The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, March 24, 1907, SECTION FIVE, Page 59, Image 55

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law Isei IranQifiKro ftii : $M im. lie ; Maee ti
('ft 31 .ntmfl h (W ( . OMA
' I . . i ' a"7 a I l ' " yf , I i I I 1 1 I I I I I . I II I I I I I I I I .1111 'I ill I.. II
The Garvin Cyanide Extraction Company, 186 Morrison Street, near the bridge, have made
r these assays, which guarantees their, absolute correctness. ;
10 Cents Each Par Value $ 1.00
aid Ul to Sine Turn
1 Pi ll
Paid UbNoii
. 1 - 1 1 """ ' ' '
The company reserves the. light to increase the -price of shares at any time without notice. ' Mail orders promptly' filled
fiso nmnn ivsaa txlaw
000401 , ; . .- , : .. .
It aeemrprapoatcroua,. don't It I But
' more than, that, the man who bought
11,006 worth of Mohawk share than,
can sow pull down
on Wuxow tdm imus
Thera la no fancy about thla. Tha
caah can absolutely, actually and pout
lively fee had AT ANT MINUTE OF
THE) BUSINESS DAT! - Tbora la no
guessing about It. Mohawk atock la
now Belling at flT per ahare. It flrat
aold at IH eenta. Oat out your paper
and pencil and figure It out for your-
eit, and you win discover tha
Turf aooxra nortTM AOOBUXVO
: inirai. .
,'. We have tha real mines. Wt own
five claims of 10 acres each. We do
fUI Julia, IX a r, H.t lwnM.
alonal -dealers In etoeke.- Wa are eelllng
aharea In our own clalma. and only for
development Every penny wa receive
goes into machinery, equipment and
labor in alnklng tha abaft. Wa have
not a salaried officer In the company.
- Wa look upon all moneys received for
. aharea aa tba actual pre party of our
etocaYioldere. It la not our private prop
erty any mora than dividends. nnparaU
leled In tha history of tha world, of tha
Mohawk, la tha property of the Mobawk'a
management. , xnia increment must Be
. distributed monthly, with all tha care
fulness and accuracy of a bank.
W shall dealwlth out -Stockholders
on this basis. . . v ....
ottb coKPAirr is ooarroras or
son tiiTitEia-apanrasa xxv
. No one has aver questioned tha up
rlghtneaa of any of them. They stand
nerora . the community aa the personl'
flcation of integrity and loftiness of pur
pose, aa proof of which the largest bur
era of Butte Boys shares are their rela
lives, business, Associates, and most In
timate frlenda and acquaintances. It la
these relatives, these friends and these
i?Qual!ilaiiueB thatnave msde It pr.
hie for the company to sell Its aharea
In. greater, volume than auch securities
ever were sold 'by aay corporation In
tha history of Oregon., ,,,. . .
otm atnraa am uui -ouiinm
Our prospects are precisely as good
aa those of the Mohawk, when It waa
ri.1MtAn frA that aarno .vt.nt that Aui-O
la developed now. One of tha principal
operators of tha Mohawk aaya so, and
ha ought to know. Mis mine Is produc
ing fortunes every week. He declares
that our ore Is the exact counterpart of
Ms when his shaft had reached the
same depth oure la at present. Me
says wa are selling our atock too low
1 1 1 H V J 1 I BUI in' UUWBWWWI.-TTyff.
asking for It. Perhapa It la. It la easy
to believe that tha gentleman ,1a right,
and .-: - , i' "
nxazaT ruoxi hau aa katjt.
TAnrxs Tom Aar uiihi or
We may ralae them any day. but
until such a step la taken 10 cents will
be tha prtoe not a farthing more, sot a
penny less.
o ; ncmriCAt tuus. ;v
W BMke Da IH of technical or mrt1 fVlrf
terms la mr adTertlsenrats, having ne de
sire to mislead the reader. The plain facts
are that we bse Beat gold claim; that we
are eevcloplaf taeta.wUa the proceeds of oer
stock sale: that our assays made by the Oar
vla Cyanide Kxtractloa company show that
we baTO sot as yet found a pound of bar
rea nrei that we bare ro-k rannlns from $M
oa the surface to ss htfh ss 12.000 . farther
down, and that Ita value Is Increasing with
depth. We hare no thought of beclouding the
BUnds of Inreetnn la our stock. It Is their
money -thst la maklsg great sold tne ea
that 100-scre tract ws owa at Goldfle)d. and
they bse a rlrht to know just what we ere
doing there end sll about .the mine; When
1 hie flrat shaft get down so that It will
bare a surplus roe ear shareholders, we shall
aak them to let as develop the other four
clalma. We have tha btrirost mining .prop
erty In thst region and ought aot to be eon
tent ontil oar people ere getting , all there
st la It. v -J''..,-
e. . w
t ' . . f " I
' ' The above is a fac-simile of a check for two carloads (47 tons) of ore shipped by the lessees of the-Mohawlc gold mine, Gotdfield, Nevada,
to the Selby Smelting company, San Francisco, on January 21, the smelting: being concluded and the checks written on February 9, .the entire
..transaction, from the time the ore left the mines till the proceeds were handed to the operators, requiring but 20 days.
Speaking with the manager of the Butte Boys Consolidated "Mining company, on March 9, as they stood beside the shaft being sunk on one
"of the Butte Boys five claims, one of the lessees of the Mohawk used this language: 4
-"Your prospects are fully equal to ours whn our mine was at the same stage of development as yours; your ore is of the same character
. as ours, and I see no reason why your mine should not equal ours in all-respects. My" only criticism would be that you are selling your shares )
too cheap Your position is different from ours at the beginning. We had no criterion to go by in fixing values. No other mine in the neigh
borhood had been developed sufficiently to establish the quality of the' rock, and our only information as. to the richness of our claim was con
.Jainedioj?tilLajt8ajs casrn, rnr-ouragiag-aa-ourg, and in sotterrr-Ye-py can deieniifnJrt0"TTm6sra "mathe-.
matical certainty, the productiveness of your ores, because they are as near like ours, almost, as two peas are like one another. YOUR SHOW
ING IS JUST AS GOOD AS OURS, and that is saying all that could be said of any mine on earth, before it actually had begun to ship its ores." '
Mohawk first sold at 2lA cents; $150 worth of stock bought at 2yi cents and sold at $17 wcfuld net the investor $203,850,001 We predict that
when the Butte Boys becomes a shipper its aharea will be worth exactly as much as Mohawk. ,
. sex dovixximt-f aura rr.-j-
The anlr metal orodooed thst has the gov
ernment for Its market, sod the only one
that oarer fluctuates In value. Is sold. This
cannot be said of silver, copper or erea dla
mooda. Gold la always la demand, and the
produete of gold mines, whether la panle or
prosperity. Is slwsys the asms, the govern
ment exrhena-lna? the coined douars Tor tne
raw material at any time. And beet of all,
the government makee no charge tor coin
are. Owners of gold stocks hare about every
thing their own wsy. The hundrerte who have
torreted la the Batte Boys storks will se-
kaowledge Alt before many moaiaa sirs
passed. - '
tr-rom the OoMfleld Kews.J
The area, within which Ooldfleld lies. Is
ths largest porphyry belly between Vlrgtnls
City snd Bullfrog, sad la at least 19 mllee
long and about T miles wide. It affords room
for bearly S.500 locettons of SO scree each,
anr one of which may outdo the banner mine
of the world. Ooldfleld's matchless Mohawk.
Bboflld 'mines Come into being st ue eacon
lahloB rata of 10 producers to (he year. It
would take t-0 years to get the ground
veloned end Droved, and If But 1,000 mines
should result, the employment of thoussnds
of mea net year would be assured Jor cen
turies. ,
Tax. XAjroT soxalobox. :
This areat mine, so rich thst no straacer
la permitted to get near It, la hoisting Its
riches from the earth within about 0O feet of
the snot where wo are sinking our ehsft. Its
ores are gasrded by armed mea from the
ume moy are put en we innp iiu wiy
rea cn the smelter. Auaoints -secrecy w main
tained eoncernlng Its outpnt. for whst-por-noae
we da not know, exrent It be that "It s
sobedy'a boslnees, ssperlally the assessors, bow
muca money we ere mssing.' enn tae - iiu
was nut on." however, the Nancr waa called
one of the richest mines . In the world. .
, ."i rat" awnix'S lvox.
"Big Jim" Butler hadn't a dollar left when
be unpacked bis oayuas at Belmont after a
three-months' prospecUng tour orer and among
the seemingly barren tallUs sod valleys of Pa
rade, but today "Big Jim" is the poessseae
of a fortune aad director of one of Ne
vada's banks. One nlrht the weary, dnsty
flaher after gold csmped by a lltUe stream
of wster shoot IS miles north of the pres
ent elte of Ooldfleld. A number of other
prospectors were esmped there also, and when
''Big Jim" bad sested himself among them bs
waa e (-coated with)
"You're come to a toasb country, Jim I"
spoks up several la ths group, ss the bow
arrlral unloosed the park from hit patient
animal and tnrned It loose to grass, ' Hare's
wo hare a little gold hare, bat It's nothing to
boast about."
'Wall,' replied the other, "I'll re you one
better. I struck It rich last night IS mllee
north of here, near what tba Indians call
Tenopah Springe, which I think will sort of
wake the whole country ap." As be spoke be
threw st their feet a sack half filled with
blackish, burnt looking quarts.
Nonchalantly, with the air of mea who were
dleeoursged but who refused to sdmlt failure,
one by one they examined the ere and with
sniffs of disapproval threw It again la the
"Black Iron." mattered a girissled veteran who
had mined from Mexico to the shores of the
"Would mske good ballast for a ship, re
marked Georte Ladd, who afterward discovered
La dd mountain la the Bullfrog dletrict. "The
country Is full of each stuff ss that."
"Not worth essaying." sstd Wllks Broogher.
who setentl flcally examined the samples with
a powerful magnifying glass. His declaloa was
considered final, tor with bis booklearnlng and
hla home-made assaying farnace la the rear
of hie S by 10 teat, he waa' eoniloared sa aa
tborlty by the others la all that rslstsd to
: ; , 1 ' . ' ' ' '
minerals aad metals, says the Ooldfleld News.
"Big Jim" Butler wss persistent, however, but
that most sdmlrsble quality sometimes not
st per when a fellow has not got a cent,
but the News aaya that eoe day Bntler met
T. L. Oddle, who owned a ranch near by, and
showed him the samples. He offered aim a
half Interest la ths claims If be would psy
ths asssylng charges to have ths ore tested.
Oddle accepted the pro position. The result wss
thst the ere wss found to give regnlsr re
turns exceeding S300 to ths, ton la gold and
' warr raona'BTrr aXzaTjra TOOxg
A vain of (43 ,000,000 la SO active stocks within one year, tells tha story.
The following table shows the STnin mads In 10 stocks listed on the Mining;
Exchange at Ooldfleld during- the past 12 months. Tne Increase In the price
of these stocks only reflects the Increase In the value of the mines, through
a year's development. Scores of other mines have also made striking gains In
value, but the list Is too Ions; for publication. The Butte Boys will be In this
company next year. ,
8TOCK v . Tear ago Now . Gain '
Daisy 9 .44 9 1.65 9 S .100,000
jumbo . , e.ifu
liver.- Than blsanned forth the fame of Oold
fleld, snd not only "Bis Jim's" fortnns was
made, but the foundation was- laid for mil
lions for hundreds of ethers But-for-"Big
Jim" there nerer would bare been a Ooldfleld,
never a Mohawk and neser a Butte Boys.
Therefore tens of thonssnds of fortunate Inves
tors, seat, west, worth snd south bars reason
to thank their stare that "Big Jim" Bntler err
lived and waa fortunate In finding the rich
eat mining region ever kissed by the noon
day SUB.
Jambs XX. ...........
Bt, Ives
Bine Bull
. Ootaaa act,
liver Mck
Triangle L.
Bed Tow El
' Xpaguna
. ma Tup u
Bine Bell .4..................
Oombla. Fraet, ....... . , , . .....
, Oold Bar
' Ooldfleld Oreat Bead
Crolditeld Oolambia
40 .
, 170
- 1,620,000
810,000 -'
8,8 SO, OOO
- The Goldfield News, one of Nevada's brightest and most
reliable newspapers, of March 16, says; i; -
- "The Mohawk has heretofore been accounted the great-(
. est known gold mine in the world and the Combination Frac-'
' tion was a close second, but developments of the past week
have proven that the Florence Is easily head and shoulders
above either of them. A conservative sampling of the ledge
in the Little Florence lease yesterday, returned plenty of '
$60,000 ore. ' Four feet will return far. into the thousands and
' the remaining 18 feet of the ledge will ship better than $1,000
to the ton. The sulphides in the vein are rich, but the .free
gold is richer. It runs through the rock in every direction, ',
and not in narrow seams. It is a jewel casket in every sensej
.of -lhewor(L The first shipment-was-made-yesterday to the
local reduction works. It-consisted of five tons of specimen
rock, estimated to run $10,000.- There are 40 more tons ready
to send out, and . this shipment alone will be sufficient to de- -dare
a dividend on, while there has not been a single foot; of
. stoping done." - ' . . - , . ," '
We most certainly believe that within a very few months
similar mention will be made of the Butte Boys. Our develop
! ment work is proceeding day and night. It will not take long
for the contractors to reach pay rock. In fact, within two or''
thrice months our shaft; will have reached a depth that will,
likely show results the equal pf .anyot Qur-neighbors-It can '
"not, it seems, be otherwise. . 1
, We will soon be found in the thick of this good fortune.
. , ' , ' '
Moiiey in Mining Stocfei
1: $5 invested in Goldfield Mohawk sharei at first-hands would
now be worth $3,400. - - , ; ,
- $10 invested in Goldfield Mohawk shares at first hands would
now be worth $6,800. ' V , , ,:
$20 invested in Goldfield Mohawk shares at first hands would
now be worth $13,600. . ' ; ' . . -
$10 invested in Goldfield Mohawk' shares at first hands would
now be worth $27,200. ; ' ' '
$80 invested in Goldfield Mohawk shares at first hands would
now be worth $54,400. - , v , - ".
$100 invested in Goldfield Mohawk shares at first hands would
now be worth $68,000. - '
. : $150 invested in Goldfield Mohawk shares at first hands would
now be worth $102,000. r . 'V , ; ..
$200 invested in Goldfield Mohawk shares at first hands would
now be worth $136,000.
$400 invested in Goldfield Mohawk shares at first hands would
now be worth $272,000. , , " v
r $500 invested in Goldfield Mohawk shares at first hands would
now be worth $340,000. - , . - . . - v- ,
$1,000- invested in Goldfield Mohawk shares at first hands would
now be worth $680,000.
. $2,000 invested in Goldfield Mohawk shares at first hands would
now be worth $1,360,000. , , ,.
We mention the Mohawk because it is in the same district as
the Butte Boys Consolidated and for. the further reason that one of -the
operators declares that at the same stage of development our
showing is precisely as excellent as the Mohawk's was. He says
that our assays are the equal of the Mohawk's, and in some instances
a good deal better . ,' . ,
Our Stock Is Now Selling at 10 Cents Per Share
' How would you like to share" with us in a deal like this? W
art nnt nleadinfr with anvbodv to buv our stock. WV r r....t
offering it as an investment. Better get your share before the orice
nr t .t. n... n it t , , - ..
goes up. v e Deueve me cunc uuya win De aupucating tnese profits
within a year. We know of no reason why we should not.-
eassalsBtf aaaBsxaaaaxX a-f" a"! aBlissalii ,1!!!!
Aim net every asy tne omee ei-ine num
Boys (Vmaolldated Mining Company. Is besieged
wllb verbal aad mall inquiries concerning
properties Its exact location. Its ore body,
saesj vslnes, etc. Do voluminous here-these
become thst ws have found It Impossible to
separately reply to each, therefore thla circular
letter hi written for the purpose of Imparting
to all Inquirers such Information aa suggeats
Itaetf as of Imanrtsnre to Investors In ear
shares, or to those contemplating such Inveet
The Batte Boys Consoiiastea Mining lompsny
Is sn Orsgon corporation, organised under the
erecting mining Isws of this state: Is capital
ised at 8t.000.000. representing- l.ono.OOft shares
of Ite a rock of the per value of 11.00 per share,
these shares being bob -assessable. It owns flee
gold mining claims 1b the Ooldfleld, Nevada.'
mlntng dlatrlrt, each of flrh clslms eon t a In In f
twenty acres of land, oporf which there Is abeo
Intely no Indebtedness. The property waa se
cured from two brothers. 41ellanaa by name,
who while prospecting, dleeoeered the mineral
In inos, these being smong the earliest loca
tions In this sow extrsessantly wondsrfol min
ing eamp, the greateet gold -producing regies) of
the world. l"or three years the Callahans. with
eommeodahle tenacity, clung to tbelr discoveries,
refnalng sll offers, bowerer ettrsctlvo, to sell,
notwithstanding themselves, for lack of mesne,
helng nnsnle to develop their clalma or do more
than the minlred seeeaament Improvements. The
rentlemea vlgoroualy declared thst, ' "We have
fonnd what we bars been prospecting for for
years, snd Will" " dispose of onr find thst
ethers may he enriched and we go out with
. f.w thousand dollsrs to eeerch , lor other
riches. V.e see not deceived In this rock. It
Is gold bearing sad of extreme valoe. We feel
that we here come to the parting of the ways
hetweea porerty and wealth, and we will bod
on to thsae clalma till the crsek of doom before
we will sell them for less than a fortune that
will maintain and support as the rest of our
"7fteB snd oftea were the stnhhora miners
approached by men of all kinds snd characters
.easing to become peaaieaeed of tbelr holdings.,
hnl Just as often were ths gatee of' weralilp
-msed sgslnat them. Never were they found
in either a traillns or selling rimed.
Avmt three T" mmr, m .... " - -Initio
trn of rrtlaml. Oreron. and friend ef
rr.l nf t". e"r In t1 iln--torate of the
lat i. ......eted ii ,uin toiuiiany, be lug
smong those smitten with the Ooldfleld fever,
haetened to that ramp, where he ever since has
been. Home moaths since Mr. Boos, who le bow
with the Mohawk people, msde the aeanalntanee
of the Catlslisns, and sutyestsd the sdrlssbllltv
of Incorporating a company for the purpose of
developing the clslms. Informing them, st the
earns time, thst bo felt euro bo con Id Interest
some of his Portland trtenda bt the project.
The proepectora were assured thst the Portland
people were bnalneae mea ef exceptional Integ
rity, aad nniler m rlreutnatsncee would en
deavor to take adrsntseo of the prospectors,
here ass they were without fun da and compara
tively anable to com hat assoclsted espltsl if It
should be arrayed against them. The result ef
repeated conferences of this nature convinced
the Callahan brothers that Mr. Bone waa honest
In bis adrlce, and he wes Instructed to bring
the organisation about la bis owa way, so long
ss ths rlahta of the owners ef the elalms were
esfegnsrded. CorreanoBdencs with Portland was
then begun, snd within a few 'months The Batte
Boys Consolidated Mining Company was aa
orgaanjed corporation, officered ss follows:
President I)r. M. O. McOorkle.
. V Ire-President and Manafer-Oeo. W. Bever.
, rVcretarrr. w. McKerhnle.
Treasurer a. W. Lambert. '
M rectors Dr. hf. O. McOorkle. Oeo. W.
Bever, t. W. Mrsiechnle. A. W. Lambert, O.
w. Weathorly, D. W. rslrclongb aad Cbarlee
' Immediately upon their organisation these
gentlemen est the machinery of the company n
motion, thslr first official act being a unani
mous vote thst "No officer of this oompsnv
shall receive sny roapenssttoa for his services,''
snd the Best thing wss to asaeae themeeleea
f funds Beceesary to begin and carry oa the
enterprise. To protect the Csllahans they were
awarded STS.Ono worth of aharea for relinquish
ment of thslr rights which they etreunooaly
declined to sell tor caah. aad the atock of tle
concern wss then put apoa the msrkst for the
purpose nf securing Blotter reqntatte fog pro
curing the necessary ajaoaratus Bad material
tor development of the properties. Beonoml-sl
pnhlldty waa resorted to, the pshlle" Inatantly
became Interested, eharee were sold to frtemls
of the era mixers snd others with a heartiness
thst st once provided shusdsnt means for ths
Inauguration of the work, snd Msnaa-er Beeer
waa dlapatrhed to Ooldfleld With inatrnctlone
to eonal.ter time the eaeence of Importance, and
to get the sicks, drills and aborsla la satUa
with the tesst possible daisy. On March 8 the
manager boarded a train In Portland, and at
midnight of March 8 had reached hla destina
tion. Ob March 8 ho visited and Inspected the
work already done on the abaft being sunk, and
before retiring thst nlrht hsd let to the Messrs.
Csllshsns tne contract for Ite continuation ra
a depth of soother loo feet, with the ascasssry
crosecnts to all directions. Mstertel and ap-
Ellsncee were produced within the next 4
ours, other snea were takes Into the proposi
tion and became owners of stork so thst they
might be free from the labor troubles then
sppsrentlr coming Into life, and since thst
date work has been prosecuted dsy and Bight.
Trouble of the worklngmea have, therefore,
no part la the development of these claims,
becsuas Sack workman Is a part owner of the
property oa which be works, and Is therefore
not within ths Juried let loo of the miners' or
gsnlsstloa. Bvery ehsrebolder la, of coarse, a
psrt proprietor of the mines, and the anion
orgsalsstlons do not pretend to prohibit a ,xean
from working for hlmaelf.
Interested and thnnghtfnl ones, espeeially pee
sons st sll acquainted with mining, will ander
tend thst we cannot yet tell the full extant
of our ore bodies. ' This can only be discovered
by development, , bat Judging ear mlnee by
oehera of the district, we bare rock enough en
thle 100 acres to keep our miners busy for fifty
year. BnouIB f already known to justify ths
prediction that within six months the stream
of money now flowing from Portia ad to Oold
fleld will be running the other wsy, and that
our stockholders will then be concerned only
la "How mnch will bo my stasre next month.'"
Ooldfleld produced $40,000,000 of gold last
year. Not a penny was taken from Its fertile
rex loos four years ajro. Judge J. W. Deea,
thsa whose there Is sot s better )odge of mlnee
aad minerals la the Cntted Statea. he having
spent nearly thirty yeera among the gold bills
snd vslhtys of the Rocky Mountain regloa,
writes la the Ooldfleld Newat
"My experience la camps for almost thirty
yeera gives mo no basis of eonrparleoa with
Ooldfleld. There le nothing like eoldfleld.
There never hss been. Thle Is the simplest
mining proposition la the world, vis: RsgsrrV
leas of every thing, on the surface, sink yoer
shaft and then crosscut. This cannot bo eeld
of any ether regloa so far discovered apoa the
"The area, within which Ooldfleld ltea. la
the largest porphyry belly between Virginia
City and Bullfrog, sad la at leest flfteea mllee
kng and about seres miles wide. It affords
room for aesrly S.S00 locations ef twenty acres
each, sny one of which msy eutdo the haaner
mine of the world, Ooldfleld's matchless Mo
hawk. Rhould mlnee awe Into being et the
aatonlahlng rate of ten producers a year. It
wonld take SAO rea re In get the ground devel
oped and proved, and If hnt a thousand mines
snould result, the employment ef thousands of
men per year would be assured for centuries."
- This statement Is aneqnieecal snd Is thst
OoMfleld Is a gold field la fact that anywhwe
beneath the anrface of the esrth ths foundation
of which Is solid mck, msy be fonnd gold la
abundance, a prediction so far verified la every
lostsnce where ansfts hare been snnk. Ia fsct
so grounded hi this belief tn the hearts of the
people thst not a claim la for aale In the Oold
fleld district, sad not a foot of ground remains
A see re of Botta Boye ore bare so honyed up
the hopes of friends of the msnsgement thst.
In almost svery Inatanco where buyers Onnl4
afford It, first pnrehseee have been Increased-
donhled, trebled, five times, ten times, twenty
times, firry times edded to. The Oarers 'ra
Ide Extraction company, IS Morrison street,
hss made aesrly sll Its aessys, and sot in a
single Instance have the ores proven berren.
Thle Is most remarkable and has not a Booster-
The Batte Boys Consolidated Mining Co,
i. . nrcomromATax) .
Officers and Directors ';'
Incorporated Under the Laws of Oregon
, ' ; Weatherly Building,
360 East Morrison Street, Cor. East Third,
Portland, Oregon Phpne East 773
DR. M, O, MeOORKLK. President . .Portland. Oregon
GBOROE W. BKVKR. Vlce-Prea. Mgr., Portland, Or.
J W. McKECHNlE. Becretary Portland, Oregon
A. W. LAMBERT, Treaaurer ....... ..Portland, Oregon
O. W. WEATHERt.T. Portland. Oregon
P. W FAIRCMMIOII..,.., Portland, Oregon
CHARLK3 MAUTZ , . . ....Portland. Oregon
rart la any ether mining eamp tn the world,
le eertelnly would be an optimist of the loft
iest typo who wonld slwsys expect results such
aa these. - a sample from the surface, bleckenod
by the storms of time, gsve aa assay of so
wards of 124 to the toa ef ore, and rock four
feet down came forward with Sn.2.. A sam
ple brouxht home by Mansger Bever, assayed
on Merck IS, yielded the splendid earn of
S2.SKI.1S to the tan.-' If this latter assay
ahould prevail thrmwhoat. the value of sharee
could not be eatlmated, but he or she owning
whst ronld now be hsd for M. need hare no
more financial wort lee so long as this life lee's.
At 10 to the toa onr mine wonld soon enrich
Its owners or so msny of them as possessed
front a quarter to hslf a thousand aharea. There
can bs Bo reasonable doubt of thle. end even
lees ressoa tn suspect thst ths Bntte Bore
Consolidated mines will ant none . be rated
among the moat liberal payers of the Ooldftold
region, though It has a neighbor eooipetlt.,
the Mohawk, that oa January 81 nf this year
tended at the Selby emelter. Sea rrsncksco, 'si
carloads. 4T tons, of ore. for which the emelter.
on February 8. paid that company the pre.ll
gloas sum ef lvr4.poA.fta! This, It will be
remembered, wss the net proceeds of thst small
shipment the sura left to the mine after smelt
lng cbercss hsd beea deducted. Again, the
Nancy Donaldson, a near by mine. Is so rich
that Its stork baa sll been takes up. Ite ores
snd shipments are constantly under the enper
etelon of ermed guards, snd the pnblhe Is re
fused all Informatloa In relation to Ita product.
"Where there le some gold there is snore
gold I" Is sn si lom thst bss been found true
tlMNiasnds apoa thousands of times. Thst the
dneens of rich mlnee of Ooldfleld here sot a
thousand duplicates, ta only bee a nee the thou
sands bsve not been developed ss the producers
bare. It Is the situation with aa. It ta es
with others who are bnay aa we are la eiplor
Ina the bowels of BMtthee esrth.
Our Inrstloa Is la the very heart ef the OoM
fleld dletrict. On sll sides see producing mines,
snd ours le not new a producer merely hecante
ths finders dllltfently snd stnhhornlr declined
to rellnonlah one Jt or little of property
to snrnoe who wmill not enont t!m In on Ha
swnerehlp. Hi.r.f.-e dcrch-ftnicril w.s nt pn
aned frtnn. i v 1'r iia r,.rni.cir .,r ."ir
friend, wo li., an.! ir., rf P'i '
8ra Stn.. f.,j ... I,. tt . I : if'
allflt W- It 'I .'.'. .. , -
against li V tii' i ' ;
ae were ethers.
to the
.J? "eereee aa singularly forfa.'
"was through hla that ws were "get ea" la
for the prospectors, aa wall ss foe the gentle
met, who originated thla compa.r. w. v
should bsve heard I ef the Batt. Boys. WlSout
LSlairj!. fJtoBhl " those whe V;
bsBded together to prosecute thla eaterpelse
!!rDWll',,0d. h"' n M stoekbolders of
Oonsolldsted Mining Oompenr.
and when the daya of dleldenda are here. tboe
so fortnnsto as to have tskss oar aeper at Ita
Inaugural vse. will hare rreeo. to klmtly
remember Mr. Boas snd ths ofrtrwrs aad dlree.
tore for baring provkled thle avenue of arrest.
' ame thiag onr share holders may rest -nred:
The Botto Bore Mining Company kt '
com posed of a body of high-minded el i teens who
hare beea trsnsscttng business with the beet
eesa eommsnlty of pnrtlssd. sewe of tlieej sll
their llres. and all for rears. Not one Is a
professional desler ta stocks of sny rhsrsctee. '
Not one ever entered m the prrmurfteei of silo,
hsg eg other shareholding gropes it tone. Beery
ewBer of oar stark will ssy. whea evner1eso
and time shall rlpea ear mntoal aenualaiaiK-s.
ahlp, that we bare gleea them a "sousre deal '
Tliey will ssy for aa (hat we nerer bars at
tempted chicanery or cedes eored to oo to
ethers that we would they enld not so to es.
The finmatoek Mine of Nevada netted lie
share noldcre tX1.(MO noo. Tket etste hss
rtcbed the treeanres of the world to the ex'.Mt
ef SLUM rmo.okt. o.,l.tieUI ! ycer ! i,1
ten.Ononilo to this san.mll H beter.r . , r.
the Bnlte rtors (Vmeoiidated e-n'fii-i'ir. tt
will no ejnf!aMr end Jneilr dlrt-'.d. 'i e r-- i.
tatloa of the o)pny never ;j m h--. , t
That will be of ns'r-r e. r t , i t
woman with whom we n -I,
(Inr S"- Is K"W t et I 1 r .
ahsre. V e cn-.-r f I
re..,. in at im. I. w
i. t.1 eiiHr.. t- r '
and ir- of I' -
rm fuit r 1