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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (March 28, 1907)
THE 'OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. THURSDAM EVENING, . MARCH 23. 1807. Tn n AAA' c a n a o i SPRUIG LAL1BS 1 FIND A Dressed Meat Market Is Very J " Firm AlvrtniierVi Dar1nt. ftf Lambs Are Better. DEALERS EXPECT EGGS r , TO TOUCH LOW POINT Price JTow Being Boosted by Bor- era Are. Net Stocking TJp a the f Higher Velnee N Foultxf Com- ': lng (or Jewish PaasoTer. : - v . Principal market talmt Seder I I)fM4 Mil market good. . Kg brd o get ever x3He. - , '' Kw order in hop market , N aotittrr far bolUUre. ' c ' ,' - " : t Wheat market a cent edTaaesd. .Interior mill sdvsaee floor. '.. '. "".'- Sarins Lamb FiU Seed lwcaeaA " ' In tka ereeaed matt market of rroat street today tkara aa a vary good demand tor spring lambs. Receipts, however, wara botc liberal thaa aaoal ana wnne me too - good aa la ever was tola aeasna dealers wara net quite ao aaiton te bar a fear oar age. Tbe tea ana far thin appears a be th larger orrlvale. Shipper aaaat ta have bald back tbe; bulk at tblr ' anppllea aatU tb! time and aa prim bee not beea low at any time the rata Here belles they trill Bet hs anything by holding back parch sees aa mark aa possible. Hewever, all arrlvala tbat la today were quite anally cleaned ay around iter is g pound. i Dreaeed bona and veal centime to dleplay :e eery firm tana alone the (treat and prices la aaay InsUnoeo, wperlaily for fancy atnff, are fractionally higher than the eaoud. TbJa la tree af botb veal aad koas. Bswtiag Talnaa la In SUrke. la the en surfeit Brteee sloes tbe street botb yeaterday and today rated between He - end Mv,e. slthoanrh ana er two aJngla eases .were reported sold to mall dealera aa sign a Sac. Uoverer, tboaa wbe knew bow a bar win not par rnl extras blab vain. . Keeeinta of ess, while not neavr. are fully op to tbe demand, for with the higher prices bera the eatalde eklpuenta bare been eat en, - Althosgh there la no certainty what the mac . kat will do after Saater. the general epinto ' of tbs trade la tkat lower price will prevail, With thla Idea la view one of tba dealers alone ' the street who la rather "lone" on eappllaa yeaterday afternena offered borer sop. Ilea at Il'taa ir goodsiaed lota wi taken. Re five aa hie reason for tins cut tles SBder th 'market kle Idea at lower prices after Easter and ha wasted te be ea the aafa side. He reality fee Holidays. . ; With' the Jewish Pessovsr and IChstsr la sight, there to but UtUe live nonltry1 coming to sapply the heavier demand. Never have Ilea poultry npillee beea so ecarc aa ef late aad rnesigk price now rating so noi Indues holders to nuke shipments. However, there will be no famine In poultry supplies. for the retail trade la prepared for Just earn' aa eniersem y, as a laiss aawaat af eastern dreaeed atnff baa beea lately brought la. J. Tew Orders la Hep Marbat. Only a few orders -for bona are shews la the toral market and tbe are for low-prined aroode, -The eeatera market la thus reviewed y the KeW'Tark rrsdaears Pries Carreat of latest data: "la this state trading has beea mora quiet the past week, thoush fear- transections re- ported i Be 1 et lTcv the mrei martrt taa dom- las been limited irKj the only sale of Imoortsnce we beard of was that at twa ear- eaada of poor Macrsmentoes St lOe. Tbe fea-. erelLv nore quiet markets the past Week net : arally rsuae s little weaker tons tb prlcea, tbougk little warrant for making actual change la notations." Rtata, IIMM, cnolee. per Iti..... ..X123e tate. ltsin. medium to prims..... IftttlBc State. l0d. per lb., bOMOe Pacific coa.t, laoa, choice, per lb JSl4c PaHfle coast. 1. prim, per tb llle Partfte coast, 1WK1. medium. Ie Pa rifle coast, 11K. per lb.... felloe r . . , : Ha Ira. Receipts for week , 1.833 Receipt from September 1 N.41T Receipts ssme time laat year ..aM.fwT Exports to Europe for week K i ports fmm Septrmbsr l;. W.TI Kinsrts ssme tims Inst year..... 13. OM Imports tor week t-M lannorta from September I . Imports same time last year...., ldBTl Se erarce have beea wheat supplle of late that some of tbs Intorlor mills ssnooncs ad vance of fmm lne t tne a barrel ever the aantstlons ruling hers, Th sdvsoeea are ajars - eepeclslly mads aa . the aoand. - Tba local . t market Is very firm, with values unchanged. - lacal wheat market la firmer aad aa ad vaare of Is s basacl hi today made la qoota tloas. . Rrlef Vetae ef tbs Trade. "Supplies af asparagas are fair aktng lraot street sad the pries Is rating between HSiC and lAe a Dosnd. Cabbage, cauliflower and celery' Is very Scarce; la fact, every lias ef green geede has a better demand tkaa sapply. - Pot ate prleaa were a fraction weaker ta San Pranclsr today swing ta tka anticipated heavy arrivals when tbs railroad blockade m broken. - - The trade pays fbs following prices to front ' street. Prleaa paid skip pars sra leas regular cemmlasiansf wraln, rloar and Tasd. ' OSAIN BAOS Calcutta. Hs baying priest arlllns. ISHc. ' WBKaT Slab, tHrri red RaaaUa. nSdJose; blneetem. T4c; valley. Tie. CORN Whole. tli.OO; cracked. IM.0O net . . BARLEY New-Feed. gJl.OO W 00 per tea; rslled, M.0ilt.24.00; brew lag, (23 004 21 .00. RVE l so per cwt. -' OAT .New Producers price No. t white, $ntiJ0 per tan; fray, iza.ooti a.(0. . FLOUR Eaatera Oregon patent. $4 111; strslgtits, IS.SO; eaport. $tM; valley, .Ti: Kbam. Us. UJSQ; wbote wheat, S.TS rys. . 5.00; bale. I.T. mi.UtTTTFFBriraa, glT.OD per tent mld , dllnss. I2C.00; shorts, country, fSO.M; slty, iin.M: chop. Ild.00cj21.00. , i- valley, fancy, f 11.0014.00; ardlnary. gs.Onet ' 10.011: rulers Oregon. 110.00: mixed. tlO.OOa 10 no; ktovsr. t 00; grain, M-OCtJlCOOi sasat. ' BUTTER FAT f. s b. Portland Bwtet eream. use: soar, We. BCTTKR City oreemsry, , STUei eataide, fancy, STHei stars, SDe. . E0C Extra fancy, candled, ttQIlHs. CHEESE New Full cream, fists, IStaOlM; Tonng Amerlrs. lH17e. JmjULTRX MUed cblckena, UHi per lh - fkney bene,'loe per lb: roosters, eld. 11Q12 per lb! eld tsgs, l2i2He per lb; frysrs. Ins ' per lb broilers. Lie per lb) eld durka. lHe nor Ih: spring dnrka. liHe par lb: geese, ( v Kw per lb; turkeys, I7e per lb for old; dressed, fancy, . S2e per lb: sqnsbs, fa.OO par oVia; Maeons, 1100 per dos. Drssssd pesltry IQlHc per lb higher. . Kept, Weel sad Hide. n eAM 10TMI mi Pli ii I, lief vtm. .a 'choice, 10Q10H; BMdlnm ra priaie, Hffte; medlnm, Ic; aostracta, 100T crop, 12a. ?7loIAIR-Iew IflOT 1S lb." ' SHEEPSKINS She rlnsr, laIOc sch short Wool, KiQeOci medium wool, bOOTos sneh long wool, 7.Vfl1.00 each. ' TAl.l.oW Prime, per lb, IHe; Fe. t sad ' 'TlUTTll it ARK e for ear lots;' small lets, ,H1PES Pry, Ke. I, IS lbs and 1 lne per lb; dry hip. No. I. to IS lha, ISBISc; dry calf, No. 1, snder B lha. lOcj aalted hklea. pteer. aouna. ev ioo awa wwr, 1 ' vw "Hc; etare aad bulla, senad. nQ7c, kip, 1(1 M to lbs, ri enlf. aonnd, nailer IS Irs, 111 greea, anaalted. le lei cull. l per lb lee; ' bora blrteec salted. e'k, $1 mieTI.OO; dry, ears, at., i.irii ("ii ,, , enoimoa, sach. 10lsei Angora, sscb, SSceJ "f?". - fruHs end Ta toslaa. rOTATOM iii Botot arlea, sasUra Malta- DEEHI1D TOO WET FOR SPRING s SOWING DURING MARCH -" (RpaeUI rMapatch te The Joarnal.J 4 Karmlngton. Waali March tl. 0 Spring saedlng In thle part of 4 tba Ps louse country will be ex- - 4 tremaly lata this year. No out-, door work aould be dons - this' month on account of ths rainy 4 ' weather. Kaln and sno-r baa 4 ben falling for tba past IS days , and '' tha ground la thoroughly - aoaked. Tha roads loading; from town Into ths country, sra almost a 4) Impassable and are In ths worst , 4 xondltloa they have) been In SO 4) years. ' : - ,,..:.. ; '. msh and Cwckatnaa, select. Sl.M4lt.TI: esll' tag, fancy. 1.75; ardlnary. buying, S1.2n"r leu: eastern Oregon, buying, I1.0041.10; aweet. Te ner lb. ' - ONIONS Jobbing price No. 1 Oresna. fl-SS tTi.u; r,o. i. sue; nuyin price, oj7oe I. a. b. skipping point; garlic, sitae per lb. APfLKS ranee Hoed Blew anltaeOherw and fellow Newtown, tJ.23; fsncy Wlllaawtte sai ler ana enninern Oregon. ll.SV2tl.7B; ordlBSiy stock. pncifgl.X.f. .. rREBH FRUITS Oranges, new a aval, $1.T1; lanserioee. i.zo; banana, aa per in; wstona, S4.00ias.00 per box; It ma. Mszlesa. l ilS 'ZL.Ws P'ieel00tty0josi gran fruit. $S.5. . . Turalpa. new. SOrfTtl aack: carrots. T5ri 11.00 per sack) beete, 1.TB per aaca; paranipe, gi.oueei.xs: sabnase, sz.sti; tomsteee, Mexican. 12 3Sft2.M; Florlil. gS-OO; parent pa, SOrfi.1.00; string beaaa, 1.1c per lb) cauliflower. S2.O0 per doe: peas. lAct bursa red lab. ge per lb: artichoke. Tftcfa II J00 per doat squaah. 7Scltl.00 per bos: celery,' Cali fornia. ft(70c r dos; erannsmes, 8.00 T.uu per narrsi; sprouts, SSISe per lb; aapara gus. istteioci rhubarb, se - per lb; greea onioaa. In doa: Florida hell peppers, 40s per lb; spinach, I 0rti 1.25 per bos. DRIED FRCITg Apple, evansrated. H Te per ib; apneota. ISHCtWe per lb; pear. ISHilgUe per lb: aacke. Ua Bar lb lee: Brnnee. SO to 40. lQe; He drop oa each 1-10 entailer em: riirs, t siirornis buck, stanvac per in; California white. SrHe per Th: dates, golden. I0.M per box; farda. 1.40til.60 par 15-Ib has. j niessilss. Jlata, Eta. ST'OAR California Hawaiian Cuba. SIXTH: pewdered. SS-IIH; berry. S4.02HI dry rranuUtsd. S4.B2H: Star, SST2H: eonf. A. 4.D2H; extra B. S4.42H: golden C. M JH; u yellow. B4.nHS beet grsanistes, HreH. Wester Cuba, S4.PTH; powdered. SS.UH dry srsanlated. SS.27U; P. C. S4.T2H: Ht. rrsnds. . 4.T2Va; coQectiooera' A, tJ.ttHf extra -O. $4.42; eoloea C, 4 12M; ft yellow, 4 22Hi beet jrranulated. S4.82H; barrela, 10c; half hexreis, a2&e; kaaia, SO aaraaaa aa sack baa la. (Above prices ars SO days net eaaa quota- , HO!fltT SS JS par srkta. . I COFFEE Packers brand. tlB MCI" S SALT Coarse Half smand. 100. $10.00 per ton; bus,; table, dairy, poa, gis.os: wa, 12. Tit; hama. $2 0O; Imported Uveraoel, rXX, ilS.OOy' 100. 117 00: 224. gift 00; extra fine. kbla. 9s. ft and 10a, $4.onQBJKr; Liverpool m nip rocs, pec ton; no-IB na.tiu.iu. (Above, prices apply to sales of lee ttiaa car lota. Car lota at special prleaa subject ts lucruationa.i I -RICE Imperial Japan, No. t, Se: No. 1 BUc: New Orleans, bead. Tet aJas. Sc: Creole. SV. ' BEANS Smart ortitto. SS SO: large white. 111'.; pink. $2J90i bayou, $3.78; Lima. me; Mexican reda, sc. Kirra peaaute. Jambe. ' SUe aer Tb: Tb glnls. THc per lb: masted, loe per 1b laua aeee. KtiAci masted. TatTHs per Tb: encoa nsts. SSiaooe per dos: wslnnts. Csllfornls. lfle per lb; Irene a, 15c par Ib; pine ante. 14411 per lb; hickory- ante. 10c per Tbt ebeetnntn, eastern. lfi(tine per Tb Brastl nuts, JKe per in: Tiinerts. inc per to; raary pirsaa, asajsuci Omoada, lSt21He. - atssts, Ilsh sad PrsvUioaa. i ' FRESH MEATS Front Street Hogs, t eBcv; SKrftHe per Ib: veal, extra. PnHe per lb: ordinary. 7HCr- per rb! poor. Se per lb) met ton, fancy, kSBc per, lb; spring lamb, 149 HAkTa. BACOH.' ETT Portland pack floral) hama. 10 to IS lbs. lHe per lb) 14 to Id lha. 16c per Ib: IS te 30 lbs. lac per lb: braakfeat bacon. lH12tH per Ib: picnics. 12c per ab: cottar roll, 12c per Tb) regular short clears, snemoked. 12c per - lb; smoked, t.t per Ib; clear backs. ' ansnjoked. 12c; smoked; - ISc- per lb: Tnloa bntts, IS to IS Ths. nn.moked, Pe per Tb: smoked. Sc per lb; clear bellies, an- smoaed. izv per lb; iiwaM, ime per nn shnnlders, 12c per R: pickled tenruee, .Vic ssclu LOCAL LARD Kettle Is, 10a. lte per lk: Ke. lSVo per lbs p0-Tb tlna. I2e per h; a teem renilered. 10. 12 per lb; la, 12c per n: componnn. urn, hc per ib, , , I AN ski almh ininmoia rtver, i lk talla. 21. ): 2-Rt tall. 11.75: fancr 1-lh flats. gl.PO; H I fancy fUta, 1.1S: fancy l ib ovale, t2 TS: AUaka taU. pink. S5a0ci red. 41.00: aomlnal. 2S. tall. $200. FISH Rock cod. Tc ear Ib: rvmndera. se ner lb l balllmt, SHo per lb: era ha. ll.Oonl.SO per dos; atrlped baaa. 12 He per lb: eutfleh. 10c far Rt; salmon, fresh Columbia river ateelbead. IS per lb; chlnonk, 12He per lb; fronsa sal moa. STlle per Ib: herring. M per Ibi aolee, Se per lb; ahrimpa, 10c per Ib: peecb. Be per in; bierg coa. it per in: tomcoa. Te per lb: lobsters, Ide per lb; fresh mackerel, Sc per lb; crawfish. 20e per One; atarreoa. 10c per Ib: black baaa. Sua per Ib: Colombia river Smelt. Ac per lb. OIXTKH5 e-nas nearer , per tsnna, per 100-lb eerb. 4 ao: Olvmpla. per saUua. t2.2S: per lla-tb eark. $5.S0(Ig.2o; Kagle. canned. lOe can, $7.00 doe. CLAMH Hardanell. per bag. gs.eo: . razor clama, $100 per box. lie per doa. ' .rata. Ooal 00. Xto. ' ROPE Pars hlaalla. l$ei taadard. I8e: sisal, lis. ' COAL OIL Pearl at ArtrtI Oaeea. lBUe ter gal: water white, -woe bbls. 14c per gal; wooden. 17c per gall headlight, 170 deg., easss, SlHr per ral. . ... GAHOLinrc wi org., eaaa. zshs Per gait Iron Mils. IS per gal. benzine as oeg.. sssss. sos par gait tree hblw !Hcpr gal. tcrpentins is eases, sas twr aai: woooen bbm. 98r per gsl. white lead ion tors. 7 e per rs: boo-in lots. Sc per lb: leaa lota, BHe per lb. Winn r. Aii.s rrneenx nasis s sz S3. UNSEED OIL Pure raw. ta B-bbl lota. BOc: 1-bbl lota, SSe; eaaes, Mc per gsl: genuine kettle-boiled, eaess. Sue per gal: S-bbl hta. 64c; I hhl lots, one oar gsl: ground cake, car lota. $20.00 per toa; lass thaa ear lots, $30-00 par too. LITTLE CHANCE IN WHEAT . . , CTiicRgo Market Dull and ' Blow Corn Down and Osta Up. ' RELATTTB WHEAT TALVES. , . Mar. 28. Mar. 27. Lnao. ' 1S00. May 4 .78 A .TUSi $ .(H I -TXH July ........ .TTHA .T7H .00 .TH septemner ... .this . ,7na. - December .... .S0 JtO'i . .00 V, .19 Chlrsra. Xarch 28. Th wheat market was dull today with bst fractional chance la the nrlcs ss compared with ysoterdey's end. Com la also a fraction off, bat ante held well end the ejoss Is a fraction up. Perk M about Se Official qnotottona by Overbeck. Cooke company; wubat. - . ' Opea. Hlsh, May ,..IV,.... TJJ4 7S Xulr .......... TTtt . T7 Sentamner .... T4 TS December .i.m buh - "U CORN. May ,.' 4nU . . 4i July ......... 44 - 4l Sepmssher .... eM 4H . . OATS. May .......... 43 4 July 871 - $7 September ..... 2' M SttSB POHK, May ..........ld-'iO 1"2 imnA 1623A. MM) son S12A July ...16M loss i Lasn. ,. Msy .......... K COS July ' "7 ' BIO September SIT SIT SHORT RIBS. May T7 , "77 SO) M2 ' SW July ......a... SP0 Bug ( September .... sua am . . S80A ' ateaetory Bate. New Tork. March M. Sterling: Pemand. M S0t SO days. 47 &0 Hamhnrg. S4H. lees 1 sa: Pxrta, II1S; Antwerp, S62; Swttaerlasd. mm Vienna, S.SS. . , i ' - Hew Terh-teadea Silver. Rear Tork, March SB. Bag aUvar. SSs Lea Starr : 'J Low., Croat H 7KV. T!i"4A Hi TTiZ- 77 HA H . TH' TSH i sotf so- . 4VA' . . 4HTi - 4n4 4ISH Vk HA '42 . 44A S7H ' 7HA S21 . SS'AA ISIS 1620 ST ' SOT S10 .')" AITTC AHOTIIER RISE IN THE CATTLE Market Is Very Flrnj With No Arrivals in Local Yards During r the Past Day. " , ; ' BEST STEERS FIRMER. ... : AT FIVE DOLLARS TODAY Hogs - CoDtlnns - to Wtwkea Al- thouglt , Arrivals From : Local Polnta Art) Few Top Today Is ' 97.50 No Lambs Are Coming. , ' Portland tjaloa Stockyarda. Karch SS -livestock reeslpts: - i atogi. nattm. aaecp. Today 60 ... 100 v Sf 4aeaew(a) a . l Teer age TS ' $T Prevloue rear SO 10$ Tkere remains Barer arsekness la the bog market and kUlern will not pay mors thaa $7.(0 for beet atnff. A year ago aaarkst was firm, but ancbanged. Cattle are firm, with no arrtrala today. Tbe (rlce Is about ISHe higher, with beet stuff firm at (ft. . A year age market was firm. Sheep very firm, hat unchanged. He lambs are coming. A year ago market waa steady. Official livestock prices: ' Hogs Best saatarn Oregon, $7 B01 stotkssg aad feeder. $7.00; China fata, $0.7807.00. Cattle Beat eeatera Oregon eteara, $A.n0i beet eowa and heifer, $.IXiO$.T; atockers and feeder. $a.TB: bulls. $2 50, . - Sheep Mlsed. SO. He; wetbars, 9n ewes, $He) lambs, SH. KANSAS BUYINQ STEERS Nearly" All" Tosag Stock Bold' at Baiter City ; to Sonflower SUta. ' . (Special ftlapatcb to Tb Joaraal.) .' Baker City, Or.. March IS Nearly sB of the young ateera of thla dietrlct were shipped at yeaterday whea Oeorge Chandler, Oeddes st roiimaa, Tnoi sin and raytoa uroa. eoa algaed 4S head ef S and t-Tear-oln to M. B. Knox at Havenevllle. Kansas. Maay large shipments have beea sua recently end thle last lot nearly cleaned oat the valley. Thee cattle were pajchaatd by Mr. Knox himelf. who came to Oraama In Penruery and looked ever tbe asontry, making a number of large Oram. - In specking of the cattle taetaetry la tats section. Mr. Chandler etatet thle geernlng that while there are a Bomber of large cattle men who are deal roue el selling out aad get ting oat ef tbe kuxlnm entirely, tbe pr unpack ror tna present year are very Bngnt ana prates will probably be good. . . .. Ranee eondltloon will be ' excellent - thla year, the etockmaa estd. although there are few cattle oa the range here et present. Along Earle creek, however, the fine weather of tbe early, aprlng baa indneed many af tba cattle men to tura their atork eat. . .. There haa been no ebortage of hay la this district this winter and If spring hsa really arrived er opeaa up ear tin within a raaana di pen fie tnere win oa n eeoeiorraoM qusa tlty of Seed left ever. Mr. Chandler states tbat tbe -fact tnit this Is earn a good hay eouutry la responsible for the fart that there hare sever been eny heavy lnaaea here, al though ether districts havs . utfared heavily tram a tot weather. EASTERN HOGS tjIGHER Chicago Price Showa Adraace of 8o Cattle Are Strong. Chicago. March SB. IJveetock receipts: - ' Bogs, Cattle. Sheen. Chicago 4.000 . d.2o g.OOO Kanans ..City S.eos . 2 wo 9.000 Omaha ' S.OO0 S.0U0 11.000 Hogs ars S seats higher, with S.BOO lert ever. Receipt a year ago were SI .000. Prices: Mixed. lOms.SS: hsavy. $d.SO42t.S0: rougn. $d.o6a. ....,. ,. 1 j -i t'atcie ntrong. v ... Sheep Steady. ' . ,t. NEVADA MINING STOCKS Prices Current at Close of the Saa Francisco Exchange Today. .' Baa rrsjMteea. March SR. Official hid pricaat OOLDPTELDS DISTRICT. Sandstorm, BOci Red Top, $4 23 asked: Me hawk. $18; Columbia Mt SSe; Jumbo. $2.80; lumba Ext.. $; TernsL 21c ssksd: Pras rivanta. Se; Goldfleld M. Co.. S1.B0; Kendall, STc; Booth. Tic; Dine Ball, 4V; Adams, ITel Silver Pick, $1.16; May Queen, SOc asked; Nev. Roy. ISr; B. , B. Ext.. lie; Bine BelL zfyj TMxl. lie; a. Columbia. S6c: Hlbernla. ize; Pt. ivea, si.sui uooquemr, xuci biicb Rock. Tel Lone Star, 27c; o. Wonder. Be: Ore, 41c;- KendaU EatH Sc; Sandal Ext., Sc, Mavne. 14c; Atlanta, 87e; Great Bend, SNe fmnlre, 14ci Red Top Bxt., 4oc( Florsnjcs, 80c; Dlamt. B. R. Con.. 87c: O. DaUy, , 1M Laguna, $1.64 nked; Oosamoawaalth. Snc; Comb, rrect.. $4.12V4:-Or. Bend Ext.. 20c: Or. Bead Annex, ISc; B. B. Boannsa, 10c; Kewaana. gl.iot EmerIdd, aid a eked; Port land, aoc: Crack Jack. IBai Vrancu Mo hawk, $1.20; Red Hill. Zee; Moknwk Ext.. 2lei Spearhead Gold, fle aaked; Loa Dillon, 17c; X . Tiger, lne; Graadmn. 2Tc: B. Pick Fit . . 12c: Col. ML Ext.. Tet ttoldf. Goaa.. $7.75; Dlamf. TrUngla, dAe... s OOMSTOCK DISTRICT. Oshlr. $2 28: Mexican, ear! eVmM 4 Carry. tc: Con. Vlrrlnla. 07c: Savage. TV: Tallow Jacket, TSc; Belcher. , Ae Ooofldeooa, Se aaaea; sierra . iv.. aoc; ncBsqaer, Toe: futon. Sue. . . ;, , . BrtXPTtOO DtSTRICT. - ' ,e.. t i. , a ee. . a 1 . 1 ie . . j , h 11 1 , p.. v . , ff-rc, anon. Rullf.. Sc; Nat. Bank. 40c: L. Harris. 4c: Amethyst. 4Se; Gold Bar. $1.S: Stetowsy, ISc; Ienvsr Ruf. Annex, 2.V Baked; Born I Clara, $Se; MayfL Coos. 41c: Monty. Ohio Rxt., lc; u. Bcepier. znc; atonry. nt., gejc; B. Pslsy, $0c aaked: Homeeuka Onna., $1.M Yankee Oirl. 11c: NnsseL 10c: Trams Cone.. $1.20; Tlctor, Iter; Banner, Tne Baksdt North star. 10 asksd; Midas, fioe asksd: Sunsst, 10c. " TON0PAR DISTRICT. . AVBH I'WTi. f II eawBsrvi asaimiia,, avSBaa aysa.arvi Too. Bxt.. IS 50; WacN'intara 4fic; Midway, $1,715; Toa Betarrnt, M 25: Tom. No, tr, S4e; Ohio Tod.. Tc; Wwt Dnd Coos.. $1.90; ncm irr; j cm. m inr., 10c Bsn; monnm AiMltor, S9; Jim Bntl-r, $1.10; Ton... Cast Ror. ftel Tn. flora, v JV: Bout. Trrfa,. lie: ran ruei g g u ub n a rrv anil, na us am g A) W A Ooldea Crows, ISc; N. T. Ton. Ooas S. - Ue.aaah tXe-. ' V Sfhana aVS'ua Uld hf. Sal.. - MANHATTAN DISTRICT. Manh. Or,.. TOe: Manb. M. Co.. ISc: O. Wads, 12c; Seyler Bump, Set Dexter, S4e Ih Joe, 4c; Creaeent, Sc; CVmblnntlea, Sej Grsnnr. 21c:' Mustang. $8c: Little 4rev. 40oi Cowboy, fcc; Ortg. Menh.. S.V naked) Broncne, l'Ac: jump. jaca. inc; nnenut, isc; Bnrralo. 6c; R. Ig. IWc aaked: Y. Hone, Sc; IndUa Camp, lie; Standard, Se, VARIorS DISTRICTS. ' Palrv. Silver King. 4V: rairv. Easte.'SSe aaked; Nevada BlUa. 1; Plttahurg Silver Peak, fl.BG; No, star Wonder, llo Eagle's Neat. 22c: Baby Wonder, BVc: Nev. H. rior- oca, 13s, 'v .. . ' i . .- TnrXTID STATES OTKRBafTjrt BOKDfc Hew Tork, March SS. OovernaMnt bonds: .. Date. Bid. Aak. Twos, regwtsrea ........... into irn1 do coutxm imo inau Three, re la tared ......... IftOS liiS do eoBnon inos . loai Ponra, reslatared ..,,.... lttoT ino do eonnoa ibot ki Threes, small bnuds. ....... .... lol pours, regiatarea ibxb lmn de eoupoa 1V2B IMii Dtatrtct of Colombia S-S&s.. .... 114' Pour. Philippines ......... .... loi Twn, Psnama .. .... I44 a cospoa ,...-wwt4 - yOlTLABD BARE STATIMTJfT. ' y Cleartnrs today , $M.e 4T do year ago....,.,. axM.ano.2g Onks todsy .....MU2M.sns.24 Balaacea today li.4ft $4 rear ad,...e..M..(.u..a.... iuw.iei.14 1 if loal 10 1 ' 104 i 101 I; k, ii 2 u i loru 10614 Never, Have There Been Such Small Re ceipts of Livestock and Poultry as of Late In Portland Markets Prices on Latter Hold. GREAT rJORTHERN GETS DECISIOII Favorable ' Rutin; . by Court ' In Matter of New Stock Issue Is , rtL Help to Hill Issues. , t ' "" ' ' . v , .... ' -f , STOCK MARKET VERY ERRATIC DURING SESSION V aloes Weak aad Strong by Turns but Close With aa Upward Ten ' deacy Northern Pacific 2K VP Butte Re-port Helps Mines. c'-J MET OAISS- .. 2 H I lireat Northers .. IIMIwourl I'. rifle . Amalgaavaasd Sugar.. Saielter ......... Anaconda Atrhlaoa OisoradB roes .. Erie Louie, a Nash.., V. S. Steel....... ' 60 ptsifstTtM . .,. Ore Lead. .. 2I.I.N. V. Central. 7; .. 1H Northern Paclfls .. HlPennaylvaahi .,, ... lVjRndlng .. lValRork Ialand .... ., IHISoutbera Padfl .. HI Union Pacific .. V.ICar foundry . . 1HI . ' New Tork. Merck 28. The stock market wag Brrati today, being firm and week by tarns, bat at laat ckaing with an advance la. snout leeuea. Tna dclloa of the court tkat the Great Northern railway had a legal right te kerne tb proposed stock, while expected, had tna affect of etiffenlng th general Hot. At tb closing today tireat Northern waa tH r nlnts sp. Ore Lands 1H and Northern Paclfls a points above yeeterday'e lost Brio. A special from Batta, Menuaa, aald that tb full retnrne ef tb miners' vet ea the wags so Is resulted la th scale's ecceptaece by a vote of 10 to I. This helped tbe Amal gam tad aad saselttng group, resulting la a rlee ef SH for Amalgamated. 2 for AaMrleaa Smelter, iammsa. Bad 1H Batata for Anaconda. Oolorad rsel sis gained 1H point ever ye- Official ewetstlons Cooks eompsnyt by Oeorbock, Starr- a i DBaCRTrTTOR. smal, Copper On. ...... Ass, Car a roaas., aad da preferred Am. Cotton Oil. eom.,, Asa. UKosBotJva, aeoj. . Am. Roger, ens. ...... Am. Smelter, esote,.., de ore f erred Anaconda Mining 6e... Am. Weolea, eoss Atchison, eom 00 preferred.... Baltlmer a Ohio. eom. Mm M Orel Breoklya Raold Transit. B0 Canadian Paclfls, eom.. Central Leather, ens... de preferred., OhL A G. W.j eom..... CbL. MIL a St. Paul... CkL a N. W-, aom Chesapeake a One Cole, Poet a Iron, com. . Colo. Southern, earn.,,. Delswars a Hudson.... Dearer a R. 6, oa,,. d preferred. ,. 7. ... loT4 27 SIS 18. 2H4 OH 120M 127 144 H HI eon: S1V4 2V ITS 17T do 3d pvefai red. .v. do 1st nref ai red ... nitnel Central Lou is rills a KaahviUe.. Mxlcaa Central Ry.... M- K. A T.. earn PlSlf 4UI at. Dl tiller .............. Greet North em ........ Mleaearl Pacifle ....... National Lead New York Oeatral. . . . , , N. T., Out. a Weetera.. Norfolk a Waal, eom. . de preferred North AmerlcsB .... Norther Pacifle, caa, Pacifle Mail S. S. Co. .., PeaBsylvsala Railway... P. O., L. A C. Co Preaaed Stl Car, cool. . ao praferred.v. ....... Beading, em..... do 2d pisfeiied...... do 1st Maferred, . . ... Bap. Iron a Steel, som.,. do preferr4 . ......... Rock Ialand. cam St. U S. P . 2d pfd.. do. 1st pfd Southern Pacifle. ana.. do preferred Beathera Ry., anas..... do preferred Tena. Coal A Iraa..... T I VI U 1X1 IMIfellZl 120 1121 S BtH, S8X 1041b! 9 Teas A Pacific Tol It L t W. soss. do preferred n TJnwa Pacific, aom.... do preferred ......... V. S. Robber, cam Ae preferred U. B. Steel Oaaoau. do prrrred. ......... Wabaab. eommoa, ...... B0 4114 100 ino sat is Wlssonaln Central, do preferred Total salaa for da, 834,000 aharea. Call BMOty closed at B per cent. New Zerk Oaatral. ex-dlvidead ef 1H set rrw rosx oorov xabxzt. .Kew Tork, htarch 29. Official eat toa market! .. .- .... . . March Open. rTigb. Urw. 27. .log ions . 1004 ......... i S20 HIT m SS4 24 S42 ' ' SN - 640 S2 - SfA S4k S4S S&S B4 SAT 6fiT : . SttT sr) ftns su Sow Sod 97$ .'. ... S6S sta . SBS loos SIB BS4 " S4S SSI SM BUT IMS BA4 SST set marea .. April ....... Mar Jane ....... July Aognat .... September . October Jtutouibsv . . Dsesmbsr ... , Tarnish Sella Warehouse. ' By a ideal that was enarammsted some tin ego ths Pacific Coast Elevator company nnr chased tbe Feral araratum ef W. . far nlab and will operate the earn henceforth. Bars the Pendleton fcaet Oregon lan. Ae m tb neat It mill be need for the anrpoe of storing wont daring the month ths clip are here snd frd towlng ths wool seeeoa tl warsboaoo win be Deed for storing wheat. . rred Taylor, of tbe Pacifle Onset Ktevaror eompssr's office hers, will hsvs marge of tb war bona daring tb earning Besstm, POTLATCH MILL CLOSED BY. BROKEN MACHINERY ' (Special Plsnstcb to The Jearaatt Potlatch, Idaho, March IB. The big mill at this place has been closed down And will remain closed until broken m- enlnery can be replaced. This is ths first breakdown that nas occurred sines ths big mill was suited early laat fall. There la now nearly S0.000.S0S feet of lumber on tha yard and It Is almost lra- posslble to. shls on account of scarcity of. cars. As soon as esrg can be ob tained the mill company will ship 40 ears a dag. . MINERS' UNION VOTES FOR SLIDING SCALE Butts. Mont, March !S The Miners' anion has accepted, by ths vote af IS ts 1 tbe sliding scale for mine operators for Sva rears, baaed on tbe prevailing, price of copper. B4ow IS cents the! maximum is tl a day, minimum i.l9. At II cents" or shove the maximum" Is 14.10 a day and the minimum 14. All the mines wfll resume operation with i full erews. " V ". - - 1 el sV ... M GET SIEAQER 10 YET M. C. Bingham, Emissary of Merchants, Not Discouraged by Mayor Stanley' Action. FREIGHT RATES ARE " ' S i-u:. PARTIAL AND HIGH Tariff From Bandoa( Territory to Saa Francisco Much Higher Thaa Frorn Eureka and Coos Itay and , Is Called Prohlbitlye. Tttars received from J. J. Btanlsy, mayor of Coqullla, in responss to, com munications from Secratarr SS. C. GUt- ner of tha Portland chambar of com marcs, tndleats that tha Coqullla com munlty will ' not subscribe S2S.400 to ward tha starting; of a steamship Una between Portland and tha moulh of tha CoqulUs river. H. C. Bingham of Co quiusvwha cams ts Portland with ths jpropoBltlon,llg mors determined than avar to sat tha una Btsrtea. arnnays- ha w:ll star liars and fight It out until ths desired transportation faculties sra secured. Mr. Blnrham Is deeply In earnest. And la ready to back his Judgment with ma terial support In ths form of a sub scription to ths stock, snd also to work to organise the undertaking;. He said today:. ."It does not matter if ths CoqulUs people do not ralae a dollar re wfll yet hare a boat between Portland and the Coqullla. The people whom I hare talked to on this subject, both at TCo qullle and In Portland, are substantial business men, and they ars not talking; through their hat. The demand for traneportatlon facilities "between Port land aad tbe Coqullle Is Tory great, and must be met by a boat. . The people of Coqullle country num ber about $,000. and they have many great ' reaouroea. Including dairying, coal, lumber, fancy woods, woolen man ufacture a, broom handles, matchwood and white cedar for sash and doors. They ars paying outrageous freight charges and cannot continue to do busi ness under the present conditions, aa ths developments In neighboring ports are solas forward snd the ' oom peti tion Is surs to shut ..them out They must hare relief from freight charges ot tt per ton as against $1 for Coos bay and IJ.59 to Euraka." v - - Mr. Bingham said ths officials of ths Portland chamber of commerce have treated his proposition with ths great eat consideration snd ara ready ta go forward and help' the project material' ly If ths people at ths other and ot the ., - .wa . 11d wll do something. Portland manu lecturers and merchants with whom he has conferred have riven - substantial encouragement. He Is snthuslastlo for the suooess of the project despite the deposition of Mayor Stanley of Co qulUa to stand aloof. Seed and Soli. . If your lawn fails to show p In good shape doa't blame the soil. The soU may be poor but the seed la most likely the poorer. If you care to have a pretty lawa yon ahould not purchaae ohean seed, sa lt does not psy in the long run. Toa can get good seed from j as gor tne aama prio gou ivwr vinoi for poor seed. Do you admire a good lawnT Drop In and see ns and we will try to find the cause that keens your lawn from having that velvety appearance. J. J. Butser. Its Front street, between Yamhill and Taylor. WILL PRESENT SILVER " SERVICE TO CRUISER (Jearaal Special Servlca.) ' OlTmnlaV Wash.. March tl. Tha tS.000 stiver service purohased for the cruiser Washington will be taken from Spokane tomorrow by Colonel N. EL I,lnsley to League Island. Pennsylvania, The presentation will be made ' by the colonel on his arrival. Tha service was purchased by sn appropriation made by tba laat legislature. 5 PER CENT TELEPHONE BONDS SELL OH CHANGE Ten Home Company's Fives Co at Eighty-Two Dollars J. C. Lee Co. Offered Five Lower. Room Telephone beads were ta demead ea the kecal eacaang kneey sad 10 tl.o Sonde drawing S per esat wars sld st . Thla was all -offered st that flgare and tbe naked price wns advanced SS b SSS. Associated Oil advanced SI. So with a sals ef 10 shares st $12 60. Potlels Mining sdvsneed to 13 a against a bid price ef ISc yesterday. i, C. h company etock lost SS ta th ashed vshie, tbs pries going to S0 with S10 bid. Alsk Pstmleaa lost Hs snd Csseadls le; Mat moth gained Is aad Morning So- la th Coeor dAlene llat Copper Aug lust He, With th reat ancbanged. Sale tsdn Tea 01.000 Home TlpboB S per cent bond st ti 10 Aocltrd Oil at T4lnn, 8 000 Pot He Mining at lc, roticte Mining at 1B,r. g.OOO Waibongsl Es tenaloa at tt.e, L0O0 Goldfleld Trotter st 10s. Otddal Bticss: . ; BASK STOCXS. Hid. Ask. Bank ef Csllfornls. ...... ......SSnn.os ..., Banker a LomberBarae. 108.00 isi!fs tsoioo Mercbante National lanra national ...,.,.. ..... Oregon Trnat A Savings. r...... ISa.SS Portland Trust to. United State National.... LI STIC D SBCCBITI Amerlcsa Blralt Co., Ss.. ,. S00.00 (BONDS.) . SS.00 . imoo too City a Sobarban 4 OolnniMa Sontbrra Irrigation aa ..... Home Telephone 0s O. R. A M. Rsllwsy 4 O. W. P. A Hallway Sa. ....... Pacific Osaat ftmcnlt Sa........ SaBO Portland Hallway Ss. ........... J, C. Lee Co, Se miscriAanbous trroexs. Aueclated Oil 410S Horn Telephone ............... Bo 00 j. C. Lee Co..... laM Pacifle Stares Telephone....... ..... Paget Senad Teleghens. ....... . MININa STOCKS. Lekerlew .IS Lee Creek Oold XIV North kahrvlew ..... ManbatUn Crows Point.. ..... Portrln Mining .1814 Waeaoogal Eitaaalea 3b 14 CTtLrSTtD arrOCKS. Taanlna Bay Telephone t 7 Sl.eke Petroleam '. .Ik JJ -JJ no oo loots 10. 60 100.00 sem 100.00 4S.00 'in'oo SO.SO sn .OS .OH .90 .10 M t n .to Brltlah OolnmbU Amalgams tad. 01414 Caecadla Ooldfleid Trotter Greet Northern Mammoth ..................... Morning Staaiiard Cnaaolldated ......... Taeema Steal .to .30 ,0T .01 OS .OS WH4 la .14. fOKta D'ALENi PISTBICT. rinllloa -0T14' (or per Kla , -It ft k ronaolldaard r .4 .Cejuj .10 HPP Day a a k a a a a a a a ) Saowakoe It S-OS COgUILLE ZIMMERMAN HAS DECIDED TO RUN Former Coaacllmaa to Be s Mayor alty Caadldata Against. City ' Andltor T. C Derlla. Louts ZlmmBrnaa ' Das . daeldad ts snter tbs Hats against Thomas C Dev lin for mayor and today bis friends ar circulating; his petitions preparatory ta llllns them with tba, city auditor tomorrow.- Mr. ZUnmarmaa will entsr tha rsos at ths solicitation of man of his friends ta ths buslnsss elrclsa of Port- , Louts Zimmerman. land snd will make It an Issue of the campaign that he Is the business man's candidate. Vindication of ths administration ef Oeorge H. Williams will si so be one ef the cardinal planks In the platform of Mr. Zimmerman. He was a member of ths city council during the Williams administration and takes exception to the charges of franchise legislation- and graft circulated against the admlnlatra tlon snd tbe council during the cam ps I gn two years ago. ' Aa tha personal friend and advisor of the ex-mayor he feels in a way responsible for ths things done by the administration and will during the coming campaign explain upon the stump the sttitude of the ad ministration In regard to open gambling, and other questions wrestled with by ths Williams administration. " . Mr. Zimmerman Justine th Williams administration for lavylns tribute upon gaming and upon the stump will show why It was proper ta follow the course taken. He also favors tha restriction of abltatlon af all - tenderloin hsbltues within that dlstriot- Hs will Ills bis I netltlnn tomorrow. GROWERS OF FRUIT AT , GRANTS PASS SATURDAY Special tnapeteh to Th loarosLt Grants Pass, Or March SA A meet ing of great ( practical value to fruit growers will be that to bs held at the opera houae In this city Saturday after noon and evening, tba first session open tna at 1 o'clock, under the auspices of Oregon Agricultural college. The grow ers ot fruit and ths dealers and ship pers will be represented, respectively by the Grants Pass Fruit Grower" anion snd th Grants Pass Commercial Club. . The addresses, papers and dls-oueelona- will be on .linos highly tech nical, but the more valuable for that No forenoon cession will be held, thus to accommodate the lar- numbers of farmers who caa best leave their farms st tha week's snd. Ths speakers will represent the very highest talent of the state, among them being: Dr. James Wlthyeombe, director Of the experiment station of Oregon Agricultural college; Profeseor A. B. Cordlay, entomologist st ths agricultural college, one of the beet posted men onj fruit tree tests on ths Pscifio coast? Professor Oaude I. Lewis, horticulturist at the agricultural college, lata of Cor nell university; E. H. Shepard. manager and secretary of the Hood River Fruit Growers anion, and Mra Clara Waldo, Stste lecturer for ths Oregon grange. Mra Waldo's address will be on "The Betterment of the Farm Home." Mr. Shepard hsa for ths Isst four years been manager of the Hood River Fruit Grow, era union, the strongest on the Pscifio eoaat, and securing the highest prices ever paid ' growers for apples In the world, their prices Isst year ranging from lt.ts ts a box. f . a. b. Hood River, i . - i .a 1 1 . WIFE BEATER WILL BE ' CHARGED WITH FELONY iSnsetal Pnnateb s Ths lee isst) Aberdeen. Wash, March IS. Stella Carney, whoee husband, Eddie Carney, placed her la a disorderly house snd then lived on her earnings, ta oonflned to her bed as ths result of terrible beating Carney gave her' Monday. Hs knocked her senssless and thea kicked her on tha breast snd limbs, leaving the prints af his shoes on the flesh snd otherwise Injuring her. Ha was arrested and will be prosecuted oa a felony charge tinder the stats laws. TO HEAR DISCUSSION OF BRIDGE LOCATION , . 'i i j ' (Spedsl Pieaateb Is Tbs Jearaal) Hoqulam, . Wash., March II. Major Crittenden arrived her today on the afternoon train and will spend several days on ths harbor an government busi ness. ,. The matter of the hearing for the location of bridges across ths Che- halls and Hoquiam rivers to be built by the railroads will be presented tomor- ; row night. Friday afternoon the party will take a trip down ta the lower har bor And look over other parts of ths harbor. i Canal Committee Appointed. ' (Special M patch ss Ths Jootnal.) Olympla. Waah, March II. P. H Carl yon. president - of . the Olympla chamber of aommerce, haa appointed the following oo remittee . to represent Olympla at Aberdeen next Friday eve ning at ths bearing oa the Olympla t?rays Harbor ship canal before Mayor Chittenden: Mayor -Thomas MeXarty, C 8. Rslnhart, Charles S. Springer, R. R.. Btreeta A. S, Caton. , A- B. Ruth, C. Lord. Edmund Rice. H. L Lewla, K F. Pierker 1L O. Richard eon, Emll Msrtensen. Elian Peru, T. , i. Kegley, p. H. Carlyoa, i ' . Want Drummer Taxed. " . rBpactal Pbmaesh a The Joaraal.) Aberdeen, Wash.; March II. At the meeting of the city council last night a resolution was tntrodaeed by the merchants of ths city for ths Imposi tion of a tax on commercial travelers earning here. It was referred ta the sammlttee em Hornsea, - -....... LIOJWE RIVER IS UPOTJ A RAL1PAGE Immense . Damage Done by Flood Santa , Fe and Salt , Lake Railroads Cut Off. , (Jooraal Special Servlca.) Ban Bernardino, CsJL. March St. The ' atojave river is on a rampage. Al ready Immense damage haa been doae to ranching, railroad and taming Inter ests. , Only by ths employment of .hun dreds of men can the Santa Fe and Salt take railroads keep open as far ss Baratow, while at Baratew ' tha Chase Mining sompany aad othsr large corporations are pouring out money to aaslat la preventing tbe threatened dank age to tha town. i , . . The Santa Fe and Salt lake railroads havs over 1,00$ men working night aad day between - Vletorvllle and liars tow. Kvery railroad bridge Ib threatened. Tha Santa Fe main line from Bsratow north Is tied np by part of tbe bridge going out, Serious damage haa already resulted to farming Interests between Baratow and Vlctorriue. : i Word from Death Valley Indicates mat tne river naa taxen it sua tma nel and will bs pouring 1.000 inches "f water Into the Death Valley beat a If ri.4 ,-., . n,.,,- ai.,ni mm ...nrrenff haa not area been threatened before.) SLIOKES WHILE PliuiED . UriDER WRECKED TR Ai'l Brakeman Seargren Shows Heroic Courage While Com- panions Try to Release. (Special Manatcb a The Isma1 ) . TSooma, Wash., March 1 A With his thigh crushed lata a shapeless . pulp and bleeding from a score of wounda aad cuts. Axel Beargren. a nraaeman on the Tacoma A lantern railroad,, lay for two hours beneath tha wheals of a de railed ear near Chilton yesterdy after noon, while his brother trainmen worked frantically to release him. Seargrea . waa beyond . human aid when taken out and died at the hos pital at midnight laat night. Though suffering terrible pala aad with his life ebbing, Seargren displayed cour age and grit that was heroic, chatting and " smoking- whit his .attends were making every effort to raise the wheels enough to slide hie body rroat beneath them. " ' ' ----- , . Beargren was standing oa tha top af tha car when it jumped the track, throwing him ever the forward and directly in front of the wheels. NOW ONLY $36.000 (Continued from Pago One.) went with a snap and a go that provsd ths workers were not getting discour aged snd several beams of cheer were thrown across tha big gymaastum whea a delegation from the Young Women's Christian Association marched In aad announced that the working, girls of Portland had given several hundred dollars la pledgea The amount reported by the young women waa entirely raised by girls on salaries, msny of thsm en slender salaries at that, and ths report livened no the men solicitors more thaa a S10.000 subscription would nave After reporting their subscriptions. ths girls sang. "Wn want a new build ing, yes ws do, to the tune of "Let a Little Sunshine In," and everybody felt better. - 1 ' ..' A Qaestloa af Vetting'. "It Is going all right but we must keep It going." said Walter Ooaa this mornlns? when cheering up a worn-out committee. . "Keep It up. that's alt We thought ws were tight square , up against tt last night, and now you see bow It went, on, tne money s in town, all right; just keep going after It. that's all." There la graft unearthed. It Is di rectly charged that Walter Ooa and another committeeman secured, after a two hours' wreetle with a bualneaa man, a bag of candy, and nobody elaa baa seen the sandy. Ocas says the candy went to a stenographer to Induce her to line -up" her friends oa tha pledge signing program, but some of the com mtttemen think that candy should have arrived at the executive committe- room. -" ' ' ' ' ' '' The list of donations now Includes a town lot and 600 shares of mining stock. No oordwood or produce haa been re ceived, but the association will gladly take anything that haa tntrinslo veJae. Just how thorough has been tha can vass af tha city this week can be dis covered by going throngn tba stacks of pledge cards at tba association effleea. Several of these are for odd amounts, like St.ll and, and on tha bottom of the card appears the note, "My last cant." .... . : NEWSPAPERS RESUME 1 I , v PUBLICATION TODAT ' ' ' ' - i :.: tSneslnl IMeeet. (a The J una sal I Butte. Mont. March tt AU tbe newspapers of Butte have resumed pub lication today. Every demand of the publishers has been conceded by the printers and tha unions af labor con nected with the papera Tha stsree typers held.out for aa Increase in wage ' tor all mea ta 'the wages paid volun tarily by tha publishers to tba mors skilled men,, but receded from their position and accepted tha wags scale previously ta effect ' . AGED WHITE WOMAN ; . . He.. TTere4a Will Ha) S rvaaaa wa e - - ----- Aevngetl oa Gallows. y' Uonrnal Special Sarrlc ) Oaffney, B. C. March SS The gallews has been erected snd all preparation completed for the execution here tomor row of Tom Harria Tb gallows stands in ths rear of ths Jail. Ths bsnging wi;l be the first that has sver occurred In Cherokee county. The crime et Harrl was the murder of Mra Hortense Mor gan, an aged white woman. In November last. The killing was thought to hsvs beea for the purpose 0f robbery. Harris mads a arrlttss confession ef his erima. but bis family snd friends have since maintained that he was Inssne st tbe Urns. , Wants Carnegia Library. Special plepatek te The Jare 1 1 Pendleton, Or., March . iiy n Tote of 4 to I he connll I1 ' adopted a resolution ' ' negte library ofw r. 1 for ll. 000 in r on son . t.'it t' ' ' 1t t r . r