The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, March 24, 1907, SECTION FOUR, Image 43

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    'OMAN'S "orowniBB giory."
which should be . her greatest
; 1 i .'.-. . souro of anxiety, n juuew
' from the number of letters 1 receive
.daily asking for -help' In- aoms specific
i disorder, the majority of women hava
more or lew trouble with their hair. '
This la. of course, due to varied
'mum nrhrr1"1- living, a rundown
system, . nervous strain, ovi worry, or
even, I'm sorry to aay. to carelessness
' to-hablta of parsonal . cleanliness.
. But It la not so much eausca with which
we are to deal today aa with eurea.
' Thar la no reason why a woman
whose hair la falling badly, who Is
. troubled with dandruff; whose locks.
; hare beeome endy, short and" split, are
too harsh and dry or suffer from that,
even more unpleasant condition, undue
OlUnosst who la. Indeed, aBiloted with
amy of the annoying Ills which can and
, do affect the healthy growth of the
hair, should straightway resign herself
L' to the unpleasant alternative, of bald
! 'seas or scratch.;: '
Xhere la a remedy for almost every
hair disorder. If taken In time, and the
thing to do is te find and apply that
. .remedy aa soon as possible. Every wo
,'man la. ef course, anxious to keep her
hair glossy, . thick and of it natural
color; but.'; unfortunately, few women
'know the proper way to do aoy :-r it-i.
Despite the reams of advice that are
' vow printed on the oar of the hair. It
Via surprising how vague la the know)
edge- possessed by the average person
-on the ubJeot. When suddenly awak
sned to the fact that their hair la not-
what R once was. most women try the
first nostrum prescribed by some well-
; meaning but lll-advlsed friend Often It
is the worst thing they could do. and
tut hastens the fata they are seeking
to avert. ,' . "V ';' ',;.,'
' - No one has yet discovered the univer
sal panacea for hair Ilia. Special dis
orders require special treatment, which,'
If possible.-: should be professional.
. There la little use In denying that It la
beat, j to ' have ... one's hair regu-
' larly treated by a skilled hairdresser -
" who has mad a sclenUflc study of her -'
profession. Results wUl undoubtedly be
' quicker and gained with much less wear
. and tear on one's own time, strength
and .temper.
But this Is Impossible to the vast ma
jority of women. Sometimes It la a,
question of money; often, especially in
i atnoil towns, there la no hair apoclaltst
' on whom one can rely. , Remember, a
wrong treatment of the hair Is often
worse than none.
Today I am going to atmp.,
thoroughly pracUcal talk on keeping the
hair to good condition under ordinary
circumstance. The directions are such .
! that any woman can follow them who
ha wilt to do so. After all. that Is .
' the chief trouble with home treatments
they are spasmodic. It does no good
1 to vlgorouaiy follow- rules for a week
t or two and then retire from the light
oa falling locks because too lasy to de
vote the small amount of time dally
that la necessary to win.
Naturally, If the reason for poor hair
ea ha traced to the various physical
" ousts' I have mentioned, they should
first be corrected under the care of
. ana's physician 'or by the practice of
common sense. But for general condi
tions the following advice, carefully and
. regularly followed, cannot fall to ben
efit, r . '.
. w. hear much of manage these days,
of It active tonlo effect on the hair
roots and oella by Increasing the flow
of blood through the scalp. But how
many women know the massage move
msnU that, will most quickly bring re
sult T : ; ; '' ;f,- -"j : , - ' , 1 : , 'J.
Than, again, la general way, we
appreciate . the " necessity . for perfeet
eleaallness of the scalp, but fad to at
tain It through Ignorance of the proper
. methods. ; --; -' ' ' ' ' 'i
'The Arst thing a woman who Is an-
.lous about her hair should do Is to give
It a thorough shampoo. This should be
repeated at least once a month. It can
be easily and well done by ana's self
unless the hair is Very heavy.
- First, loosen all the dead skin on the
scalp with a brush or comb, .and re
move all tangles. Then rub In a good
purs shampoo. Any of those so often
given la thess columns will be effective.
Choose on suited to 1 your peculiar
needs. . v . '
Aa excellent shampoo Is to beat up
two eggs with a tablespoon! ul of hot
water, and rub It thoroughly Into the
scalp. If possible, let It remain a half
; hour before removing. The chief pre
caution that must be taken la to rinse
- with lukewarm wster until all the egg
Is out of the hair. Iter, rinse with
WVer as hot ss you can stand, gradu-
fT 1
ally ooollng tni the water la perfectly
cold. -Do not apply the cold water too
quickly, or congestion may result. A
- sprayer attached to a faucet where the
water can be tampered la the best pos
sible means of rinsing. '
ro drying, twist the long hair rather
tightly to get out the surplus water.
Then work on the scalp with a towel.
When that la thoroughly dry, the long
hair Usually has taken care of Itself.
When halt dry, brush the hair; comb
ing first add to the tangles. Later, part '
In strands and comb. ' Contrary to the
usual belief, drying the hair la the air
and sun makss It dry and stand out.
and will not give a soft look.. On the
other band, ' drying by. means of artt-
. flclal heat la a most pernicious practice.
After .the ' hair is shampooed many
women like to rub in a little tonlo ao-"
ccrdlng to the directions given later. If
the hair la dry a little sweet oil can be
rubbed in. This Is better than vaseline,
too much of which smother the roots.
. While the hair, undoubtedly stsys up"
- better If waved after shampooing. It la
- not well to use hot irons. A very pretty
natural-looking wave ean be given by
putting in the sids combs or a pompa-
. dour comb, while the hair Is still damp, .
- and. pressing it forward. One can also
use the stick wavers or plait the hair '
1a small strands. ;
If ths hair la falling 'badly or has
' dandruff, a daily massage of the scalp
. and treatment with' tonlo Is Important.
If the hair Is In a very bsd condition,
" this can even be done twice a day. Or
. dlnarlly It is sufficient to spply tonlo
' twice a. Week. ...
- V-;. xABaAQZ.tiuvr. ' C
.Ths scalp, however, should bs raas
. saged daily.- A tight scalp Is the secret
of half the falling hair, and the aha
a should be to loosen It. This Is partlou-
larly necessary after a fever, when It
frequently becomes hide-bound. " The
movements given cannot fall to have the"
desired loosening effect. . j i
The first thing to do for the dally
treatment of the hair Is to ventilate'.
It thoroughly. .Shake It up well and
" loosen the ends to give air, as some-;
' times hair gains an unpleasant odor '
. from too close confinement. ' .
As the tonlo must never be applied .
without first exciting the scalp to opea
the pores, loosen the dead skin with a
comb and then brush thoroughly . to
loosen the : dandruff and ' remove the
. dust. '-'. . : ."''
Aa excellent brush for the purpose Is .,
a little shampoo brush about four Inches ,
long and twa Inches wide. These cost '
from 76 cents to ft. 00, and are equally '
" as efficacious as . the much-vaunted
" brush with English bristles, which are
very expensive,
- If the hair Is vary thick, part It and'
; brush to each side, beginning at the
' top of the head and going down to the
'bottom of the hair. Rubbing- the brush '
'; into ths scalp helps to excite It.
.. If ths hair la oily, take a towel and
. rub the scalp Just as aftsr shampooing.
. By ths way, this tonlo treatment Is ex
cellent for oily conditions, Jf rubbed la
' thoroughly; In extreme esses, powder
, can be used occasionally. ; but It, dogs
'. the pores. ;, - , :. , . ' .
, With a dry scalp, aevsr use. a tenia
. with much alcohol In It It Is easy to '
tell a dry condition by ths presence of
denoVskln or dandruff. ".
' Before putting on the tonlo, mas
saga the scalp with thess movements: ,
Placing the four Angers and thumb ef
sack hand abovs the ears, work up (o
ths crown of the hesd in a rotary .i press-'
, Ing motion. Then, putting ths right
hand on the temple and the left at the
nape ef the neck in the same position. .
again work up to ths crown, until
'I V, -;
i , - VI - . I J. . .... V 'MfM VI
' ' '
GJjncf ft) pr-
vote ahc-ufo
t h
every particle of the scalp has been ,
gone over.' "." ' -' .'
, Next put the thumb and first finger '
f the light hand oa the temples, and '
ths five fingers of ths left hand at the -nap
of the neck or the crown of the "
head, and move the whole scalp front
and back. Then put ths thumb and first
finger to each side, at the crown of the
head, and move the scalp from side to
side. - These two movements are un- .
rivaled for loosening the tissues from
the bone.' '
If the scalp,' when rubbed, does hot .
glow and get red. It la a sign of poor
circulation. To correct this, put the
thumbs under ths chin and three fin
gers oa ths lymphatic glands' and rub
In a circular motion, either front or
back, to smpty ths blood through the
glands To refill, place three fingers
Juat below the temple on each side of
th y sockets and work with a ro- .
tary movement '
Now apply the tonlo. . This can be
most economically dona by parting the
. hair and using a toothbrush to get Into
the scalp. It can also be put on with a '
medicine dropper or with a small ma
chine oil can. Car must be taken' with
the latter that there la nothing In the
tonlo to sot on the tin. Rub In thorough- -ly,
and remember th tonlo is for ths
scalp, not the hair. y-
Rub with ths rotary massaga move- '
ments until thoroughly dry. 1 Always be
careful not to exert too much press ore '
abova the ear, .
, S if .... '
v i
..4 ... " :
" T
At the last, ths use of the electric ,
brush for a short treatment la very
henefloIaL .These brushes, when they '
are to be used by one's self, must have
the negative and positive poles contain
ed within the brush Itself, as one nat-.
uraliy cannot hold a lode in on hand, '
aa la th picture. They are oompara- .
tively inexpensive. Th battery last
several months, and can b recharged -
. tor to cents. This brush should be used
only about five minute at a time. and ..
, but once or twice a week. , ,
Though this tonlo treatment sounds '
complicated. It can easily be managed '.
In the space of twenty minutes. -
Surely every woman la willing to de-'.
vote that much . time now that she
knows 'how to gain ths glossy. ' shim-
, meting, well-kept hair that adda so '
much to her appearance. Besides, such
car ia the best possible way to avoid
the unwelcome gray hairs.
Cure for Blushing
Btnehlnt is due te servoueneaa, la it -"
not f If eo, eaa I sot set rid of kluahlas -by
nret sottln rid of aervouaaeoef
Now, what I want you to do for me Is
te tell me how I caa everoeme this serv
euanoaa Are there not eom rulee yea
eaa slve me te follow eech day. r some
exercteee to se .tareusa that will help .
Surely yea have had ether eerreenend
ent en thla eame subject and have help- ..
ed them, and sew won't rea pleaoe balp
met . A FRIEND. .
' X am afraid that my advice will b
ef lltU bU to you, Blushing, as yoit
say, comes often from nervousness, and
no medio! ne or txercire will cur that.
It Is, however, more frequently due to
self -consciousness, and ' In this case
' you must school yourself, to s forgetful
of your own personality.'' When yeu
are in th presence of others, think only
ef them, or of some absorbing topic
Remember that every one In the room ia
not thinking of you, and that your
blushes alone make you 'conspicuous.
Even if some one speaks to you, nothing
extraordinary is hsppenlng. See aa
much of .other people aa you ean, and
in time you will overcome your tent
dency Blushing ie attractive In a young.
gtaV but In aa older woman It grows .
wearing. Don't think so much about it;
forget yourself. Tost is all there is
tO It. . 1 ' . '
Fot Dry Hair and Dandruff,
Can yea tell me of a dreealaa that '
will help dry my hair t It waa black,
bat la now very era v. elthouah there are .
plaeoa wkere the sew balra are oemln
la very black. I am slee troubled with ,
a sonly dandruff . u H.
"Dandruff Is usually due to sxeeeslv
dryness of the hair and scalp, and when
this disappears the dandruff goes also.
The formula I give. you will, therefore,
be good for both. . ..
'Lotion tor Pry Hair. '
- Olyeerlne t ounce
tCau Se solos no.. ... ..... ..... .tpint
Liquid ammonia... ... eaaasai X &TIWi
OH f 4rlcanuni( H dram
.. Oil of roaomary ........ .............. 44 Oram
Tincture ef oanthartde 1 ounce .
Briskly at Itate for toa mtnutoa, than add
. camphor Julep, H plat, and asala sua wail
' and atlr. A fw drops ef eoMnce et aiuafe
' or ether sertuss caa be added,
; IJo Clear Complexion
WOX ytm plesee let me know how to
elear a taee trom plmpUat My taee
ts rousb, and I sveplmj "ds
blackheads . TBOUBUKO.
' The following treatment la excellent :
for clearing the complexion: Rub the,
face over, Jimt before washing it. wlta
two tesspoonfuls of flowers of sulphur
In h-l. a ntnt n. KBW milk. TblB ,
mixtnrs snouia siana m " .
for It Is used on the face. j
It you are troubled further, ;usa the
following cream;
, SlackAMd and Tlmpla Cream.
retrelatom ennee ;
Lanolin (anhrdroua) J junce sv.
. Hydrosen peroxide .1 fluid ounce ,
cello add.. I fluid dram
Use. with frtcUoa. Hrloe a ea Ue
R In aft acted. - , :
' This preparation, usually employed
for the removal .f pimples, may be also
used for blackheads. . '
This treatment certainty ought to
clear your complexion entirely.
Wrinkles Under the. Eyes
I weals be more Uses pleMed roa ,
eauld slve nve a roam, or eomo ether klna .
. ef remedy that will remove wrinkles
around my eyoa I have some d-. larse -oaee.
and slM eome small onea. It makoe .
tn look eldor than 1 reejly am opolla
'. the look of my eyee. RBADbK. ;
If the wrinkles are not of long stand
ing, the following mignt no you sw -
, - JiUk of Wnlta Bosea. ;
(A Cars for Wrlnklea) '
Hnsewatr H
Simple tincture ef bonaola., ounce
the tfnoture of eonsoln a drop at a time.
. Add attar ef reeee. and betlie. .
If they sUll remain after thU treat-'
ment try masssglng them. or. if they
are prenr.ature, use this formula: '
' Lotion tor Prematura Wrinkles.
Almond 'milk "thick)...!"
......... IV prninw
14 ouncoe .
Roeawater ounce
Dtaaolve the alum In the roeewater,
than pour soatlv Into the almond milk .
with aoaatant aaitatloa.
Tou do sot give me very much to
base my prescription on, but among the
three remedlea given you should surely
rid yourself of the wrinkles.
Extract of Portugal - ;
la slvlns your recipo, maaaaca eream for
- the bust, you etated extract et portusaL I '
can't s It In any of tha leadlns drna
(tores here. They do not evaa know what ,
' It la. Will you phjaao explain what It I
and where I caa set Ht - READER.
. Extract of Portugal Is nothing more
nor less than a simple toilet water. It
is very little Wied for nowsdays, and
la very ei pensive beeldee, so for It
simply substitute viola water, or any
other kind you prfer. ,
Chronic Catarrh
Will you kindly sdvlee me how I eaa rid ,
" myeolf of a bad caaa of catarrh of the boh
and throat with which I have beaa aducted
IUf catch cold very easily and st preorat
wrltlna am auffertn from a eevere eoush.
lfy doctor aaya that my lunsa ara perfoct
. y aound. but that I am afflicted with ,
chronic catarrh of the bronchial tubee; Me
pnaoribaa nMdlclne fr me. and while it re-
llavos It doa not cure.
" Could you reoomoMnd any patent meal
etne fo catarrh 7 I m not a ballevor In ,
patent meilicinva and have sever ad Utea '
to any sral extent. ' :
M body la vary thin and I would! ak
you to ile me a hint or two on body ,
building and to tncreaae the weight
' If you sr wise, you will trust to your
doctor snd continue with the medicine
, he Is giving you. adwtu an, o ii
' uae any patunt t Kleins. Catarrh takes
a long tfme to cure, but yeur doc'.jr
' probably knows whst Is best for your
rfiaae, and Is treating you In the right
i manner. Without more partlculara, I
" could not myself advise you further.
Your tnlnnee Is undoubtedly due to
tha disease from which you suffer. Te
take any other medicine at the asms
time would be bad for you. When you
have fully recovered, you will rapidly
. gala in weignb - - . ,
. Facial Troubles
' Beelpg tfie help you give to ether. 1
thought I would writs you aoout a Hitle
rod pot undor my ore. It ie flat endor the
akin.- I bava bean told It la railrd a draw
" prry cancer. If you eculd tll me of anr-
thins to rmova H i would ba very thankful.
1 have atveraj hard r'0 whiio
. under my ether aye, Wuiua.s Save Ulod te
pick out but they are so hard I cannot set
the noodle Into th-m. I have uaod you
dandruft car with sood rooulu.' Any e4
vies from ja will bo thankfully received. --,
' My advice to you ia to see a physician)
sbout both troubles you mention. , You)
need not be alarmed, as cancer does)
not becin in the way you deecrlbs, but
when facial defects grow serious. It at
well to see a doctor.. -
I am glad that-you found the dandruff .
cur bonencuU. It la meeting with aaU
Islaction oa every side. ; , J
Blackheads and White Hands
.' Win yov klndty five me the formula for
removtns olackhoada from my taoe, par
ticularly In my aooo and chin, and aloo a
good formula for seeplne U band whltel
. A. 1 (A.
: Blackheads are usually due to unhye
girnic living, A beta in from rich footla,
and stay ss much in ths open air aa
possible.. Use the following prsparsv
Elackhaad of , the BUa. j
Boracle acid. ....... mmm ............ a orams
. Alcohol ..... I auncas
Rooowater i otinno
Ue. with a friction, twlo a day sa the
skin affected. . .
Nothing will keep . the hands per
. manently whit, except never uaina)
them. For temporary., bleaching us
buttermilk or peroxide of hydrogen, ape
plying a little lanolin, after the latter.
Dyeing the Hair With Hennaj
Can yen sive me explicit directions for .
eolorlrc tho hair with henna, waaa th I
hair la llxhtt I have been told to set e J
cents' worth of henna leaves and soil twan-
ty-mmutea: .wnen cold, ecraia, and woe
the balr and keep It ttod ap la a towei toa
- salt aa aour, tnen rtnaa.
I nnaaa it in nearly
y sold watar. so the
ut, and wbea dry X
e la my hair.
. ' eolotltis an eama out
, M-uld mo no dlffaroaca
1 anouis use to enow wnatnor aeai is nm
the hair up Immodlatoly after oalne the
henna, and for how loo; whettur It enaui
be drlod bofor rlnaln. an whether bvt t
rtnee la not -r cold wateri . MiMnuJU.
Aa you win se by th following for
muls. you were pretty nearly oorrsot aa
what you did. -,
Henna Hair stain. , ,
Take ene oonee of henna leavse; steap ta
a plat of notling watar for twenty minute.
let stsno until it sets eoia. ptrais toe ua
uld. Apply to the hair by tha aid ef
email aionse. The hoana will eomotlma
etaln the scalp, but the ataln eaa eeally be
removed by eoap and water.
' Your mlataka. however, cam later,
1 After applying the ataln, do at tie tha
hair up ut all. but dry It Do not rtnee)
It at all: but. after It ia thoroughly;
. dry, wain off whatever stain has re
tnsinad on th ecalp, aa directed above, ;
""r. Dyeing Bleached Hair '
Please tell me If tha henna hair etaln will '
' help hair that haa boaa blenched with per-
, oxide Tha enda ef my balr are vary light
: and next to the ecalp la dark: the middle IS -luat
the color 1 want It- will the henna
make It all one eolorT Mxe. U.CA.
" It Is always hard' to experiment
with bleached hair, and that la one of
1 th reaeona why bleaching Is so fool
ish. Henns hair stain, however, la
' simpls and harmlese, and should give
good results. I cannot say whether
the henna will make It all One color.
It certainly will not lighten the dark
part If you do not mind Its being
dark. It may make all the color 2
the hair dark next to th root, pro-
vlded you make th stain strong;
snough. ' In reward to th unprlnte4
part of your letter, I do not know
th proprietary article mentioned, bet
It cheapness does not srgue for
goodness. 1 would be very esreful
before 1 used something I knew noth
ing sbout 1 cannot tell you where to
Set the henna leaves, nor do 1 know
ow much they cost Your drugis
could probably tell you beta,
The Faucaire Remedy Jgai
:" I am s youn firt. fust l r,r, m l,
: and wuuld like to develop rov t.u.t fj...,
1 to I H Inhea will vu kmdtv til n.e
" Wh , I .....
' edl - L M. c
Use th Vsuoalrs remedy, which tI
lowsf .
Dr. Vauealra'g Harr.$4y for t r i
Liquid extract of galia Koeia-
ru) "
- -vboaphsle of li.i.s , If ,
Tincture uf Uunel ) .
plnifle svrui .
The doee Is two ari t..-,. i .. , . , .
. er eef.ire eeok meal
T Vsucelre al- .1-' e I'., 0
'- a aai aauaet exli ..-. ,