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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (March 28, 1907)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL". PORTLAND. THURSDAY EVENING. MARCH 3. 1CG7. i: -EXTENSIVE I'JORK OF RECLUfflTlOO Eight New'Towns Established Ten Thousand People Have r Cone to Live In Deserts., ' MORE THAN A THOUSAND . MILES OF CANALS DUG Nine MUet of Tunnel Reclamation -.Service Owns and QpersrteaSaw '' . mills, Cement Mill, Electric Plant V Haa Built Wagon Roads. : rWaahlsatae. Bums of Tke Joul,) Washington,. March . A summary f 'the work of ths reclamation service to ' January 1 ahowa that it baa dug 1.MT mllea of canal a, or nearly th distance , from Washington ta Omaha. ' Soma of , thcaa canals carry whols rivers, Mho the Trucks river tn Nevada and the North plattala WyamlDg.?' . . ' .. !. . : " - The tunnels excavated are iMn'tiun) ' bar and have aa aggregate length of nine and one half mllea. The eervlce ha a erected M larva structures, Includ . Ing the great dama In Nevada and the . Minidoka dam In Idaho M feet high and j0 feet long. It baa completed 70 bead works and flumes. ... It baa built I7S mllea of wagon road ; In mountalnoua country and Into here ' tofore inaoeeaalbla regions. It baa erect ed and In operation 72(7 pities of tele - phones. Its own cement mill baa man ufactured 70.000 barrels of cement, and " the purchased amount, la IU.000 barrel a Ita own aawmllla bare cut . 034.000 feet -: f lumber and t.M0,000 feet have been ' purchased. The surveying parties of , the seevlee have completed topographlo surveys covering 10,97 square miles, sn ' area greater than the combined areas of r Massachusetts end -Rhode-. Islands- The transit linea bad a length of 18,900 linear mllea, while the level lines run amount to Kill miles, or nearly sufficient ' to - go around the earth. . The diamond drillings for dam altes and canals amount to 47,111 feet. Or mors : than nine mllea. Today the service owns , . and baa at work 1.164 horses and mules. , It operates nine locomotives, ZZS cars and U, miles of railroad. V stationary, enginee and 17 steam engines. - , ' It baa eoostructed and la operating . five else trio plants. Thla work has been . carried oa with the following force: ' CUaalfled service, 180, Including Wash- - Ington office) laborers -employed -directly by the government, MOO; laborers em . ployed by contractors. M00; or a total t of all foroes of U.000. The expenditures . now , total nearly tl,000,OM per month. As a result of the ' operations of tbs reclamation service, ' eight new towns have been established. . ' 100 miles of branch railroads have been , conatruoted and 10,000 people have taken .: up their residence. In the desert. . - . - ' -, . e ' '. r PEONAGE 1CASE G07JES . BEFORE SUPREME COURT '" '' .1111 I ' i'J I.. HI .... I .. - , .-, Government Will Try to , Prove That Peonage Law Is V.-.,,' Unconstitutional, 7"? ; (Jearaal gpselal Berries.) - - .' Charleston. 8. C, March IB. The gov. mment Is considerably Interested In a habeas corpus case which came before Judge Brawley of the supreme , court to day, aa the result will have aa Im portant bearing on the crusade under taken by the federal authorities against peonage practices In the south and else where. The primary purpose of the habeas corpus proceeding is to teat the constitutionality of the state law which makes It a misdemeanor for a laborer . to leave hia employer without Juat oeuae , where be has been working on shares and where be has received advances. Many of the aoutbern states have such laws. The original Intent of the statute was to protect the fanner sgalnst negro labor, but In practice the law has been made an effective sgent by unscrupulous contractors In the peonage esses, ...... . The case now before the court Is that f Ernest Drayton. . who escaped from what the government charges was a peonage camp. He was captured - and imprisoned because he was deeply In debt to his employer- and refused to re turn to work when apprehended. The government will attempt to prove that the law Is In violation of the thirteenth amendment to the eonstltulon. . To Owners of Bad Breath Foul Odor of Indigestion, Smoking, Eating or Drinking Stopped at Onca With Stuart's Charcoal Lotenges. , Trial Package So Trove Tt seat Tree. ' Bilious' breathers, onion eaters. Indi gestion victims, cabbage consumers, smokers, drinkers and those with gas on the stomach are In a claas all by themselves, distinguished by a powerful bad breath. ...... , , They all breathe, and as they breathe, they whiff out odor which majces those standing near, turn their heads away In disgust. The pitiable part of It la that these victims do not realise "what a sickening thing a bid, . offensive breath Is to others. v . . Charcoal la a wonderful absorber of gases and odors. It absorbs 100 times Its own volume of gas. ' ' . Btuart's Charcoal Loaenges will put a atop to your bad. offenalve breath, and to your belchtngs, whatever the cause or source, because the charcoal quickly absorbs all noxious, unnatural odors and gases. If yon suffer from Indigestion and belch gas as- s result, Stuart's Charcoal Loaenges will abaorb all the gas and make you stop belching. -. " - -' . If on getting up In the morning you have such a 'bad, -bilious breath,- that you can almost smell tt - yourself, Stuart's Charcoal Loaenges will get rid of It for you quickly. ,-., If you have been smoking or chew ing, or hsve been eating onions or otber odorous things, Btuart's Charcoal Loaenges will make your breath pure and sweet. ' - . : Charcoal -Is also the - beet laxative known. You can take a whole boxful and. no harm will result. It Is a won derfully eaey regulator., v, And then, too. It Alters your blood every particle of poison and Impurity In your blood Is destroyed, and you be gin to notice the difference In your face first thing your clear complexion.' Stuart's Charcoal Loaenges are made from pure willow charcoal, and Juat a little honey Is put In to make them palatable, but not too sweet. Tbey will work wonders In - your stomach, and make you feel fine and fresh.. Tour blood and. breath will be purified. Ton will feel 'clean Inside. ", We .want to prove all this to you, so Just send- for a free aampla today. - Then after you get It and use It. you. will like them so well that you will go to your druggist and get a ISo bog of these Btuart's Charcoal Loaenges. - Bend us your name and address today and we will at once send you by mall a sample package free. Ad drees F. A. Stuart. Ccv. ll, Stuart Bid., Marshall, Mich. .......... some time was the deal In which Michael Kenny sold U00 ewes to , the McCul lough brothers at tt-tO per head, delivery to be mads after shearing. Bbeep are doing fine In this section, and' shearing will soon be under way. .. . cV. The Popular Route. The Canadian Pactflo la the populai route because of Its unexcelled ser vice, running through sleepers from the eoaat to St. Paul. Winnipeg, To ronto. Montreal and Boston without change.--- For-descriptive . metier and full particulars, call on or address F. R. Johnson, Freight and Paaaeager Agent, Portland, Oregon. , , NEGRO "MURDERER T0 BE WED -'. : " '..'.y-y - Killed White Man In Cold Blood V. -Jury Found Him Guilty ; . In Four Minutes. - , : ,7 n of The newest ideas and designs bearing the stamp of approval from the world of good taste and fashion. Our Washington Street Window is an exposition of the leather worker's finest handicraft ; Dainty Shades, New, Leathers, Perfect Frames, Gold and Silver and Enameled Mountings.- Valrus Fluffed Alligator CVT These beautiful I. Mont Elephant Horned Alligator Lizard : Monkey f a : i.: Sea Lion Seal in Heulral Pig: Tns 4 a a grams attacneq .or, your name imprinted F REE on all purchases in '7 this i department.1 -'y -t - ";',.','.., -.,.4 $J-'-';-j; unsurpassed ect mr.xs op Ladies9 Belts for - beauty of design ; ' our "selection of ; shades and leathers will meet, the rhost fastidious .requirements T ' ' ;l Special e ' ' Wa i hav placed on tale this week all our v""- Japanese Bronze i V and Brass i Art Goods Vases, Koros, Lan tcrni, , Habachis, Tray, etc., st a dis count of 30 :. PER CENT , From '' our .reg-ular prices. - Note our window and visit the Gift Room. Arare-op portunity for the ' lover of oriental art. New Butmlts, Teddy Bears, Easter : "Noveltlesr Easter: Stationery, Easier t. PostCards. lift Goods We havs an Up-to-Date stock of . SPECTACLES EYEGLASSES 1 EYEGLASS CHAINS li :. AND HOOKS uj- Tour name In gold free oa eyeglass or spectacle ease. No charge for ad justing or small repairs on glssses. SariTXAJr XOTIOjT glee the com - plezlon beauty and softness; abso lutely harmless; $1.09. Order one , of. these beautiful " ' Fantail Jap Goldfish today. V FISH 25c, AQUARIA 7$e; "'F00DM Lowney's Famous Confections Delicious Tooth- In Artistic Boxes. . TELL IS TO . SEND ; - : HERA BOX TODAY ' Victor Talking Machines 2000 New Records am asvas's Visit our Gift Room and spend a quiet' restful hour listening to 'sweet music, Edison " Phonographs and "Victor Talking -Machines on easy payments. a ' When you are in a hurry, call Exchange 1 110 trunk lines, 20 extensions. ? Oyer 100 salesmen ready to attend to your orders. ; v . , want monthly accounts with responsible folk. Our delivery system is good, and we are always trying to improve it. v ; WE TAKE CANADIAN MONEY AT FULL VALUE.' OPEN SUNDAYS FROM 10 A. M. TO 2 P. M. t We . High Price, for Sheep. (Bpeelal le Ta JoerasL) Heppner, Or., March 18. The best , price paid for aheep In this vicinity for - 1 Uoerasl peetsl aerrlee.t Tunica, Miss.. March, tt. After elud ing justice tor nearly four years snd fleeing to the far west. George Jenkins, colored, la . 'sentenced to- expiate his crime cm the sallows here tomorrow. On November 1 1.' 103, Jenkins mur dered Herbert Clifton at Banks, Missis sippi., v . : 1 " Ths victim bsd a contract wun uie negro, who lived In the hlllSw to rent soma land on the Banks place and work It the following year. Jenkins Jumped bis contract, and Mr. Clifton told him he would hold him to It, as be had been at some expense In building him a house. ' A few days later, aa he stepped from the train at Banka. Mr. Clifton is shot down In bold blood without warning.. ' - ' ' . With his Is at breath he accused the negro Jenkins of' the crime. Jenkins made hla escape snd traveled over a largo portion-of the world before he was Anally located In Pueblo, Colorado, snd returned to the scene of his crime. He was tried here last month and con victed by the jury sfter. four minutes deliberation. .. .'-. BIG GOAL TilINES ARE DEVELOPED Southern -Oregon Has. Ample : Supplies of Best Quality ' ... o, fjgnjte Coal. SEVEN BIQ LEDGES r . EIGHTEEN FEET WIDE Enough Being Mined Now to Supply : Town of Medford Development Work : la Being Poshed- Win Soora Prodaee 400. Tons Dally. (Bpeelsl Dteaatcfc te tlM Jearaal.i . Medford. Or March I. That the coal mines within five miles of Medford will be developed Into the largest lignite fuel producers on ths Paclflo coast la the confident belief of the capitalists and mining men of ths Blue Ledge company, who recently purchased them, and who have had them under development. The Now Wasn't it mean of Kornelia Kinks r . , To play on her mammy such jocuWjuikii? She pushed down the door, then loudly did shout, - - "You give me some 'Korn Kinks, or I won't let you out") Zhfdst on having "Koto Kinks "'and you wffl fcava a food that learea absolntaly nothing to ba desired. Jt has s Una, delicate flavor everybody likes It-it's easily digested, and in nourishing snd strength-giving qualities no other food la it quaL , Try It your grocer, sellt it for 6e. , ' . TBS H-0 CO.,- BUFTALO, If. T. , ; ... , 1 . , f EM r' jt i . y X. IlALTDD GORH rL-MCESncadvtoScrvcHotorCoId of) coal Is a lignite of good Quality, similar to that mined from the -old Beaver Hill and other properties of Coos bay, though carrying lees sulphur and less silica. What was at first believed to be but one or two veins has since developed into seven distinct ledges. These ledges range from four to eighteen feet wide. The ledges stand almost vertical, having but a slight dip, and each la well de fined. They contain only a small por tion of slate or foreign substance. The ledge now being worked and opened up Das a width or 18 feet. This Is the biggest vein of the deposit and carries the best grade of coal., This coal Is being used in residences, busi ness houses and hotels In Medford. and has also been shipped, though the local demand la sufficient to use all that la now being mined. In order to remove a big dally tonnage the company la driving a doubla-track tunnel Into the mountain to tap the de posits at low depth. This tunnel will not only give. a thorough drainage for the mine, but will give ample room for a string of ears snd make It possible to remove from SOO to 400 tone daily, The tunnel will be completed within ths next two or three months, and the proo- ertlea will then begin the marketing of co i on a large scale. The Southera Paclflo Is considering tne proposition or building a spur track from Medford to the mines. The ooal Is not only desired for, general and local distribution, but aa smelter fuel for the Blue I-edg copper mines. , . TO CRATER LAKE BT RAIL IN NEAR FUTURE r,' -. t' t Work on New Road Will Be Re sumed- Completion This Summer Expected. (Speetal Dltpateb e The Jeeraal.) ' Medford, Or., March IS. That the Medford , Crater Lake railroad will be completed or carried to the upper Rogue river , timber belt and put Into operation mis summer la now an as sured fact, A. C. Iavls of this city baa made a bid on tne property, snd gave hla check covering the bid to lr. J. IT. Beddy. receiver of the road. Dr. Reddy states that he la satisfied the bid and proposal of Mr. Davis will practically clear the entanglement and put the affairs of . ths company . tn workable condition. "I am satlafled we will now be able to go ahead with the enterprise," Dr. Reddy stated. "Mr. Davis has done more than any one elee both In per sonal effort and the nutting up of funda to make the road go, and this last move, together with his Influence, wlir certainly get matters so adjusted that we can put men to work within the next two or three weeke. If we thla, we will have rolling stock on the track and the Has In active operation by midsummer." OLD TELEGRAPH CORPS ' ENTERTAINS CARNEGIE ' (Jaersal ftpertal gervles.t . New Tor. Msrch It. -The United States military telegraph corps haa made great preparations for its special reunion and dinner at ths Hotel Manhat tan tonight, at which Andrew Carnegie, the "father of the corpa.'' le to be the principal guet of honor. Mr. Cernegle owes his title of father of the corns to the fast that It was he who suggested : '-IBS IX.JI "-" i-t---. ... . .... . ii inn I . Jtft '-I :.:::;-tt- , J ALCOHOL S PIR CEWTV Aetata rYcpartftonfrAt slmIlatln$tef!wfanrrRpAf ting tie SiaoadB aodBmdsaf mm 111 For Infants and Children. . , The Kind You Have Always Bought mMt.j.-ff.wr Promo les DiestlaiJClwifir ness and RraLConialns nride- Optumiorphinc laTMaenLI WOT AARC OTIC. jtfouikSBmrnoa - AnMrisfr- " WhsT JsSMIt' tttfftkW ssTrwft Aperfrct Remf dy for Cnf$ Hon . Sour StonadLDiefTtioa YVonMJTormususjevtnst nEsseLossorsazR lacSaaik Sijnanrt of NEW YORK. IT Bears the Signatnro of Am WW WmB Use For Over v Thirty Years .fegg-iin , y in yea VMS MM"s"MMs) eMSMe;MVh sBeWf eMTee WRITE YOUR EASTERN FRIENDS to CO '.IE lEST via SPEQAL LOW COLONIST RATES BTnrartt kabox An Ana, From- 8f Paul. Minneapolis. Duluth, Omaha, 8t Joseph. Kansaa City and other Missouri river points to . Portland and Ashland, Or .and In termed late points ,.3AM From St Louis ' to Portland, Ash land, Or, and Intermediate , points . -. ,.30X0 From Chicago to Portland, Ashland, Or., and Intermediate points $34.00 - Similar low rates from other east ern points to the west. Bend me full name and address of your relatives or friends la the eaat that are thinking of coming to the Ptclflo Northwest, and I will have them furnished with literature and full Information, or If you wish to pay the fare of any one, the money ean be deposited with' any agent of the Northern Paolflo Rail way and tickets will be -promptly furnished. - For any additional inrormation wanted, call on or address A. D. CHARLTON Assistant General Passenger Agent. . B5B Morrison t Ooa. Tfclzd. srerilaad. Or. . , Exact Copy of Wrapper, A , ... s sThey act like Exercise. -for the Bowels TeaO All I Cents -. Crcrrnlsts v v st the outbreak of ths 'civil war 'that operators be sent from the Pennsylvania lines to Washington to engage In the military telegraph service, which before the conflict ended employed about 1,100 operators. . Other gueets st the dinner tonight axe to bs General Thomas T. a Eckert and Colonel R. C. Clowry, com manders of the corps, and William R. Plum, Ita historian,- rrfrT.l gto.k Cann4 Cooaa. AI'.-ri It I,U' I -.1 r-iil , 1 I a- CGeeVo Tke WsH-Tsssa ' 'isale cuifrsE ' I -- "J sr j DOCTOR Has bmI IK. stedy mt tents end kaeha. sad la that alixtr SlaeneereS asd Is al.tsa te the srerM bis woaderfal raatselM. . 0 arncrrtT, romom oa nanus rfn . ke ctrats without oriaaii"i. oa WITHOUT T AID Of A Ml MM. Re gaaraotaee -M ears Catarrh, aathiaa. Lena. - Threat, , Bhmmi tisai ,hrofi.n-., Ner-nnS Debility, gtnaaarh. U-ar. Klitn-f Traabl-a: a too Lost M.sband, r.s-ala waaa neee sad SU Prlrste Diaeaaas. A SURE CAMER CUHE fast Beesresd FWt"l. Ohlae lafs, Sur. sad galiaale. 19 TOU a arri.icTKP, povt delats Sava DAoamoi s. If yae eansot eall. vrlre fne tfmv'-n Slana sad eh-celar. - Isckae 4 eests la eiaaai- CONSULTATION FREE TBM C WO fKIVTIf VTTrtClXZ c afortlatiej. OMTm, F1esM lstlO Thl T1 (, iriia to-ve: t Tr-' a- givr-. al t