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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (March 22, 1907)
II y , : , - ' V - THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND, FRIDAY EVENIKO, MARCH 2. 1SS7. l i -';.;- ;": CRATER LAKE 'AND ITS PROMOTER V-p --: : '.v- - . Vv...:. V; r ; ;. ."r, : Y , . ,. , ;-y.: . t . ) y; ;: f, , , . . . , -, . ',. "i w e' --ensjesasjsa 4 'A''. L v.; I 4 X t a. -V f W. O. Steel. Who-Will Erect Hotela In Crater Lake National Park. MAKE CRATER LAKE A GREAT TOURIST RESORT W. , Q. Steel Given Camping is Privileges by the. Secretary of Interior. v NATURAL ATTRACTIONS ' V ; ALMOST UNSURPASSED ; SUge Llne VwHl Have . Oonnectlona With Some Sonthera Pacific 6Uk- tion,. aad . l4Mwcbea Will ' Be , Placed FjP011 h4WBer'ulJ!iake' Crata lain 'tutUonal ' park, urreund- Inv wbtch ar many of the cnlc beau- . tie and natural wondera of th Caacad rant, la to o converted aa rapidly aa poaalbla into a lammer tovrlat raaort, wboao attractlvanaaa will b aacond only to tha famous Tellowatona national park of. Wyoming;. Tna.flrat attractlr feature! which wlll.draw tha aummer tourist to ona of tha most picturesque spots on the Paclflo coast will be com pleted this Bummer and work In tha park will ba continued thenoeforth until tha area, act aslda by tha national srov- ' rnment has bean transformed Into a summer reaort which. It -la calculated, - will draw tha attention of tha entire country ,to Oregon. : j : . . ActinaT'Upon the privileges granted him by the secretary of tha Interior during his recent visit to Washington. William Olalstona Steel, who labored for IT years' to have the district about the lake sat aside as a national park, will begin early this summer to make the " first permanent Improvements. , . . rrovlde Vtaga yaoflltiea. t Mr. Btetl baa been granted tha camp ' ing , privileges - about Crater lake through an application which he filed : with the secretary of tha Interior, -and he 4 making preparations now to carry on an active campaign of Improvement , during the aummer months. , Tha flrat atep to be taken will be to provide a launch with a carrying capac ity of a or passengers. This will be on tha waters of the lake this sum . mar while other improvement are galn - ing headway, among the first of which will be the erection of a suitable hotel for tourists, to be followed later by additions and other larger buildings. ' Stage lines will be established between ' the Ui:e and -Tort Klamath, . on tha astern wide of tha Cascades, and ' a route will also bo In operation between tha lake and soma convenient point on the Southern Pacific . ,: 11: Boat ervloa a'taka.'"' . :' ' As aulckly as possible hotels "and other buildings will be erected along tha shores and water will be carried down to aupply these from the district back of tha lake, where mountain water can ba secured in unlimited .. quantities. three-Inch pipe system under gravity force Is the plan arranged. .In addition to the launch which will be placed In commission.' smaller boat service will be maintained and aa soon as possible a system of roadways about tha lake will b built - , ; i . i Mr. Steel la closing up his real estate business here In Portland, preparatory to devoting his entire time to tha super vision of the Improvement work which will ba carried on aa rapidly as poaalbla during tha coming aummer. He will leave here aoon for southern Oregon, where great enthusiasm over the pro posed pians has already been displayed, and ' will enlist the financial assistance of tha business Interests In that section of the state. It Is probable, too, that no little help will be proffered him from Portlanders, who are anxious to pro mote such prelects aa Mr. Steel has in charge. ..- ' Another Yellowstone. Tha privilege extended to Mr. Bteel by the department .of the interior will not exclude private individuate from camming In tha park at any time, only that th latter will not be permitted to establish permanent camps.. The prtvl leges given to Mr. Steel by the Wash ington officials are In view of making Improvements and attractive features In the park similar in 'scope to those new existent in Yellowstone national park... Owing to the proximity of the park to the Southern Paclflo railroad and the stage connections . which will be made with tha latter line, there is little donbt that the road will advertise Cra ter lake national park as extensively as the Northern Psctflo has advertised the Yellowstone. With the Improve ments completed In Crater lake park. and Its picturesque features heralded aa widely as can be done through rail road literature and persistent advertis ing; It Is believed that Oregon's na tlonal park will In a short time become tha Meoca. of thousands of tourists and sightseers from all parts of the country. v , Steel's fcoaff Xsor William Q. Steel, who will have tha supervleton of Improvements to be placed in the park, was the first to start the movement to secure the setting aside of the district aa a national park. 1 I - I I it.- Can be made" to earn for you and yet be j-eady for your usef when wanted by using our V '10, 30, 60 or 90 days demand certificate of de- '. ; posit, bearing appropriate interest. : These certificates are designed especially for ' ; " such requirements and are held by a large num- ber of our patrons..- 4 , ' " ' :. '.V ' . : ' Merchants Investment & r? Jr;?Trustreompany;3 J ; '.' " 247 WASHINGTON STREET CAPITAL FULLY PAID $150,000.00 . J. Frank Watson... VyiW...: Presiclent . R. L. Durham. . . . k. Vice-President V, W. H. Fear. . . t . . i . .'.'.. 1 . . . Secretary . S. C. Catching. .. Assistant Secretary . O. W. T. Mucllhaupt. . ........... ..Cashier , . His first -agitation toward this end be gan In 18(15. but received little an couragament. ' ' His persistent ' efforts finally gained success, but it was not unUI 1901. 17 years arter the movement was 1 Inaugurated, that a bill passed congress setting aslds . 10 townships around ths famous body of water as a national park. '- - Since that time crater lags nas re ceived no little attention In magasines and newspapers and Its scenic grandeur Is known extensively throughout the east. Now that definite plans are under way -to Improve the district for the ao- comxnodatlon of tourists. It will long before the park will prove one of the greatest drawing cards on ths Pa clflo coast,- ; , , , . . AT THE THEATRES Special Price Matinee at Hefllg. - A speeial-siice aaatisee win be (tree at tk Belli theatre tomorrow (Satarday) afteraeoa, wkes Kaeeue Ksett wlU sreeeat Ance-att-by-tbe-rire." , ' . Boecll Knott at Helllg Theatre. Tke attract loe at tas Beillg theatM. feu Meatk asd Waahlngtoa etreeta, tonight aad tomorrow alftit wUl be the eharalDg si lie . ltoeelle Koott, la the eoeMdy drama ssecMa. "Allcelt-by-the-rm." Seats are sew selling my in imui m esxice. '. ... i "As Stan Bows" Next. ' "As s Mas Bows" Is the title ef the play that will ba ef fared at the. Baker theatre dur. las the eorains week. Tbe nature of the nla is so((ested by tbe title, and those wbe hare era It presented Is tbe eaat declare that it la one ot the swot absorbingly Interesting plays ea tbe sUf. It is admirably adapted to tbe abilities of tbe Baker company and will' likely wane s great bh. , i Baker's Military Play. Military plays always anneal to the psblie, and "Bhannoa ef the glxth," which ia betas presented et the Baker thle week. Is ae es eepttoe. It has -been Imsmassly popahW' srlth Baker patron. . It Is s play whir deals with the great Sepoy rebellion la India aad Is re plete with etlrrlng eeenes and incidents. It will be tbe bill at tbe Third street sonae vt tbe remainder ef the week. . - , , ' ,. -Go to Empire and Laogh. : The mnsfcable , nrednetloa, "The King ef Tramps," gnee oa tte merry march at tbe Em pire. There's sot ss very many more ebasces to see It, bowerer, tnr "A Cowboy's Olrl epeas there Bnnday. victor rsast Is more than worth seeing. Matinee tomorrow. It's ane ef tboee. few playe that )ut mtkea yea laf t wmum yoe, wane er nwa, c A Cowboy's OlrL . i Me matter what etae yon've planned te see sezt wees no esre to ge to the Empire. "A Cowboy's Olrl." seat week's great attraction. Is sometblnf nltocetber eat of tbe ordinary, asd yen wlU ho sorry If yoa miss it. The put Is ss western ss the cbsrecten, and there's s wing te the whole shew that carries tbe asdt esee with It. Opens Monday afteraeoa. Meu sees Wednesday and satarday. . Children's Specialty at Grand. Tomorrow all tbe children la Portland should be erst te tbe Qrana theatre to see the Merry Manikins operatad by Mr. asd Mrs. Walter Dearea. There Is no ether specialty like It en tbe American state. It m ss set which all ths people are talking abeat, asd ereryoss wbe has ores the little flgsres dance and other. whw perform are adrlatng then- friends te see them before It hi too late. Tbe Oaavaa are eomedy Jamrlers, - Mmlth O'Brien la a good Incer aad story-teller, snd there are several ether strong apeclaJtlre on the program. This diu sou until snaaay aignt.. I i Children's Matinee. At the Lyrle tomorrow there will as s sneclal ehlldres'a matinee et "Michael Strogoff," the famosa drama of R nas tan life, which has srored so popular all wees. The play appeals esne- clally te children. There will be two per formances seterday and ssnoay nights, the flrat bealsntng st 7:11 o'clock, nrate for whk-s re nam ea sals. - They may be iimiiil by telephone. -' What Women Will Do. ' ., This - BoMlar drama of society life la the nation's capital will be the bill for next week t tbe I.yrlc, the flrat performance being Mon day matinee. The play ha bean exceptionally well -east. - There will be brantlfnl scenery and coetomes. - Beat eel open Bnnday morning. Stirring Melodrama at Star. . 1 Be sot fall to see "Deserted at the Altar" at the Star theatre tomorrow afternoon. The Allen etoek company will sreaent this sew pastoral sMlodrasia antll Sunday sight end there will be a matinee Anaday aftemoos. With Hs seesee in tbe been ef tbe Adirondack mooa talns and tbe boey wbh-l ef life m the matropo lis ef America, "Deeerted st ths Alter" is S play no one ran sf ford te sitae. It Is seme thing new end there Is nothing te offend the sioot faatldloas In this cbermmg heart story. Bests cas be secored by celling er telephoning te the box office. -. . , LIST OF LOSSES BY 7 - NORTH POWDER FIRE .(Special Dlapstch ts The Jenrasl.) North Powder, Or.. March' 81. An estimate of losses from Tuesday night's fire shows a total of probably apportioned as follows: li. H. Miller tnat his hoteL . llverv - and feed stable and opera house, Insurancs Il.tOO: Llv-I lngston . at Mcoratn s saioon, . ouuaing and flxturea, with no Insurance, . was destroyed but the goeda saved, Tha loe Aloes tooirmTV wzDsnra wss something to be ' recorded in ths snnsls of history. Heroine has been scknowledged the greatest of liver regulators.- A posltlvs curs for Bilious hesdachea. Constipation, Chllla and Fe ver, and all liver complaints. J. C Smith. Little , Rock. Ark, Writes: Herb ne Is tha greatest liver medicine known.. Have used It tor years. It does the work." a Id hr all Aruawlsta. THE FIRST SECTION OF flQSE CiW f AM VILL PROBABLY HE ALL SOLD OUT BY HIE EttOF .THIS WEEKTO BE SUtlE;:Bl)YOW The' demand for, lots in this excellent and ideal location for a home, has exceeded all our expectations. Of all ;; the manjr lots : ; that we opened for "sale first, there arej only a few remaining. These will be sold by Saturday night or Monday s Among them are a great many choice locations. If you con template purchasing a i lot in Rose City Park, at t I W will be absolutely necessary V? for you to make your selection at once.; Otherwise, you will have to pay a higher price ) when the balance of the tract is placed on ; the market. The pricesjat wW aalc, $400 and $600, still prevail How much longer this will be true, we arc unable to state now. A ; .. i HARTMAN BAINKERS 4 " .? ' AS ' 4 . L " t " '4' '-''I. -. '-i' i 4--. 'V. V f ' CHAMBER OF COMMERCE PHONE, PRIVATE EX. 20 . v '. : ' I e - ' , . a n r I . r T"T ZiT rr - Jr-- ow Wc Game to Select A beautiful lot in . Portland's latest and most up-to-date residence section for $400 $40 down and $10 a month. ' ! v We walked this town from one end "to the other to find a location we could truthfully say "Is . indisputably the best all-around residence section in Portland." ; 1 ' ;''.' 4 : - v; It would be a foolish waste of time to talk real estate that wouldn't tally with' the facts. We . say Belle Crest, all points considered, is the greatest residence buy ever offered in Portland., Nor v are we trying' to sell Belle Crest at the expense of the many excellent locations about town. y ' " . CONSIDER FOR A MINXJTE t '' -" j" Tf J. Jl- ": IT !l '." Every' lot in Belle Crest is good, i There is not an unsightly square foot in the whole tract. v: It is highsurveyors say as high as Portland Heights, and not ragged looking, i . : , ; 1 ; It is convenient, a fifteen-minute ride from the center of the city. ' . 'y It is reasonable in price property will increase in value in Belle Crest. When you buy a choica residence lot for fifteen hundred or two thousand dollars you certainly haven't the chance for dou bling your money you would have xif you had only paid four or five hundred dollars for the same ;. ClaSS lOt., . : ., . : - ;:' ? ) -V. ' w 'X, ' ,- - V".: ?. Lots in Belle Crest are selling for $400; these prices are initial prices. We expect to see lots selling in Belle Crest before Christmas for a thousand of more; we do not say this thoughtlessly. ' - - ' Values increase by natural laws. It is beyond any of us to say a thing is worth so much L - and get the price for it The value must rest in the thing itself. .Belle Crest lots are worth more :vV than$400; ; fv:i"V y ; , Take an hour tomorrow and see for yourself. Phone us this evening (offices open until 10 ' o'clock). V .' " , ' V, The Spanton Co. The Jacobs-Stine Co. COMMONWEALTH BLDO. ON ; SIXTH V S WETLAND BLDG. ON FIFTH ST. ' " - , nr ATKT rA f " - ' ST., MAIN 2828. . ' -i : ... houses af three saloons, with les valued at $760, were burned, no Insurance: Mrs. MIUIs Fire, lessee of the hotel, carried a small Insurance of snd lost everrthlns; except rrta of the furni ture of her parlor and ona bedroom. The guests In her house at the time saved nothing. . , Ths total Insurance oa all Is less then 11.000. Already H. H. Miller la figuring on ths Immediate erection ef s. stone build ing for the hotel and opera house, and despite a heavy flown pour of rain the work Of clearing awsy was In progress ths next day after ths fir. . HEALTHY SCARE ON - - lH T0WN 0F C0VE ' ' (ftpeefat ' Meeetea te The JeorseU Covs,.Or4 March XJ Just that da gra of scars that prevents ths spread of disease prevails here, with ths oer- tatntr of confining tha smallpox to tha two oases of Mrs. George McDonald and little Esther Bloom, the only Ones af fected despite rumors to the contrary. Mrs. Lucy (launders, who came on a visit from Boise, Idaho, to ber sister, Mrs. George McDonald, was ths .cause of the two caass mentioned.. Ths school, Is closed and all meet ings forbidden. Mayor Duffey declaring emphatically that the loose "methods that prevailed during the fall of 1102, before the towa was Incorporated, will not be tolerated by the people at this, time. ' , - -' . . . , ' Canadian Paclflo Men Rtstiess. 'Joorsal Special gerrlee.) Winnipeg,' March ft.. Railroad am ployes are very restless. ' Every labor organisation from tha head of the lakes to the Paclflo coast along the Canadian Paclflo Is represented at tha conference here with tbe, officials about Increased I