl
announces aa ins orncgTH or tna new
Union Republican club. After that blow
the dove of peace was startled and
circled around until the meeting of last
.Monday night, when It received another
scars and departed for parte at present
unsnown. . '" ' . s
.. The second start was caused by' the
. rejection or ins nsms or Charles E.
lxokwood ss a member of a pronosed
executive committee for the merged club
ty the executive committee of the
Heaver club and the consequent sub-
tltntlon of the name of W. W. Banks
for that of Mr. Lockwood after the Re
publican club had delivered Ha ultt
matum to the Beaver organisation. '
' Toll Karre riaa. r ':
When this was dons Mr. Lockwood
and s number of the members of the
Portland club's executive committee
made It known that they had the
records and the constitution on their
- .tea
, Tea has more to do with
your t thoughts at table
than anything else of your
fare. ..:': ".'V- :
A ScUUlag ii Company Sag Francisco
aids and that there would be no merger.
The faction takes the stand that th
announced combination of the two cluba
la illegal, haa never been aanctloned by
tha membership. of the cluba, or at leaat
of the Portland Republican club.- and
that what la mors no auch sanction will
be given. '
The consolidation movement which
haa wound up in the row started at a
meeting prior to February II, when the
Portland Republican club made a pro
posal to the other organisation provld
ing for a conaolldatlon by the adoption
of the constitution and by-lawe of the
Portland club, the resignation of tha of
fleers of the club snd election of new
ones from tha membership of tha two
organisations. Tha Beaver - club de
clined the overture and March W. P.
Keady, K. B. Colwell and D. J. Qulmby
were appointed a special committee to
meet a similar committee from the
other club and discuss ways and means
of conaolldatlon. . r. ';
sTew onsen Sleeted, . '
- This committee visited the meeting of
the Beaver club's executive committee
snd in a short time tint back with the
report that a almllar committee would
be appointed by- the rival organisation.
In a few minutes ' a number of '. ' the
Beaver club members- came Into the
meeting of the Portland olub and after
asking that Fisher, Hoyt and Lockwood
retire, which these gentlemen did under
protest,- the remaining members elected
a new aet of officers and appointed a
committee to select a constitution snd
by-laws. ........,-
March II the Interrupted meeting was
resumed by the Portland club but no
action was . taken. Last ' Monday tba
club held another meeting and Issued an
ultimatum to the Beaver club to the ef
fect that unless seven men, named by
the club, were elected on tha executive
committee of the Union club, all nego
tlatlona would be at an end.; The
Beaver club balked at thla because
Lockwood's name waa In the' flat ' and
then without reconsidering the ulti
matum the Portland club struck out the
nsms and aubatltuted that of W. W,
Banks. The meeting broke up in dis
order and the present officers of ths
club together with many of the mem
bers will fight any combination or at
least win maintain the identity of ths
present Republican Club of Portland.,
' (eeta! MMfk to The Joenwl.)
Meacham. Or., March 2S. Five miles of
now railroad track is now In operation
at Meacham and several hundred thou
sand feet of saw logs are in the mill
ponds at that place, where the Grande
Ronde Lumber company Is preparing to
start a large sawmill soon.
Tha branch road has been built west
and south from Meacham Into a good
belt of , timber and several years run
is now available along the line. Log
ging by train has been in progress for
soma time, and ths mill will soon be
ready to atart. A large force of men la
at work in the timber and tha new plant
promises to furnish employment to about
100 men la all departments when In on-
As ths timber la cut out tha branch
line will be extended farther alone the
ummlt of the Blue mountalna and an
immense mmser industry will be built
up at Meacham, which Is one of the
busiest logging and wood camps In ths
. Spinal Meningitis Spreads.
IKeerlat ntotwfeh te'Tse Jesreat.)
OlvmDia. Wuh.. Vim.
casea of spinal meningitis have ap
peared In the city during the paat two
two new oa ess wars reported
today, . ... .
Men ' Willing . to Buck ; Repub
lican - Majorities V-Announce'
Themselves for Candidacy.
Committee - Reports That Mayor
Lane Has Told It He Will Ron If
- Party WanU ,. Him . to. ' Do So
"fWord From Thomas" Expected.'
. Democratic candldatea began to come
out in the open at a meeting last Bignt
of the Touns Men a uemocrauc . oiuo,
the Multnomah Democratic club and the
executive committee of the county cen
tral committee. Those who are willing
ta a un aaatnst the Republican majori
ties In the different wards as uemocrauo
candidates for councilman either from
ths wards or at large were put into the
lists and a partial announcement made
of whom the Democrats could expect to
enter ths contest for election.
No sctton was taken In retrard to the
mayoralty . Indorsement. ' . The special
committee, consisting of Alex 8week,
John Montag and M. J. Malley,- appoint
ed to wait on candidates for mayor.
reported that it had been to call upon
Mayor Lane, who bad again informed
the party through the committee that
he would be willing to enter the race for
reelection provided that the party de
sired blm to be a candidate. The com
mittee alao stated that they had called
upon George H. Thomas, also mentioned
aa a possible candidate, and that Mr.
tnss-haa asseey-toe a little lima In I
which te make up bis mind one way or
the other. He stated that he would
write a letter in a day or so announcing
his intention, s . ' .' . ,;
Possible ' candidates for ' various city
offices who are announced as practically
In ths race are aa follows:
City AttorneyCharles Petraln, W. W.
Btlvers and L. ' L. Langley : may enter
the contest. ' . .-
Municipal Judge Raleigh Trimble and
H.' M. Esterly. , ..
For the council the following have
been mentioned and perhaps will enter
the nominating race!
First ward. T. J. Concannon: Fourth
ward. John B. Ryan; Fifth ward, Ed
Cahalla (may enter ths race): Sixth
ward, John Heltkemper (a possible can
didate); Seventh ward, D. T. Sherrett: 1
Eignui ward. a. a. Kadderlv: council
man at large, A. F. Flegel. Dr. Charles
T. Chamberlain and W. T. Turner are
also mentioned as possible candldatea.
vvednesosy next another meetlns will
be held for the purpose of eompletlne the
list of candidates to be supported by
the Democrats ss their choice for office.
' We beg to announce that the Beef Trust is planning
to put in another market on the other side of us. Now,
when this new market goes in on the other side of us, we
want the, public to give it , the same ''cold shoulder," the
same ''freeze out' that it has given, the Beef Trust market
that is now on the other side of us. . As far as Smith is
concerned, he doesn't(think it would hurt him if there were
Beef Trust markets oh all four sides of him, as long as
there is a pathway for the public to come and go. Four
Beef Trust markets around about Smith would increase
his business to four times what it now is, and make four
times as much trouble for the Beef Trust . v
FRANK ;;4;Jfflni;,pii;Ca
. - 226-228 Alder St., between First and'Second Sts.
Fine cuts of Soup 'Meat . '.'...V. '. , '. . V ; e' ';l' V.'.;v.-. . . .3c
Choice Beef, for boiling and stewing. ... : .-.5c
Choice prime Rib Roast .Beef ... ... fv . . . . ; . 10c
Tender cuts of Round Steak 10c
Sirloin, Tenderloin, prime Rib and small Porterhouse
Steaks, all " i '. . . . V. . . , ', : . . : ; . . : ; : . , , . VVv 12c
Legs of fat Veal, small Legs of Pork and small Shoulders
of Pork, all ... . : V. ;'V . . . .. , . . . ... . . ... 12c
Our Own Sugar Cured Hams and Breakfast Bacon. 1 7 c
Our Own Make of pure Lard (It has not an ounce of tal-
low, nor any other adulteration), per pound. . . , . . . . 12c
The Teneh That steals
s the touch of Rucklen s Arnlna Ralva
It'a the happiest combination of Arnica
flowers and healing balsama ever com
pounded. No tnntter how old tha inn
or ulcer Is, this aalve wilt cure It. - For
mirns, sea Ins, cuts, wounds or piles, It
ha no enual. Guaranteed bv Red Croi.
rbArmacjr. Its. .
oonarj ufoh or
The UnitStatesNati6nal:Bank
.' IrabmJtted to ths Comptroller of the Currency
' . AiraTS. J:
Loans and dlacounta.'. . t4,TU,llt.ll
17. 8. bonda to secure
circulation . ....... '' IOO.eQ0.vt
U. 8. and other bonds
-and prem. (ft.ITt.14
Rank building ; . . . . -... . 12l.t00.00
Cash and due . from . ' -
banks 4.11T.00I.1I
; tl0,llM0.IT
Attest correct;
Capital . ............. 1100.000.00
Surplus, and undivided
' profits .
Dividends unpaid .....
' ltM0l.1T
,';.; : v,' f.": ::'' '' 10,1M,I0I.I7
, J. d AINSWORTH, President.
The next Friday follow!
will give a smoker open t
crate of the city. -
(Special Dlspetck to The iMraal.l
Astoria, Or., March fA Lest evening
Astoria lodge No. 10, B. P. O. E., elect
ed the following officers for the enaulng
ytart ' John C. McCua, exalte ruler j N.
tkg ths
a iu sue
D. Johnson, leading knight: R. J. Pllk
Ington. toyal knight; B. C Judd. lectur
ing knight; J. C. Clinton, secretary; R.
L. Knight, treasurer, . W. C. Laws,
trustee; C. T. Crosby, tyler; C. W. Ful
ton, representative to grand lodge; H.
L. Henderson, alternate. Inatallatlon
will uke plaos next meeting. :
Files Onred 1st lx to Femrteea Bars.
PABO OIHTMINT Is ri.ranteed te eere say
tM Of Itiblas, Blind. SleMllna- er Protndlix
fUee la to U sas er bmmm refaaoae. sue.
AM, ,:
(If ij '
. .-' .i .
If you take pleasure in
: wearing a garment that
combines' elegance with
durability. Ail prices,' ' x
$!to m
. Welch's Reputation is
;, J sewn right into these gar
, ments. r . . ' ,
WELCH'S CLOTHING ; FOR BOYS makes the mother
prouder than, ever of her ton. Priced fA , (ff fi
to suit aU purses, v . . . ... . .. . 2 iPlUll
If Not Right Welch Makes It Rlfjht
is f.
. 1 Ji'tl
Which kind do
the late introductions, -which are larger than a dollar and X
simpiy Deauuiui; xour to six tiowers to the stem. Ask for t
ri int.e sr,nre TImv TTj...M A tf-t.. T : - J 1 T
'07 novelties. See page 44 of our Seed Annual. Plant now.
f ,v