THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNING, MARCH 21. 1S37. 5f .1. f HB two wteki preceding the oIom I of Lent ere usually the . dulleat I 'of tha entire ewaaon, and this . Mr has not been an exception to tbs rule. Society la living In tha future, and tha post-Lenten season opening; with tha (rand opera promises to be brilliant. Tha Old Ladles homa will have Its " usual tea at the usual place, with the. usual brilliant gathering, Easter Mon day. The Flower Mission wilt give its . at-home the following Friday. Boveral , matrons are planning to entertain elab 1 t orately In the . first few weeks after j '' Easter. . ' - Of course, tha operatic season is tha .- largest thing looming up In the future. . 1 It will show some of the most brilliant assemblages of tha season, and already parties are now being arranged for . opera and supper. Many will attend all J three performances of the season, and 1 ; "it will be a gay two days. - Orders are I . pouring In from town and oat of town, ' ' and many prominent guests will be here, j thus occasioning some entertaining by their hostesses.- i '.' 7 ' ' !'' ?' i " Mrs. George Oerllnger and Mrs. Louts i Oerllnger, Jr., entertained , at - aras i -' Wednesday afternoon, at the Oerllnger v, home In Irvlngton, where tbey are stay ' Ina while Mr. and Mrs. Louis Oerllnger, Br., with. Mrs. D. D. Dalton and her . little son are , visiting la California. ' The- rooms were pretty In yellow and t"tgren'wttrrregoe grape, ferna. jonquils and daffodils In decoration. . The game ) was military whist and the prises silk i . flags of different nations. There were ( , eight tables and tha prises were won i " i r r......... u-a I n . I ' J Jir. IT . . VUII-UH. ill I W. UUIIUflllh y " Miss Harriet Kinney and Miss Elisabeth ; Sears.- Several friends cams in after cards for tea, . , - ; . The guests -f the-' afternoon were i Mra A. JS. Hockey. Mrs. Goodwin. Miss .. May Landers. Miss Henrietta Eliot, a. Charles Clarke, Mrs. 8tine,'M1ss Bar ; I. ker, Mrs. Henry McCraken, Mrs. i Er- . , nest ijsidisw, Mrs. wereit Ames. Mrs. ' Frank Wsrren. Jr, Mrs. Otis Wight. ! . ' Mrs. Hngh Laldlaw. Mrs. R. J. Clilpman, , Mrs. Frank B. Riley. Mrs. B. M. Lu f ders. Mra J. Feldenhelmer, Miss Luta 1 flhelby. Miss Lulle Hall, Mrs. John --- --- Keating, Mrs. . Mitchell, Miss Minnie v Bears. Mrs. W. W. Cotton. Miss Harriett . , Kinney. Mrs. Lloyd Went worth. Mrs. , Iouls H. Tarpley. Mrs. Millard C. Hoi- .brook.' Mrs. Dell Btuart, Mrs. K. J. "' r Labbe, Mrs. Frank Kerr. Mrs. Oeorge Haskell Marsh, Mrs. Ralph Wilbur. Miss Fanny Brown, Miss Hasel Went- ; worth, Mrs. George K. Wentworth, Miss , : Carlotta Parker and Miss Delia wat-oa- ; - ' . " v' -t-::.:L ' . -' - - '" 'j .' W r Tha Easter Monday tea of the ' Old Ladles home has become a preoedent In : society and preparations are wider way ', for the arrangements. Tha drawing room of tha Hobart-Curtls will again be the soene of tha tea- and: a number 7"," of prominent yoonger matrons with the : assistance of the young society girls are ..- - planning for tha booths, where will be ; sold homemade candles, punch and flow . era, and the tearoom. Soma pretty new ; ideas will be Introduced In tha schema a of deceratioa and it Is said that this r tea will be quite as pretty as last year's. . - which was so successful. Mrs. . F. J. .. Mann, president, will bead the receiving ' Una, with members of the board to as- slst her. This Is -one of the eldest snd most liberally patronised, of the charl j ties " of Portland and numbers many prominent matrons on Its board.- Mrs. , Warren E. Thomas will have charge of , j the music for the afternoon.- . ; ' AXi Interested in tha Old Laldes borne v ara Invited to attend. Tha receiving t . sours wilt oa rrom uil I o'clock. The , . society to planning to build a new homo In tha near future and It welcomes en couragement In Its efforts. , ,. , ;.. 1 The musical given by Mrs. Walter ,' Seed . Wednesday - afternoon at Eilers - renltsl hall, presenting Miss Alloa-Jus-ton, Mrs. Ethel .Lytle, Miss Kathleen . J J-aw!er and Mrs. Lola Dahl Miller, was V t the occasion for a fashionable audience. Mrs, Reed's musloales are always rather dressy affairs among tha younger alo ., ment, Mrs. Reed appeared In a black ' taffeta, gown With which she wore a - , toque ef pink roses. Miss Veda Reed assisted In ushering and was charming - tn muiurr otue eng. :. touched - with ; white, and a whits leghorn . trimmed , with pink rosea The soloists were handsomely gowned. Miss Juston In a nils green costume with garnitures of -j white lace and a large hat of the same . shade with white paradise feathers; i " Miss Lytle In a sage green silk made . . In jumper atyle with white blouse and ..a black hat with pink roses; Mra Miller ' In a handsome pale green costume of . rhlffon - cloth with white embroidered ' i. trimmings and a French bat in white ' and Dresden shades; Mlsa Lawler In ; a pretty , Jumper costume - of golden . brown, the shads of her hair, and a hat with plumes ts match. ' ' An Interesting -engagement i Is sn- 'nounced this week by Mr. and Mrs. , . Charles L. Mastlob whs make' puhllo . the bethrolha! of their daughter Miss Alia Tyler Mjatlck. to Thomas Norman 1 MscDonald I'atcrson. Tha wedding will , tke rlace sometime In . April. Miss z Masttck Is a charming Omega tin so ' , roflty girl, the oldest of four sisters rery rrfwilar among the young people. ' Mr. Tatsrson hne been Identified with rie of the Portland banks during Ms rear snd a half In Portland. He recent ly rame ever from Australia where his otne is. ' Tha engagement la tha out- onme. of-a romantla. meeting at tha beach last summer when alias Mastlca was In tha family collate at Sea View and Mr. Paterson waa visiting at Hon- orlu cottaga . v .'....'- ft ,' ,'' "'. Miss Marlon Jackson has ' been In Seattle this week, tha guest of Mrs. Carl Lewis (Miss Laura Jordan). Mrs. Lewis was one of the most popular of the younger set In Portlsnd before her marriage and her charming personality has won hejr a similar popularity In Seattle. v .' y ..,.' .. , Mr. and Mrs: Charlton rare a beau tiful dinner Tuesday evening In honor of Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Berry, who haVe bees their guests since they returned from Missouri a short time ago. ' Tha table waa covered with handsome Turk ish linen embroidered In yellow. Tha S Mrs. Richard Derby and. Her -Hostess, Mrg. James McCracken. centerpiece waa of daffodils with vlo. lets strewns over tha cloth. ' Bouquets of violets were tha favors fof ths wom en and boutonnieres of lllles-of-the-vallay for the- men. Tha place cards presented the same flowers. ' Besiaes Mr. and Mrs. Berry tha guests were Dr. and. Mrs. A. K. Rockey, Mr. and Mrs.- H. Bowers, Mrs. George Qatea and Riohard Holder, , : r 4 Mrs.' J. B. Llvtngston and Mrs. Leon C. Jameson were at home to about 71 of their friends on Thursday afternoon at, the beautiful new home of Mrs. Jameson on Portland Heights, Flvs hundred was played and prises were won by Mrs. W. L Northup, Mrs. E. R. Manning, Mra Wlnslow Bradford and Mrs. Ralph Dunlwsy. -. Ths house was beauuruiiy aeooraiea with Oregon grape and daffodils 'Which added a charming touch of spring and served aa a. oleasina background lor the beautiful spring gowns .and hats worn -by ths guests. ..-. - Out - of town guests were present from Astoria, . Balsm, Med ford. Seattle and The Dalles and during tha after noon telegrams of regrets war . re ceived from others. - i . ., V . Those : who remember tha charming production of "Tha Foresters" last June on Cedar Hill, the old oreen place, win be glad te learn that tha Association of Collegiate Alumnae Is to give another out-of-dnor production. The play will be "As Tou Like It," and will bo given tn June for tha benefit of tha scholar ship fund being established by the ss suolatlon. The members are rejoicing In the excellent record of Miss Jennie Lilly, their Indorsed scholar tha past year, . Every year they will support a gtrL who is chosen ny competitive ex amination, at the University ef Oregon. Their first representative has- "done herself and them so proud" that they are. most enthusiastic over their 'plan. '. The Portland Flower Mission Is ar ranging for an at home at the Irvlng ton club house to be given Friday, April I. for the benefit of the mission. Cards will be played but It will also be a tea for those who do not wish to play cards yet desire to help the cause. .Mrs. W. P.' Stnnott Is president of tha society snd Miss Louise DrlsooII vice president. The mission has done a great deal of commendable work anostenttouety sup plying ths beapltals snd charitable or ganisations often with flowora and fruit The day nursery for ths ears of chil dren vehlle their mothers are away from homo is a good work undertaken and supported by them. . . , .-. :.- -. ; --,.---., Mrs. C Xj. Hosve gave a dinner Fri day night In honor ef the twenty-first birthday of her son, Eugene Alexander Howe. The dining room was decorated In yellow and on the table were Jon qulla arranged with yellow ribbon and surrounded by green sprigs of fern. The guests were O. C Letter. J L. Trsvis. William MaoRae, Clark H. Will lama, Oeorge A. White, H. P. Thomas. Arthur A. Green and Dr. Charles A. Maerum. - '- ' "' - (.' w ' Mra Richard Derby 'who has been visiting her sister, Mra. James Mo Creken. junior the past three week a will return this week , to her home in San Francisco. Mrs. Derby has been a popular guest und she - was enter tained Informally at dinner and theatre by a number ef friends last west, .1 WW The Whist club met Friday with Mrs T. N. Llpman. The prises were won by Mrs. S. Julius Mayer, Mrs. Lullus L. Mayer, , Mrs. - Oustav Simon and Mrs. Ahpel. Much attention was paid to Mrs. Max Flelschnsr, who returned only a week- Mjia fromher 'long . eastern trip. and attended tha club for tha first time in months;" -r " : - v Tha patronesses for the Lucehesl fare well concert at tha Helllg. April 4, ara Mrs. R. R. Hoge. Mrs. A. E. Rookey. Mrs. J. C. Luckey. Mrs, Ixrols H. Tarp ley. Mra P. H. Carroll, Mrs. J Whyte Evans. Mra. W. Wyns Johnson, Mrs. C E. Curry,- Mrs. A. C. Evsna, Mrs. E. DeWltt Connell and Mrs. J. B. Ifont gomery, . . : ., ;.'.,' : VJV- Mr. and Mrs. Edward Ehrman were tha guests of tha I. N. Fleischnerg over Sunday at their Seaside home. Mr. Flelscaner left - hare Wednesday on a fishing trip and tha rest of tha party joined nun eaturaay. i Tba marriage of Miss Beatrice Hilt and Walter Oadsby will take place' at the bride's heme, 131 Twelfth etreet. the first week in ApriL They will go to California on their wedding trip of two months snd on their return will take apartments until their new home, which la being built. Is comploted. ..'?... Mrs. William Parsons and Miss Ethel Parsons who bavo been for some time with Dr. and Mra William House at Mount Tabor, -are now of (10 Northrup street. Colonel Parsons sails from Ma nila early in April and Will Join family In Portland. . ; ' -. . ''.V .- V ; The Cathedral young people will give a dance at Murlark hall Friday even ing, April I. The patronesses ere Mrs. J. P. O'Brien, Mrs. M. Wiley,- Mrs. F. J. A. Mayer, Mrs. M. W. Bailey. Mra . E, Leonard, Mrs. W. E. Prudhomma and Mrs. J. O'Connor. 1 . -. , ,1 v j -. " '.-'"I if The Association of Collegiate Alum nae la planning a large tea to be given in April for all college women In town. The elcra ef St. Helen's Hall, It Is understood, will be ths oen of the re ception and a large list of guests la be ing prepared. ," . . .. ... , -I: " n"i ' ; ' The Cathedral Aid society wlU give a concert Friday. April II, at Murlark hall for the benefit ef the new orphan age. The committee In charge consists of Mra. P. J. Cronln,' Mrs. Harry Irwin, Miss M. McKay and Mrs. J. E. Cronln. ;.'.:, - - Mrs. Bert Ball' entertained the Thurs day Bridge olub at her home, 41 Harri son street, on Friday afternoon. -Mrs. Bsll was affiliated with several of tha members In another club last year. .' . ..;' ' r Mr. and Mra David T. Bradford hf Taeoraa have sent out announcements of ths marriage of their daughter, Elisa beth M. Bradford, te Oeorge P. Doherty, Monday, March 1. . ' . y .. - v ,'- ; -.- .. V William H. Sherwood, the Chicago pianist, waa the guest of Mrs. Hnry O. Prudhomme, a former pupil, and Mra Ralph W. Hoyt during his suy In Port- - Mra ' Walter ' B. Honeyman was a guest at Paso Robles Hot Springs, Cali fornia, last week, as ware also Mrs.- U Vjiv and Miss Carrie May ef this city. 'it it Mrs. B. P. Graham will entertain the Portia club at ber heme. 741 Tillamook street, Tuesday afternoon. . . , . .". ' ' The Monday ' Bridge club mat last week with Mrs. C. J. Reed. - . -EVENTS OF THE WEEK.1 A 'a pleasant surrrlse party wss given Saturday evening, a week ago, in honor of . Frank Courtney at his home lit H Grant street. Tbe evening was spent with musls and games and refreshments were served at a lute hour. - Those pres ent were Mr. and Mra Frank Courtney, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Courtney, tie Misses Grace Hutton. ' Nellie- Carlson, Besets McNaratra, Nellie White, Elisa beth Fitchner. Muriel - Callback, Ethel McDulln. Delle - Joheneen,. . and . Alno Hsmmlla and E. B. CaUIn. G. F. Olden berg. Hall Coll a more, ' Herbert . , Mule, Oeorge Clarke, Clsytot Oreen, Ed Kllnk, Edwin Ooodrtoh, A. Nprman. .Francis Blsck and Will Blsck. . r'"" - : it - it-.- . On" Monday evenlns the W girls celebrated their eeoond ' annlvsrsary :.'':.-.VL?;r-:',,-:V-;i... ,AY with a St Patriok'a .day party at tha home of Miss Delia Nealond. 73S Kant Ankeny street - The parlors were dec orated In green and white, the large reception hall . being particularly at tractive In blue and white, the club's colors. The unique game of Irish whist was playrd, prises being won by Ed Mansfield and L. F. Buck. Thoae present were Mlsa Rachael Halllngby. Misses Msmle snd Jennie Newton. Miss Delia Nealond. Mlsa Edith Knox. Miss Tot Tegeact. Mlsa Mabel Strahan, Miss Nora Turner. Mlsa Eva Q raves. Miss Oca Price, Frank Catlow, Ed Manaftsld, I F. Buck. Walter An derson, F. G. Thompson, Will Ttaamer, L. F.' Schueie, Duke Routledge and Kirk Sheldon. - w . ' Mra B. A. Cathay entertained tha Corvallls Afternoon Reading club at her home Tuesday afternoon, in a pleasant mannen There was a program followed by light refreshments. . Tes terday afternoon Mra Cathey si So en tertained the Foreign Missionary so. clety of the First Methodist church, several members from Albany and 6flfey invitet gueets' b9ing'pffeeent Mra J. B. Horner who last summer vlef-d the fsr east gave a .talk on the Wo men of Pslestlne tnst was very enter taining and Instructive and which was inure, annreciated bv the larse company . , . - - - . present .-v a - 1 - " w The East anil Wist Side Shakespeare club met with Mra J. O. Hare. 174 Caruthers street, last Wednesday af ternoon. Mra. La Barr. Instructor of the class, read comments from differ ent writers on the plsy "Julius Cae sar."" after whtch lt-wsa- dloeussed. by ithe-tnembrs. Mlsa Celeata. Dygert sang "Hark. Hark the Lark." and ."wno Is Sylvia" (Schubert), words by Shakes peare. Responding to an encore she save "When Song was Sweet" (Sans Souci). Mrs. F. W. Graves will en tertain the club Monday afternoon at the Oolt Link, station. . , - w w . '. . . A large number of friends gathered at the residence of Mrs. A. SL, Johnson on Lovejoy. street last evening and cele brated her thirty-first birthday. Al though a surprise, the hostess proved herself equal to the occasion and the evening passed pleasantly with games snd music, after which dainty refresh ments were served. Those present were Captain and Mra Sass, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Wolfe. Mr. and Mra A. jonnson. air. and Mrs. Robinson. Miss Lovegreiv John Smith. Miss M. Lee, H. Besumlnt, Miss N. Thompson and others. ' ' -,-.. v " -' - There wsS a very pier seat gathering st the home of Mr. end Mra Ira Dod son at Troutdale. Oregon, on Thursday, the occasion beln- Mr. Dodson'a eigh tieth birthday. , , . Many beautiful gift were received by Mr. Dodson. Telegrams and letters of eonsTstulatlon were read from mem bers of tha family that were unable to be present. , r ' ' . ' ' '' Those present were Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Evans. Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Graves and Mr. and Mrs. 3. C Hare., .. " The'Rebekab lodge members of Cor vail Is gavs a social and banquet at their hall Wednesday evening In honor of Mrs. Galloway 6f McMlnnvllle, state vice president of the Rebefcan essem bly. -who paid a fraternal, visit te the local lodge and held the annual dis trict convention In Corvallls Wednes day afternoon and evening. , , v . . it, it . . '.-'V The current tonics department of the Woman's club waa entertained Monday bv Mrs. B S. Pague. The leading papers of the afternoon were riven by Mra EB wsTdn Jaegerand Mr Art hoe C Newlll. Tomorrow Mra O. Kleeman of ITS Belmont street will be the hostess. j Secretary Roberts of the Oregon Ag ricultural college T. M. C A- wae ten dered a surprise party by Cauthorn hall boys Wednesday evening. . The affair was very pleasant Mrs. Frederlo Berchtold was chaperons for the party of Alpha hall "young ladles : whq were guesta , . .'''". :, v- v '-i. 1 WEDDINGS. On Tuesday morning a pretty wor ding took place at - the borne - of the bride's grand-psrents, Mr. and Mra H. H. Kirk, of Halaey. Oregon, where the marriage of Mlsa Lura B. Wilson and Claud H. Davidson was celebrated In the presence of about 16 - relatives . and friends. Promptly at 10 rat o'clock, to the strains of ths Lohengrin march, played by Mrs. Clarke, ths bridal pair entered the front parlor, preceded, by little Opal McCully as flower girl, and took their places behind an altar of flowers and ferns. The ceremony was performed by Rev. George Clarke of the M. E. church. : The bride waa daint ily gowned In allover lacs and silk and, carried a shower-bouquet of white hyacinths- An , elaborate dinner-was served In ths dlitlng-room Immediately after the ceremony. - --:-:'-rr-rv Tbe following guests were present: Mr. snd Mra H. H. Kirk. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kirk. Mr. and Mra W. R. Kirk. MrV and Mrs. Charles Kirk, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Qulllford, Mr. and Mra Oren Frum, Rev. and Mrs. : George Clarke, Mr. and Mrs. I. N. Van Winkle, Mrs. Sarah Davidson, Mrs. R. E. Clem, Mrs. M. E Jordan, Mr. and Mra Thomas Brandon, Mr, and Mra L O. McCully, Mr. and Mrs., John Hammond, Mr. and Mra D. 8. McWUliama. ths Misses Beulah Miller, Nolle Jester, Llssls Cum mlngs, Ella Wilson snd Addle Davidson and Willis Kirk and R. A. McCully. , Mr. and Mra. Davidson left on ths afternoon train for a week's visit In Portland. . . . . , '-rit ; A pretty wedding took place at the home of Mr. and Mra' T. J. Short, at 179 Garfield avenue, Sunday evening, when Miss Msrlln Short and Alva Boyd were married. . The bride . and ' bride groom entered to- the strains ' of ths "Lohengrin Brlday Hymn," played by Mlsa Bessie Brledwell. The marriage service wss read by Rev. F. E. Robin son of the Rodney Avenue - Christian church. ' '' '" :.' ' 1 .The bride wore a beautiful gown of white chiffon batiste with ape naiad net yoke snd carried a bouquet of white rosea tied with white satin ribbon. ' Im mediately after the ceremony the guests were ushered to ths dining-room, where refreshments were served from a table decorated with carnations and ferns. - Thoae present were Mr; and Mrs. Wil liam Sears and Leona and Pauline Sears, Mr. snd Mrs. Will Roark, Mr. and Mra Emanuel Sears, Mrs.- , N. ' Boss. Miss Reba Fotb, Mrs. Mary Denny. ' Miss Ruby-Boss, Rev.. Elmo Robinson. Miss Besets Brledwell, Miss Msy Sears and Loren Seara . 4 Those present from out of the city were Mr. and Mra Roark of Worthing ton, Indlsna; Mrs. Mary Denny of Bed ford. Indiana, and Miss Melcle Short of St. Joseph, Missouri, sister of the bride. Mr. Boyd waa formerly from Bedford, Indiana, and the bride Is from St Jo seph, Missouri. . - w Miss Carrie Luclle Baker was mar ried .to Freedom C. Stack pole Wednes day evening. The pretty wedding waa witnessed by a hundred guests at the home of the 'bridegroom's sister, Mra A. Thurlow, 440 Third street. Ths ceremony was performed ty Dr. Clsrenoe True Wilson of ths Grace M. E. church. Just before ths entrance of the bridal party. Miss Stella Garner sang "When Song It Sweat" As the strains 1 ef I Beautiful Select your , Easter Waist here . Our showing can't be duplicated the coast and our prices are considerably under the average.-;----rrr; Fine white Lawn Waists, in a wide ' range of. dainty Styrcs, lace and ! embroidery trimmed; values in this lot up ' to $1.65. : Choice, "each . ........ .... Swell Persian Lawn Waists, with ; beautiful embroidered front, set with fine laces, three-quarter sleeves and regular $6.00 quali ties. Choice, each ..'.....? 3.88 SAMPLE WAISTS We have just received manufacturer's sample line V of high-grade whit Waists, ranging In price from $1.50 to $6.00. We've marked them' to sell at just about half the regular price, f Dozens of , . 'pretty'new styles and no two alike. , See 'these. 7.'T'Tt7V:' 'X i DressS Qoodis and Silks for. Easter Our Easter display of fine Imported Novelties awaits your-inspection. . You'll find all the wanted -, tl L A .Ml U - I I i .L. 1 -m -.1 .... ', -. . 'Weaves anu colors acre ana juun w buiiiissu si iuc iuwucbi v vui 44-inch Tsffteta Cloth, clain col ors, complete line. .... fl.OO 44-inch Panama Goth, complete line of plain colors. . ... 90J 44-inch Poplin, swell ran-e of 1" new shades, 4 yard... .f l.OO 44-inch . Novita,. beautiful new fabric, plain colors, yd... 8B 48-inch-Grisaille Toile, a com plete line of shades, yd.f 1-2 3 NKW FANCY SILKS A rnmnlete line of all the newest novelties. quality at 60e, 764, 85, fl.OO and 1.25. Complete line of the popular , black and white and gray and white checks in either siUsv Of wool goods., Sample on request. ' '? ' 1 GREAT EASTER SALB OP FINE 19-Button Silk Cloves $1.19 Fr Black, white IxbenTln's wedding merch were heard the brldeg-room entered with the best roan, Ara McLaughlin. Next came the bridesmaid, -Miss Eva. Volluni dslnt llr dressed , in blue silk organdy. 1 She carried a large bouquet of white car. nation The bride appeared beautifully gowned In cream silk crepe, carrying a large bouquet of Bride rosea. The bridal party stood beneath a ' large canopy of Oregon grape. White stream ers hung from the canopy forming an immense bell. The parlors and dining room were artistically deoorated with white streamers and lilies of the valley, and ths reception hall glowed In red and green. Dainty refreshments were served. When the bride's cake was cut Prof. H. C Thome received , the thimble. R. R. Bearle the good luck nickel and Miss . Frances Powell the ring. The bride's bouquet wss caught by-Miss Mary Powell. Mr. and Mra Btackpole .will be at " , ' ixsTxx ' -: and remember the next time you suffer from pain caused by damp weather when your heai. nearly hurats from neu ralala try Ballard's Snow Llnlmeot It will 'cure you. A prominent bualnevt man of Hempateed. Teias, writes: "I have used your liniment. Previous te using it I was a great sufferer from Hheucnatlam snd Neuralgia. , I am r leased to say that now I am free from hese complaints. I am sure I owe this to your, liniment," ; Bold by all drug gists, w 1 1 TIe Store) Notrd for llest Goods at Lowest : Sample Line .-a. to Tailored Suits Special. Prices Women's high-rrde Tailored Suit, in the popular new gray, in stripes, checks, plaidt and plain colors, in a wide range of new style effects. Every garment perfect in fit and finish; but there's only one of a kind. , We've reduced the prices on these splendid suits to just about the cost of production. Come in tornorraw-ind- hrrr atooarrherrrrlairTjfderr filled promptly. , . V . Misses' Suits 312.SO Misses' Tailored Suits, in stripes, and checks; box jacket lined with best quality satin and trimmed with fancy buttons and (traps; plaited skirt; sizes It to 20; $16.50 values. ,fi , . ;. INew Short Coats $4.95 Women's and Misses new 27-inch Box Coats; velvet collar and fancy buttons: come in stripes, checks and plaids and in all values; investigate. Silk Raincoats 312.SO Best quality rubberized Silk Raincoats, in blue, gar net, slate and green; large fancy buttons on pockets, cuffs and down front; full length and a splendid $18.00 grade. .:- , - Women's Panama Dress Skirts, in black, navy and brown; full plaited styles and the best $7.50 Skirt in the city; medium weight and, strictly man tailored. Easter Waists w Beautiful white Lawn Waists, lace '. 1 or embroidery; trimmed with " rows of fine tucks; 30 different . styles to choose from; values tow, - $2Sa Choice .........,1.5 White wash Silk Waists, openwork embroidered front, three-quarter ' - sleeve snd in several mw styles; - our regular $4.00 grade. Choice. each 3.15 Easter Sale of Undermuslins When oif buy yournDrnermunnirBre made under healthful conditioni and Jtot Corset Cover, made'of finest nain-' : ' sook, with deep yoke of VaL lace . or embroidery: several styles and . all are v regular , $1.50. .values. Choice .;. T Tine Cambrie Skirt,' deep' kne2 ' flounce,' trimmed with lace and rows of fine tucks, dust ruffle; regular $3.00 value. .Special. each ...... .M. NEW NOVELTIES New Easter Novelties in Silk Scarfs, Veils, Neck wear, Fancy Hosiery, Men's Neckwear, Parasols, Gloves, Pursues, Belts, . Handkerchiefs, etc.. 7 Table Linen Sets at special prices. All Cloths .and Napkins hemmed free Of chargv if bought before Wednesday noon. 50-inch Epingle Suitings, all new . shades; special, yard.f.a-ow 38-inch Nuns Veiling, complete line new shades, yard.... 80 44-inch Gray Mixture, stylish and splendid values, yd. .85$ 48-inch Toils Melange, a new ' and popular fabric. yd..81.2S 43-inch Costume Toile, braati . ful soft fabric, a yard..flBO CORNER THIRD AND MORRISON STREETS. home to their friends after April at 1J7 East TamhIU street. .- 1 it .- :'",! . A pretty borne wedding took plaee st 440 Third street Wednesday evening when Miss Carrie I Baker and Free dom C. Stackpole were married by fr. Clarence True Wilson. The decorations at the home were beautiful and a good program of musle waa enjoyed before the ceremony by the large company of friends. A suppen-f ollowed the cere mony. Mr. and Mrs. Btackpole will re side st 127 East Tsmhlll street ; w w Miss Elmna E. Fry snd Ts 0L."flees were quietly married by Dr. A. A. Mor rison of Trinity church Tuesday morn ing. They have gone to California on their wedding trip end win return In a few weeke - te make their home tn Portland. . . . ' WW .11 Miss drees B..Kincald and Xeght B. Ellsworth were married Sunday, March 10. by Rev. Clarence True Wil son at the Grace Methodist parsonage In the presence of a few friends. , ,ww- . Miss Fsnnle M. ,Rea and Clay XX Burch of Vsnnouver. Washington, were married at SOI Eleventh street, by Dr. J. Whiteomb Brougher. i . . The marriage of Mlsa Bernlce Tfl. Oliver and Chsrles U Tostevin ' took place st IB North Eighteenth street Tuesday, March 11. Dr. Clarence True Prices." . 11 sixes; thtse are regular f7.S0 on .you're sure ofgettlnOarments the Ordinary kinds. Fine Cambric' Skirt, deep flounce, trimmed with embroidery tuck ,' and laces, dust ruffle: yalncs in I this lot to $175-Special.. 129 Cambric Gowns," longa or short sleeves, high or low neck," em-. ?: broidery, - lace and ribbon ; trimmed, four different styles; regular $1.75 raluea. Choice, t each . . .... ...... . .. .... .81.29 44-inch Black Mundo, medium . weight, special, a yard.fl.OOv 44-inch 'Black ' Langadia.' new - and very stylish, a yd.. 8 l.Oa aO-inch Black Epingle, besutifut (' 'finish, a yard .f 1.43 44-inch Black Gudilla, liirht weight, special, a yard... t3 52-inch blue Black Irvine Voile, splendid value, yd..,.. Cream Nuns' Veiling in extra TABLE LINENS Vy', Beit Kid Gloves $I.0Q Pr All shades Wilson officiating. A number of frlenoTTl snd relstlves attended the pretty cere- mony. ,-,. , 1 '; , t , - V ' .',: : . "; Miss Franoes Pallea ef St. Johns snd C. E.- Mlnslnger were married by Dr. I. W. Brougher. Sunday In the reception room at the White Temple. t . ( , ' '. s"i . Mlsa Alios Datiuerger'and Vaughn D. Croeky were married by Dr. C T. Wil son Isst Monday.- . r - . ..:,-.. .. .? t V,:':.. . ..'....;..' A pretty welding was eel eh rated Wednesday at the home ef the bride's (Continued en Page Fifty -eight) IT'S CTlBlArra TO fflJILDiw ; no: ; ' ." 1' : f '.''; i , QUIT . RAMNO RICNT! cntArrn to nun C CITY PARK A1