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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (March 22, 1907)
THE" OlfltUON UAli, JOURNAL. 'POKTLAND, FRIDAY EVENING, MARCH ZZ, Wi IS Classified Advertise ments received too late for insertion in these pages will be found on Page 15. NEW TODAY. ' The only addition on tht Peninsula that haa tha river view, tho boulevard nd the car line so doae together. It is walkinidistance to where thou sands of men work. You do not have to have an auto mobile to aee Madrona Hill; the car runs alongside of this tract If you have an auto this is the place for you, as the .Willamette boulevard runs through the tract Get one of those boulevard home sites before they are all gone. ' :','.., . - ' Remember, there are hundred of 50 and 60-foot streets, but there are very few IQO-foot ; boulevards, and rices must go up and up on all oulevards and especially beautiful Willamette.-' '.. . ; Take St Johns car and ret off at Greely station. Agent on the ground. Topaz Land Co. 60f COMMERCIAL BLOCK. WHEN AWAY FROM BOMB. , foplea a Th Joarnal eaa be eatelnee) ha th following eltlee aod towns eatetde ef Oregea. Th Journal won 14 appreciate the receipt of reports ef falls re to obula euptee ef the peps at ny of thrum place: COLFAX. WABUINOTON A. B. Etng. Walla walla, wabhinoton wii wn Btatlonery Company; rUgera-Hoewll Company; Hotel Deere New Stand; Cuiea Cigar ataad, 11H Boatb Fourth street. ' TAOOM A, WABHINOTON Hotel TaCOBM Hew Stand; Central New Company. SEATTLE. WASHINGTON Rainier Grand Neva 8taad: lalarnattanal New imtf Newspaper Waeoa; Hotel Seattle New Btasd. C-Ot IiKltLD, Ml V AO A Loala Poba, Wawanapaf Wagon. AN DIEOO. CATJFnRWTA Amos News Ooa peay. N ewe pa per Wiim. . ' ' SPOKANE. WASHINGTON Joha W. Graham Co. . v ', . Koisr. IDAHO Joseph CoTlla. ' MINNEAPOLIS.' MINNESOTA at ' I. Cava Bsgub, 80 Third street, south. rr. Louis, Missouri e. t. Jatt, soe ourt treett Omth L. Ackerta. KANSAS CITY. MWsni.'Kl Yoaia Haw Cos pany. Newspaper Wagea. CPKAfjo. ILLINOIS P. o. Haw Com pa aj, - 17a Dearborn atreet. DENVER, COLORADO Came , Depot ' New HUod. ' - LOS - ANGELES. CALIFORNIA A mo Haw Oapmit. Newspaper Wsgoe, OAKLAND. CALIFOHN1A Aeto Dm Ooan- pany Newspaper Wagon; N. Tbaetley Mew Compear. Newspaper Watna. . SAN FRANCISCO. CALIFOKNIA W. WbaatJa Kawa Comnenv. Newsneper W a cool Footer A Orear, Ferry belkltng; Jobuooe News C paay. ' 1451 rt Minora street. SALT LA KB CITT. I'TAH Mrs. Levtoa. New. papar Wagoa; O. L. Dertes, Dotal Kmyont Furrow Proa.. 48 Wast Second street, south. Of) HEN, rTAB Oray Kawa Compear, Dspot Newe Stand. ' OMAHA.. .NEBRASKA Millard Hotal Kawa Stand. - MEW YORK CITT Artier HotaBaf. Hawa. paper Wagoaa. DEATHS. JOVBR At tb fasllf raaidanca, Kara Park, : Marrk Zt. 1007, WlUUal B. Jonaa, mfA & fn. KELKON Marrb 22, 180T. at tba fanlly taa tAtw, 214 llth at., Ida A. Netaoa, a(4 63 reara. 4 tnontba. lo dara. arifa of D. B. Kelaoa, aaotber of Mra. B. H. Thorn tea. " UNDERTAKERS. '. OatmtBC. MeBataa St CfTnanail. anaWrtakera ' and emhalairre; aoodara la ararr detail. Sevonta aad Hoe. Ala la 430. Lady aaaiataai, . Erlckaoa Cadartaklhc Co, aad em be Inane. 4SS Alder at. Pbooa Mala CiaS. Lady aaalataat. J. r. Flalar a Soaa. Tbtrd aad Madaaea eta, : OfCloa ol aoaaty ear no at. Pbaae Mala a. A. B. HEMHTOCK ranrral dlrartor. B. Ulta and Cmatllla. Pbooa Sellweed It, Lady aaa't. Bdarard Hola aadartaker, M Tblrd at. CEMETERIES. KtVCB VirW allnrla anaoea. 10t family lota, . (100 aa llOOOt tae oaly aaaaetery la Part, lead which prrnrtoally matatalae end ear for Vita. For full Informatloa. apply to W. . K. Markenale, Worcaalet block, all. W. at. Ladd. prealdeat. Bona CITT SlDA-la araeea. (IOj family Ha, 2B to 17ft. Seperlatendrat at eonetory. . rarae of rmnent at. end Oally road. Phone , Tabor . Por roll loforaiattea applr to Frank B'blafei. eo3 CoaiaMrclal blk. Fhaaa Mata &m. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS, t. C. nl J. p. Perrbie to Tttla Oaaa. ?? TTa' oapaay, tTxM fm bo Vlnalag at aoatbeaat line of Halney I i i at poet. 63 feet aortnoaat froa weat 1 S. MoMillra'a aeMJtloa.f ; j "rank I. aad Mande t. Whell.y to Title Ooerantea A Trnat- cotnpaay, lot 10k '"' aloek Sn. KalMrb'a addltoa..,.....7 " l 1.1. aad Minnie Hi tree to Jerdloa T. -V j , Wood, 87. 100 feet. conmeorh at a J i. 1 ' Point oa Johaeoa atreet 7 feet treat ""Tr.forDT black S, Klnr Bacoad addltlea ..,...........,.,.".. t,T5 Portland Treat Oauapany -of Oratma fa antnel A. Arbockler, lota 27, 38 and ' ' 2!. block a, Trraiont Place tM S. U Starana (ebarlff) to Hand Good- aell, 21 erree bealnabtc in Unka treat . ' i, of aorthweM aoroar of Perry Pretty Baa a hooMataad la Plotrlier and Loalae S. Uan to Mary . . LiK-hey, lot L, block 1. lnhaai a ad-' ' dltioa Joanna B. wnaoa to. B. Lakflaa. lot S. block a, I-oab a adiltloa, ". John and Emma U Aaderana to t.. a and N. Wallrk-k, Iota S aot) . v.Vtre ; t - Vaa- Bcbok addttloa a Mooot Tabor . ene ft W. and U. A. Oay to A. W. Baly. lota 14 and in, block ! rote 1, , I. --'r'-' 4, I to 24. block T; lata 1 to , block ' 1; lota ta S, block . Oay'a tract... 2.J0O , 0. W. aad M. A. Oay to A. W. KarW, - Vt 12. block S, and loU 10 and 12, ' ' block S. tiay'a tract.... ' W. K. and tHbhla H. Hoi It h to Thomaa oott Brsoka, aoatb f lot t, block ' ' T, elty ,l,Me Arleta Lead aompany to Hallla W. Vp ham. M S. black 4, Arleta Park Wo. 2 ' 100 Oeorae Krana ta Jtemerd I'aady, Iota 12 and IV twtck a, and lota 17 and la, ' ' block 4, Hpantnn'a addltloa l.Ortn Portland ttiloo X. t. Urol her Hood at farr-eatere and Jolnera of America, ta . . Frank T. ai'HT. tot io, hkirk (MVtj, Raleirh't addition 1 John W. aad Harriet L. Caplea to F. C , I'orrtna, 27iM feet beclnniua; oa aoatb- , aaet line of Halaey atreet, M feet la t. a aoniieeet cirwe from treat corner , f block . Mrttuirn'a add'tloa i. - Id Bowed of Trna'eea tf i, t. Por bank ' j Tnaat Fend ta A. W. Lambert, lot aad . t'l-a-k atephM' Mltl.ia.. ,t00 Al"ra Harold to Oregon roanpany, lota l.i and It. Mok 2S. I.lnnt- t0 tr act r-.ree C. Pherenaa h I. L " . M I. hiork L Juba Braedle'a . UMB va AiMl to F. 0. and O-r- I i n tt, M t kiock , i .,,.,,, L1M Mm Hill REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Frank P. and Emma 1. Walker ta H O. jley aiit A. W. Baf lay, S.7S acrea heklnnln at eoraer el aactluna . 10, ' Id and la, totraahto 1 ava-ib, raoe 1 eaec .U00 4. at. aa4 iennla B. BlanoF to (ieorta M. Hotre. Vote 14 aad la. black a. ' Blchaannd adllton ; S09 LovT and J amoa Uodyea to IMIth t. -K.aler, lot 1, block lua. Norwaud.... ITS soutueaat Portland Beal Katata amour! a- . tloa to Walter If. Tiffany, tola 1 and It. block Hi a lea tnoea parte at Inta . 1. 2. d. 4 and i. blo:k 11. tbet lie . north ot rlfbt of way of 0. W. P. Co. Tad Alert narold to Mary B. Fraaaan. lota SO, M aad Aa. block 12, WUUarttta addltloa Clark A W ilaoa Lumbar company ta . A do rob and Mary Jane Jette, land be- llnnlnAt at a point on Treat line of ' rtjebt ef tray of Korthera pacific rail-' tray. ISA feet aootb from aoatbeaat corner of block Si. I.lnnton ' fl. L. aad S. B. M'cbb to I. a, Holtoa, . Iota 4 and A. black a. Oratal florlnaa addltlea ' IS S. B. aad 0. L. Webb ta IX. SUM fee. . lot a block d. Webe'e adoltloa ' -19 di-fts-Tr Keff eal. to P. U. IMUt, 13. 14. 23 and 24. block IT, Polul Vlear , 110 Sarah B. Clark and J. U. Clark ta O. W. and Lain flohar. lot t. block t- Ra renew ood addition M35 oottiieb and LydU Jtalllert to John aad Katlo tlardt. Int 11 klnck IT. Nnrfk ' ''Irvlnfftoa , 1,20 Mlnule B. Hanrld to W. H, OrlDflataff and Gaorae D. Hctialk. lota 12 aad 13. ' block a'. I'enlnanlar addltloa No. 4 ... 2j0 Q. W. and Tbereea Tarn tea la to Jneeph " D. k'ell. In, t. kWt trilllMD.a Areoae addltloa t.tS0 H. F. and Anna Turrcy to Joecph I. Kellr. lot t hlock A Wtlllamo Aeoane . ad'Utloa t.800 Jamea W. and Ian the Cook to A. T. : Workman, lota 1 aad 2. black a, Cook'a ; addltloa ta Alblna ' S2S T. O. aad Kettle I. Sanaa to AatomaHe .' flaollxlit coaipaay, lot 2, block 23, Selltrood ,t 1.000 Cbrlatlaa aad Loo lee llear to M. B. Tlmoipaon. lata 13 aad 15, block 12, ' Mnltuomah .1.000 Flrland eoaipany to Henry T. Atkloaea, Iota 13 and 14, block 8. Flrland ., . 000 If. L. and May ,W. Holbrook to L. Tf. Walker, lota 2 and 4, hlock 10. St. . r Johna Park addltttm to St. Johna - 47i Theodore P. Hawklna to Clara W. Hatr- kin, lot T, block IIS. city..., , Caroline EoaanlUal to Thomaa i. Vaa Aakaa, Iota XI aad 12, block M. Llna- toa - ' 10 Panl and Prenikka. Welfand ta 3. O. . : natraina, ata u aaa la, a ax I as. Mlweod 1.228 lmeoa H. and Hnlda Corel! to Otto J. ,. aaa Koae L. riireea. treat 4t feet of , lota ( aad d, block 188, elty at Port land : T.25S Jeoepa aad Flora Bnrkhard ta C. A. - , ,- Kbca, troataa, S3 arrea benrnnrnf at ' . aertheaat corner of Joha Bankln'a do aatlcaa land claim to eoutk Ilea of Bankln'a doaatioa lead alalm. theneo eaat T.OdH dialna to place of bet-In- ' nine, rootalnlna 20 aoree. .. . .. . 12.000 A. W. and Flora Allen to 0. S. Bacrlah, lot S. block 2d, He II wood - 1IW R. aad Lilly . Ta Pladfa to AngTt.t ; . and F.llsabeta lot B, klock 27. Belltrood t2S B. Hooter at al. ta f4hermaa O. Hem. -- atreet, tot 2. bhtek 10. Hlabland Park. V Sbermaa C. Hetnatreet to Frederick Flch, . lot 3, Mock 10, Hlathlaad Park addl- tern , aoo A. U Ford Warren fnd K. K. Warren to . .. Jamea L- Kelly, hita T aad S, block 28. Alblna Hoineatrad 10.006 Tefferaoa Mr era to Joaeph TJrbanek. kite 8. T and 8, Moeer'e mbdinalon ef lot a, block a. Portland Homeatead , . SZ9 Title Onarantee A Truet company a - cnariea u. noae. lot 7. block a. niton a artrtltlnn . . S0O Joaeib M. Heary-et al. to Idtrard Mc- ironaHi. iota is aaa ib, pioca si, -Warerletrb Helihta addition S2B Jane Rentier to Amanda B. Wetswr. lot . 10. block 1. Beaona Helytira w Too P. L, 11 enter to w alter O. Tbarlotr. lota (8 and S4. block 44. pealaaalu addl- ' tlon No. 4. tSB 0. W. and Kellle Taylor to P. H- and J. W. Tynan, lot 8. Taj lor' a anbdlri- , . aloa of aeetlsa 2. townahlp 1 aonth, ' ran re J eaat. containing 8 acrea .' SD0 B. W. and Annie L. Wlttenbere; to . Frank M. Kaandera, lot 18, block 2, ' " Meadoa Park -,-- . . ....... 900 Aetna and AdeTnetd "Bnrkbardt to Pant . Mneeatx. lot 2. block 2. Ilea' addlUoa 800 Fee - abotraeta, tttla rnearanre or aaortaaae htana. call oa Pacific Title A Trnat eomeaay, 204-8-8-T Falllaa balldlBS. Oat yoa laautanra end a bat re eta to real aetata from T NOTICES. V .. ; . . HOTICB. i - Kotlea la keroby Jtrea that at aneetlora of tba etockboldere and dlrectora ef the ' Colombia Enfineeranff Worke a cornoratlio V lacorporatad and ailatlnf ander the lawa of . tba at ate ef Oreexm), duly called aad held for that parpoae at the office of tba oompaay , ta the city ef Portland. Orefoa, oa tba lat day of March. 1007. at which aneetlnr of the ' atorkboldera all tba atockholdera ef aatd eompaay were praecnt and eotlnii and each and erery abara of tit capital a lock of aald .. corpora i Ion waa praecnt and voted, and at which aald meeting; of the dlrectora all the dlrectora ef aald corpora t too were preeent and voted, the name of paid corporation waa T changed from "Columbia Engineering Worke" to "Columbia Steal Company," and article I and III of tb arUelee of incorporation of , aald company war amended ae aa to read a hereinafter mora particularly aet forth, " aald action aa tba part ef the atockholdera haTlng beaa taken by the ananluiooa aad a 'firm tire vote of all toe atockholdera end ; of each and erery ah are ef the capital atock of eald eompaay, tlie eeme being Baure than ecrea-elghthe of aald capital etock, and amb anion oa the part of tho dlrectora baring beaa takaa by th ananlmoua end afflrmatlra vote of ell the dlrectora and that Supple mentary Article of Incorporation, hare been daly executed, filed and recorded aa renulrej by law, la conformity with nock actio of tba atockholdera and director, and that the earn at aald corpora tloa aaa heee Irrally aod lawfally chanced from t'olnmhle Bngl . aeerlng Work to ''Colambla Si eel Company.'' aad that article I of the article af lacor pom boa ef aakl vampeny haa beaa cheated and amended as aa to read aa follow, to-wlt: ABT1CLB I. Tha name aaaomed by thla corpora tloa aad ; try which It ehall be known ahall be "Oolnm . Ma rlleel Company." ' Aad that article til of aald art Idea of Incorporation baa beaa changed aad amended eo aa to read aa follow, te-wlt: ABTIC'I.B III. Th aaterprlae, bualn, pnrenlt and acea ' aotloa la which thla corporation prnpoaea ta ' enrage are ea followa: 1 To conduct and carry aa a general . at eel and Iron foundry aad manufacturing plant; to coadoct and carry on ateel worke, . iron worke, kraaa worke, boiler work. ma ehhaa abopa, foundrie end factor lea. and to . antra re In tha bualneaa af manufacturing, celling, deellnjr In, eenatrnetlag and repairing all kinde af aiacblnery, engine, boiler, rr kng. elerator. model, tni any and afl kind a end claaae ef ateel, Iroa aad ether aietal worke. . (2 1 To aarchaae, leaae, rent or othei a lea - aeanlre. to erect, conatrnct, eamhliah. own, tnalntata aad operate ' foandrlea. maohlne abopa, ateel work, Iron worke, braea work, machinery, farnacea, ameltlng, reduction end refining arorka, tonla, applianoea and aimare tua of every nature and deecrlptloa whatao aver that . may be deemed aecoaaery, eon ten lent or dealrabl for any of the corporate, and to leaae, rent, arartgage. pledge, ,' aell. con re 7 eg etliarwle Aiapaee of tb mm at plea aura. . . . 3 Ta porch a, owa, . hold, ' Vaaa at ' otherwle tciralra. and to aelL mortgage or . otbarwtea dlapoae of property, both real and ; aeraenal and of whateoever kind of deaortp- tieo, whether manufactured by the corporation or etberwbe, Including the acq la I tloa of parent aad patent right. - - - 4 To act aa the rolling agent for ethere, gnd to conduct a aorta manaee ee may la i deemed dealrabl a eoanalaelaa bnalnae. fi To borrow each money end Incur eneh , Indcbtedne ae may be deemed convenient or deetrabre In the conduct af the corporate ' tmetnee. and to hwte tha note, bond at at bet obltgatloaa af thla anrnnratloa therefor, ' and to aerure payment of the eame ar any part thereof by mortgage, deed of truet eg ' pledge of any or all of the corporate prop- arty, both real and perannal. To do all thing neeeaaary, deelraM ar eonvealeat for the conduct af any af tb burin af thla eorperatlo. ' Dated at Portlaad, Oregon, thla Tfb day it March. 180T. . (Ueal.l B. M. MDAKS. . , Prealdeat at Coraeihta Knelneerlne Work. ' TAYI.OH tlOOriMK'H. i Secretary at Calnmbla Engineering Work. a, M. fKAB8. . . , ' R. a. nooE, WAiTrn MAncAt, ' : '. , ch. m. nr!?, TATI.OPJ OOOnRTCrT,' Pit actor at Cotamhla Bag Ineerlng Warka, TTIB anaaal meeting af tha etockboldere af the Oregon furniture Vmuferturlog v,mpay will he held at the office of the eompaay. 1214 1244 afaradant road. Portland, Oregon, oa - Wadneeday, March ST, 117, at a p. m., ra ti. puipuae ef electing the board al dlrertor for tlie enanlng year and traoaactlng a nek otiver buelneee aa may property com before tba atockholdera' meeting. rLaTTUiCa LIB), Fmaaeat, NOTIC1CS. IN THB PISTBir-r mCRT OF TUB lTItITBl Btatee fur the diatrlct of Oregon. la tha matter of the eetate ef the Betacada r Wood Maaufarturlog company. benkruite. The nuderalgued Hill receiw avaled bid '.bp le 12 o'clock aooa of Man-h 23. IvuT, f-a all of the following deacrl.-d real eatate, together with tb improvement thareoa, be aunatua to aold aetata, to-wit: Lot 2. 8. 4, 8. S. T. 8. S. 10, II aad 12 ef block S, Bataeada, Clarkamea eoanty, Oregon, and abw ll Itppl.meau aod tool aaed la and about aald plant aceordlae to lwnt'y thereof row oa tile. A (heck for 10 per cvut muet aacoajpaay each offer aad the eaia u aubjact to ua , flrniatluB by the court. , Inventory Buy be vera at Biy office and property 'Wiay be Inapected at Eetaeeda. I Uatod at Portland. Oregon. March 8, 1907. ... K. L. tiA BIN. Traatee, - " Ko, I Ftrat 8L, room a ' If EETrNQ NOTICES. ALL Biembara of Maltaomah camp, W. O. W4, latereated la . the ImDroramanta ' planned j fH977f ahoald meet with aa toalshu THj. initiated. , I. M. WOODW0RTH, Clerk. M. W. A. BVKROBBEN Camp, S.4aa. meeta Wadneeday eras lug, Allaky bldgM Thatd aad . Murrlaoa ata. - k ' . M. W. A. Ore goo Grape Camp, No. e.PTS, Moa daya. 17th and Mermball; vial tor waleoaa. LOST AND FOUKD. LOR? On March 1 or 14. ene aid faahloaed gold brooch pin t with larg amethyat and halt pearl. Heturo to TTT Pettygreva at or atam asau. atawara. FUUKIW A place ta have hair taattr raee. vatrd and returned earn day. 228 Float at. ' Mala 474. Portlaad Carled-ilalr Factory, U, Metager, proprietor. - LOST Coral charm, ahaped aa a hnachback; a preeeaj. .vaiiianie only on account ot giveri, reward. , 4UB Chamber of Oommarc bldg. LOST National Guard badge. Fleet Illlnota rn , fan try. Finder kladly leave or adrlee Joha Kelly Fire Inauraace Agency, Kl)b Third at., lty., . , . . T ,. , , , ... LOST A gold bead necklace. Betara to T18 TJaioa ar.. aorth. . Pboa Beat 8300. Beward. LOST Large gold heart with -lnttlnla and pic . turn of wife lualde. . Batara ta So Water at, ' Beward. . . ' BI'CKHKIN aack containing thro (20 gold piece; liberal reward. - Phone eaat 2H71. HELP WANTED MALE. WANTrTTJ AT OrfCB atave-hott cutter, wag 81.60 pet cord; tdy work. Apply Waaler Ceoperag Ua, Staaraa ' kklg Portlaad. or I Baal ton. Or. . ' ' WANTGD-taeraeee-njiaVer; good mechanic; ateady. aober man for eaatom abop. In up-to-date town; ateady Job at 121 per week or piece work to competent Baa able to make fnod custom work; alao good repair man at 18 per week; only good men wanted. Ad . dree 0. M. Waffurd. Lewiatown, MooUaa. WANTED Saleamen; many make SI08 to IIM per month; eoane evaa moeet etock - e lean growa on raeervetloa. far from eld erchanlai caab advancod weekly; choice ef territory. Addrea Waablngtoa Baraery oamrmay. Top. , pen la. Waablagtoa. MEN aad boya wanted to leam plumbing, plae terlng. bricklaying, electrical tradeai fro ' catalogae; poaitiona aecured. Coyne Trad School. Kew Terk aad Baa Fraaclaoo. . WANTED Every crank to vail at Bovd Tea Co., 80 Flrat at., for "Ardmor Coffee"; I lb. 1; we Ilk yoa; yoa kaotr wbas aad why to. kick. WB get work for oar mem Herat epeclal mem 13. i. at. v. Mm rearta aaa lamaiit. MONBYt MONET t Advanced every week t ear egente; a full Hue, Including up-to-date apedaltlea. Write tor free can ratal ng atflL Capital City Nurawry Co.. Balem, Or. WANTED Hlgb-l eeleemaa for choice tee. ritorlee; blglicet commuwloa paid; everything "furalahed; caab advanced for cvpanaea. A rare opaortnulty. Addreea, aulck. Oregon , Kuraary, Salem,. Or. .. . ... PACIFIC STATIONERS A FBINTINO CO, SOO-SnT Second at. ' Phaaa aaala P21 - We deeftrn and Inatatl the moat modera and Improved of flea eyeteaMi aBiplto Ua loo leaf filing device. , . TOtJNO aiea deafrlag to better their eoadlttna call aa amplorment departaaeat, Y, M. 0. A. $1.00 A MONTH PROTECTS TOO Against accident, alekneae aad death, '' Writ or can and Investigate. North area tern Health A Aacldont Aaeortattoa. Boon SI, 268 Stark at. . . Ageeta Waated. MEN AND WOMBN to teera tba barber trade la eight weekei grednatea earn from IB to t2B weekly; espert tnatrnctorat catalogae free, later Syetam ad Col leges. W hiorth Fourth at,. Part la ad. - ' ...'' V WANTED Men for mill and woods. Apply at mill; com via Clare onoot tavera ar Beavar, ton. Lnloa Logging A Lumber Co. WB ran is aevaral men aver 20, af ability, to rpare for V, 8. cna torn bout aerviee: (000 atar life poaitiona. Write PacUla State 'School. McKay bldg., city. SALESMEN Biake big tnoaay working tar nl . xprlac anneceeaary. Pacific Aid , Aeae- ciatlou, 224 Lumber Excfiaoga bldg Port land. Oregon. . - . .. . ( , ITTDENTS ot th International Oorreepoodaace chcol desiring practical expenencs are re aueeted to list their nam at oar local office, 14 McKay building. WANTED Oradlng. carpentering, cement work; giro dentlatry, typewriter. , Call room ' aentiatry, Waablngtoa. a, szn1) A FEW ft ret -elate fraternal organiser, either male or female, ea rina inorauv mpioyDBi by calling at roots 808 Commercial bldg. POR 80 eaat f will derive ar vend a receipt ' to make gennto Maxima ta males. Joa kaow thee what yoa are getting whea they ar some-roads. D. D. Rich. 74 Roosevelt at. WANTED ub-cntra etc ra tor aereper work. Apply oa groanda, both aad Ban ay roe a. Joplla A Meek. - WANTED A flrst-dase aaleamaa with refer. . arvees; betwaea 8 and I a. am. 318-17 xu- ford bldg WANTED Two- eablaet-maker. Roae - City rurnitar Mfg. Co., First aaa eioo. B0TS wanted to wrap aeap. 848 Hood at. BOYS wltb wheel. Apply at to Olds, Wortmaa A King. PARTNER wanted for traveling show) pro fit lo t ano daily; rrmat para imaii capital. Address p 187, JoomsL - v SOLICITOR for the al of elty lot: pood frnpoaltloa. Call hefsre II o'clock. Rtcliarda, ommoaweelth bldg Sixth at. ah WANTED Exnerlesjced box-nallere, Vntoa Bog m Lemoer Co., loot Montgomery at. A TAILOR with email earn of money for a partner: muet be able to cut aadj fit. IB aulre 118 Kaat 20th and Alder eta., city. G.0OD collector.' who cao fnrnlah boras, wagon ana poau; psrrenisxe psio. i, n aauingTon. YOU cag learn to op rate motloa plctarea Id short time; torm reaaonabl; bort hoar eaay work: ealary (2.1. Partlinlara. call Newman Motloa Picture Co., 140 V Sixth al. WANTED Work with a light team, suitable for delivery work. D ISO, ears Journal, WANTED A good lathe sua who andoratanda turning broom handles. Apply Svnaet Broom Co.. litk and Levejoy ata. WANTED Elevator and bell bey. Hotel Nor- toeia. 14ta ana waanington. . SOLICITORS waeted to aU high-grade attack) aaiary and oommiaaioa. Apply room 138 . Abinrloa bldg. BOY with wheel to deliver and help ta tor; good wagea. Fraley, 214 Tblrd at. WANTED AT ONCE B a per tee red (howcaae. maker; permanent employment. Portland Hbowcsse A 'lxtar Co.. 848 Flrat at. , WIDE-AWAKE awllrlror wanted for tha San itary Cleaning a Dye worke. Highest eonv m lesion paid. 843 Eaat fli-rauth at. OOOD barneaamaker; top wage. Frank, uoM Kiver, ur. f ANTED Experlenoed Works, 211 Fourth at. Portland ty f ANTE IV A maa to attend to laws aad ether light lube. S8S Miaslselppl gva HELT WANTED MAX.E, WANTETV-Clothlng, ahoa and bat and eenta . fur tailing giawia alamt at; eaca. Curaar JDlrd and uaria ate. WAKTEO Boy to work ta grocery (tar. Ap ply 8V2 Hilda at. HELP, WANTED FEMALE. HANHRN'S LADIg.f AOENCT. 841 Waea Ingtoa at, ear. Seveoth.- apatalra. Pboa Mala anal reanal beip waatML Olhl.S WAWTBD Operator to work ee a!rt ana ever lie. iuuna given u laeiperwacea. ' pf'. Slaadard factory Na 2, Oraad are. ea a-aet verier tea, . , , GIRLS WANTEO Apply Staadard Faetory Ma, M. teraaa are. aaa Kaat Taykar at. MATL'BB worn, refined, of good addreea, to give part time for organlilng work with Aid aocieiiea. Call 208 Tlifurd bid,. WANTED Olrla to work doable-atlteb m chloe. laenlr Flto-WU factory. Tb Ftrat. WANTED Amart young girl to wrap cbewlnf gum. americaa tJBlcie uo.. Bl Port grout WANTED Girl f ganeral bouaaworkr 83 aaat izra at., aorta. WANTED fitrl for general sou a work! until family. - otu Mellnda a, a. . GIRLS wanted. 'With aome aewlng expertenoa, to work In Uthw aaop. Culoa Tallorlug Co., WANTED Tonug ladle to ttudy tolrgraphyt oay ana evening amnion; mala una practice; pool t incut when competent. Apply Oregon College, 808 Commonwealth bldg. WANTED Experienced aewlng glrla, alee ap prentice anrte aanay wire ine nee flic; pgy while learning. 17t 17th. eo. YamoilL ' SOLICITOR for th al af city lot; goad ywvymuMm, van nerore 11 e ctotja. ttlcuarua, Oommoawealtb bldg. Sixth at. LADY ollcltor ta work la raeldeae aeclloa for prospective piano boyer. He Mr. Ken ned, Heotl French puna Co., Sixth gad Bara id t. NEAT gnd rape hi gtri or tjromaa tor general bouattrork; good wagea for tha right party, , Sua Lmjvy at. Prion Mala 2S2S. OIRL foe hoi ata work, part gay; aleep at horse ; elnadaya tree I wagea 113. oSl Kearney at. LADY to work In restaursnt, boy ta waeb dishes, at 75o Savler at. A FEW flrat-claa fraternal arginlcera, cither male ar tenuis, aaa find lneratlr mploy Bieat by calling at room tMS Commercial bldg. WANTED Olrla to aort broom corn. Apply Sunset Broom Co 12 th and Lavrjuy ata. WANTED A woman to . make children' clothe, t work by the day or take th work home. Coortney' . Musle Store, 88 North Third t-, Portisnd, Or. WANTED Idy to tsach M. B. Chines ml loa aveatng aabooL T:30 a. at, ' Apply 24714 Stark at. . . WANTED Twe experlearad ready girl to work xa eeafeetloaary tor., Apply 404 Washington. COMPETENT girl for general housework: good wage. 3M Kaat 14tb at., N cor. Bchayktr. Take Broadway at Irvlngtoa car. MAID competent for general boo tew or k, ta family ef two; good wares 1 good heme. $71 V East Eighth at., north. Bear Broadway. WOMAN wajited, (I.S0 day. 84 boor Call 11 a. m. to 9 p. ta.. SOT Corbett et. WANTED Young gtri ' to assist la bona, work. Call at Ml Sixth at,, corner Clay. BAI.ERLADTES at once, ta 811 cloak and mlu, Ian genu' furnishing. Ak for Mr. Wilson, Third at., eoraer Davla. WANTED Newly graduated gteraegraphcr lady. leanlr at 271 Flrat It., froa a. m. to 8 p. m. PERMANENT positions for competent glrla t do horning, drawing, painting and lettering. D. Af. Averlll A Co, mnfg., 103 North Fifth. WANTED A girl Tor gtnaral baoasworkv-884 College t- alALR AND FEMALE HELP. SEVERAL la dies and gentleman to take part la lodge dramas; giro phone. Address V 188, car Journal. . - WANTED A tatr good solicitors, male, eel female; best proposition In Portlaad: good euoaey to th right parties. Phone Bellwood - Tlr . Cornet Eaat 13th at. aad VmatlUa are. BELP wanted and eapplled. mala ar ferns Is. R, . Drake. 206 V4 Waah log ton at. Padfto IS7A WANTED All kinds of help. Apply Saasat it room u., iwa ana unjar - SITUATION W ANTED i-M ALE. STEAM eugrneer waat Job) , five rears' ex perience, z, lea, jooraai. . WANTED Sltnatloa by competent yotrng mi a as cafe manager or chef la flrat or second. ,, claaa cafe; f tret -class references from the asst. 1 Address T log. goaraat, . WANTED Office work by young ajaa owning typewriter. A 10S, Journal. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE. WANTED Rooming-boos to look after for tha aa of 8 boo ecxee ping rooms By ansrrle UOy. Address lfi, ears af Jonrnsl. 11 I I 11 1 oeessstataaaasm EMPLOTMENT AGENCIES. RED CROSS EMPLOYMENT On ' Leering esmn pad farm help a epectatty SO North Recend t. Pboa Mala S2M. . Wa pay all telegraph charges. HANSEN'S EMPLOYMENT OfFICB , -- FOR MEN. ' FA North Seroad at, Pboa Mata lata. PORTf.AND EMPLOYMENT OFFICE tnllH Morrl ton at......... Plana PaHfte 28 ST North Becoud at Phone Paelfle 1808 WANTED AGENTS. ) AGENTS If yoa ar looking fa a .tnotiev .. maker It will pay you to call oa us. W have what yoa bar been looking Air. Coo- samer' Supply Co., Sll Commercial blk. . ONE battler la sch tnwa or 'locality to bandl Biedlclae or opt wrtte oulck big . money. B. M. P rummer. 200 Third it WANTED TO RENTe WANTED TO BENT Roe, cottage, fiats, storm, sf flees, rooming k unaet, ata, ' Lead , lords will do well to call on PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF OR BOON Phaaa Ex. TA S. E. Cor. (d aad Oak, WANTED Ta Tent fnrnlehed 8-room modera , bones, good Iocs tloa. good yard I twa children. . Addrea P 122, car Journal. , WANTED TO RENT aottagaa. flata. atorss, rooming hooass, office. , 204 Mohawk bldg.. .. - . WANTED TO RENT Houeea, eottagee, flats . and rooming-honae. Pbona Main 4828. 204 ' Qoednough bldg. J, SIMON A CO. Wanted ta rent A or S-mom i modern cottage wlthla ITarrleoa school dis trict. Apply 408 First, or phoo Mala 4770. WANTED To rent a dsibl cottars af lg room, on weat aid. V 164, car Journal. WANTED REAL ESTATE. IF yoa want to aall quick. Hat with f. Facto, 221 H Morrlsoa at. CASH for vacant ar Improved residence prop, erty If price I right. Winks, 404 Lumbar Kichanre. Classified Ads In Tha Journal rscb th pqpl In th great Ore-ton country at tha right tlma. : Rates for Classified , Advertisements , : (Count six words to tha Una.) .'' "Ona cant a word each Insertion. Mora than two Inaertlona, I cants par llrta aao.h. Ingertlon. j Br tha week, (0 cants, par Una ('1 days). No advrtlemnt takaa' tot leas than Ucnta, '. WANTED REAL ESTATE. WANTED Building lot or honae oa Portland Ilrlguta; with to deal with owner. 2-1 1 Ankrny t. x - WANTED Furntahrd bona. 8 or T room. Ham ilton A Holiuan. 304 (hiodnougb bldg. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. . WANTED Faraltara and be seek old good sf L avers deocrlptloa bought, sold and axcuaagaa. The 8. 3J3 First at. aieia oat a. e HIOHBMT esab price paid for all k!d eoaad bead goods. Pbsae Mala 2111. 83 si. Third. WS haul dead k erase and cattle free, Oregon Fertiliser Worke, or aotlir Carney' V't.rt. nary, kourth aod G liana sts. Mala IDOa. CAN aaa (8.000 worth tnrnttara rhle week ; highest prices psld la city. Waaler Sal vage Co, Phone IsA. . MAIN Sa. CASH AMI UTB OF I FOR FHRNITCRB. - . ' PORTLAND ACCTIOH UOOhU. ," 'tnttU M88. WANrkti Kocimlng lurai. ,.brb?k balldlngt . termai so rents. Aadrts A. V., ZSt Grand gv., CliJ. . CA8H for household goods. Savage A Fennel I. 846-841 First st. Phaaa Pacific 860. . we will enr. pki.l or tn atb any old THING. VVFSTKHN BAI.VAOa w., a,. 8211 WASHINGTON. PACIFIC Tba. - WANTED TO BCY Fresh cow, big milker and ' good: stato breed of cow, bow anuru milk aad the pru-.' Addrea u 104. cars sournsi. 811 EL Yl NO. eouirters, aegis and' oof fee Bill. bvllowe Orocery to. ....... , ' . WANTED A bara with pot lea tbaa tlva tulle. K 168. Journal. ' ' FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT. NEWLY furnished rooms la private boms, be tween twa tar II oca, walking niaiaucei wiu ?lvs board to ens gentleman; hot bath, gsa, elephone; lovely borne for right people, , bits Bortbwick. Pboa Eaat 6080. . 1814 FIRHT ST. cor. Yamhill; nicely far, alahed front suite; etas aloft rooaw, res onsblsl trsnslsnt nllcltoa. THB RICH EI.I KIT. S8H North Sixth et-Ble- gaetlr farulsbedi stesm kaat aad aatasv THB GRAND. flV4 North Third St. gsntismsa. ai.xs par wee a aaa ap. THB YAMHILL, 881 Wast Park Boom by day or week! steam bast, aafa, paoaei naa alaat. '. - THB ARCADB. 14'4 Flrat at., near MorrUoa, fnraUbed rooms XoC ta 8.1 1 tranateat. s SINGLE room, near Hot! Portlaad. 18 Sev vota St. sisna tesn, r - THB 8TBWART Housekeeping and fn rule bed rooms; tra aslant aaa alugle. auaH wssa. NICELY furalshed T-rooa boas for gale; cheap rent; bast kx-atVoa; party gulag east. - o 163. Journal. - 18H FOURTH ST. FuTBlahed rooms, day. week ar month; prices rsa sonants., raclf TH a, WEST HOTEL All modera 000 renjeocea ; rates giao per week aaa ap. 81 M ' RortA 81xtb ac . . . NICB taetne,- all couvenlaagea. 80S Madlaoa at. Phon Pacific 811. L-y-f FOR RENT HOUSEKEEPING. - (1.60 WEEK CP. Urge, la. rsrs asked Beep log room, aaueary aaa Bsis, 1st eui aoatb, Portlaad. (1.28 WEEK VP. ckraa. faralshed tog rooms,- parlor, bath, laaadry, raraaea bsst ysrd. 80314 Staatoa. 0 car. . TUB MITCHELL Hoaaekeapiag and trasstsst rttaiB, Bussoasoaa. . awvaata aaa riatawa. . TWO eoraer eon nee ting rooms, new furniture, free pboa, wood or ga a to res. (84 8s tier. SUITES af housekeeping rooms; gsa, bath, free psoas; alao rooms By tb week for aaea only. 280 Colombia at. Pboa Mala SUl. FT'RNISRED housekeeping roosts. 848 Eaat zrta ana Taggsrt aca., aear inaeuoa , ar Blchmoad aad Woodatock ear tins. PCRNISBED or aafaralshed koueekesptsg- rooma. (1.28 weak; alao o-room cottage; ail -aa weat aide.-- Apply AM North 2th st.. as. ear Bsvisri W car. TJNFCRNISRED ROOMS. TO LET 1. 2 or 8 large anfnrnlahtd room. Inqulr at Portlaad Oaa A Blcycl Co., 181 Fhst - m . ROOMS AND BOARD. : ?, : COMFORTARLB room tor twa or three gen tlemen, with breakfaet and 8 o'clock dinner; private family; bom cooking; all coavenl , encea. 202 North IStfe at aear MarabaU. . Pbona Paelfle 24UT. - . s THB MORRISON, formarly tha Haaperias , Lerge comfortable roam, sins la and aa astts, aswly furnlahed; beet table-board: prtesa modera ta. oaa Morriaoa at, corner 17th. ROKRDALE (the Barrel! estate). 404 corner 10th and Madlaoa, Just opened; everything f tret-class. . Nswly furnished taroagboat. -, TWO pleasant room, with er wlthoat beard! , Rice location. B 188, cars JonraaL FOR RENTtHOTJSIJS. OCARANTERD aa adverttaed, Wa aaa real er aell yoar boaaea. room, flata, offices, tores, farm, acreage, bit! Mat Bow for ' saatera sdrer tiling. 204 Mohawk bldg. WB rent . aad nil piaao. . Bhargaaa. Clay . A Oa. .......... POR BENT Two new 8-room flat, apper and lower floor, laqalr 471 SUth at. POR RENT A flv4viota cottage, aeatly fur alshed, (18. (18 Marguerite are., MonUrlUs. POR ' RENT Tbrea-ronnl cottage, farnhrhed complete, (12 a month. Phone Mala 110. MODERN T-roona boose, corner 24tb and Aah. (!. loaulr at the eoraer etors. Eaat t&SlA PURNI81TBD or - anfumlabed B-rootn eottaxsi slao boaaykasptng-rnom. 81 week) all en west siac. . sppij sue jtvria sow et, ; Barter; W car. - PURXISnED HOUSES. POR SALE Bargain; faralshed or unfur nlabed. aae 8-room bouse, - sultaMs for twe A families. SOP Montana ava. . Buaaall and Shaver ' ear.'. .v , NICELY farnlabsd Tfrooai boo for sale; eases . rent; best loeatloai party . golsg east. O 1S3, JoarnaL FCRNIfHED ' 4-room cottage, bath, sink and pantry. (IS. - 848 S6th at., aear Pawelli Woodatock ear. POR jiKNT-e-STORES-OFPICES. 0FFICR-ROOMS. anfarnlibsd rooma aad earn. pta-room for teat, tioodaoagh bldg. , Apply HALF stor for rent for flah nd poultry mar ket. Inquire at 188 Fourth at IF YOU want ef rice apace on ground fleer or desk room, esll at 84 Third c SMALL tor with er without room, IO-reon) building, for leaee. betweea Waablngtoa at, and depot, fitaa Davla at. HALF afore, plat front, good for y baat nees; low rent. 80 Waahingtoa at. IIOCSES tOJX RENT PCRNITCRB FOR SALE. WB ased furu It are at any price. - Portland Aaa tloa Room. 211 First t. Mala 8888. t-ROOM hooa for rent and fnraltnr for a) a bargain. 208 Harriaoa at. . POR SALE NIc furnlrar ef aa S-eonni room- Ing-bonse; cheap. 8tt0 aew hous with baae mrnt for raat; good location. 889 Front at. NEAT cottage, 8 mrs; hath and gaa; cen tral local ton. inqulr pal first eg nr. Hors ier . 4.14 Montgomery t. NEW furniture ef modera 4-roooi apartment, private snlraace. rlrate: aoltahl for bachelor apartment. Paelfle P04, , A-ROOM bone for rent, furniture for aal, vary ene. p. s,e. feooonouga oiug, opposiia post offlc. aa Fifth at. PLAT for rent furniture for sal, (of Past. beak are, asia loLg gv ear. FOR RENT FLATS. r.VFCBNIKHCD APARTMENTS?. ' Four .room .ultiet sew sad nuMlera. beth- . room with eecb, atssa heat, hut aud cold water, etc. A out to 1aultr on premiere. Hereatb and If arson ttrceia, or tciuphou Mala 20oa. ) FOB KB NT Broom flat; rent (JO. Ml Tblrd. FOR RE XT FARMS. (0 ACHES. US mite from Portland, la Waah. lsgtoa county; 70 rree la cultivation. 80 ; acrea plowed. Imiulra of ewner, lud bscead - n, rvnwuvi . roit KENT Huiall farm, sear car Una: Pool try, fruit, vegetable. Dr. Darling. Pbooa Eaat 62U. BUSINESS CHANCES. "loomiflg-Ionse -'-Bargain! PKnTarKA"ftaa -tnesevf-nt-vdevv- iRt vest I eeaeei m nwi MJ,'ir-., -.,,.,. . - reeaon for aelllug': worth .1.(K. I will aell ftar (iLAOO caab. X 148. Care Journal. - m ': ' Orocery a tor fa eonaectloa wltb meat mar. kat. Al location, east alder food horses, 1 new double wagoa, a aew sat of aarncssee., I alugle: good alngle wagoa sod harness; sll . vieaa aioca; must oe auiu s, w.w, count; owner going w Europe, ewureuo . - are journal. ' WANTED Partner to geelet la hotel broker! XV business la Seattls; muet bs 'V?n"hJr.,I naoiei Dig nouaj-Bi..n , , . . aess; expsrlencs aot neceaaarr ; It a the maa we waat, not n v,,.. - -- Wv.. Inform, I k,.n esll St the Port. land office. P. U Austia Co., 128 Ablng ' aaa bldg. . ' HOTEL FOR SALE. - For sals, a 14-room hotel with 1 bath, roe ins, good location with 1O0 regular board er.: prir. (1.000 cart! thla I- a barf. U. If Uken at once. ' Address Norlb Park BoieL 104-108 North Seventh at. MANTFACTCRINO Bad milling company will aell a email Interest end am ploy aertloss ot ' tnvMtor; aa experience aeceeaaryi aatsll amoant reqirireo. sua x-omocr svscn. AN Interest la aa artTva real estate aad tlm ber husloeas for elj Do txperlean aaoss- ' sa ry: small amount of ssoaa required. u Lamber Exchange. ; PEED a tor for (sis. well Iocs ted, good leaee. low Itni, v . - , aa be bad st Invoice ; owner baa good rsa goaa tor selling. 403 Lumber Exchange. FOB SALE A stock of groceries, bona, wagoa and barnesa ana store uxinrup. wui book- boat (I.S00; ea Rasaell at., fine location; .md trao. laauire 01 a. ta. now m it, 20 t'slon a.. Berth, aear Rnaxll at. - HAVE beat avmey-maklng proposition aa the eoaat for reliable party with a tew hun dred dollars and Berries. - laqafcr roam 4 Kslalgh bldg. FOR next 10 daya wa offer for (800 eaab. ha lance fM per mown, new ai-roooi ,lr' boarding and rooming -bonssj bath! ftrrnlshed complete: pay a set lacom af (M per xoaatb; fin location. - tt. JOHNS INYE8TMENI CO., ' - SL-iohna, OS. noae Eaat S08T. . Room 12 Holbrook bldg. 11 L'NFL'RNINHED rooms, central Iocs tloa; rant raaaoaabi. inquire la.vaioa are. - - SALOON, boas, aad lot. for !! parries le. . . - ' ' - - , 1U lug ow atttan vmhi m, hww w ,w, JoornaL POR SALE Orocery with .clean, freak stock; Inmp or in vote; reeaon ror seumg, going to other batlaess. 184 North 14th. , RESTACRANT for asl or renti excelleat baal- nees: net monthly profit (400. Pa. O, box 012, VaBcoavar. Waihlngtoa. HOTELS OCR SPECIALTY. : If yaar betel fa tor sale, la er oat of the city, ariog it so ae one we wiu procors- parcbaaer without publicity.' Bafsreors, Be te) Mao' association, ' P. L. ArSTEN A CO.. Original Hotel Broktra, . Suit 122 to 12, Ablna-toa bldg. ') Fkena Mata 2488.-' HAYB the beat opening ea tba oaa at ta wsll etabllahed enterprise; tntall capital re, onlrsd; -writs tor particulars. P. L. Scbott, 404 H Eaat Morriaoa at. SAFE MONET Aaytbkg ta prtsttng see Mad. see, taoa rtutwr xeeapia, max aaa suae, sts 1 pars Irs. FOR SALR OR TRADE -Hotel Baleey. ,100 Ilea from Portlaad oa Southern Pacific: a modern up-to-date house, nswly faralahsd; . baa good com mar trial trad. . Address Hotal Hatsey. Balsvy, Or. POR SALE Nicely furnlahed d-roora (dark green houseboat at a bargain.' Foot of Clay . St., waat side, Slga ''For Sale" avsr door. SALOON One" af tba very, beat corner la thai city for rant. Addr wttb rafarsocs, L ino, JoornaL DRCO-STORB LOCATION One pf tba beat enraera la tha city for rent tor drag gtora, 'Addrea 0 lu8, JoarnaL . (280 BUYS a rntenrant with good caab trade; cheap rent! a anep far anaa and wife; clear (8 and W Pr day. Addrea B ISO. Joarnal. PARTNER with-(1.008 to rarest la a Hve propoaltloa: good hancd for 8 bustler. . Ad dress X IKS, care Journal. . . MTST SELL CHEAP Bonk, cigar and ronfec tjonery eiore. doing good bnelness, good fc ' cation; Al.flM. Inquire O 1ST. JoaraaL ' POR RALE -chlr barber shop, doing good business: ewner quitting buainsss. 211 ' I'avrtb gt. POR SALE Nrlch hotel, 8-story, d2rP2; 42 moms; farnlahed: only flrst-elasa hotel la New berg. Price (s.ono If taken at once. Addres N. Welter, boa 208, Mswborg, Or.,- ECHO SALOON, attnktrd t 38 North Poarth gt, for sale cheap. ..-'..., OROCERY, good stock and location, good baV , oess, exehsng oa huslnca resident Iota, lm- proved or vaesnt: Invoice shout (1,800.. Ad dres E 184, care JoarnaL " c 80-ROOM rooming houe. clearing (200 per Btontb, (3.800. Room T. 1814 Vlrst sc. A BrSINEM clearing (8 g day: -owner called east; oaly (800 required. Hooa T, First at- ...'.,- BO-ROOM roomlnt house, good toe tloa; a aaap, (1.800. Booa T, 181 H rirat at. . CLT THIS OCT AND BRINfl IT WTTn YOD 1 have a 10.000 per coat investment In g f aiBnfetur1ng company' tnrk. Mechanic u having email aunounta aa lnvetre prererred, 'nply to, Wat. 0. Peterbaoa, 318 Comma elal but. - , WEEKLY;- as at pa per and -Job "off Ice 1 power . cyiioowr and yonnera Beany new: aa xcetv ttonally good field: no competition; plendid ; propotltloui ruk sr baokabla ante, W 184, ' care Journal. 1 (280 BUYS half In tereat bl established tnanu . facturmg boslneea: sy term to honeet work ing maa: Investigate quick;- testing city, II 188, ears JoornaL- .. . - CLEANING AND DTE WORKS. At location, aew building, 2-jeer less. Cheep rent: well advertised; clearing (10 to "815 per 6nf, moot be sold; ewaer leaving tows; price (.ISO. CALL 18SW THIRD ST, TtOOM A. ' CT0AR AND CONFECTIONERY. Excellent location, very cheap rent, I room; place clearing (80 to (DO per month took will invoice mors thaa price aaked ether bnalnerai pries (228. CALL lloS THIRD B, ROOM A. POR SALE Butcher ahop, or will rent; 'fair . trad to at art ea. Address L 191, Joarnal. PARTNER wanted for traveling how; profit (10 to (lu daily! mutt bar mail capital. Addreea H 1ST, car JoarnaL . FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. (-ROOM honae, lot J 00x1 00, ta South Port land, ekiee to car Mae: (1.880. Small cottage, lot 6dx2oo. oa WlllAJnatt ' boulevard; thla la a anap; (P25. Small cottag ea (oed ear Una, cheap for , esah! (478. - Wa have other good boy. . Ceme la and ee na, BEAVER RIAL FBTATF! A lNYESTMENT Cokl PANT, iot r irat St. SEB Harper A 0'Donnell. Room (, Benson bldg, eoraer rut ana Morriaoa. LIST perty with na. Harper A 0'Poa- ne 14, room o, oeiot el",.. tlsoA gt. Pboa Mala 8i4J, sell, room t, Benaoa bldg., 11lk gad Ator FOR SALE IlKAL ESTATE. (Inn CASH Two lot. 8-ronr bona. Ftwr art'a alatloa. Mount gct tt Hue. pries F. Ml. (128 eacli. 4 i'," fo.,t bit near Hoes CI . park. ' . . , (7AWCkolr lot. Waec at., arar fcttlit terms. (I2.O0O (Juartet block, 12 room house. Hall at. , . L!at!say & Co. - SO Raleigh Bldg. S28H Waahlngtoa Sf, (2.0OO FOB SA LB Five acrea, H mile froai rarllne; partly In fruit. Owner, R. A. Delano. (11 Marldlaa at.. Moatavllla. CORNER lot 44HXI0O. Beoood and Arthur ata I ln-room flat rents for (,4 per aaontb. 4-room cottage rente for (T per mouth; prir (8,000; half dowB, bawaee esa stand, 8 par cant la tereat, , " W. W. EfPEY. ' Room SIS Commercial bldg., Waah. gad 24. (800 DOWN. (IS monthly, buy nearly aew bouse ef 8 -large rooms, reception ball, , pantry, bathroom and basement; fiber pies - tared, eoncrtte foundation, porcelain bath. ' . ., elnk and patent toilet; good plumbing, hot and cold water; block or carj oilxioo . lot; young fruit trses, garden; aot far ' out. Prtce (I.OuO. , ' HOMH LAND CO.. 148V4 Plrt Bt (1.890 CABH bay -a business lot, 80x208 feat, , oa Union eve. Call at 810 Union gv, north., corner Falling at. FOR SAI E Fnll lot. Mallory and Beech, (700; (or a few daya. Address T 147, cars Joarnal. A FJNR maaslOB,, all modern cooTtnleaces. (4.800. . New modern 8-room bona and S lota, (8.000. . ' Well-built 10-room house, lot 80x100. (l.boO. NIc now cottag. ( rooms, Bicely (urnlsusd, all for (2.0D0. Elegant modera bouse, d room a, (8.000. , Bualneaa chances, scresge, fine farm. " TUB J. B. FOREMAN CO., . . , 181 Vk Morrlsoa at.. Bear bridge. ' ' ' look here: " - .. , -. IMrilOO en Ftrat at., a ban and tor bonding brlnglnr Income ot ever It pec eM; property Inoisaafng. . . , , Inreetlgate Uile. . ". v I ' ,' (d,800. ' :' - - , , TTIB YETERAN LAND CO, . t ' luav, Third at. . FINE LITTLB HOMB . 1 On Mt. Scott car Una, aear Milliard v. bona aew and modem, A rooaw) lot (0x104; ;' (300 below market. , ' lYlcs (1.80O; saay term. -'- ('"' ',( . TUB VETERAN LAND CO," 1881a Tblrd at. , A ROOM boose wltb bath, oa Kaat Aakeny car - line, ekwa la; real (is; faraltara for earn. , Pboa Mala 4484. n 1 ,. n m .. OWNER MUST SELL Modera 8 room boas. Just ristahsd. tiled. Bsturoom aaa gitenea. modern plumbing, stationary tube, cement base meat; a barxala, (2. Tin). . 10X2 Eaat Bel mont, eoraer Setb st. Pbona Tabor 888. loot ino, THREE boaaea, rented tor (TO. 8. one. Twe choice sate, . 48th Bear Jl a Winers, (500 each, ; Modera 8-room boose, toll lot, twe . ear Tinea: (2.800. (00 each. . Full lot ea Eaat 12th! ceafralt, a bargain.- (1.8TB. Modera - 8-mora honae. ' lot ' 80x1(0. 18 block ateel bridge: (3.3M. Pboae East 28M. FOR BALE Small cottage, lot 100x100, near Arnor Lodge atatton a Bt, dahna 11 n. its Wilbur at. -1 .... , , - . v - - . MODERN T-room boas. 28 minutes walk from Third aod Morrnme ata., ae iaa. leosire 471 EeatZth St. - ANOTHER BARGAIN II acres, mostly cleared. good hones and para, tine aril, moat gs cheap. The Title A Abstract Co.. room 4 Mulkey bldg, Secosd aad MsfThsxa ata. (4.000 BUYS a new T-rooaa bona and lot 100 . IUW. COOCrCI osat'auem. BW ewt mm nnmm bouse. S blorka frees 2 ar Una. - Inuulr al . 884 Rod say ave. FINEST gpsrtawBt alt la city, - Close to. 100x80 price rasssnsPM. aourwat v iti, Joarnal. - ' a stsnnAIN Half block frith three bootee, - 11 rented. niy gn.wtu. ixrraar vratec a no v Curry. A,lss . timber ( Uad. Owaer, 14 a csrry st, , . FINB. gobdlvlaton proposltloB oa O. . W. P, close In. 21 acre; level, so gravei; osxgs:w --r fdr aulck sale. Yaadaya A Walton. l Cbamber Commerce. ' r , STOP PAYING RENT.' '" TOxIOfl. en Be car line: smell noose, ee. merit basement, gtroes, 2TB. 204 Mohawk ' bldg.. LOTS. 80x90. near Be car Una. (880; aaed the money, an Jtoeawa otag. . t- East Hcrrlsca IOOtIOO. uat across bridge, mast aell at a low price. " . ROOM 208 COMMERCIAL BLK. ' (1.000 Lot 82x100, boase ot S rooma. abed. pern. CUiraes-meai iruJ.I over iniveax eta tlon. Addrsas V IM, care Joarnal. 0HOICI corner. 1noa, Improved street an both aloe, only blow; eneetmBiproperry m t thl diatrlct. Apply to owner, W. M. Coak lln. East ASth at. and Hawtberae ave. (8.800 HALF caab. 50x100, aear modeva Aroem BOOS. BOP BASl stauiaoai St., ownwr. . - MODERN 8-room Queen A arte cottage at 8 bar- . gain. Bee tbie. uwnar, ow vaacoaver are. . BOO FARMS, email tracu and lets: bargains am, . O. W. P. electric line. o. rt. aoaitoa. tiSBI. Oregoa. Take Mt, Scott car, 8a. PINR IIOMR FOR YOUNO OR OLD COUPLE 20 am flnalr Improved garden rand, ant far from ear line: fine road to th City; . ill akely fence, good aew bnfldlag, bona. bara. wnonhoo, rnicaeB-Bouse. rooTaouee, running water, a good well at boose; 1 nap buy: (2.80 (1,4M down, balaaea agraed time S pet eent. - -, W. W. EBPET. " Room (is Coaaanercl! bldg, oar. W ashing toa aad Secosd. ST. JOHNS SNAPS. (1,000 Two lota aad A room hansel alas or lots and 8-room bous. (1.800. We muet .Ami aell sell these bonaes thla week. They are bar. galas for aome one wanting homes. . -HATHAWAY A BROWN. ' . . -. Room 10 Waablngtoa bldg. (1.000 B A ROAIN Cottage la SaaayMt (809 OOWS- Boa mim tnrr mtmwim . - " ; (4.W-Comr lot SAxtS, aaty . IS mlsata , to city., .-. . a ' . , .. , '.jjv -., c .r pacn nARSIB, , Phone EStt 4800. 800 Belaaoat, ear. B. tftth. me (e aell thl (4 800 8-rooni boas a Eaat 84th at, 1 block south af Hawrhornei 11. town, . w 1 ,u, v , p. , , M 188. car Joarnal. . . ' : ,' FOR SALE Lata on 20th aad Eaat Stark eta, from (800 apt terms. - Owaer, . 70S Eaat Stark L Phoo Eaat 1588, . FOR SALE Threw boaaea aad total a bargain. Inquire at 85 Fremont at, earner Minnesota. ACREAOE et U store, r teraaa. aear Salem line. ' w. netui, vrsssiugioa twig. CARTER black gt STtb ' and Eaat Cllntna ata.. on a-room and Arooaa cotttgt. TO II naastneutj wrw wwrn woiuiug nicer Raat PortUnd. Price (3.000) raa ' tlv term. See 0. W. Barer, ewaar, 800 sst Morrlsoa St., Clry. MEAT market for Bale! location final toed but mate: owner risk; Inmp or Invoice.. Hew : thorns Realty Co., M Margnerlta ava,, aoroar Hawthorn. Tabor 614. . (128 BUYS fnraltnr. anana, atgas, hag leas t very low rent, of flu real estate office) ' eeally worth S4S0, ' Msta 4222. Room 84, 227 V Weahlngtoa t. - . (100 DOWN, b1Ba (860 teraaa ta eolt, Aroor cottag, complete; ta beat obarh, Inaulr 411 Kaat 84th st, . . 8-ROOM hardwood finished boos, four Iota, Including fruit treee; oa (set eld. Price (l.Malj term, (fa 10 eaah, sale oca (IS psf . mouth, tntiulra Labb bldg, room 40. A e-ROOM hooa ea easy terms, asar car lins will teka at part paymnta one or mar lot.' 874 Flrat at, PorUaBd. (1.100 SMALL -eottage. fine cherry tree eg H . two larg Kitt. in wooniawei tnut piece Of property Ilea In th direct earvry ef th new 0. R. A N. road; good chance to ' make soma Boons 7 (ulck. SOI BweUaad bldg. PORTLAND HEIOHTa . . (ano (100 down, balance terras (-room ah Ins led bungalow; by owaer.- L 1(4, ear Journal. . t 1 (400 DOWN, balance term! Ither S or S-rooai mttag la Crk; by ewosr. 0 164, rare Journal. . NEW (ddltlon; best lots la Lent, imtino, onlv (116; near car; tar ma. O. K. Addltoa, Lenta, Or. Tab Monat Soott ear. MODERN A room bones, rhtnnyaldai (100 balsnce meutlily, til Cemmrcial bldg.