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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (March 22, 1907)
TIIS OREGOII DAILY JOUKHAL; PORTLAND, FRIDAY EVE NINO, MARCH 23. 1907 ' "My friends advised ma to go to an 0URT0O TO INT attorney and we decided t bring a, ault for 116,000 damages for assault. The assault waa the three kiss. I regret me notoriety mat naa com to me through thla suit, but It semed to be AT 3,000 EAC rmnTii Oil TEDDY the only way of obtaining satisfaction." Sosnnoll'e attorney a declare he will fight the case to the end and there will be no oompromia. -. . SUFFRAGISTS MILIIAHT Mrs; Laura White Brings Suit for Disgraced Senator Freed From , Fifteen Thousand Dollar Prison to Start Newspaper : In Home City. PREFER JAIL TO FLIES for Three Kisses. - VALUES KISSES . " (Haarst News Servles.) K New Tort, March Jl. Mre. . Laiira ', 'Whit, who ha brought nit for 111.000 V. tor three kisses against John J. Bcaa . - MIL x-flr commissioner ; ul clo . friend of Richard Croker, has told the . story of tb way . In which tha kisses : 1 I John J. Seannell. - 'Tf aha value BO hlahlv war atolea a few months sjo. " , , . Sha waa found by a reporUr with bar mother at Central Valley. Orange eounty, Kaw Tnrk arhara aha h.A a. aaaVfa- ' to escape - tha notoriety that she knew ' 'would follow her sensational suit- Her 'attorney said they served the summons ' In tha MM Al av-TtammtaalAna OmuiuII ' three weeks ago before his' departure for Florida. Tha eomplalnt will be r served when he returns. ' 5 - - ' Ta BMMna aaiiih '' w- Tog Mr, - Whit la a brunette-of 1 striking beauty. A year ago aha was .'bride, nut rellgloua dlfferencee arose and her young husband deaerted her. ; He Is now said to be In Texas, A few .months sso her, mother took a position ' aa housekeeper for Mr. Seannell at the Abbott, Ms country place back of Flab' , kill Landing, which Is named after his , raeenorae.' -..-....'.,., '. . "Mother took v me with her when aha - went to the Abbott. said Mre. White. . "It was in October and we expected to spend a happy winter together. My '.mother was to hare full charge and I was to help her. We did not expect to be rlssaed with.' the servants, although both- were working for wages. .; . "Within two weeks of the tlmet.e 'resent .to Mr. Scannell'a farm, his beha vlor became suoh that it was Impossible . jor ua to remain, on day be came into the room where' I. was at work alone euta, ana well, I don't ear to tail yon - tua what he did. tnt nv ittnnim kni 'in about it. y,,'-j .-, , - t4.. "Tea. at' Kissed Kc." V ' V - Dld he kiss your the reporter, asked. '" "Tea. he did." she said blushing. "He kissed me three times In aplte of my .struggles... I told my mother lm mediate ly, and we made arrangements to leave. Sevnty-Six Female Brawlers Arrested and Fined Will ; ' Serve Jail Terms Instead. f (Journal Bpaelsl gerrles.1 ' ' London, March 21 Only preliminary skirmishes, was 'MUaChriatlbal-ianiv. burst's description of the atrugglee be tween the woman auffraglata and the police In the vldlnlty of the house of commons yesterday afternoon and laat Bigot. , ( ;.... "The- movemerrtf' she declared thl morning ''la steadily growing and by and by a situation will be created which the whole of the London polloe force cannot control... The government must mitigate the sex penaltlea now visited upon women or find room for thousands Of usias prisoners. ' "They will have to mobilise an army t ' deei -jrth -iagn--th-trcets,"' The majority or "The" newspapers, even thoae professing liberalism, assail the methods of the militant auffraglata, but fail to suggeat any- gentler policy that would accomplish anything to ahattar the die-' honoring and debasing traditions of fe male vaaaalage," ? i Seventy-six auffraglata war arrested yeeterday for brawling within the pre cincts of parliament and were sentenced thla morning to from II or fortnight In prison to lit or a month's 'Impris onment. They all elected to go to Jail and were taken away In prison vans smldst the mingled cheers and Jeers of th crowds outside the polc station. -t I'OIIID PUT HARRIL1AN IN THE PENITENTIARY Senator , Cullom Says . Railroad Magnate Should Be Behind - Bars- Told Teddy So. t (Jeeraal Sseels garrtea.1 Washington. March II.-Senator Cul lom of Illlnole. created a ripple of ex citement yesterday after calling on the president by remarking to a group of correspondents: 'If I could have my way, I would put, E. H. Harrlmsn In the penitentiary, end furthermore, I said so to the presi dent.' ' . .'' - Being asked to explain his remark. h said, h referred to Harrlman's "loot ing" of th Alton, as It has bean termed. Governor Deneen, be- said. Is consider ing the advisability of taking proceed ings to Invalidate the bond Issue made by Harrlmsn and aeeociates bat has not decided - whether : h can do anything about It. The Erie road announces the stop page of ail new construction, work un tu further orders and thar is eonsia arable talk regarding the probable can celling of contracts already, begun by other roads became of tb uncertainty regarding atat and national legislation. ' ";, MnUon-DoIlar Ftro. V ItJearaal gpeelal Berries.) 1 -': Philadelphia, March ll.A mlUlon dollars' worth of property of th Ameri can Refining works at roint urease waa destroyed by fire this morning, ex plosions following each other in rapid succession during the . conflagration. Burning oil was thrown over the fire men and employes. Injuring many. - ' IJoarsal SesHal lervlee.l St Iouls. March 21. -Joseph R. Bur ton, formerly United States ; senator from Kanaaa, who has been In Jail at Ironton, Missouri, sine October II, and wboaa prison term expiree today, la go ing to atart a newspaper at hla home In Abilene, Kansas, for the sols purpose. he asserts, of. "giving., the . prealdent heiu:: Burton aaya he will have some amaa Ing things to say about Roosevelt and the way in which the wbeela are lubri cated and run at Washington. - Frlenda of the ex-statesman, who was convicted of having appeared before Washington departments In the inter eats of a St. Louis get-rlch-qulck con cern, say that he has good financial backing. Th paper will be a weekly and will be called ; th Home Rule. Burton waa sentenced at tha termina tion of hla second trial her .to alx months' Imprisonment end. to pay S fine of 12,800. " In accordance, with a federal statute concerning good behavior b baa been granted a respite of one , month. He will not be kept In Jail to serve out the fine, bu It will be held over him as a civil Judgment. ' Is Hoi m 9mA One. ' When asked what he expects to do when be gets back home Burton said "I feel that I owe It to myself, to my wife and to my friends to show to the people of Kansas and of the United States that Joe . Burton la not a "dead one.' If my plana materialise 1 believe that a lot of th fellow who have fought me will find that I am pretty much a llv on.'" Burton than admitted that ha would make a long statement as soon as he reaches Abilene. J 'I'll aay whatever Iv got to say In a large hall," he declared, "where Just as many people as can crowd can hear me. And in that little city -where I have lived for II yeara, where I made a for tune of 1150,004 and lost It when hard times came In that little city, where, tf there Is a place on this earth that people know and understand m It Is there. I shall talk to the jopl from my heart Itaelf and tell them Juat how have suffered. And It Is true that I expect to soak some amaslng state ments. .. . , . . raid An Creditors. "I have lots of friends In Abilene and all over Kanaaa, When I lost my for tune, through a, depression of the gen eral bualneas affair of the country, J paid up every dollar that I owed. "And It Is those creditors, to wnom l paid all my obligations, that ar now standing by m In many Instances. .1 have not whimpered to them or to any man why X was put Into the Ironton JalL Juat why I was put there ahall be known after I get home. But there have com letters to me from ail over the country sine I have been here In this JalL And the most of them. If they didn't contain any other kind word, have been offer to do anything In a personal way for m that could be don.. ,- ' ' ", ..'i i- . , "They have) been beacons of hope to me ae I lay down at night In my Bar row little prison cell and liataned to the bowl of the winds outside, or th driv ing of rain er sleet against th windows In th corridor. .. - ', " Vattfe U BOatswIf. ' - -No. I havent worried, for, sine that night last Ootober. wnen tner was Strang click of the door behind m aa I earn to this JalL I have Deen stead fast la th faith that I am and. bar always been Innocent of any wrong doing." ' The elder Of Burton's nieces . naa been acting as bis secretary. prip Cured r sf not ts.TOi a "" f " 1 wa., - -Cf - ""V DAIllbUAA ...... .... - v ' Mr. D. T. Brlnegar, of Salon, Neb., has been cured of grip at the age of i 71 , by DUFFY S PURE MALT WHISKEY taken as prescribed, and says that it is .what-one-needs -at- his ageas-a tonic stimulant. - "I hare received vour letter, and also your medical boolclet.. Thanks for the same. I was taking your Malt Whiskey for the grip when I wrote to you for your : booklet, i I have used about one bottle of your whiskey, and it has about cured me. -1 am 71 years old; find DUFFY'S MALT WHIS KEY is just what I need for one of my age. I read your advertisement in the Kansas City Star,' which was what in duced me to buy ' your i whiskey." D, T, BRINEGAR, Salem, Neb.. June 30th, 1906. :..,-, ; . If we could only reproduce one hundredth part of the lettr we receive from suffering men and women who have ben cured of different diseases, restored to perfect health by DUFFY'S PURE MALT WHISKEY, we know that every man and woman would take- DUFFY'S-PURE-MALT WHISKEY regularly, as prescribed, as it is the greatest preventive and cure for disease ever discov ered. ','.' ; -' " ' ; ' ' , Tfnere. is no need of sickness or earty de cline if DUFFY'S PURE MALT. WHIS KEY is taken regularly in doses as pre scribed. , It keeps the system in a normal, healthy condition, and it is impossible for disease germs to lurk in the body; the re sult is a perfectly healthy man and woman. , , x!' V r!i 1- . (i W' ! -I .JJ ill ' Wmi , w& &m Creii h &ui nil fewfe? Our stock orHenV-Apparel,: especially or dered for the Easter trade, is one of the choicest displays made in Portland today. Possessing one of our suits you may feel as sured that no one will appear, on Easter, morning more becomingly attired than your self. New, up-to-date styles no hold-over stocic herecrAitJlc York's best cutters, made of the finest im-. ported and domestic fabrics, they : fit the form and retain their shape. Yes, they're "Jim Dandy" suits and youll appreciate their value when you inspect them. v , , You areperfectly free to purchase one of our elegant Easter Suits and make such regular payments as you wish under our easy-payment paxu Choose your suit, make a small cash payment down, then pay in weekly or monthly installments. You will discover this to be a very con venient method of purchasing your cloth ing, once you make a trial. We . trust everybody. There's no red tape or un pleasant conditions to meet. Call tomor row! and investigate. - ' ; . ; (Elflf THE DOME FUMISIIER 173-175 First Street 219-227 Yamhill SL iV'H. arla.S. I -4i.V.V3.Vi!t i w as t - w -a - v.T.; - . 'ess -THtr'k-'ar " V With ICrs. Burton, th '. nieces have been Uvlnc at Ironton hotel, . a ahort dlstano sooth., of tb half-oanturr-olS Jail. - "' - With the exception of Juat one day, Mrs. Burton has carried meals to her huaband from a hotel near tha Jail. On th day mentioned aha waa In St. Louis ahopplng. ... He has fared nnusually wall. Nothing- has been sent to him without first bains tastefully prepared, carefully cooked and seasoned to a nicety by Mra Burton. , . OBJECTS TO BECOMING PART OF PITTSBURG Willi ! in .kinlntrl nure crantU and 'invie-nr Jtinc stimulant anil tonic, it builds un the nerve tissues,, tones up tire heart, gives power to the brain, strength and elasticity to the muscles, and richness to the blood. It brings into action all the vital forces, it makes digestion perfect, and enables you to get from the food you eat the nourishment it contains. It is invaluable for overworked 'men, delicate women or sickly (children. It strengthens the system, is a pro moter of health and longevity, makes the old young, keeps the young strong. Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey is a form of food already digested; it is recog nised as family medicine everywhere. ,This is a guarantee, ' ' , Bold by au druggists, grocers ana aeaiert or direct, in seaiea Domes oniy; never sold in bulk. Price $1. Insist on th genuine and we that th "Old Chemist' trade-mark Is on the label and be sura the seal over the cork is un broken. Beware ol refilled bottle! and spurious malt whiskey substitutes of fered for sale by unreliable dealers. They arc positively harmful and will not cure. Illustrated medical booklet and doctors advice free. Duffy Malt Whiskey Co, Kochester, N. V. ' - - . (Special PUpatcs to Tb fesnsl.) ., Pittsburg. Pa March . 21. This wss tha date st for Greater Pittsburg to become an aoeomnllahed net. following th expiration of th tint allowed for action on th remittitur or ue state su preme court, which 10 days ago handed down a decision declaring the consolida tion act lawful. But owing to the con tinued opopattlon of the people and of ficials of Allegheny and their announced Intention to carry the matter up to the United States supreme court It may be a Ions tlm yt before the conaolldatlon of tha two cities Is effected. Allegheny has been contesting the merger since th proposal was first brought before th leaielatur more tnan a year ago and Mayor Charlea F. Klrschler of that city declares th fight will be continued to the last ditch. In the Greater ntta. burg election held laat June Pittsburg voted for th consolidation by a ma jority of over 21,000. while Allegheny voted two to one against tn proposal. After the election the matter was car ried to the superior court and thence to (he euDreme court of Pennsylvania, both of which tribunals sustained the finding f -h-lowr -court and rfeclsreri the Greater Pittsburg bill constitutional. CANADIANS LEARNING TO INSPECT MEATS ' ' (lavnl Smrial Smti l.l Vancouver. B. C, March 12. Seventy Canadlana sr now undergoing a special courae of training at Chicago to At themaelve - for -appointments as In spectors to anfore th provisions f tb new canned food Inspection law, which is soon to go Into effect. These candidates will hav th advents; of seeing the packing business as It is carried on there and familiarising them selves with the various processea of manufacture that It would later be their duty In thl country to Inspect. . , : GOVERNMENT TORPEDO FACTORY AT NEWPORT (looms! Sparta) Service.) Washington, D. C, March 22 Plan hav Just been completed by the naval bureau of ordnance for th construction of. a torpedo factory at Newport naval station.' Thla will be the flret time the government has undertaken to make Its own torpedoes on s large scale, here tofore all weapons f that kind having been procured under contract from pri vate maker. Tb new factory will give employment to at least tOO skilled workmen as soon as It Is In running Order ' It Is proposed . to mak vry part of th torpedo with th exception of th steel flasks, which contain the compressed air used to drive tb n glne and prop! th torpedoes. Mate rial of particular excellence Is required for these flasks, owing to ths high pressure they ar obliged to sustain. ranging In the esse of th latest torpe does upato 1,000 pounds to th equar Inch. . Th machinery neceaaary for their manufacture I expensive and ex pert workmanship Is required, so that It la believed to be cheaper to procure them from the concerns now making similar flasks for commercial uses than to unaertsxs to max them in a govern- nt shop. . . . i FASHIONABLE MILLINERY Splendid KOllaery Showta t Ballad .- Wear Wwk. . ; "I brought with in a new stock of Ideas as well aa millinery," said 8. Solomon, senior proprietor of ths Won der Millinery company, who arrived faom New fork yesterday., -'v7 will ahow mor new and artlatlo creations In millinery for Easter' than any stor In town. - Th hats will be right In both style and price. . All we ask I a com parison of our stock nut week with others that I know . ar ' not so well bought and consequently cannot b aold at th low prloea w quote W feel very ' much gratified that each aeasoa th patronage of this store Inereae- and the Increase Is notable among the rlssa of ladle who appreciate th vary nneet goods most wan tb article are priced right" ". . , AMBASSADOR BRYCE OF " "ENGLAND IN NEW YORK ' New Tork, ' March 22. Ambassador Bryc of England and Mr. Bryc ar rived In New Tork today and will re main In th city eeveral day before proceeding on their way to Canada, where they are to mak a visit of week or more with Earl Grey and hla family. A number of entertainments. both publle and private, are to be given for them while tney ar in thla city. Tonight Mr. and Mrs. Joseph H. Choate gave a dinner In their honor and tomor row night tha ambassador 'Will be the guest of honor st a large public dinner to be given by the rtlrrtmi' society. QUIT RE1NTT PA30NO its cnrrrntniitTTLDo. Rose, CityYaiik. Tamily, Restaurant and Hotel RtrRIGILRATORS . .-,''...'.'.;"',:'-.,.;.;'''' - : .'',...' The best and most reasonable priced on the American mar ' ; . . ket today Is the ; . .-. '.' 1 icg )f 9t7C J 7 J r"c - .iip iir.'TsTR REJRIGLRATOR That the Herrick possesses ths best principle of refrigeration is shown by the rawing ' demand for them. An examination of our refrigerators will convince eren the most skeptical of their merit in worlonanshlo. material. finish and high efficiency. A trial will prove the value of the principle, economy and highly sanitary features of the - Herrick, . :,-...- . vfJaB Largest Retail Hardware Dealer In Oregon. Stor 00 feet deep, from 130 lirst to 188 Front Street. First Street En trance next to O, W. P. Waiting Room. aaaBinununnNaTrasTnna Troy! tie now betaf advertised asm shown yea Vy aatosaokUe at net ta It U aay yactteaia with LEN OX . .. ... . . . i' On wfcol district la protected by banding! restrictions." ' Oer frtssa as ' SSOO pee? tot SOxlOO, Our terms ealy fia cash, fia pee ssemta. LENOX Haa tw ear llaee. 10-mlante eervloe. W ar not booaslaa' this pwe erty no are we aekmff boosa prloea. On sales ar eoaUanena aad leerttt aaat. W sll you eholo properties at valses which give fcnye eosas , ehaaoe f profit. , . Waea the la aa advnaw yo ret tt. ST effort to rash ye by adver tised advaa, A. C. CHURCHILL Q. CO., 1 1 0 2- 1 ft. o?j:go:: d "-' a r; SP Af E M M a