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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (March 22, 1907)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND, FRIDAY EVENING. MARCH 2. 1S37. PtfSTLAFTD PillCITT : A Card 1,1 BAHXEBS' OAMZK esBBasmsmBBBSSamBsBSBS - Publisher Extends Courtesy to City by an Article Showing In vestment Values of Rose City, f. " -V' COMPLETE, ASSORTMENT OF v'v Alfred Benjamin ILaster and Spring SUITS . s l- 'i ',''', 1 ' ARE, NOW. READY smootoSzin.oo : ; .'. t t I . , v '4 ' , ;'. - ' 1 1, yv The Gentility Shop 311 Morrison St, Opp. Postoffice GO SHOPPISB; BUY TOVa O CARLOAD OF , AUTOS Millionaires Peevish Because ,. They Can Not Buy as Many Autos as They Want, M Uml SesrftT SSrres.V Los Angeles, CaJ.. March II. E. fl. Iloyt, a brother-iii-lav of Senator Clark, and Dr. W. 8. PhlUlps, a Chicago multi millionaire, cams to town 6a a little hopping expedition yesterday.-. Before night they had purchased the townaite of Beatty. Nevada, for approximately a quarter of a million dollars, picked up every electrle light globe, are and lnoan- dosoent lamp to be had here to brighten the proposed city en the desert, bought an Itallaa orcheatra and started tt for Beatty, and ft 0.000 worth of automo biles, to he shipped In the morning. They were peevish because they could not get more of the same make. . . To cap the climax they engaged Tl waltresaea-St It a day to do down and feed the hungry. These went last night by Pullman. The former owners of Beatty were Malcolm MacDonald, Louis A. Parkhurst. C M. Schwab. Donald B. aiUlear-Timtnas ' Edwards and - Robert Montgomery. The new purchasers have determined to make Beatty the -metropolis of southern Nevada, and apparently have the money to carry out their plans. Who is Mttigerf "He fits you eyes for 11.00.. Ill Sixth street. A 14 -page Illustrated boost for Port land and Oregon appeared la the De cember Issue of the Bankers Magaslns. published at New York, and a sopy of fhe magaslns was placed at seen piate at the Portland . Commercial elub at luncheon yesterday. The Portland ar ticle, which was a courtesy on the part of the publisher, W, C Warren, was read with much Interest, and everyone carried away- a opy- of-ths-wsgasine for filing or sending to , some inena abroad. The Bankers' Magaslne reaches a very large class of the Investing public. In cluding bank directors and officials ail over the oountry. and It la thought the Portland showing In It will be proauo tlve of much good. The Commercial elub showed apreclattoa by 'purchasing a number of copies for distribution. The article brought out strongly this oltys advantages la commerce and transportation. Us beauties as a place of residence. Its solidity as the banking center of the Pacific northwest, and its great opportunities as a field for In vestment of eastern capital. As an ar gument for the placing of eastern money here. In all kinds of property and legitimate Industry, It was convincing, and the banking fraternity of the coun try cannot but be Impressed with the faot presented. , ' . ' , CHESS PLAYERS WANT THEIR TROPHY BACK Dmil New York, March II. The American an of collet ehess players completed their work of training and practicing today la preparation for the cable eheee match with the English team tomor row. The American team-is made up of players representing Columbia. Har vard, Tale and Princeton, while players of Oxford and Cambridge universities make up the English team. If the Americans wta It will mean the re covery of the Isaao L. Rico Interna tional trophy, which has been abroad since 10. Play will begin tomorrow morning, the American end of the eon test being conducted from the quarters of ths Isaao L. Rloe Chess eluh la Sec ond avenue. The eontest will continue until r o'clock In the evening, when the matches left unfinished will be adjudi cated by W. B. Napier, who has been selected ss referee. . .- QUIT pjpO RENT! Y , 'I.. At Modest PrIceSe - .tt No need of paying the high prices of up-town stores when you can secure such a large selection -from us at treasonable prices. ) rti W-':-' Boys' 2-Piece Suits, Ages 7 to 16, $1.95 to $5;00 it - .'j Boys'. Knickerbocker Suits BASEBALLS AND BATS FREE with all Boys' Suits 1 'i-jT " 4- t'-. r t - t..: : I AULAJQIw Would You Save Money ? Come tolUs - i IT'S CHEAPER TO BUHD-. WHEN YOU SEE IT IN OUR AD IT'S SO THIRD AND 1, OAK M . - . . - - ... , ., , . r . - . v .-- Delayed in transit; refused on that account by first purchasers. Railroad brders their claim agents to-So ahead, sell them for what they'll bring and we will stand for the loss. HK5T AND SALMON AT 1 1 S -e-J ' flKST AND SALMON Got the biggest snap it ever got$55,000 worth of the best known makes of Men's, Women's and Children's Wearing Apparel and Shoes at ; ..V'. TO ao THE DQUL.AR This means that the people who attend this, great sale will get the greatest bargains in their lives. Thousands of dollars' worth of Men's Suits, Coats,' Hats, Furnishings, Pants, etc. ,Case after ' . , case of Women's most stylish. Skirts," Waists, Kimonos, Petticoats, Underwear, Hosiery. Sold in all cases at less than one half what uptown stores charge;!rv;v. s-y -7 ZaAUe Bead4e.Wsa t40 Shirtwaist SunMade of French percale, nicely trimmed .with red pip ing, full 4-yard skirt ., S1.45 Kadlaa UO Madras Wsisa In tan. gray and blue, plaited, front and back S9d Xadlea 00-Xaak Coat la light gray and tan, slabo .rateJy trimmed with green silk velvet; a oat that sells for 110.00 the .world over: our ; pries ...M.05 : fcadJaa llUM Black Serfs Skirt Made of. the very . best os. serge, and plaited In front and back: very artistic $4.50 Tjadlss Jtomg tax Klmoaos Made of good quality China silk, trimmed with 4-lnch Persian ribbon: a 1100 garment for ................. . ..f2.0S . &adlsa 9&M e SIMM WUi Petti ooat , in black and colors, made of chiffon taffeta or heavy rustle .' taffeta: sale pries ........S4.4S A CfcarnUaf SUk Coat Mads of chiffon taffeta . purs silk, perfectly tailored, all silk binding; in black only; sale pries ..97.95 ' a Webby yes Ooafr Made of all wool plaid or striped . . mixture la light . spring shades; our pries tt... 92.05 , A swan Tailored tsrV Mid la black, blue or brown, trimmed with stitched taffeta banda and ; yoke: a tact suit for .t 912.50 A Pretty Sresslnr aeeue Made of fine Krenoh lewn. in a wide range of colors; sals price.. 45 A tTebby Salt for Wsses Made with Stylish bo coot and plaited skirt of fancy plaid, all wool material, la light spring shsdes 97.50 OKllds' Salaty Sobool Pries Mads of good quality chambray, yoks of white pique or aU-ever em , broidery, coma in pink, blue and red; price.. 75 d ' Babies' Ohambray Dresses Made of good chambray and trimmed with braid, come la pink, blue, red! or plaid; sals pries ..254 ; A Oraeeful and Artistis Combination Suit fos Otels Msds of very good quality Persian lawn. V- shaped yoke of tucked lawn ; or. lacs- collar la . . trimmed with rows of Val. lace; price, $2.45 Xdies TBS - Bibbed Tnderweas In cream or whits .r...... 80 , tidies and OhlMren'S IBs Kose. , QA XAdies Sleeveless Tests In good quality; regular Its kind ...' i.. ...... ....... 9d Sadies Black Sateen ' Sklrb Made with. It-inch flounce; sals pries .48 . Bed spreads .... vS9d Bed Sheets 25 Pillow, SUps ...........10 Huck Towsls .........,4c ladles' Wblte silk Waists Elaborately trimmed ' . ' with fine Val. lacs and Inserting, tucked yoke and plaited back: Sf.00 values; sale price.. 92.95 Three Cases of Children's Wash Tresses, ages I to It years, from 2 Jo to ....... .-92.50 ' Worth three times as much. Two cases of Women's Chambray Wash Dresses- From 11.31 to . ...95.O0 Worth from 11.10. to 110.00. ' , MLN'S MOST STYLISH ILMeir Apparel MenV $25.00 Suits... .i . . . ; ... . . . .912.75 Men't $20.00 Suits ...... , ; . f 9.83 Men's $18.00 Suits. ............... 90.05 Men's $17.00 Overats. .......... ?6.05 Men's $25.00 Overcoats.........., 99.85 Men's $30.00 Overcoats . .. .912.75 Boys' $10.00 Overcoats........ 92.05 Boys' $5 and $7.50 Suits, sizes 6 to 16. , Saturday only ................. . 91.05 Men's Pants, $.3.50 valuei ...... i ,. v 92.00 Men's heavy fleece lined Underwear, while they last ,35 50c Neckwear, in teck and 4-in-hand, Sat urday . , ' . , . . . . . .4 .. . . . . . .. ...... .10f Men's fine Madras Dress Shirts, in a wide range of colors.' Saturday......... 50 $2.o Hats . .-. . . . . . ;i . . . ; . . ...... .915 Men's 50c Caps. T..'... . .25f Men's Fancy Sox, black with silk embroid ered figures, sale 2 pairs........... 23 Boys' Rough and Ready Suits....;. 91.25 Boys'; heavy wool fleeced Underwear, all : size's ... J.... ........ T. ......... .21 10-4 Blankets .....;.....1...40 SDOES AT ABOUT DJUJF It different styles "of Men's Dress Bhoea, patent ,- and vlct, blucher out; 4.00 and valuee ...........,v;..., , Men's oil grain, heavy work Shoes, bellows tongue, ; , waterproof shoe at ......... y. . 91.85 Special. Saturday Men's 10-lneh high, top crulssrs, - Heavy sols, oil tannsd and-vlseollsed. M 00 val ' ues at ,,..... . j . ....'.v., ,',;,,,, , .93.60 '. SO Spring styles to Men's oxford, patent and viol. 91.85, 92.25 sad v 92.65 100 pairs 'Ladles' vlci kid Bhoea, aU slsee ....094 ' Before buying your Spring Shoes give us ens call. , Ws havs a complete line of Ladles' up-to-date ana , stylish shoes, In patent, viol, bluoher out and but ton; value li.Oi, 11.11, till, and our bast at tl.lf ; nons reserved.. .. . .. At last we havs discovered one for ths boys ' A . good substantial Shoe, ene whloh has proven satis factory to our . trade - ' sisss IH to im at . sises uh to 1 at . Slses IV. to I H at Corns and be convinced. Tor satisfaction In Misses' snd ' Children's ehoee ' we have no equal. We ste here to stay and satisfy '.our trade.' Bring the sd with- you and ws will, show you that wo mean business . Itt to lltt. our beet 91.10 lltt to I. our best 91.33 it .....91.20 91.40 .'.w. 91.60 A,-