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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (March 22, 1907)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, FRIDAY EVENING. MARCH 22, .1907. PUTER'S -TESTIMONY IS DAMAGING TO HERMANN SETTLE STRIKE by peace unior Styles for Spring E, very Brook Hat Fully Guaranteed lv Attorneys for Defense In Cross- , Examining Puter Tread on Dangerous Ground. HERMANN WROTE LETTERS TELLING HOW TO DO IT Puter Admit Trying - to Brlb the Grand Jury That Indicted Him , ,Wu Pro ml ed Immunity few Tea? fifylng Against Ueerauui. (Xoonul Special Serrlea.t. x.'. ' .' : ' Washington, March . tl. Worthing " ' ton. counsel for tb defense, bit ye- ' terday afternoon in the Hermann trial. ', led 8.' A. D. Putr In cross-examination ' close to making statements directly , charging Hermann with accepting money on account of his acts as com " mtaaioner of tha genera) land offlce.The questions he waa asking were utterly . misunderstood by all onlookers, and all "" were amased when Puter's answers dls closed, dangerous ground for the de fense. Tha entire day had been eon- -. sumed In the examination and eroea- examination of Puter. who Is thus far - tha star witness. Ha related minute ; details of tha alleged payment of money t to Mitchell for scouring the expediting Vof patent .by Hermann. ,. . , How They Tried to Work Kay.",' , ' Puter lold of receiving letters from . . Hermann telling hlra- how to proceed "' In getting petitions for forest reserves. - He had talked with F. P. Mays at Port. . land on behalf of Horace O. McKlnley. who Is now a fugitive, and Tarpley, '' trying te Indue Maya to accept 60 cents .' an acr offered by them to hare 17,900 seres of school lands Included rathe Blue mountain reserve. Ha said Mays ' ; refused to aocept lesa than to per cent of tha entire tract to go into the-re- aerve; that 60 cants an acre-would not ... pay half tha expense of caring for peo- . pie at Washington. Puter said he oonveroed with Kays ' on a train. Mays aald: "There la a '.' big thing t pull off in Waahlngton In ' tha forest reserve business." - Croes-exmmtnatton - brought 'out the admission from Puter that he had been '4 suborning perjury and bribing people In connection with the "11-7" claims, and that he bribed Special Agent C. E. Loomls and Forest Superintendent 8. M. . Ormsby. He said that 12.000 he gave Mitchell he - procured - from President "Chaffee of the First National bank of .' Milwaukee, Wisconsin. -.; ' After the Introduction of the '' evl ; denoe of Puter' oourt adjourned "until Monday. , . . Puter ha proved one of the strongest I LAW STUDENTS SELL PAPERS , Initiation Into tha mysteries of the Phi Delta Phi fraternity, composed of students of the law department of the University of 'Oregon, proved exciting indeed for four candidates yesterday. The csndldatea are law students and were Initiated yesterday. ' As prellramery feature to; the Initiation they were each given a bun " die of newspapers and forced to stand V en street corner, calling out their wares until they were sold. The most prominent corners In the city were se , lected. Just to teach the . candidates .' how to take a Joke- ;. When the papers were sold out the four were Invited out to lunch. ' They went to a down town restaurant, where regular , member were served with all GOVERNMENT BEGINS WAR ' 1 The battle for definite results ; ., begun by the United States district at - toreey'a office this morning when As sistant Attorney James Cols filed four suit tn the United States circuit court for esncellstlon of patenta to govsrn . ment lands Issued upon fraudulent affi davit. . ';.'...'.'. '- -' ' The ease each Involve 110 acres of land, which baa been granted to dlffer- '.. ent people upon false representations mads to the general land office. Two of them include 8. A. D. Puter and Fred A. Krlbs, who purchased the claims after they had been secured by the original applicant. " . The facta tn theae oases, and perhaps In all four, oame to the knowledge of the United States attorney's office by reason of the land fraud investigations. ' The cancellation of the patents granted and ths reopening of the lands to set- ' tlement under the law will be the first : of the long series of similar results , ; expected to be brought about by the land fraud inveetlgatlona - v - There are a large number of claims which have been taken upon fraudulent testimony and for whloh patenta have been leaned. So far only one suit lmt "lar to those filed today ha been placed : upon tha docket of the federal court. Many esses, however, are existent where v fraudulent applicants have .scoured patent to " valuable land a The four ' cases filed todsy are believed to be the GRO WTH of - the NORTHWEST Ao IHuttrated by the Business of the Penn Mutual Lift Insurance : Company in Its North Pacific Department During Fourteen Year. ran DU.inv.. 1 11 nwrm . h nu iti Insurance In force In North Paclflo Insurance In fores In North Pacific Insurance tn force in Nortn racino Insurance la force In North Paclflo r insurance In fores In North Paclflo Department Jan. 1, 18.... l,T41,iae . Insurance in foroe in North Paclfle Department Jan. 1, 10.... .aM.sra Insurance in force in North Pkclflo Department. Jan. 1, 101.... g.ars.eTS Insurance tn force in North Paclflo Department Jan.-1, lo.,,, g,eea,4aa Insurance In foroe In North Paciflo Department Jan. 1, 1901.,... a,0Ol.aT . Insurance In force In North Paclflo Department Jan, 1, 104.... a,44,eag Inauranoe la foroe In North Paclflo Department Jan. 1, Itot.,.. T.037,SHa Insurance In foroe In North Paciflo Department Jan. 1. 10.... T.8.3ifl -Insurance la force in North Paclflo Department Jan. 1, lift.... 3Mfi " Recent legtslstlon ha slmed to make ' Insurance eompanlee what the Penn Mutual has always been purely mutual In character and opera tion. ' ' It hss over sixty yeers of unblemished Insurance reputation to Its' credit; and the largest amount of new Insurance written in any one) year waa during the Investigations and disclosures of 10I. ... Good risks and good agent wanted, nrnsTiaaTS Bxroma tov twrrrna. ' - SHIRMAN O .iARMON, General Agents 727-728-729-730-731 Marquam Building, - PORTLAND, OREGON witnesses against Hermann the govern ment has yet offered. He gave damag ing testimony in showing that In the "11-7" frauds ; the relations between himself, Hermann snd Senator Mitchell were close. He also said that Hermann stood with, him and E. P, Mays In the Blue mountain case.. The web of evict nee being drawn around Hermann by the government waa tightened by Puter's teatimony .. In es tablishing these friendly relations, and by proving that a targe amount of cor respondence passed between Hermann and the land fraud ring. Copies of let ters Hermann wrote these men cannot be found In ths press copy books In the general land office, and the proaecutlon la seeking to prove that these letters were copied In the books that Hermann destroyed.'- . " '. Pater's Immunity Beth. '' 'Puter said he had been promised that the) Indtetment atlll remaining agalnat him would be dismissed If he would give -testimony agalnat Hermann. Ha also admitted having attempted to bribe the grand Jury that Indicted him. Puter aald . he had offered a' ' man named Brownell ISO te lnflueno the ; grand Jury not to return an indictment agalnat him. ' " - Although nnabl to speak conclusive ly as jthe characterof letters In ..Her mann's private letter books, Puter- was able to throw sidelight en that phase of the case, such ss to strengthen ths government's position. Govern men? a Ultimate Purpose. Hermann's susceptibility to land ring Influence was the undertone of all of Puter's revelations. ' The closeness of his relatione with Mitchell, ths apostle of "expediting," and with those Inter ested in the Blue mountain reserve was emphasised. Ths government' deep- down purpose, underneath all mere in' cldenta of sensational disclosure, each Item damaging on . Its ewtt account, ia te establish a a fact that Hermann bad considerable correspondence ' with many of these land conspirator which should be of record In the official letter file of the general land office and that It la not there, having been de stroyed by Hermann because of It In criminating nature. ' '' -., t Puter admitted he waa engaged In at tempts at stats land frauds between hi conviction and his sentence .to the term he Is sow serving. The two f 1,000 bill Puter paid Mitchell, he said, he got from the Mllwaukle bank president. Chaffee, Pater's XJe Xad Oaaae. . " Among other points. Puter testified the land to whloh he obtained homestead patent in the Cascade reserve was ut terly worthless, but was good for scrip on lieu land worth 11. Zs to f an acre that he and Hermann had concocted false testimony- which Hermann had Uttered when-a witness in the Puter ease, the false testimony-relating-to his identification of Mrs. Watson, who waa with Puter in Waahlngton whan the lat ter met Hermann and mads affidavit in the "11-7 case. . , , ' AND EAT SHADOW SOUP .-.- - . "--.-- -. . ... t.. the delloaclee . that could - be -erovlded. The four candidates were served with a bowl of what waa called soup. It oooslsted of hot water, a sprinkling of (ooasoo sauce, witn a layer of aand in tne bottom or the bowL When the lunch waa com Dieted the candidates were, put through other- in teresting work, which, however, waa not divulged. It was kept a profound i eret. but Is said to have been equally as unique a other feature of the In itiatory services. . ..." , Newsboys threatened a revolt unless the four Intruders were removed from the streets. . a number met this morn' ing to plsn retaliatory steps In ease the Tour ' "outsiders" , appeared on the streets this afternoon. r-r -. TO CANCEL FRAUD TITLES forerunners of a long ' list of similar suit brought to wrest from the hands of Illegal holders vast tracts . of the publlo lands Of ths stats which have been secured fraudulently. The ' titles of the cases filed with the clerk of the .court today are: , it .-, .. The United State ve. James A. Rob inson, 8. -A. D. Purer and Fred A. Krlbs The United States against George A. Miner. 8. A. 13. puter and Fred A. Krlbs. The United States agalnat Mont B. Hutchinson and a separate suit against Badle V. Hutchinson. - SPECTATOR WILL APPEAR WITH INTERESTING STUFF i The second Issue of the Spectator) which will appeer tomorrow morning, promise to furnish - some : interesting reading. The special articles are In line with that which Interests Portland and uregon. c. k. b. wood hag written a story on "Civic Virtue," W. M. KU llngsworth tell of Portland's bright fu ture, and there are several clever short stories. Ths Comment columns tell of "Inside History of Outside Graft." bear ing upon the situation In San Frsnctseo, and editorial leads on the line of en couragement for thoee who do right and a lecture for thoee who do wrong. ni .ihviiv. Jtru A. iait. impartmeni, Jan. 1. lKf... ,S lne.Tso Department Jan. 1. 1(91 .. ... TT60 418.000 49.asa tiepartment Jan. 1, U97. Department Jan. 1. lii . S4S.fiaa Secretary of National Peace As , eociation Visits Portland and v - Submits Plan, v WOULD BRING TOGETHER " ; . OPPOSING SIDES IN STRIFE Ultimate Purpose I to Secure Leg islation for Creation of State Ar Thug Settled In One Day. ; Ths settlement of the sawmill strike by the Intervention of tha Nation! tn. dust rial Peace association Is a scheme proposes py p. h. Scullln. general s co re tary of that organisation. Mr. Scul lln , came here from Stockton. Califor nia, where the national o Aloes are alt uated. tor the purpose of putting to the test his plan for settling the strike. . I shall not attempt to Interfere in the controversy myself. "That. would bs presumption on the part of a stranger," aald Mr. Scullln today, "What I will do will be to organise a branch of the National Industrial Peace association and advise It members to go ahead and offer their i services ss conciliators. Whatever Is dons will be done after I am gone. In Oakland, California, some time ago aa extensive strike in the building industry was setUed within Z hours after the association took action." Bring Opposing- Bids Vogethee. : ' Branches of4 the peace association at tempt to bring about the settlement of disputes by endeavoring' to bring the opposing sides to ths labor controversy Into a conference. This la 'What will be done In Portland If the counsel of Scullln prevails. The ultimate purpose of the National Industrial Peace association la to secure me passage or legislation lor the es tablishment of a state board of arbi tration and conciliation. Bllla Intro duced In various state are . an alike. They provide for the appointment of a board of three, one representing the unions, one representing the employing interests, the third to be selected by the other two. - . The dutlee of the board are to investi gate the causes of labor troubles, to sub poena witnesses and gatbsr evidence upon which a decision in the dispute le made by the board. The SouUln bill does not provide that the award of the board shall be absolutely binding upon tha parties to the dispute. -This would be compulsory arbitration. Mr. Scul lln' scheme originally embodied com pulsory arbitration, but he was fought so bard by 'the labor anion on this potnt that he abandoned It. ; He be lieves. lowsver, that the force of pub llo opinion will make the award practi cally binding upon both parties to the controversy. '- . Work X Zaaoreed. Mr. Scullln waa formerly a carpenter. For the past six years he has worked Incessantly for the advancement of his plan for industrial peace. HI work has been Indorsed by leading commer cial associations wherever he has gone and in some place he baa received sup port of labor unions. His bill ha been introduced three times In California and once In Washington, but has not be come a law la any- state. - California. Colorado, Indiana, -and Now . Jersey have stste branches of the association. Mr. SouUln waa about to start- for Washington, D. C for the purpose of transferring his national headquarters to that point, whan he read of the saw mill strike In Portland and decided to make a visit to thla city. . He arrived here last Wednesday, when ' he spoke before the Columbia RJver Loggers' as-. soclatlon. Hs hss slready received the Indorsement of the board of trade and next Wedneaday he will hold a publlo meeting In the T, M. C A. auditorium He will organise a branch Of hi asso ciation aa quickly as possible and will endeavor through It to bring about an amicable adjustment of the mill strike. FAILING STREET LOTS BOUGHT f PR $10,000 Property at Williams Avenue f Crossing Sold to War- -' 11 ren Brothers, i A. tt. and K. K. Warren have sold to James U. Kelly a quarter block at tha northwest corner of Falling street and William avenue for tlO.Ouo. The property le known a lots T and I. block 18. Alblna - homestead, and Is covered with a substantial character of frame improvements - ' t ' 1. C A. Rhea, as trustee, hss taken title to SI acres In the John Jtankln donation land claim. The deed was made br Jo seph Burkhard, and the consideration 112.000. , ' . r,-.-,v. . . BLACK AND BLUE MARKS SHOWED Mrs. Bradley ' Allere la Her IH- roree Complaint That Husband Beat Her Most Cruelly. , Mrs. Phoebe C Bradley filed suit for divorce today agalnat C. C Bradlev of Hewett, Bradley A Co.. dealer In fur nishing goods at 144 Washington street. In the state circuit court. In which she alleges that Bradley had treated her In cruel ana inhuman manner and had subjected - her to personal Indlsnltles which readered her life burdensome. Further, Mrs. Bradley aliased that Bradley struck and beat her on the body and in the face until black and blus marks showed. That he called her names and stayed out late at nlghta. refualng to tall where he had been when questioned on his return. Mrs. Bradley allegee la her oomplalnt that when she ssked Bradley whether he had been at certain placee he denied that he had despite the fact that other persons hsd advised Mrs. Bradley to the contrary. . . Mr. and Mrs. Bradley were married In Portland August 10, 1001, snd Mrs. Bradley allegee that shortly after their marrtsge Bradley commenced Xo treat her cruelly. A a salve to her injured feelings Mrs. Bradley would like to have I2B0 temnorarv altmonv: iivo a montn ror permanent alimony and to have ber maiden name ,f t" rr'ST h,r- B 0,m" Kor tile by aU druggists. Trade snp snd T. O. Hailey are Mrs. Bradley's J nii-a hv Clarke-Woodward Drue- Co. attorneys. 1 V " M i l ' ' Largest assortment YOUH CREDIT IS QUOD -mm Special in the Basement Dept. Mrs. Potts' Sad Irons nickel finish, set consisting of 3 irons, stand and handle. Offered for tomorrow only in our basement department at the special of No' mail, telephone or C. O. D, orders accepted for this speciaL - ' : ' - i ; ' :' -'. Opportune "Bargains in Our Exchange Dept. GOT ON A BENDER THREE ! Elisabeth Parellus filed a suit for divorce agalnat Henry Parellus In the state circuit court today and in ber complaint alleged that Parellue has been drunk at least three times a month for each month sines they were married. December. 187. If Mrs, Parellus 1 correct In ber statement. Parellus has had J30 packages to carry home to his wife since they started In upon their life of connubial bits. The worst feature of Parellus' drunks - was that he became abusive SIR KNIGHT WM.H.MANEELEY SSd Degree of BCary Oonunandery, ralla- Aslpala, msoover from Bright" Pis ease. rtiirlna- enerlava week In San Fran Cisco, Sir Knight Win. H. Maneeley of 1804 N. seventeen i n street, rniiaaeipnia. of Mary Commandery. called at the ef- ne or tne no. j. r uitvo v,o. w repnn his recovery. . . . He stated that ne naa sotn ungnis Disease and Diabetes for Bine years and had gotten so low he could not speak for a half hour at a time, and had to be put In too packa. A leading phy sician sent him word that he had had several cases recover under a prepara tion made In California called Fulton's Compound. - Maneeley sent for It. The third night he got tne nrsi natural sieep In months snd Improvement waa then graaiial but continuous, until ne is now the picture of health. Among Otner weu-anown s-nnsaei- phiane who had recovereq ne mentioned Richard Filbert Mrs E. T. Snow of ISIS Columbia avenue; also two resi dents of Kensington, whom he told of It, also the wire or a pnvsicisn ana sev eral otnera.. Masons will snow now to approach Mr. Maneeley to get the eter nal trutn aa to tne genuineness ox mis profound discovery. We sgatn announce to the world the curability of cbronle Brlgbfe Disease snd Diabetes In fully (7 per cent ot all eases. . . ' When tn suscect Brisnt'B Diseaae weakness or loss of welshti puffy an kles, hands or eyelids: dropsy; kidney trouble after the third month! urtne may ahow sedlenent; falling vision; drowsiness: one or more of these. For Bright'B and serloue kidney dis ease get Fulton's - Renal Compound, fl.00. For Diabetes, sak for the Diabetes iir'n, ,.... Vr T ino.J.uUon Co., 6810 8n Pablo Ave, Pend tor free booklet. wholesale druggists. Portland, Or. youroemtI lusooo j Peer of All of John B. Stetson Hats Qak Stands $1.90 mmmmmmmmmmmm Bsaaassass Exactly like cuta strongly! built and ,well designed piece, made of oak, in the quarter-sawed . golden finish, 23 inches high with 12-inch top. No mail, tele phone or C. O. D. orders will be ac cepted for this special. One ' only to each purchaser. . . , , , C0LlPLETE-H0U5E-FURra511ER5 . . , - . -' . - - - - . .- JJi REGULARLY TIMES A MONTH while tn hi cups, alleges Mrs. Parellus, and called ber vile name. That be also threatened to do ber bodily harm and on one occasion ordered her out of the house and forbid . ber to re turn. On another occasion. t Is al leged. Parellue waa . forcibly ejected from the building In whloh Mrs. Pare llus wss living because or his boister ous conduct. -- October 14, 1001. according to Mrs. Parellus complaint, Parellus - became drunk and abused her on the streets, for which he was arrested and sent to Jail. . . The couple have a little girl and Mrs. Parellus want to have the custody of the child, together' with alimony amounting to $50 a month. She al leged that Parellus is a polisher and varnlsher and makes not less than tl2( a month. . NEW TEMPLE FOR a BUILDING TRADES i in , Two-8torjr Structure; Will Be Erect ed for Union at Tenth and Stark Streets. :-. '' Preparations are snder way for ths construction ef a building on ' Tenth atreet near Stark,- to be known aa .the Building Trades' temple. F. C Porrlne and assoclstes have taken ' over the above site from the local carpenters' union and have employed - architects Travis snd Wilson to prepare the plana of a two-story brick structure to cover the entire 10 by 101 foot lot. The ground floor will be used for stores and the upper story will be fitted up aa the headquarters Tor the union organisation of the eeveral building trade. ...-. The sits of ths proposed structure Is at present occupied by a frame building In which the carpenters union meets. It le the purpose to eomplete the new building during the coming summer. Where) Bg-gar RMe, From ths Wide World Msgsiine. -I . wishes were horses beggars might ride.1 says the- eld saw. but In Perels beggars actually do ride, although they patronise the humble donkey Instead ef hla more arlstoorstlc brother. How tliey manage to obtain theae useful ani mals or even te exist themselves passes European comprehension, but the fact remains that they do both. ts . - Wi A $3.00 Ha in the city all tbc new 100 PAIRS Special Per Pair SBBsVSsaBSBsasSasBSSSsW . These to be placed on sale to morrow evening in our Drap ery Dept, from the hours of 7 to 9 o'clock. This special lot ia a selection from our line of 1 white lace curtains and sell reg- ' ularly for 60c a pair. Pur chasers will be limited to two pairs. No mail, telephone o C.O.D. orders will be acceptei for this speciaL ' r . Bacc Curtains """""T"" "TT- ... . b. ! . 1 Sale of Odds and ILnds Crockery Deptr Basement, Unusual bargains in a closing out of incomplete, stock of dinner set pieces in several popu lar patterns, Sale, ends tomorrow. ; : ' J'r ? f if- Ths Persian tramp, astride bis donkey, often make very long Journey even aa far a Meshed or Mecca, whence be retun.s with the proud UUe of "Radjl." Useful as the donkey In to his menll cant master, ths latter usually treats hlra In . most brutal fashion, a length of chsln being a frequent substitute for a whip when ths unfortunate animal need encouragement - . . v .. - Fro if Long Imprisoned In Tree). - From the London Dally MalL While en old horae cheatnut stump being cut down at Lathbury, a live frog was discovered between the ( ililM ( M ifr mm Jit 1 throat. . .:- .'-, . v '. V ( ',.r-' ;.. , . - . , To get rid of the disease 'tis always best to re move the cause. -. ' ; ,. The cause of coughs and colds and bronchitis and catarrh can be nyomel, the antiseptic air cure. . A It is so simple ; just breathe in the medicated air f Hyomei and its soothing and healing properties will cure a cough or a cold in from 2 to JO hours. T Hyomei is . guaranteed to cure. A complete Hyomei outfit, including inhaler, costs $1.00 at any CsbSsM 'lllf sBssass3 drug store, and costs nothing unless it cures. ; Mail orders filled. . Interesting booklet free. : " ' KILLS A COLD AT ONCE Hyomei far better than Cough Syrups, Tablets or any other stomach dosing to cure a cold and prevent Pneumonia. Dooth'a Hyomei Co., CenlUyntn Please tend ne another Hyomei o'i''r warding- by mail. Hyomei has cured t"e ct c" ions standing;. It It the beet thing- to ! a r : 1 ever nsedt No congh medicine or tabV-i c . i It. The outfit I am cr-!r!nj to hiy Is f -r r -,- Rfi ' iY.y j : , : Croatoo, Lee Co., I . shapes and shades 1V1AKU YOUR OWN TERMS iiiiU' At A "New Process" Gas 'Ranges ; $1 Down ;? $lWeek bark and the timber about II Inches from the ground. The bark was thick and bad grown completely around It, and, write a correspondent, there waa not the slightest bole - through whloh the frog could , have . crept la recent year.' " The tree baa shown no sign of lif for st least five years past, and on the lowest computation the bark must have had two years' growth. Ths frog must therefore have been cut off In Its prison from light ana food for at least seven years. It was yellow and small, but in excellent health, and when placed oa the grass bopped off. . ,. J e-i . I I 'J mrm i mm- U WW I I II f Fl IV ., ARE YOUR) vmnnnj If you have a cough or a cold it is caused by the inflamed condition of the mucous membrane which lines the nose and easily and quickly removed by 1 Ruffalo, N. Y. It-