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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (March 28, 1907)
TIIE OREGON DAILY JOUENAi; PORTLAND. THURSDAY EVENING. MARCH 3. 1CC7. L.Jt y Merchandise Pcrchssed on Credit Today, Tomorrow ond Satiirday Will Go on April Account 1 75,000 Yards Beautiful Embroideries 634-Yd. Strips-Values to $14--$ 1.64 Strip 42-Yd. Strips-Values to $ 1 3-r$ 1 .64 Strip 4V2-Yd. Strips-Values to $ 9-$ 1.05 Strip Plan to Come Early Doors Open ait 6 o'clock ill i r I i r i i ii i i i i ii i 1 ' '.' i ii Tomorrow the long-waitcd-for Annua! Easter Surprise' Sale -of Fine Embroidenes Greater values, prettier embroideries than ever before and 75,000 yards of them more than we have ever beery able to secure- l m r v ' for former tales Three enormous lots and sold in strips only Mag-- ' " - . S 1 1 1 li T"? l i ! J ' 1 " nincenx qeaigns in cngnan cycict, r renen cmuroiucry, anaaow worK, ; Japanese and Veniae Embroideries for women's - and children's wear lingerie waists, gowns, etc, The lot includes edges, insertions; galloons, - bands and wide flounces Cambrics, Swiss, batistes and Nainsook em ' broideries in iyi and 6-yard lengths A mammoth purchase -from one of the largest importing houses in the land Plan to be here promptly at 8 o'clock if you want to share in this great sale 6V4 yd. Strip-$ 1 4 Vals.; $1.64 W2 yd. Strip-$ 13 Vals. $1.64 4V2 yd. Mrip-Jj) V Vols. S 1.05 No' mau or pnone oraera ruieo ace pig yiftn street window display. Tomorrow's Great Scrpriso Salo $vPettic6afe $3.63 2 Petticoats; $1.33 ''Tomomrw-yourT&nnual Easter' Sale of new White PetticoatsTwo great lots i l ' , - .. . -i . . - . : v"-.r -cC , ;" ? ' Lot 1 Women's fancy White Underskirts Wide Jancyj flounces! trimmed, ItL. good t quality ', embroideries,' tucks, VaL lace edgings, and . Insertions Separate dust ruffles, plain' and trimmed Great variety Reg. $3.00, $3.50, $4 vals. tornor- only.. $2.63 Lot ft 600 White'Petticoats in cambric and muslin, wide flounces trimmed in laces and embroideries, tucks and-In-: sertions and separate dust ruffles Best $2.00 values tomorrow only at low pric tS$ i :33 See Fifth Street Window Mail and phone orders filled' T TOMORROW'S GftlAT SURPRISE SALE . . i ... 5G00 Men's TiesSfc.. v' Men's High-class' Neckwear v. T at a phenomenally low price tomorrow 500 doz. new .. f -Z : 1 ' A iirC-Al beautiful Easter 4-in-hands, 22.50. Black; Suite for $16.85 75c values at 29c each Every tie new (they only ar rived from New York yester day), full 2xt inches wide and made reversible Light and dark coloring in immense variety- Blues, helios, greens, reds, stripes,- checks figures, scrolls and ' novelty designs, the : prettiest neck- ' vi . " 4 " wear rortiana has seen this sea- Suite Me son Reg. '75c values on sale at, ea aee ruin drrcet. winaow uisuiay. TOMORROWS GRJtAT SURPRJSESALE 3000 BMeii'slShirts Great yalnes at 69c For tomorroVi 896th Jriday- SurprUe. Sale, 3000 men's new .. Madras and Chrobny:Golf Shirt; all mw light andvdark colorings; atripea, checks. doU, figiire, etc.; alo .;- plain colorings; all are splendidly made and finished through out; one pair of caffs' to match; your choice tomor- LQ row at, this low. price, only . .. . ... .w See Fifth Street Window Display Today.'- . . ;- t TOMORROW'S CREAT SURPRISE SALE , $3.50 Bracelets at $ 1.39 Tomorrow in the Jewelry Department great Easter sale of 500. J ' high-grade Bracelets, in fancy styles and designs; regular . - bands and French noTeltiCs; values from $150; ' to $3.50 each, on sale at this special price, each,. V : Today's- Easter Clove Salo ; $4 Long Gloves $2.85 $1.50-$2.50 Gloves 50c Two phen-nnenal Easter Bargains in the ' Glove Store today and FridayLong gloves and short gloves of the highest quality at prices that will tempt shrewd buyers. 1 1 1 &f&f:; A : mm- t lS6ysineEaster Apparel Opthing M&5 mt S3 Annual Easter 'Sale of Men's Suits tomorrow and Saturday Two lines of black dress Suits ' and fancy Suits at important price reductions This season s most approved styles and mate rials at a saving the shrewd buyer will appre ' date Investigate the merits of these grand values Second Floor. M c... ,- - - - . - . .( . :. . ..; . . " Men's fine quality and high-grade harid-tai- lored black Thibet and black unfinished wors- lis" " LOT 1 A targe and varied as-. ortment of 12 and' 16-buttoa ' length - Kid Cloves 1 in glace and - suede; black, white, ) ; brown, tan, mode; navy blue . and green: all new, .perfect gloves in a broken line ot sizes: '-reg. $3.50 and S4:H0 A . values at, a pir J LOT 2 A special assortment of : one,' two and thnee-clasp glace and suede.Clores; "Per rin's". and .other celebrated ' makes: good "colors;" broken line of , sizes; $1.50 to $2.50 values , on sal at Cft. -this low-price, pair .-.JVC ted Suits in regular, slim and stout sizesVery best - styles Well made throughout, hand felled collars, hand-made butonholes, hand padded shoulders, extra quality ' linings and findings A quality Suit the - exclusive $25 or $28 for; our $22.50 values at this Ivery low price . of ' Six lines of our hew'1907 Spring Suits In fancy worsteds of the finest grade. The finest ready-to-wear garments manufactured in America by famous wholesale tailors The latest fashions, materials and designs Apparel the exclusive clothier asks' you Our $35.00 a suit. rcg. $28.00 values for this sale only at We are ready to outfit the boys with the newest and most attractive ap parel for spring and summer wear Suits," topcoats, waists, blouses, wash suits, etc- -The prettiest and most serviceable styles at all prices, and with every purchase to the amount of $3.00 or over at regular pries we give one year's subscription to the American Boythe best boys magaiine published. Second Floor.Y.. ...y-:".;v ' . .:v. Pot's Wash' Suits in a great variety of materials, ; patterns and colors; " C 1 . f -sailor and Russian blouse styles; on sale at, a suit, 60s,'T5 and..,', V W " Easter 'novelties in boys' and children's 'apparel; reefers, sailor and blouse Suits; plain , ' ' white and' plaid serges,, blue serges, velvet novelties, etc., at exeep- fv 1 O " ' tionally ,low , prices; ' from; - the garment, 'f 5.00 to.": , .'. . .'. . ... . . , ; Black? Suits for "boys and young men; all-wo ol black Thibets or . wor- 5 O K flft r T 'rf ' v I , t on sale at from U to..... Vf f j CvTTvfOM st styles and great assortment, C( . TUU"' vH lS vears; best values in town....yT- V 0"Ti Boys' two-piece double-breasted School Suits, in fancy worsteds;' a thor- rtAt; : ougbly made school suit; warranted to gire" satisfaction; all ages; auit.,,v"'' ' ateds; single' or double-breasted style)' 'on sale at from i i- . Boys' Norfolk Knickerbocker Suits;, latest of most, desirable 'materialsr ages 6 to lllll TOMORROWS CR1LAT SUafIUS2 SALE Great Sdo 900 Prs. Silk Hosiery S3,50 Vducs at SL90 per Pair For tomorrow's S93th Friday Surprise Sale we offer a great bargain in 800 pairavpf women's high-grade silk Hosiery at a marveloualy low priceAll new beautiful styles Black,, embroidered in colors,- bowknot, forget- and rosebud me-not T designa in grand as sortment Sizea 8, 9. 9yj and 10 Every pair in the lot reguV lar $3.60 valued Your -choice tomor row only at the very low price of, per pair f See the Fifth Street Window Display ' : TOMORROW'S CHEAT SURPRISE SALE- Aj $3a50 to $7Scarfs at 98c Each In the women's neckwear section for tomorrow's 896th Friday . . Surprise Sale, an extraordinary- Easter offering of f Du Barry Scarfs; plain colored, fancy and spangled effects; also plain, ' colorings; 2 and 2i yards long; a wonderful assort- (JO " ment; values ranging from $3-50 to $7; choice........ .OC TOMORROW'S CHEAT SURPRISE SALE Women's Shoes and Oxfords S3a00 Valqcs at S 1 .98 per Pair Women can 'supply their Easter footwear needs tomorrow at ' - big saving -1,500 ; pairs Shoes, Oxfords and Gibson Ties All new up-to-date footwear at less than manufactnnng cost patent colt B16cher.t Oxfords; welt soles, patent '-colt - Gibson Ties, light soles, plain toe, patent garden ties Vid colt Tdc Blucher Oxfords and Shoes, patent tips, patent colt shoes, laccTrand Blucher.' styles Light r : and heavy soles 20 models to select from ' All sizes and ' widths' Regular $3.00 values on sale tomorrow at only .98 Pair Set Fifth Street Window 1 - TTT m Display . TOMORROW'S CREAT SURPRISE SALE ' ; 25c Fine Writiris Paper at 1 2c Out 50c Writing Paper at 29c In the Stationery Department for tomorrow's 896th Friday Sur 1 ' prise Sale great values in fins.Writtng Papers on sale at:' J00O boxes of fine Sutionery in linens, bonds and satia-finlnh , whits and blue tints; regular 2Se values, on sale to 0 morow only at. this unusually low, price, per box. 1 avC Eaton 4Hurlbut'a fancy box Papers; best quality linens, - all shapes and shades; reg 50c vals., tomorrow only at av7C " TOMORROW'S GREAT SURPRISE SALE . ' 1,000 New Handbags 98c Each $ 1 go and g 1 75 -Valnes at 98c For our : tomorrow's S96th Friday Surprise Sale ; ;a great special Easter, bargain in Women's Hand bags Seal and .Walrus in black, brown and tan, strap and Vienna handles fitted with coin purse - and ' caracase--Moire . sale , lining Reg, $1.50 and $1.75 values on sale . tomorrow only at the low price of, eau OC Easier Salo of riahdkerchielV Women's pure. Irish Linen Handkerchiefs, with hand-embroid-; ered block initial; Ji-irtch hem; new corded checks; 1 0 25c values; on saU at this special low price, each.....' .1 ayC: Women's Swiss Embroidery Handkerchief sl with scalloped, hem stitched edges; a. variety -of .patterns: 25c values, each. ..1I . Women's fine lawn initial Handkerchiefs, !4-!nch hems; - K' hand-embroidered, block initial, 10c values, each C Women's mercerized Handkerchiefs, in the latest cross-bar and checked effects; nice, soft finish; 15c values, each.., VC 500 dozen Women's fine Swiss Embroidery Handkerchiefs; hun dreds of new. patterns' to select from: scalloped and' ' heifrmed .edges; values np tm ,50c regular; on sale at.. syJC Women's pure tinen Embroidery, Handkerchiefs,' new, dainty de- signs; hemstitched and. scalloped edges; values to 75c ea..33et , . .1.. ,'. . c.-l ,-i , ,.j A-. a ' 1 . "T' i