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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (March 28, 1907)
TUB OREGON DAILY JOURNAL PORTLAND. THURSDAY .EVCUnra. rlARCII 23. It 27. i I'lSILIflG DOUTS GEGIH TONIGHT . National ChampJonh!pa Will , Open This Evening In Far- Off Newark. "i i EDGAR FRANK WILL . i REPRESENT MULTNOMAH y V- ' r, :.. .." FaWrn AdylcM Stato That the Bert ' i Men In the Country Will Meet la - . the" Ut7CmpeUm -atttf-Thst , v the BtMggle Will Be Gam Ones -,-;-;J '.:-r .. v ;.J f ' " ' f . , (Jamimt BpcflUl BM-rtea.) . ,...' Newark, N. J., March It- "Knights y . ! ' of tb mat" front New Tort t Portland. Oregon, have gathered bar for tha an nual wreatllpg ehamplonahlpe of tha , 1 Amateur Athletic ; anion.- Tha tourna ment open under the auspice of the National Turn Verelp tonight -and. so . Jarge 4e -the number of entrlea that tt la reached. ' ,' There are aeven elaaaea, aa followa: ' One bandred and five pound, lit, 121, . Jill, 14S, -ia and a heavyweight claaa Regulation gold and allver medal of . the A. A V. will be awarded In each . . of-the elaaaea. .' - It . seems remarkable that the flrat , two entiiea abould coma from tha fur- .thermost'. point. The flrat reoeived waa from Kdgar ' Frank, . Moltnotnah ".. Athletla club, of Portland, Oregon, and the aeeond that of Frank Vance of the Seattle Athletic club, tha former being: entered In the lit pound claaa, and the . , letter tn the 111 pounda. , Thla ta the flrat time In the hlatory (Of. the iuii that contestants hare eome "such a dlstanee to compete In A. A. u. champlonahlpe. and the natural conclu sion here te that the men must be food. '- Aa an- -of -the -eastern - cracks end present champions . are entered, tne westernera will hare to be in food cor rlltlon and ahow claaa If they expect to : carry off the premier honor. Vance will bare to beat such men as Benjamin , Bradahaw of the Boys' club, New Tori , city, erstwhile Metropolitan and A. A. T". IS 5-pound champion, and winner of the World'a Olympic championship at St. Louis: also Harry Spanjer of the National , Turn Verela. 1- who defeated - Bradahaw last year for tha lfetropoll tun lightweight title; Rubin, Oraee A. r New Tork city; Senile, champion of Syracuse, aa well -aa several ether food a,. ; r Xdfaw mag's Trass. -m.xri . The fame ef Edgar Frank, as Pacific ' coast champloav hss preceded him. and hts work will be watched with Interest. 'The present champion tn thla class Is a ' local boy, George Mehnert. who la a . member of the National Turn , verein. end foe the past flva years has held .both th Metropolitan and Amateur A thistle Union championships In either the 111 or lit pound classes, whichever he elected to enter. r. by experts who hajra closely to know more He Is conceded ..- followed, lb game closely : about the' inalda science of tb art than ' any other amateur. In the business. He ' also- naa to his credit the -World Otyin-': nto featherweight championship. ' won t St. Uosle aaalnM 'the best in the country.- Should they meet, tne boat between Frank and Mehnert Should be . eroductlre of on of tb best boats ever seen and local lovers or the gam are eagerly . anticipating It : Mehnert Is : strictly temperate In his habits, uelng neither liquor nor .tobacco. He also es chews meats and when la hard training subsist entirely en fruit, cereals and nuts. Strictly speaking, b Is a feath erweight, as h can easily get -below 111 pounds, so that he Is conceding 10 pounda to hla opponents. , Hla only re, eon. for entering th 1 IB-pound class Is to enable, hla protese . and clubmete, Bauer, to win the 111-pound class. . , v Bugrtere Is Slaena. ; "f "Another Strong man In th 116 pound claaa, who will give Frank trou; ble'lf h. meets blnv Is Buggerlo, tb ' Italian crack ot the St Bartholomew 'Athletic club. New. Tork city; The National Turn Verein, where tha championships will be held, baa a great . many wrestlers, and for several years I has prided Itself on the ability ef the . grapplera - and It te doubtful If there . Is another organisation in th country 1 which confine Its .efforts strictly,-to! i amateur sport that naa , turned out '.more champion wrestlers. , At tb pree rent, time, tt has three champions, Gus Bau era. Ill pounda: George Mehnert 111 pounds,, and,-Harry Spanjer, 111 -pounda. '' 'I ' ' ' The A. A. T7. championship eommlt . te has reelected J."-Hughes, Pastime Athletic club. New Tork city, and Ab , T'lman. ' Bay, Rtdg Athletlo .club. HrooKlyn. aa aiternato rerereea. - Botn men know the game thoroughly, and ; TJlmaa held the lightweight title for a number of years. Each la strictly honest and ' every contestant ,1s as- eured ef a square deal. -'-, , , - ,.y i' Th United Hatter of America naed 10.000,000 union Ubel daring the last year. USE (HHIIIK t The Longer Too Know Them the ' Better Ton Like Them Poan's Kldnejr pills never fall you. . Portland people know this. ' ; Read this Portland ease. : ' ' "- ' 4 . Read bow Doan'S stood th teat : ror many yeara. , .... ,',f : ' , It's local, teeUmony .and can be In- " J VeOtlgated: ' ; v Mr. T. 3. O'Brien of 0 Fast Ninth norths Portland. ' , . Or-, says : , street : "Time has not changed my opinion ef tnan's Kidney Pills.- I gave this rem edy by endorsement . In 110! and am glad td repeat, my recommendation of it 'A-: member' f our ' family found great relief through using Doaa'g Kid- 'rey PIHa, and sine than several ef my neighbor have tried them with equally 'good reaulta. We ar always glad to tell -about th merits ef th remedy." f For'aala brail dealer Price It cents. . F8trr-Mllburn Co., Buffalo, Now Tork. sols agents foe f t United States. - Remember th asm DOAN'S and Use tnn . ; j, ..--.. ; i OOiVLIHG OH THE f.l. I 1. C. ALLEYS Clubmen Developing Science in ai. . v..iiff AJ t .1 : Ten Pins. :-sl;:- MCABES TEAM IS " WINNER OF ANOTHER Averages of the ' Club Bowlers tn Preset Tournament With the Of - fldaJ -Standlna- -ef the- How the Different Men Blxe Up. McCabCa team ef nowlera did fair ly a-ood work lest evening against the Moor a t"-re ration. Harmar and W. Heals were absent, so the customary a re rags of 100 waa allowed each bowler tn the three games. The wora tnrougn eut the ma tehee waa good and proved of great lntereet to tha ' apectatore. Her re the ilgurea, of laatjilghf a aamea: Moore Ill 1 F. Healey ....110 171 Barrett ..1J7 111 W. Healey .......100 100 ISO lis 170 4t 117 170 100 . 100 100 100 Harmar '... ,100 100 ; v S l . w 4 r- ' MM o IT -, l.Mi . - ' MCABE8 TEAM. ' MrCab i;...llT ' 141 1T1 Cummtngs At. 11 Gardner ... ......Ill lit Ott U1 U Scott ............1 , m - , Til Tl . Ml ' '(' taadlng of XMatraa. ' -': Tb foHowlng la the official Standing of the Multnomah elub'a bowling teama up to and Including the week ending March : t ' - Team, r-r -r- Played. Won. xosi i-.u. McCabe - I , Brlgham I Gearta ......-.-t I Moor I I ' 0 1000 4 1 0 0 -r-. i ,.. 1 .'i '-''. t I ' -400 Monaon 4.' , 1 , I Olaaa I 0 I .w Lonergan ..........w. 4 0 4 . M Here are the Individual a re rage of the M. A. A. C. bowlers for the week ending March, S3! . " McCabe 161, Gardner "154. Clemsoa Ml, James Uo, . sf onson It, P. E. . Brlgham 14t, Cammlnga 144. Bailey 144, Ben ham 141. tSeatin 141.' Q. C. Brlgham la. Bher ,t -,-THmhl.-1-Carlson 1st-. Glass 1M, W. A. Haley UO. Jones m. Moor 117, Orton 1M. Lonergan IIS. I.OTeoy ISa, Lombard 1XU Ott 117. aark 1M. Blagen US, F. S. Healey 120, Thorn ISO, Dunne lit, Keller US. Feebler 111 Pease lit. Wennerberg 115. Wlllett lit Routledg lit Scott 110. Barrett 106. Burman 100, i Hudson , Plttock 06. Below are tha handicap for th club . bowling tournament. These allowances figure only In tha total scores of games. Th-TSnvtlual LfroOT actual sa 1 a-asae. soratoh: averages are calculated scores: .McCabe, pins per gam,-sore toh; Gardner,, acratch; 0m I eon. acratch; Jamea. scratch; Monaon. acratch; P. B. Brlgham. I; Cummlnga, I Ballsy, I; Behham, 7; Glass, I; Geartn, I; O. C Brlgham, I; Bherratt, t; Trim ble, ; Carlaoa. lit W. A. Healey, 11; Jonea, 11; Moor, II, Orion. 14; Lore joy, 11; Lombard. 1; Ott, II; Clark, 14; Blagen, 14; F. S. Healey. 10; Thorn, S0 Dunne, II; Keller, It; Peebler, 14; Peas, 14; Wennerberg, 15; 'Wlllett tlx Soott 40;' Barrett' 41; Burman, 10;. Hudson, 10; Plttock, 0i ; . 'Hj- -j OSEGOri ALLEYS SCHEDULE -';-":ISDiVIDUJll HATCHES .A'.,,.. u-i,;.--. Several Interesting Contests Will ' Be Bowled During the Com-': il'ijl ' ;-;lng Month.' ' y I' . A number of individual match came are scheduled te be played tha com ing jnontb en th Oregon alleys. Those posted,, to datvare: ' April T, between Leo. Boulanger andH. A. Lamond. total pins to count CS J. Krua desired a match with any on in th city and waa taken en by C X McMenomy, th number of gomes and date to be an nounced later. Special - prise will be awarded th winners of thee contests. Last night Ed- Capen proved an easy victor orer L. J. Ambs In their match, consisting of 10 games, having llf plna te spare. , His high, game was 231, and averaged lit. Ambs' high gams was 114 and averaged 171.1. Th scores are as follows: Capon tit. flTI, 117. 1T, 111, SOL S10. ltl.V sitr 111. Ambs 111, HI. 111. Ill, lit, 170, 114. lit. . 110, 111. , ! j Tonight four teams in th eity league will 'play their . regular scheduled games, Monarcha ra. Chlnooka and th Parka - vs. - Gopher. ; - AMATEUR MANAGERS - U rl PLEASE TAKE NOTICE 4 In "keeping with Th Journal's 4 policy of publishing free all ae-"4 d counts of the amateur base ball 4 A games and -.any other athletla 4 contests, the managers ef these 4 4 teama are requeeted t send la 4 '. the reulta of these game as 4 4 soon after their completion aa 4 possible. All aecounta ahould be . d written plainly on only one side 4 4 - of th . paper. Reports of all ' 4 d . game excepting ' on Saturday, 4 4 , muat be in The Journal office e d before I o'clock on the morning. following the game, and the re 4 4 - suits of Saturday's contests must 4. b In Th Journal offlc befor 4 0 t B. m. Saturday. d ' ' By observing these directions. 4 " more complete and satisfactory 4. results may be obtained. . WOULD RUN RELAY OF BASKETBALL PLAYERS A ' (Hsedal DIaMtea te The Jeeraal.i Salem, Or.. March St. George Simp son, manager of the Willamette bas ketball team. Is' In receipt' of a com munication from A M. Grllley of the Portland T. M. . C A suggesting th arrangement of a lOjnile race from Salem te. Portland and th carrying of a meaaage from Governor Chamber lain to Mayor Lane. Tha race ta to be run In form of a relay and Willamette la favorable to the plan. Likely can didate for- th .team are -Clyde Nel son. Oeorg - Forbes, . Georg Simpson, H..X Parcel and Murray Shanks, ,- -, ; til 114 110 lit . 4IT 114 441 141 ' 411 COAST LEAGUE SEAS01 GFF FOR O I'EEK 1 -- - : '. ' ' .". . - V ' Delay Will Have Its Good Re sults on the Teams That Are r Training for the Year. - As forecasted la The Journal some time ago. regarding tha probable post ponement of the opening of the Pacific Coast league from March 10 until April t. President J. Cai Ewlng yesterday made th official announcement. This mor waa mad necessary on ac count of Ssn Francisco not being able to get Its ball park ready for the data that waa formerly set for th opening. In the meantime the ' ball teama will keep pegging away at tbelr training quarters, .the extra week being rather welcom to-th- managers -wh--had-a number of newsmen to try out The de lay will help out Manager MoCredle's Giants, .as the weather at Salinas waa not of the kind that permitted much outdoor work. In fact, all of th teems suffered more or Iras this year as the result of th storms In California. Notwithstanding the week'a delay and the merging of th Coast league Into a four-club circuit, the Interest from Loe Angeles to Portland tn baseball appeara to be greater than any previous year. The fact that the league was able to hold together -darings- the --earthquake year1 and also to maintain ita Integrity: after' Seattle dropped on tne oaaeDaii map. has been sufficient proof .that the Coast league will prevail for some time to com. "- -. - This Information ha revived Interest tn the sport, and when "play ball" is called one week from next Saturday, the patient, partial and unconquerable fana will turn out to see weir ravontes piay and to rent their accumulated wrath apon th much-abused and nerer-praised amplr. , SULLIVAN ARB EiURPHY ;- ' READY FOR CONTEST Baltimore Sports Looking For ward With Keen Interest to This Evening's Bout. 'Joarsal SaeetU aetrvlee.l Bvltlmore, Md., March 18. Tommy Murphy and "Kid" Sullivan har com pleted their training and are ready to step on th stags at Ford's opera-houee tonight te engage- in a 16-round beta under th aueplce of th Eureka Ath letic club. The bout promisee to be fine" nioat Important flstlc event 'pulled on here tn a long time. It has stirred up a keen Interest among tight follow. era and there promises to be a large I crowd of sporting men en band from Washington. New ; Tork, Philadelphia and other point- t . Sullivan Is the moat popular boxer ever; developed In Waahlngton. while Murphy la New Tork's favorite boxer Just at tha present time. They are of in asm atyl of fight era, and are re garded as evenly matched. .... ;. YESTrftOAOACESr ON CALIFORNIA TRACKS ' tlouraaf flDlal a-i.iee.1 San Francisco, March II. Reanlt ef at Oakland: Five furlongs, - aelllng Lassen won. Dr. Rowell second, ' Bonvlvant third; Ume. 1:01 4-s. Four and on half furlongs Lev ot Gold won. .Aden aeeond. Exchequer third; time. 0:60 1-1. Mtl and on sixteenth, selling Vln- eentlo won; Alma Boy second. Flaunt third; tltn. I:BS 1-t. . St Phlltplna handicap, mil and en sixteenth. 11,000 Edwin Gum - won, Mary F. second, Supreme Court third; time. 1:60 4-6. - ' - Six and en half furlongs, selling Confessor won, -The Reprobate second. Sheen third: Ume, 1:11 1-6. Five furlongs Tavora won, Blanche C second. May . Pink 'third; . time, i:oi . ' .. .. ,. -., At Loe Angeles. , Los Angeles, March It. Results of races: ' ' ' Fir furlong Maaedom won. Fiber nado aeeond, Willie Gregg third;' time. 1:0s.- ' ' . s Three and one half furlongs Karvel won. Swagerlater second. Belnad third; ume, :4i. : Seven furlong Bigs tor won. Win- some Ways second. Netting third; time. 1:11., , . Mile and one sixteenth Cotillion won. Bel voir second, George XL Mllner third time. l:4IH. v Six furlong Money) Muss won. Re volt second. Tim Hurst third; time, 1:16. t Seven furlongs Buna wen, Phys sec ond, Lyndta W. Crossmaa third; time, l:St14.'- '. - . v . .. -- Fire furlongs Lady Gladstone won. Redan aeeond. Nuns Veiling third; time. INTERNATIONAL FIGHT HAS BEEN POSTPONED .it. . ' - (Jonraal Ipeel.l Her ilea, t ' London, March It. The International fight between Al Delmont of Boeton and Owen Moran, the Engllah boxer, la not to take plaqe tonight at Liverpool aa waa originally agreed upon. A hitch oc curred In , the negotlatlona with - the Liverpool club', and as-matters now stand Delmont and Moran will come together next month In a 10-round bout befor , th y National Sporting Club her, i fi r ,:- v.-. -.. 'f' . KELLY AND HAYWARD ; V OFF, FOR SEATTLE "V . . iii i ,.; t Den Kelly, Oregon' crack sprinter, and hla trainer, "Bill" Hayward. paaaed through Portland laat evening en route to Seattle, where Kelly will oonteat In th 10-yard and 100-yard daahea In the Seattle indoor meet which will be held tomorrow night - '.'. I '':- y - COLLEGE GAMES TODAY Princeton ' vs. Randolph-Macon - at Richmond. Virginia. Tale vs.' naval cadets st Annapolis, Maryland. v . .-''' Cornell va. University of Worth Caro lina at Chapel Hill. North Carolina. Columbia va Georgetown university at Georgetown, t. C. Lafayette va Washington and Lee at Lexington. Virginia, t. . University of Alabama va. Howard college at Tuscaloosa, Alabama. ' - Maryland Agricultural - college Va Fredeiirksburg college at Colleg Park. Maryland.- State college va Merceraburg academy at Mercersburg, Pennsylvania. , ... ... I K. . 1 j' i Fiefeireg steek Oaaaag Oeeda. . .- Allen Lewis nest Bran. . , TRACK PROSPECTS at ivalla mm Whitman Students Are Making . ' Rapid Progress on the ; '' Cinder Path.' '.. :i FIELD AND TRACK MEN ARE IN ACTION Captain rhllbrook Is Doing Bplea. did Work In the High 'Jump and JPiarca Mitchell J JPntttaf Jthe Boys In Championship Condition. npaeW Dlsptea te The JearaaM Whitman College, Walla Walla, Waah.. March II. Great Interest la being mani fested in track work at Whitman thla spring and th prospscts are for a win ning team. The old men are developing fine form and beating their' old record a, while many new - ones are showing up well. ..'-.' ., ,. . c ( Captain- Phllbrookr'ls 'breaking -t th college record right along tn the dlaous and high Jump, aa wall aa making good record a in tha hurdles and ether erenta. Juat for practice he toaaed tha dlaous out 11T feet laat evening. This Is six feet better than the college record. CoX th sprinter. 1 still tn school and In fln form, with prospects ot taking car of th dash tn good shape. .Quite a bunch of good men are training for th long runs. Th Lyman boys are work ing en the weights. . New and old rea are climbing up on the pole vault Dlmlck la looked to to throw tha ham mer : farther than it has aver been thrown - befor tn th inland - empire. Graham . Is aa eld standby - In the weights and pole vault aa well aa la the runs.-. ... ;.- ."..' Manager Davenport baa plana ma tured for an lnterclaaa track meet which will be held In Walla Walla. April IS. Each class of th eolleg and academy, with the possible exception of the seniors, will be represented by track teama. This wUL rv as a, good tryout for members of th "varsity team, and will give a good lln en th ability of th varloue men, - both new and old, who are contesting for places on the team. A silver cup haa been offered by a member of th faculty as an additional Incentive ' t th victori ous claaa in thW meet . .4lrv - -acttcfceU U Oharga, ; V The candldatea for th team are work ing under tb personal direction and supervision of Physical Director Donald V. Mitchell who haa had much experi ence in this line, and la a. flrat-claas coach. Ho Is training them regularly, especially on form and starting. - Plans ar being made for a big tri angular meet at Pullman during the first part of May, In which Whitman college, Waahlngton State colleg and th Uni versity of Idaho will participate for tha championship ef th inland empire. Formerly Whitman haa held dual meeta with both schools, but th plan la to Chang this, thla spring. ' ' v Whitman... will alsomeet th Unlvor alty of Waahlngton on ' the track In WalU Walla during th month of May. A meet with Montana is also under con sideration, but a yet no- definite and final arrangements have been made. ' V Atkinsons Want Game.' -, The Atkinson school - baseball nine would like te meet any team, II years or tinder, in th eity for a game any day after school boars. - For gam call up Main 1701 and aak for George Penaon. "I Can Cute . Any Drunkard" Sty CtolAra aVemedy for th Whiskey nrre wm nave yeas mnsnaao, mom. srotaer or - rathe ' i , Drunkard's erave. t W1U IfaU Free te AQ Who Write a ' Trial paekaga ia Plain Wrappec. , I am saving thousands of drunkards very year and restoring them to their loving wlvea and families, i will save many more as a result of this advertise ment To all who write me. I will send Wenlilp. HU yalsa Ooe. Wkli lasey ' is ran Wife ia Teais Childna Xstlacto Horn torrotun Llf. a linawrias OMth And Drlah Si It All. The Sranaard Oaaaot Save HiausU Tea Wnal KhI Da It To Him. fTee by mall, in plain wrapper, so that no one can know what It contalna, a trial package of Golden Remedy for the Li quor Habit Though absolutely harm leas. It never falls to cur th worst cases of : drunkenness, . no - matter of how long atandlng. - It can be administered without th knowledge of the subject In coffee, tea, soup, milk, etc.. end he will be cured in a few daya and cured ao he will never drink again. Oolden Remedy contalna no dangerous drugs or minerals. It does not ruin the digestion-or -destroy"th tissue of th vital organ and endanger life and health. It counteract and aapels from the system all aloohollo poisons snd puts an end to all craving or appetite for liquor. ..... Under it Influence th eubject re galna his health, will-power and self-respect. His eye become bright, his brain clear, hla step elastic, hla vigor returns, and he one more feela and looks Ilka a man. - If you have a beloved husband, eon, brother or father who ia afflicted, eend your nam and addreas to me at one In the coupon helow. FREE PACK ACE COUPON - If yaa till set the blaiik lliws below with fnr same aad addma, rat nt eaapcm sn4 tfnd It te I will ernd jrm Irr. by mall. Is plain wrapper, e trial Crbaa of air Ool4n Rmdy. Ta will thanknil aa Ions aa rnn llv tht roe did It. addrws r. . W. Hateea, M4 oiesa Bklg., Clnchnati, Oblo. , , ;...t f t - m ttH - . I ( (Ary A n ' I rk j if Cures Biliousness, Sick Headache, Sour Stom- -ach, Torpid Liver and "'leaS . , ' BENNIN0S AND CITY PARK V "RACING SUMMARIES (Jeenal Bpeetal Service.) Waahlngton, March II. Banning ran results: ' ,' Flv and en half furlongs Lord Boanerges won, Oold - Slates aeeond. Toddle. thirds time, 1:01 Four ".and "on bair"rurtongilfT)ead Gone won, Glauoua second. Blember third;' Urn. S:6S. - Seven furlongs Tudar won. Jack Mo Keon oonuVRTown Topic vthlrd; Im. About two miles, open steeplechase - Garter- Knot won, Northvtlle , aeeond, Gua Strauss third; time. 4:11. m Six Furlongs East End won. Nettle Carle i second. Accumulate thirds time. 1:17 t-.. - Mile and 49 yards Raid Moore won. Oobmoea seoono, Paul Clifford - third; time, 1:4s. , ' . y i- ,' Btajaana - jam-w . At Mew Orlenns. A ' New Orlaana. March II. Results of racee: , -' : r- - -- 84x furlongs Lid wins, won. Brilliant aeeond. Grey Plum third; time, 1:14 1-5. - Four and on half furlongs Rebel Queen won, Zlphen second. Dew - ef Pawn third; time. :lt l-l. t ' Selling, ala. furlongs Masonla wen, Hocus Focus second, Alanle third; time, 1:14 l-l. . .-j Five furlongs Robin Hood won. Froatenae aeeond. Rusk third; time, 1:10. . Mil and ene sixteenth Cutter won, Lancastrian second, Foreigner third; Ume. l:f7 1-6. . Seven furlongs Morales won. Royal Breeae second. Bitter Miss third; time. 1:ST l-l. . - CANADIANS TO HOLD " . AMATEUR CHAMPIONSHIPS Toronto, Ont., March II. Three nights will be required te pull off th annual boxing aad wrestling champion ahlpe ef the Canadian Amateur Athletla union, which, begin bare tonight under the auspices of th Argonaut Rowing club.- Th entry Hat ia large and of a high ' elass and tha promoters of ths tournament xpeot It to be ene ef the most snooMsful ever pulled off tinder C A A U. nuspieee. . v... . - I.'-- - y To Revise Yacht .Racing Code. New Tork. March II At a special meeting tonight ths New Tork Taeht club la te take bp the amendment to ths raolng rulea auggested last fall to obviate ambiguity ia tha present uni form code. '. -. - GRANTS PASS PEOPLE WANT MORE FACTORIES 11,1 M. A' "" (Special Dtapateb 'te The Joeraal.) 1 OranU Pasa. Or.. March IS. Intaad of ualng the H.500 subscribed for advertls-J Ing purpose by Grants Pass eltlsens re cently in issuing descrlptlv literature, th money will be given as a bonus for ths establishment of a second large box, sash and door factory here. Tha propo sition is now being advanced by the commercial club, and the factory will be placed thla summer. - An effort will also be mad to get a furnltur and carriage factory for thla city, to use som of th oak. laurel and other hardwood tim ber ef this territory.., . . . TRAVELING MEN HOLD PURE FOOD EXPOSITION (Jeenal Special a.rrlea.1 Pittsburg, Kan., March . II. The Traveling Men'a Fair and 'Furs Food exposition, which opened today to con tinue till the arid of th week. Is the biggest thing of its kind ever given In thle part of th state. Traveling men not only ln the local field but In other aectlnna of tha west have lent their aid and assistance to tha enternrle. The proceed of th fair ar to be used for the purpose of taking tha members of tha local council of th Uolted Commer cial Travalera to th graund council meeting which le te be held la Top la May. . . ..... 4 r- TL urn sm- - angMsageMT-,:.'.r- 'wgtsr'T'T A" puff from a favoring breeze and a puff from the fragrant tobacco. of ' nniTrirprritn a -1,. and the yachtsman " " These pcHect dirarettes afford tiiecrown ingsatIs&ct!on6f"aoyeverifnd6 out - The 'enjoyment of. their dean, pure, -carefully blended tobacco is aided to" the full ; by their careful rolling, In thin mais paper crimped, not pasted and", there's a mouth piece tocool the smoke.-; X ;! V' ' 1 r lmperiales are still ' . v . 10 for The men of tha West smoked 100,000,000 Imperiales te 1900, ;-V:- ySoU Evmvhm :,; ' ., ;'-::JOtlN. BOLLMAN COMPANY-. San Franrhos"'"""' '" Manafactuia ; 5lSS! rom IUI BT AU BBUOOrSTS. - mim (HIT 'Mffis'l VUlilLi RAPIDLY N YOUR triable value. ."Why not send in your order inniTn ,, today for a block of stock? It only costs Ulilim.. 'I jio oo per share. WU1 you not write ua for, , for STOCK further particulars? Let us send you our rpnn a handsome Prospectus describing in detail' our properties. Pacific Coast Gas & Oil Col 40i-4x Commercial "BLDO Washington s st. ; V, PORTLAND, OREGON. r V MIMaUDlOMMMafBBsnsBsWsnM COLONIST -'f'',- RATQ8 TO OREGON And the Pacific Northwest over tht Union Pacific, Oregon Short Line, Oregon Railroad & Navigation Co, and Southern Pacific, from al) parts of th East, DAILY during March and -April. . - - ."' YOU CAN PREPAY ' For tickets,' if you deiire to brins friends, relative, employe or others from the Eait, by depogitinghe coit with any agent of. the O. R. h N. or S. P. Co, with name and address, snd ticket will be promptly furnished ia im East A Rare Opportunity austrtai vrowth uni rmoat nnroirAS. BAsrasug ornaa. a Ohloago S30.SO .I33.0 I7.SO - SO.OO Kanaas City M.50 as.00 00.00 Omaha ta.tO St. Van! SS.M - v A False apply to all main ana branch line polnta, Rnntlngton to Spokane, Inclusive. B Rat apply to Portland. Astoria and Puget Sound points: also Southern Pacino .main and branch lias points north of and Including Asnlsad. Oregon. . ' ...... . For eonipleta information, tnqutrs of , . -:f - ,WK MaltinsSAT, anarat rasseage Ageat, ' ' - I v' C W. Stinger, City Ticket Agt.. MEN TREATED A1ND CURED Best Servlcel Lowest Chargesl Cnres Coaranteed m Whe ere affSeteil with aioniy ealtoa "LOST MANnOOD, Sihaaaimg Drain. Piaiplea, Lame Bar, lanaaisiatla et tke gladder aad Kidnera, Blrhlv Oalora Crlae, laiixv Xmrt, Daapoedeeev. railing afemorr, Loas el aaibltloa, Maslal Worrr, re mits of exeeaa aae evarwork; PIIm, riatnU mr,A Riimu m mthmr mk. seas, wblek abeoletelr aatlt Se esre. ae eav. TMaaaaaa, SBssautian, Sores, Bwalltnra, Strlotuf. 'Kalsf rmtate ana voeefieBiKiee erviee, Call er wiita Dm. Commissioner Cook Itoslgna. ' (Apaelal Dlaeateh te The Jaorael.l Olympls, Waah., March . George A. Cook, assistant state land eommls sloner, haa tendered hta resignation to take effect April -1. cook la a wen known civil engineer rrora Tacoma. His eiicceaanr has not been neme1. . Aiacs aoosarai.Ts wxasnra was something t be recorded In th annala of hlatory. ' Herblne haa been acknowledged the greatest of liver reg ulators, - A poeltlve cure for Billons headachea, Constipation, Chill snd Fe ver, and all liver complaint J. C Smith. Little Rock, Ark- writes: 'Herblne is th greateet liver medicine known. Have need it for year - It does the work.', ft 14 by all druggist. , I ' II ii u I ii ii 2a happy. ii I! !! 10 cents 4 J mm 1 11. Cleanses the system thoroughly and clears sallow complexions of, pimples and blotches. 'It l guartvntd wssiisizassaxiscag n - avat "A'f tvr dollar ilnvesteiTirrse veravrshares""6rr oil stock will make an investment of inetti- afsTlaUlaTaiatEHmail MM MMMU to Promote the In or the. Northwest 1 - A aajraio .................. 40.00 aTaw Tork .. . , 4730 60.00 Boston 4T.40 4.r0 lMUlaaelphla 4TSS ' 4S.T8 Washington 4T3S Id and Washington.- vi Nf!" VOL'S DEBII.ITt, er rallls Strenst. theej for gtaa, Boataaaa, rieasera er aterrtaf. Slead Salaea, eentreetad er t keredttars) Skla TI I 1 1 ll SMMMVkAAA. StMfc. sat HrcmatU. Heaaet SeaUaga, geeeeaaMl aaaeoaeue Charaee, T. t. KXBOX. Ill Ttrrt Si.. VerflasA, Or. HOTEL EATON ooa, aosaisos ass wxa sass sn. NEW ' H,adaaalr raralahed, tlffanfly intiMd frapmof, gva wlnutra' Walk rraej kaart ef hopplas and boalaaaa etatrlct. all Ursa lr. oatrtd. none, ataasi hrmtmt. aleetrk llphta, t.lonaon la eah apirtaust. te. Lara ef9c. kMndnt. aeoklns. wrltlas ladlM iwptloe rwrlors, , aeosM resarval ht aurll ar talaphaae. Private emalVea meets trains aed staaaiere. ' Room $1.00 to $3.00 a Day soeeau Bates te aaatswreW I a. A1MSTS0KS, I