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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (March 22, 1907)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL,' PORTLAND, FRIDAY EVENING. MARCH 22,' 1807. Tcivn Tc;.!23 f OVIOHT't AUVtZMZMTt. RelUg Hater. ."Alkw-slt-by-tlie-rW h..ii .h Ih. HI I K' r.aiptie Lrrle brand btu... "lb klnt et Tramo ...."Uldiaal Strosotr' V.udrTllle Deserted at tbs Altar' Thsaotns of J. W. Woodward, on East Twenty-ninth and Burmaa streets, wii destroned br fir yesterday attar- noon. No ona was at bom whan tba bias started, tba wife and aon both having etepped eat of tba bouaa for faw momenta, it la ballavad tba flamaa caught from the Are la aerange, Notl . ins- waa saved exeeDt the organ, I phonograph aad a few ehalra Tha loaa waa about 11.009. Tha location la la tha Vernon dlatrict where thara la no ' protection agalnet flra on account of tha deficiency of tha water system. Small three-ousrter-inch plpea aupply a vaat neighborhood. Tha dlatrict has ' grown much faster ' than tha water facilities. ' ' -' ; . ' '' - OTodmeo af ail tha campa visited Ar leta to wltnees tha contests between Ar ret and Lenta, and all wore royally an tertalned. . The program waa aa fol. Iowa: . Plana nolo: bobb. J. Jarrol ad- dreee. General Organiser H. I Part tug of war eon teat between Arleta and Lnta. which resulted, in a ue; aaareaa, Nelarhbor Davidson. Tha pillow fight waa won br Neighbor Thompaon of Arleta. flawing con teat waa won by Neighbor Shepherd of Lsnts. Refresh- menta ware aerved br tha committee. 1 Tha next open meeting will bo bald at Mount Tabor on April I, at which time Rose City camp will aon teat with Mount Tabor earns. Tha Southern Paclfle company Juet iaauad a booklet which telle of toe wonderful scenery and matohleea ra eeuroea af that part of western and aouthern Oregon trayereed by tha com' panya lines. It contains a large num ber of halftones of iiyer and woodland .'scenes taken from rarlous portion of the Willamette valley. Tha booklet la gotten up with especial reference to as- alatlng the tourist, reereeuoniet ana elghtseer I reaching the many plaoee In Oregon where health and pleasure await the seeker. : . - " Ipeolal totof extra fine Weaaeltoa : blue white dlamonda, Quarter carat alaea mounted In fancy 14 -carat gold rings. .Juet what you want and priced at ISO. . Tba continual advance in the diamond market make thta an attrac tive Investment Tbla la a Saturday spectaL See them at H. 8. Ball Son's Jewelry store. No. 12 Morrison Street, bet. First ' and Second, city. t ' ; Richard M. McCann. was admitted to ' practice law before the bar of the - united States oourt today by Judge Wol- verto, prior to the resumption of the Port of Portland trial which la still being heard by that tribunal. , The Port of Portland trial la drawing to cloaa , and will be concluded this afternoon or tomorrow, . v 'toadies' WaJthem 10-year gold fined watches. 11176. Ladles' 1-Jeweled 10 year gold filled watches, tie. Gents' ;' American seven-Jeweled nickel watches, strong, durable, Just the thing for hard . knocks. 14.11. Saturday only, No. Ill , Morrison street, bet. First and Second, city. S. Ball Son, Jewelers. - ' Judge A. I' Vraser of the Juvenile ' court apoke on "Cauaea of Delinquency In Children" at a meeting of tha Peo. ' -pie's Forum test' night t the Belling i Mlrsch ' building. Many persons - were present and listened with close attention If wnarks of Judgs.FTaser..- ' An entertainment' under the auspices . of the Woodstock . Push club will be siren at Woodstock hall Saturday even ing, March 33, the proceda of which will be. need In the building of a good gravel walk from Woodstock to Ivenhoe, ; which Is much heeded improvement. . " ' 1 William M. Sherwood one of : the ' world's greateat musicians, assisted by ; Alice B. Marshall in a piano recital in ; the unitarian chapel tonight Don't ' fall to hear this greet artist It may . be a long time before he . Is on ths . ' cesst again. ... Professor J. B. Horner of tha Oregon , Agricultural college will give an Illus trated lecture on the Holy - Land bo- fore the Woodstock Push club this e re nin g. . Prooeeds are to be used in the Improvement of the suburb. ; ' New ebeeee, butter and egg store, ' eured meats, tea. oof fee, etc Most up to date In the city. The Oregon Cheese CO, Swetland Blag.. 121 Fifth street Steamer Jesse Barktna, for - Camas. . Was hours I and way landings, dally ex eept Sunder. Ieavas Washington street : dock s n, m.. .. . . ' Professor' Rlnrler's gymnaalum and dancing claas at the new East Side Ath letic club starts tonight, March XI. - - The diamond market oonUnues active. .Advances of from 10 to II per cent are quoted alnce, the first of tha year. 'Woman's Exchange, lit Tenth street, lunch 1UI to t; business men's lunch. 7 A era Oil Co. sells the best safety coal ell and fine gasoline, Phone East Tl. ', - Why pay more? Mettger fits your eves for II. ill sixth street. " Sherwood the great American pianist tonight , ,;. . . . ' : Dr. Si C Brown, Eye-fjar. Marquam. Sherwood at Unitarian chapel tonight Berger-SIgns 114 Yamhill Phone. '- to pswrmr m onxr. : ' tAX ATI TB BROMO Quuitns ramone the now. To tat the roaatiMi eall far nll same a as Iseh foe slaaatare at ft, W. Orm 3Be " Piefened Stoek Oaaned weeda, ' ' Allen lewls Beat Pram!. F.V.DALTES &conPAfiv MAIN 100 inviTE Youn niQUiniES Fon pnirjtind rsnsT aid cn streets AH of your business pro jects should be shaped to ward a definite end, You should begin right The right way is to open a sav ings account with some bank. Since we began busi ness we have been telling you ""persistently about our bank, so you probably know whtre to find us. ' , . V Pay 4 kterest WjJU for. pur Free JBopr.Jeta. TT 'Banking ibjr HalL" , Oregon Trust & s Bank Sixth nI VTaablngton Streets, " Fortlnnd, Or. Resources $1,900,000.00 W. H. MOORE, President. E. E. LVTLK, Vice-President. W. OOOPKK-MORKIS. Cashier. rmiiL TO RAISE FUNDS Host of Solicitor for Y. M. C. A. Will Bo Turned Looso on" , . City Monday. SALESMEN OF BUSINESS HOUSES TO GATHER COIN One Hundred Portland Firms Have Given Service of Their Beet Trade Getter to AM in Collecting- Build ing Money.' 7 ' ' Kext week from early Monday morn ing until dark Saturday night Portland will be giving. There Is no doubt that It will be the most generous eek the town ever paaaed through, that Is If a hundred money gatherers, working on a perfect system, snd refusing to take no for an answsr, bare anything to do with it. ' . .. . , . ,-. , The T.K.CL1 needs t,000 to finish Its building campaign and the men whs have eanvaaaed the wealthr and Influ ential for months to secure what haa been donated are determined to wind up ths prolonged siege .of the' town br a whirlwind charge that will- Include everybody In Its onslaught It is the 'everybody - glvs" campaign and ovary one will not only be invited, requested and urged to give, but every one will come fnce to face with at least five de termined citr salesmen who know how to get money and who have not been ac customed to Include no In their business vocabulary. - The plan is the product of weeks of conference between Walter Goes, who has oharge of the final campaign, and tha ahrewdeat business and profeaalonal men in the city. In short the plan Is thist ' , One hundred of ths most expert solic itors and olty salesmen la Portland will spend a week visiting every person In town tn the Interest of theT. M. C A. building fund. . - one hundred - business houses have given the services of their best solid. tor for the week and these men nave been Informed of their job, have been given all tha data available on the local situation and are to be turned loose next Monday morning i on the town, working rank by rank In a campaign that will clean up every business office In every block and every room In every tenement aad partment bouse before me ween la ended. - Tonight the 10 picked men win meet at tne x. m. c A. auditorium and will be given a heart-to-heart talk by their leaders. Theae men have been selling baby insurance, soap, wagons, hair oil. axle grease, turpentine and brooms to ths residents of the northwest and they win take subscriptions for ths T. M. C A. building fund Just as they take orders for their managers. The speo tacle of a soap salesmsn backing a banker up In the corner and earing "Oh. I know yon gave 1600 to thla months ago, but there Is the president. Of that bank across ths street who gave 3,009. tou just have to make good on this thing. - How much will you raise mmT Mace it eh 7" is ens that Is going to be seen tn Portland for the first time, There are a lot of the salesmen who are not exactly sure whether they are orthodox or heterodox, but there Is not a man of them that does not expect ts get ths largest subscription list to his credit or the loo next weak. Monday morning ths start will be made, ths entire 100 will work - up Washington street, a committee of four taking a, block and going through it thoroughly, soliciting ths manager flret and the janitor and elevator man iaat, but missing no one, On ths streetcars, la the suburbs, ua on Nob Hill, down along the water, front everywhere theae aollcltors are going to get In their work and whether you have been eeen six times In a day or only five and a half times li going to maks mighty, little) difference to the 100 they .want money and they exiect to get It - "Portland knows ths needs of ths T. M. C. A. snd T. W. C A.." said Mr. Ooss yesterday. "What It wants now is to have a general opportunity to give: an opportunity, that will enable no one to say he was not seen. The town Is going to have the chance. Of course, ws'll get ths money." ,. ,t . ; TAYLOR CHARGED AS FORGER AT PENDLETON (Rpeclal Pl'pitra to - The Jonraal.) Pendleton, Or., March It. David Tay lor, aged IT yeara. who elalma to be from Haines. Is-oherged with forging a check for til In the name of W. B, Fancher In favor of Ed rancher and offering It In payment for goods at the Teutaoa department . store. The pro prietor discovered ths alleged forgery. Taylor is now in JaiL . . , , flood tea and coffee are almost seed I eaUng.McbiUlng's Seat, . SIEFFHIS GIVE! SEAT OF II Publio Officials and Newspaper Men Cheer Him at Press ; Club Banquet. NOTED WRITER'S SPEECH HOLDS CLOSE ATTENTION Mazarine Editor Tahu. Interestingly JRsosereltand Exposire jof Graft Which U Fast Making for ' Iteform. :- ''.'. - '' - At a dinner given by the Press club to Lincoln Bteffena at ths Commercial club last evening the magaslne writer talked Interestingly of the work of the reporter In exposing modern graft in city and state government and In na tional affaire. ? : "We have our Folks, snd Rooaevelta, and Heneys, who are raking the muck we are only reporting it" he said. "We are reporting it more than we used to do. A great deal of good haa been done In thla country in ths last few yeara, and the moat of It haa been dons by ths press." . , ' Ths table, at which (0 guests sat waa beautifully decorated with flowers and Oregon grape, and over it Ameri can flats were draped from the celling. In Introducing Mayor Lane, J. H. Ste venson, who presided, said the mayor and the guest, of honor would be the only speakers, and that It would be mandatory upon any old-timers who were present with remarks, to have them spread upon the records. -' Mayor Tabs' Speaks. ' ' Mayor Lane spoke warmly , ' of the work that Is being done by . Lincoln Bteffena. He said tha country needs mors such men. ' He had a good word for the Portland newspaper group and declared they bad been fair and gen. eroue toward him In his official lire. He said he waa glad that Portland ean welcome .Mr. Bteffena, for ths city is practically free from graft and , haa nothing to fear on teat score. The remarks of Mr. Bteffena wr listened to with closs attention by .ths newspapermen ana tneir guests, , and toward ths close, when oueatlona were Invited by the apeaker, some exceeding ly Interesting observations werer brought out Among other things hs said: - All we need to -do is-to tell -the story truly; how ths official, or the citi sen, won his way up to the highest point of his nsefulneas, and then felt There need be no personal feeling; It Is not necessary to go too tar. If there are 10 counts against a man, all of which are true, eight of which can be proven, use three of them. That will be enough. - we get our force bv under. stating, rather than overstating the facts. And 'again, a reporter mav have aU his facta, and may print them all. and still make his story a 11a It is necessary to tell What, happened, and how It happened. In chronolocioal or der; the motive behind the deed. When a was a city editor I told the reporter who was assigned to a murder case to show not only that a murder had been committed but that a tragedy had been enaotea. ,... s-.... 1 StefTsms Telia of Booeovelt. ' Ths speaker drew the difference he reon stating bars facta that mli-ht have only surface meanings, and tha writing or a story in a manner that would lay bare the hidden forces that made the murderer what he was. and which were likewise the real power of ine story. When Theodore Roosevelt entered the office of police commissioner of Hew York, Stsffens was a reporter at the city ball. Asked last night to give his impressions or ths president, be said "Ths only trouble with President Roosevelt U that he Is ths most repre sentative oitlsen in this country. Hs round In tbs New Tork police decart- ment that the policeman had the power to sou tne privileges of breaking the law. He determined that policemen ehoutd be atrlpped of this power and should honestly enforce all of ths laws. It was a policy that did not meet with the support of all the prominent citi senja, He used -to aak me to come up into his room snd listen to prominent cltlsens who came to protect against enforcement of the laws. . rreddeat Slow to Act . "Roosevelt has been called Impulsive. He la, to ths contrary, very alow to arrive at any decision. - During that formative period he will take sugges tions from anybody from . ths office boy, from ths politician be Is about to dethrone,. He receives letters from all elasses of people. If the first two 1st ters In his morning mail are from a Portland newapaper reporter and a cabi net member, he will read them without a thought of giving one more weight than the other while their content are under sonalderatlon. But after he has onoe made up his mind hs will not take another suggestion, nor hear anybody on ths subject: then he becomes wholly a man of action. For that reason ne one can approach him and modify his course onoe ne rainy starts upon It -ws often hear of the work of boeecs. But bosses oould not do what they ao unieas they had the support of ths leading eitlsene. These citlsens protest sgalnat . disturbing business. Tney , advene . bualneas reasons whv civic conditions should not be changed. foik torn me tne leading cltlsens were his opponents In Missouri. It was ths sama with LaFolletts In Wisconsin.", newspapers and Beform Will Win. Replying to a question ss to ths prob able nomination of Fairbanks for ths prssldency, he said nothing would maks so certain ths drawing of a clear issue before the people, and the eneulng de feat Of the ' Interests that have op posed Roosevelt as will tbs nomination of Fairbanks by thoss lotereats, which are now planning hla nomination. Aaked If the pwer of the press Is, rising or waning, and whether there Is any reason to hops that reform forces would over win out he revealed hla Innate optimism by saying with much ear nestnesa: 'I blieve the workers for honest gov ernment will continue and will ulti mately . win, for one rsaaon the man who is working In this cause Is the happleet man on earth. . .There la a satlafactlon and a self-respect derived from It that cannot be felt by the , Harrimans and Ooulds." Mtaay Prominent Mem Present, Besides ths newspsper men, there were among the guests a number of cltlsens representing various etvlo er ganlsatlons and deportments of olty, county, stats and federal government Including the following: Mayor Lane, County Judge Webster, United Statea Judge Gilbert ' t'ntled States Dlatrict Attorney Bristol, Thomas Nauhausen, chief of United Statea special agenta: John Manning, dlatrict attorney; Bert Heney, deputy district attorney; police Judge Cameron, F. X, MoKenaa, presi- 10(1 No PhantQm Chasing CO-OPERATIVE PIANO - BUYING FLAN OP BILEBS PIANO HOUSE IS PRACTICAL IX TUB EXTREME . It Means an Immense Baring to Piano Bayers, No . Matter How High the Grade of Instrument Purchased Another Advantage Is tha Exceptionally Easy Pay - ment Arrangements for Those Who Cannot Far AU Cash. People are always quick to recognise ana eager to taxe advantage oi wnat ever secures to theth aa unusual value for tha amount they Invest - The club plan u operation now at Filers Piano House, through which Individual par chasers may aeoure the very best pianos made at practically wholesale prices, has touched prospective buyers on a ' practical spot, and converted many who thought they really could not afford the kind of - piano the'y wanted. The clubs have therefore been Bill-g rapidly and planoa have been eold in the citv and outaiae in astonishingly large numbers. All of our own big drays snd a number of atorage companies' big delivery wagons have been kept busy hauling pUtnos from our store to the homes of pur chasers, and also delivering them to railway stations, and to ateamboat landings, for the plane club news has spreaa ail over t.ia country ana appli cations corns pouring In with every mall from people who wish to become membera The plan la ao practical, the saving so apparent the deal so fair, and the principle ao simple, that It la-easily comprehended and quickly taken advantage of. The demand la not only for tha me dium-priced inatrumenta. Many of the very nia-nea e-reoea. Taney earvea casea, are largely aought On thesed pianos there la a aaving or xrotn sine to $175. . On cheaper Instruments the saving Is proportionately great- , Payments Are Moderate. -As little aa IT.S0 down and fi ll a week secures a (Ins brand new Instru ment If preferred these payments msy be made by the month Instead of by the week, while cash payments obvi ate any additional Interest The principle upon which the clubs are formed is the same that applies to wholesale deals, eluba of a certain number of nurchasers standing in the same relation to the dealer that a dealer purchasing large numbers or pianos from the factory would. Tha planoa in these clubs were pur chased before the advance In whole sale or cost prices snd freight rates, which enables us to make these prices so tremendously low that they could not possibly be duplicated under other conditions. They are all high-grade, atandard, reliable, ftrat-clasa instru ments, such aa Filers Piano House al ways handles. Even ths world-famous Chlckeiing. Haaelton, Kimball, etc. are included In this great aale and ean be purchased on the earns easy terms and at a greatly reduced price, " - v " The Time la Short. , Thoae contemplating taking advan tage of the unparalleled lndueementa now offered by this ayatem of selling, will do well to make arrangementa at once. Every day . a number of new' members Join the clubs and the mo ment the last club la completed the eale will ' cease, Come. In today and Investigate. Ellers Piano House "The House of Highest Quality," 161 Waah- Ington street . -- t a dent Initiative One Hundred; S. O. BmJl nM.M.n TAr4ln1 fthimhf . of I commerce; Tom Richardson, manager Portland Commercial club; Wallls Kas'.i. president Portland board of trade; L A. Beala, united Btatea signal service; William MoMurrer, John HV Scott and A. C Jackson. Haniman lines paaaen ger department; Henry McGinn, W. . .. MeOarry, J.J.- Fitsgerald, assist-nt olty attorney; and the following news naner men: Trowbridge, Travla, Put nam. Wataon. Keel. Goldstein, Hagood, Hyskell, Wallln, Glttlnga, Sayre, Staffs, Hofmann, WIrts, Tyler, Hume., Chapman. MeArthur, Balrd, Mlddaugh. Bates. Hasan. Morrison, Strendborg, Harrison, Dyment, Wlleon, Stevenson, 1 Rlngler, Kelly, Pease, McDonald, Clark, Loekley. Jonea, Cole, Letter, Vinson, rnddv. Hod area. Blvthe. White. Greene, Howe, Cochran, Thomas, Petraln, Chap man. Souls. Jackson. Hempnui, Mice, Kelty, Stratum, Williams. . SHREVE FAILS TO GET SALARY Judge Webster Decides Mt. Tabor Justice Not Entitled to Receive Emolument Asked. - , An application made br Justice T. C Shreve of ths Mount Tabor Justioe court to be put on a salary was disallowed In the county oourt by Judge Webster this morning. According to a law passed by the last legislature aU lustloes In cities of (0.00 inhabitants, or more, are to be placed on a flat salary and their fees are to. be turned into the county. Since Justice Shreve has been elected. a part of bis Jurisdiction has been ad mitted Into the city, but a great part of It still remains outside. He recently made his application to ths court to be nlaeed on the salary of 11.000. Judge Webster this morning decided that Shreve was sot entitled to the sal ary privilege. -, - . , . ; w . PEOPLE'S PRESS NAME OF . ItEW.PORTLAND WEEKLY tena Sleeth and George K HeCord, both well known young newspaper men of Portland, have formed a partnership for ths purpose of publishing a weekly paper to be knows as tha People's Press. The first Issus of ths new publication wll be on the streets tomorrow. . Mr. Sleeth has worked upon the reper. torlol staff of both The Journal and the Telegram, while Mr. MeCord was for merly editor of the Portland Labor Presa and previous to that hs wss editor o( the Cathollo Standard of Seattle. The first icsue of the new paper will e-iv that there la no money behind It except that saved by the editors from their salaries ss reporters, that it will be fearless snd unbiased and that It will be the organ of no union, political party or reform leagua - QUIT rent! its cncA.rr.RTOBuiu. K05D CITY PARK - PA30NO AXES WILL FALL Oil ORCHARDS Inspector Oeich Will Use Drastic Measures Where Spraying , Has Not Been Done. ' WAGE WAR TO END v ON SAN JOSE SCALE County Authority . and ' Men ' Will , Visit Fruit . Trees , After April S . and If Necessary Trees Will Be Cat Down.' County Fruit Inspector Richard Delch says hs will soqn visit orchards where the owners have 'failed to profit by the notice aerved en them recently. The orchards will either be spreyed or eut down as he mar Judge and the owner of the orchard will pay for the trouble in curred, by tha men behind the ex, and Incidentally for his own tlms and labor spent in personally superintending the Job. ' . . . "It is greatly to the credit of the fruit growers In ths valley that very few trees have not received thorough atten tion. However, time for spraying for the San Joae scale la nearly over," said Inspector Delch. - "After April 1. I shall visit all whs havs not yet aprayed and if the yards are not worth spraying ws shall cut down the trees." Some districts have been cleaned al most completely and the Inspectors state that more spraying has been done than is usual. Mr. Delch thinks that within a few rears when tha value of spraying is learned - the work of the fruit Inspector wllabe greatly alleviated. He believes that thsn everybody will spray with little coercion on the part of the authorities. ... "Dr. Thomas' Bclectrle Oil Is ths beet remedy for that often fatal disease croup. ' Haa been used with success in our family for eight years.' Mrs. L. Whlteacre. Buffalo, N. T. AMXTSTMEirTS, w'.inlti HEIL1G THEATRE If t. gpeoial-mas Mat Tomorrow. Last Tlma Mlskt. S08ELIJI KNOTT II I. M. narrle'a Cmd' "AlIOK SIT T THE rikX.' hat 6 rows, SI; Balcony. U T5c, Oot waller, S6c. SB. . . afatinee mres II to He. Beats Mow Miliar at Tfcastre. ' BAKER THEATRE Pboas Mala f. Oeo. L Baker. War. I of the rasblnaaMe Baker Theatre Stock , ' Compear. , This Weak. K,nlnr. S:ll; Matinee an (Saturday). t:lS. , The Oreat Anrhvlndla IIHt,rr th-ssie. gHAJTNOir Or THS SIXTH." Stare frrter Dlrectloa Mr. Arthur Hartley, rirst Time la Portland. InwiM bit era Suecsas. Seeera Seats la Adranes. Kvealns Prices. SSe. R5e. hoc. Mlt.. tftc. tSe. Most Woaa "AS A MAS SOW? jUrtS EMPIRE THEATRE ffc,"i7w . , Ulltoa W. Seaman, Vaaacsr. ' Only Keetera Road Attract loaa. ToslcM All This Wee the Scenic aad Sea k cation! Oowiedy Drama. "THS KIJTO or TBAK PS.M . . Marlneea Wednesday snd Barorday. Regular Ktnptr Popular Prices. . Vest Attraetlea, StarUa ssaday Marian a cowsor s em." The Grand Week Maria Is, Vaadeville ee Lase. Ipeolal AAaed Artrae- Use Smltk CSrUa, Bart Wastea, Mr. aad Mrs. loka H. Cesser, Baeey, Chase aad Adabr, Mr. aad Mia. Walter X. Seavss a Oe. The Osava, Vat "Kerry Otaaeltuoje. ; THE STAR The Alloa gteeb Ossissay Tim its ' DESERTED AT THE ALTAR Sy Mr. rime Klasaley. Mathwe Oneeday, TnorwUy, Satarday and Sanaa? at 1:90 p. 8k Prices lOe aad SOe, Every eveelns st 1:15, Prlees lOe, SOe sad SOe. a r Bbeae. Mala sM, aU see. LYRICTHEATRB rertlaad's epslar Staek Si ernes, (very After, neoa aad K Twain Taia Week. Lyrie staek Com. yaay la tae raatawa Sraaia sf Bsaelas lUs. wcbaxj. BTaoeorr. Biaif al teats ess sow be secured la advance eaa 10 a. at. te 10 a. m. Dalle aiKia, saaal time. ETealng pn (tn main as st S:lo. oararaay ana Btnaay evesiass: First sseo st T15. ALL OREGON Reads theJPECTATOR TOMORROW IT WILL CONTAIN: . Soma tnslds history of outside graft C E. 8. Wood discusses "Civic Virtue.- j ' , " j - Judss tylonet It Webster on "Ths Sheriff Who Would Bo Cook." W.. M- Kiningswortb en "Portland's Bright Future." And Why did Paul Radar resign Price, 10 Cents ?4.W Per Year For sale by newsboys and by all newsdealers. OTTXCa BVOOX 14. SCAUOBT BUw. ? For t every raae n't fro. paired vision there le a cure or remedy. It will coat you more to neglect your eyes 'than to have them eured now. Mistakes are ostly and so is delay. We have had 11 years' experience In the Northwest and have, by far, the heat facllltlea. We will suggest the quickest, safest and best treatment for your eyes, flatln faci.on guaranteed Call and talk with us or writs today for oftr booklet, describing sye troubles. LA DE33A MUN8ELU Refractlonlat. Ktnriiu . OPTIOA& co. Wavelaevv BVMrtlawS. 1 1 .1 a . 1 1 YoarrEYEs MIF YOU WANT TO ' 8EE TUB NEWIST ,1X WEARING APPAREIi .VISIT THE STYLE KTORE : Of exclusive style and smartness Is shown in our Ladies' Suit and Cloak Parlors in such immense . ; varieties as to make choosing very easy even for the most particular. -Women's and Misses' Tailored, Costumes Suits, Coats and Skirts v modeled and trimmed in conform mity with fashion's latest dictates, made in the plain Panama cloth, mixtures, serges and the .new ' stripes and checks. These gar ments are a class in themselves ; and possess that indefinable some thing which at a glance distin- '- guishes - them - from - the average kind. They appeal to all lovers of style, beauty and refinement and, quality considered, are priced . very modestly. Select your Easter outfit now, giving us ample time to 1 execute probable necessary alterations, and pay later on in . . small weekly or monthly payments. V I ; ?,' The-fftory Where Tons Credit Is wood 1 Comfortable - You men will be satisfied with the durability, comfort and style of our Shirts, made from selected materials, ! ' to order from your exact measure. j JACOBS SHIR.T; COMPANY : ': PHONE MAIN 1087 '.'-.' .;..;',.'. - 291 Stark, between Fourth and Fifth Streets. V J WRITE YOUR EASTERN FRIENDS to COME WEST 'via SPEQAL LOW COLONIST RATES BVBTjra SIABOX ABB AVBZ& From St PauL Mlnneapolta, Duluth. Omaha, St Joseph, Kansaa City . and other Mlaeourl river points to Portland and Ashland, Or., and in termediate points aSeVOO Prom St Louis to Portland. Ash ' land. Or, and Intermediate - points. k. fSOtOS Prom Chicago to Portland, Ashland, Or., snd Intermediate points aaauM : Similar low rates from other east ern points to ths west Send me full name and address of your relatives or friends In ths east that are thinking of coming to the Ptclne Northwest, and I will have them furnished with literature and full Information, or If you wish to pay the fare or any one, the money can be deposited with any agent of the Northern Paclflo Rail way and tickets will be promptly furnished. v For , sny additional Information wanted, call on or address A. D. CHARLTON Assistant General Passenger Agent, SB Morrison SI, Cow. Third. . PerUaad, Os. ' , . sigh iiEnDAGim Positively evre-4 trf CARTERS these sUttio ruis. They also reBerf Dav tress from Dyspepsia, la. digestion and Too Hoarty Sating. A perfect rem. IVER It J eftw Dizziness. Kaiaaga, PILLS. in tbs Mouth, Coated TOBirae. F!n In tbs mds, TORPID LTV Kit Thnr reyoius tbs Bowels, furetr Vegetahis, vnnm. vmtzi ' -TV nr. i L... m C:r-'ns l!ur,t lev 'fltC WMSTS Effective In style and individual in , character are shown in our Waist Section. American and Parisian original models in Dres den and striped chiffon, lace and net, plain and fancy linings, trim med with Cluny, spray medallions and hand-crocheted lace. These dainty waists are a combination of style and beauty and point to good . taste and exclusiveness.' Cor. Washington and Tenth Shirts for Men Wake Up! prlns has arrived, and we have the flneat aaaortment of carpentera' tool a ever placed at the eervire of woodwork era AU of guaranteed Al quality, many of them embodylnsr new tdeaa and im prover ento, and we are going to make special Inducements In the way of very low prloesv Avery a Co. TEETH Save sESSv rJonsy- Come at onoe and have free eaamina Uon. WB KX TRACT TEETH mTT.; fTT VKR riLLlNOS, I So I'P: OOI.H Fll.l INOS. Too UP; SKT OF TFETH, BPLtNDID SET, M OOI.P CHOW N 4 fl. TO tt.00; WHITE CROWNd, 1114 TO. $ 00. ' All work guaranteed for tea yeara Lady attendant always present All work done absolutely without rain by snerlsllsts of from 11 to 20 years' ex perience, PhOBS t ':l SSl''t Knrrlanu ft , r