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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (March 22, 1907)
TIUS OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. FRIDAY . EVENINO. MARCH 23. 1807, tBQJDD. . Open Till 10:00 Saturday Night Open Till 10:00 Saturday Nigtit 'STOCKS MUST BE KUSCHEID OUT OF "Oil E WAY PRICES AGAJN The entire store a wreck of prices and values. ; Builders are crowding us out and all remaining stocks are slashed again cut to aomtwhercegbods wflIalmost sell themselves. It's now or never for bargains,-and these itenw prove foremselveslt's the most terrific sacrifice ever held on the coast -Come with the crowds; Doors open at 8 a. m. y' r'-y';r'y.:'' $1.50 MONARCH SHIRTS For Men' fancy patterns, made to tell at $1 and II jo. Choics 5Sc GREAT SOAP SALE 50,000 bar to f o at prices to clear them ont m a single day. -m A S.000 bars' Caatila I f Soap, regular 5cV ban, for . Urge 25c bar of atflba, Whit CaatUa 19 Soap, cut to, bar...'' Lasco Pine ' Tar Soap, aold the world owr Cm at 10c, bar '5.000 bar Seand -10e Toilet Soap at ha lot Includes Lemo, Olive, Savon Violet and Trans, parent Glycerines all 9 ic and 10c bar Mill Ends Embr'd'ry AH beatlSc and jla 10c Unas, cat to Men's and Boys 25c Caps All wool, dark iil colors ' and all HP sixes. Choice ...i.i.vw - 4 ' . , -fy " Menneh's Talcuin - Powderr- tht 74 A Isrge 25 i AO cans, for ..;.AflV $3.50(293 Suit Cases Largs, full sixes, all solid and a beauty. Choice $1.48 Women's 15c Vests 6c For - spring, sleeveless and well made, each ......... .FRAMED . PICTURES Largs sUs, fancy oi frame, cheap 3c TOILET SOAR 5,000 bars to all ' in ' one Uflu . . . lot. MEN'S 10c SOCKS 25c LEATHER BELTS FOUR-IN-HAND 25c TIES 5,000 to go, all colors, ' new spring goods, and . worth -. ;' 25c, each '.. Ladles'-Flnest $2 and $2.50 SILK RUFFS IT The large fuU sUe ones, in white, VII pink, red, champagne, etc.; full j and fluffy ribbon ties. You know they seU all over at 12X0 and 12.50. Jf cnoics THE f I In blsck and tan, A For Ladies', all f i i m mr - - m r . m saassMsasasaiv. s iv VN O thth rt rsri aiviiiuiii trxn mitM f ' ' -y. - I XL bMllnb sIVVI VaS IAMIUUlltwl1 S.fa IV eHM ' ' Cmm ROOM ABLAZE WITH 9c 20c FANCY HOSE For Women, new bright colors, all : all regular 20c note. pair Be 10c WASH LACES 10,000 yards to go, and all best 10c grades, ' yard . 2c csTTv I -Vi. 500 Dozen of the Finest Women's 20c Vests New goods, bought for spring, jer sey ribbed, low neck and sleeve lets, taped and crochet finish. The best of 20c Vests at less than half price. Choice . BARGAINS Entire stock to be cleared regardless of cost or loss. All our finest and best, the most exquisite Easter garments, to be cleared betore. workmen begin the tearing up. If there ever was a sacrifice it is now. LWhy pay regular prices elsewhere when eveiything goes likt this? Women's Wrappers Worth up to $1.50 500 doaen in all, percales, flannel ettes, light and dark colors, ruffle and braid trimmed; all aizea and val ues np to fl.50. Choics ...... , - Ladles $3.00 Silk fif A( 46c Waists Fancy lacs trimmed. up to $1.25. Ladles' 59c $1.25 Shirtwaists 59c Hundreds and hundreds of dosens to go; made of purs whits and colored lawns, lace and embroid ery tnmraea, also openwors sna arop stitch effects; all siaes; Wsists worth 24c Out they go, now 1 Ladles' $3.00 59c Skirts Good ones, well made. Lawn Kimonos New spring style. LADIES' $20.00 AND $22.50 SPRING SUITS $12.15 Wool now Silk Eton Jackets , Worth $10 and $12 Mads of taffetas and pean de sole, the latest style, fsndly braided and all silk lined. Every one cheap at $10.00 to $12.00. Choice., Ladles' 75c and $1 Fancy -Waists Dosens Of styles . 29c $5.98 $2.98 Ladles' $5 and $6 Lress Skirts Black and all colors. ;' Only $12.15, and you pick from our finest of $20.00 and azzO suits: new, eieganx creaaona, maae lor the finest Easter trade; Jaunty Etons, Ponys, Prince 1 Jacket effects, in Panamas. vouea mixturea. checks and Chana and Taeket effects, in nanamaa. voiles, fancy . j . . . . - . , ' ....... ..i .' i . n..j ecks ana novelty stripes, piain colors ana comoinsaona, and braid trimmed, newest pleated skirts, jackets all silk fanev stran lined. Suits ws challenge the town to match short of $20.00 to $220. CholCS, $12.15. v. ;. , . r .... ; .; ' .; -f, . WOMEN'S $8, $9 AND $10 SPRING SKIRTS $5-9 i Hundreds mors addsd to this greet assortment snd the bargains are bigger than ever. The finest of $10.00 voile Skirts, handsome novelty checked skirts, new hairline alrirta. aa wall ss olain mohairs, serres and cheviots, in all colore and black. y Latest plaited and plain models, elegantly strap and button trimmed; ail full tailored. All skirts worth every penny of $8.00, $9.00 and $10.00, and remember,' every one ia guaranteed the new est of this season's styles or your money back. Choice, $5.00 each. f ScforWbitien's 89c CORSETS 500 of -them tf Or W- in on 9 light weight batist Corsets, with boss sup porters attached; new models; an sixes; our rcg nlar eve line me Women's Finest 25c Hosiery 14c A tale to brine thousands, an offer that will ell out these l,800pairs of0 Women's Hose in a single day."" New spring goods, the best of 25c Hose at 14? a pair, and bear in mind, these are positively guaranteed 25c Hose; fast black and soft silky fleeced; just the right weight for spring wear; full regular made, double soles, heels and toes; plain and ribbed tops; all 25c values and you've never bought as good for less. Only 8 pairs to a customer, and they may not last all day at this price. , Choice Pair 75c for $1 and $1.25 KID GLOVES A clearance of hundreds of pairs, finest of real kid, in all colon, no blacks; every one of the newest atvlea and most, sll sises in the lot; regular $1.00 and $1.25 gloves. 75 Children's 20c Underwear An saeaiasa wlct UaJen Sslts, Smy kmlt, Sana tray, siaes S St IS yeani steely n- ; iskad s4 sU SOe veOsM, , Oaolee lie " Boys' 25c Black Hose Sfade ef fteeet ft twisted SsTPtteat yeas, Mf A rlbfeao, AeaUe bM, kMla aA Iomi mi kee I KMf taaAaad SSe keee ea ISe ssls, e S fee SOe.... J. V :25c Hair Ornaments Tluraaandi SnwysS eat ecanee ef Wee, timer mhna XaU Otuanu, - Btrnm Bak OoaiMi doaraa of strlea aad vsIsm So SSo. Ckeioe, S fos Be. .. MAIL ORDERS FILLED Try a trial order from this ad. Sadtfaction guaranteed. 1,000 Pairs of Men's $4 and $5 WorkPanfs AH fancy patterns and well made, all suei; . guaran reed $4 and values, pair... in. ana wen maae, $1.98 A 3ftle of Maheri' SampUs-WO of the Fineit- Women's $10&$12Trimmed Hats $2.98 Yes, ws mean it, $10.00 and $12.00 values for f 2.; all one ef a kind, all samples, the entire manufacturer's ft ( An line of drummers' ssmples, and there's plenty MuuO the lot worth $10.00 and $12.00. All go at, choke. li s Tonr Best Chance to Buy Your New Easier Hat it K to X IVhat Yon Expected to Pay trm aa effrtaa- tfc wtn M eao sam M ee tke saaSet of BCUlUoey salee. Tblak of t a 1 VaSMtm SUSa osly S2.BS. and mrj omo ef iaoaa $10.00 aaS SlSOO valaas. Stat kooeuae tbay ace travalare' samples, 2.98 ys tnm sow. any asqolslto and ribbons, is aU oolore. stats so obawlsf that worsa aaat Midrii, Wat,, ul tha aaast e So ao appfoiawa. j taoee eate.alalto pesi o tbour ostoistto boaaty. aa tkay saaaS be sm so abas. AU ia oao lot aboeee b boot of 0( AQ KQUlaUe flOOS sad 1SM saw aVsta XsSs JkJ 10c & 15c Fancy Hair Pins 2c S.000 bes 100 sad ISo roU Vlatad StalS Vtas at stte eaob, ioaaas of stylos, all slaoei Bona workk laes tfeaa 10s aaS ap So Ue, Oboloa, SHo oaeh $2 & $3 Fancy Back Combs 79c an em flaost aad bMt, the aaoot aselaatre aad rlobMt aoveltiae, jowm sad faaoy srasa. amaay sold aaomatoai vow a so m ......... Ladies $2.50 Umbrellas as-tee taoo edffe OlorU sUk, panoa rmrt proof fnuna, aU faaoy kaadtosi aoao wort toes than SSJOi sU iaoae lot. Bay $40 uamim in. 98c Pictorial R view Pattern Ars best; the latest and newest styles. Prices 10c and 15c Big Crockery 10,000 pieces, worth np to 25c snd 35c, all in one lot at lO each. Vou pick fromCupa and Saucers, 5, 6 snd 7-mch Plates. Fruit Dishes, Oat Meal Bowls, Pitchers, Platters, etc, all fine china, in white, blue and pink, with gold and fancy edges and rich floral and fruit deco rations; 25c, soma np to 35c values ; all on sals in the basement in one big choice MeiVo S1.50 lSweatero Well made, heavy . knit and all alses. escn 79c Women's 5-cent H'n'k'r'fo 2c Full siss and hemstitched. choice $2.98 Dace Curtaino Best Not- tinghsm lacs fuU 3 yds. long, pr. . $1.39 All -Wool $12.00 Rug's i Siss 9x12 feet, fancy ratterns,. 12 Rugs.i p.48 25c Lace f Collars For "' Woman, snoa mora to ao and all 25c ones.. 2c rrs connNG SOON The Greatest, Biggest, Most Sensational Sale of naviland China Dmnerware See Sunday's Paper At Ever Held on the Coast A Solid Carload to Qo Than the Price of Common China Our big ad bi Sunday's papers gives full particulars and prices. Watch and wait. Everybody can afford to buy Haviland China now, when you get it at one fifth, one fourth and one third price. It's to be the greatest Haviland news ever published. Read it in our Sunday ad. Choice of 1.CC0 ladies' 50c to SI Silk Ms i style; all 19c Every kind, color and atyle; all samples, snd the buckle alone is wort 5 more; choice.. MEN'S CLOTHING ; Boys' and Men's Furnlshlozs Never a better time than right now to supply your wants and at ths littlest prices ever known. Youths $8 and $10 SUITS ' $4.98 500 of them, well mads, all wool materials,' ia worsteds, cheviots and serges, 3-piece, coat, vest and pants, all sizes np to 19 years, and all $8.00 and 110.00 suits. Choice, S4.9S. Boys' $6 to $7.50 Soils $0.49 In Norfolk, Butter and double- die) , hf-Mmt atwla. all dark colors and wall mads; worth to $7.50. Choice, f 3.4. 33c Men's 50c Underwear Hem halhrlrran. ribbed bottom, silk fin- Ish and pearl buttons; au uc ainos. v : Choics ; , ,- , ' nchs' iVAc nandkerchlels Fine aoft 'finish linen csmbrlc, fuU site and Cr hemstitched; all regular 12yc valuea, cut toOW Men's best 50c pure llsls web Suspenders, lesthsr ends, csit off buckles j never sold under S0c: psir ..UOo : THK ENTIRE sSHOE sSTOCIl GOES A TERRIFIC SACRIFICE Women's $3 & $4 Shoes and Oxfords ill Htmrlreda and hundreda of nairs to trothe finest of Ladies' Dress Footwear at $1.79 that1 worth up to $4 a pair. Lace and Blucher high shoes and Oxfords, in patent colt, vici and srunmetal leather. French. Cuban, military and low heels, all sixes and! widths. .Every pair the finest of $3 and $4 values. Choice $1.79 pair..'..-- - IT7rr am'ci llUlUCUa ! VI slWaUaJjSU SWJo. wa awww rtoe kid pfs aad yaSaat tips, reedAf e sesrwaa, all a0" if . Misses and Children's Dress Shoes 0119 Pair rka verr naeet sf soft seleetad leathers, yarfaot fltitai aad wttk yaSea kawry setesi werta ay So SM an U tans areas lots. Haas S ss S, pais, pats, fl.OSi stses im te S, pals, $1.19. tlpa, lew. 844 ateea SH Ss lx. HFANT'S 5Cc SHOES 500 Dsirs Infants' Shoes. colors: broken lota, worth regular way up to 50c Choice, 3ioice. aLLVy lOO of thss asnulns aj Shinola Outfits ZIC Seme as sold all over at 35c IQo BOX 8HINOUA Bo BOX Men's Finest $3.00 $3.50 and S4 Shoes AH Sizes, all IVIdlhs AU Styles: Choice ... $1.98 Over 500 pairs in one large lot, made of dongola kid, vici. box and velour calf, lace and blucher atyle, heavy Eneliih welt soles, low heels, dull tops, English bsck stay; all sixes snd width fdths: ths finest of drese snd work shoes, and valuea up to, au go In one great lot at, choice ' . VT.WV, "... Sl.CS Pcir BUY SHOLS TOR YEARS TO COMlL.YOUXL NLVER BUY THXM CHLAPILR ITS YOUR CHANCL rOR BARGAINS RIGHT NOW GROCERY BARGAINS That Save You Money ' Why pay mors thsn we'ask at exclusive grocery stores? Save on your living expenses by trading here. ' " ' ' . Best Granulated if Lh. SUGAR II for Fels Naphtha Soap, 6 bars for .... 15c Quaker Puffed Rice, pkg.,.'.i.. 15c Shredded Wheat Biscuits, pkf.. Best 15c Ginger Snsps, lb 40c Dry Mustsrd, cut to, lb. Reg. 10c Peas, 1 cans for Reg. 5c sack of Salt for Large 5c box Matches, now Lsrgs 5c bar laundry Soap . Best 25e Coffee, now, lb....' 35c Navel Oranges, ex. choice, dontn Large 25c Lemons go at, doien 8c Urge juicy Prunee, lb 10c Babbitt's Lye, special 20c can Chloride of Lime 5c tr Fairy Sop for 2'c Swift's Wsshing Pow.-to rc c '-i rrdss sr 'A i' .10 ;10 .15 .15 .8 . a . 2 .15 .2 1 ,i: