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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (March 22, 1907)
Oil OF BLARNEY in QUEEN'S EAR . - " t i , ' t " . ' Its Echo Heard In History Hun dred and.Thlriy-Seyen i ' '': ,VV Years Later. APPRENTICE PLEASED u ' THE QUEEN OF FRANCE VheV H Grow Blch Ho Bought Chatoa Whet Bha riaDeJnod to Befriend UtmVThal Wm Heir i Am Doing With Xt Xow. - y ' ' (7U SecM Ssrrlea) Aria. Uu-ot L That fine eid -ion. the Chateea d If Muette. which the Count de rranquevUle baa placed at th deposition -of the expropriated Archbishop of Parts, stands In spacious .-rounds at ths Pasey " f th BU e Boulogne and has an tntareaUng history. ,T Ths Ill-fated Maria Antoinette slept there tha night before har marriage, Way It. 1110, and sha and tha king pent several months of delightful honeymoon within tha sams precincts. One Sunday,-so tha story goes, a r" Alsatian, newly apprenticed ta a nakar f harpsichords, was wandering In rront of the chateau whan the beautiful queen passed by. Filled with enthusiasm, ha burst out Into rapturous cries marked with a etrong Alsatian accent. 1. . Steward for m Compliment. Marie Antoinette stopped her car riage, called tha youth and questioned blra as to Ms nationality. Ha answered with considerable spirit that, it be, like lierself. spoke French with, a German accent, he was. nevertheless, French by birth as sho was by marriage. - The eueen was charmed with the compliment and gave orders that tha apprentice henceforth given the run of the grounds. , . ' ' " " ' The Strasbourg youth was Sebastian Erard, who subsequently became the great piano-maker, accumulating a for tune which In 1I2S enabled him ta pur chase the chateau whloh hold such pleasant memories for him and he lived there In atria. Ha died in 1221, leaving everything to his nephew. Pierre Erard. , The niece of Id me. Pierre Erard became heiress of La Muette and mart-led the Count de FranauevUle. who thus came . Into Dosaesalra of tha chateau.. , , ; , Bishop's Oootty Keep. ' Ita hospitalities ' have been extended to the bishops also. They have held a conference there, Incidentally also the 21 prelates ate five repasts at the count's expense. They :ost him tha respectable sum of 22,000 franca It eumptuous fare were capable of lnsplr . ing wisdom ths bishops would speedily have found a way out of all their dif ficulties. But the archbishop of Paris norent! ; ITS OlEATKR TO PUIUo ye CITY, PARK. i ' i Come to the Spring openlnif of our Juvenile S; Department : ? . - v ' v 'v.--f- -: ',: 5 , ; " . : Advanced samples of everything in Boys I " '-'wear.- ' 1 v-.,,,..;, . i..'r.; :. '-V.:;.'' ;! 1 Many" of the suits are special patterns and i " .exclusive designs limited in number, which we i y cannot duplicate, ; If you : like pronounced ' styles and nobby -effects (so do others) come m eariy. r 1 Our special c; Presented free with BoysV, ; , '-:-y, Clothing :ri ):;'Ca.:- , Nickelrimmcd Roller, Skates Spalding Baseball and Bat, MaskCatcher's and Fielder's Gloves and many other things much appreciated by boys. ; . ii MEN'S SPRING CLOTHING NOW READY FOR INSPECTION.' ' v ; " - (Diouiiing Co ... CuilluhnPrpjr Men's and Boys' Outfitters 1C5-1C3 THIRD ST, MOHAWK BLDG. CASH HEALS "Jack Oallatln," ths well-known clubmsji of New Tork," hat settled the breach of promise ult brought against him by Miss EltheL Kelly, whose picture here appears, by the payment. It is said, of $20,000. The stilt was s cause celebre, and created much Interest In society circles. Gallatin recently married a daughter of the late -"Policy , King," Al Adams. .i'.-.r i. ' 1 ' : V - - did not appear at any of these episcopal lunches. He has coma to an age 28 at which mUk Is the only safe ailment ?' : 'Explaining a Proverb. : I A Methodist of New Tork was prals- . m v. ) Um"bKa ma tmiw swiiuv v. vwm. "When Bishop McCabe was secretrfry Of our missionary society," he saMA"hs acded 2600,009 to lta annual income. -I enca heard the Bishop ask a mil llonalM for a missionary contribution. " 'Who was It,' said ths millionaire, smiling,- who said that charity begins at nomef rf.--.-,.. . "Bishop McCabe frowned. " It was some one, I'll be bound,' he answered, who was looking for an ex cuse not to contribute,"', ; Tl I, m mlalaka ta flrlnk ftaor. coffee and teav SehlUlng'a Beet , : r until Easter: THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND, FRIDAY BROKEN HEART BIGGEST CATCH in THE 170RLD That Is Walter Rothschild, Bach' r elor, Son of Lord Roth-' . , child. r' - t 't IS THIRTY.NINE YERS ; OLD AND HATES WOMEN Not Even American Girls Seem to tntoreat Hlim BadijT" Treated Once and Nnnes , His nnnr Squelched the Frivolous One. " (Joereil 0Drll SecTtee.) XiOndon, March 21. What are the American slrls thinking about to allow the greatest rartl In tha world, Walter R6Thschlld. the son of Lord Rothschild, to celebrats his thirty-ninth birthday a celibate? Lord Rothschild Is one of ths moot Intimate friends or ths king ana can scarcely count his own millions. Bo rich Is he that ha could buy up both Hlr Ernest Cassel and Sir Thomas Lip- ton and still have "money to burn." His son,' Walter, will Inherit tha bulk of this fortune. He gives the Idea of being cutte an accessible man, pleas ant and genial, though there are mo ments when' he ran be cynical. Those who know him beat say ha la a con firmed bachelor, but that Is nothing; all men are until they meet the right wo man. ; - . ' ' - ' . , .. Oneo Tory Badly Treated. The story goes that Walter was once very badly treated by a woman quite m young girl, too with tha reeult that ha has become a tnlsogamlst. Tha heroine of his dreams was beauti ful and to and shs had a designing. Intriguing mother, who taught her that har first duty nnder heaven was to cap ture a rich husband. She played up ts poor Walter and pretended to be madly In love with him. He waa then a man of five and twenty, but as enthusiastic as any youth In his teens. He and his beloved, under the. chaperonage of. her mother, were with a house party la the country. ' One July night after be had retired to his room he beard voices under his . window and soon recognised them-s -those of hie fiancee-elect and ber mother. ' .' "I say," said the Utter, "baa he pro posed ystT" "No, was the response, "but be Is on the verge of doing so. Don't you worry; . I have made up my mind and, It will be all right. - And when I marry blm. won't I make him do away with all his blessed soologlcal gardens and his tortoise Island In the Pacific ocean. Ha bored me to death tonight talking about bis fads and . ths ways of his kangaroos." ' At this Juncture tha occupant of ths room overhead put his head out of the window and said: "I am sorry to have bored you with tales of. my animals. Forglvs me." , Tha two wretched women were too taken aback ta answer and It Is said they left ths house next day without ever having seen him again, , - Good Ilookg tor Boys. ' Trom the London Tribune. By a poll taken recently It was as certained that "Knblnson Crusoe" Is still the first favorite with tha English boy. Next to It came "Coral Island," Unele Tom's Cabin." "Ivanhoe," "Tha Swiss Family Robinson," "Treasure Is- land," 'Pilgrims Progress" "Westward Hot" "Oliver Twist" and Pavld Copper neld." ' . ' Metsger fits your eyes for 11.01. Ill Sixth street, near Washington, TAIL OF A CAT AY BE LIBELED English Editor Required to Pay . Dimiffti to tha Cat's , Mistress. ' '''i".;:; OCCUPIES UUDGE AND v v -H JURY FOR THREE DAYS lMm Said Mr. Wilson Had Cat Mrs. Wilson Bold Evelyn's Tail Bd Been Burned ' , v (Jearsel Ipeelsl Service.). ' . London, March XL Tha tall of a cat for .three day a has engaged tha atten tion' of a Judge and Jury and many learned oounsel In tha King's Benoh division of tha law courts. . As a result, T. B. Mason, editor of Fur and Feath ers, an expert on cats, baa bean ad Judged guilty of libeling the oat's tall and is required to pay bar owner $110 damages. - . . ' . - The oat which was the victim of Ma son's aspersions is a chinchilla, and a regular Vera da Vara of tha puss tribe, rejoicing In tha' name of Evelyn af Arundale, Sha belongs to Mrs. Isabel Wilson, who keeps a "cattery" and ex hibits oats at cat shows. Last sum mer, when E-relyn of Arundale waa a kitten, aha was entered In, tha Southern Counties Cat olub show at Bath. Mr. Mason was the Judge of tha class. He decided that-the Up of Evelyn's fluffy tall did not eome up to the chinchilla standard of perfection and, further more, that' It had been artificially tam pered with. Wherefore lta . affixed n label to the oat, on whloh ba wrote: -"Disqualified out talL" , Mrs. Wilson started a fuss about It at once. She said that Evelyn - had merely Indulged In an undignified romp one day and venturing too near n gas lira had singed tha and of har tail. Bhe appealed to the committee of the show. Tsn ladles and gentlemen, each armed with a magnifying glass Inspected tha tip of Evelyn's tail. They came to tha conclusion that tha hair , had - been singed and possibly , trimmed after ward with scissors. :.- Meanwhile Mason had published ' an account of tha ahow In hla Journal in which he atatad that tha eat had been disqualified "for , alleged trimming of the tall," i and" that the committee, "af ter listening; to Mrs. Wilson's explana tion decided ' to uphold Mr. Mason's disqualification." This, It was con tended. conveyed a "libelous" Insin uation" against Evelyn and,, her mis tress, ' .i -. Then 'Mrs. Wilson decided that the only way to pnt an end to Mason's slanderous aspersions on her oat waa to have Evelyn of , Arundale'a tall sol- Corner Third and Durnside Streets - n 'i irn TnJS! in i ,h& s i' ; sMPI ; fflOESr Virm F?55y u . . w si r i i ri w si i ssv i i ir, i gf at . EVENING, MARCH 2, Latest Pnotoof niMOIl isamn our Years, emnly ndjudloatad upon by a eonrt of law. After a three days trial tha Jury has recorded Its verdict, awarding Mrs. Wil son 1160 damages, and folks will have to ba careful what they say of .Evelyn of Arundale's tail. ' - - . a FOsiTif u sraossstTT. "Having to lay-npon my bed for li daya from a aeverely bruised leg, I only found relief when I used n bot tle of Ballard's Snow Liniment. I can cheerfully recommend It as the best medicine for bruises ever sent to the afflicted. It baa now become a posi tive necessity upon myself. KB. Byrnes, Merchant, Doversville, - Teres, tsc, 60o and IL04. Sold by all drug 1S07. Grew AND ' - '' Little Prances Maria Xnowlton Is the dang, lev of Dr. K. W. Kaowlloa, tha dlsseverer af this great halMTowlog remedy, and ber beeun fol hair was grown woolly by lbs ass of this great tonic. v This tittle) girl bad ba stors Hair than ths verags ehlld before ailog Daadertne, while sew ths has tha longest and most beantlfal bead of golden half aver pollens, by a aftud of bar age In the world. Dandertns makes the scalp nea!thy and fsrtfls and keeps It so. It Is the greatest scalp fertili ser and therefore tha greatest batr-produeuig remedy aver disesvsred. It Is a natural food and n wholesome medicine for both the aalr and scalp. Even a Me.-bottle of II Will put mors genuine life In yoar hair than a (alios, el ; y V jj . I'll,;.; a fen Otbec any ' -; NOW nt all dtnggists. 1a ttreo th, 23 eenU, SO osats Od 91.00 P botUe. . 4 .'-,; . rnCIT To snow how quickly Danderln sets, wo wfa llCCs send a larrn satnpls free by return mail to anyonn' who sends this advertisement to ths Knowttort Danderlnt) Co ChloagOs with name KNOWL.TON. . SO OarneM Soulevard. Oblong. Btnmpa to pay postagn, ' Mad Dof Easy to Avoid. From tha Minneapolis Journal. Mad. dogs do not attack people - This Is ths statement made by Dr. P. M, HalU city health commissioner. "When a dog has ths rabies," said Dr. Halt "ha nan lost. control of bis body and what h does Is mechanical. His Jaws snap Involuntarily, and If ha encounters any objsct, whether animate or Inanimate, he-U likely to . bite It, But a. mad dog does not attack as does an angry dog. tie does not piok ont n victim nor uss any strategy. . "For this reason dogs suffering from rabies are less dangerous than Is sup posed. No grown. person need ' fear them, for all he has to do Is to get out of ths way. Ths dog .will not chase .. , Of lindenthal ft Sons, Chlcsfc-o, XIL. Booght by r THE HUB AT 29c ON THE DOLLAR IS NOW ARIWINO BY THS CARLOAD, 5 ' TONS OF THE V; SPRKG OOTIIKG y, im-:- The fashionable donble-breatted bine serges, crays, browns end fancy worsteds, in all the new snap, shades, and styles. Cut by th best tailors in America and custom made In every " ' V- detail. tio man la roruana neeas oener ciotnes tnan tnese. -.,,;....... ...... - ' r-' 'J? LJndenthal'g $8.50 t6 $1250 Salts and Oyer. l c ' - coats, slightly dsmtged. Fire Sale Prics.,....4'T'eIt7 ' : Llndenthal'i $1150, $15, $16 and $18 Suits and C7 IE , Ovefcosts. Fire Sale Price... .Pele3 ' ) Ljndcnthsl'i $2 $22 and $24 SuiU an4 Over- ; CQ 1 C . J coat. Fire Sale Pric .;..... J)yIO. ' Lindenthal $25, $28, $30 and $3250 Suits and 17 C ? Overcoats. Fire Sale Price .ePIeaiJ f Lindenthal's Working and Dress Pants SMARTEST MODELS OF THE SEASON. ; ... Llndenthal'i $1.00, $2.00 and $250 Pant. ; ' "0 Qf Fire Sale Price..,......'.. ........,....;''- Llndenthal'i $3.50 to $4.50 Pant. ' ' " , ' Cl' OO Fire Sale Price. .t... .............PleVy Lindenthal's $7.50 Pant. . ' C9 OO ., Fire Sale Price.....,4..........;.............4'Vy L& J": Furhlshtafls : & f:- 50 For Llndenthal'i Dress Shirts, worth op to $1.25. 18v For Lindenthal's 50c Ties. ' , ; " ' 4 i 10 For Lindenthal's 50c Suspender. V ' ' iav For Lindenthal's 25e Sox. .' BOt) For Llndenthal'i $1.00 and $1.35 Underwear. t T5 For Lindenthal's $1.35 Satine Shirts. - . . . ; , Sls For Lindenthal's 75c Work Shirt. . ' fl.35 For Lindenthal's $3.00 Hats. ' V : ', f 1.85 For Lindenthal's $4.00 Hat. .. ' vTr" i-wii Shoes W ' f 10.000 PAIRS ALL GOOD ONES. -$1.35 For Lindenthal's $2.50 Shoes, dress and wort $1.85 For Lindenthal's $3.25 Shoes., . ' $2.35 For Lindenthal's T4.50 Shoes. , - ",' $2.85 For Lindenthal's $5.00 Shoes. ; : This Hair WE CAN i. ,'. :i and address nod lo ceaU ia surer cr - him. Of course, young children are Jn danger, ga thsy do not know how to dodga the brut. A well-directed kick In ths Jaw delivered by a man of ordi nary strength will put a mad dog ut of business for n time at least, and Is much easier o land (baa It wsuld ba If tha dog ware merely angry, and .had control of himself." . - '. 4 Constipation causes headaches, nausea, Drastic physics gripe, sicken, weaken the bowels and don't cure. Doan'a Beg ulets act gently and cure constipation. ii cents. Ask your druggist t . .' " ;: Fref erred Stock daaned Hoods. ' . Allan Lewis' Beet Brand. . NEWEST THINGS W Yc Corner U Third and Burnside Streets