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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (March 22, 1907)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL,. PORTLAND.' FRIDAY EVNINQ. MARCH gZ, IPOT. 13 Other Classified Ad vertisements will be found on pp. 18-19- NEW TODAY. Something Good $1000 For Has lot.eOxlOO and mall building on Mississippi "ou, near bhavcr street; a, food buy. 4StK Fin co rnT lOOxlOS OB Wll- Uarr.s avenue, with house. . Want . Investment, look It up.. $50 60x100 lot near , Piedmont oar barn. 91600 Beet buy on Union are stor and living rooraa. .t THOMPSON &oaonN Fhon Woodlswa SOS. 848 sClsslsslppt AT. For 3 Days Only $17,000.00 Quarter block, tTnlon av. Responsible party will make 15,900 additional 1m- prqvementa free to owner and loaaa Jor ten yeara, netting more than per cent "to owner. Thla property ahould aell for $2.00 or more within two years, . and advance to $20,004 neat week 1 10, ' 100 will handle It. v .... Thos. P. Thornton is cxambzb or oonasoi. Special Business Buy 30,000 Comer Second St. brlok building, admirable location i - and will rent par cant. , , ' Muat sell. ' , , .. . . Jackson &: Deering ' rkoaa VaU 145. 48 Stark St BARGAIN IN ACREAGE Have two 10-acr tracts, on In heart of city, the other about a quarter of mil from ear Una. Be mo If Inter ested. ' ; , ' rrcoa. p., tbobbtob, It Chamber of Commerce. -WEATHER RETORT, .'A, etora of derided character kaa Bade It ' appearance near Uape Flattery. It will awve east durinf to neit 84 boara and eaoa blgk wlnda in the Interior of tkle alatrtct and a strong eoatkerly ! along tb. eoaaT. - Btora warning war ordered displayed tor tola dla - tnroaace at T a. m. at all aaapett In Ore torn and Waaklngtoa. Owing to wire trouble, r-ports frani the eastera atatea are Biasing. During tka. laat 84 hoora Ugbt rala ha fallen at ecattered place I California, Oragoa a ad Waaklngtoa. and lt-ht anew la reported In loan, t'nuaullr tow tanperataree preTall o tka Pacific slop and aharp froat occurred thla Bornlng In weetera Oregon. The lnHlMtlAtte are for rala mnA VirBM ' Weather la tola dlatrtet toalgbt and Satarday. . reap. . Max. Mm. Prseln. Baker City, Oreg......., 4a V 88. v. T fietee-Wahe tr..-K- -t fharleetna. Sooth Carolina,. TO J.' , S3 .. .. Klklas. Was Virginia.. . ft ' ; SO i . lea) Angelee. California.... to " t 4. - Nrw York, Naw York...... . ' 40 . .0 Portland. Ore- ......... 4T .-- T ' .29 Baeebarg. Oreirnn 84 .04 Sacramento. California ... M 48' ,1 "" Spokane, Washington 4 88 . . .() Taeoina. Waabinatoa ad 84 . .00 Waaklnrenn. D.-C.r.t-.m M - 40 ' .0 MARRIAGK LICKN8KS. WlUlam T, Heath, 10T TJaloa aveaae, M; . Baa Bdvarda, tt. '.. t. A. Tboraaeaa, Weodatoek, I4;-AUa H. Olataa. SO. - - Wadding Card. W. 9. Shirk C.. Waak lag to bldg., cor fsarth end WublBCtaa eta, TO?t8ETfl CO., fLORISTS. FOB rLOWIBI OP ALL KINDS. IX SIXTH ST. .. Clark riort -rtaa - fkaral deelga. ta Morrlaoa at. Pall dreaa antra for rant, alt ak t raltortaa Co.. (0 Stark e. Catqan FUTJERAL NOTICES. ..MKMRERa of Ltnoola-Oarflrld poat Ke. S, and ':. neaibera f Iba O. A. B. are ran seated ta attend tka fanaral of rnr lt emnrada. Clere- . land Rockwall, at Trlalty ehnrcb, ltk and . Krarett at, at S B. a, Satarday, Marck r- SS, WOT. - : . r. H. rTFPHARI, Peat Oanmaader. V' B. A. WOULTORTH, Poat AdjataaU . ; JONES Trtende are Invltad to attaad tb rnneral aerrlcaa of tb late - -Raacy Jane "ion, which win be ketd at tb faally j . realdeuee la thla Hty, 8ao arraet, at : S:at p. B. Sainrday, Marrh 23. 10T. In. . ferment at Cagett eeaetery, aear Salea, ' Oregon. Sunday it 1:10 p. a. - NOTICES. I Akf not reapanalbl for any Bar debt eon. traded by ay wife, aire. B. Woodward. - C. Woodward. Portland, Oregon. - MEET1XO NOTICES. . kf. O. L. U V. S Onajpanloa af ta Military .- Order f tb Loyal Lealoa are reqeaatad ta aaaaoihl at Trinity eh an it It. a., Marrh .'- tit. I WOT, ta attend tb funeral eeralcea f ''y our lata eonpankaa, Oantan Cleveland Boeg. Wall. Wear yonr naalmla. By ror f '- riEST LI BUT, BDWARO MARTIN. ; , Commander, - 4 CAPTAIN 0. I. CAUKtlf. Recorder. HEXP WANTED MALE. ? WANTED Man to work a (mall dairy, mn; meat be food milker. 0. W. Claa ' ' Beat S4tb aod Thorn pen eta., Portland. 0 Claatoa. WANTED SnSCELLANEOrS. WANTED Large teatj anat be la teed gaape. Pbooe Raat loeT. v KIonrT ee trwwpald for kooaebold foeda. W Haat Clay a. ' Pboa Eaat luaT. WANTED TO RENT. - TO- OWMRRS OB AOBNTS. ' Wanted Letae r S-reoa dwelling, pay. Ing two or three yeara' raab In adraneai prefer eptloa t purrnaee: aaat baa eeme ahada. Anawar by letter. 10 Ooaaerelal blk. , i FOR RENT TO RES-OFFICES. ' DEtK mna for rent, reasonable; real aetata. . , S3TV, Waahlnrtnn at. FOR KENT HOUSES. ROOM kone la MonayelAe: gaa, hath, baaa , mailt, eleetrle, etc.; ea S3d at. Inquire Me Or.i.e- narlter ataop, . T30 . Taahlll. ar aUl ' Kaat Slk at. FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT. A WKLL-ri'BNIMIRD reom for rent la new fcrlrb ke I In In running water, gaa and ele earori aultabla for two lid lea ar gentlemen. Call room 22t flaldner blug., lOtb and Weea Inctoa ata. TWO fuml.h.4 newa.keer.tng room. Ill a Bioatki aiio-lr. weaud. I i .i'traoa M. FOR RENT FARMS. FARM roR iJkNT. ' 8 TO! at OR BALE. at acraa, la under rultlrailna, balane pae rnre. all frnred; near railway aiatlo, IS illea from fortland; nice little dairy ranrb: to. ronilata at cow a. 12 heifer., g will b freak In about one muntb, all goal ffreile; 1 tot, 1 d-ne d)ltkefia; an or earn aenar. tw. . 1 ton bmicr.. I. road warns and eat of . karneae, 1 rauga, auma farnltura. aome kari will bay It: rent rw farm, lino per year. , orro, cso( Kurr a HARkooS HEAl.Tr CO.. ' lMi riret atreat. BUSINESS CHANCES. BO ATI NO kualneaa; well eetabllabedi lauaebea. rowbiiat. kouaa and all equipment; nuney. auker: baaioeae bicraaalBg aack year, lay ulr 18a klurrlaoo at. DVM WORKS, rood eatabUahed bualn rlU aacept raaaooabl afreri good reaaoa for aau- . - . w.iw .vwnai. FOR SALE REAL) ESTATE. BSAL tSTATH. - fS5A Two V im, earb aOiloo, eultfrared. Bid way balwaea MeKewa juat I hi end Qtenwuod Hat loo oa St. John rar line; lota near fry are aelllitg for double thla figure! money cr Ita equivalent I what take thla bargln abstract af till. . W. J. PEDDirnitTV SSt Mohawk bldg., cor. Third and Marrl . A PEW OP Ol'R fllOICB VACANT LOT ' BARGAINS. A fin corner at Irelngtoa, Jl ltoO. , oorion. alley Michigan tee.. 0s2S. ' loOilnO, near ear b.rne, AIMna, MOO. : A few choice Improred, fruit and berrlea, aear ear line, between the lirara. Roea iN.'Stu) Stark at. pnoalte Chamber Coaaeree. REAL ESTATB. tit Lots i-.pe4dleoed y Winfbal' adrti tin, ranglag la prtoes from f 200 to $460, ea InetaUuteate? See ear ad elaewkara. St. ' Johaa oar Una. W. J. PEDDICOHD, SSI Mohawk bldg., ear. Third and Morrlaoa, IS, TOO FOB elegant home ea Hawthorn ar. Here eeeara! new bungalows; they are fine and en eaay paymenta. If you want either Iota ar eaee at bar galsa, aea r. . STKiNMrrs a co.. The Boauaallsra. IAS Morrison at... ST. JOHNS BSAL EHTATB. Sl.TBO S-room hnuaa, larg lot. alactrle ilghta, plnabadi near business, school a ad atatkia. . W. t. PEDDIPORD, SS Mohawk bide., cor. Third and Morrlaoa, - WAPS.. , t.SOO S aaraa, wltk houaa ad barn; wnar eoapalled to aell: lor car f ara, Tanaa anywhere at all, prlcea. ; Tj. steinmbtz a co. US Morrlaoa e.- BBAL ESTATB. r ST.SOO Plata ao lot 60x100 with alley, a Willamette boulevard. -, W. J.-PEDDICORD, ' SSS Mahawk bldg., ear. Third and Merrtaoa, A MONET-MAKER. We offer (or aala tor a lew day boa. ' aaee protierty wltnl S block of tb Cham ber ef Comtaerce; worth $10,000. Bala price $11,000. Iaonlra room SO. SoS Stark at., opposite Chamber Comaero. CROICB loratloa. west aide, close ta, saadara O-roaa hoaei a few day for $8,300: terjia. Room ta, SOS Stark L, apposlU Chamber af Commerce. . B-ACRB tract, level, t blocks from ear Una. fin enlli enap at $$00 par acre. - Young A ' Oaok Investment Oa., eM Commarelal bli. MODERN B-rsoa cottage, $1,0001 $SOQ, $29 - Bnathly. ' Pboa Eaat 07S. FOR BALE FARMS. DOUGLAS county farm of $40 acre, 110 aeree la crop; bouse and bar;, H mil to echo!, - ehnrcb, atora. etc.: fin oD; bargain at $3,000. Young A Cook IavaatoMBt Cav, 404 Commercial bib. r. SMALL farm and Imnlemanra., varr elese to city, wall Improved, Box 80, Boat S. City. L mamnimBBaBBmaBaRmamBmarmaBcawmsamBmumaBramBBB. HORSES, VEHICLES, HARNESS. GOOD teem for aala, about t.OOO -each. Call 875 Arthur at. TIMBER. S,000.000 PEET yellow pltw, cloe o railroad: -mod bodr of - tlmbari $l,SO0. 84, 827 ' Wsablngtoa at. WANTED Tim bar keaneatead rellaqulabmentai state price, grade end arnoaat ilabar par claim. M 1M, care JoarneL FOR SALE LIVESTOCK. PBB8I1 eowa. gaatl Madlaoa at, ' Se .Scat PERSONAL. tB. LOTJISB ENGU8H-Magnette healer; rhra naUam and aervou dlaeaaea eared; alae chiropody tod vibratory treatacBta. . lajVb Sixth at., room 84, s TOCNrj adantlfle mass. use glne electrical, . alcohotle and medicated trestmeata. also tub hatha. 41 Balelgk bldg.. Sixth a ad Waah logtoa ata. - ' MINING PROPERTY UNDER FORCED SUE Secretary of Oregon Securities Company Here to Get Com f V pany on Its Feet. 1 ' . A forced sals ef th mlnlns properties of tha Oregon Becurltlea company. In tha Bohamla district, will ooour - on April It, sad It is Mid tha oompany will be reorganised, with a reduced cap ital atock. O. B. Hansen, aao rotary and treasurer, came bora from Now Tork yesterday In the Interest of himself and New Tork parties, who will. It is under stood, take $b loading tart In tha reor ganisation. . s . ' . , i Dr. J. T. Walls of Portland, ona of tha large number ef local stockholders who have suffered looses In tha failure of the mine management. Is looking after the Interests of the Portland con tingent. It is said the capital stock will be reduced to $1,100,800. of which 400, 000 shares will be preferred stock, and that the .preferred stock will be, taken bp the eastern bondholders at 10 cents, together with like amount of com tnon stock at 10 cents. . " The funds thus realised will, It Is said, be used to pay the present claims against the property, which amount to $310,000. The mines were at one time regarded as among the moat promlalng In the state, but it is claimed that tnla management caused the company to be come heavily involved before returns from the mines were adequate to take care of the running expenses, and opera tion was shut down.- One of the causes of the failure was overcapitalisation..! There were upward of 100 Portland stockholders, who . originally paid from XI to 7$ cants a share for their stock la the concern. Shake! Bays tha Norwegian Walter. Whenever .we gave sufficient pour. bolre in Norway we were rewarded eith er by B charming,- little courtesy and manje tak" (many thanks) from cham bermaid or waitress or a serious band shake from porter, driver or guide. This bablt of thrusting out the hand for m farewell shake, - a little annoying to English travelers, la a slgn-.of that In dependence which Is so pleasing In Nor way. ' V v.." The population cf Prussia has In ereased by about 8.000.000 el nee- 1197. It Is bow neaxlx It, 00,00$, SHE MAY BE ! ; i 4 , !i-.;:.,..-,;- j :: ;.,,, -i ' , ;,: '. : ' ' 's,, . ' r ' 1 . "' : i ' -ev" ..-- . . 5 ",. i l . . : "' 'i ," i.'e ' ' " Csthsrlns Emerson, whose ' claim that she Is married to Rlgo, th Gypsy ylollnlst, Is discredited Ty Cssper Emerson, the Brtlst, her for mer, husband. Emerson declares that his wife, has never secured a dlTorcs, and if she reallr has married Rlgo she may be accused -of hlgamy. : . ; '-'.v"-. "'":" : '''."' - BERNARD SHAW'S THREE FAILURES Noted .Playwright Has Caught Contents of Ice Pitcher " Thrice Running. MIGHT WRITE A PLAY OF GEORGE WASHINGTON Says He Never Thought of It, but Cooldn't Do ' Setter Than Try, . Some ' Say American Flays In . 'London.'' ; ', ' . - . V (Joaraal Spaclal Servloa.) v - i ' Ixndon, March; 11. Perhaps, 'there really may; be a play about George Washington by '.Bernard Shaw. Now that the Idea has been - suggested to him, it would not be a bit surprising if the Irishman adopted it Juat as he al ready baa dons with Caesar and Napoleon.- '" -- - . Up to the present, no plsy about Gen eral Washington la now engaging Bhaw, in spite of the very definite announce ment from New Tork that he was writ ing such a piece for Arnold Daly. This piquant report has proved entirely groundless. Bhaw is In the country at present snd out ef the reach of the Interviewer, but a telegram to him anon t the ru mored Washington play, drew . forth this charaotartatlo reply: , - ' "I have beard nothing of It. Washington's qualities sppear to be ex tinct in New Tork nowadays." . . aome ; of Bhws raUnras. ., Bo presumably there Is the end. un leea Bhaw should decide the American paragraphers Idea a good one and start on a play about the great truth-teller. The result should be a success, which the - dramatist's last two efforts bave oulre failed to be. . - ' V' 'The Doctor's Dilemma, " Bhaw's fa mous piece about death, did survive the matinee stare at the court meaire. Meanwhile "The philanderer", has slso been tried by the Court management, but few of the critics find any great merit In thla early Bhaw piece, which has not been acted la publlo before, and its career Is Itkely to be brief. Bo, considering also that Americans do not seem to have gone Into raptures over "Caeear and Cleopatra." it Is time Bhaw gave another really likable piece, such as "Candida" or "Man and Super man." He has not had a real success slnoe the lstter play saw the light. . Axnerioaa mays U Zesadoa. Arthur Bourchler has decided to give Miss Ungers "Sheridan" at the Oar. rick snd after that a score or -more of-pieces from across the water are promised by various managers. One of there la Clyde Fitch's 'The Trnth." In which Marie Tempest is to star st the Comedy, t London audiences have not taken to Fitch to any extent but they are In terested In seeing what -he has done this time.. 80 all hope "The Truth" may revall - Charles Cartwright, who has lust returned from America, prom- lees a speedy London production of "The Blahop's Carriage," and another rent! 1 VsniLrrR to nirrtD-. - BOSt, CITY PARK QUIT FJltNO i A BIGAMIST American pleoav as yet - enacted, -The Coping Stone." :. "Brewster's ' Millions" Frohraan will give at the Duke of York's. In "The Tbres of Us," Bthel Barrymore will be seen. There Is also "M la-pah." which Lusoombe 8earelle will produce, and "IVArcy of tha Guards," 'The Karl of Pawtucket," and "The Squaw Man." . . Whsa Bhsridaa Baa f os Offloev . Earlv this month the annual election of London county councillors comes off. George Alexander, the renowned actor manager and matinee Idol, is "standing" as a municipal reformer in South Bt, Fan eras. Alexander has made highly sncoaaaful speeches, and in the course of one declared that when he decided to run .ha eeavrched history to find 14 any theatrical man In the paat has set a nreoodent. ... It proved that several had done so, the most llluetrloss being Richard Brlnsley Bherldsn, autnor 01 "The School for Scandal." Alexander observed, however,- that Sheridan's elec tion methods were highly Questionable, for he had Issued carda - bearing his name-and the words: . "Promlees to pay five shilling sixpence In ale." . . ., ; ; ; WARDROBE HANGER i ' Collapses , Into Small : Space, Gar ments Being Readily Accessible. . Garment-holder and similar wardrobe accessories are so numerous that a nov elty In this line immediately attracts at tention. A Michigan Inventor has pat ented one whloh. though exceedingly sim ple. Is, , nevertheless, as near the ideal in wardrobe bangers as seems possible to make one. As shown In the accom panying Illustration, the hanger Is in the form of a laxw tongs, on the extreme eria of which le an extension carrying a half-dosen hooka.. An additional hook Is ; FOIJJg INTO ClrOBBT. .; also attached to the bottom ef each point of the lasy tonga Ths hanger ta supported by means of a bracket, which can be attached to the Inside of a closet or wardrobe, or to a corner of the wall if desired. Being collapsable, the hanger can be shoved within the - cloeet after garments have been bung on the hooka, where it occupies but a small space. All the available space In the closet can thus be utilised, while st the same time all the clothe on the hooks ara readily accessible,:.. . - .- -- ' TIow It Struck Jamaica. By Francis E. Clark, Lie, D, in Leslie's Weekly. ' (From Leslie's Weekly.) ' Though the people of Jamaica differ In their stories about the earthquake, there is one point en which they all agree, snd that Is ths folly ef tbelr fatuous and Irritable governor. The Ja maicans are even more outspokeo la tbelr expressions of. disgust than the Americana, and such forcible snd pecu liarly English, If Inelegant expressions as "ths bally Idiot", and "the bloomln' aea" are heard on every aide. However, the governor's boorlahnesa to Admiral Davie has had the good effect of lead ing tha Jamaican people to appreciate mere warmly still the good will of America and America's warships. "Jack, Is getting to be such a hear," "Hug or growl T" Baltimore Amerl- No Cheaper Treatment on the Coast MY FEE IS ONLY In .Any UncODipUcated AQitvcmt Let Me Guide You. oa Your ( Way to Regain Your Health -ndRenewY6u Do you feel that you are not the man you once were? Do you feel ' tired In the morning and easily ex-. haunted T Is your back weak? Is your-memory falling? 1 Do you have difficulty la fixing your thoughts? Are . you losing ambition? It you . have any ' or all of the above eymp - toms, you surely do not desire to re ' main In your present condition. Lot , me explain to you my methods of . rebuilding the vigor of men, and refer you to the thoueands I have ewrweV--' 1 1 , The Only Diseases I Treat , pematorrhoea,' lVost Tlgor, Tarl eooele, mnptare, rilas, . XydxoosU, . Orgaale Weakaesa, Ooatagloas Blood Diseases, Aente and Ohronlo TJre- ' ' taxal aad rostatlo laflammatloa. . $10 FREE CONSULTATION AND EXAMINATION I Invite every weak or diseased man to call for free advice, and If do-' sired I will make a free examination and diagnosis, but the vUlt will not obligate him In any way to become my patient. Office hours, t a. m. to t p. m. Sundays, 10 to 1 only. . ' .-v Patients living out of the city snd coming to Portland for treatment will be furnished with fine room free of charge. Check your trunks . direct to il H Morrison street .. ,:,-;:, , . , .-. ':, RUSSIAN POLICE SHOT AT UIGHT Four Police Are Killed and Three I Wounded by Anarchists ' '.' ; in Land of Czar. DEEP-LAID PLOT TO KILL DISCOVERED Jails of Russian Capital Filled With Youthful Prisoners of Both Sexes Arrested , "TTirongh Information Found la Raid on Pen. . "r :-; V (Joaraal Special erTlee.) ; St Petersburg. March SI. Not only are police shot down in the streets, but as soon as they enter a house to search for suspects they are greeted by a storm of bullet-- '" ' '. The secret police learned last night that a flat occupied by three men, con tained Important papers. Thirteen policemen and three regents" of the secret police were sent there. Having set men to guard the exits at,, hima. tha ran tain, aocom- IIVIU v. w - - panted by the dvornlk (houae-porter) and some or in poucs wm w u, . They knocked again and again, hut got no answer. - ' At last one of ths "agents- suggesrea breaking the door open. Suddenly It opened, an arm knocked the lamp from .u-. nt.t.'a hand aad in the darkness a volley of bullets poured from the room. The oeoupania 01 ma ruum rushed out tiring ea they went c , nniiM fall with shrieks o,t . - ..- en.. suanlA and confualon that u, v . - followed allowed the three workmen to get downstairs, but woee wno wr the avlta eould not distinguish between their own men and the fugitives .v- ..hua and ware afraid of hlt- Itlng their friends if they fired, so aU three escaped. On returning with lights to ths room the police found four dead eotnradea oa the noor, while the dvornlk and two "agents" were groaning In pain beside .1 a H. . MAte - eeeiMMral the rMttl IIICLU, A.. - - was searched and proved to be a perfect storehouse iot me iigntmg smiua oa the revolutionary party. It was packed with cartridges, rifle, revolver and daggers. They also found a great deal . mmIhHahm sal 1 eai'Kindenca which incriminated many well known people In Petereourg.. . . Among the papers were the deUIls of a plot to put bombs In the boueee of people' known to sympathise with the old rslm. The police bad long suapcted the existence of such a plot aa terror has reached a pitch hitherto unknown In Bt Petersburg. The discoveries in the workmen's flat la ths Ochta bave led to ao many arreeta that though 100 political sus pects were released at the Russian New Tear, the prisons In ths city sre overcrowded. . Most of these prisoners, both men snd women, sre about It, and very few of them more- than 14 years of ago. ' . .- PRANK OF A GIRL ' 1 eaaaaBVaBBBBSBB- Faroiabed Sensation for . Guests at Ambassador Tower's Ball. Berlin has been pleaaurably excited ef late over a ball given at the United Btatea embassy by Ambassador snd Mrs. Charlemarne Tower. It was a mseked ball, a rare event la eourt and dlplomatio circles., out on max account njoywa an the more by the dancing set -- The crown prince of Germany sad his brothers were among the guests. They and a number of thels-associates ap peared la the uniform of Prussian offi cers of the period of Frederick the Great - " ' The crown prince's resemblanee la ' UBTXaT 1 and remember the next time you Buffer from pain caused by damp weather when your beat! nearly buret from neu ralgia try Ballard's Snow Liniment. It will cur you. A prominent bualn man of Hmptad. Texas, writes: "I have used your llnlrant Previous t uains It I was a great sufferer from Rheumatism snd Neuralgia. I am flea aad to say that now I am free from heo complaint. I am euro I owe thla to your liniment" Sold by aU drug gists. ' C3 . t L, iV ' T 1 ' " '': '. DBwATlVWak,-' : The Leading BpedallsS. I Never .Quess Experiment or take chances of any sort; I attempt to cure only those diseases that I have been curing . for the past SS years, snd feel sure I snv justified In saying that I have learned all about them. Were I lacking la knowledge per taining t my specialty I would -avwr-av--attalned my piesenr suocesa. nor would I roe ognlxed as the leading spectallat treating men's dlsesses. If af flicted, you can depend upon it that ths aervlce I offer you ta the service you need, and la service such ss can be rendered by no Other physician. -. - , ' . i. V : ' ' wt cum .U -:-: ..... i " ' ' . and every Improved symptom mean a part of, the permanently eatab , liahed cure. This weakaeos is not naoesaarfiy a disease ttkelf. but a ymptora of some caronlo trouble attended Jy the usual Inflammation or congested eondttion of th prostate gland and Its appeeidag. Our treat ment oompletaly relieve thla condition and restore the ' gland to Ha bealthy condition. The easts aarvona systesa is wrecked by this inflam mation and until the cause of your disease is corrected . all treatment would amount to little. We diapers the eauae and by so doing thla we completely restore you to a sound and healthy life once again. - This Is the kind of treatment that all patients desire, and the . only kind of a ear yon will reoetve at this lastltatioa. - FOB BtAJTT TBAJtfl ear ears have seen aloag tha Has ef rattonaTlsm. Oar reputatloa for sttooas aad aoaaaty baa ba earfully built aad w Bold ta eoanaenoe ox war paneat. w ao aura oopa inomraoi ' Batisfaotory result guaranteed. WBZTal IT T0V CAJTVOT CA1V1V. Office hoars, I a. m. to t:t ST.'LOUIS UEDICAL AND SURGICAL ooajrxm ncoiro ajto t, thla dress to ths portraits of his great relative waa the subject of general comment The crown prtaosas and a number of other young women and girls wore th court costume of th same period. Ths prlnoeee with her hair nowdered and in her tight bodice, hoope and panler was remarkably graceful and pretty. . . ', - -..- A feature of the affair waa th eost lines of th dress and th great dls Dlar of valuable. Jewelry. It indicated a complete revolution in Berlin social atandarda, the newspapers spree. Even 10 year ago no auch gorgeou and laviab display would bar been poaalbl. On of th moat admired ornament was a magnificent collar of emerald. It a reused all th more comment because It waa not a woman who wor it ' it waa tti finishing touch to th eoatum of Prlnoe Outdo von Hanckel-Donnera-msrek. who appeared In th character of a Netherlandish councillor. . His coatum was enpted from a plo ture by Frans Hala. The prince Is one of the tioheat of German magnates and his display of Jewelry was equaled only by the diamond worn by Mrs. Vandep- bllt who wss slso present The sensation or tn sail was rur nlshed by a comlo cabman. He waa a typical second clssa Berlin cab driver. He took bis whip with him Into the ballroom. ' His rig wss taken from life; his noa was bulbous sad auspiciously red. His manners war clumsy and uncouth as he danoed with the women aad Joked with th mea. Every one's curiosity waa ex cited snd an the names of ' poaalbl young society men were canvaaaed, but none aeemea to m me jouy oaoman. .When unmaaklng time came the cab man ahed bis entire rig on the ballroom floor and' emerged from It a rotund. smiling, pretty' peaaant woman of th well to do farming claas so far as bar costume indicated. . But the ahout of delight which went up all ever the bell- room, and which shs acknowledged with a series of smiling courtesies, showed thst the fair masker had been recog nised ss th Prince Pai"n to V ied, th only daughter of t!- 1 ,rg of Wur temberg. A process of rlaf 0pr tt weldiff 1 a I X ' No Better. . . Treatment in the World Pay Me Vhen You Arc Cured This Is My Fair Offer to Every Patient JVABICOCELE- t - An average of one man In five has 'varicocele. Most men that have thla dragging, draining weakneea are not ; aware of it until it has wrecked their Uvea Varicocele causes congestion of the blood la some of , the moot vital blood vessels of man. It causes ; a dull, heavy, listless feeling which I often mistaken for nervous da- ' blllty or general decline of power. , My euros of this disorder ar per manent and lasting, JT0: toalos. that T stimulate temporarily, out thor oughly aclantlfle treatment for the removal of conditions responsible for the ' functional derangement "Weakness" is . merely a symptom : ef Inflammation or congestion In tha prostate gland, and under, my own original . local treatment- this . gland is promptly restored to its , normal state and complete ruaetioaal activity is the lasting result. ., ' iiV Div Taylor Co. S34H BfOBJtisojr irun, , ?' '. . Ooraew eeoad, . , VOBTJeAaTB, OS. MM Oar Fee is in MOST CASES ' WO PAT TJatXXBB OTJTsUS 26 Years in Portland Consultation Free We ear Bkla XWesases, Blood rotsoa, Tajrieooele, Btxlotar, Vervoas Seollae, aVoaorrhoaa, Weakaass aad Plsaaaas ef the KUui, . Bladdes 1 aad Fros. tat. . ( , ( NERVOUS DECILITY 08 IVEAKMSS It Is a -very simple matter to produce a Saaaporary or "false cure," but to produce a peraaa- . Bant restorattoa resulting in . the r-stabllBkntarat of vigor and strength, la a problem that - very Jew spselsllsf hav eves aeoompllsksd. Oar treatment ' 1 for a panaaaast oare only, p. m. v Sunday, ' t t II m. DISPENSARY srmBBTat, roBTivijrs, obboost. Hay's Ilair-IIcnIIIi Restores Gray Hair to Youthful, Color. 6O0 ALL DRUGGISTS. - end other drug habits are poeltiraly sored y 11AB1TINA. For Sypclemile or Internal sa Sample sent to any drug bai.itn by . j-j-mall Begular prfo 8U00 p-r bott.a a a . - at yonr dnicrlat or by mail In plain wrap-r. veils, Chaaaleaf C At Law , for aal ky BkHlaaesa vrug ., sea .. P" 0r-wf Invented in Germany by Hrr Wach nit. This Is regarded as Important because on of the obstacles to a wl -r a of aluminum has been Ha eomrsre tlv lack of realstano to th act,-,n ' ' many fluiJ snd Its fallur to h'.l 1 ( Ttiaa objections Ira r n.ov1 i Is covrd with a tnin iii r a t whll It walglit I B' t crasd. "JTnl rYsrer-.'i cr $1 mm, 1 : vk t t ; '; i 1 - e -aaaaaaa- i jaaaaaeae.- ". Sw3TLa3 SYIaw 1 1 baa eeea d by B IHInw of Mnakees foe thete , . aliUitreo wuile TeeUUna foe oe ify T-. 1 , 1 It u the orill.l. urt-n th giiaxie, ai. 1 , 1 1 all in. eiiia wd4 eoUu and m Seat , laaneiy fiw rtiarrht ew,