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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (March 22, 1907)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, FRIDAY EVENING, MARCH 22. 1907. SI L OF THE FITTEST Buffaloes In Captivity Apply Na , turn's Law Whsnr a New '' Leader Appears. LEADER OF THE HERD GOES DOWN IN DEFEAT After Terrific Fight Between Bnf- faloee) Confined la ' Park New- ' comer Defeats "AH Oppooenia" and , Herd JSow Rw a New Master. Honul Specnl Berries.) ' Ban Francisco, . March II. Buffalo paddock at Golden Oat park wsa Tea . terday the aoen of a battla royal be tween tbe kings or the hard and a new comer. At 14 o'clock In the morning a maaslve bull, said to be one of the biff eat ' In captivity, waa tranaferred to the big paddock. Hie arrival waa '. balled by the hard with loud bellow- ' mil inu ia, uiu maeit wiia inuiuni nostrils advanced to challenge tha new eomer. . s- Accepting the challenge unhesitating ly, the latter rushed to the fray with ' awlnglng head and lashing tall. The eaae and rapidity of movement af the unwieldy animal aatonlahed the , apectatora who had been attracted by the bulla' bellowing. After tearing; up .the earth for a few minutes with their forefeet, the bulla charged one another. Tenth la Served.' They came together with Such force .' that each ataggered, but a moment later their horns Interlocked and, emit ting roars of anger, the huge animals battled for supremacy. For 10 min utes the bulla fought like gladiators, without mercy, .but the youth and atrength of the new eomer finally ov .ercama. . tha .at ubbora -resistance of this alder antagonist -and ' with a groan of anguish tha latter sank to the (round, beaten. ' 1 With a series of victorious bellows, ' which were answered by tha heifers at tha other end of the park, the viator gored his fallen victim time and again. Then apparently realising that his an tagontst waa unable to rise, the big bull faoed the herd. In the front rank of which were several young; bulla ' ' A fight tha like of which never had been seen in Ban Francisco, held the gwrent! V 1 ; ITS CHEAPER TO BUODa f , hdse City park, v spectators for hours, and the roars and bellowlngs which aooonipanled it at tracted people from every direction. The vigorous onslaught of the big bull resulted in the defeat of all com petltors, end during the afternoon the triumphant buffalo paraded around the paddock emitting bellows of victory. . DEATH OF FORMER : GEODETIC CHIEF - .....''..' Captain Rockwell Surveyed the Coast Around Mouth of Co lumbia and River to Portland Captain Cleveland Rockwell, formerly Chief of tha United States geodetlo aur vey ef Oregon, died last night at his boms at 1109 Vaughn street. Death resulted from. pneumonia after en-Illness of several weeks. Captain Rockwell waa bora -In Tounrstown. Ohio, Tl years ago. ' Im- ii His in iniyrisiilHui i gw ivw w tf - 1 ' to . 1 c ' I 1 t.. I ' ' I fj ' - l J -x -iii i i ii -Ti- nirgiinr- -frT Captain Cleveland Rockwell. mediately after graduating - from the University of New fork at tha age of to, ha en -red the United States .coast survey service. At the beginning; of the civil war he was detailed to the war department with the rank of captain, his chief work being; a survey from Alex andria to Chain Ridge for fortifications for the defense of Washington, XX C. - Captain Rockwell became ehlef of tha United Statea geodetic aurvey for Ore gon In 116$, vlui headquartera at As toria. Ha surveyed the mouth or the Columbia river and tha coast for (0 miles south.-' He also surveyed tha Co lumbia river and on up to Portland, Cap tain Rockwell retired from active service six years ago, Mrs. John Rounsfell, his daughter, who Is now In California, has been notified of his death, and arrange ments for tha funeral will not be mads until a reply Is received from her. Eatacada Mail Carriers Named. (Wsshlnrtea Baresa ef The lotratl.) " 'Washington, . March - IJ.- Abraham Demey waa appointed - this , morning regulaK. carrier on rural free delivery route No. 1, at Eetscada, Oregon. Frank Thurston was appointed aa substitute. PROVE EVERY CLAI'I os, wrr.i.isnr rax raxm a sr . cxrxo tom isTarana. rhay jtavo Beea Carina I for a ' aratloa ana Are Beoogalaad aa a ' vSaXe 'anally Medicine, When tha body becomes run down, either aa a result of overwork, worry or a severe' Illness, aa examination of the blood would show It to be weak and watery. Thla- condition la sailed anaemic, which Is the medical term for "bloodless." Ths common symptoms are paleneae of the lips, gums and cheeks, shortness of breath and palpitation of tha' heart after the slightest exertion, dull eyes and loas of appetite. . Anaemia itself is a dangoroua.dlsaaas and U easy gradually paaa Into consumption.- It must be cured by treating Its cause, which ia the poor condition of the blood. Dr. Williams' Pink PIUS are the great eat builder of rich, new blood and they have been curing anaemia and other blood dlaaasea for nearly a gen eration. ' ' ,' " ' Mr. Louis L. Clark, a painter, of It Lincoln Place, Plalnfleld. N. 1- says: "Last May I was obliged to undergo an operation for appendicitis and while the operation In Itself was eucceasfut, 1 did not recover my strength and health. I was confined to my bed for oyer a month and was Under the doctor's care. When I was able to get up my legs were so weak and unsteady that I could only walk with a cane with dimcuity. My stomach waa very weak and my ap petite poor and I waa not getting proper nourishment, , My heart waa very Ir regular. ' "I waa getting no better and could not think of going back to work. I waa discouraged, when a neighbor' told mo that Dr. Williams' Fink Pills had oured her and advised me to try them. I began taking them about the middle of June and soon felt so 'much better that I kept on until now I am entirely cured." Dr. Williams' Pink Pills have cured rheumatism, chlorosis, after off acta of the grip and fevers, and aa tha health of the nervea depends upon the purity of the blood, they are Invaluable in neu ralgia, nervoua dellblty, sleeplessness, dlxxiness and even locomotor ataxia and paralysis.' - . Dr. Williams pink Pills are sola ny all druggists or sent, postpaid, on re ceipt of price, 10 cents per , box. six boxes 11.60. by the Dr. Wllllama Medi cine Cow. Schenectady, N. T. - WIND TOPPLES WATER , TANK WITH WORKMEN "' (Special Dwsetca te The JoereeL) Helena.- Mont. - March I J. Michael Laoey, In charge of a gang of work men on tha Northern Pacific waa per haps fatally Injured at Terry, Mon tana, ' today. A wind atorm - toppled over a water tank which they were erecting. Tha others were slightly in jured., ' v ' i". Athena's Justice and Recorder. (Speefsl DIsbsu te The JaersaLi ' Athens, Or March Jl. B. B. Rlon- ards baa qualified aa . Justice ef the peace and city recorder for Athena, to fill tha vacancy caused by the resigna tion of O. O. Chamberlain, who will go to Twin Falls to farm a large tract of land Irrigated .under tha Twin, Falls project. . "t RED FLAG FAITH in FREE SCHOOLS London Socialists Teach Soma ' Strange Doctrines New City, , Council May Stop Them. aearaal Spedsl Servlea,) ' . London, i March JJ. "Down with So alaliamr was one of the cries which matarlallv haloed tha "Moderatee," or "Municipal Reformers," aa they are termed, to defeat tha "Progressives- at,-lha recant- Tendon .county council clecUon and capture aa overwhelming majority of tha aaata. It la probable that one of tha first things the victors win do will be to put a stop to tha use of London county council schools on Sundaya for tha propagation of Social istic doctrines. Tha London county council has been in the habit of letting many of tbeaa schools on the Sabbath to varloua bodloe for supposedly religious exercises at merely nominal rentals. . Ia this way the Soclallsta obtained posses sion of It of them. At - a Socialist Sunday school were found assembled about 100 boys and girls, ranging In age from 1ft to 1 years, and aoms (0 adults. They repre sented all sorts and conditions. Most of the boys and the men wore red ties. - The proceedings did not open with prayer. Socialist Sunday schools have no .use 'for prayers. , "Good-day, com rade," said tha superintendent, rising snd rapping on his desk. "Good-day, comrade," waa - the chorused response. "I will now- call the roll or Duiiaere, he continued. "What do X mean by the bullderar ' "We are tha butldere because we are building a new world," shouted tha chil dren.. -.-.. i . After tha roll had beea called a hymn was announced. . : One class waa told off to -another room.' to receive catechism Instruction. Here la part of their lesson: ' Why do capitalists .try to make men work .long hours for low wages? To get big profits, se thsy may beoome rich. . . ,.. t- .v , Why are men ' dependent en masters and capitalists T Because thsy are la possession of tha workshops and things necessary to make wealth. Most workmen have to go to the rao- torlaa, thenT Yea, having no machinery themselves, they must do that or starve. Do tha capitalists employ all man' that ask for work? No. They only employ those out of whom thsy eaa make a profit. v ' - What do masters do to get cheap la- borf They try to lntroduos machinery and employ women, boys and girls In the place of men. If the masters had their way, te what level do you think they would reduce our .fathers' wagesT -To tha level of Chlnamen'a waxes. . Has that been attempted? Tea, In South Africa, where thsy employ Chi nese instead of whits men. . How small is ths hold that unadulter ated red flag Socialism really baa on tha London voters la shown by tha fact that the few Socialist candidates at tha Lon don county council election who ran In dependently aa Socialists received only a few hundred votes where . the candi dates of ths two other parties got thou sands. ... .(-. i . . . ii i as i m w fi ii v w u i w i w . w . - x- vSpectacular and aStupendous Bonanza 01 Bargains: Unprecedented in the annals of Portland Merchandising! Unmatchable through chain of circumstances) Fortune opens wide V. , i , : ; ; ; ; . the door on SATURDAY to savings that are positively amazing I V ' : 0pens9A.fiI. UflV TOMORROW! East Portland's Greatest Store CORNER OF KNOTT STREET AND WILLIAMS AVENUE All cars transfer to the ?U?during the sale! The "IT cars stop at the door every few minutes. 6c fare from all points in Portland TIKE Don'lt Let Talk the Place of .fbs- . Don't let anyone's prejudice or selfish opposition convince you that any ; of t the "Triangle "A" brands are not better than any other cigars sold at the same price. ; l : Oli That's no way tojudge. r :v : ' v';:AAiv;' You can test . it for yourself, and you are the only one '.' : j who knows when the "cigar suits you. :jX ; : ; ; ; V Smoke any "Triangle A" brand and compare it fairly i with any other cigar sold at the same price. ' We are willing to stake the success of our. whole business ' on public opinion founded on this test. ' : : ; " n I The experience which has been combined m; producing ' the American Cigar Compans cigars was acquired from the operation of nearly 100 of the most famous and successful factories nv Cuba and the United States. And processes of proper refining and scientific blending mean much to every . smoker. " v ; '"-:'Y; You can bank on the "Triangle A" sign every tune.' No -more raw, green,- bitter tobacco in your cigars Is that worth the trouble ? iJlVsf--i .Y " v--; The Triangle A'! is the mark that protects you7 , Tlie Nem CYl . . Every box fa now extra-mapped in glassine paper, sealed at each end with the "Triangle A" in red. . The cigars are kept clean, fresh and In perfect smoking condition until the box is opened.: , lr .:. .-.? - .. w v -m j e it' ! r ' " ' AAIERICAN CIGAR COIPANY, Manufacturer A ' Mark A 1 PfiOOIGIOUS BUILOINB OF ROADS IN CANADA Six Thousand Miles Under Con tractOne System to Start a Hundred New Towns. $56,400 Worth of the World's Best Merchandise in a rVlastOr dontic, Merciless Slaughter and Genuine Bankrupt Saie! OPENING SATURDAY MORNING, MARCO 23, AT 9:00 A. M. 55 to 56 Williams Avt COR. KNOTT ST. -.I . Reckless price cutting is demanded as the time is short which is allowed us in which to sell out Clean to the bare walls and . ' V " naked shelves. : The vast stock of goods in these S3 principal departments.' . 't T I Men's Suits and Topcoats. . ; v - 8 -Men's JCravenettes and Furnishings. . 8 Hats, p "V ,:.:: l'. . , : 4 Shoes. i-l.?.J.'J:-x :- - -- -"-4 -A 6 Underwear. -.--- v.-'-.'-"' ' , C Hosiery. '. . '.; ; ;rv 7 Boys Clothing. " v . V ' . ;, 'J 8 Rubber Goods .- v- ; s v '":-t V , f 9 Neckwear. . '':: :'.- 10 Boys Shoes. ; .-. ' : 11 Boys' Hats and Caps. ; i 12 Women's Suits. 1 " l v "IS Women's Skirts and Shirtwaists. .. - 14 MilUnery. . 15 Undermuslins. '"' - " ; "T ' 16 Corsets. ' . v"; ' : 17 Silks and Dress Goods. , 1 K 18 Bed Comforts and Blankets. , ' 18 Domestics. n 7 , . i 20 Women's Furnishings. , ' , 21 Notions and Ribbons. , t; 22 Embroideries snd Laces. 23 Groceries. '' ;; ' ' 24 Crockery and Glassware 25 Granite nd Enamelware. 28 Housefurnishings. . . . ' t 27 Curtains, Draperies. 28 Bric-a-Brac. : - - 29 Rubbers. 30 Linens. ' ; 31 Veilings. V,; ; S2 Toys. ' . - V-' .' . 33 Shelf Hardware. ; This tale opens daily at 9 A. M. and closes at 6 P. M. Saturdays open till 10 P. M. Please keep to the right, aroid jostling at much as possi-' M. No goods delivered. No phona or mail orders taken. During this sale, when the store becomes orercrowded with customers, the doors will be closed, the -people inside served and the stock rearranged Before admitting more people. Mothers with infants in arms and small children are cautioned to kindly remember the crowds will be enormous, especially during the hours from 10 A. M. to 4 P. M., and to avoid, if possible, these, rush hours. Entrance at No. 562 Williams Avenue, Exit at 556 Williams Avenue. Please nter and depart accordingly to avoid jamming the entrance. .All goods sold for spot cash. No discounts to merchants or consumers under any circumstances. -WHITTIERGO., General Manag ers THE EMPORIUM BANKRUPT SALE, 654 TO 584 WILLIAMS AVENUE - (Special Dlspetck te Tae SnraaLt Vancouver, B. C, Marea II. Almost (.00 miles at railways are at present under contract in tbe prairie country between the arsat lakea and the Rooky mountains, a substantial proportion be ing already under construction and near Ins completion. The miles re nndsr oon trsot (or tha various companies is aa follows: Canadian Northern, l.SOt; Ca nadian Pacific, J.too; oreat Northern, 1.000; Grand Trunk Pacific, 1,000. Thousands of man are at present en ployed and thousanda mora will be re quired en tha construction of a mileage sufficient to reach twice across ths continent. Aft-enta of railway contract ors are (motif tha clossst watchers of ths incoming immigration trains, and of tha great numbers of people' at present reaching Canada many are immediately employed in this manner, aa waa in stanoed last week when a train oed of 100 immigrants which left North Bay dwindled down to M on reaching Winni peg. . Steelwork on the Grand Trunk Padflo lines will commence In real earnest as soon as spring opens. Bleating opera tlona and bridge work have been pro ceeding aU winter, but tha latter has been impeded largely by ths lack of lumber from the BrUlah Columbia mills and considerable delay In the transportation of necessary steel. Mors than 100 new towns will be founded during HOT In the prairie coun try,, between Winnipeg snd Edmonton on ths lias of the Grand Trunk Paclflo system. This is ths announcement mads by tha effloiala of tha new trans continental system. The distance cov ered will be TOO miles, over one of the most fertile stretches In ths whols of Canada. They will be built at tha aver age . distance of slightly over sevsn miles apart ovsr ths whole of tha system. NEW COLLEGE HALL -IS DEDICATED TODAY doeraal Kneels! Servlee.) ' " Milwaukee, Wis, March SJ-The handsome new muslo hall of Milwaukee Downer . college waa formally opened today. Tha structurs Is known as the Albert Memorial hall and la ths gift af Mr. and Mrs. Frederick W. Slvyer in memory of their son. Albert B. Slv yer, who waa drowned in August. les, in Nantucket bay, Masaachueetta. Tha hall coat tlO.000. It is of tha late Eng lish gothto style and la connected with ths halls on either side by handsome arcades. r- THE BEST $3 HAT IN THE WORLD I. r ' . .. ' 50,000 SOLD, NOT ONE RETURNED . BEN SELLING v V LEADING HATTER PROGRESS OF WORK ON SNAKE RIVER LINE rpHal IMiipstek te Tbe JaerneL) Huntington, Or., March II. About 400 men are now working on tha nsw Snake river railroad grade and It ia expected the road will reach the mouth of the Powder river by the month' of July and Homeeteed by neat October. Preferred Sloe Oaaaed Oooda. sUlea lwls Best Bread. THt VKANTSTOOP" .houlder Brace tnd Suspender Strong ECactivt Simp! Tha Only Braoe ' That Braces. Positively cures the habit of stoop ing. Produces that military effect so much desired. Women's, Girls' and Boys', all alses, Sl-OOl Men's, aa slsea, SI'S. ; Only the following dealers sell enr goode: Eysaell'a Pharmacy. 11T Morr1on at.; Woodard, Clarke A Co., Fourth and Washlnrton streets; Plummor Drug Co., Xhlrd and Madison streeta Tn KABTSTOOP StVACB CO, pateateee aad Maenfaetarers, OAKI.AJIO. CAb. ' PO "TXIT mi If wrT B-4 ACTUX rltkt. M as '.- se a-e at ra we f Hur Vnnf eipreace, ever, m.ri ttrte spiMraiM see tee rir4 iMlse enabling s te ewrwir eao, enr ewe eneipWte i e.-rf f.flllir eee te u . ef peH.I 1m fe all l t- t euM) r-, sMurlne s e-rvt.e . tl. IIS MiMre I eniiio4. ,. Se fuwr ( .-e r seerl St I rr"? ' S T 1 it.