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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (March 22, 1907)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL ' PORTLAND. FRIDAY EVE NINO, MARCH S3. 1S37. 18 SPIRIT SHOWN HOT OliDS St. Johns . Campaign Draw to Clow With Political Charges.; ; and Heated Answer. THORNDYKE PRINCIPAL f y v OBJECT OF ATTACKS Hrcorder I Mora Circular to .Vindi cate Himself and Challenge Any and An fo Joint Dicnakn -Bual- ness Men' Club Meet. , "' Zut Hdi Bepertment. - Wine day yt remain before the city election In 8t. Johns, whlcb will be hald Monday, April 1. Charre and counter ' charfea hare been maae ana in canai date are fairly launched In vigorous ffent for office. With three ticket la the field speculation- ase the outoom la hasardou. " , In anawer to the a tack made upon him In the council chamber on Tuesday, Jleoorder Thorndyke - ha - prepared a circular that will probably be mailed to the rot era of BL Johna. which anawera ; chargea made and vindicate hla poel . tion. Thorndyk baa been made the ob ject of attack In the present campaign which hi friends elalm haa been mis . directed.' They aasert that Thorndyke ' la a victim of clrcuraatances largely due to hla predecessors In office. HI friend declare th fact that a satis factory statement of the city flnanoea cannot- be made la due to una eaua more than anything else, but which at the same time Is difficult to explain to bis political enemies. - - In bis address to the voter Thorn dyk ballengea each and all to a joint diacuaeloa of - exiatlng . conditions as they are In the office of recorder, and specifies .under what conditions be will meet the eltlsens In this open, debate. O. JR. Downs has made a similar pro poaal In his platform which charge th administration with negligence In man agement of th city's finances. A charge I mad now that neither the Independent ticket nor the People has been properly filed. County Assesaor Slgler addressed the ' East Side Bualnea Men' club at their regular meeting-'last night en th ub , Ject of assessments. He answered many questions as to how aaaesaments O' RENT J its cheaper tobuiu). . Rose City, Park. QUIT R$WEN .- f . .id. T Should Death End All ? : Thii it not a theological quettion it la rather a bread and butter oueariAn. KtinuM ti A.U - . i - . w..v.,. Mm .vain V m mm cud all the comfort of a family j the education of hit children i v the existence of hit home J If tuch be not the case it ia I becauae the average plain man haa given thii matter thought, and, at the expense of present enjoyment, haa provided lot future needs. , - ',' ;- ,.v . . . , furnishes the best, ana most economical, rnetnod of perpet- ; ; ating the home and protecting its inmates . To meet there common and inevitable needs it was organized sixty-four , years ago. Jt is owned by its policy holders. Their confidence and support have made and kept it the largest and staunchest of its kind. If you have responsibility , sou uaaiui k nag we very aoa yours. . . . s The Time to For 'th new form of . wmT' agent, or writ TH Miitaal I If Immaai Cuaiuj i new jock. H.Y. The Bank of California '-, .... ... - . Foumdid Capital paid up.;v;., ...................$ 4,000,000 ; ; Surplus and Undivided Profits. ........ .'.$10,153,873 r y.V Portland Branch, Chamber of Commerce Bldj;. In view of the enhanced demand for money,' will ; pay 4 per cent .per annum on deposits for a year fixed : nd on deposits in the Saving Department . ; ' , are mad and said that he waa alwaya willing to receive suggeetkone from as sociation In th determination of value. '. " ' " A apecial meeting will be held ' In April to diacuaa more thoroughly the matter of determining assessment val ue. Councilman Kellaner has prepared blue print and made an abetract of the aaaeeamenta of the property In the cen tral seat aid district for 10 which he will aubmiu . - Secretary Blglow and R. A. Wllaos were appointed to confer with the ex ecutive board In regard to the condition of th principal street on the eaat side. Councilman Kellaner, Bennett ana v. , Dunning were appointed to see Manager O'Brien about the gate that haare been provided and to get a mor aatlafaetory anawer from the manager on in mat ter of the new depot. . The Brooklyn Republican and Im provement elub atiowa unique - enter prise In It attempt o build a home for Itself. 6teekwlU-be: aoilclted to the amount of 11.00 for th construction of a new hall at one. This waa de cided at the regular meeting last night. A. U Barbour, C. C Klein and V. P. Keenan eomprlae the committee that haa charga of the achame. - Last night with to. member present $2S waa ubacrlbed. -,-.. i HEAVY-DEMAND FOR SEATS AT GRANDOPERA .vk ttaMI m minimmMt la now re ceiving hundred of mall orders for th San Carlo Opera company rrora oom. in and out 'of town. Tueaday night April T iamiiI will artvan: "La Boherae" will be th bill at th matinee. Wednesday afternoon ana "-uarmen WlMAaaw I , rrArm milt h, rilled aa they are received, but aeaaoa order take preference over single penorm- anoe ordera. Lettera abouid t aa dreaaed and check mad payable to W.- T. Fangle, manager. Bellig theatre. Box office sal open Thursday, March . '' 'J-- r ' :.: ' na VeaaarlvanU T.lmlted" Of th Pennsylvania Railroad Syetem la ui pioneer of real "Limited'' trains, leaves Chicago every day at :! p. m.. running aa a eona in in uimuin iwn v i - - - - end Philadelphia, over. the Pennsylvania Short LJne. . . " T The davllsht ride on "The Pennsyl vania Limited" between Pittsburg and New Tork affords excellent, opportunity for viewing the scenery of the Alle- ghenles, together with -numerous other cento attraction rru U.....I...I. Ohn T.ifia 'lias double tracks of steel all the way. la ballasted with broken stons and remark ably rree rrom oust. Aoanu r. r. Kollork, Diet Agent, Portland. Oregon, CHANCE FOR A JOB I CARRYING A LETTERSACK If vou would prefer to wear Uncle gam's blue uniform and carry letter from door to door to your present ira nlovment. an announcement Just Issued by th poatofflc department will Inter eat you. On March a civil service ex amination will be held at Portland touch ing upon the quallflcatlona of applicants for' positions aa carrlere and clerks. Th salaries rang from $M0 to $1,000 a year and the age limit Is from It to it. years. Only male applicants will be examined. Other examination soon to be held at the local poatofflc are as follow: On April K. for junior clerk In the reclama tion service, Hindoo Interpreter In th Immigration service and engineer and carpenter; April H. testing aaatstent In the forestry service. -.... because the safest oest protection for. vou Act is NOW- policies cooialt out direct to , IM64 - f MIOMDPASS LAWS UNDER BAH Oregon State Grange Will In voke Referendum Against V ' ;; Acta of Legislature. . ATTENTION ALSO GIVEN " NORMAL SCHOOL MUDDLE Eight Town Affected by Armory "Appropriation -W1U Oppoao-Jleaa-ore Brlgadler-Oeneral . Ftaser Believe Grange la Wrong. . ' Th referendum will be Invoked by th grange of Oregon on - two act passed by the last legialature the com pulaory paa law and th appropriation of 1 100.000 for th establishment of Ight armories la different town of Oregon. An Initiative measure will be prepared . later .to Include the normal school queetjon and th tltt.000 ap propriation for th Unlveralty -of Ore gon. Buck vii th decision reached yester dsy by th executive committee of the tat grange, Patron of Husbandry, at a meeting held in the rooms of Mrs. Clara H. Waldo, atat lecturer. at the Sargent hotel. Hawthorn and Grand - avenuea. Th executive com mittee Include State Master Auatin T. Buxton. B. J. Leedy and 8. C 8 pence. Delegate were preaent from Linn coun ty to urge action against the unlverr ity appropriation. Others of the grange were present In an advisory capacity and to. hear th discussion and consid erations of the committee. "The executive committee has decid ed to Invoke th referendum on the armory .appropriation meaaure for the reason that It la considered premature," aid Mr. Buxton yeaterday. "The atate legislature has made no provision for securing additional fund and we think that thla measure should , go to tha people on economic grounds." It was considered wiser to take up the university appropriation act In a different way and thla wilt be Included in an initiative act to be drawn up later, which will also deal wltTf.- the normal school 'tangle. ' There will be practically no opposition In th matter of the compulsory pas If w, but united opposition 1 expected in each or the eight. .town to b benefited by the armory approprlatlon.'which are-'-Th Dalle. Roaeburg, Eugene, Albany, Sa lem, Pendleton, Baker City and Ore gon City. The whole machinery of the grange will be put Into action Immediately and th necessary petitions secured aa early aa poaalble. Over S2.000 la now on hand to fight damaging leglalatlon and to correct a few of th mistake made by the laat legialature.. Briga dier-General W. B. Flnser of th Ore gon National Guard oppoaea tha grange and hold that their position on th armory Question la wrotg. ., 100 GRANT OVER MAYOR'S VETO Latter Gives as Reason ' That Company Makes No Prom-. . ise to Build Road. Th ordinance granting a - franchise to the Portland at Mount Hood Railway company waa passed by th council over th veto of Mayor Lane by practically a unanimous vote yeaterday afternoon. After the meeting Dr. Lane aald the reason be had vetoed the ordinance waa because there was no provision for the construction of the line to Mount Hood. As near as th mayor could determine the Una would end SO. mile from the mountain. Neither the company nor It promoter, Dr. M. O. McCorkle, had made any promts to bulll th line. The ordi nance, he aald, would atand In th way of any other company that might apply for a tranohiaa to build a line deer through to th mountain, but th ordi nance waa paaaed over hi veto. The offer of th Mount Tabor water company to sell it plant to th city, a approved by the water board, waa accepted by the council and a warrant In th aum of IJ5.000 ordered drawn In favor of th ownera, J. M. Arthur c Co. PLAHIRG MILLS' SITE SELLS FOB $45,000 Emanuel May Buys Twenty Second Street Property Com prising Fourteen Lots.- Th old Portland Planing MUla sit at Twenty-second and Thurman street haa been purchased by Emanuel slay for 118.000. Th piot conalata of about 14 rota and waa owned by Carl Jackson. Tha Pacific Metal works, located at Second and Everett atreeta baa secured new atte further weat on Everett at th northwest corner of Park. A- quarter-block waa purchased there ' from Blchard Nunn for 130,0(0. The company will remove tha frame dwelling on lta new purchase and build a 10-story brick I covering th entire double lot. I ' - Local Investor purchased yesterdsy a ; go-foot lot on the west aide of Sixth. ' near Irvine; atreet from J. D. Hart for , 120.000.- Th property I Improved with I three email frame stores, that produce I a fair return on th purcbaae prloe. .. . t , Mill. . , C0DHCILI.1EN LIUST CHEN BUM AND HOT SMOKE Preiton't Orations, . Therefore, Will Not Be Stimulated by Sweet Aroma of Tobacco. Th McNary enabling" ordtnanc waa paaaed by the council yeaterday after noon, and will therefor be voted upon befor th free water ordinance 1 ub mltted ta the people, Th free water bill and all ether bill that may be pro posed by th people will be takes up by th council at a apecial meeting to be held on April l- , i By vote of the council, amoking; will UU be prohibited. Ja U .coambar, aad A Voice From ' the Stomach A Bloodlea ("ight IWwpen a Tablet and a HabitThe Tablet Wins. At the age of II, Clarence had good digestion. He had gaatiio Juice that oould dlaeolve doughnute and turn apple kin Into good blood corpuscle, i , ' At the age of It he. began to be pro fuse about the walat and lean back ward He alao began to cultivate sev eral china In his new-found pride he begsa to think It his duty to gorge him self on everything, th good and . th bad. for appetite feed on appetite -and every good thing 1 abused. ' Hi picture showed that he took on weight after he put hi collar on. At th age of 2S 'Clareno - married and went o boarding. On top of all thla, he attended oyster supper and win dinners, which reduced the ala of hm-eolla. from-J.SU JiWlth atlll abiding faith In the atrength 'of hla stomach he . gulped hla , meal a, and chewed them afterward. At -tha age of 18 Clareno began ta hear an Inward voice a warning from th atoroach. After each meal, he would feel bloated and belching became a habit - : .. , , He began to be a light eaterand a heavy thinker. He tried to think out cure, for now he would alt down at hi meal absolutely disgusted at tha thought or sight of anything to eat. He would sit down st his meals with out, the trace of an appetite, Juet be cause it waa time to eat. - He would often fool a gnawing, un satisfied "still-hungry" feeling In hla tomaoh. ven after be waa through eat ing-, whether hla meal was wall cooked or not.- 1 v - And he Buffered a good many"" other tblnga with his stomach that he oould not explain, but thai mad him grouchy, miserable, out-o'-eorta and generally our on everybody and everything. Finally ha read 'an account, some thing like thla, about the truly wonder ful results obtained from Stuart' Dys pepsia Tablat In all cases of stomaoh trouble, dyspepsia. . and so on. He bought a too box at the drug a to re. and took th whole box. 1 Whan ha atarted. h had little faith and leaa appetite. When he finished h had absolute faith and more sppetlte, and more good ehesr. Things begsg. to taste different and better to him. . Now h haa no mora dyspepsia, n mor Indigestion, no more loss of appe tite, . brash. Irritation, burning sensa tion, heartburn, nausea, eructation, bad memory, or loaa of vim and vigor. Remember, one Ingredient of btuart s Dyspepsia Tablet will digest for you 1.000 grains of food. Just a it did for Clarence. Thl relieve your stomach of th work of digeatlng until your stomach can get strong'snd healthy again. Tour stomach ' haa been overworked and abused. It' fagged out. It need a reaL- .J ... . Let Stuart's jDyspepalaTTablat do th work of your stomach. Ton will be sur prised -how fine you'U feel after rating, and how lusciously good everything will taste to you. Heed th call of th stomach now! There's a world of good cheer in one box of 8tuart's Dyspepsia Tablet at any drug ator. SOc Send us your nam and addreaa to day and w will at onoe aend yon by mall a sample package, free. Addree F. A. Stuart Co., Stuart Bids., Mar shall. Mich. - ... ,. . th member will have to continue to enjoy themselves with th chawing gum furnished by Sharkey, Preaton tried to get a resolution through to rescind the ordinance, but It was beaten on a tie vote. Preaton never feela Ilk making a speech xeept when ne I amoking. and aa ha want to make aa oration oc casionally he aaked tha privilege of moklng 'a cigar. Half of th council thought he might orate too often, and eo they refused to rescind th ordin ance . . .. .. , v ' :' - . . . An ordinance appropriating 11,000 for 160 new are light waa paaaed. ' An ordinance granting th Portland Rallwav company a franchise on Pin treat from Third to First. Ash from Third to First and Jefferson from Sec ond to Water wa passed. The Una proposed will connect the branchea of tha company with th $1,000,000 depot to be built on the block bounded by First, Second, Ash and Fin street. THE OUTLET We do not strive to Equal, we strive to Surpass, ' ""'?';? and show for Easter " Mi EXCLUSIVELY DESIGNED FROM TO Note our Show Windows, EL get ideas of High-Art j i Clothes' that are . the Best Thai's Made Men's Apparel 30 ALWAYS FOR THE WEARER OF GOOD f CLOTHES RIGHTLY PRICED ; TIIE OlJtLET CL0I11M& CO. NCRTCEAST CCl KORRISO?! AXD mST STREETS Juvenile Apparel now on display in our , handsome spacipus r' JUVENILE DEPARTMENT--: ' , The most complete stock, and most com fortable shopping ( place in Portland." r' 1 BASE BALLS and BATS FREJS . with all Boys' Suits LADIES' and MISSES' MAN COATS and DRESSES ; 1907 MODELS Now ready Ben CLOMNG CO. and in yum-:. LEADING CLOTHIER PACIFIC COAST V, ; PORTLAND, TODAY ; " A great scramble has already begun to obtain the. limited number of shares now selling at $10.00 per share. It will pay you to secure "your stock at . v- once- don't put a good one side. WRITE OR CALL AT. 401-402 COMMERCIAL . iBLDG, WASHINGTON ST., PORTLAND, OR. ; Yoiir Opportuhi ty Now! DO IT Take advantage of the COLONIST RATES TO OREGON And th Pacific Northwest over the Union Pacific, Oreroa Short Lin. Oregon Railroad & Navigation Co., and Southern Pacific, from all parta of the Eait, DAILY during March arid ApriL ; YOU CAN For tickets, if you deiirv to bring friends, relatives, employes or others from the East, by depositing the cost with any agent of the O. R. tt N. or S. P, Co with name and address, and ticket will be promptly furnished in tha East A Rare . Opportunity to Promote the In dustrial GrowtH of the NortHwest 7 B 933.00 80.00 BS.00 B5.00 BS.00 Chloafo ........ .,aao.M Ba. Irfnl B7.60 Kanaaa City BS.M Omstaa a BO Veal BSJO A Rates apply to all main and branch line point. Huntlnsion to flpokana. Inclusive. B Hates apply io Portland, Astoria and Puset Bound point si alaq Ronthern Pacific mala and. branch Una point north ef and including Aahland,' Orccoii. v- ' . , . For complete Information, Inquire of ' ' ! Wit atoanrBBAT. Oeaeral Pmeeenree A feet, i Oreroa Jk-Mnt h lTv1fala o. C W! BUnger, City Ticket Aft, Id a&4 Washington. . -- t . i-iae . V" J. - TAILORED p0'& ; j GAS 8i OIL CO. OREGON ' -).; :;;' NO W ! PREPAY Baffala 40.00 a4a.eo raw Tork 47.S0 ao.oo esSoa 47.4a eS.BO rkUadslphla 4T.SS 4.S Waablagtoa 47JB 44JIS N. I ;'.V"... ''.'!:. "J' y '-2 '