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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (March 28, 1907)
If THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND. THURSDAY EVENIM3, MARCH 23, 1CC7. Other Classified Ad vertisements will be found on pp. 18-19. NEW TODAT. II. XL LemcRe Co. $7500! I OH aTXBToVS BU. A MMtt 1 ful lot (or a Una residence. Tivn woa mu simiof. near I'W J 4th St., tip modera t-room bouse, lot 10x100. tJJ.Zn TnTrraMAnT T, A eholf COr vOOdVner. 100x100, eaat of tld at. You can t And its equal on thla "Ur street ...... , ' ' C7fYVl mxiui BT, a ' bseutlful IUW.U. tor flats. l.JxlOO. , riCAflBSTX T. (north), on corner. a ornvTi '60x70." two - houses, rental . valuaHa. "WWC TATO ST. two sfx-room VMM cottages on (0x100 lot I7AA Mm POBTTeAVxTB, . oa a "w corner fractional lot. room house just finished; modern, porcelain plumbing.' . 7CAn BTJSSBTiTs WT- nw modern flats; 161 raonthlT. Inoome. , rAABAIT. aldxb fax.. 11 .room eSf UV house In tin condition; lot iOx fJCfi BOUASAT FABZ . ADO., I V erwaeww modem o-rootn nous on a corner lot OOxIOO; aewea, oement eiae- walks, facing aoutb. A splendid buy at una price. $5000 WXBT XBTtsTCrTOaT, Try de- airaoie a-room nous. t7fiflfl VWIOH : ATM. (north), IWJV 104x100 . lm Droved with corner . store and flats. s' UfVISSUlWUVlP lot 10x11 1. w - - - aireet . improreo. oement aide ; walk. $ 20flfl A " FTBT.i sTP, Tery fin new i'w 0-room house on oomer 100X 100. Tnls Is a beautiful place and rbeap at thla price; 1,(00 caah down. j?rrt wxzuBica Arm. ooioniai style 7-room hone, lot , &0x 100. van desirable:' Ttltullthlo nave- meat, cement si iewslxa, cement base ment, etc t?onn-oof lOVn now. mod em, near Union are.: cement basement, porcelain plumbing. Interior oars: oaK nnian. ., !. modern, oe- vuww ment baaement 21x40: Isrg rooms, i .ota, corner; nxc lawn, now era, beautiful view. tlMX) KOTTsTT TABOB. a nleo 225x1 that laya beautlfuUy; nan oasn wiu nanaia it. KlfM BAST 10TX BT, near Brook wwlyn at, 100x100, Inside two honees; IJ.OOO caah wiu handle thla. tij ICfl nm T, easy walking .tww distance, eoxlOO Iot two fine nouses; m"itniy income per cent. - Be aar and see our choice list o, good buys before you Invest. H. W. Lemcke Co, th and Waahlagtom Sta. Mala BSa Batlr Bee ostd Floor. ' w tan uuy urana Ave. iropeny - GRAND AVENUE 1 00x01 and two-story store building, situated B. B. corner Grand ave. and East Ankeny ata. Paying a fair rental. Prtd 111,600. Tsrms. . f - J ' r.RANfl AVTT.MTm : 00x00 on th west aid of Grand ave., between East Oak and East. Pine ata. Let us abow you thla. - . . , PRICE $10,000 -TERMS ' . ' GRAND AVENUE 100x10 and three bouses on th X. & comer Grand ave. and Irving at. v GRAND AVENUE , lOOxtO on Grand ava, running from Padflo to Oregon ata. , PRICE 314.000 TERMS HALL & YON BORSTEL IN Second 8L and tt Eaat Bornslds St A Money Maker We offer for Bile for ai few days business property within 6 blocks of the' Chamber of Com merce; worth $16,000. Sale price $12,000. , Inquire room 29, 268 Stark sv'opposite Chamber of ' Commerce. -rt : v- : IRVINOTOIN SPECIAL Wew T-room house, 411 B. 11th St north, between Tillamook and Thomp son; anient foundation; east front; full lot. Price 94150, H caah. fM,5M4'SS Coterie,. CAPITALISTS . - -I. There ' la no bettor opportunity to harvest a fortune than by buying those tt full sections of tin timber land, al most In one solid body, principally fin cedar, on line water, trice 17.60 ner r. ruCHS. 121 H Morrison. acre. TWO SPLENDID BUYS 9800O Fin comer near Grand ve nue; will Increase greatly In value. Investigate and convince yourself of a great chance to make money. Easy terma 9 1 2.0O Ouerter block on Second and Kverelt. bringing gnod Income; half cash. K. tXCllS. I21H Morrlaon Street. Frofita bleBuy NEW TODAY. roa iaxs t Louis Salomon & Co. 31 I Murk Bt, Year second. 16.500 Quarter block, Md and Thurmaa Sts partlr Improved. ajl 5,0001. Ktb at., 10x100 busineaa properly, pay f par cent oei. 910,500 Cornar lot on N. lth at Inoom bearing. flO.OOO 10x110 N. ' llrd at. with t modern houses. . ..' $6,500 Entire block en Front st- f6,250 Large lot on 11th st. Im proved. . s . , srxcxAXa. ' . 98,000 Fin building- lot on Park ave, Ardmor. . ; f 6.6OO 2 lota K. Ilth. bear Thunnan, (2,200 aoh If you only want on. , , BAST HOB, 94,500 Fine modern 1 0-room house, lot 00x100 on E. Stark at, corner; house alone eoat over f 0,000; furnaoe. front and back parlor, veetlbule, bath, attic, etc Must sell quick. 95.50O Mississippi ave 100x190, who nouses; room ror more. 94.500 Lot on Union are. with store. income io per xnontn. ' , .. 9-i.OOO Modern -room house, ' full -,lot, E. (th at, Holiday's. - . 3.00O Lot with I houses! B. 11th month MAKR1AGE LICENSES. Oarl Blsuaermaa. M; Genevieve Bterllng, St. Uwt L. OJaunu, So; Eva Carltos, xst. . KewUia . Joues. Cm trm -. M uhliwtno- . SAl LwlxU J. Harier. AO. I b r li , ofioix .t . - .. . 1 Annate H. (Ion- as. 1 B. A. Keleay. Pssdletos, 40; Francis Brows. DEATHS. 1MITR ta tats etty, March IT, tOT, Joseph KV BbIUi at Cedat alUla, Oregos. s4 M FUNERAL, NOTICES. BABNET At Uaatoa, Oraa-oa. lUrek M, 100T. Leo Barney, aged 10 years and 11 a7. Eriaada and acqualnUBcea Sfe reapaetfully ' Invited to attend the funeral services whirs Ul be held at the cathedral, earner Elf. toasts and Davis atraeta, at 1 p. n. Erlday, Mareh 3. laursiaBt Moult Caivary es eterj. . . . . . . LOST AND FOUND.' LOST, etreved er stoien, fox terrier female pep. white body with alack eara; aaa a eollar en, bat with ne enfravtne. BXars to 221 West Park snl receive reward. Chose Mala 4t7. HELP WANTED MALE. WANTED Toenf nes. we save ealle for ete i Bearapber-telecraph operators with private eerperatioaa: speelal rait km for eonbtol mane. Ontfee CeUese, 001 CosgsMewesltfe kldf. , J, WANTED ReeponalMe man that eaa taveet 1800; persiaaent aalary 020 weekly and ahare of profit. Call tlls Waahlnftoa St., room WANTED 11 inside wtrenMS St ease; hut flret-elaae men seed apply. , Boost , Oosimerelal bids'. 010 HELP WANTED FEMALE. WANTED Ladles, we have eeversl ealls fee atenof raphr-trles;rapa . eparatora wits prl vata eorooratloBa; apSelal tsltlns for eons blned emiree. Oragoa College, A03 CoatSMB wealth bide WANTED flood 12A 14tb st. girl tor general bosaewerk FOR RENT HOUSES. BOB BENT 0-room eettai. MT Bortbwtrk St.. isrwmr aisina, fi moau. Isqnirs ZSJ Waeblnftoa at. FURNISHED HOUSES. rCBNIRBBD bosas Cor rent. T reeaaa. bara, 1 toiieta, A p ana l oownatalr! ran baae- , pieni, eowioinatKni gae ana eieerrie nxtaree, 12b per month, fnr sunths only. BAWTHOBNB BsULTT CO., 286 atargnerlte ave., ear. Hawthorn. ' Tabor 010. FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT. . .-I -i - 222 roUBTBV ST. Fnrnlased reeam, 11 per wiwi ire. mis ana paose sear city Ball. FOR RENT -HOUSEKEEPING. TWO farnlebed rlrbt bonaekeenlea' aooera: flae vlew light. ulet place fnr eoncesuu eoapw er two laaiea. Ko PINB boaaekeeplngoems fc door: gas, bath and yard... Phone Eaat 24 A. HOrjSRKEEPTNO-ROOMfl. ratea: alea- trie llrht and phone lacloded. 001 H Water at. WANTED TO RENT. ' ' f WAirTBD-May I T rees booae. atedern, well rornlahed: bo csildres; referesees. . 2 US, esie Joarsal. ' WANTED REAL ESTATE. " WABTBD TO BtTT FOB CASH, GOOD BBS! SBNOa LOT. SODTH OP MOBBIBON BT, WBBT BTDB. P 101, OABB JOTJBNAU HOUSES FOR RENT FURNITURE FOR SALE. rT'BNrrTJRB ef 0-rooa cettags for sale cheap) eea rent cottage If dealrad; cheap rant; walk . tag dletanee. Cell at once. HI Kagsne at. BUSINESS CHANCES. . FOB OA LB. eaet elde. rood elaas etaea. doing good bnaiseeai will sell 10 per east leas tsvotee: keig leaa can be had. , v PKERT A WILMON, ,v , , 180 wnilssas ave. BBfrTAUBANT eatflt for sale National sank . register, loach coaster, - patented eteole. Preach range, enf tee arn, dhibea, eooklng sten alia, etc.) aril tor one third of Ita valne. la : storaga at 230H Baaeall at. L. P. Owes. BABB CHANfnO flgar, randy, books and snga- Sinn; soon eieas atocn; a living rooms, with or wltbont fnrnlUire; rent 15 ajnst seU: cheap. 020 Pb-at at. hfONBT-MABBB. 11. inn 12-mera swell boaxdtsg-beess ta flrst-claM location. F. rVCHii. 221 W MOBBIBON BT. FOR BALE A flae W 10S, J on ma 1. bakery, well equipped. FOR SALE LIVESTOCK. OOOD Jeney row sad ealf for sale, 100, Is- euire jonn aain, Lnt,. Oregon. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. FOB 1AL.B Oieap; saeend-band lamber arsgoa and twe taaka, alae one new tank that f Ita wage,) a sew Cbarlea Cypher's node lev egg teen no tor. John M., Leata, Or. DEXTIST8. DR. EARL C. MrFARLAKD. dentlat. Bnltes I10-T11-I1I gwetiasd bMg. Phone Mala 1211. FOB SALE REAL ESTATE. 8er-lC0 Acres CHOICB LEVEL LAND, ON GOOD COCJtTT B0AD; NEW WOVEN-WIBB FESCB ! two bides; fbiob fob a. few DATS ONLT 1120 FEB , ACBB; EAST TEBMS. TH1B U 8TBICTLT A FIB8T-CLAM BUT. IF TOU. 8KB XT TOU WILL WANT IT. COMB AND LET CO SHOW IT TO TOC. I.NTE8TMENT CO., 144 OTA BE IT. Consider These fttft Lots Is Knen adillrloa. ". 0'Srt im Is Myrtle Ferk. n i.nx Choice kite. City View Park addition. 4..O0 l-bnke lota aUoinln( Walsst fark. ' $nu Corner lot, Kaet rUndera at. . 02,100 121 1 100. 17th and Wira ata. IMPROVED PROfEBTIKB. 02.400 I-roota modera . konie, Dnlveratty Park. 03.200 Poll lot, a room SMdera bene, Baat Flandera at. 02.600 0 reci shietly SMdera boasa, Baat lllh t.; walking dlatance. , 04.000 a-room swdsra soma, Bsktty at., aear Grand ave. - If yo set see what yea want sere, rail at ear office. We have many etbere. aU good and at rtrht prleea. . - COMMONWEALTH TBC8T COH entn ana anseny bis. BAClttnCB 11.000 Two nice lots with new modera T-nom bsose, which cannot be built for-leaa than the price naked for tha wol. la for sale, aa the owner movea away; OeflO eaab,, er empty lota aa first payment. Do aot Bias Ibis good rnanet. F. FCCHS, 221 H MOBBIBON BT. 11,400. EAST TERMS A beantlfsl 0-room . V.l kU.b mmm tit f'nfcwi IM.: bath. 1 toilet, gaa aad electric ligbta; cement walk aad baaement: house fast completed: owner leering oa sceoent of 111 health- 201 Bwet- land bldg. WB have aoste ef the bhrbeet and meat oeaetl rally situated Iota is Woodatock. Belimaa sts ttoa. Let a abow yes this property sad ' be convinced. Ws seed Be automobiles t how them: OTTO and op, eeay term. , 101 Bwetlsnd bldg.v A BBACTirTJL T-room booae, errtctly ssaders thraugboati ens ef tie best bays fm the mar ket today: 60x100 lot; 1 block from Dnka are. ear Use; 1200; easy terms. 801 Bwst- i lasd bldg. ll.eSO 0-ROOM hoase ta good evndltlee. ballt 1 yeerei fall fine tot. ehlckes-sooae. wood- . abed; near ear, school, etc.; part eeeh. In anlre lost Kaet 10th.. north. Phone Wood lawn , CANNOT BB BEAT. 4.000 Nice acre tract, well I aver raanlng ereeka, 180 fine trait treea. all la ealtlvatlon: ssndy to eara; eaay terms. -F. FCCHS. 221H MOBBIBON BT. HAWTHOBNB BBALTT OO. f.00e 14 per cent Isveatmeat; flneat to- . eatloa oa aaat side; fast growing section; ; ai Ann a mr at S ear eaat- ' HAWTHORM BBALTT CO., . SM Margaarite ave., eor, Hawthorne. ' Tabor 110. 1200 LOTS. I have few lota en tha W. W. ear line f eaa aell for 0X) each en eaay terms. The saking price of adjoining te m fSOO. - ' 1.-2. ORDER. Oar. Grand ave. sad Baat Aakaay. OOOD booae, .walking distance, lot 40x00: enlr 11.7O0. J. J. , Cnr. Orand ave, OBDBR, ' and Eaat Ankeny. FOR SALE FARMS. H0URLT TBAIN SERVICE TO OSWEGO. Choice farm. 07 acrea, near Oewego, nighlv cultivated and excellent new bnlldtnga. with ' brick toondation. aobatantuily bnllt and well painted, fine sonae 30. all bard flnlahrd. with porch en twe sides, gnod fireplace: fine new bare, octagon ebape, S-atery, BO leet ht diameter, HI feet to eavea, plank floor: wind mill and chopper In connection; bara painted rea witn wane vrimaiinga; wooaanea loxze. -chlcken-hoaaa, ete. all buildings flslabed ta S snbatantlal and attractive manner and with modera eonvenmaceet 10 acrea ef bops, I . seres of vineyard, select family orchard. living water: very desirable. Doa't fall t bivestlgate thla. - i 00 acres, all very rich aofl. It acrea culti vated; s aplendld beoaa, 0 large roams, bard finished; large bara In gnod condition, brick . fralthonee; aelert family orchard. Tola farm front a en the river; ware booae and boat land ing on the place; for aale st s greet bargain; the owner la In poor health aad cannot work. To can bay thla farm for leas thsa the Improvemeata eoat. 140 seres, 00 acres clear, balance pastore. all fenced sad cieaa fenced: anondanes of . living wateri 60 head of eeleeted dairy eowa, 4 good horses; 1 large barn a, good hooee; thla fana Is ea a good road near Portland; this farm earns batter than $4,000 per year; ear terma. Price 121.000. Cheapest rand on weat aide TO acres Beer propoeed Balem electric line: all eaat and eouth slope; very rich soil; plenty of living water: alae plenty of good cord wood soil can't be best; 1100 par acre If Bold soon; snap. v 23 nerea, a host 11 lm Braved, 4 sans from elation, 11,000. 120 acrea. rend unprovementa, la Clacka mas eranty, 21.150. 10 acrea, near Taseonver, overtook rng the Oalambla river: large booae) aa evsrlaartng spring: water piped in boose: s snap: 14.000. IT acrea, near Fairvlew. all ta cultivation; very rich gardes and onion lasd. ISO acres, fine dairy ranch, down the Oe hlmhta river, 02.200. 100 nerea, s very eaelee farm: 14 acres rWonahly cleared and under the plow; good ' balldlaga and fences: fronts ea the river, bout Isndinc an the place. Bear railroad sts , tion: eely IXono. 40 acrea nalninreved land, rleb snfj, lies food. Bear Vancouver: make aa offer. 040 scree fine wheat ranch ta esstera . Waahlngtoa for sals cheap. . M seres near Clackamas ata t Ion. H culti vated; stock snd farm Imnlementa; 15,000. -' ALFRED A, BAKER, 114-210 Ablngtoa bldg. FOB BALI FARM AND ACBBAOB TRACTS. (1.000 A pretty little home In ITlnehere, Washington Bounty,; one sera land nearly nil In fruit, nice wire fence around place, good -room bona., bars, woodahed and mllk bonea. good well. 2.000100 seres Baa Forest Orove; a gnod stock range! plenty of running water, en rtne. and er as; 4.000,000 feet timber, mostly yellow fir, 40 scree large firs 4-reom : booae. shed, bara, -eUcken-bouas, pig pas, ate. I s bargain. gg.sno ISO acres near Rtnatejre, 10 eeree - In cultivation; 0-room booae, barn, orchard; some timber snd running water oa place. Good terma and well worth the money. 04.200 fit acrea flae land, 10 acres In ealtlvatlon, 10 aerea ta bone, balance ni grain, hay. etc. I all Improveaenta good; room honaa. barn, granary, woedheaee. rhleken-hooee. ete.: as elegaat farm, only IT miles from Portland, ana eaay verms may . be arranged. . gd.onn 40-ecrs tract, at rlcb lean soil. MrH level. 20. aceaa In enltlvatloe. 10 acrea big timber; creek oa piece; every foot of thla ranch will pay Big monevi near achoot and only a few mtlen from Portland; ernne Incltided; see thla pmoerty. glO.nno 100 acrea. I miles from Portland, TO aerea under cnltivstlon. all level, no tim ber: 0 acrea fine orchard: booae and nil improvements flret-elaae; terma, half down; ' move rtrht in and make 10 per cent on year Investment from the etart. B. L. CATFJ. m Btarli t.- PVme . TO. PERSONAL. AFTF.R you have vlelted every fortune-teller, consult Wanda, the palmist. 200 Mala at R. O. MULLEN: Pleaee write to yenr friend. Jack O., at eeea. Hood River, Oregon. , BARTER AND EXCHANGE. " TO KXCRAlfOB. ' Wanted lmnmved city property; prefer betel: In ercbange for ion acres Ml fin farming land Is North Taklma: 0 streams, good buildings, wall stocked. Price 120,000. Clear. - F. t ArBTIrt A CO . -, 126 Ablngtoa bldg. CARPENTERS AND HOLDERS. . MELTOK Office, gtore flxtnreg'i general lobblas. 0T Flrat at. phans aiaia lUMi, CONVERTIBLE COUCH Can Bo Qulckl Changed From an Ordinary Chair to a Coach. Tb numerous poeltlona into which a morria chair can be readily chanced ac count for Ita popularity. The uaer eh adapt th chair to almost any Incline desired, with on exception he cannot chance tha ohatr to a couch. This la overcome in a convertible chair recently patented by a Pennsylvania man. Noml nally the chair aervea .tha purpoaea of tha ordinary, but by a few quick change can be transformed into a couch. In construction th . aeat of th chair la mad In two sections, on section teie- s coping; Into th other. When necessary to lengthen th chair into a oouch one action la pulled out, on aid of th chair becoming th hemel and tb other n U .j CHAIR AND COUCH COMBINED. th foot of th couch.' Th cushion la also In two sections, both of which are ordinarily on tha ctytr, but quickly spread out on th tram of th couch. RAILROAD DEVICE ; Scheme to Prevent Cars Telescoping . la Railroad Collisions.' Th numerous railroad : wracks of dally occurrence m all parts of - tha United States at tha present time, en tailing th loss of so many Uvea, draws attention th Inadequacy of tha safe ty devices provided by th management , CARS CANNOT TELESCOPE. to - prevent such - aocldenta.- Their . ut ter uaeleseneea is apparent. Granted that aocldenta cannot be averted, a Con necticut man has devised a schema whereby the loaa of Ufa can b min imised by th uae of th nnlqu device shown here. Between th tender and th coach fallowing h places a pair of truoka, upon whloh are mounted a pair of IneMned tracka Th front track supports th rails cloee to the wheels of ths tender, th opposite end of th rails ending cloa to th top of th coach in the rear. In case of an acci dent th theory Is that tha engine and tender will ba derailed by being forced upon th Inclined tracks, and tha tarrl bl effects of telescoping, ths worst feature of railroad accidents, llml- MU - ' js " ' '" TOY CANNON Modera Patrlotlsra Calls for a Goa of the Rapid-Flro Variety. Rapld-flr toy cannons are claiming as much Interest among our futur ad mirals and colonels as th real article Is among war Strategists. In fact, tha toy cannons are easier to manipulate than tha big rapid-fire guns, but. ss shown in th Illustration, tha principle la th same. In th front and of tha TT RAPID-FIRE GUN, cannon Is ths magasine, holding about aedosen balls. Ths first ball la tha row rests upon ths trigger. When the latter Is pulled back ready for firing, this ball drops Into th barrel of the cannon. As th trigger la released It strikes th ball and forces It out Ve locity s obtained by colling a aprlng around the trigger. Tha rapidity of ths firing slon depends on th quick ness and agility with which th trigger is manipulated. Attachment is also provided for assuring accuracy of aim. V-SCIENCE NOTES v . sawaaaaassMBBnamW . . '. , Power for Mine. On of th striking results of ths utilisation of water-power for the de velopment of . electricity Is found In .mining districts where ths absence of fuel is aa obstacle. In Mexico ths coat of fuel had rendered Impoaalbla tha mining and milling of many grades of ore until recently. - Now. electric ma chinery la used, run by water-power in th neighborhood. The asms conver- tt. i i , T ll I. I I I aaejsas Hi jr moti. i Jj slon of water-power Into elect rio power revolutionising mining in some parts or the west In thla country. ' Sodium Transmission. Lines, , : Th us of sodium for overhead transmission la attracting the attention of electricians. It la aald to be cheap and a good conductor of eleotrlolty, but aa Ita marked -affinity with oxygen causes it to Ignite when plsoed in con tact with water, Ita employment In tha form of a conductor would be lim ited, probably, to overhead transmis sion lines or feeders for railway work. Tb general , process of constructing sodium conductors la to take standard wrought-lron pipes and beat them to a point well above the melting tempera ture of sodium. Tb sodium Is tbaa melted In special kettles and Is run into th pipes, solidifying when cooL There is said to b no marked depreciation of either tha sodium or th pips if the. lat ter, be properly protected by a coat of weather-proof paint. ' Testing Locomotives Indoors. Th Pennsylvania railroad ' has a plant at Altoori Pennsylvania, for testing looomottvea running at full speed Indoors without traveling an Inch, with ' apparatua for keeping an exact record of their pulling power, fuel consumption and every other element of efficiency and economy. - Th amount of coal burned for th whole locomotive, tha amount ner squsr foot of grade, tha evaporation of staam for any given length of time, th weight of cinders and aparka that go up th smokestacke, th boiler pros aura, th number of gallons of water required and tha friction of, Aha mech anlam.Ars JLfew. oi.tPOL thing ascer tained at th teetlng plant. Th teat haa the advantage of a road trial and nona of th' Interruptions,. Inconsisten cies and irregularity. . Electricity From Wave. . At Young's pier, Atlantle City, a new wavs motor la lighting a portion of tha pier. It Is th first really successful contrivance of the kind In use. It is a big float or buoy and so arranged that th motion of th sweUs will work It, no matter at what angle th waves run.. Th motor drives a compressed-air en gine, which ' fills larg tanks. - Th tanks In turn feed a compressed-air motor, which drives the dynsmo that furnishes th currant for th lighting. - Storing- Coal for Factories. A leading wee tern lctrteal concern has sent us a pamphlet describing It works. We not on feature that la be ing adopted by many larg factories that Is, tha storage of coaL On ac count of the danger ' from strikes and from freight congestion many factories find It desirable to lay la large sup plies of coal to last for several months. But coal deteriorates rapidly whan ex posed to th sir. These faotortss, therefor, place their eoal In larga-blna below the surface of tha ground; Tha bine are then flooded with water. When th coal Is flooded with' water -tt -wtll keep a long time without deterloraUon. AMEN CORNER DINNERS ; Given for Fun and Frolic and Noth , .; ' tnff More. '. Very few really understand th organ isation and purpoaea of th Gridiron clnb of Washington and tha Amen Cor ner association of New York. ' Both ar considered to be essentially and thor oughly organisations controlled by news, paper men. not th owner or . editors of th great newspapers of ths country, but the working members of th staff tha men who do politics, murders, di vorces, great railroad aocldenta all those member of th general staff of a news paper whose duties ar so varied that they represent from beginning to and tha news columns. Mingled with these newspaper ' men In control of these two famous organisations are magaslniata. artists, musicians and several from what is spoken of aa th outsld world. Th Gridiron club of Washington is th older organisation. It I mad up of 40 Washington correspondents. Th membership Is limited- to that -number, and th correspondents represent the great newspapers of ths land. - There are no political Unas and no political differences between these cor respondents. They ar loyal to their chiefs, and assembled they are probably ths finest body of newsapper correspon dents In ths country. They glv three dinners year, always in ths winter mon ths. At these dinners ths president and hla cabinet. United States senators, ambassadors snd minis ters from foreign countries and notable visitors from all parts of th country ar to be seen together. Ths Gridiron club Is ths parent news paper organisation of this kind. Th Legislative . Correspondents' association at Albany is a younger organisation of 'There is no ailment peculiar to men that I cannot cure. .For sixteen years I have devoted my entire time and energy to the treatment of men's diseases. x 1 My methods have been perfected by actual experience, 1 with a thorough theoretical knowledge as a basis. I am the only physician thoroughly and permanently curing those func tional derangements commonly classed as "Weakness," and. my success in overcoming such cases has placed me foremost among specialists treating men's diseases, and has brought m the largest practice of its kind m the west" . . Every afflicted man Is Invited to writ me a description of his cue. Such la my knowledge of men's disease! and so perfect ar my methodo In treating them, that I am able to effect cures in all ordinary cases without seeing the patient in pert on, - All correspondence strictly confidentiaL . Those viiiting Portland may feel free to call at my office for personal consultation. . Yon Pay When Cured .pte Weakness So-called "Weakness" In men Is curable fully . curable. Jt haa not been cured by those measure com monly employed, for thev ar meth ods bssed upon supposition snd not upon fact Prematureneaa. and lose of power In men is due to a chronic atate of Inflammation In th prostate gland, and not to a disordered ner vous condition, ss ha been auppoaed. I treat th inflammation by a local process that does not fall to accom- Sllsh its purpose, and with this con it Ion corrected full snd complete st sth snd vigor return. , STRICTURE My treatment Is ab solutely painless, and perfect results can be depended upon in every In stance, I do no cutting or dllaUng whatever. The Dr.Taylor co. Hours 9 a. . PaUonts living out of th citv and coming to Portland for treatment will ch r. , Check your trunks direct to 224H Morrlaon street1 ' th asm character which la mad up entirely of newapapar correspondents at Albany. Here, too, there are no political line and no political differences. The legislative correspondents at Albany give on dinner during tb winter and. at these dinners the governor, the lieuten-snt-governor, th- state officers, well known members of the senate and the assembly, Judges of the court of appeals and visitors from all parts of th state are th guests. . . While th Amen Corner association Is controlled by newspaper men. It cannot be said to havs'that distinctively newe paper character which belongs to the Orldiron club and to the Legislative Correspondents' association at Albany. Tb Gridiron club haa bean In existence a years, tb Amen Corner 'aasoclatlon seven years and tha Legislative Corre spondents' association ten years.' , At all th dinner of the three news paper organisations th members enact what nave become known as . dinner plays. Nothing la voluntary, nothing la Impromptu, but everything, every word, baa been written out and practiced by th members sometimes for weeks ahead Of the dinner, and moet of these plays consist of vaudeville - performances by' wnicn an taa guests, or rather moet of them, from th president of the United States down to th humblest visitor. Is joked and Joshsd and jollied In inimit able fashion. - , . Coach Horse Join la Fox Chase. Prom th London Trlbun. Thsy had some spirited horses In the old coaching days.- Just 100 years ago a remarkable proof of thla waa given, and fortunately recorded for th astonish- ment of later motoring generations. In tha oasa of tha-Ltverpool-tnalt coach, 4 Horses were changed at Monk s ileatb, between Congleton, in Cheehire, and Newcastle-under-Lyme. . - On this particular occasion a pack of foxhounda was heard In full cry Just as th horses from Congleton were freed from th eoaoh. and they started off with the harness on their backs" and followed ths run to th finish. On of . ,ii tlii . " " WE CURE "t;, mrxssr. It also affeobs both mind aad body, oanatnr a phystoal aad msntaj xtess rsaroXias- la miaaohbllah, tsmaaity, lmpoiency, and la fact, , genorsAivo condition of ths whols System, amflttiag yon for work or anything- sis. W hav dsp7QWyaarBof sady to this special disease, ana wo hav snred yartoooolaTa oae txeettanemt. This statemept may " broad, bat It is aa abeolnU fact, and we pan prov it. W knowow to' do this by the tight snVthod7"ad, oag suooee s has spokau for ltiett. Oall aad be eoavlaoed that what we say is true. Write If yoa oaaaot caU.' ' .- " 1 j 1 ' . ! Don't allow yourself to be butchered and experimented with. W have a safe, painless and sur cur, original with us and employed by no on els. Wo as no knife, cause no pain, and you need not be detained fronts business a single day. Ws espselally solicit thoae cases In which many so-called urs have failed, or where money has been wasted on electric belts or other appliances. Don't experiment when our direct method offers, a certain means of cure. Xomrsi a. as, t p. bb. evenlags, T to S0 arandays, S a. as. to IB. ST. LOUIS S DISPENSARY SURGICAL oo: nOOBJS AJTO T. . Contracted Disorders , Every ease of con tract ed disease I treat Is thoroughly cured; my pa tients havs no relapses. When I pronounce a case cured there is not a particle of Infection or Inflamma tion remaining, and there la not the slightest danger that tha disease will return In its original form or work Its way Into the genert.sytom. No contracted disorder Is ao trivial aa to warrant uncertain methods of treat ment, and I especially solicit those cases vhat other, doctors hav been unab to euro. I hav th Xarrest practice beoaus g Invariably J aiu ill my promises. - Ky Colored Chart showiBf th Baal anator aad affording aa in- aereswng svaoy us men S free at office. Cor. Second and Ucrrlson Sis. Private Entrant 231 J Uorrlson Street. PORTLAND, OREGON m. to 9 p, m. Sundays 10 a. m. to r them, a blood mare, stuck close to th whtpper In end tool: every Jump afte him through the two hours. And In th evening they took the return coach t' Coogleion as merrily aa If they had beei In the atable all the time. Every V;c.:n wuKVwtUo! ivi arhoald know . BDoulUi troutwful MARVEL &prr TH iMV V. rMj' Ki- vpi no otiwr. but sutrn for llhistntobd rMik -wB-VIe. H ftlld lll-ewelmi run pu-tieuiar and 'Itrwiionoi In- V&lueibia to iiultfss, MtHI tL rOL. a . a4 We, stsmvv loauT WOOaOtlU, CLAKXC OO. AWD Scctt's Sinlal-Pcjsin tepsfla A POSITIVE CURE For Inflammatloa erOatarrc of the Bladder and Dteaued Kid. nera. BOODXXgorar. Cares uiraiy ana sermanentiy toe rorat com of ieaaisieea u4 Slleee. so mailer of bow ng standing, Abaolataly arniUM. sold bv draaaiata. THESAXTAL-PEPSIK1 Belksaeitalae, Obia. by All Druggists.? ; MM sro vat vnxnn oumxEo. . Our Fee inifli SPECIAL 3 CASES ip VARICOCELE Is an abnormal enlargement' or knotted conditions of th veins caused by a blow, fall, riding horseback, or bicycle. It causes a dull heavy weighty ,' feeling and results from ' a partial paralysis of tne a eli cits ' nerve fibres which con-; trol the circulation of blood, causing the flow of blood to ' become alow and stagnant. : -ywlth no nourishing property at '. . ' aU.. .' - y ' r" z rrsuizTB, iosTivAjn, osaoov. MEN'S DISEASES Varicocele Without using knife, ligature or eaustto, without pain and without de tention from business, I cure Vari cocele In one .week. If you hav ought a cur elsewhere and been disappointed, or If you fear the. harsh methods that moat physicians employ in treating - thla dlaeaae, come to me and I will our you soundly and permanently by a gen tle and painless method. Don't de- lay. Varicocele mis Its dangers and brings Its dlsmatrous results. If you will call I will be pleased to explain my method of curing. , , , . , SPECIFIC BLOOD POISON No dangerous minerals to drlv th virus t. th Interior, but harmless blood-cleenslng remedies that re move tne irst poisonous taint 1. p. m. bo furnished fin room fre . ' . Of 11 4H- Mi ail. If ae oannoieaiuly th xf L." m av , ' ' , Sold win Case C IN MV