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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (March 28, 1907)
' THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, THURSDAY EVENING, MARCH 3. 1S07. IS Classified Advertise ments received -too late for insertion in these oa to will be found on Page: 14 NEW TOD AT. Bargain in Large Grain JtocR'and Dairy Ranch . "- .. 1 ' 7 I.IIT "mm' of flno land. 46$ Mraa In cultivation, 400 Acre open pasture, Oal snre second growth llr m4 liniih pas ture. . Large 10-room house ,t barns, orchard, water carried to houaa and bant In PPa from largo spring, living water; 1,300 acraa under fence) located on county road mtlea from R. R, mile to school: B, F. D.; oould be dl--vlded Into smaller farms; Is one of the best grain and stock farm a In the Wil lamette valley. Prlco $11.66 per acre. Terms Vt cash, balance to salt at per cent .Interest. . j i.' James Gibson z J.OOX 11T ASXSOTO. ! LENOX We build 70a a house on install ments. ' Lots $300, ; 50x100, $10 cash, $10 per month. ' Two car lines. . Sidewalks, graded streets and waterjnainsi !-. i. j. Nothing 'better for investment Very choice for a horae.'.v t i HARGROVE & CO. Agents at Anabel Station, Mt. Scott Carline.' -.Y-v- ',, A.C. Churchill & Co. J 10 Second St; XiT -7 WHEN' A WAT FRQ3C HOME.' Orlaa of The Jovmot eaa be oMaraew ta tbe followlns ettlee and towae ootalde of Orafoa. Tba Joornal woo Id apprecUta tbe receipt of porta of fallare to efaUla eoptea et tba paper . et any of tbeee plaeee: .... . .a rOLraX. W8HINUTOWn. . Ktns. . ? WALLA WALLA. WASHINGTON Walla Watia fltattonery Company; Korera-Hoawen Conpanyt ' Hotel Darea Newe Stead: Caioa Cigar Stead, 11H Sooth Fourth street TAOOMA. WASHINGTON Boret Taeoesa Hews Btanit; Ceatral News Oimpatty. EATTLE. WASHINGTON Ealnlee Oread Newe Ctand; International News ' Ateay Newenaprr Wan: Betel Seattle Newa Stand. GOt.DFItLIl. NEVADA aVaeie eoka. Newspaper Wagon. - tAN 1)1 roo. CALIfTtltin A AkJos Rewa Cose oaoT. Neweoaper Waeon. , . SPOKANE. WASHINGTON John W, HOieR. TTIAPro Joah Willi. MINNEAPOLIS. MINNK80TA at. t. Csra- narnh. M Tlitrd street, eoers. ' ST..IC78. MISSODKI a T. ett, fM 0 It-re erretr orge ii. araeraua. -. KANSAS CITT. MISSOIjKI Xom Bevs 0oa peer. Newspaper Waroa, ' - - - CHICAGO. IIJJNom f. O. Hews Oeapaar, 17S fW. rttnr. 1 1 1 1 PFNTKB. COLOHAIXC-raioa Depot News . - ntano. LOS ANGEI-mi CAtrreiBtlA Ak Cotnnane. Newapaoer Wagoa. -OAKLAND. CALIFORNIA A sjoe pany Newaneeer Wagon; N. Vaeatley News Doaipeny. Newepsper Wagon. -AN rBANCISCO. C ALIFORM A N. Wheafle Newa Onpeny. Nawspepee Waeon; Footer 4 ' Orear, Forry nalkllnc: Joanaoa News Company, 1461 Fill more street. ALT LA It I CITT. CTAft hfra. teetmi, Newa. ' . paper Wagon; O. L. Daeleo, Hotel Kenyoat Burrow Froe., 4S West BeeoBd etreet, aaath. ORDKN. TJTAH Oray Kewa Ooapaa, JLlepot News Stand. ' . OMAHA, fcKBEASKA MlTlard Bote! - Mews Stand. - ' NEW YOHK CITT Arthar BotalrBS. News- Weeding Cards. W. O. Smrrh a Oa.. Waaa tngtoa bldg.. eor Foarth aad Washiagtoa eta. TOVSETH CO., PLOItlWTS. PON FLOWSB-S OP ALL E1XDS. 128 SIXTH ST. Clarke Breav, Plot lata, pine floral xas atui I man oc ' Pan srean eattc far rant all Tsllortna ., 800 Surk et. Dak an ClfDERTAKETa. ' Denning, McBatee a Ollbeagh. endeetakera end entbalawrat amdern ta every detail. Serenta aad Pine. Mala 30. Lady naaietant. Brtcaeaa radertaktnir Co, aad eeabalmhig. COS Aldor eC shene Mala 4188. Lady aestetaat. i. P. Plnley a none. Third aad Madison eta. Office of eoanty aarsaar. Phane Man a.. 1. B. HEMWTOCK Ponersl director. N. lkfk aad Umatilla. Phone Seihroad 7L Lady saa't. Edward Bolmaa. eaderteker. 220 Third as. , J. - CEMETERIES. BIVEB VIEW Single fraeea, 8lt family tote, - 81 to Sl.OOftt tba only cemetery la Port . land which perpetostly malntalae and eares fa tote. Par full information, apply to W. B. Mkckemne, Wereester Mock, alt. W. M. Ladd, preatdeat. Boat CITT Slnrte trawn, 810 family hits, 828 ta ITS. Sepertnteneeat at cemetery, eernre of Fremont at. and Colly road, phone - Tabor tns. For roll Information apptr to 1 Prank Sohleaal, 802 Commercial blk. Phone - Main 2R28. WEATHER REPORT. ' The California high preeaara area Is morlng slowly inland. The Alberta dlatarbaare has . remelned aesrfy ststlonary, and a storm of e!ded eterecter hae dereloped erer nor there ; Teiaa. The- dletnrbenee oeer the npper lake rno baa dlaappaared, sad the snath Atlanrie Meh preaeaie area hae dlmtnished ta Intensity. 1 liht dhow erg base fallea la anrthsrsetera Ore iron sad westers Waehliurtoa, aad rain la re ported la Kalian. Mlssoaii, the Olile ralley. the lower rake region and the New England etatee. Moderately heeey snow has fallen la Colorado and at arattered plaree la tbe northern etatee from the Rocky moantelne eeet to tbe lake region. Sharp frosts oenrrod this morn ing la California ae far eoath aa lna Aneetos. It le mnlrr In Atiaona, aoothera Utah and '.be lake realm, aad wsrmer elesnT the eaetera ei.w of the Horky amantatne. The tempera tnree la the Atlantic etatee are from B ta iO drres shoee normsl. The Indies tlons are for fair wecther In this 1ttrtrt tonight and Frhiey. with light f roe is tonight. It will be warmee Friday. - ., , r i ' Temo.- ', Mat, .. Mle. her Cltr, OreOB..A... 43 W thkaeo. illlnora . ........ 74" 44 Kaeae City, Mlaomrl. . , .. TA ' 4 North Heed. Weahla(toa.. 4 ; 41 I -art lend. Oregon 47 . '-, 42 RwMtrr. ttregnn ......,. 4h ' 40 t Samnianetn. (ellrnnda ... M 40 H. lol, VIorl. ........ M ' H4 . - 'i .12 T .n o no .04 Kt, I'.al. MlnnaniWa.....M S SO f pohane, Washington . v.. Thinih. Waahtogton 4 REATi ESTATB TRANSFERS.' ' S an 4 Hst'le M, WUana to Oregon J Sltro4 A Neelgatloei eo-npany. part ef northeast , ef eeet lea 24, townahlp ' I arts, raags t Seat... ......$ 400 REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS., H. B. and Nslls C. Adam te Oregon a". vYaeblngtoa Railroad cuopeny, part of Julia Wladle' Sonatina lee4 claim la - weat 14 at uilkaul U of I I tarn 6. township 1 nor lit, raea 1 Mat 11,000 Seventy abari of In.setnieut company to Uresua a Washington Railroad com pan, part of eoath W at southeast H ef eeeuvs 5, township 1 aorta, range 1 aaHf. . Hji n. r. .f A U, Urown'a an.. tloa lead claim. 4 ..... $.210 Henry Vlaaoa la Alfred D. Crtdxe. tots I aad , block 07, Vernon edutiiuo.... 1.00B Herriet c. aiui Frederick Agar A. F. , tVlr. iota 1 ana X. block la. Columbia Ueighla addition ' ' 10 George Weiherby taf Oregoa Railroad a Navigation company, a strip 73 feet whie aorta or center of relocated lloe Of railroad srantoe over kit 4. aoctloa t, township I aorta; range 0 eaat ISO Charles H. Pays to Oregoa Railroad ; , . ' . Navlgalioa company, beglaatjig at a " V ' point la eeet line of aaatlou 1.'. towa : ship 1 aorta, nose 1 eaat. 280 feet south of south liue of Ooluaibla hauls- . . vard , S.890 Nancy Boatman MarMa and Edward Mar - Ua to . H. Muwre, eaat to of lots ' 6 and , block 227, Holladay's addl- 1 tloa ' 4.100 1L L. aad War W. Bolbrook e I M. . t , Brbwh. tai. if. block I. at. JoliaJ f at v dditloa te 8t. Juaa S28 foba Marakall et al. te Bath Lawaoa. , , luoxluo feet beglnolng at a point oa ... -vaat Una of block i alhtna Mono- stead, ot) feet aorta of aoutliweat cor ker 4tl aorthveat V of aald blfK-k 1.S0O George K. and Margaret U. Vaggooer - to a, a. uatuief, mh a. awes i. uaa- calnw tllade ' 000 W. T, Emery to D. H. MeTall. lota 1 - kkd 3, Uoud'a addition: lou 1 tad t, ' block I. SunnnlOe a oil It Ira . 10 Ellro R. and I'aukk E. OtUlai to D. H. ' McCall. lot a, block a, Oood's addl tloa: alee fractional lot t. block Bunaralde . .fSO Oeorge W. and Lfdla B. Watt te George . u. Tan noaklrk. lot I. eobdlrlaloo or lot 4 block-14, .Portland 41oieatea4. " ISO . W. and Alloa U. Wilbur te J. O. Alnaworth. kit I. Baeeuavle. ........ 1.000 A. W. aud Belle L. Laaihert te iotas B. and Nora E. Miller, lots IS aad 10, ' ' block la. LlncolB Park annex 800 John O. aad M. Mabel Hewitt as H. .' illrachDerger, Inte J aad a, block u, ta blorks J to P. Oreenwar 1000 Blberaia rlaetoga bank le W. E, Blidgea, . lot is. cmi rark.... euv Title Guarantee eV Tract eoeapaar ta , H. M. Uaaeoa. lot a, sloek 11, Uaa- aoa'k Beoood addition......... ,1.000 Catharine Scberer to T. I. McDanlel. lota C aad O, Edeadale , IS Anna B. and Tbomaa Voonell to lost 8. Drewv lots 4 and S, block T, Banna- . Jebn ana arianna neieom to t. o. : MrDaoleL Iota X7 and Xa. block IB. South Portland 690 U. t. and Mary McDanlel te John B.-,' '. . aod krietlna Neba lou 27 aad 28, block 1l Son them Fortlaad ' ISO Eliaa Case to A. II. Moors, Into , SO, , SI aad S3, Oakrtale SM Battle U and Klebard Mkrtlk Jr. to , - George Henry ilungkton, north H of ' . lot . blork 125. Canttbera' addltioa..f 038 Berbert James end Jennie C. Houitbton te George Henry Houghton, north H of lot 6. block 12S. Caru there' addition 831 P. C. and Anna B. Maratoa to Clara I. . -rrr aad Margaret N. iulgley, lot 4, block 11. Roeedale knaet....... ; tAO Mary h. and Martin Krtiaaa to Edltk . Bern, lota 11 and 12. block 10, Pen In- , onler kd.lltlon ho. 2 900 John C. MeOnne to Edith Bern, lot 10, block 81, I'eulnaular kdilltlna No. 2... 10 Edith Bern to Beatrice "a. Uerlng. lota . 11 and 12. block 10. aad lot 10, block , ' 81, I'entaaaUr addition No. ......... 800 J. H. and Mary 8. MMdleton to A. T. . Workman, lots 4 end 0. block 10, I Kim a auuiiitm to jnoma. ......... ... j Point View Baal Estate company' to O. MO B. Downs. Int.14. blork S. Point View 100 L. C. end Heary Berger to 0. H. Dye. east 2ft feet of lot 8, block 4. city 12.000 The Hewtuorne Eetate to Derld MrMIl- . -len. lot , block a, Hawthorne's Fleet . ' addition 800 Charlea 11. and Isabel Randall to Chris- ; tlsa aad Andrtena Taa Beck, lets 18 - ' and 14, block 4. WoodUwn - 000 Tic tor Land company te Christian and Anderela Tan Heck, lots 10 aad 11.. , block 16, Cololhbla Heights , SOS Edward C. sad Wattle A. Ross to Al fonao Tortora, tot IS, block 00, Bell wood 1.100 Pin ley O. aad Emma P. McGrew ta Joha . , Anlre.west Vt ot lot a, aal aut- ' of lot 4. block 138. Bast Portland. . . . 8,000 H. B. aad Glenn Wood te B. J. Wll- . -llama and Ada E. Williams, lota 1. -'' and 2, blork 2. la west H et tract 11. t, M. Fatton's trset 800 Delia Maaon to AHre H. Pratt, lot 11. block SO, Cnlreralty Perk ... . .170 Boothwest Portland Beat Eetate contpeny to B. G. Wbltehooee. lots , 20 aad 21, 'block 104, Fulton Park Psrirte Improvement enmpany to J. P. " Menefee. north 0 feet of lot 8. and lots 6, T aad 8, block Sis, Helladap's . " addltloa , Richard and Agnes Dolph Nixon to W. H. Peyle. Vs acre la Parry Prettymas's ' 00 10 : donation land Claim, B ear tloa S, townahlp 1 eooth, ranre 2 eaat..i..., Jane O. Borkmaa te Mra ' Lonasbary, lot 82, Esatwood., 1 J. L. aad Era I. Wlgle to "Wllllem Mills, lots 12 and IS, block 11. Point Will t. 'ina blllc ' i Purely to''lKlsm 1,080 ' 400 Mills, lots 12 snd 18. block U. Point View f . TOO W. U Palmer to Frank A. Mjers. lot ; 184,' Arieta Park. ...."280 Pacific Realty loreetmeat company to .' , G. B. Bear da ley. jou 17 god 18, block 2. Stewart Park..... Pacific Realty a Investment eoefpaay ts J. W. Ericsson, lot 8, block 2. Stewart Park C. R. aad Mellnda J. Beardsley te Pttn Woolery. Vit 17, block 2. Ptewsrt Park 30 1T8 STI Wllllsm Ballta et al. to Charles n. rsge, ; . . - property brrlnnlng at aoatheaet corner - - of waehington and King afreets .28,000 Moore Inveetmeat eoenpeny . to School . .(. v: . i . n ba te is can. a, auia m vm w ... block M, Vernon Jacob sad Stilame Michael to Security Savings a Trnat company, cnbdlvtsion D of tot i, block B. Portlaad Boom. stead Anna J, and Joha A. Bell te Jobs C. Jooee. lot IS. block 2. Anabel Emanuel Rider to S. O. Kennell, tots 1 and 2. blork 10. Piedmont 4.000 too 'ITS 1.200 Patrick and Mary Reynolds to Elgin Wat- kins, lots X saa a, pwes i, urensrn Pise. H. W.. Iemcke rompeny to C. 0. Stoat, lots 11 and 12, block 8, Waver lelgh Heights 400 Kery A. Meyer te B. C. Ochlee, lot 13. block s. North rortwna... L. nod J. B. Moore to Andrew D. Tenke, 1 acre beginning 444 feet sooth of s ' potnt la center of county road. 4SS.T feet west of stone St section corner ot sections T, 8. 17 and IS, townahlp J eenth, range 2 east Mary B. Moorea to Connie C Graf, tots 1,500 1.800 - m ..." i 4 aod 5, block T. Beiiweon Edwin H. and Flora V. Story to Cera Ware Green, lots 8 aad 10, block 8, Cloverdale tract 680 The Krng Mtste to Lonis P. Bene et si... . inox&o feet neginaiag at aooineest cor- ner OK msreoau one iwimvui, streets '. Moore Inreetment eompeny te Annie Bel la n A lot 0. blork 43. Vernon 2.000 ''.ITS Intra Miller to W. H. Prink, kits 28. 20 ssd 80. block n, Treatont Park..'... s 600 Caroline Marks to Ells J. K as ton, lot 4, block B, Ontral addition Donglsss Cemetery gaeociatioa to Wll- 1.1S9 ltatn Bales, tot en, Clecg , saw ceme tare ..' kAnnle Berk to P. H. Miller, kt 22. block 8. Stewart Perk.... Joseph and Mary E. Panne t to RterAiesj TOO i . iuh. mi dbcb Mm i . mjmwi ruri. lend ' i.OTS Oeorre W. Heights to Albert B. Feins, . anrltvlded 1-8 eg soata -m ei sx , '. ' block S2. rtty Esther Goffla to Rlcherd J. Williams, Iota S and 4. block 1.1. Beiiwood . Syeemorc Real Estate company to .Viola O. liavtnaoa, khs w ana iv, oiovn o, Kers Perk . ...i .;i .... ........ . ' Fred O. and Fffle L. Bnehtel to Grace , B. Leon, lots zs ana se. lira a. Wheatland addition 200 Seenrlty Savings Trnet coannsay to Gertrada E. Bosecll, lot a. owes l. RnweU addition Beenrtty Savlnes a Trnat Company te . Mary A. Pennoyer, lot , Slock 1 Roeaell addition ..................... 10 IS w atmiacts. title toane. rail oa Parl'le Title a Trnat 204-8-4-T Failles balldlna. Get roar tneursttre and shetrsets to reel astste rmm the Title Gnsreatoe a Troal com sesy. 240 Washington street, corner Si uses. alEETINO NOTICES. B. P.. O. ELKS The snansl exertion ef effl en of Portland ledge No. 142, B. P. O. Elks, for the earning year, will be held la . the lodge room at the regular meeting on Tharsday evening, March 28. Toe are r geotly requested ts be present. By order ef the hdge. JOHN B. COFFE'f, Secretary. M. W. A EVERGREEN Cumn. S.4SS.. Wednesday eveatna. AUsky Morrlosa eta. bldg. Third aad M. W, A. Oregoa Orepe Camp, No. 8,0TB, Mon days. Ilia as Msrsaau lienors w Journal Wants 1 Cent a Word xoncEs., IN THB roaetp eonrt ef the state of Oregon. . for Multnomah ceanty In the matter of the eetate ef Mueee L. Tlchner. deceaeed. Notice ot eppolotmeut of administrator, sad to claimants. . ' Notice hi hereby (Iran that the snder sleued hae been duly appointed by the above . entitled court admlulatrator ef the estate ef Moeee L. licnner, deceaeed. All peraons bavins claims aralnst th ee- tate ef eald deceUent are herehy reiiulred , to present na eeme. wita proper voactiere, f within six 10) months from the data of this . 'notice, to the noderalgned adtnlnlatrator, at his office In the Sherlock building. In the , city of Portland, county of Multnomah, stats ' at Oregon. . Dated this 5th day of March, A. IV 100T. ISAAC L. WHITE, ! 'Admlntitrstor of the Aetata et . Moeee ' U Tlchner, Deceased. WIIX be aaM fee-, the re rem of the few elry taken from the residence of P. O. Ilreece er at 14X3 H et.. Barramento, Cel., on the evening of Feb. 21, lien. Vta monk-ate with Wm. K. Kleinaorge, postofflce boa all. Sacra aieato, -Cal. ; BirS for food enppHee wanted hy the Port ef rorttana anrmg apnt, iwn. win ne ret-eir-a np to neon of March 80 at the office ta elty hall. Bide mast he made on forms which eaa be bad by applying; at the office. WANTED AU carpenters and ml II men to stsy swsy from North. Fend, Vt.i striks on. r order Strike Committee. Lost axt Form. FOCTNri A pls4 tsi have katr matt rase e reoe- vatea eaa returnee ssme asy. jut rten ei. Main 474. Portland Carled-Halr rectory. H. Metsger, proprietor. i LOST Black cocker spsnlel. In the vicinity of South Portland: Ureas ISSI. Phono Pa cific 508 or cell 830 Fourth et. Rnwsrd. HELP WANTED MALE. '." . '"''.. DENTISTS WANTED, ', ' 1.1 TjfTJCIV-THBB GOODOPBRATOR: WAGES 80 ) TO 1 40 PElT'WESK. pAS FOR DR. SHANKLIN. HOTEL - OBEGOy. TONIGHT BETWEENJI:0 AND 8 P. kt. WANTED Harness-mskcrt good mechanic steady, anber ma a for cnatom shop. In up-to-date town; ateedy job at 121 per week or piece work to competent men able to make good custom work: slo" good re pa Ir man at 818 per weekt only good mea wanted. Ad dress O. M. Stafford, Lewlston, Montana. WANTED AT ONCW Stave-holt entrees, wegee si. so per cord; steady work. Apply w cetera Cooperage Oa, Btearas bldg, Portlaad. ar Uonlton. Or. ., ; . , . .. , WANTED Ssleement many make 1100 to 8108 per month: some- even more; etork- eleens frown en reeervsttoa. far from old ereharde; eaab advanced weekly; chcece of territory. ASdrMB Waahtnvtos MmMf IrniHH. Tiia. penlah, Waalilngton. PARTNER wsnted In eetahllahed business, pay ing I rota to ;k eieer per aooeth; good maa wanted more than money; price $200. CaU 16S4 Third at, room A. . . 98 get work for oar mem hers t epedal mem . hers. 82. T. M. C. A, Foarth and TsmbllL MONETI MONETt ' Advaseed every .week .to ear agents; a full line. Including sp-to-date - spedsltlee. Write for free resvasstng; oatfit. capital t lty juareery ixi.i, ssiem, ur. WANTED Htrh-claae salesman for choice rltorles; highest commlaaloa paid: everything ' furnished: cash edvsnced for espenaee. A , rare opportunity. Address, sjulck, Oregon Noraery, Balem, Or. PACIFIC STATIONERY, a PRINTING CO. 208-2OT Semnd at. Phone main 021 We design end Install the meet modern and Improved .effiee systems; complete line loose leaf filing Series. TOCNO men desiring to better their condition call-on employment department. T. M. C.-A. II. 0 A MONTH PROTECTS TOO ' .Agslnst eerident, sickness snd desta. Write or ceri and Investigate. North western Health a Accident Aasorlarien. Room 81, 208 Stark St. Agents Wanted. MEN AND WOMEN to tears the beruer trade In eight weeke; graduates eers from $15 to : 129 weeklvt espert lovt roe tore: catalogue free. Motor Bvstem ef Colleges, 88 North , Foarth .St.. Portland.' .-,. n WB eaa ass several mea over 20, ef ability, to prepare for C. a ewetoms-houee eervlee: $000 to star ; life positions. Writs Pacific, 8Utse Schools. McKay bldg.. city. , SALESMEN Biake big money working for us; experience vnneceeeery. Pacific Aid Aeso elation. 224 Lumber Bxchsngs bldg. ' Port land. Oregon. STrDKNTS of the International Correspondence scticois oeeinng prscueei experience are re quested to list their n ernes st eor kcal efflce, 614 McKay building. FIRST-CLASH solicitors wanted for the Sen- itary Cleaning A Dye Works, Highest eom mUaloa paid. 842 East Seventh et. MEN and boy wanted to tosru plnmhtng. plas tering, brick taring, electrical trades; free ' catalogue: positions secured. Coyne Trade ' Schools. New York and Ban Franelaco. . FINISHER wanted la furniture factory. North 11th et. 108 GOOD respectable boy to drive butcher wagoa) one who understands taking care of horses; ' good wagne. 871 Eaat 11th at., cor. Harrison. BOYS, 18 to IT years ef are; permanent place with opportunity of promotion.. Apply at once to Olds, Wortmen a King. OOOD ssddle band. top wage. Chas. L. Mas. tick a Co., wholesale leather. Front aad Osk. WANTED A No. 1 fire escape helper. Colum . bla Wire a Iras Works, 868 East Washington. WA NTT. O Every crank to cell st Boyd Tre Co., 0 First St., for '.'Ardmore Coffee") 2 'pounds $1i we Uka'yosi yea know when and ; why to kick. . WANTED Party with good team snd truck to - haul logs by eontrset: close is. good roads, ' and rear's work, B 151. car Journal. CHANCB Of UFETIMH --. Wasted Partner . with small eapital for traveling ahow; ex ' perlence anDeceaaary; profit $10 te $90 pay evening. 167, cars Journal. WANTED Competent stirkertnen. Apply The . Wheeler Osgood Co., Taeoma, Waeh. .... WANTED Boy st 4S4M Washbiftoa. St. WANTED Steedy situs tloa for msn a isnttor; good wage t right aian. Address Janitor, . ear JoernaL THREE good advertising solicitors , st one. CaU 208 Goodnongh bldg., after 6 p. m.' . BOT wsnted, about 14 years eld. et., Alblaa. . - . . 88 Morris SOLICITOR wanted; good position for maa who ran deliver Ui goods; ae hoover. Hers Id. , Eareka, CaL A GOOD hustling sale am an for (usrasteed stocks; big money and permanent. 210 Til ford bldg. - ' . . BOT wanted:- Apply I .ore Joy Y Lincoln, book biedere.' 12 First et. LARGE strong boy to work in factory) food chance for sdvencsment. 145 Front st. WANTED Boy. . to 18. to work In rectory; . sood opening. 220 Roeaell L, upstair. WANTED Roys to wrap soap. LocktL King a Cake Soap Co. W A NTE D Competent (ticker men. Address The wheeler, Osgood Ce Xseous, Wash. I UT.JJ? WANTED FEMALE. CAPABLE WOMEN W ANTE IV If yon wort why aot eara mure thaa a living t Be lade . pemlentt dt good. 1 he Vlavl company al ready employe 12.UO0 women l the work covers ZH rouniriee or the world; we will enttrtsta nppllcmttona from eaDahle women: not can vaaalng. hot helpful, dlrnlfled wrk. "all after Monday. Vlavl Co. 2U8 Tllfurd bi.ig., rortiand, or. BANSNN'S LA PIES AOKNOY. 8k . Ingtoa at, eor. Seveeth. apetekn. . P! 6 Mala ZUbA tessale help wanted. . 01 hl.e WANTED Operators to work ea ehtrta end overs tie. lessons givea n ineraerteaeea. Apply at tttsadsrd factory Ne. a Grand are. and Eaat Tar lor et. ' WA1TTMAKER8 and flnlshsra, tailor sd sp- freuttre wsnted et M uth St., corner AUier. A. Shogren',' 141 TWO solicitors for household specialties; good retnrne fo few hoars' work each day. 2o2 Third St. ....... , I i i ... SHIRTMAKER8 waatad. 2D IS Stark St. . Jaaob Shirt Oa. GIRLS WANTED Apply Standard Factory Ma. a Grand ere. and Eaat Taylor et. MATURE -woman, refined, of good address, to give pert time for orranlalnc work with Aid societies. Call 206 Til ford bldg. WANTED Girls to work donhle-stttch ma chine. Inquire Fits-Well factory. 76 Pint. WANTED Ynong ladlee to (tody ' telegraphy; , day end 'evening sessions; main Una practice; ., positions when competent. Apply . Oregon College, 603 Commonwealth bldg. WANTED Competent girl for general hosbe . work. Phone East 9)07. - ... . . YOCKO ladlee over 10 years wanted to learn , telephone operating; good aalary ; short hours. Apply chief operator. Telephone bldg.. Weal Park and Akler sts. ' WANTHD Dreasmskars for altering. York Outfitting Co.. 166-147 First at. New WANTKD Aa elderly lady to take est of child for her support. kL L loch In. 612M Sevier at. 1 .. .,' AN experienced chambermaid. ' The Hohart Curtls. 266 14tk at. FINISHERS ea pant; ateedy work, good pay. 207 Commonwealth bhlg. .i ' 'as Wire fialli WANTED Flrgt-clai fra ire-maker. good stock glrL eller'a Millinery,- h0 ; Washington at. WANTED A girl for light h leusework. Call at io seat Eighth St. OIRLS to learn millinery; paid wklls learning. The Cbapeaa, 116 Seventh t. WANTED Girl to do ehamhermald work Bad kelp wait on table. 1M Fifth st. WANTED A girl for general College st. MILLINERY apprentice: good opportunity for i advancement; email wages st first. Fra ley 'a ' Millinery, 214 Third at. - MALE AND FEMALE HELP. WANTED Tailors" operators, pressors, button hole maker, also flniahere: we alas want glrht .to learn tailoring. 202 Commonwealth " bldg. .., . -. A FEW good esnraasers wanted la city or cut . for staple article; per ma Bent, call " 223 Aliaky bldg. .- ,- . WANTED A Udy preener st East Portland -Cleaning a' Dye Works, 148 Grand are., city. HELP wanted snd supplied, male or female. R. G. Drake, 206 Waahingtoa at.- Pact fie 1278, SITUATION WANTED MALE. SOUND man of hnstneaa ability would like s position' with reliable firm; ran give beet ef references; well acquainted to city and etate; reasonable salary to .start. Address 0 163, cars Journal. SOBER short-order cook waat position kt res taurant or saloon, day er Bight. 0 163, cars Journal. - r1 WANTED Br yoong mas, bill to collect. T 15a cars Journsl. ' EMFLOTMENT AGENCIES. ,','.: BED CROSS EMPLOYMENT CO.. Locgtng camp and farm help a epedsfty. SO North Second et. Phone Man) 82a. We - pay nil telegraph charge. HANSEN'S EMPLOYMENT OFFICB v FOB MEN. SS North Seceod et. Phase Mats 1 834. PORTLAND EMPLOYMENT OFFICB ' 206H Morrison st ' Phone Pacific ISO ' 27 North Second st ...... .Phooe Pacific U00 a K. EMPLOYMENT OFFICE Help furnlahed - free to employers, 83 V N. 2d. Phone 870T. WANTED AGENTS. $20 A WEEK Expenses advanced; , maa or woman to travel for manufacturer snd ap point sgente for household necessity : good - pay for 'home work or part time. Elegler te.. 221 Locuat at., Philadelphia, Ps. . AGENTS If you are looking for s money . maker It will pay yoa to call on as, Ws have what yos her been looking for. Ceo an mora' Supply Co, Sll Commercial blk. . ONE butler in each town or locality to beadle medicines or soap; Write quirk; big money. R. M. Pmnuner, 200 Third st. WANTED TO RENT. WANTED TO RENT House, cottsgea. flats, stores, offices, room tag hoes, sts. ..Lead . lord will do well to call en . PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OP'ORBOOS) Phone Ex. 72. a . Cor. 2d snd Oak. W A NTE D N Icely furnished mortem house, cot. tag apartments er flat, 6, 8 or T rooms, good location; bare ne children, - 206 Ore- ' goo lan bldg Phone Pacific 887. WANTED 8 snfuTsiahed er partly . fnrnlehed rooms for houee beeping. wHb bath snd back yard. 8, 133, car Journal. '- , . - . LADY want partly fnrnlehed rosea for light , nouaekeeping; east or west lde, close tn) wust h cheap. Mr. Van, 110 Grand sv. WANTED REAL ESTATE. WANTED TO BUY FOR CASH, OOOD BEST' ' PENCE LOT, SOUTH OF MORRISON; ST.. west side. ' r lei, Cab a jotjbral. IP yon want to sell snick, Ilet with P. ruche, 221 V Morrlao St. CASH tit vacant er Improved raalriear prop . erty if price Is right. Winks, 404 Lumber - Exchange. WANTKD From owner, 8 or 4-room cottage, desirable location, en car line; payments $18 s nxmth. Address W 162. JournaL WANTED A 8 er 7 -room houee In South er West Portlaad. from owner; must be ehsep for cash. P. a Lassen a OS, 874 First St. Your needs. Then put your want in some tan-; gible form and advertise it in .The Journal classi fieds for results. I Cent a W . ANALYZE Journal Want! 1 Cent a Word situations wanted female. WANTED Rooming hoeee to took after for the ae ef 8 nouseke-iplng rooms by married lady. Addreea S loo. cars el JournaL SITUATION wanted sa light hoaaekeeper er as aareeslrL Phone Eaet 1S6A. FIRST-CLASH eook. Il-aronnd, wishes situa tion. V 162, Journal. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. WANTED Famlture and aoueebold goods sf every deeerlntlos bought, sold sod sichanged. Tbe a 242 First at. Mala SJ74. $ . VB ban! deed bars as snd rattto free, Oregns Fertiliser Worhs, or notify Carney' Veteri nary. F earth and Gliean sts. Mats lsoo. CAN use $8,000 worth furniture this week; highest Brieve held in city, . Wester bal sas Co. Pacific 70S. H1GHS8T eaah pries paid for all ktnda oeeoad hand goods. Phone Mela 2111. 82 M. Third. HIGHEST eaah price peld for household good. see ust liay at. rbooe East iuoi. W WILL BCT. SSr.L OR TR ADR ANY OLD 1-llWU. WIVTRHn SALT ARB CCA. KM WASHINGTON. . PACIFIO TM. ' ', MAIN Sens.- CAW AND LOTS OP IT',.' . " . ' ' FOR FPRNITrRE. PORTLAND At'CTKiN ROOMS, . -ail rimm a MAIN 8868. ,.MAW 8868, CAHH for hoosrhold roods. a, I..H w HI rirst st. Phone Pseifls 880. . WANTED Lsrge test) most be Is food shay, TUB Grand Pumlture Co. buys sll kinds ef second-hand goods. 411 Hawthorne sv. Phone Eaat 800. . WANTED SemnA-haMd Sno Knv . mast be . cheap; stole price, sts. B 163, care JournaL HIGHEST price paid for ' Phone Mala 42M. id-he nd Ucyetos. WANTED Ta ear fog small child; 41 East 16th at. FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT. COMFORTABLE roame. aew and exceedingly clean, in modern brick, 'of s day aad up. $2 s week ssd op; reepertahle hones. Hotel New Belmont. First sad Xsylos Sta. Mrs. U Kinsley, proprietor. NICELY furnished moms, slnrte or ea salts; phone, both and laundry) $1.60 to $2 per week. Take 14th st. or 8 ear. 612 Savior at. HOTEL FRANKLIN, Comer 18th and Wash tug roe eta, Portland, Of. Newly fnrnlsheJ . throughout; sew building; aultes snd bathe; hot snd cold water In every room: long dis tance phones la sll rooms. Tsl. Msln Tisfl. 866 WASHINGTON Nicely furnlahed room, each suitable for two persons; also table board. Pbona Mala 8361. FT VI nicety fnrnlehed rooms, private residence; range, bath; S block Suanysld car; ne) chil dren; rent. Including water aad phone, $20. 184 East 23d si. East UA.--r --7--t -. - ONE nice nonsekeeptnr-roors; free bath end , telephone; rest $8 per most. 292 Hi Esst Bomsids st. FURNISHED -snd unfurnished ' housekeeping room and Soilage ea west side. - Key 84 , North 26th; W car te 26th. tun left halt . block. ... . . ....... THB RICHELIEU. 88H Worth Sixth st Ble gantly faralahedt eteem heat sad baths. THB OBAND. 4AH North Third ste-1 gemiemen, fi.zs per week una nn. THB ARCADE, I48H First St.. neer Morrison, 81 f traualeut. THB STEWART Houaekeepiat end furniihed room; transient aad alngle. 20&Vi Wash. MCRLT furnlahed roema, SOB Madleoa St. Pbona pacific 611. LARGE snnny rooms, turn tubed) sll modern . eonvesleoeee: rent reasonable. SOS rifth: phone Pacific 2816. RICH furnlahed room for was er two gentle snen; everything new) gas, bath, , fnrnace. 644 Marahall at. 1SH PODRTH ST. Furnlahed rooms. Hit, week or month) price reasonable. Pseifls --'2630. - -. - KICELY famished room, welkrng distance, for on or two mea. 800 Fifth st. FOR RENT HOUSEKEEWNG. TWO nicely furnished hooeekeeplng-rooina; very reaeonabl to right party with So children. 100H Market st, room L . , TWO connect Big snd ens single furnished housekeeping-rooms, cheep; tree - phons. 664 Sevier et. $1.50 WEEK CP, tares, eleaa, ro rubbed ; keeping rsenr. ktandry ssd bath. 184 man eoath. Portlaad. ' $1 2S WEEK OP, clean, fwmlehed haweekeep. tng noma, parlor, bath, laundry, furnace beet, ysrd. 206V1 Stanton. V ear. THB M1TCHBLL Housekeeping snd trasatost rooms, reasooabls. Seventh ssd FlaaSere. FURNISHED eousekreptnr-rooraa; gaa. nhoss. beat sad bath. 658 William sv. - FOUR unfurnished housekeeplng-roome, reason able; Rneeell t.. near Wll Ma me eve. Call er address 60 Esst Ninth et., north. - 272 MONTGOMERY ST, eor. 4thuTwe nicely fnrnlehed front room for housekeeping: ga. THREB furnlahed bonsekeeplng rooms for rent. 48 Seventh at., neer Oregon hotel. . UNFURNISHED ROOMS. NEW 4-room flat, bath, gaa, $14; two taoeML $4.60. 190 Market St. ROOMS AND BOARD. LARUE front room, acwly furnished, for two, with b res k fast and a-o clock dinner. ' reasoa able; also slngl rooms; private family; home cooking: all convanlrnees. 25 North loth ' at., near Marshall., Phons Pacific 287. , YOUNO MEN If yon went flrat-clsea room . and board, renaunahl. all conveniences, sirs . yard and porch, call at Aster bouse, Seventh sad Madlaoa sts. THf) MORRIFON. i formerly tint H e perils . Largs comfortable rooms, slngl snd s an It, newly furnished; beet table board: prices ' moderate. 618 Morrison st. corner 17th. ROHEDAI.B fthe Burrell, estate), 404 cornet loth and Medlaon, jnai opened; everything ' tyret-elae. Newly furnished throughout. ' MINNEQUA ISN. 876 Yamhill sL Ntos rooma. . steem neat. piennie meat. . say, i month: haw management : aom couking TWO pleasant room, with or without ho si; nice Iocs tloa. B 166, ears Journal.. 0NS single and on double room, with board. Main ln.10, 205 Fourteenth. FOR RENT MISCELLAXEOU8. FOR RENT Building 20x40. wlOj steam power, suitable for laundry or any ether btislnee ' requiring steam power. Stsndsrd Carpet Cleaning Co. Pbon Eaat 280. FOR RENT STORES-OFFICES. OFFICE-ROOMS, unfuml hed room and esse pie-rooms for rest. Gaednmgh bldg. ..Apply , levator. HALF star! piste front, good far sny husi- av; low, rent, sos waaningtos St. . FOR RENT-On, tw or three large office rooms, suitable for ioh printing efflcoe or ether lines. Inquire rortland tlun a Bicycle Co., 151 STORE Ftrvt-elsss locetlos for druggist; Bear Washington st. Donald 0. Woodward, agent, ' 104 Second St. FOR RENT 4tmsll stor with Bring rooms, I suitable for auy business; not very reason. ! a hie. Innnlre . WAKEFIELD, FRIES A CO., . 228 Stark St. FOR RENT Two larg rooms, ulthl rot , office. Odd Fellow' tostpls, First sad Alder. i FOR RENT HOUSES. FOCR, five, snd eeven-roow houses, en west side, fnrnlehed er unfnrntshod, Savior st., . near 2Utb; also housskseptng-rooma. Keys sn nortn auth; W car to 2oth, torn left half block. FOR RENT o-room modern nooae. bath, baee menti Eeit 61at at., near Belmont. Sunny side; rent $18. Jsqulrs at W ashing tun at. FOI'R, five and sevm-room houses, sn wsat elds, rnlshed or nnfurnlahsd. Sailer et.. . neer 2tlfh; elae honaskeeplng roo cue. Kera one North 20th; W car te 20th, tarn left half block. GUARANTEED a advertised. - We can real er sell your houee. room, flats, office. . store, farm, acreage, lots; Hat now fur eastern advertlelug. 204 Mohawk bldg. FOR RENT T-room house, lrg yard, ehtcken bonoe. 72 Eaet 21at at, near 8. P. abopa, $13. NEW 4 ind 6 -room houasa, $18 and $12 sack. 484 East 84th at. $3A MODERN Irooa Phone Main 44ft. - heass. 800 First St. WB resj aad seU pianos. . a 0. Soermaa, Clay FOR RENT 0-room modem boms, Otig yagt (let et Kenllworth. Phone Eaat TM. FOR RENT FLATS. FOR RE XT A B-ronra modem flat, elegantly fnrnlehed. 172 North 23d St. . . LOWER flsi R fist, 8 rooms, bsesmant, 888 Northrop $14. laqulr st 6M7. St., HOUSES FOR RENT FURNITURE ,'..-.. FOR SALE. -. '.. FTRRITUBB ef 8 roeroa for ssl, boose- for real, en East Alder st.i all new two monthe ago; must sell; leaving city, phone Mala 8742. Call room S Benson bldg. - ,,- FOR SALE) Furniture ef 4-room flat on Sev enth at., 8 block from poa toff Ice; deslrsble location) houae etlictly modern; rent reaaoa solsi ns agenta. Addreea T 148. JournaL . FOB SALE Furniture of 8-room flat, etna in; new furniture) call and are for youreeif; price $300. Telephone Mala 888a WB need furniture st sny pries. Portland Asm - tloa Room. - 211 First at. Afaia 6S68. - NEW furaltnra of modern 4-room apartment, priests entrant's, close: suitable far bachelor . a part m ante, pacific 004. , BUSINESS CHANCES. . P. L. AUSTIN a CO, HOTEL BROKERS. Our bualnee le exclusively restricted te J baying! aad - celling botes. We handle our . eaie without publicity. W ar hotel people ' sa well aa brokers, snd invite your scnualut ance and offer our best cervices la sll mat- tern relative to hotel. ' Further information cheerfully give st oar efflce. loo rooms, Americas: plan. $:0,000; terms. . V 100 rooms, Asierlcaa plan, fi'O.OOO; terms. 100 rooms, Americas plan, $17.5I0; terms. 178 room a, American plea, ill.ono; termn. TS rooms, Amertcaa plan, 6 000; terma. . 76 reoma, European plan, $12,600; term. ' 46 room, European pi a, 8 6.0ta); terras. , S3 room. Esropees plan, 8 8.500; terms. 28 rooms. European plan, $ $.000; terms. 20 rooms, Amerlcsa plan. $ 1.100; terms, 14 rooms, American plan, $ 400; terms. -' The above gives yon sa Idea ef what ear list conuins. Oar oat ef town bnalasss l Bond t none. SUITB8 lm-ABINOTO!v-HSfJ)f.-- - A SNAP. -' $400 saloon, a good Voce tloa. cask trade, vary tow rant, good lease: the ewser ha ether business to attend to. ; This mua he sold at ones. . 403 LUMBER EXCHANGE. , -i HOTELS OCB SPECIALTY. If year betel Is (ar sal, la er out ef the city, bring It to aa ssd ws will procure s purchaser without publicity. Raferanee, Ho tel Men's association. . P. U AUSTEN a CO.. Original Hotel Brokers. y Suite 122 to 120, Ahingtos bldg. , . Pbona Msln 246a. FOR 8ALB Stock ef srocerlss snd flstnres, . computing scales, show rssra. Ice cheat, cof fee mill and other fixture be loo r lug te the grocery business: reason, for selling, going eaet; must be sold by the first of April; cheap; prlca 8200. Address 0 ISC, JournaL FLATS in swell uptown district: 18 fine room completely furnished for light noneekeeplnv; . Brassel rarpete; full ef stesdy hlgh-grad roomers; clears $76 month; will sxehaare for bones snd lot or sell for $1,400. See Howe . Land Co, 1451 First St.. near Morrison. BAVB the best opening ea the aoeet ta well established enterpriser email capital r quired; write for particulars, F. L. Scaott, 404 H 'Esst Morrison ah. - i. FOR 8 A LB OR TRADE Hotel Halsey, too . mile from Portland en Southern Pacific; a modem ap-to-dats houaa. acwly furnished: ha good commercial trade. Address Hotel l Bslaey, Halaey, Or. FOR SALE Brick hotel, 8-atory, 42x02; 42 room; furnished: only first-class hotel Is .' New berg. Price $6,000 if tshen st one. 'Address N. Welter, box 206. Nawberg. Or. WEEKLY nswspepsr snd office; power eyllnrler snd jobbers neer aa excen- tlonslly good field; no competition j splendid ' proposition i cash er bankable note. W 154. care Journal. 0 ATT NO business; well established: banches. row hosts, house snd sll equipment; - nsoney Biaker; business Increasing sack year. . Js qulrs 188 Morrbjon at. DTB WORKS, good established business! will accept reasonable offer i good reason for sell ing. V 164, cars Journsl, . . $250 BUYS a reataarant with good cash trade; cheep rent; a snap for mas snd wits; clears 63 aud (8 per day. Address B 160, JournaL YOUNG man. If yoa wast a permanent anal. seas snd make money while learning, rail . room 2. 208 Stark st, opposite Chsmber Com meres. -- - CUT this eat snd bring It with yos. ' I hsvs a . 14.000 per cent Investment In s mannfactur - lug eompeny's stoch; mechanics having small amounts t Invest preferred; office open Set : nrdsy ereulngs. Apply to Was. O. Peter- bene, 216 Commercial blk. COOS BAT INFORMATION BUREAU Free) . Investigate before you Invent. 412 Commer cial blue., Second snd Washington sts. . Bee ' R. L. Edmonstos. . $60 HALF down, buys s nicely furnlahed )2-enora houe. 14th at. near Jeff ereoo ; full of roomer. P. O. box 47. City. - IF YOU have a merttnrtons buetnn to ell list It with us snd we will sell It quickly, ' The J. R. Foreman Co. 181H .Morrison at. A PAYING milk route; cows sad team for sals; close-In location. Tbe J. R. Foreman . Co.. 1H1H Morrison at. . . I WANT s partner In a good small grocery store. Kelson, 14th and Irvlag st. TO EXCHANGE 40 seres Isnd seer Klamath , Falls for contract to build fl-room , eottsg ea East 10th at. R 164, cars JournaL $3) BUTS bait in teres t in good business where -yoa ran esnlly msk $100 per month ssd up wards. 307 Alleky hMg. FOR SALE Lunch stand; good tocstloa. Ses B. E. Lorn be rd. 1 North Fearth St. - r . SAVB MONEY Anything In printing see Mad den, Odd Fellow' Templs, First aad Aider sts. ) spstalra. . II UNFURNISHED rooms, central locattoa; . rent reaeoneble. Inqulrs IS Union svs. RESTAURANT for ssl e rent; excellent bnsl seaa: net monthly profit $400. Pa. 0. box 13 Vsncoursr. Waehington. $676 OOOD team, waron and harness, esrnrng $116 per sjonthi 8 hours' work, contract by ths year. I'hms Msln 8748. REAL B8TATE hnelneas for ssl st S bargain: cheap rent and flu location. . Room 12, SKiti Washington st. .'. . SEVEN new furnished rooms, 80Nt Pins st, 83.10: rent $'W. CU snd trade with owner. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE; WB hsvs $ sere 8 miles -from Bycsmors sta tion, on 0. W. P. line, wilh small beueo of S rooma, Wnotlahed, Jhie spring, ell garden - tools ssd Implement, w will sell for Just $125. This piece lay floe, right on county rued) " nearly half cleared, good anil. HOME LAND CO., 1451., pint at.' lOOxlOO-FOOT corner, I rAoek. car line. 2H feet chore etreet grade, level; walking 'Slstsnco, v esst side; room for 8 houses; at low price, $M tsrwia. Look this sp; : W.J. Day & Co. '1 IMsj fourth St. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. WHITTEN A BRYANT. 4HI 7-8 8wrtlaud bldg. $4 900 acres, near North Yamhill, all goud cultivating land, in crops; good hoaw an.l barn, orchard, plenty of water; this M , below actnah Tain. te.OOo 4tvJ sere la Polk county, 80 cre cultivated, belanc pasture and timber; e.oouotxt feet morctuintahle fir timber na place: near railroad and logging stream; this i la bargain, $7.0t-.iO-er farm tat Benton county, r Aihuiy; is hi rulttvatlon. balance pas ture snd hardwood timber; fins coll; tele- Phone, free delivery mall; ainat sell to else up sa es'sro: Investlxste this. WHITTKN A BRYANT, 404-7-8 Swttland bhlg. Fifth snd Washington. . . REAL EmTaTb. . ' $RV Two krta. eerh ooxlOO, cnltlvated. mld-way-brtween MrKenna Junctloa and Gleawvod tatioe on St. Joline car line; tot near hy ar selling for double this figure; money i.r Ita equivalent is what takes thla barg(ta) a ha tract of title. ... W. J. PEDDIOORD, 833 Mohawk bldg, cox. Third sad Merrtaoa. $000 TXVT on Minnesota are., nesr Skldmoee. $7O0 Hon, ; 2 . lota, Stewart's station! . terma. - - ' . $7:iS Lot en Waeco St., near 24th: terms $fto 100x100, Tlllsmook St.. neay 28th. ' $1.000 Choic lot. East Gllaas St., sear 23d st, .' . . ,- , - Llnisay & Co--r . . : 80 Raleigh bldg. 823H Wsahlngtos et.. FINE corner -100x100 near North Albtna ear . barna. Bearing fruit trees, good soil; 6 room rottaxa with bath, bam. All Improvements, . $1,000; half cash, balance tt.uO par month. Alan fine corner lot $560.00, terma to suit. Call 13,'tS Mfaenuii see, four blacks .north, sos esst North Alulae Station street car. REAL ESTATE. -.. - $ $ 1 I rfa in prddlcord a Hurlherf s sdrn-' tlon. ranging In prices front $W0 te $460, "U Instsllments. See our ad alaewhere. St. Joha car lln. W. J. PEDDICORD, at8 Mohawk bldg.. cor. Third ssd Morrises). TWO dandy residence tots 40x100 each, best r esst std residence location, 1 block Morrison v car, close tn; price $2,000 each: term. VW. J. Day & Co. 166 H Fearth st. BY OWVER Modern 5-room esttsgs. bath, hot 1 and cold water,' eleetrle lights snd fixtures, in flrt-claag mdnion. with tot lOnxlOO feet; a flnev suburban horns with view of eutlre ejrv; $tJO0; $1,000 eaah. ha la ace sesy. , terms. Phons Bast 4524 er eddrea B 4 53, , car JournaL $1.450 8-ROOM house Tn fine condition, built two rears: fun fin totXchlckea-hones. wood shed : neer ear, sncbool, etc.; part cub. In-. quire 1013 Eaat 14tk at, north. Phons Wend- Usra-6a-- . -c- - SNA pa 11 too 8 ' acre, with lwsd bars; owner compelled to sell: 10c car Farms sny where at n prices. -' . F. J. STEINMET2. a CO, 108 Morrieea st. . QUARTER block at 2Tth and Bast Clinton sts.. ens 5-room and sn Broom cottage, full basement; rheee srs asnderu) Both leg alrer la East Portland. Price $5,000) ees . give terms. See 0-. W. Bever, ewser, $40 East Morrison at. City. ANOTHER BARGAIN 11 scran, moatly elenrad. good bone end bars, fins soil, must re cheep. The Title a Abstract Co., reeea 4 Mulkey bldg. Second sad Morrison sts. 23 OO BOYS s now T-reom hones aad tot MOs . . 100, concrete base men t. good barn snd efcVhw ' hones. S blocks trass 2 cat lines, lsqulre st 834 Rodney eve. FINS subdlvlaioa proposition so O. W. - P, doss In. 21 arr; level, ne gravel; bergs tn . . for quirk sal. Vandoya 4 Walton. 616 Chamber Commerce, - ', i STOP PAYING BENT. " . TOxlOO, on 64 car lln. smell bene, re- . tent baeemeot, garden, $373. . 204 Mokawk - bldg. . ' . JCST THINK! Lota $20 sees, st it pee month, Salom ear Una. ne farther then She Jukes Apply ,s same., W. BsleA. W eao Ingtnn bldg. . - 11,800 set ACRES, S seres else red: has barn saa rnicaew-nooovt ngni mi gtui rmr - -neer Gilbert atattoa, 7 xsnas eat) this will make a fine home. REGISTER a CO.? '.'' J - i:' - ,' ; HrlVi Third St - - . - 6 ACRES, all improved, water piped to each ' acret 6 room bouse, well and S.OflO-guilon water tank: fruit tree, chicken runs, etc.: r fine platting proposition) $4,200) terms: a . bargain. - - - . .' ' W. J.Day tScCo. v .,:'".:.' 1664 Fourth St. :- ''.""' . ' ST. JOHNS REAL ESTATE). $2.750 It-room , bona, large tot, eleetrle lights, plambed; near , business, echoel ssd ststton. , f PETtDIfORD, " " -"'' ' ISS Ifohswk bldg. cor. Third snd Montana. 12.000 NEW 8-room boas, tot 76x100, west slops ef Mount Tabor, with alee new ' ear "nets ea floor: bsrrsln; hslf eaah... ' ' ,, BEOtaTKR a CO., 107 1 Third St. $2 Bio 4VROOM bouse en Eaet Alder et., tot .. 60x100; worth more money; belt rash. -. , . ,. BEGIHTFR a CO., v 107Vi Thh-d St, - $1.4oo S-ROOM bona, lot 88x108, en . East Stsrk st near Slat. . i REGISTER a CO.. -, '-Vt - . 107 H Thh-d St. $750 CORNER tot in the center ef St. Johns. 60x100; good Investment. . . . ' " REGISTER a CO., , - v ' - 107H Third St. : " :' OWNER Is obliged to sell reaMenee sits Itf deep hy 284 front: for s Isxurtoos bom sits it will compare with anything In ths cite. . Prlca IS.BOO, rbons Bast 614. t 148. cars JournaL FOR small cash payment we will sell yoa a , home, balance Ilk rent. Reaver Reel Estate a lavMtment Co, 1671, First st. i 11 OO EQTJITT In Isrga lot oa Eaet 82d at. for . asle at last year price. Inqulrs 411 (sat ' B4th at. - ' . .. . , '' ST.' JOHNS SNAP. - . - i' " Wisconsin owner sufhorlsee ns ts sail '6 4-room hones and 4 tots, right on tar lias, for $1.7.10: sood terms. . . HAGEMANN a BLANCHARD, 61 Fifth st, BEAT, ESTATE. $7.500 Plat. 20 bits 60x100 with elley, SS Willamette boulevard. . . W. J. PEDDIPORD, S38 Mohawk bids., cor. Third snd Morrison. ' FOR SALE BY OWNER New, strictly uwdem v 6-ronm mttss and one 4-room cottage ; easy term. Pbon Tabor 226. . ' WHOLE BLOCK of 24 tots for $1,600 snd 4 ' lot In opposite block, with 4 room house, ' Eond barn snd well, with windmill sod tlnk oaee, for 41.000: good Invsatment. Bftni ' 'Lend Co., 145 Vh First St. HOMES, I bars s 6, 4 snd 7-motn boas for sls convenient to car and In beantlfnl location ; easy terms.. Owner, X 151. cars Journal, , WB bars sums cheap lot rtoas In, slae bargains In resilient property. Beaver Beal Eetate , Co.. 187 S First St. RESIDENCE tot: will build tn suit purchaser; Bull Run water. John. Miller, 80th sad, ,. Wygant. . '. . . ,- FOR SALE By owner, modern T-reets hose,, St. ' Johns Heights. Address Bs 126. St, Johns. . . MODERN' 6-ranm house, Sunnyslde; $150 each, balance monthly. 818 Commercial bldg. , FOR BAt R Full tot, Mallory snd Beech, sroO for s few days. Addreea T 147. car JournaL $3.000 A-ROOM houee, modem; Set Fargo t near Union ar. Phone owner, Woedlawn 477. FOR SA LB S seres on Oregon City car line) win sell cheep if sold soon. Call up owner. phone Eaat 4704. A NICE 6-rnors house, 807 Eaet 10th St., north, $1.6001 term, l.vrO down. $16 per month, T per rent; trad with owner In house. FOR quick sales Hat your property with Beever Real Eatate a Investment Co, 167 V, First st. FOR SAI.N RY OWNER Modern 4-room house ' .. just completed, sll modem conveniences : will tint tn suit; swell Iocs thin, 790 Kast Rsm(a st, between Ifcld snd 2fth. Cell fteranon. Terms. $1,000 cash, balance $46 .month. . Including lutereet. 6-Hi KIM honas at Kenllworth ear station : ce ment wnlk. eleetrle light) $2,2t0; easy terma. Phons I nlon 276. MODERN 6 mom cottage. Snnnrald feewer dis trict); J I. v down, betsnc 111 rent, , A, P. - Smith, owner, 616 Commercial blav - t