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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (March 26, 1907)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL PORTLAND. TUESDAY EVENING, MARCH 3, 1S07. LE0GIIIE0 TIL1E OF COAST TRIP tMuch Opposition to Slow Trains ; on ths Part of Business V , Men In Cities ' .- NO REDUCTION MADE t EAST OF THE MISSOURI SchexJulr ' From Chicago to So '.; Francisco ud Lea Aagrlea WOl Bo ewgtbened by From Severn to : Kino Hoars. 1 : (Jeerus! Special Service.) Chlcaso, lurch 11-PiMimr offlolale f ths WMtan railroads are not mas : Ins rapid progress with thslr general ' ' scheme to run trains elowsr. At a meet- ' In- yesterday It bacama apparent that they can narer reach an aareenaent to lengthen by II houra the schedule of the faateet trains between here and the Faclf lo coast, as was originally prs- xxmed, The Alan ' of running trains slower - throughout the west raised a storm of pretest from all Important places be tween here and western terminal. Bust ' mess Interests sea la the lengthening of the time of passenger trains delay la the transmission of business. Ordinary tourists do not, care for high peed trains, buttha man oa an Im portant business deal doe, as proved . by the patronage of the. 11-hour trains . between hers and Hew York. ' i ' - From present indleatlone the sched ules between here and Baa Freactsoo and Los Angeles will be lengthened from seven to nine hours, but practically , no reduction will be made east of the Missouri river. Recent meetings of the passenger officials . has demonstrated that the competition la so strong be - tween numerous lines from' hers to the . Missouri river that they cannot run the risk of losing the business by reducing the speed of the through trains, nor are they able to sea that It wlU pay them to cut off any local trains, CANNOT BE LOCATED (Continued from Page One.) statements that Calhoun baa no re lations with Ruef or sny of the grafters and' yet aome one must have paid the greet bribes ' amounting to nearly lioe.AOO.eoo." which Ruef. Behmlts and the supervisors received. , And It , Is hardly probable this vast sum was ' paid without the full and complete au thorisation of some one very high up. , It has been learned positively that It cost the Homo ' Telephone company $200,000 to sees re Its franchise for operating telephone Unea In San Fran cisco. Of this smount 116.000 went to the municipality.- I7M0O to the relief fund and ISi.000 was given as bribes .to the members of thw-tjoard of su pervisors, total of I1S.000. The. dif ference between this sum sad ths ItOe, 00 fulfil sent up from Los Angelas to secure the franchise Is 1141,000. - This money went to the "higher , f sTTaVeV VVeV U1V VVVWW L . . . . a March, with its raw rough . IflOSC WHO nave ailUWCU UlCU I ' Invigorate the body and 'v PURE MALT WHISKEY, cay and tortines tne system . Always Cures Grippe, - v "Tr thirty fn VCTTtm MAI -- WH1WKIT has sera r en swdldiie. I ; hsv slarsys est It es sreeerlsed. sod it , has pre vsiesble aid, ss It has sot ; eely eared several sttarks of rls. eat ' ' sreveBtcd ssy eed sftweffwts. t cannot 2 . speak lee klskly ef west DLrrT'g WW ) MALT WH18KKI kas eoae for aak, sad -' , viu slwars tHt It te sUomlate sad tone - , mb Br satesi aad es a sere enre tor cslds , as crip. Altboufk TS years old, I aa bale ; - an earty. Sue te the leClrloes as e( '. ! ru rrv s malt whiikei."-w. a. . r. TAa, IOCS faclfle street. Breehlys, K. X, ' Spring Tonic and Appetizer. ', ' , "1 wteh te toll yes ttat last winter I bsd ' a very eerem time. I save breerhlal satk , bis .C ks siaadinc, sad ae e result e very . .- aeak beaxt. I kad alas a very sever et- tark e( tee grip Is Janeary; It left me la ( , very poor raaKlltloe. My eteaieeh end kowels were badly eut ( eroer. I eonld v.. set eat my stnsMrk woeld ant retsls the . - ' did sot seesi te en I ensieml a - - take itcrrvs pvaa malt whiskex u . April asd am aew very amr better. I eaa eat all rbat I seed and it deas set kurt . ate. I haTo boss gaining ever since I eon. meaned Uklng It, and I a Sal onottsae b ... take H ae loas aa I an m te reeelre nese. fit fmsi Its ." CAPT. i. H. WiRIKlL. WeUebermgh 'aUe, M. H.. oly SO, 1V0. , Nignt sweats and Chills. Save takra OUrrT'g KU HALT " WHISK BY for three moat hi for teat troe ' . blea.a Whea I flrat eomouaced t was bedV ' fast, sod bow I sal able te work. Mow, .', the doctar ef est- town, said that aothlnf -. eronld kelp Be. set PtfTX' MALT . WUI8KKV did what the dortnrs ennld xt ' - do. I had alfht sweats sad chtlla and . welfhed Dt aosnds. I wefajtk IO Beamds : now, the ehllla kare left Die, and the sweets , sre else tone. I aa lorrklnf tor sreat re- 1 .HI.." UK. JOUK BK.NTLX, Orsad Ksp- wi niva ew uwf li recognixed 'ererywher as the unfailing specific forthe cure of constimp-. tion, nervousness, typhoid, .malaria, every forsji-of stomach trouble, all dis eases of the throat and longs, and ill run down .Knd weakened conditions of the brain and body. It restores youthful vigor to the old by nourishing and feeding the vital forces of life, and maintains the health and strength of the young. It is' a form of. food already digested, It is prescribed by doctors of all schools, is used in all tha leading hospitals of the world, and it recog nixed as a family medicine everywhere. It is , absolutely pore. Medical ad vice and a valuable illustrated booklet on diseases sent free. Our guarantee is on every bottle. '.'':.".;"' ".''", - : ' "vV, '." Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey is sold by all first-class druggists, grocers and dealers, or direct, in sealed bottles only. Price $1.00. See that the "Old Chemist" trade-mark is on tha label and that the seal over tha cork is un broken. Refuse substitutes and imitations, Duffy Malt Whiskey Co, Roch- SUir IN WHICH BOTH LITIGANTS 'ARE PLAINTIFFS A suit within a suit 'Is what Is pre sented to Judge Gentenbelu thla morn ing when the trial of the First National bank of Prinevllle against Lout F. Christian Bona and ths United Bute Fidelity company was called. The bank Is suing Christian to recover tl.US for alleged delay and loss in constructing a bank building In the . Crook, county city, whlls the defendant Is suelng the bank for the same reasons, asking for 1.Z0. When ths bank filed its' complaint against the defendants, it set forth that Christian had contracted - to erect the building within a specified time,, but that he had failed to do ao. By reason of the delay. It was alleged, certain liens upe" of tho present administration. Ths teettmony thus far taken by ths grand Jury seems to prove beyond a doubt that the- entire amount was paid direct to Abraham Ruef. It Is said ths prose cution, through Detective Burns, knows to a cent how much went to Behmlts as his share, although tho sunt has not yet been mads public ' James H. Adams of Los Angeles Is tho man who gave the startling testimony- to tho grand Jury yesterday that th amount seat up from Los Angeles was 1100.000. Not a penny went hack. Tha evidence which Adams gave yesterday, forms tho connecting link between Ruef and tho Borne Tele phone company bribe Herore yesterday toe prosecution naa only the confession of Supervisor James Gallsgher to prove this and Ruef might have destroyed ths value of Gal lagher's testimony by pleading under the California statutes that Gallagher was an accomplice. Strona testimony also was gives oa this matter by Miss Nellie Smith.; the stenographer who carried oa th oor respondsnos with A. K. Detwiler. the promoter of tho Horn Telephone com pany. Heney has Issued a statement, In which ho says? -There is absolutely ao political mo tive Involved In this Investigation. R- dolph Sprockets and myself started It. He hsa n rraneniso to ana ana wouia not accent privilege, and he - Is not seeking tho overthrow of tho labor or ganisations. "Tho beet evidence of th honest In tentions of tho present investigators is that tho who are opposing us or not representative of labor, but the mil lionaires Interested In trusts and in lublle service corporations, instead of el ping ua. they are helping Ruef and Behmlts." Abe Ruef. haying had the Pacific Telephone at Telegraph company and tho Home Telephone company Bidding against each other, and accepted bribe money from both, offered hit board of supervisors for sal to tho United States Independent Telephone oompany, according- to testimony given before tho grand Jury by Samuel Jaooby. Jaeoby testified that Kuez attempted i ma as deal with his oompany for tho su pervisors on a franchise. No Indict ment against Ruef oa this sharge has yet been returned. . Fonr Killed by Avalanche. Winnipeg. March II. Four persons are reported killed at Howeound, British Columbia, In a anowallde, which has In terfered with ths Canadian Paclflo. In ths British Columbia mountains at Field there is a slide a mil long. Plows are working to th tunnel to bore through for trains. -' - w " ---- ' - " 1 . ;' winas ana weatner, is a most uiuvu w ucuunc uui uiu brain with the world's greatest which enriches the blood an4 against disease germs. Weak and Nervous. "I eaa eertalBly aay year tonletlms.' lent. DCfTI'S kaa bees a great beaefit to M, I wae weak, nervnes sad eon 14 set alaap, aa was troociea wits Mee or sppeats. "I was reeoanaiended to take DITTY'S PrB MALT WH1HKBT, whlrh I did. and the result ta that 1 am n aad bet ter la every way, eaa sleep alfhta, aad mtf appetite Is maeh lotprored. t write ye thla. ee I theesht It was mr daty to let yon knew what year groat n dVrlnal Malt Whiskey kaa done for bm." Toara very truly, MRS P. B. BOCTUABO, . WeedsMre, U L, imu. K 1SVT. . . j. v . A'Temperanc Doctor, "t Indorse Dvrr? b rrBB malt WHiaKBT ae aiedielBe ad for Bedleal ase aad far nothlna ehn. I eepoee Intern. paraDcs aad farer sll laws that trad toward the ireeeloa et draakenn T. PALME M. ,D.. Bless, Teaa sag. . ISO. Strong at 94. "It Is tree I bave seed year whiskey aad like U the best of all I have ever aaed. I waa td ea Jane tTtk. Amonf mj ether sreaeate wae aona ef Bear Malt Wblak.y from By nephew I know, 'that I Would not be alive today did I Bot take It retulsrly la asederste anaatltlr, as 1 do ant ! nock appetite." MA R8HAU ruiCS, Pataey, Tt.. Aaf. T. 10U. Best of Spring ppetizrse - "I a a veteran et the Ctrl! War, served, three years, end am M yesc ef sre. -I uk. Dtrrr s rvi malt whib- KBT hefors eaeb meal aad And It th best ef Bpiias aapetswf. t think that there Is aothlnf better for a sua settlsa en la years. I am a temperate Baa and nly use yev product as a Bedleloa sad -only st each times ae I seed C. H. CADT, SRI Park av Wereester, Mess., Trying Month AND DEFENDANTS were filed against the structure which the bank paid. Further, the bank claims a contract of III days against the con tractor at the rat of 110 a day. Tha bank makes ths security company a de fendant oa the ground that It wont oa Christian's bond. In ths snswer filed by Christian and the bonding . company, they ask that tho eourt disallow the claims set up by the bank and allow them St.m, which they elatm to have lost through the do lay of the bank In allowing old build ings to stand on ths sits on which tho new building was to be erected. Ths suit presents tangled compllca tlonsVand both parties appear la tho role or defendant and plaintiff. PORTIOUF. BlHKtlf 1 IS SLIDING DOWN Hill Houses Out of Plumb ana Water and Gas Mains Broken by Earth' Slump. (Joareal seels Berrte.. Berkeley, CaX. March II. A large portion of ' Cedar street, near Euclid avenue, betrays a marked tendency. to slide down MIL Several houses 'hav been put out of plumb, th foundations are loosened, and water and gas mains hav been broken by th moving earth. Engineer say th slid Is dua to ths displacement of ths esrth's surface from a stone strata beneath, as a result of the steady seepage during the heavy rain. , Th trustees were Informed that the gas company bad said that tha serv ice would have to be discontinued In the sliding section if the trouble Is not remedied at once, a the mains are being spoiled by th moving earth and great quantities of gas are escaping. Ths entire fell is slowly but steadily moving and a block of residence are. In grave danger. - Milwaukee Country Club. . Eastern and California race. ' Take Sell wood and Oregon City car at First and Aldsr. , ..... . HOLY WEEK SERVICES AT ST. MARY'S, ALB IN A '" t Tomorrow evening at -T:ll Father Thompson. of tho cathedral will give his sermon, Th - institution or the Blessed Eucharist.'' Thursday evening th subject will be "The Blessed Ku chatist, tha Pledge of Christ's Lor." Friday evening vainer -taniweu, tn Rademptorlat, will give tho Passion ser mon. All Catholics ana tnsir , non- Catholic friends are weloome. Thursday and Friday morning serv ices begin at 1:10, Saturday morning at T. paster Sunday hours of masses I, T,t, I; 10:11, solemn high mass. ' I" ' 11 ' - " While a CresswsU man was burning brush, ' his watch chain caught on a limb which he was throwing Into th fir, carrying hla 150 watch with It. ; ' 7 of W OJ ' - trying montn, espcaaiiy to uiui ojfoiwua iuu uumi. tonictimulant, DUFFY'S makes It course more quick- - Tonic for the Old. : ' 1 b.T used year Whiskey ss a toot. StlBnlaot for aeveral years and kare beea i greatly benefited by It.- 1 kare always rveemaMeded- It te others - and -shsH cwa tlnne to do o, I believe that It Is th beet tonic tnefoM sre on the market." JOSEPH riKLD, Bergea, M. X., Augast A Spring Medicine. ' Xa.t April I took nnddea eold. aad I ' wae laid up with aeuralgls la y shoulder, which bronaht ea fewjr and tk sway ay appetite, bnt by uaiag iturri"! PCBB MALT WHlSKF.r I eaa out ail riant, and on MetanrUI Day I was leading my bend and playing, es wall. I think yoar MALT . te lUSKEI at Juet the SMdldse te tone at aad keep bp the strength ef eld people. "Hoping yoar siedlclna will prove ben. tidal to ethers. I eaa truly reeomsiend tt ss a valuable help." O. I. FABIBIDOB. rraakUa, Mass., Bept. 1. ISOd. - Left Lung Almost. Gone. "As I in snrabsr ef the Hall Honse Wesssa'e Club, I wss eaUed eat many tlae wbea th w.etber wae very bad, ad a eaoght e very bsd eaugh, asd doctors claimed that ay luags were affeeted; la fact, the left long waa almost gone, but since 1 here taken yonr valuable DUFTY'S PUBB MALT WHISKS I I feel better, aad would sot do without It. f hsv aot beee taking It very long, but I aa ear of good reaulta; I bars good eolor ta ay fee and feel that I eaa work wltk a greet deal awre ' ambition. I. cannot prate It to Bach. I have recommended It te eeveral ef ay frleade. and ther. too. are thankful fur the benefit they have already It." Mrs. VICTOB A, SUA deli.ed from tCCAIBB, ZiA Ogdas ST., Chicago, 111. Piles Cured Quickly st Done Without Pain, Cutting or Surgery, Instant RelW. ; We Frov Zt, Sampl Faokage Seven people out of ten are said to have Pllea Not one man la a mil lion need hav them and we are proving It every day at our own expense. We send sample package of tne wonderful Pyramid Pile Cure to any person abso lutely free. . . . ' We don't do this as ' a matter or amuaement or philanthropy, but because It is to our Interest to do so. . We know that the" auff erer from pllea, tormented and driven almost crasy by this wretched trouble, will find sdeh Imme diate relief that. ha will go at once to hla druggist and buy a bog and get wen. Wo knot? that ws have got tns great est, remedy In th world for plies, and we are ready and willing to stand or fall by the verdict of thoee who mek 4h trial. W have been doing thla for some years now. and we never yet hav had occasion to regret It. And the remedy at tho drug" store Is szaotly th same ss th sampls ws send out As, for Inatanoe, here Is a'msa who got such Immeotats relief from the sampls that he at once bought a box. Waa It just tho same Undoubtedly, since It cured him after all sorts and kinds of things had failed. Hera Is a sampls of th kind of let ters wo get every day and w don have to aak for them: - . 'Received your sampls of Pile Cure and have given It a fair trial and It haa proven tha best I ever tried and effected a complete cur. I can recommend you highly In this vicinity. Hav used your sampls and ono box and it has been eomplet cur. Jt has been worth 1109 to ma ."Thanking you for th sample and the cure. I will recommend you to every' body. Tours respectfully, Julius Mayer, dealer In feathers, ginseng and bides,. Bedford, ind." ; Pyramid Pile Cur Is for sals at every druggist s at 10 cents a box or. If you would llko to try a sampls first, you will receive on by return msll by sending your asms and address to Th Pyramid Drug Company, II Pyramid Building; Marshall. Mich. GETS OUTSIDE WALLS Caught When Wading In Flume Outside of Prison Walls 7 " in Icy Water. MADE SAW AND CUT ' THROUGH IRON BARS Fellow Coarlcts Surrounded Taylor and Screened '. Hla .'Movements - From Guards While Ha Crawled Into Flume. i , y IBseeUI Dlspstch ts The yoarasLI Salam. Orv March 2.-One of th most ' darlnr attempts t sain liberty from th brick wall ef th state prison ver mad was that made yesterday afternoon by Oeorao Taylor, alias Fred T. Clark, who Is serving a three-year term for larceny in a store from Mult nomah county. . Taylor cut a bar from th grating pro tecting ths openlna where the -water flume pasaes under th east wall of ths prison, and had succeeded In crawling through ths hoi when na was stopped by a guard. When tt wss noticed that he was missing from ths squad that had been -working In the Shopa, ths alarm was given and every nook ransacked. and th walls wars closely watched, but no trace of Taylor could bs round. Finally Taylor was discovered making his way through tha nume by Quard Irwin, who promptly stopped blm, glv Ina him ths order to halt with his rifle pointed at the prisoner. Ths convict Immediately threw up his hands and bes-e-ed for mercy. He had evidently been In th water for soms time, for when ha was brought out of ths flume he was as cold ss aa Iceberg and collapsed. Ths water In th ditch Is about fovr feet deep, and ths Multnomah convict took desperate shances to escape, Had he not been seen In ths nick of time, he would have surelv escaped. In rplte of. the close vlarllanc of th aruarda. ' Taylor In some way obtained a piece of steel. Which he converted Into a saw, bv means ef which he eut th bars. Uuobaerved by th guards and shsttsred In-his work by ether convtots, he crawled . into th flume, ; This same mods of escape waa tried by another convict soma Tears ago. Taylora desperate attempt to escape Is due .to the fact that from outsldd sources .hs had learned, that he was wanted elsewhere by th federal offl clala, and rathor than to b taken at th close of hi term . h resolved to gain his freedom and escape the vigilant eye of th law. Taylor was put in stripe. He had previously worn th gray suit common to ths prison, and wss made lo wear tha Oregon boot and taken back to his work In the shopa His earned credits wer also taken from him and he will hav to serv his term In fulL DANIEL B0WERMAN DEAD 'AT EAST SALEM HOME (BpeeUI Dtepeteb te The Journal.) Salem, Or., March IS. Daniel Bow arm an died at his horns In East Salem last svenlna st ths eaa of 71 years of sout pericarditis, after an illness of five day a He was one or Marlon coun ty's best-known and most honored clti- na He cam to Oregon from Iowa In February, list. Bealdas a wlfs he leavea two daughters, Mlas Martha Bowerman, a teacher lit th Salem pub- Ho schools, and - Dr. Mary Bowerman of Condon, and a son. Senator Jay Bowerman. also of Condon. Another son died soms yesrs ago. REVOLUTION AGAINST -"---.CASTRO IN VENEZUELA (Jos real Special Berries.) Washington. March t. United States Minister Rleeper, at Caracas, Venezuela, reports to th stat department that f lghtinB occurrd at . Ontolondo four days sfO. This Is supposed to bs th first outbreak of a nsw revolution against Castro. Ontolondo la on tha border of Venesuala and Colombia. - Tough. . - '.. From Illustrated Blta ' . -Waitress Did you say th meat was tough, sir Customer Touch! Why, J can't stick tb fork la th grayyl GOnVICT SKYING J0l.ll HI, TILLALIOOK Seeker After Sign Watch the , ' Coast and the C A . E. Closely.' (Special Dlspstch t The Journal.) .' Albany, Or., March !. It baa . re cently developed that th Northern Pa clflo haa for weeks had a sorveylng party of about SS men working down the ooast from Tillamook southward toward Newport.-. It la said they are bow Vt Newport and are establishing a survey and right of way for th new Hill llns to run southward from As toria down th coast. ... Much speculation Is Indulged In re garding the present- ownership -of th Corvallla A Eastern, and many partus are hopeful It may prove to be true that Hill ' haa secured th control ef this line, a well aa that of th Astoria as Columbia . Parties In a position to knew state that Mr. Talbot of the Cor vallla at Eastern will return In a few day from New Tork and give out some thing deflnlt regarding tha present ownership ef that Una v AT THE. THEATRES "CymbelW and "Julias Caesar." Meat Sunday sight, March St. the eadasat tragedlsa and actor. Charier B. Ban ford, eaa. ported by Marie Drofnah aad a capable eoai. pany of players, will present ahakeepeare'e ''Cymhelloe" at the Hetlig theatre, reorteeath and Washington etreetn. Monday eight, April 1, "Jaliua Caeear" will he the hill. Beat sale opens seat Irtday at 10 a. as, , -. I - ' m l , . Beata Belling for "Th renderfoot,N Beats are sow aslllag't th bs office ef the HeUI theatre, roarteeath aad Waahingtoa streets, for the maaleal eoaaedy saeceaa, "The Tenderfoot." which cornea te the a bare theatre aext Thursday, frlday aad Saturday eights. March Ss, s sad SO. with speclal-prlee man nee Saturday. The stars of the opera company are Osesr U rigmaa aad Bath White, twe players whe an well kaowa all ever the eoes- ''" " " .. ''-,'( A New Play at Baker. ' "As a Maa Bows," the tatensely fareraatlag slay whtrh hi being offered st th Baker this es, saa met. a aeciaea ins pmy m m te Portland, bat has beea very eaeeassful wherever It haa beea preeeated. It M particu larly wen salted to earn her ef the Baker coea- riy, who appear te good advaatage. The play being presented te good houses asd at Sirta ealaent aatafacUoa. . . ., A Cowboy's Girl" Attractive. There la a pseehar Interest and ehera m play ee story that eaia wna sow soya. aad ths charm Is doubled wbea th play story deals with glri ef the rang. Bach a play la "A Oowbey'e Olrl." which Is helag areeented at the Bmplre tale wees, if a vividly deeerlptlve ef th 'went aad Is absorb, ugly Interesting. It Is being preeeated te big audiences sightly, . . - ''.,":... At the Star.-.. V, -TTnJr- ledf)raira-- rt- atar-tkearre thla week hi a British BlUtary draaa whleh th pnblle wtll want I see. xs sun emeu ku aftared SUB fla Playu, hut Caw Better rasa ie eve. - uauw Orders" rsUtaa th adveaturea f k yeuag ex- fleer whs la sent ea e eeerec awaioa ee Africa. There wlU he auttaese Tharsoay, sai ardsy aad Suadaye - - -, M X V A Senator's Daugbtr.' . Vwiaa the war rastsrdsy'S audience took the Lsrlc off ring this week, th eoetety draaa. 'A senators vsagnier, - n m vtiuvh ths tyrle bss the popular blU f th week. The draaa la sent ef sees heart internet sad deHeMoe eoaedy. The etege ef facta era bass- tiful. AU the faeorlt puyare are in mm east. Best sow sailing lor tae eatwe ween. ; Magte at Grand, i -"'. Of th smay wonderfnt mosloes Which hsv n hers ta vsudevui tser a oe i th Ornnd this week which la more arstlfy. Ing thaa any of th other. It Is pr elected by Alblnl. ue aasieiaa. asa ib.buiiuhb, wrw w tbeee wh know mere or less a boot hew Ilia. dona are made. Thla a the headline e ben anothsr act sad en which ashes eod with the eadlene a the Buinvs ceapsay, wna bedse-pedge ef funny bualases which causes ths audience te isuga every nmrar. LAND BOARD CONSIDERS CANCELED CERTIFICATES rnlal tManatrh to The SeareaLI ' Salam. or, March Jt. The state land board yesterday afternoon took - under advisement a batch of school land oartl- Ccatee, alleged to be forged, that wer presented by Jacob D. Holtssrmaa of Minneapolis, -who rsprssanteor tns noia- of soms eertlfJcatsB ror wnion ae wished to obtain deeds to ths land therein described. Th certificates were among moss issusa upon wnat is com monly termed th Klllhr-Turnr p pllcatlons and which sx-Stats Land Agent west alleged wer rorgea eartin- catea, and "which war so reported, after an Investigation by th Marlon county Brand jury la ItOS to the stat land board. . The certificates held by Attorney Holtxerman ware a Tart of thosa that had been canceled by ths stats Isnd board after ths report of th Marion county srand Jury and covered soms 2,100 seres of land. Moat -or. tnem sre held by residents of Dayton, Ohio. I Will Show You How To Cure Yours ' ;:-;FREE!;S:y I was practical heloteM snd iMd-rlddan Ins siany year from a douWe niptora j wore ln- Dumeranie runerent kind of tmeei snd sppil- S knees. Some of Uiem were tortures, some post rely dangerous, and none would bold th mo ire In Its tmmer rtlaea. Tha rirvtir tnM ma f oould not ipeot td hav it entirely healed nnleej twuuiu ounprni ro b aurgicai operation. 1 loo tea hem all, however, aad cured pjyaelf completely knd permanenUy by a simple method which I dianovered. Anvone can use IL snd I will eladlv lend the cur fre by mail to anyone who writs at today, j wulssud th our by return auOL poetpaat. , ..... uir it. rujouiiranmnnn npinw ana mail la m Free Roptcre-Cure Cca?ca OATT. W. A. DOU IKOM, - 17a Wmtrnt trnwrn. M. Y. Bear Wrr I wish yen would send wis yonr lew Dlsoorery lor th Cur oi Kuptur. A'am . 7 '1 1' ' Jddnu ' 1 ' ' ' , if uwtry --ear ' EASTER UULh))U Arc marvels of perfection In point ; of style, in fitting and tailoring. They are also exclusive in pat ternsThey are made up of the finest ; imported and domestic tabrics. ; t Guaranteo :: th If a Chesterfield suit loses its shape in one year's wear we will replace it with a new garment FREE. FOR BUSINESS WRAR FOR CHURCH WEAR FOR INFORMAL DRESS i- FOR FULL DRESS CHESTERFIELD CLOTHES ili-lo-(ljlilA-- 269-271 MORRISON STREET .Announcement t WE wish to announce to our friendi, and patrons the open ing o our new and commo ' ' diout itore at corner Seventh and Washington Streets, on or about , March 28th. ' Grand Opening to ba held at a later date,' We are offering t rare Inducements in the line of swell footwear at our present quarters at . 149 Third Street. : , ROSENTHAL'S PORTLAND'S BEST SHOE STORE POLONIST RATE39 TO . OREGON And tha Pacific Northwest ortr th Union Pacific, Oregon Short Line, Oregon Railroad & Navigation Co and Southern Pacific, from all parts 0( tha Eait, DAILY during Idarch and April YOU CAN far tickets, if yoe desire to bring friend, relatives, employe or ethera from the East, by depositing the cost with any agent of tha O. R. & N. or S. P.; t to. with nama and aadress, and Uclcet A Rare Opportunity dustrial Growth uatum noM rmnroxrAl umur omaaV Onloa-a ...... 99-M Bt. IVaui , BT.54 X an ess City .,..4... HM Oaasaa .............t,,.. Bfl-M Sk aX ,,.,,.f . aa4 . so .oo SS.O) saoa - A -Rates apply ta all raaln and branch 11 n points, Runtlnatan to Spohan. Inolualva. B Rates apply to Portland, Astoria and Puaat Sound points: alao Bouthara racifls main and branch llns points aorta of and Inoludln Ashland, Ongou. - '...":';.- ,- ,. --r-- For compute tnformatlon, lnlr" fet . , -;, , ., WH UaXXTMMAT, aeral Twnf Area, ' ' - ' 0woa aVOizsaa It sTartyatSea Co. C W. Stlacer, City Tloket Aat, So aad Wsshlnvtoa. - , SWEET PEAS Which kind do you plant? the late introduction, which Bimpiy Dcauuiuii lour ra six nowers to tne item, ask tor Countess Spencer, .Kintj Edward, Helen Lewis, and other '07 novelties. : See page 44 of our Seed Annual. Plant now. lvfVr,fthvi(J! i:Ul! CLOTHES ,1 PREPAY will be promptly furnished in th East to Promote the In of the Northwest 1 uB7aa ., 40.00 S4.S0 Tew Tor 47 JO 80.00 Bosao 47.40 4S.B0 FhUadelphla 473 44.TS wasiuactea 74S. 44aa)aaA f The New Kind f The old. but of date sorts, or are larger than a dollar and i