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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (March 28, 1907)
xr LlEUl'IIIO SVJEAR ARE IGUORAHT ?: KC3E good mils fch mm mmnmmsmimt: mass wl?- ME FDNtf&TT. TTOSDMIMEDD EASTTEDS Oil ATTS) Crusade Against Profanity Mad by Halifax Man- Papers and Preachers Aid Him. !i AH te-Malf aEi3 .ta&prtl Price 800 falls to Sliowfee THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, THURSDAY EVE NINO, MARCH 13. 1S07. COMMON WORDS MORE FORCIBLE THAN PROFANE Bishop Sas Anyone Who Swears -..Shows Weak. Tocbulr7 -O1 J. for Profanity Is Merely to Have ; Wit Enough to Talk Naturally. .-.- ;, . Oml Special )nM I . Halifax. Karon IS. profanity la the object of ' a rigorous crusade that 1 blng waged by George Wright Of til city. ' Newepapera all oyer the contl aeat have taken up tha cudgel and bar ' been dealing . body blows at . ""cues words" la gensral. Tha bishop of Car 11 ail delivered a arm on oa tha sub "lecOn: which aa'aaia; " ' "Aajrone who swears dieclosea tba Nwsaknese Of bla vocabulary. Ha noes not know tha poaalbllltlaa of tba Eng lish' language, or haa not tha skill to tnaalpulata It ao that it will yield tha amount of flra ha wants... Ton eaa do almost anything with common , word a ' Ooauaoa Words Are troagas. -v "Words can do things that mako tha ordinary blta of profanity look Ilka fasbls scarecrow atlffanad up with a . fanoa staka. Tha -cure for profanity - Is marsly wit enough to handla your words so that swaarlng will aaam Ilka baby talkTn comparison. Profanity Is an oTldenoa that tha swoaraiv no matter how wall adueatad ha may ba i In othar Unas. Is still sadly lacking In tha - knowladga of tha English lan- .' avags. ...'. Wright has earrlad on his ..erueade gainst swaarlng by anllattng tba aid of minister and- newspapers through out ths United States and Canada. Ba alia attention to tha fact that though there era stautss and etty ordinances prohibiting swaarlng, tha aaa of pro fanity Is constantly Increasing. Bs says also that sir that Is needed to dispense with tha practice la mora dili gent work by tha police and for tha authorities to sea that tha laws are en- ' forced. . v HEARST WANTS TRIBUNE ) TO PAY 11 $2,500,000 Heavy Libel Demanded by Pub- lisher for Attack Made by . ' Chicago Organ. L'ost Exquisite of this: Season's Larne, Exclusive niilllnery Ildnse Overstocked And they sent the surplus to us to be -sold- for- what theyl.wiir bring. That's the story "of ' tonlofrow'sgTeat sale-the biggestrnost' stupetv dous millinery sensation ox years. ; , Va - . . V' -aaTJ t aaaf V Sv V -as" . St.- M .' 'mm. I n IvTa 'fa. 9 VV Lr T mil) ' f $ I ;i v Greatest olAIl Trim'd Del Sdes SCO ol Hie Most Beaulifal TJorM Hals Charmine, elegant creations, Hats made to sell at two and three times -these prices ;-alLa be solLinJhenext jwojdays Ifs a sensation. TIE EI1ST OF MIME2111 MT AT MOOT C OF mXMG mm A millinery sale that surpasses all former efforts 800 of the prettiest, cleverest creations at prices so low youTl hardly believe it A large New York maker's surplus, and If we were to mention the name you'd recognize it at once as one of the leading Fifth avenue modistes. Over 800 of the season's most artistic models to choose from; every new shape, every color, and all with the most lavish of trimmings. Flower Hats, elegant conceptions of malines, fancy braids, plumes, etc, large Hats and small Hats, and including 53 reproductions of the finest Paris patterns. A single look will tell you why you should buy your Easter Millinery here, and not only secure the best styles, but at the lowest prices as well. The maker says sell them -You make the prices- But sell them sure; and so you can depend upon it, we've made prices low enough to sell every single one in the next two days. But come early. Mostly one of a kind, and of course the best will go first. At 8 tomorrow morning the selling begins, and if you want the swellest Easter Hat you ever bought at the littlest of prices, be here wnen tne doors open. . ; ; : . .98 A1I, $6.00,$7.00 and $8.00 it Trimmed Hats . go at ..... g.98 All $12.00, $13.50 and $15 .Trimmed Hats. goat ........ .......... All $16.50, $17.50 and $18 Trimmed Hats go at .. .- . Rebuilding Bargains in the Q reat Suit Section A el as Tan oa at tha aatlss sanok mast m mada Thmnfm ma tfa aaa aads aboat it. Xs Joatlaa ta yew paakstaoek eaa wail ara aava to afXaa aafora ayaa a aollaa- aiea- waara ov yoall tafts ta LADIES' $20.00 and Q22.50 SPRING SUITS i . fsftMimtl Bp1al aVrvtM.) "Cbfcalro, March ' 21. Firs Hbal pultsv airrrcB-atlns; f2.t00.0001, hays baan Insti tuted against tba Chicago Tiibnns com-. mny by William. R. Haarat. throush his i attornars. ' Flrat papers In tha suits, ! whloh ara for 1500,000 'each, were Iliad I In tha-superior court,, and It area an nounced thai the declaration "will fol low within a few daya f Aaoordtnr to Attomsr Edgar Ii. Mas tsrs, ths suits ara based upon flya ar ticles published In tha Tribune Ttiea. day. Each article IS a quotation from a epeech delivered by, Secretary of 8Ute Ellhu Root at TJtlca. New York, an November 1, ltol. Tha headings of ths articles, as pointed out by Attorney Masters, are: Roosevelt on . Hearat," "A Few Thoughts on Shama," "Apostle of Dla aenalon," and "Looking for Trouble" - Tha object of the suits, attorney Mas ters says. Is to ass If ths law affords vindication "From lying, Intemperate, plutocratlo denunciation." , , IDH CUTOFF " BY HIS ELDERLY BRIDE Verkes' Widow Denies Story of Reconciliation With Her Ad- j venturous Husband. Only tltao, aad yoa pick from oajr naeea of 13000 had HIM elegaat $12.15 t (Joanwl Bpeelal li ilea.) New Tork, March it. Tha widow of Charles T. Tsrkes, millionaire, em phatically stated today that there la no truth In ths report that she is recon ciled to her present husband. Wilson Mlsner, who returned recently from ' California. ' When addressed as Hra. - Mlsner, shs ssld her name - was Mrs. Terkes. . At her Fifth avenue home she ' said: "Mr. ' Mlsner haa not been bare for more than a year. I don't know where he Is, and I don't care." - Miss Emilia Orlgaby, to whom Tsrkes presented a magnificent mansion on Park avenue, 111 led with art treasures, and also a largs amount of bonds and mnnav. brought suit recently for 47.000 , shsres of stock of the London under-1 ground rauroaa at par vaiue or iiv ' each, eustody of which Is held by tha first company and which, shs says, Ter kes gave ner. it is now agiaaa to lei her have ths stock. ' FASTER SUITS' . Opportunity fot ths Oood Breeee This Week at the "Oaloago." ' 1 "Bnrna merchants have set a low-price standard and dragged ' their olothlng down to It That makes what wa call hand-me-downs," ssld Psul Strain, fcrnprletorot tha Chicago Clothing com cany whan eeen In his salesrooms this morning. "Ws have set a high quality standard for tha clothing at tha Chicago Clothing company and at ths asms tlms charge less for tha garments than any retail clothing houss In ths etty does ""for similar values. For example, any man can save from S to 110 on his Ranter suit by going to tha Chios go. Ths Idea Is to mske us prove It Every nrw modal, new color and new atvle Is renresented in our stock. Just think, 1 Tpn can get a black thlbet suit In slngls J. doubls-bressted styls for $10, or an onflnUhed . worsted of ths ssma cost for fli.M. In 'anc? mixtures ws show in eiidleM variety In this season's nsw. ! designs and colorings, every ohe sT which is handsomer than tha others.' ' r . ' Milwaukte Country Club.' - raste rn snd California races. Tefce !t-ood snd Orsfon City ears at First BoltS t .tions, aaad for the flaast trade I Jaoaty atoaa, loays. rrtaoe Chaps aad Jacket effeota, la Panamas, veUea, faaoy aalxtorea, ehaeks aaa-aavalty-strlpaa,. plala . oolors aad. aomTataaalaas, faaoy strap aad fcraid. trimmed, aewast pleated sklrta, jackets all allk lined. rralta ara ehalleage tha taarn to saasoh short of STMMM to saaJO. Oholoa, 1S.15. . - . , .; . v- TbeFlnest of IToinen'i Blgh-Qass Pattern Suits $97 OC Worth op to $50. Choice Vfli-vv All Ss84W aad SSOyOO , C sA Tailored atalta eMu.4" tvadlea SltMO aad SUM Paaama .Sklrta, ta arhlta aad areas.; aaw. SLTl..,r.-!r.....$6.49 Wemaa's $MM maw fQ Ooract Jaokets pOeVo ; Women's $9 and $10 Spring Skirts- Thonsaads to ba alsarad hsnflsoma Tallea, icohaira, Ohaw lots aad Ssrgaa la blaok aad all eelora, alas fancy aovatv ties, anlatarea aad haadreda la tha maw Telaak aad white. shadow gray aad large aad small ahaakad affeotst aawsst plaited aaodsia, au mny aauorrea. strap aad feataoa txtmmedi every aaa worth StLOO, 9M aad SlO.00, aa4 o Taargala aaa saost see to appreciate ....... 4 -todies SXOO Silk Waists, trimmed . .....$1.49 Eadlea BSa lam Klmoaos, new aprlag styls ...... recta levan $3.98 24c XVadlas $3.00 Wool Sklrta, wSSi .:......,98c Zdlea TBs aad tl.00 Weak Walata, doseas . , f styles, .....,X"C 3 to 5 INCH sod AldW- FANCY RIBBONS AM t. an. MM MIT Tm rr. BAika.1. la still) as. Dread as affaeta aad also plala Talaek, allS ta S taoTaea wtda aad a eve sold aaaar ssa. uaovam Ladles 50c and 75c New Spring Neckwear 39 c Wa ! mmt tmMMmm& Is SMaaTh ni. allks aad Habeas, white, plnka aad Masai tha aaaas tdaatioal aoveltlea others aak aos aad Toe for. Oholoa , ' u.eet TVs flra vmif avaa Lffidles Newest 75c; Pan cy BeljtdS elta, piaut aaA araaaed L P U Ta valnea. af X Xa kid aad made leathers. affaeta ta para silk B tailor mads affsotsi all Another Lot of 8c and 10c Embroidery Silk r an aoiora large, hig akalaa aad f as, aaeta , , ir ,0OO skeins to worth ap ta loo, go A Tremendous Saeriflce bJ ; To Make Room for the Builders Thera't no heltr for It this section la to ba almost crowded out in tha next few day and waVa reduced very fdngla pieca of our clothing stock to prices that will bring tha greatest onslaught of byyers that erer attended a clothing sale in Portland And it s all the best and most renowned nukes, too; brands that too and every one else know. The finest of tailoring, the best of linings and trimmings, and every garment goes at less than other stores pay wholesale. Men's $.?5o00 Silk-Lined Top Coats New s w agger ti styles, grays snd 2) .11 -11 uiabs, sua aucs, au $35.00 yslues. Choice ; Our Entire Stock of Worth up to 935 The most exclusive f noreldes, plain col- $ ore and fancies, in cluding the new checks and orerplalds; every one the finest of $25.00 to $33.00 values. Choice Mil ti ft ? in h mm -1 r2-J Men's $18.00 3-Piece Spring Suits AH wool, plain col- ors and fancies; Q au sues. $18.00 Tttlues. Choice Q.98 O Choice ol Our Finest $6&?7.50 Pants All New Spring Coot's est and ' beet ol pet terns Pants we bought to aell at $640 to $7 JO; all in one great lot Choice ......... .i....... VI I k Men's Finest $3.50 lo SS.C9 Pants at SUSa Pair $1.98 And when we say $3.50 to $5.00 ones, that's what we mean.' Made of best fancy striped and cneckea cnevtots ana cassimeres; well made; pertectly tailored; an sises: all colors. At this price "twill pay you to buy a season's supply now, when yon can get the best $30 and so.uu rants at less man tne ciotn cost Men's 50c Ties Za Teaks aa feaMa-anaafls 19c 98c for the Finest of MEN'S LAUWDERED SmitTS Ths best line of Men's Dress Shirts In Portland. The famous Inter- State Shirt Collar Co a. make. Shirts that yon and every other man knows never sells less than $1.50. New goods bought for the Easter trade; most elegant patterning and colors; au sty lee, at tached or detached cuffs, plain and pleated effects! all sises, snd ths fit of every one is guaranteed. . The best $L50 Shirts ever sold. Choice am aaster 98c Men's 8c TOtcfs tstgs te4 aaa. So All $20.00, $25.00 and Trixnmed Hats go t Thonsands of Pcirs of Wcnen'o $2.50 Shoes and Oxford aaa rosy swa wast 9JM.UU oaf aU gw aaw at skMse w w THE M V7 EST, LATEST LASTS TaiaH art of kU avrrara, raaam ttpa, Jtgh. aaA aaavy waagTat solas, an atsaa, an wUttKar every pal the beat at SaVOO Mtn's Finest $3, $3.50 and $4 Shots " All sixes, all widths M QQ All styles i Cbolc VletO m nnU fc-lA- 4a. Teas saS valoaa ealf, laaa aaA alaaaae etyto, aaavy wagnaa wais womm, taw ia aiu ops, aragnsa aaea aaayi au bbh wKltksi tae flaeet af anas aaa Aw ; iua m aa aaaa. an axcr,.$i.98 Pair . Women's $3 and 04 Shoes and Oxiordo Xaaetaae aaa kaaAveaa oa pairs Xadlaa Drees reovweas a S1.T9 taaTe w SAae s aalri laaa aag Maeaee Taiga saoas aa4 Oxfoxaa, fea pa Seat eolt, rlat aa eruaaaal teataaa, irnaiTs, ; As fmf laaa, aaUttasy aaa vrw ass is, au wmmm m a awMtksi every yatar aa flaast sa? SMS . fjl Al si SX.TtJ aa " - - DOY5' 02.00 - , 0HOE3 1 wesa aU settf aaaa vtSS aaaai .S1.49 pat tht Ckn4sai Womsjn$1.75 &02 JulUU rtase kU ayaars aaa rsae. est tlaa, ffeae aaavy eeleei an S1.TS aa a- ....3)i.e-y 75c Pair for Woxnsn's $1.25 KID GLOVES 75 Slsaslss Biisasa TsuavTsakta. soft east irUakaa, flats. H wttk slaafa, vasts yalaS asaksaU eey, Maak aa4 an aaiasai Tsaaa fIJtf lawaa, aaa every aaa aasiaaiaa ..... ...... n ....... .. X IOO Doxen Wotnon Dot 35c BLACK HOSE raa flaes as see tiaas; saaae eg f wai eat Mrs V Vi aata, U I aawse aai aaaa sse tae yal .ii. Odd Lots Ladles Dost $2 NECK RUFFS Oaly aaaaa se la all flae mOk Break Barra, ta oaiy aaeas sa la aui naa ana jreax varra, la mme Maok,wTata aa4aalorra TaMaaoa TUavwortd as :. VU ta sa.00 aaa SSJO. Obetoe I 7W Grocery Bargains 10a tee. TsTastara .... 6e loa ao. sayaee Saatae Be SOa terga S-ls. arlok IE- OOB rzSTeT ......... iJC eoa sot. eaiaa oa... ..zn4 oe Tse. Olrvea Z44 lSa Tsoa. aaaam as Taallla se SOa BXlaaa Tea X7a....S44 eoa pan Oertolaaa ..,.SOa toe oorrea, is l2 asa yan TseaS 7C vjraxT Bazrsl ISa sr. O. aiaaJkfaat 4 re'wTaeat TLHIE BUILDERS ARE CROWDING US TO TGiE Sell for any price the goods win bring axe the orders. Bargains are WALL Greater and deeper become the reductions.; No time for delay now. this great store is a wreck of prices and values. Just read the list: Silksand Dress Goods 27-inch Jap Silks, all colors and iO black and whits; 65c grade; yard'... iOG Yard wide light Batiste, In all the light aha dings; made to sell at 75c; 4 24-inch cream Danish Cloth; never 1Q sold under 35c; yard ..lly .19c 48c 30-inch black and white Plaids; regular 35c value; yard 36-inch all wool 6erges, mill ends, worth 75c; cut to, yard ........... Wash Goods All our best 15c Wsth Goods, all the latest styles, all colors and patterns Just Qtr the same ySu pay 15c for all over, ytOC 50 pieces 27-lnch fancy figured Lawns, Cr all colors; best 12Vc grade; yard. W 37-inch Panama Suitings, all colors, 1 regular 30c value; yard 27-lnch Mohair Lustres, all colors;0 25c goods; cut to half price; yard. . ILrjy 27-inch wool finish Suitings; reg- f? ular 25c grade; yard .IOL NEVER MIND The dust and dirt occasioned by tha work of rebuilding. CONE AND GILT THE BARGAINS Follow tha crowds and share In the savings AT OtOO TOMORROW MORNING ' The doors open stain. Be oa hand. CURTAINS 1,000 yards wide 50-Inch Tapestry, fancy patterns , snd colors; remember 50 inches wide and s regular 75c grade; yard 49c Full S-yard long Ecru Lace Curtains, fancy patterns and bargain at tXOO; CI 3ft pair .......i.ii .,..QUOy All our $1.71 Nottingham Lace wunains, cur, to, pair $1.19 All fl.75 Comforts, now ;. l.e All Comforts, cut ta ..2.4S at their height. From end to end LMTiS AKD D3AFEIES SO doses extra large aire fringed Damatk Towels; all linen and best SOc 1C grade. Choice , J w Large else honeycomb fringed Bed 8rrei i, in blues and reds; chesp st $2.25; f f J Choice vl' One lot fsncy Art Ticking; the, regular 25c grade; yard 500 Brass Curtain Eo?, 1 r.- i inches, fancy brass knoa r ' slwavs sell at 15c cut to. e H , V: