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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (March 22, 1907)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL; PORTLAND. FRIDAY EVENING. . MARCH 22. 1907. !7 roilSALF REAL ESTATE. bellwood homes. - BLRon 0-rein hooee, doe in. 8.00 g-room huuM, clue In. A "l 4-rooin houee, two lots, f 1.1. to -6 room houee. O-raoni Um. ntrs lots, fry It tre etc., on Imorn.rd atreol. ' .f" .room t'H oa Improred itml ti .x'x r room iiim, t lute tl 4 t-nnu tnim, I !- ' Bt.Oon 8 lum, rlrw of rlrer. 12 4io T roorn, njoder bouee, , . " 4 pretty lote. y tree lot) (,wt qnare, corner. . uo. 1" rm iuar. . SELI.WOOD TOV, NSITB CO., ' ' H . P. P.luier. llir. 2M Falling bid-., a Main Sdni SeUwood office. 1M.1 E. ' lth St. . Pbuo Acllwoud Ml. iinrtK lot, corner, 50x100 a Portlaad H'lititi; elegant lew nioet aril. glMt Fun lot oa Going and ITth ota. -8H.V) Coiaf Int. BoxluO aa Alhlna are. tKAA 4-roora cottage oo Albert rar. 'fit down and fit month and two lataj . vomt early. HARPER A O'DONNlfLlV Soon ' 8. Bnaaa bldg. Phone Mala tU. I HAVR two ft no lota la In Park that wUI eell (or 8.VS0 to eloea no bit bu m nc here; teroil.JiL4Mldi-Alldreai-fl i.o, cure euuruai. A A-BOOM cottar, mnriera. (nil basement , sloe lawn. Int hOxlOO; 8 block from ear IIiiki , prlca Al.OOOl half caah. Call aoi Swotlaad bug., corn Fifth and Waalilngtoa ota. 82 A00 AN S-room meders bona, (a, toilet, hath, tnll basement, alao food barn: lot 60x luo; I block (rota ear Una: only part e balance 1 er 2 year, sol twatlaa4 bids.. rma ana waaaingtoa at. . - A NEW modern -raoaa bouse. S lilocka (rom rar Una. cement baeement, cement walk; a nargain. cnii w Bwotlua bid. Fifth and Washington au. . MUST aall before Sunday a lot hnxlOO oa Eaat Main at.: a bargain at $1,000: price only "tuj aair eaan. can rnaar, wi owauaAO iti(. corner run Baa waaamirtoB ata tril.L wll ma i tola) Koat Oltr Park Int. 1V4 blorka from rar 11 ao and bmilaTard. (or anly l eaaa. l'boao Ha la BWia. LOT SOxlOft, a raat alda, oo4 htratleot lro : proa-ad atrarta; oaay tarma. Fbona Waodlawa 18X. or sail 170 Frost at. fsno DOWN and til a aianrh ban a noma ta Bnnnyaida. fbon Eaat BOO or Eaat XHtia. FOR SALE FARMS. Vancouver. Wasnlarton 40 acraa, boot of rand. S3 aerea andar V- rlTattoa). 10 a rate alaabod and aaally clrarad : nnd -roma Amatory bouaa. arw barn S2XM, 24-fViot Boata. annla-houaa. 1 rlilrkaB-boaaaa, bnabona. ate. Vol fralt traaa, 24 acras In ' raapbarnaa and atrawnarrlra; oa Btihllo roaa, . f. D. Bull. 1 Btllo froaa ooaoarr town . and U mllaa fmn VanoMTor, oa food lara ' road. Prtca or wltb paraonal prop art r. alora, anachlnrry.-ate., (or fa.000. M aerra rood land, 2ft am-a eloarrd. all i . fMod : d-room bonao. bara BftiSO, food ral lar. wood and rblrkan-boao, blackanltb ' a boo and. wnla. 10W bearing (rait traaa. a a anrtad frmltn. I pwd walla., aratar Pi pad la , haoaa: H anlla from arnool. S ml Ira front onunrry tnwa and 18 rntlea froai Taaamryar. ' lorlBda tbo following: About 10 ton at bar. Btowar. raka. T ksad of BiUrh rr . calf, m eblokana, tH-lach wagon. 2 plowa, 1 mm, aawa, wadgaa, ate. Prtca W.ofO. ' r AO aerea boat ( anlL all hwaL M arraa rlaarad, 40 aerra flna ' paatnra. platw all ... fnrodi t-raaa 2-otnry booaa. barn adrOa. 22-(not Boata, b. ehtr'kaa and amnkaboaaao, S walla. 12 arraa baarar dam land; In good -nala-hSnrbood. 2 aVllra) (roa oaoatrr town and ' 12 aiUca front Tanaoarar. . Prlra ra.aOO; half : raan. lo acraa boat f Bolt. " SB am rtaoTod. ' a boat 00 aerea rreek buttna land, balance . rood farming laad wbs crrarcd land baa . baaa loawad off and acadad to paatnra: 2 . . . tlThnT BtrcaBia and aarcral nice Brrlnra. one " of which la la tna rhlckoB-yarda; nlra 2 a tor? 0-rooai rwaao. (lna bay window, large and atry moon: t lam cblcfcon-bonaaa, larra , - wnndahad. dairy and fruit ttooe. bars dMxl02 (at: pohllr road by bnlldlnra; H arrtw In boertnc arraa M. a aa art ad frttlta. boat variety, atrawborry bad. faejred and traaa faaed; the noat dairy asd atccc ranch la the ooautrr; If.aoW anoa earr A5.IVX): half eaah. M acraa. 20 aero rlrerod. 20 acraa elaahod Tf-Bad oaadad. balanea1 BeatBro aand; 2tory mtB bonaa, lerne Brw bara and ootballd - Inre. famllT orchard: 40 acraa fenced and ' crone fonradi well and 1 aprtneaj mile 1 froai rhnrch and arbool. In good Babrhbor . kood: mllaa tmm goad towai a baxgaia at a.t.vanr; parr coon. V v THOalPW WA1. ' - : f . fltlacna' Bank bld., TaBeouTor, TfaaV POR SALX TA1M AMD ACREAfJI TRACTS, 008 114 acraa arer Portland, few trait ' " trra. 4-rnnni booaa to good condition and -i part tr faralahod. r - s W-110. (anfti acre land In nuntnr town Boar Pnrthtnd; rood well, rtna fralt treae and norriea:. a ice 4-rooat bobob. aewlr pa Intnl. and larra bara. ' w.m. -, " 10 oerea ta Tanthrtl rormty, clooa te mwat rina loan am antra prorao; good urtio - , bom place.'. Y-l-10. I $0Q 100 acraa. 10 acraa la mlrlratloa. 20 , acre aaetnre. IR0 fralt rroo, m Srrrt tin - Oct: a anon bobm: partly UI land. B IO. ' tl.onn120 ecroa. 40 aeroa clear. 00 aero , 'woad atork. fralt traaa, gaud Ball; ale little amne. . - M-J-- A.nf0 T acraa ta. WaabhuTfAs eonnfy; 10 aerea m mmretioa. (nod poamr laad; or. ,- collent bone and bar on oillk root: rbla t m aa toaat oife dairy rana. ; , w-a. I CATE, ; Pboo rcbene Ta 2241 Mark at. " ' LOOK FKBEI I bere form to eell, 20 ha 100 aerce each, all In rantdly deT.lor.lng dlatrlct. aome with Tory tittle tatnrtrieBtonie aod aoaaa woTI tr. prered. at prleoe which ere oara aa doehle la t to ft yoara. Alao a few of the boat net oeaee prnoartloa hi Oroahaai. aa wall a a Bnenher of boalnae bolMlnga paying aa In. coat of 12 to 14 nrr rent, end recant lore, nraakaai la 12 atitea eaat of Portland, with one rer tin finished and not bar la eoerae of eaorrroctlon. Writ, enlalrlug loaf what row want, end eee what I will do (or roe, or. what la better, roll and are BM, .. .v, .0. S. JOHNON. . . .j....;! , . Orrabaav, Or. .. .. A It OA IX 21 acraa, t atUr freoi Woodnarn. Or.: 0 aerea bearerdam. half iiatatndor a - rnltlrarloB. balance poof are and timber. Son - oorde wand: good ft-ronea boaaa. 2 anion boBoaa. 2.1WI0 aad I.OtaVaack capacity ehlek. ... on bonao. bara: oood family orchard: 4.n(K: half caah, balance terroet will txrhange for ity aroparty. - - . PABVTPItir LAffB CO., ...i-. 2.-411, Third at. . . POR 0ALB 200 acraa of land. 160 acre af marea. in eat Ira cranberry Three, bal- " a pro la tletner, tiaaice, fir end bamlnrk; fronting oa Bhoelwajor bay. Paalftc oountr, W'ahtrton. Apply owner, J. P. Pnl. Par ' ker hoaee. Mabcotta,.8 atllca froai Aatorla, Or. VAROAINS la aeroare. farm and city araaaHJ. Faraiera' Laad Co 171 Madlana at. BrPT email farm bay Ht Orerwi BO acraa. moatly cleared and enltrratrd. admrnlag town. alt ( lire rallry. Imn; fine fmlt. anrmr, . crook, wnod. erhonla. cbrrcchaa, railroad: T y larte eawmlll Boar: bnlMlnaa Worth 12.0001 only 22.000. Inquire 242 Stark at. . INORMOCS PRO PITS l!f ,,' , " Hood Rlycr Apple Land - Tbia bind hi all ta tree, and wilt no aoM la ft, 10 aad 20-arre trarta (tar 220 and .m par aero, oa tb payoMnt of f.-a) and onO dowa aad tbe balance hi 00 monthly pay. meat aatll paid. Tbe ewaar pay all tare, charge bo later and care (or tb tree at hi expena nntll the land t paid (or. . . , -' . EPPINO A RARKF.R. ' ' i w clnalTe Agant. .. . -,;('.' ','. ., 02 Thfrd et. '., ... FIVB-ACRB fracta, t mile anutb of Port. . land. (In nil, water pined to each B-arre . traetl tbia land to on mil wt of Clack. pie ata tie aad railroad and oa tbe Port 1 land end Orea-os City wagoa mad. Price from ftloO ta 82O0 per acre;, oa raay terete. For further particular eee O,. W. Bcter, 800 Kaat Morrlaoa at.. City. ATTENTION FARMER" ATTENTION. . I aaa eell yon tm prered (jrm laad la tba Willamette ralloy from S0 ap to 178, any laed tract! wheat land la reatera Oregon from IIS ta 128. la tract ( lftO acre la 8 000 acraa or more, prtca aad term are . rlrht. I ran tall from rtnel eapertenee what ,roo caa da on aa Oremo farm. Com to aod an Bio. Turner. 8034 WaahlBgtoa at. FARMS FOR SALE. W alAara bare I be tnrgeat llt and heat haraala (rem 8 acre to too.flia) aerea, oa good I arma: ereryUiIng la goarantead aa ad aartlaed. Call or writ. WABntKOTON A ORE00N BFALTT 00., r) Bocead M., Portland. Or., and ft"0 Main at., Vancoiiror, Waab. . Phone Main 2404. - FOR BALE 40 aerea: Orenm ban, 2 boreoa, wagon,, barnaea and all (arming Implanon 'a 2 mile from good room. Hamlltna A llo. man, 104 Oovdnough bldg, oppoelt poatoffloa, aa FUtft roil BALE FARMS. FOB BALE 100 , near Baee Lino mad: fine meter ua lu Apply tw Hotel Portland barber aiuip. A GOOD dairy farn at 97 acree; On acre la riiltlretioB) balance paaUre; 2 nill from Dragon til. A. Berger. tout No I. Ote g. city. A PMAP tzo acraa, arraa la pultlratlon: g'Mid orchard, good bulMlura, Bionntala water piped ta bouaa; Vi aille to a-buol. 8 mllea rrou a thrlring town oa graret road; 4tMI, tK0 (vet of gKl aaw timber; only ft4,0u0. LAl.PWKI.I, A CO., ' I'bllota.tb, Or. PARTIES who would Inreat la 8 to 80-acre tiacte. with perpataal water right attarltrd, adOraao boa 4U4. Baker City, Or., for term. WRITS today If ye want ana of rhoae raBchca: $10 per a era; timber para tot laad.. N era Journal. TIMBER. tO 0WNCRS of timber elalm end timber W will buy (or rab any good timber trlbntary , to Nahalrm rlrar: will deal with owner etiiyi bo otbore Bred anawar. Write, rlrtng full Barttcnhara. ta Box A C. P. Otatloa. "-PartleooV. -Oragorc; BUY THIS Clackamai eoanty, 100 aerea, cedar and yellow fir, crnlaed d.OOO.Ota) (act: nearly level farm land If cleared: In line of railroad branch;- caah (3.OO0: wotild trade for mortem city or enbarbaa how. Uome Lead Co., lib' tint at. - s CERTIFIED ecrln. e aha 0. Bewail. ftaJ Chamber of Coma U0ME8TEAD and Umber lend. Bcrlp, aaeaay ta loan. 800 Commercial bldg. Timber ClalEs ' ' IF bare a (rar aanre good claim left: If Gi wark to be located sail en oa. 408 mbar Excbange. J0O RriJNQtllSHMENT. yellow pine claim, 2.800.000 (ret; tbl will bara to be Ukea quirk. , 408 Lumbar Exchange. 00 ACRES of good timber, 13 mile from Portland. 4H mile from BeedTlllot 75c etumnage. larmira of owner, loo Beeood at., Portlaad. POR BALE Timber, 100,000.000 foot. Bear Aa torla; 1 tampg take thla If takea anon. Oct a more oa you. . Principal. Addreaa B 100, eonraaa, 100 ACRE, of timber, cralae botwoea 2. 000 and 8.0i 10,000 (cot. near Bterenaoa, Waab., 24 mllea from Colombia, aa creek, $8.fltin; ' will trad for Portland arealty of equal raJaa. Pboa Owner, Tabor Aod. ... r FOR BALE 4.000 aerea fine fir timber oa bank of Bo la law rlTert rtrer front 8 mllea, both aide of atream; prtca pn acre, (28. A. U. Bmkeoa. aleedow. Or. FOR BALtV'd.Ono arraa fin fir timber oa bonk of Bulelaw rlrer; riror front 8 Bile, both aide of atream: price ear acre, 828. A. H. Hlnkaoa. Meadow. Or. WE bars 3.000 acraa yellow pine oateld of reeerr. gaaranteed: wa caa locate ya: coma . qnlrk. Alexaadar Laad Co 034 Sixth t4 Bear Pine. IF TOTT want timber claim before they era all , withdrawn eee rttaplee, aoa woe coaler alag. ' MTSICAL rNSTRTJIHENTS. f FICTOB talhang macblaoa and reeorda; State- way tend ether) piano, normee. Clay m Co.. Sixth aad Morrteoa. apaoalts geetoffloe. 8oo PIANO (TB. eraaa $20; laeanna BOc. plan. gaiter, Dajo. meaootia, noua. xaih airax ac. rornar Matn. Mr. Martin, rpataira. FOR SALE IJTESTOCK. FOR BALE Flue treab cwwa, at 248 Float at. t-tty. ..,-,..,..,...,. .. 0EXTLI bora. 1,100. pood traveler: alao baggy iiamea. uqaicg uw. atuaa, aae tltooare at MoatarUla. - - CHOICE family cow. Apply at 481 Hlbherd t, Moauruia, A OOD an-annred boree. weighing ahoat 1,108 lb.; Broke to city: ego T year, apply ( once. Woodlawa OTA X. Bally, MA Eaat 18th at., north. . " v . " . - FOB BALE Milch oow, cbcp. Tu2 Mortb Edl- oa at., bt aonno. HORSES. VEHICLES. HARNESS. FOR BALE roar-old mare, baggy aad bar. Be; good Orlrer. Call rortwnd i-rraetoca Exchange. Foarta aad Aakeay ata. Portlaad. BORBEB and berrlee tor rewt by day. nd month! epectal rataa ta Boata Blxth and Hawthorn. East TA BORBEB FOR BALE 80 bead. 1.100 ta 1.000 pound. Orertna. between 13th aao MtAI take 8, ekr. , Freed man Bros. . ' FOR BALE Cheap, nanel-top deUrery wagon. good aa arw. 430 Beimeot. . TWELTB traaaa, acrxpor work; steedy Job. Apply on grouada, Wtb aad Baady roed. jopua Meek. FOR BALE Fin bap bare. Weight 1.410 lbs. inqeire of owner, lou nocoaa at., or aua Front at. - . . BILL exebeng plaiterhig or. mean work of any kind mr 1.100 or l.sno-pouna Berne: j.10 Mng ta all ktada of rnaoo work A apeelalrr. Addreaa J 1M. care JonmaL POR BALE Orylnh drrrtBg bay aaMtng bora. 1 year old, weight about l.ian. Inquire F. B. rultoa. Archer Plate, Mi. Boott car Ua. DOl'BLE oxprre rig. cheap: dotng goad bo-c- Beee; aioe i.iw-poaad bora, eee t, ret, iao Front et. BARTER AND EXCHANGE. TWO pood farm m tba KUrkitat valley. Waab., baady to market) good buiidinge. plenty or wood aad water: and a good farm ht the Willamette Taller. weB Improved, and only BS mile (rem Portlaad: alao twe or three good (arma la eaat em Orogoa and Waab lug. roe te exchange (or city property, Imprarrd and uotinprored. If any f the a boo lore, tlons suit yoa, I will sir yoa a good trad. Call oa Turner. SOT1V, Waxhfngtoa at. P. B. I forrnt to aneutlna that 20-cra tract la tb Bob Joaquin Taller. . Thla ta a Tory hlgbry ImaroTod place aad a beauttfnl hoot, and yoa caa exchange your borne for thla 00 if you want to. uoa I forgot to nemuar. FOH SALB or eTcbBe far cord wood, city rrorteri.r, 00 a-nnrwome aiatronory, O-boraenower portable engine. Call Kaat 424. or ht 48 Alblna are. 100 ACRES alfalfa land aaa r txaj A nee lee. reiirornta, ta exchange tor trragoa property, 874 Flrat St, Portland. FOR SALE-nSCELLANEOlTS," 2T CHARTER aak rook ataee. 18; maatel nod. 8 an; in a. aj cook ar ore. g4.iMt: a new 22.80 high-bach dining ehalra. 81. T5s iron bed from 81.80 np to 8T.ftft klghoot caah nrte Bald fur eecoad-haud mrtturo. Tb Grand Fortilttire Co, (11 Hawthorne IT. Pboaa Eaet 800. DETTTBrHf EEITT1NO. tba big (oermaa paper. . Bibecrlptlon price 21 nor peer; aampls copies , free. A. P.. -Kern A Co., pobtlabera, ssraar Second and Salmon ata. FOR BALE Chatham rom ba tore and brondera. B4 dare fro trial Ooo. W. Feott. 221 Beat ' Morrlena at.. Portlaad. ... WE print eear aam aa no canine canto, proper ant and ecyle. 8Sr: IKO hwalnoea rerde, 81, A. W. Sebmala Co.. 228 Flrat. Portlaad. Or. SHOWCASES aad Sxtneea. new and band. Carloou A K allot rom. 208 Conch at. . FOR OAI.R. CHtAP 4-lBcb ReytrloB water meter, practically now. InqBlr B. Mstsger. 220 Front t. V ' BEWINO MACHINES . ftrmtmt. sold end oa rbanrod. 88 and np. Waal era Barrage Ce, 027 WaabtagtoB at. BHOWCAFB. oaBntora. flitiiioa. boartrt, ald or .eTchanred. Waatem Polreg Co. t3T Waahlnrtna at. Pacific TBA. FREE FOR EVERYBODY Ulng ap Mais 420 er call 2114 Froa. ay bnr aad (all feral tare, clothing or any aid tbtus. BOI.ORN'B RHEfMATIO COBn-enre eere far raeamattem. Said by all dru relate. BILLIARD AND Poof, tablee for rent e for role en ear parmeete. THB BBtiNBWtrK.RAI.RR Cot.LlNDEB CO. - 40 Third at. Port at nA oTt BOOK STORE reoe!oredTnlM Fifth (ml 211 Becond ata. . 1 BrvfTNOTON tyr-owritor, 1a 120 takea It. Celt 111 wood, bit. Boott lie. ara, AaaraW FOIl SALE MISCT-XLAXEOrS. FOR PI.R Barratna la White. Plorara, Pa orla, W barter A TV IHone. Ilooaohnltla and otha allcbtly damaxed ma '-til no. Hi While Hew ing alarhloe office, U. U. Joaaa, 8t0 laeiulll ei, onraar Foortb. IIRRTIUON atoToa of ail kind at reaeonnbla prlaae at ftoO Flrat at. Phone Pacific ftlft.. FOR OALK Cheap. 2S.OU0 feet In ruber. H. B. Ktout. T9 Raloixb at. Phone Main 2863. ' LAnT WEEK OP 8 A LB Of grererlee at 814 bumaMe: wa ere forrod to oall ae we mnet rarate befura April 1; bow ta your chance to bur gmrertee at Coat or below: future for aalo. " GODFREY BAR CO., FOR 8AI.K Baotrb oolli puppy, cheap. 2T Xortb Ninth at. FOR RALE Fnrnltnre .-of 7 -room booaa; ftrat rlaaa: party leering town. Addrae 8 lad, Journal. . BUKWHElt ellrar-platad elide trombone ta eaaa; Boeton trombone; Martin oornata; anapa; expert repairing. . Yorfc'a. 22714 Btark at. POR BALE Cigar, candy, hooka and mege alnea; good rlean atork: 8 Urlng reonta, with or without furniture; . rent (18; meet aril; cheap... a2 Flrat-at - FOR 8AI,B-r- Oermaa canaric of fine aong; alao female. Photic Mala Ti)S9. oattT Grant. POR BALE Parol ture of 6 room boa, ' ! vnloa are. . t FOR BALE National caah rtgleter. A. Jacoba. 170 Front at. . FOR BALE A Blrw baby baggy, or will x change for aewlng maruine. Anawar by let tor. 1052 Hawthorne are. POR BALE CHEAP 10-horeepower . holler Bhoraanoarer enrtne. Htandard Cernet t leaning co. rhoae Eaat ZW. . LPt'RR Buff Orpington egg. 81 00 aettlng. 1221 Uluu... U. K?Ot PERSONAL.'' .Stean Cooker- - r;, : OHIO STEAM COOKER. TO houee keeper: If yoa want It. bay - one with II down asd 81 a week. Call at 874 Flrat at., or ring op Pacific 2904. W will bring yoa one. A REFINED lady wtehee to make tbe acqnalnt , a nee ml a refined gentleman; object, anatfV 1 aaony. E 187, care Journal. ; . KOTICB -OP REMOFAU A. Brlner. the farrier, will LewrJ bid. Marcb 1; kmktng for eultehle locavtoa: for preaent may be found at reet dence. fSt North IPth t. Pbooo Pact ft - 2T. Will oall aad aire oatlmatea a aeuaL QERMAlf honk, maa-axta. botom. etc.. Oer maa. Bnellab. Prench. Bnanlah. BwedHm and Italian dlrtlonarlee; forelra hooka af all klBda. Schmale Co.. 220 Flrat at. - - YOt'NO scion ttfle maaoenoe at roe lrctrlcal. alcoholic and jnedlcated trratmenta. a loo tub hatha. 41 Raleigh bldg.. Sixth aad Waah- mgtoa ota;- " MOI.ER. wrOkle. enberfraoa ban- roaaoeed. No cberee to talk H orer. Mr. M. D. Fill. Baom AM Plledner Bldg. t Pbooo Pact fie 188. OR. ftlKtf CHOONO. tmnertsr Cntneae rot BDedirlneet ealla CVneae roe. cert at cur for all diaeaaa. 1U1 2d. bet. Yamhill end Taylor. LAI!R8: lr. Ketchnm. gradaate and mria. terad. treat any and all yonr com plaint a . wltb eklll aad occea. 17014 Third t ear ' Bcr Yamhia Pariflc 220. a .. MATrt.T -rigor laalmed by. Dr. Bonorta" War Oloholea, Oe ejtearh'e tieataieet. 82: month, BS: oont aaiaraly seeled by melt. A ronta, Woodard. Clarke A Co- Portland. Or. HOLD ON There hi en rbtnr that win ewe rbeametlam. Aak yoer drugahrt for berk tonic or addVeea or call 1. A. . Clemmaoo. draggtat. Portland. Or. . ' EXINP1 PIMJt rare a 'I feram af 81 a bna. 4 beer 88. wtrb foH ruer antee. Addreaa or can J. A. Clemonaon. drug, glat. lercad aad TamblTJ ata.. Portlaad. Or. TTRKI8H BATHR. ano Or roe tea tMg. Btdtae Oaya. geatlemoa alghta. Mafca IB8B. DTBFABE9 OF WOMFNt enrortnnate glrle end BaMee careo anr: on Tar teepttai. nr. Atwooq. roam A 880H MoT. at. TL Paciflc 175. 8UTTR Breeeed wtitl yoa wait. BOe. I.adW sktrta peeeeed, OOc. Ollbee. 1014 Blxth et. axi 10 tneia. roaa Hals nuns. BALM OP PTOS. for n fmb dwaaeee. . Eaat Behneut I Phone Raat 4084. . 020 BcnoOL BOOK boorht. oakL sxabaacad. foawe rjooxatore. an Alder at. . BADAM'S MICB0BB . KILLER, the rrenteet . perm dealiuiat. for Bale by B. V. wlata ' 0014 Ore ad are, aorta. , BrBfiTA BATH. Trf Tbhrd at., between Taylor . ana Baimoat ewinrming pool, steam aaa box tr bath: genta, (rem 8 a. ex. to II a. aa. Ptioo 23 eeots. MANICURING parlor for ladtM aad gentlomen. anstk aiorTmna ai.. roam i. . . HOLDBN'B RBBrMATTO CUBE Pmb ' rhanmatlaau Bold by an aVaggbrta. PACB and srorp maaaage glrea at 84 V4 Mor- u, euite 1 -a. . BEBT maraalne ctahe erer offered: Bead price: agents wanted. Joaaa Book . 8 tar. ZBI Alder et.. Portlaad. Or. CANCER AND OOITBM BPKCI AI.IT Aah- - matte, aanoaaiieaa. cbmnle and prlra t dhv . oaaea permanently rnrcd: conanltatioa and correapuawitue fro. Dr. Tooos, 181V4 Flrat, WAKTTD Meet ant Cored of their secret atV- call on Dr. Ketchnm. 1T04 Third at. lamnui. racirte yrn, MRS. a CORNELirft. t dally. 843H YamhilL et medtam; ltt1nr rnoa racin lawi. MRS. POTTER Maoaeue. are In, faHal ear, ehlrnpody. 22444 WeahlngtM at. M1BI GIBBON gtrea scalp troatremt; dandruff, 86g4 Morrlaoa at, room 62. . FOR manic ui lug, treatment trr et., aear Fifth. facial maaeags aad aralp I, wnvk waaaingtoa PROFESSOR FEUX K. . Miracle, megnetl . healing and augfeittra. , 145 14 Sixth St., oorBar Alder. HYPNOTISM, tmulnoas Baychology. snggoatlmi la tberancntlc. habits and education. 4. Tel. v opment of aubormecloo poworo, taught by A. A, unnaay. m. v., prtncipaj of uelleg of ftufreetioe. S Raleigh bldg. IP TO0 are not feeling well tek a tnb betb and magnetic treat men I: special thla week 81. . oxiora noui, cor. pixta aad uak au IT. . Pboa Mala 88. , ...... . MRS. OTIS Card raadlag- 8A84 Tamhlll at, room A - . RECENTLY opeaad maalcnrtng pormra; la dice and gentlemen. . 281 4 Morrlaoa at room 12. MME. ' TASH-TT Maaaage. manicuring chiropody. 201 14 Third t. and BCSINESS PERSONALS. INTENTIONS honrht and sold. tract On., 42T Filed nor bldg. Corona rrt Co Mala 2S01. ART. PREB LEJMONS IB Embroidery Ereey Day. . THB NREIif.PCRAPT SHOP. 2B Waahlngtoa af. R. R. MOOREnol'SR A CO A ma tori a la, plrrar amWIng. picture framing, sleraoptle eater a 11 dee. gig Aider at. PROFEBBOB R. MAX MEYER. 840 Alder et. Portrait aad hiBdacap art let aad laaoha. THB A. BEROEB ART arn nttw Portrait aad leadacape painllnga. 844V B'aablngloa at. AUTOMOBILES. PULLMAN AUTO CAR CO.. tNtMera. daelgner and repalrors of all makoa of estomohttee. Bodioa. too. foaeVra. daahe. Urns brarfcet. running noerda and glaaa frenta. Oeer. and aM parte of aata Btoblle ated to order.. 08-70-72-T4 Nortb Sixth at, cursor Rrsrott. n. L. KEATS AUTO CO., '.. ' ATTTOMOBILFS AND SUPPLIES. ' Bortbwoatern dletrlbnrora for Pone H art Pi roo, pope Trtbanao, Pope Warerlra Pop Jnledos, Thomaa. OMomoMlea. Frank Una, a let a. Bn-aj Sereetk at.. PortUtrS. Oreaoa. HOWARD M. COVBY. Arent Pierce Croat Arrow, l-ornmoh'te, red Ilia aad Knox. Temporary kacatloa Clh Garage. IStb and Alder ata. BATS YOU SEEN BAKER ELECTSICSI Capital Supple .. 4B0 AMer st Phono p. aula BT1. Pmoaatrgtl bp appolatareet. ASS A VERS. QARtriR CTAMlnw EXTRArriO"J CO., aad aoalaaa Aaaaj Office. Itm Morrlaoa St. ATTORNEYS. C PI PIOOOTT AND 2. A. PINCH Attornera-at Law. Prartlca la alt 4 Maikay bldg.. coraar Beoond and Morrti J. A. PTROWRRIIKIB Artomey-et Lew. Caoimarcial blk. Pbooo Pacific 878. JOT BLANK-BOOK MAKERS. H0WR. OATIB A Klt.HAM. 100-111 Bacoad at. BUnh booka mannfactnrad: areata for Jawae linpraTod latoao-Laaf led gore; eee the now Rnraka leaf, tbo beet oa tbe mart at. . BUTCHERS' SUPPUES. BITTCHFR BUPPLIRA . Blrkanweld (: SO. 800 Rrerett ot.: atrgeat batcher eapply boaa oa the eoeat. write for aatakxn. BUTTHFRa' 8IPPI.iri Adolnh A. Dekoax, 131 1.13 Flrat at., cerrlee o fall Nno aad coa. plate aaaortment et lowaat market prleaa. BATHS MASSAGE. MRS. OHROCK. gradnat maaa.naa; rbtnt bath, aalt glow, alcohol rub, cream maaaage; reference. Ilia Serentb . Mala 4 One. CAFES. TH OFPICF 2X8 Waahlagtoa at, pboa Mala 771. Bamae! VI anoa a. . CLAIRVOYANTS AND PAIJOISTS. Aiwa re Conanlt tb Beat. PROP. E. RBIMO. Ore teat tiring aatral 4ed-trane elatr. royanf of the age: adyteer oa boalneao and II affaire .of life; tella your full name end ' what you called for. whom you will marry, bow to control the on you lore, eaaa though mllea away; reanltea the eeparaled: giro aecret power to control ; ajo long dalaye ta welting. Houre 10 to 2. dally end Bunday. Office No. 8 and 4, Goand Theatre Bldg. 862 W Waab. Beer Park at. Phone Mala 120T. - . . ,, NAOANZI. ... CLAIRVOYANT, 'v i--'; PALM READER. ' Troll your aam. telle when and who foe will marry) different from all other. - Bo him today. SH0H Washington at. MADAME El NO A. Egypttaa medlnm, palmlat end clatrroyant; eetuiratcd reunited; anbappy made happr; reading 80c up. 804 Madlaoa at.. Boar City Hall. GET tbe bablt of getting your fortune told. . U'aad. the femou palmist. 290 Mala at. . BEADINOB dally end Toning a. . bldg.. Third aad Morrteoa, 802 Allaky Minx MAT ANDREW Card reading, 28. (3g Mxtb at., coraar Mala. CHTROrODISTS. WM. DEVENY A BBTRLLB DEVENT. TRB only aclentlflc ctakopodlata, parlor 202 Drew bldg-, 102 2d at. Pboo Mala 1801. . CBlROPonY and Pedl coring. Mr. M. D. Bill. Boom IN PleMBer Bldg. Pbaae Pa el Ma 128, OOM311SSION MERCHANTS. THE OREOOV CHEESE CO. (I NO CHEESE, BUTTER. EOGS, etc. dairy Brodocte bought or handled oa eommlraina. 120 Fifth at. Swat land bWr.. Portland. Or. ' CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS. J, A. MELTON, the carpenter. 204 Bur aad of flea wo-h. Mala 17ST. E. MELTON Office, atore flxtoroe; general Jobbing. - 07 Flrat at. Pboa Mala 8100. CARPENTER and bntlderl bouaa mortng and repairing, ions Raat Grant., Tabor Z7o. CARPET CLEANING. STANDARD CARPET CLEANING CO. Lenraet plant ae the eneat. leering and Harding era., telephone Eaat 280. Carpet cleaned, refitted, owed and tatd; both at earn asd la teat cooa praoaedalr proceaa: ran or a ting mattnee aad feat bara a apeetaJty. JOYCE BROS., prontietora af tb Electric Cleaa tng worka: carprta rleaned aad laid, both dry aad enmprraeed air cleaning: carpet refitting reor epectalty: work guaraotecd. Pboaa Mala, 8672 aad A BTil 270 Graat St. , SANITARY carpet leaatag. part too asd com praaead sir oomhtBod: rerrieta cloaca d oa floor wttnoot toameai. Mam km.' Mala gaoa B. 0. MASBET A CO., aphotstertag; mattieaeog man arer sna ta order; carpet rsfltted. no lata. X)AL AND WOOD. taiepb Smttblnc Coal ad ' . 'V Cool for Ship . - - a epectalty, Jxlliz.'. " "RTORET A BROOKES FUEL CO. t Incpoce ted ) ETrclnaiTO goBt for , I -. KEMMFRRR COAL. ' COAL. CORE. CBAKCOAto OfSca aad Yard Front aad Kearney ate. PORTLAND .SAWDUST A SLABWOOD CO., va mm. aurreaasrs as mi to wood oa.; nr. aaa. aiairweoa. wai. Tea, ataia isaa. FOR premnt deltTery of slabwood call of ore 4NT8. Oak. aaa. fir and coal. Portlaad Wood A Coal Co, 18th aad Bertae ata. OREGON PrtCL CO. ta bow stntng Wetah ea thractt. beat coal aa tb market. 84 Aider at. Man 00. ALBtNA PURL CO. Dee tors to eerdeeod. 00a I aad greea and dry elarmmod. R. R. 1 Alhtoa ar.. S block eaat af ferry. Raat 8TA STEEL BRIDOB FUR; CO. Do lor to coal. amawoud aad dry alabwood. . rhoae Eaat 414, Western peed a fuel co not bMcfcamltb coal. Pboaa Mara 1018, CLEANING AND DYEING. CLOTHES cleaned asd preeard 81 pea stb. UBIqss Tailoring Co, 80S Stark St. B. W. TURNER, Brnfoaaluanit dyer end cleeaar, eoo errraaB at. raoaa Mala gala. PORTLAND Steam flee a Irs and firing Werka, 211 Poarth C. Pbcee Podn Sot. CHIROPRACTIC. ELMER 8. COX. Cblmneerrle oxriorti ft troetroente erery Wedtieedey will can at bemee and rlre free treatment. Office honra. 8 a. m. to 8 a. m. Phone Mala 800. -' Labba bldg., 227 H Waahlngtoa at. . CARRIAGE PAINTTNa. SPECIAL price e llrbt carrier painting, bur gle, xio and ap. Blcbarda. Foortb and Aak. DANCING. Da NCI NO beano. 25oj claaaee or prirate: w Ite ms, two -a top. tbree-etep, etc.; atage rnnctngi hnck and wing, clog, reel, skirt, Spaniab, Hlrhland flln. etc. Prnressor w1 Wlloon, nldeat recogniaod teacher. Allaky bldg. Third sad Morrlaoa ats. WOODWARO DAHCIN0 BCH OOl, Clam Moa, Tbor. end Pat. r. 1 eecla I. raaey aod (tr dancln tesrht: 8 seat, teecberat eaaa nd prlrat Iiaai 11a dbil. Weeaero Ac1entr hall. Second and Morrlaoa eta. . Pacific I0SO. - PBOFFtOR RINGI.F.R, MISS , BI'CKEN M E V E bV Leading acbonl. dallrj now ball. - beet In elrr. Oraad ar. asd Beat Mont. Sim, Eaat 8070. EDUCATIONAL. mA OREOON EXPERT COIAEOB. Commonwealth building. 0th sod Ankenr, phone Mala 0001. Tolegraphr. aborthand, t.tirowrlilng. penmanablp. Engllab brenchae, IndlTldoal Inatructlona, apeclal ecboUrahtp, HOLMES BCBINEBS COI.I.ROR, Waahlngtoa and 10th ata.. r I tenner bldg. Eookkeeplng. Snorthend, Typewriting aad all at lira branches tesght. both dsy aed alght. BEHNKE. WALKER RUBINFSB COLLBGB. DAY AND KIDHT SESSIONS. Special Claaaee In Gormen. French. Spaatab. Elka' bMg.. Serestk aad Stark ata. BOSS CITY BUSINESS COLLEGE. Itmaa Shorthand by Court Reporter, Buet peee Ooaras, Soeetol Srhelarablp! PoalteMa Be cured. tooaoa wealth bidg, Otb aad Aakeay. DRESNMAKINO. MRS. TAUOH AN. sipeiionced dreaamakar. ZKHH Eaat buruakle at. Pnoae Beet 4.VO. WANTED fib Irtwa lata to make. M fciiiiU at., north. Call afteruuona. . Kant TRY Angola nrronmeking I'artora. 842 Fifth and Mala. Faetfl ao. ELECTRICAL 6CPPLIE3. , M. 1. WALSH CO.. 811 Stark et. Electric aed Oe Fixture aad Bapplle. aUoteav Tiling. Oralis aad Doglruaa. PACIFIC ELECTBIO CO. Enctneera. eoalrac tora, renalrera, electric wiring, aunplles. 04 Flrat, euc. Bte.rh. Mala OftO. B. B. Tate. mgr. WEHTRRN ELECTRIC WORKS. 01 Blxth at. Centrwctnra. electric eappiiee, anotore aad dy t aamooi we laatall light and power p la ate. 1 a MORRISON ELECTRIC CO.. 201 Boat Morrteee at. Flater. wiring, rope trie Beat 8128.' BARRETT'S, 40a Mnrrtsos at. Phone Mala 121 Ererythlng la electric wiring aad Hxbtlag. FENCE AND WIRE WORKS. PORTl AND W1UB A IRON WORK and ETorett eta. Phone Main Stmo. GASOLINE ENGINES. BASOLINB angtnea. lowaat price. Bell Morrlaoa at. - all ltea .aid style, at sea Machinery Co, IB2-4-0 SHEFFIELD marina aoxloea. Aay propeller. Fab-bank, Mora A Co., First snd Stark at. HOTELS. HOTEL Portlaad. America a plaa. 83. 88 per day. BBLTEDEBBi Eurepeoa plaa; 4tk 4 Alder eta. HARDWARE. PORTLAND HARDWARB CO. eotlrlte ot'latutf i tty ta qeote prtee. T4 Sixth m. Paetfie 48A LNSITRANCE. ISAA0 L. WHITB. are . hack bids... IF. tL PACE, Incur nee; empt-TTeea' eorotr bond, bnrclar and accident BaMHty. Phone Mala 82A. BOO FalUng bldg. IAS. Vrl. WOOD, emptorera Babtlrty sad ta dlrldnal ccldent eeeurlty bond mt B klada. ' Phono 4T. 802 McKay bldg. LEATHER AND 1IXDINGS. CHARLES U MABTTCR A CO.. Front and Oak ata., leather end skin of erery dcacrlpttoa . (or all porposes; sola and tap cutters; flsdlnga. - LAND SCRIP. WANTED sad for aalo AM ktede. tactudlng . approTod fcreot icei ve scrip for curreTod. aa urTyd. limber aad prairie geeeraeteot tend : B. M. BamUtaa. "Tbe Pertlead." Pert la aA MONET TO LOAN. MONBT TO IJOAN Oa Imprceed city property or tof taaBdwg purpoaea. for from 8 to 10 year, dam, with prtTlleee ta repay all or part of. koaa after ' two years. Loaae approved from plan and maaay ofloonced ae bulldlmT in ugi eaaaa; malt gagee takes ap and replaced. FEED B. STRONO. Financial Afea. , 242 Stark at. " CONFIDENTIAL LOANS oa aeUrtwa. traaaranc pollctee. planoe. fnrnltnre, waeebooae receipt, ate.: any deesrrlag pereoa may aerere a lib eral edreaee. reoarlng by eeay weekly r nonthly tnetattmenta. KSVT ERA LOAN A TRHtrr COMPART. SOB Abtngtoa bldg. MONEY ADVANCED. SALARIED PEOPLE snd others anna their ewe name wltnnat oeue - tty; ftaeaneaf rate, eeaieat MTmenta: office tn 00 petnclpal rlttea: eera yeararlf aaoaoy 4r ewrrtng onr teem trtrat. TOT.MAN. 22S AblnatoB bldg.. 1004 Third at. MONEY TO LOAN. MONEY loaned to aa! acted people Jaet oa yoarr wa aa: don't borrow art til yoa oea mot my eyatern to the beat for railroad Bran. Clerk a. tmokkoenoea. atioot, ae Boos eed all other ewipmree; bnamoaa a relet to eoafldeBttaL r. A Newtoa. 422 Ahtogtoa bldg. WANTFTt Note, awtgaee or cimtiarta aa - any krnd of reel eeteto tn fh oann end weatt- loeroo; seeood mortgare peerbaeed If well aaiunu. M. K. Kohlo. BIX cawararctai 01 a MONEY to Ices to asms to aott. 8 and S yeeea. so low ae 0 per cent, oa tmnroaed city prop- erry. Mouiro at rtcohoy, aoi tatamoi srag. Son Waahlagtoa at. DON'T bin 'oat fooner oat 00 to or ; Hcttcn Credit Co. " - - 812 Dkm bMg. ' MONEY loaned aa furniture, piano sad other . aecueiriee. w. a. Hathaway, room xu. waea- tn-toa bMg. Puoa Pacific 182. MONET ta loan: la rare "teaae sneclaltyt a ma Bvildfng msna: low eat raree; Pro 1 William Q. Beck. 812 Falling bMg. CRESCENT LOAN CO.. 42 Mohawk bldg.-. Money to tead oa ea.r pa r men t plae ta wag a me rat atrlctly coanojeatMI. MORTGAGE loan st ctrrrrnt raree: no com. mlaatoa. Oohimbls I ire 7Tnaj, company, Lamber Exchange bldg. MONEY to loaa oa all hind of 00 wily. William Boll, room a waeblogtoa BMg. TO LOAN Sum ta nit a chattel awcarttp. R. A. Frame. 814 turn Marqaom. A LOAN far tb eoktnr ealary ar rhattet. Tbo umu ua, io uexam BMg. QUICK loans oa aft si 4S Waablnxtoo bldg. rarttlee. 8. Mala 8100. W. Ring. IAONEY to loan oa city property. O. A. Joba- 00. ais iwmmerriaj dik. ON mortgafro. 2200 tn M.orar; aast paper eoly, I era. lewyer. Aiiaxy Drag. WILL loan 88.000 or lee oa reel rata to, 0 par rent, airtngioa, ai 0 - ronton stag. MACHINERY. TRENKMAN A Ct-tdlstn. aaa I1L log ging mschhwryi bydnnltc pin, eaetlag; all BUMS repaired. 104 North Foarrth. A. t. PAUL. 102 First St. Rnrlaaa. boiler. aawsiui aao rram-arm macaiaery. THE H. C ALBEB CO Second hand ehrnerr. eeermllla ere. 24n Grand are. MUSICAL. THB WERRRR STUDIO Mandolta, hanto, guitar matrnctiaoa. twvt waapiogtoa at. MANDOLIN, galtar aad banjo, ta elaes er prl ra te. jeeee I'araer. rtrtnoao and teacher, mte en Illlnots Colleee of Msato, Chicago. 408-4 Staarna bldg.. Sixth and Morrlaoa ale. PIANO, Tiolln, mandolta. from hone, clarinet. proraaaor K. A. Bmltb.. 804 iztb. Mala 4T0S. MONUMENTS. RED A RINOSLBY. JOB Flrat at, Prtlad heading marble nd graalte Worka OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS. . DR LII.LERELLR PATTERSON, eoeeiatl't ea serroa. acute aad chronic dlaaaaea. Office BI7 Fenlea bl.lg. Pboo Pacific lite. . DRS ADIT A KORTHRUP, 41B-I0-4T Deft bl('g.. Third and Waahlngtoa eta. Male 840. Examination free. PAINTING AND PAPERING. P. A. DOANR too Yamhill at Bal office, wall paper painting and deeorat lo Phone so for oatlmatea. paclfle IU3A FON rell.ble work, rs.annablo prices, Bbeohy roe, xgv tamniii. near 4ts. Mats bit PLUMBERS. FOE A CO. Sanitary plumbers. 231 Second, hot Mats snd salutes, Oregon psona Mala kii. DONNRKHFRn A BADEMACIlKO. remoTod to No, Bog Bnrnatde at. PA-NTS, OIL AND GLASS. . B. BEACH A CO. Tbe Pioneer pilot Co window elaa and alealngv 148 8 list at. Phone 1124. BANKS. UBTTTD STATES RATIONAL BABX OP PORTLAND. 02I00N. Nortbwaat omor Third aod "k P'tvea. Tranaacta a Oeneral Hanking lliialneaa. I'KAFIS IXM t II A rail. Mo in All ri'l-a of the Tnltad hlatea and Furorw, llcwrkong aud Uaniln. Colln-tluuB ila.U on . Prealdent .j. C. AI.NHWOHTTI I Caahler . R. V tx H' ' 1 ' Vlce-Preaklent R. LKA BAK.NtU I Aaolatanc C-"bler ............. W. A. ". !' Aaolotant Caablcr , A. M. WRHillT LADS A TILT0N, BANKERS (EaUbllakad to Hit.) Tranaacta a Oeneral BanklnA Hnalneaa. Collectlone aiade at all pnlnte 'en f-T' ' forma. letter of credit lesaed arallable In Kun, and all polnra In the t'nlied State, blgbt b'achalaie and Tch-greohle Traua'era sohj on New York. Waahliirton. CbU-aa-v Ht. Lonla. Denrrr, Omaha, Baa Franctare and Montana aad VI t lob Colnmla. .banre d 00 London, Parra. Berllu, Frgnkfort, llongkong, Y'kohaBia. jlunlla and Itonoluln XB0H ARTS' RATIONAL BARE Portlaad. Oregon. J. FRANK WATSON PrealnVnt R. W. HUVT Caabbar 8. C. CATCHING..... Tranaacta B General Banking Buetnraa. Drafts and Tetters of Credit loaned Arallable re ' All Parte of the World. Collectlone a BnoclaUy. BANKERS' A LUMBERMEN'S BANK Portlaad, Oregon. Conor Second end Sterk treat. Ciwamai-clal aad Baring Department. Letters 0( Credit laaard Available to All Part af the World. ... -, D. C. TEI.TON Prooldent I R. C. MEARB. ....,..... Caabler FRFO H. ROTHCHILD. r. ffirat Vlcs-Preeldent t H. D. STtlKET. . .". Aaohrtenr terbtcr JOHN A. KBATIX p.... Second VlcePraaldcnt TRR BARK OP CALXJOKRIA Eatabllahad 1804. Read Office. Saa Fraaciaoe, Oall fore la. '.Capital paid up r.. . . .84.0nn.nta) Bnrplua and undltrlded profits . General Ranking and Exchange Bualneea Tranaacted. Intereot oa Time noptmlta. r SA VINOS DKPARTMRNT Accoonta may he orMmcd of glO aad epwrd. - , Portland Branch Chamber ( Commerce nulMlng. WM. R. V ACRE A Manager I J. T, BIKTCHAKIL. ..... .Aaolatant Manager FIRST RATIONAL BAJTK Portlaad, Otgon. Old eat Natlojial Bank on tb Pacific Co, CAPITAL AND SURPLUS 81.8OO.O00.0O. - DEPOSITS (14.0110.000 00, , A, L. MILLS. ......Prealdent t W. C. ALTORD. ...Aaalatant Caahler J. W. NE WK1RK. . ff Caahler f B. F. STEVENS Second Aaalatant Caahler TRUST COMPANIES. ' PORTLAND TRUST CO MP ART 07 OREOOV Tba Oldost Trost Com Okay to Oregon. RESOURCES OVER 81.B00.000. Oeneral Banking. - Two per coat tntereat oa chock ac count tereu buudroda) oa dally balance of atnIO or orar. . Letter of credit snd rxchsnge a alt part of the world. Seeing account. Tlme certlficates, S to 4 per cent: ahort-call apr cUl certiflcatea. .Vn or oeer. ! 4 to 4 per rent. CaU for Book of IlxrsraATIOSS." Bmtbeaat Qoraer Third snd Oak Streets. Phone Priest Exchange 71. BEN J. 1. COHKS....T....... Prealdent i H. L, PITTOCK... Vleo-PreoMent B. LEE PAGET , Secretery J. O. OOLTRA .....Aaalatant Secretary ICTTRITY SAYTR08 A TRUST COMPART SOS Morrlaou Street, Portland, Oragea. ) Tranaacta a Oeneral Ranking Boalneao. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. Intereot allowed e . Tim aad Barings Account. Act a Troete (or Palate. Drafts and Letters of Credit Arallable oa 1U CV P. ADAMS.... A. L. MILLS Prealdent .Second Vlce-Prealdest GEO. E. Bt SSELL. NORTHWESTERN GUARANTEE A TRUST COBTPART Portland, Oiwgee.. . - ' Lumber Exchange, S, B. Corner Seeood aod stark HtreeU (aeooad Ooor). .... FISCAL AGENT FOR CORPORATIONS. State. Oonnty, Mnntrpal Corporatlna Bond Bought and Sold. Near Enterprise Orgardaad '- and Financed. Stock snd Bond 'Ouaranteed. ' TITLE UABAHTER A TRUST COMPANY 040 Waahlagtoa Street. MORTOAOB IAANS oa Portland Real Eatate at Lowest Bstas. Title I no red. A bo tract a Farnt.hed. -.1 J TH0RBTTRN ROSS,.... prealdent I JNO. R. AITCHISO 0EOROB H. HILL , Vlco-Prcaldent j T. T. BPRKHART BONDS AND M ORRIS RROTTfJlS rnamher f Oemmeroe BoCAlng, . . , Municipal, Baftroad and D0WBTR0-E0PXTRS COMPART EataaUehe STOCKS, BONDS, GRAIN Bought Prirate Wires, ROO-el 4 CHAMBER 0UI8 t. WILDaV-vKOalX TELZPROVX R0NDS RARX STOCKS. u.mhor Portland Stock Excbanee. Corner Six fb and Waahlngtoa Overbeck, Starr & Cccke Co. U fflST. ZZrlTy ' . BRAIN, PROTISTORS. C0TT0W, STOCKS AND R0RDS. : - .' ', . WI SO A SIRICTLT COMMIaoUOR BUSINESS., Coatlnaoua Uarllats by Prirate Wtr.' Quick ' . ere I . . X RAe4-a "A3 . frS. KM JDllT aRtai t,ra - PRINTINO.' ItPpR THB MODERNCpRINTRRT Artiatle aclrttlng. 20 Knave I bldg, Forth BBS MotTlaew. FBooe Pactoc 1820. BVERYTHINO IN PRINTING From nrrular to catalognea and rtewenepei MetropoliUa Prrntlng Co., I4T Frcat at. OOILBEE BROS., pi etc. Pboo Mala I" Hntors rarda. b4llbsada, SAA. I484 Flrat et. REAL ESTATE. '1 O. L. PARRISH A CO., S11 Martraam Bldg. Pons Mala Reel aetata, city and country. Deed and mortragea prepared at Bring rutea. Notary public sine 18S0. Expert , accoaataut. Best refetasta. PARRISH. VWATRINS A CO.. 290 ALDER ST. , Peal relate, rentala. loess snd tneerai Ws make s spedelty of handling root ale snd BconerfT for root oe ota and aos-r AVotJL Eatabllahed I8TA Pboaa Mala 1044. GEO. J. SCHAEFER, reel - aetata - asd hi aura SCO, BIT Chamber of Ominoeres. "COOS RAY BRXT." fir J. W. OGII.BER. real eatate aad maeei eeUb- liabed IbrA. I4BH Ftnt at, room II. SPHINX AGENCY, dealers la reel octet aad reatam. bush stark at. Man Bio. FOR FARMS OP RVERT DESCRIPTION, W W. F.SPET. 810 Cnmme octal bMg. RESTAURANTS. TRB MELROSE 142 Pint street. qalctt. rleaa lonebee at reaaonable pries. F-OOFING. TIN ROOPTN0. guttering, repairing snd general lobbing. J. Loan. 212 jrirereaa St.. re. 19. RUBBER STAteFS. P. C STAMP WORKA MA AMer Bt. Mala T10: robber eumpa. eee 10. etenftle: naa gage. trade check a: bra eta-no cod pie to. SAFES. PORTLAND SAFE CO., Bote arrests for Herring. Hall-Marris safe and Manganeae steel Bar Co. 'a bonk aa fee: 20 oooood bead flrepruot aaf and bunk aafe: eery cheap; Bos them or writ as. wa iu at,- DIEROLD Wateranee and Bra nreof aafea: b oota opened; atctal Oxtttreej rault aad Jail work; jack. J. R. Deris, aa Bd. Mela ism. BIOHT a.rnnd hand Oi e-peiwif safes aad two seenad-besd bank aafea for aalo cheep, at-IS Birth at.. tPortiand. fteogoa. STREET PAVING. WARREN Cooareuetlou Co.. street pertng. slde walk and ernaelnga. 814 Lamaer Eaebaags. THE Harbor Aepbelt Pari eg Co. af Portlaad. orse one worceeter bib. - . SnOW CARDS AND SIGNS. FOSTER A Kl. RISER SIGNS. We bare bttllt bp the lar root alga buaiuaa IB tbe city by Sretlea uork and kveptng oar promlae. Our sriwa ar right. 1 Fifth and Ererett ata. Pbooo Exchange BA . flPORGB WERER, MODERN , SIONS "The Different Shop." Rat Fourth. (I'arirw IS11. -CARDS THAT CATCH THB EYE" Beet work la the city. Betta, ano Dekum bldg. Mala 8040. -SIGNS THAT ATTRACT. Portland Slga CO, SHT Stark at. Phone PaotBe 180A. SEWING MACHINES. THB WHITS SEWING MACHINE AGENCY, tap Yamhill St., Cor. Fourth. Peon Main aw2. nergaina M all kind or Bow snd aimed band eewlng mcbtBee a few ellahtly daaa a red. goad aa aaw. at greatly rod mad prica. PHONE Padft 2T2S aad I perenaally wiU rail nd repair your evwlng-macblne: work gaa aeteed. A Bo roe. adjoator. 801 Third at. SHOWCASES AND FIXTURES. SHOWCASES of erery enlptto bank, her ad a toco gxture aaa do tn order. The Lathe Manufaetnrlng Co., PertlaaA. R. H. BIR08ALL. deattroer; areet M. Wto'ot lumber Co., T Hamilton bids. Mala 80. TYPEWRITERS. B EA OQUA RTR R8 foe eew end robnilt trn. writer or ell BKke; e onr window; If roe are going re bar a sew trnewrtrer eee aa Ken-re borlngi we can saoe yoai iroaey; w bar part for eopolring all oia-blnc; atato gent for Ibe VlolMe For: wo boy alt bleo er typewritora. The Treewri'er FTcbao, lae.. B. J. Elllaon. m.o.cer. 4 TMrd at. Bl.ff KKNBDFHFF. Ttooo ri, ronT; eon and Wa.h. R. pllee; p.v t, m e A I HI tC h 1 i. wi ; WS eell H.e.' I R. U DI'RHAM V. ......... Tic Prooldent OEOH0B W. IttlYT, ...Aaalatant Caahlrr ..hw - ad AaalaUM Caabler. PLATT A PLATT. . .Oeneral Coonael ruu t rtoria. . I L. A LEWIS. .First YlcePreetdaot t R. C JI H1TZ. ..... Secretary Aaalatant Secretary .Secrotery ' .Treaenrer INVESTMENTS. v PaMlc Serrlco Corpora Uoa Bond.1', 1888 BR0KIRS. and Sold for Caah aad a Margia. Of C0?fMTRCT1. Phono Matu, 8T. Street. Portland. Oregon. Serrlca. REFERENCES -La do A Ttltoa, Raak- oa rijha.a1 R L. at TTl a I irmiai ubiib r ruriwirj. . STENOGRAPHERS. EXPERT ateaoerapher sad typewriter. Main 1271. 814 Dekum bldg. Pbons TRANSFER AND HACXINO. THE BAOOA0B A OMNIBUS TRANSFER CO.. cor. Sixth aad Oak ata.: heggago checked ' . from bote! or real oooce direct te deettaiatlout peaaeogera therefore ereAd rob and aaaoy. - asco at depot. Prirate Exchange OS. SAFFS. piano and furnltsro mooed, packed reedy for chipping end eblpned: etl work - gaaraateed: large S-atorr brick Sre-proof werahonoo, for etnrege. OfReo 208 Oak et, 1 Olaea A woo, Pat Mam 847. . ... C O. PICK. ofSce SB Flrat at., betwaea Stark ; and Oak eta., phone ROA; nlanoa end rnrnltoro moTed and packed Ste fdiluidiig ; eeaemod ae , tertck vrerohooee wlta parate Proot and Clay ata. tor NATIONAL TRANSFER A STORAGE CO, 0 Oak at. Tele pbooo Mala 4400. Trauaferrtag and atortng. .... OREGON TRANSFER CO.. 1B4 Nortb Birth. Phone Mela 00. Hey hauling and storage. INDEPENDENT BAGGAGE A TRANSFER CO. Stnragw. B24 Stark st. Mala 4oT. POST SPECIAL DELIVEBT. He. SO0V4 Waab tagtoa et. Phone Mats sol TOWEL SUPPLY. CLEAN TOWELS DAILY Comb. 81 per Btsath. - Portland Laundry A Sapply Co.. Ninth and Coach, ('boa 410. WHOLESALE JOBniRS, M. A. OUNST A CO.. DitrraiptTTORs of pin? croABS. PORTLAND, OR BOON. 8HERK A GRAHAM. CO. (Inc.) rVonmleetoa merchvnt. Jobber of frnfta. produce, . te. I conalgnmeat anltelted. 123 Front at. BVEROINQ A PA RalELL, prod and eea- m tea Ton mermaato. tea Proat t. Port la ad. Or. Pheoe Mala ITS. . OBPXtON FRPNITURB MANUFACTURING COt Mauarartaioia af raraltara far tba trad. Portland. Oregon. FADHAMS A CO.. wboteoalo g win a. bim factnrers snd sommbunoti marcbanta. Fewrth aad Oak ata. ... , . PCRNITURB manufacturing and erect a I aroeea. a.. RSTiMy-s rsrastars factory. 30T trroat St. ALLEN A LEWIS, com i tea Vet and pi lotace mer cnaata. rroat aa itarm ata.. Portlaad. or. WHOLESALE fjockoi ad gtaaawi PraeL Hegew uo,, fort la no. Oregon. S. W. SIMPSON (OI WiabtrHTtoa at, who 00 te doetoo ha crate ami bar. TRANSPORTATION. Str.Chas. R. Spencer WBSUBrXB-wtra DOOR. tlSllY. excetit Rtinitav. for The Dalles and way landing, it t , m, returnloR. 10 p. m. Fast time, beat service. ' JPhonast ' BtaJa. 2184: JRoaao, AV, 11, SA. waMaanaaaaaat, 11 jp CORONER'S JURY ROASTS SINCLAIR Helicon HaU Should Havo Had Fir EM-AroPt--HoclAllst Llfo Frpo and Kanjr. . 't -Now Tortt, Marrh lttptnii Blnclatr, founder f th llelicnn hall Social la t colony waa subjected to s aevera qus- tlonlng at tho Inquest at tCnglowno,! over the body of Lester Rlgg. a vlrtim Of tho flra which tlostroyed tho hall. Ono of tho Jurors anlrl t fho author of tho "Junnlo." "Can yoii tell truth?' Blnclatr angrily declare,! that ha was telling; tho truth. - Ills testimony Intiltatert that tha rjol. ony ted a fre an, easy Jlf. Mrrl.l ' ant) single men and women rl.i d st tha hall, thorr, bclntf I coiiunN, ln- rlmllig rhlMren. but n'tio of tl.a rl.tnr which poniicctcd iha varltma .leei.ii,g airtmnta were ever lockorl. Thar wna not or.a key 10 trio fi'mea. Tho Bleeping quartern of the eervai Of both Braes woro 111 a stmt 0 on I top floor, low t,artltlM t.. :..g it , rlivl.le tl-.o Soa.-t f - The I'irv 1 r ' con h-i il it. -t -1 ' ' a ,v ..(.-. t . r l-1 - - !